NT1603 Preview

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LEADOFF The Importance of Customers

Garrett McGrath What would happen if everyone on your team added three new customers every month? How much growth would you see? You, your team, your company, the regulators—everyone would be happy!


“How Do We Grow a Customer-Driven Business?” • • • • •

Tom Schreiter, The Big “If” Statement That Sells Ellen Struber, Above All Be a Friend LeeAnne Hayden, Help People Feel Better Eric Worre, Customers or Recruiting? Dr. Doug Firebaugh, The 7 Values of a Customer



Sam Caster and Steve Burns are social entrepreneurs with a passion for helping children. After working in the network marketing space for two decades, they knew it was the perfect business model for Social Business 3.0, as it provides a platform and distribution system that allows all people to benefit. Sam and Steve’s company calls its distributors Facilitators of Hope. In just one year, they have donated over 7 million daily servings of whole food nutrition to children in need. Their 10-year goal is to donate that much a day, thus resolving the global issue of malnourished children once and for all.



Jeff Altgilbers has been a network marketing professional for almost four decades. Based in Tennessee, he runs a global team in 56 countries that collectively does $200 million of business a year. Jeff is also a musician and a songwriter. He met his life partner at a piano bar in Seoul. One secret to Jeff’s success is his ability to adapt and change. He launched his first business running magazine ads. Today he uses Facebook advertisement to create targeted leads. At one point, Jeff even moved to the island of Guam for five years to better support his Asian team.

Volume 16, Issue 3



MASTER NETWORKER Fun, Freedom, Friendship

Austin Zulauf is a top achiever and trainer who has been the #1 income earner in three network marketing companies. He got started selling insurance door to door, then had his share of trials and learning experiences in a handful of network marketing opportunities. A seasoned sales trainer, he recognized the importance of structure and systems. He started his own training company working on the corporate side and with top leaders in direct selling. Today Austin focuses on teaching his own team how to build businesses leading with the three Fs—fun, freedom, and friendship.


MASTER NETWORKER Believe in Yourself

Originally from Mexico, Ada Caballero is a powerful leader of people who just reached the rank of Diamond in a growing international wellness company. Based in Southern California, she leads a growing team in the US, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Spain. Prior to her current success, Ada worked with six different companies, some of which she thrived and excelled in, while others made her wonder if network marketing was for her. Today she realizes that all her previous experiences were lessons that made her into who she has become.



Based in Sacramento, California, Romacio Fulcher is Gen-X leader and top achiever who has earned several millions of dollars in network marketing in the last 10 years. Romacio believes the number one key to success is to find the best mentor who has what you want and become completely coachable. Doing just that, he recently joined his current company where he reached a top rank in just four months. Now his goal is to build an international team of one million people—100,000 people in 10 different countries—and create 100 millionaires over the next three years.


RISING STAR Be Unforgettable

Jessie Lee Ward is an up-and-coming powerhouse leader in an established wellness company. After being burnt out on doing home parties in her previous company for over four years, she decided to build her new business entirely online. A year and a half later, Jessie Lee’s daily Facebook Lives average 20,000 views. She has never done a home or hotel meeting, yet her team is moving multi-millions of dollars in volume each month.

Networking Times



RISING STAR Belief, Consistency, and Hard Work

Albert Gyeke is a young leader from Ghana who came to the US to study and play basketball. When a sports career didn’t seem to be the cards, he turned to academics and became a network marketing entrepreneur. After a short but steep learning curve, and despite many challenges, Albert began to see success and became a top achiever. Today his goal is to be a servant leader and help as many people as possible win, especially in Africa.


RISING STAR Multiplying Success

Originally from Poland, Ela Whittaker is a US-based business coach and network marketing entrepreneur. When she became a mom. she left a fast-paced corporate career to build an international business from her phone and laptop. Through hard work, Ela quickly became a top achiever in a global makeup company. Today she leads a thriving team of women intent on “multiplying their success” with others.


“How Do We Grow a Customer-Driven Business?”


THE CLOSE Behind the Pink Door

• • • •

Jenny Rose Heartsong, Sell a Bright Future Donna Valdes, Customers Are Waiting for You Simon Chan, Support Your Customers Todd Falcone, The Customer Is Always Right

BK Boreyko If you want to build your company, your team, and your future to last, build it around a strong customer base—people who love your products and culture—not because of a paycheck, but because you care about them.

Income Disclaimer:

The success stories in this issue feature extraordinary leaders and do not portray the typical results of the average network marketing professional. Everyone’s results in network marketing will vary, but basically it takes consistent work to make a substantial income in this profession. Many people make little or no money at all. Earnings are dependent on—but not limited to—skills, effort, commitment, leadership capabilities, and market conditions. Common sense suggests most3opportunities, one would find exceptional individuals performing well above average. Choosing 3 Volumethat 16,inIssue a particular network marketing company does not guarantee any level of income or success.

The Importance of Customers


Satisfying Your Customers Is the Best Business Strategy By Garrett McGrath


or all of us network marketing professionals, now is the time to focus on serving our customers—for so many reasons! Sustainable, predictable growth is coming from companies and teams that are building networks with an abundance of happy “repeat customers.” Repeat purchases create repeat income, both for you and your teams. We all want to grow large networks of people who love ordering our products or services, over and over again, for as long as possible. Why would folks keep ordering your product or service? Because you are fulfilling their expectations. Let’s look at the different expectations of a distributor compared to a customer. When you bring a new distributor into your business, whose primary focus is on creating income, their expectation may be to start earning X amount of money in 90 days, Y amount in a year, and so on. If they don’t reach their goal, you will be faced with unmet expectations, and they may quit. The distributor’s success is dependent in large part upon things like the skills, desire, or work ethic they bring to the business. It’s not something you have much control over. And for your new distributor to start meeting their earnings expectations, you (or someone in your upline) must be masterful at helping them develop these skills or work ethic. This requires effort and advanced leadership skills. When you acquire a customer, on the other hand, it’s much simpler to meet their expectations. Offer them a good product that makes their life better, and after that, just be of service: call or text them once their product arrives to make sure they know how to use it. Every so often, send them a link to a relevant article or product update. Easy to do, right? Network marketing companies are also finding it simpler and more cost effective to meet the expectations of a customer. Customers are more likely to call their friend (the distributor) if they have a question about the product than to call the Customer Service department. Success in networking marketing is far easier and more sustainable with an organization full of true customers who keep buying your products without any business opportunity attached, simply because they like the value they are getting. In sync with this issue of Networking Times, this year we chose the theme “Customers” for our ANMP 2017 international convention. Top achievers, company owners and CEOs, and others experts all agree with Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos’ motto, “Put the customer first.” From every perspective, adding more customers increases your bottom line, growth, sustainability, and profitability. What would happen if everyone on your team simply added one to three new customers every month? How much growth would you see? You, your team, your company, the regulators—everyone would be happy! n GARRETT MCGRATH serves as President of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals (ANMP), elected in 2012. With 45 years of combined experience in leading large network marketing organizations, Garrett & Sylvia McGrath are sought-after educators, keynote speakers, authors, and serve on the editorial review board of Networking Times.

Volume 16, Issue 3



Buy One, Give One

Sam Caster 16

By Dr. Josephine Gross

Steve Burns Networking Networking Times Times

Making Social Business SUSTAINABLE


am Caster and Steve Burns are social entrepreneurs with a passion for helping children. After several decades of working in the network marketing space, they recognized it as the perfect business model for Social Business 3.0, as it provides a platform and distribution system that allows all people to benefit. Sam and Steve spent three years together in the trenches looking for technologies, developing products, and helping to put together the social business model, which they recently merged in with an existing network marketing company that had good infrastructure and a willingness to support a true Social Business 3.0 platform. As a result, the company is seeing unprecedented growth in both its customer and membership base. It implemented a dual recognition system that rewards rank advancement as well as the ripple effect of each member’s contribution. Incentive trips allow qualifying members to visit orphanages and see the impact of their “ripple” firsthand. The company Sam and Steve now work with sees its members as “Facilitators of Hope.” In just one year, they have donated over 7 million daily servings of whole food nutrition to children in need. Their 10-year goal is to donate that much a day, thus resolving the global issue of malnourished children once and for all.—J.G.

Volume Volume 16, 16, Issue Issue 33

What led you to the path you’re on today?

SAM: In the early 1990s I founded a direct sales company that provided advanced nutritional products to millions of people around the world. In 1997, my wife Linda and I donated a year’s supply of these immune supporting products to an orphanage organization in Romania, and the impact was overwhelming. The children’s health improved dramatically and for the first time in over a decade none of the orphans died from malnutrition-related issues. It changed our lives forever and in 1999 we founded MannaRelief, a charity dedicated to providing advanced nutritional support to malnourished children around the world. My company provided a monthly donation to help cover our overhead, and our distributor base agreed to give up about 1 percent of their total commissions to help fund the donation of products to needy children. After the economy began nosediving in late 2008, my company was forced to reduce and then completely cease their overhead contributions, and we experienced an overall reduction of contributions of approximately 60 percent. That meant we had to drastically cut our nourishment programs. We then began receiving letters and emails from caregivers pleading with us to please find a way to resume our giving programs, as their children had begun to relapse into the same life-threatening conditions that they had previously experienced. That was absolutely heartbreaking and I began praying for the revelation of a more sustainable funding model. Not long after that, I read an article from Harvard Business Review entitled “Can Entrepreneurs Save the World?” It was all about a new movement in business called social entrepreneurship, where a new breed of entrepreneurs were leveraging the technologies and profits of their new business ventures to provide sustainable solutions to the world’s biggest problems.



Adapt and GROW JEFF Altgilbers

Principles Don’t Change, Tools Do By Dr. Josephine Gross



eff Altgilbers has been a network marketing professional for almost four decades. Based in Tennessee, he runs a global team in 56 countries that collectively does $200 million of business a year.

One secret to Jeff’s success is his ability to adapt and change. He launched his business running magazine ads. Today he uses Facebook advertisement to create targeted leads. At one point, Jeff even moved to the island of Guam for five years to better support his Asian team. Jeff is also a musician and a songwriter. He met his soulmate and life partner at a piano bar in Seoul. When they got married, he adopted her five-year-old son, and they have another son together. “Network marketing is not all about the money and achieving success,” says Jeff. “It’s about creating relationships that change lives.”—J.G.

Volume 16, Issue 3

In Ephesus, Turkey, at Temple of Hadrian during a European incentive trip


Austin Zulauf

Living a Truly Fulfilled Life

Fun, Freedom, Friendship 36

By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Networking Times Times

A Farm Boy from Kentucky


ustin Zulauf is a top achiever and trainer who has been the #1 income earner in three network marketing companies. He got started selling insurance door to door, then had his share of trials and learning experiences in a handful of network marketing opportunities. A seasoned sales trainer recognizing the importance of structure and systems, Austin started his own training company working on the corporate side and with top leaders on all aspects of the direct selling profession. Today Austin focuses on teaching his own team how to build businesses leading with what he calls the three Fs—fun, freedom, and friendship. “A millionaire in network marketing is someone with a million friends,” he says. “With close to 8 billion people on planet Earth, I feel I can find at least a million who will like me enough to call me a friend.” Austin’s passion is to offer his friends a simple, proven SYSTEM— which stand for Save YourSelf Time, Energy, and Money—to compress time and experience the magic of residual income.—J.G.

Volume 16, Issue 3

I grew up on a farm in Edmonson County, Kentucky. I was related to virtually everybody in the county, so I didn’t have any problem socializing. Networking to me was like saying hello to my cousin at a family gathering. It came naturally. After my family’s house burned down, I moved to the city when I was 12 and didn’t know anybody there, but I made friends quickly. Being adventurous, I got into trouble throughout my teenage years, but I decided to make a turn for the better when I was 19. I started my career in direct selling with an insurance company in 2002, two weeks after my 19th birthday. It probably saved my life, because it gave me an outlet. Not only did I find a way to make a good living, it also gave me personal self-development. I now had everything I needed to become an entrepreneur and a better person. I discovered W. Clement Stone and started living by his quote, “All I want to do is change the world… make it a better place for this and future generations.” He became one of my earliest mentors, and ever since I turned 19, I make sure I go into the world with that quote in mind. I also read Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World. The second scroll or chapter in that book starts with, “I will greet this day with love in my heart.” Whenever you’re trying to change the world for the better and leave a legacy, I believe the best way to go about it is to enter each day with love in your heart. These are some things I learned from working with this insurance company. It was door-to-door, business-to-business sales. I did it for about seven years and developed leather skin. I’ve had guns drawn on me, multiple times. I’ve been picked up and thrown out of businesses, which is pretty easy to do, considering I’m 5’9” and never weighed more than 165 pounds. I experienced a lot of rejection, but I got used to it. It makes network marketing easy, because you






ADA Caballero 44

By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Networking Times Times

Finding Strength in Challenges


riginally from Mexico, Ada Caballero is a powerful leader of people who just reached the rank of Diamond in a growing international wellness company. Based in Southern California, she leads a growing team in the US, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Spain. Prior to her current success, Ada worked with six different companies, some of which she thrived and excelled in, while others made her wonder if network marketing was for her. Ada says “the roller coaster of painful experiences ended once I recognized that I am the cause and effect of any decisions I make, and that I am in control of my emotions in any moment. “Today I realize that all my previous experiences were lessons that made me into who I am today. I acknowledge all my teachers and mentors who have contributed in helping me polish that Carbon into a Diamond.”—J.G.

Immigrating at Age 16

Ada was born in the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas in Southern Mexico. When she was one year old, her family moved to Michoacán on the West Coast of Central Mexico. “My mother is from Chiapas and my father is from Michoacán,” says Ada. “This always created some tension but also diversity in our household. My siblings and I learned what it’s like to struggle financially and try to get ahead in life. “My mother was a warrior. From her, I learned the art of sales and the way of business, even if it wasn’t the most correct way. Watching her scrape by and struggle to cover our living expenses taught me a valuable lesson: that nothing is impossible when your heart desires it.” Ada’s mother was a dressmaker and taught her the values of love and respect towards others, that “no matter what blows life has given you, you should move forward sowing seeds of love in every relationship you encounter.” Ada’s childhood was not easy. “I faced many

Volume 16, Issue 3

challenges and many tears,” she says. “These painful lessons are what made me grow strong and forge my way in pursuit of a better life.” Ada left her home as a teenager to pursue a better future in the US, where she met the hard life of an immigrant making minimum wage. “At age 16, I was going to nursing school in Mexico,” she says. “At the hospital where I worked, we had a lot of Americans who came to get medical treatments that are not legal in the US. This is how I met an American lady who took an interest in me, and promised she would take me to the US if I was willing to work for her. “She told me to meet her in Tijuana, where she would pick me up and help me over the border. I had a difficult relationship with my father at the time, so I was eager to get away. I was business savvy and had made some money selling different things, so I felt I was able to make my way to Northern Mexico. I was eager to try my chance at going to America, at least for a couple months, or so I thought. “When I arrived in Tijuana, my patient who was



It’s Our


Romacio Fulcher Who Is Your Mentor?


By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times


ased in Sacramento, California, Romacio Fulcher is Gen-X leader and top achiever who has earned several million dollars in network marketing in the last 10 years. Romacio recently joined his current company where he reached a top rank in just four months. Now his goal is to build an international team of one million people—100,000 people in 10 different countries—and create 100 millionaires over the next three years. Romacio calls himself a Bay Area kid who was lucky to grow up on the right side of town. Attending church four nights a week and private school during the day, he learned early on to work hard, take responsibility, and hold himself accountable. School didn’t come easy to him, so he became self-taught, preferring to study with people rather than from books. In fact, he believes the number one key to success in life is to find the best mentor who has what you want and become completely coachable.—J.G. With mom Calleen at business meeting

My First Mentor

I grew up in Oakland, California with my parents and four brothers. I’m 39 years old and I come from a middle-class family. No one in my family was rich. Self-employed, my father was a commercial flooring contractor for over 34 years. My mom was a top-level manager for the Food and Drug Administration. They’re both retired now and have been married for over 40 years. I’m very grateful to both of my parents. Growing up in Oakland was definitely not an easy task. We were a little more fortunate because we went to Catholic school. Our parents worked really hard to put their children in a better school system, but outside of school, we still lived in Oakland. It’s a beautiful city, but there’s also is a lot of drama. When it came time for college, it wasn’t really something I wanted to do. I graduated high school with about a 2.5 GPA, so school was tough for me. But my mother wanted her children to go to college, so I did. I enrolled at Sacramento State University in 1997 and attended for about a year and a half. After dropping out of college, I got started in the mortgage and real estate business. I met a welldressed gentleman at a burrito shop, and I’m glad

Volume 16, Issue 3

my sensory acuity was working that day. He wasn’t black like me, and I share this with people because oftentimes the very thing we’re looking for comes in disguise. It doesn’t look like you, doesn’t sound like you, but it’s exactly what you need. There I was, a broke dropout college kid, and



Jessie Lee


Be Unforgettable


By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times


The World Needs YOU

essie Lee Ward is an up-and-coming powerhouse leader in an established wellness company. After being burnt out on doing home parties in her previous company for over four years, she decided to build her new business entirely online. A year and a half later, Jessie Lee’s daily Facebook Lives average 20,000 views. She has never done a home or hotel meeting, yet her team is moving multi-millions of dollars in volume each month.—J.G.

How did you find network marketing, or How did you get started in your current did it find you? company? I was 22 and had just graduated college. I was working in a pathology lab as a research assistant and quickly learned just how unemployable I was. Even though I graduated top in my class with a double major and a double minor, I knew I wasn’t destined to sit behind a desk and build someone else’s dreams. One day I saw someone posting on Facebook about making money from home, and it started my Google search. No one had ever invited me to a meeting or pitched me on an MLM or direct sales company. I bought a kit under someone I never met, selling products I had never used, and I quickly shot to the top of that company. I was a top earner for four and a half years. Then, after seeing the earning potential of network marketing, I was hooked 18 months ago with one look at a compensation plan. I felt like I had been scammed for the last four and a half years, but chose to look at it as, “Now I have a PhD in sales, marketing, taxes, hostess coaching, communication, and more!” I said yes to this entire experience because I grew up poor. I know what it’s like to “go without.” I know what it is like to have parents who work around the clock and are never home, who are miserable and can’t afford anything nice—and it has driven me my entire life to not only succeed, but to become that catalyst of confidence to change many others around me.

Volume 16, Issue 3

During my fly-out to visit to the company, I remember asking the general manager if it would be okay for me to build my business online. Without hesitation, he gave me an emphatic “Yes!” This was huge to me. I knew I wanted to build online. I didn’t want to go to people’s homes anymore. To this day, I haven’t done any home or hotel meetings and our team is doing multi-millions of dollars in volume each month.

Any challenges or struggles you had to overcome?

Network marketing is hard. In the beginning, I had to remind myself constantly that struggling financially is a lot harder than working hard every day. I often felt like I was front-loading so much work into a company that may or may not have been the right choice. I told myself for months it would have been safer to stay in direct sales and continue to question the compensation plan while having a team that was losing, “because, Jessie Lee, MLM is hard!” I ultimately picked my hard. The lack of systems, the lack of marketing, the lack of tools… they all became the biggest blessings. It forced my hand in getting up and creating the systems myself. It made me realize this was going to turn into something special, if I just stayed relentlessly focused on what I wanted to do. I still have the haters, the naysayers, and the people who think I embellish all the blessings this profession has given me. Now, instead



BELIEF Consistency and


Albert Gyeke


lbert Gyeke is a young leader from Ghana who came to the US to study and play basketball. When a sports career didn’t seem to be the cards, he turned to academics and became a network marketing entrepreneur. After a short but steep learning curve, and despite many challenges, Albert began to see success and became a top achiever. Today his goal is to be a servant leader and help as many people as possible win. He eventually wants to go back home and teach Africans about wellness and success.—J.G. 64

Networking Times

Albert was born in Accra, the capital of Ghana, on the Atlantic coast of West Africa. While English is the official language there, he grew up speaking an indigenous language called Twi. Albert lived in the city with his two brothers and sister in a middleclass neighborhood. His mother was a stay-at-home mom and his dad was an IT consultant who started his own business when Albert was a teenager. Albert did not learn to be an entrepreneur from his parents. Instead, they taught him to focus on school and get a good education. Albert did so well academically and in sports that for his last year of high school, he was selected for an exchange program to go study in the US. “My dream was to be a professional basketball player,” he says, “but it was more competitive than I thought.” Albert first lived in Seattle, WA, then moved to Baltimore, MD where he graduated from Coppin State University with a Criminal Justice degree and a Business minor. Albert was introduced to network marketing in 2012. As an international student, he was only allowed to work on campus, so he wasn’t making much money. “When a friend invited me to a home party and

I heard the presentation, it just made sense,” he says. “The product was telecommunications, and I ‘knew’ I was going to be a millionaire. It didn’t happen for me in that company, because I didn’t work the business seriously.” Albert learned a lot from his mistakes, which came down to negative thinking and blaming others for his lack of success. In early 2013 he joined a travel company and committed to learning the ropes. “I started doing three-way calls and built up a six-figure yearly income rather quickly,” he says. “I signed up lots of students, and even teachers looking for extra income.” Unfortunately, two years into it the company filed for bankruptcy. “They were paying out at a rate that was unsustainable, and on top of that the CEO was embezzling,” says Albert. “Needless to say, I was hurt and depressed. I cried for several months.” Being a significant leader in the travel company, Albert was now constantly being approached by other network marketing leaders who wanted him on their team. At the end of 2014 he joined a wellness company after trying a weight loss product that gave him spectacular results.

“I was so big the camel couldn’t stand up. That’s when I knew I needed to change.”

“Be a walking billboard of your product!”

Volume 16, Issue 3



Multiplying SUCCESS




By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times

Empower, Uplift, Validate


riginally from Poland, Ela Whittaker is a US-based business coach and network marketing entrepreneur. When she became a mom in 2014, she left a fast-paced corporate career to build an international business from her phone and laptop. Through hard work, Ela quickly became a top achiever in a global makeup company. Today she leads a thriving team of women intent on “multiplying their success” with others.—J.G. Ela was born in Poland but moved to Canada at a young age. “My immigrant parents worked extremely hard all their life and instilled a strong work ethic in me,” she says. “Their struggles and encouragement inspired me to think bigger.” Ela started her career working in the Purchasing Department of a big-box retailer. She also worked as a freelance makeup artist. Later she became a National Account Manager for various corporations that supplied the largest retailers in North America. Ela was already familiar with network marketing when a friend introduced her to her first company in 2013. “The overall business intrigued me,” she says, “especially the income potential and the flexibility of owning your own business.” Ela joined her friend’s business but never built it. Looking back, she says the company wasn’t a good fit for her. Three years ago, at the top of her corporate career and happily married, Ela gave birth to her first son. During her one-year maternity leave she began looking for a hobby to pass the time. One late evening while scanning the internet, Ela came across an advertisement on social media through a Buy & Sell group that caught her eye. “The ad was for a cosmetic product every woman needs,” she says. “I was really interested in the item and wanted to know how to get it, so I messaged the women who had posted the ad and found out the product was distributed through network marketing. Within 24 hours, I joined her business without hesitation. This was January 1, 2014 and I took a leap of faith, based on a gut feeling I had that this product was going to sell very well.” Three months into her new business, Ela’s hus-

Volume 16, Issue 3

band received a job offer in Houston, Texas and within a week he moved from Ontario, Canada where they were living to the US. Ela realized she was in for a huge change. “I had a newborn and the comfort of my family helping me when I was going to go back to work,” she says. “Moving to a new country where I didn’t know anyone and putting my son in daycare in an unfamiliar city while working a demanding corporate job was not going to work for me.” That’s when Ela made the life-changing decision of becoming an entrepreneur and growing an international online business. With her husband far away, she managed as a temporarily single mother, selling their home, packing up, and working around the clock to make sales with Logan Stout and build a team. Juggling all these responsibilities, she reached the top of her company within nine months, just one month after moving to the US. “The transition to another country was difficult,” she says, “but this business provided me with the flexibility to take my business with me. I traveled back and forth to Canada and also to various locations for incentive trips, company retreats, and trainings, all while working my business from my phone or laptop.” On top of her business struggles, Ela also experienced physical and emotional challenges. “While trying to expand our family for nearly a year and a half since 2015, I was faced with a difficult time of miscarriages and infertility. This drained me not only emotionally, but it also affected my business focus. I threw myself into work, masking my heartaches. Thankfully thousands of women in my company uplifted me daily. Network marketing brought


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