SIM Industries

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ABOUT SIM-INDUSTRIES Trendsetter in flight simulation Sim-Industries, a Lockheed Martin company, nurtures talent and innovation. This translates into a new standard for commercial airline full flight simulator design. Smart integration of the most advanced specialized quality components from the world’s leading manufacturers and its no-nonsense approach to engineering have made Sim-Industries the trendsetter in every area crucial to airline flight simulator pilot training. Sim-Industries commercial airline full flight simulators deliver unsurpassed fidelity, realism, user-friendliness, safety, cost-effectiveness, reliability and performance at a competitive price. As a Lockheed Martin company, Sim-Industries has the expertise and resources to rapidly design, develop and produce simulators for an expanding list of platforms. It is part of Lockheed Martin’s Global Training and Logistics business, which is a leading provider of training and logistics support for customers located in more than 50 countries around the world. Global Training and Logistics offers a full range of training, logistics, mission operations support, engineering support and integration systems and services. For customers, this means Sim-Industries can provide a fully integrated focus on life cycle support requirements and an agile organization to readily address their evolving needs. Sim-Industries understands and serves the needs of all airlines, aircraft manufacturers and independent training centres worldwide. We offer flight simulators for a wide range of commercial aircraft. Our flight simulators meet or exceed international certification requirements and are delivered standard with certifications up to and including Level D, depending upon the type of device selected. No matter how unique the customer’s requirements are, Sim-Industries will deliver tailor-made flight simulators to fulfill the most demanding training needs.

SIM-INduStrIeS ProfeSSIoNAl flIght SIMulAtorS

CoPyrIght © 2011 SIM-INduStrIeS All rIghtS reServed.

CoNteNtS ProduCt PortfolIo

fIdelIty vISuAl SySteM INPut/outPut CoNtrol MotIoN & CoNtrol loAdINg SySteM INStruCtor oPerAtINg StAtIoN MAINteNANCe ANd ServICe CertIfICAtIoN

ProduCt PortfolIo Authentic, reliable flight simulation solutions Sim-Industries provides the highest fidelity across a complete range

The I/O system layouts on the FBS and FFS are similar, creating identical reliability

of flight simulator products in order to support the different stages of

levels and easy maintenance on both devices. On the FPT a touchscreen with a

a flight training program. Every device in the product portfolio, from

detailed and realistic graphical aircraft panel interface replaces the hardware I/O.

the Flat Panel Trainer (FPT) to the Fixed Base Simulator (FBS) and the

The FBS has the same full control loading solution on all primary channels as

Full Flight Simulator (FFS), includes the same simulation software from

the FFS and limited control loading on the secondary channels.

the master product software tree, thus ensuring the highest possible

All devices can be delivered certified to EASA, FAA or other requested

quality of training.

qualification standards, and all products are delivered with a fully automated eQTG software tool.

System fidelity, functionality and options are common across the entire product portfolio. This gives instructors easy-to-use devices with identical instructor station layouts and system behavior. Fidelity and reliability of the hardware are also unsurpassed, from the optional hardware components on the FPT to the full aircraft manufacturer-provided hardware kits used in the FFS. The visual system solution, including databases, is identical across the product range and increases in fidelity, from a flat screen on the FPT, to a full spherical 180 by 40 screen with direct projection on the FBS, to a full collimated visual of 200 by 40 degrees on the FFS. All weather selections, including instructor interfaces, are identical across the product portfolio as a result of the common software platform.

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The right device for the right phase

Flexibility is key to our offered

of training



Each type rating starts with a procedural

With the FFS we offer a wide range

delivers authentic cockpit environments

trainer. The Sim–Industries FPT combines

of options allowing us to tailor our

with realistic flight and system behavior

realistic system behavior, realtime flight

simulators to exactly match customers’

in the whole flight envelope. Common

instruments and FMC training at a low


product design principles from FPT to

cost per training hour.

FFS ensure simulator reliability and

Ab-initio pilots can spend more hours in a

Our FBS and FPT offer product flexibility

guarantee 24/7 uptime. Whether you’re

realistic environment without increasing

in key areas, such as aircraft hardware

flying the FPT or the FFS, you can

training costs.

instead of simulated parts, level of

whole product range Sim-Industries



always expect the real thing! The FBS is a logical transitional device






visual system layouts.

between the FPT and the FFS. The Simindustries FBS is a complete simulator


without motion, offering real cockpit

our customers benefit from flexible

training at an affordable hourly rate.

financing options.

The FBS can be used to reduce the hours required on a FFS, thus effectively reducing total training cost. Certified as FNPTII / MCC,

the FBS is a high-

end platform that provides an excellent preparation to start a type rating.




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fIdelIty As real as it gets Fidelity stands at the center of the Sim-Industries design philosophy.

Our reasoning is straightforward. Airline pilots train on full flight simulators to

Not only should a simulator be the closest thing to reality, it

hone their flying skills until they become second nature. Pilots must make quick

should, wherever possible, actually be the real thing. To this end,

decisions and accurate judgments under pressure and handle flight procedures

Sim-Industries uses original aircraft hardware components for the

in an orderly manner, no matter what the circumstances. This high level of

majority of the critical flight deck instrumentation and controls.

proficiency can only be achieved in simulated training when the handling of the simulator is indistinguishable from that of the real aircraft. A Sim-Industries simulator behaves in every respect and under all circumstances like the original aircraft. Our superior combination of quality hardware with extremely accurate software and our minute attention to detail guarantee the high fidelity customers expect from a full flight simulator.

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The strength of Sim-Industries products

Sim-Industries uses genuine aircraft

On Sim-Industries simulators, every

is in the details. Sim-Industries refuses



conceivable emergency scenario, such



from manufacturers such as Boeing,

as hydraulic failures, decompression,

integration of the best components.

Airbus, Honeywell and GE Aviation


The highest-quality components from


and engine fires, is simulated. Pilots

leading manufacturers are carefully

Attention to detail is taken to the limit.




Even the rivets holding the flight deck

including extensive sound and motion

performance and ease of maintenance.

floorboards are in the same position as

cueing, which are as close to actual



on the real aircraft.

aircraft behavior as possible. Forces

























on the flight controls are accurately

realistic simulation models assures our

replicated. Smoke generators can be

customers commercial airline full flight

added on customer request.

simulators of unsurpassed accuracy.





importance of training to improve flight safety and does not allow any aspect of the emergency training scenarios to be neglected.

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vISuAl SySteM Seeing is believing

Image Generator

The Sim-Industries flight simulator visual system greatly contributes

Sim-Industries image generators provide a revolutionary approach to visual

to the overall realism pilots experience during simulator training.

simulation. Next-generation weather effects, a whole-earth 3D training

To achieve this high level of fidelity, Sim-Industries integrates superior

environment and advanced realtime lighting effects, such as low-visibility runway

image generators from leading visual manufacturers with the latest

lighting, combined with the most comprehensive database of high-detail airport

in high quality display technology. Whether it’s storm cells, aviation

models, offer unmatched realism. Legacy databases are easily imported and

obstacles on approach, the airport taximat, or runways, the visual 3D

Sim-Industries offers rapid creation or updating of airport models.

detailing is of such fine quality and realism that the Sim-Industries visual system immerses pilots in training scenarios nearly indistinguishable

Display System

from the real world.

Sim-Industries equips the flight deck with a superb LCoS cross-cockpit outthe-window display system, providing wide-angle imagery of stunning clarity at optical infinity. LCoS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) produces much higher resolution images than conventional CRT or LCD displays. The fine-grained pixels and excellent color quality create an ultra-realistic 3D sense of depth. The Sim-Industries LCoS display system requires little maintenance because, unlike bulky CRTs, its colors do not shift and it therefore does not require continuous adjustment.



The Sim-Industries LCoS cross-cockpit


present breakthrough features, such

out-the-window display systems cover

includes all the world’s main airports,



a panoramic view of 200 by 40 degrees


environment draped with continuous

at a 10-foot radius at optical infinity,

coverage between airports.

texture, high-fidelity digital terrain in

providing excellent cross-cockpit views.

The airport scenes and environments




are thoroughly realistic and can be

weather effects such as layered, true

quality, good blacks and shadow detail,

easily updated. Modeling tools allow for

3D clouds, fog, storm cells, blowing

fine definition, high brightness and

quick and easy creation of new airports

and falling snow, calibrated visibility,

adjustable contrast, and requires no

and repositioning of existing ones.

low-visibility runway lighting effects, a


Sim-Industries the






feature library for creating emergency scenarios, feedback of the environment and collision detection.




detailed, 3D

the insets

airport and

library blended


INPut/outPut CoNtrol Off-the-shelf, rugged, standardized and easily maintained

Rather than opting for a proprietary system, Sim-Industries integrates a

The Sim-Industries I/O control system is unique within the simulator

Siemens I/O control system to keep the simulator running 24/7. These I/O

industry. The core of the flight simulator is based on a PC control

systems have a proven track record and are rugged and reliable. The I/O

system housing the critical intelligence. Electrical signals from the PC

control system consists of off-the-shelf modules that are instantly available

control system are relayed rapidly and flawlessly to the simulator via

worldwide in the unlikely event replacement is required.

the I/O control center. Sim-Industries integration of standardized I/O components greatly benefits maintenance. The hardware is labeled to avoid mistakes during replacement and the I/O software layer is clearly related to the hardware and easy to implement. Extensive diagnostics continuously monitor overall system performance.

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A PC control system holds all the

An LCD monitor on the cabinet provides

controller cabinet sits at the rear of

critical intelligence and is the brain of

critical information about the actual

the simulator platform for easy access.

the ight simulator. It is housed in two

status of the simulator. The PC control

The standardized I/O hardware system

rack-mounted server cabinets for easy

system can be remotely monitored or

is highly robust and guarantees a long

maintenance and space efďŹ ciency.

maintained via the Internet.





life with maximum uptime.


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MotIoN & CoNtrol loAdINg SySteM High performance, safe, realistic and reliable Sim-Industries sets a new industry standard with its motion and control

Sim-Industries' electrical motion system hardware not only offers the highest

loading systems. Sim-Industries has chosen electrical-pneumatic

level of performance in the industry, it is extremely reliable because there

motion systems from Moog for its flight simulators, because these

are no analogue components to drift and deteriorate. Modules are easily

systems are extremely safe, reliable and offer superb performance

interchangeable, resulting in minimal spare parts stock. Installation, use

characteristics combined with the lowest possible power consumption.

and maintenance are easy and reduce running costs. Sim-Industries' smart

Pilots experience the sensory cues delivered by the system as realistic

integration of an accurate flight model with precise motion-cueing software and

sensations of pitching, rolling and acceleration, including flight

a quality double frame connected to the electrical-pneumatic motion system

vibrations in all directions. Forces acting on the flight controls are

ensures a robust and stable motion system.

accurately replicated by electrical control loading actuators. Control Loading System Motion System

All of the genuine aircraft flight controls demanding active feedback are

The simulator motion system software perfectly matches flight acceleration

powered by the Sim-Industries control loading system. The system is highly

cueing with that of the actual aircraft by using a sophisticated motion-cueing

modular, enabling us to integrate the software with the proper set of actuators

algorithm. The motion-cueing algorithm provides onset acceleration cues

for optimal control loading. The actuators offer the highest fidelity available.

with washout terms to bring the platform to the neutral position at a rate imperceptible to the crew while maximizing workspace for the next motion cue. From a pilot seat position, acceleration in the simulator is identical to the actual sensation experienced in the real aircraft. To increase motion realism, Sim-Industries matches flight deck vibrations by feeding the X, Y and Z buffer channels with vibrations calculated within the flight model and matching flight deck measurements taken from the pilot’s seat.


The Sim-Industries efďŹ ciently integrated

Sim-Industries puts high ďŹ delity in the

Electrical Motion System is the highest-

hands of training pilots by using original

performing, most robust and realistic


motion system in the industry. Featuring

feedback powered by the outstanding

a comprehensive safety system, it

Control Loading System. Its highly

is easy to install, use and maintain.

modular design makes for a control

Without analogue components to drift

loading system that is simple and

or deteriorate, it is rugged and reliable.

speedy to maintain.

Extremely low power consumption adds to the overall cost-effectiveness of this


motion system.








INStruCtor oPerAtINg StAtIoN Ultimate training easily and comfortably managed

Instructors need to focus on training.

Instructors spend many hours in simulators teaching pilots the proper

An easy-to-use interface to program

procedures for every imaginable flight scenario, including engine fires, severe


storms, windshear, icing, oncoming traffic and countless other emergencies.

touchscreens frees the instructor to

The comfortable and spacious Instructor Operating Station allows the instructor

direct his attention to the proceedings in

control of a full range of flight parameters and provides an ideal vantage point

the cockpit. Additionally, the instructor

from which to observe and analyze the activities of the flight crew.

can seat himself next to a pilot and




control flight parameters remotely via a Two touchscreens allow the various flight operations, malfunctions and

wireless handheld device.

environmental conditions to be activated through an intuitive and user-friendly interface, thus freeing the instructor to direct maximum attention to the


proceedings in the cockpit. The system also offers the instructor the flexibility

Instructor Operating Station provides a

to sit up front in the cockpit while easily controlling the various flight conditions

clear overview of the proceedings on the

from a wireless handheld device.

flight deck.

The Instructor Operating Station comes standard with two fully adjustable seats, but Sim-Industries will customize it to meet any customer’s layout wishes. There is room for two additional seats and the instructor’s touchscreens can also be chair-mounted. The Sim-Industries Instructor Operating Station meets the highest quality standards and raises management of pilot training to the next level of comfort, ease of use and proficiency.





MAINteNANCe ANd ServICe Low maintenance requirements reduce running costs Sim-Industries' smart design allows easy access to all parts of the simulator, including the motion and control loading systems and the I/O controller cabinet. The motion and control loading systems are highly modular and modules are easily interchangeable, resulting in minimal replacement time and spare parts stock. Installation, use and maintenance are easy and reduce running costs. Maintenance crews can quickly replace modules in the easily accessible I/O controller cabinet. Minimal stock, 24/7 support and maintenance training Sim-Industries uses original aircraft hardware components for most of the ight deck instrumentation and controls. Maintenance can therefore replace components with regular aircraft part stock when necessary. Sim-Industries offers 24/7 support with online monitoring at customer request and holds all spares in stock for replacement. Sim-Industries also provides thorough training for operator maintenance staff.

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CertIfICAtIoN Sim-Industries strives for excellence, resulting in full flight simulators that meet and often exceed FAA and JAA as well as international requirements in all areas of flight simulation. Sim-Industries flight simulators are therefore delivered standard with certifications up to and including Level D JAA and FAA. Sim-Industries also offers any type of certification the customer wishes. Dutch JAA certification can be offered before shipment upon request. As an added benefit, Sim-Industries has developed the eQTG software tool. The Sim-Industries eQTG saves valuable time by automatically running all tests required by the certification authorities for flight simulator qualification and recertification. The layout matches the latest standards as published by Arinc and the RAeS.

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SIM-INduStrIeS ProfeSSIoNAl flIght SIMulAtorS

BENEFITS Sim-Industries transparent and modern approach to flight simulator engineering guarantees the next level of high-fidelity, reliable and cost-effective commercial airline full flight simulators. Sim-Industries focuses on what it does best: smart integration of the highest quality, specialized components from world’s leading manufacturers with the most accurate and reliable Level D certified full flight simulator control software to produce a world-class full flight commercial airline simulator platform.

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