Mental Health News newsletter summer 2014

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MentalHealthNews Summer 2014 TRAINING Aberdare

WEA Courses Communication Skills 10am -12.30pm Thursday 18th September Thursday 25th September October 2014 Prepare to Care Course Day and time TBC please see article for more information on the course

New Horizons - Mental Health

Welcome With the summer holidays fast approaching and a realisation that we are half way through the year again it is a great time to reflect on the achievements of the organisation. As you will recall from the last newsletter New Horizons is really proud to have been successful with both the Investors in People and the Small Workplace Health awards, as well as successfully launching the youth project at the Apple Tree Stores (Rhondda) and continuing to provide courses, groups and maintaining strong partnerships with a wide range of organisations.

Since then we are also proud that we have also• Officially launched NH2 (see page 9). • Extended the Youth Project opening hours in the Cynon Valley so that there is a now a service on a Saturday (see page 4). • Obtained funding for the Youth Projects to visit other mental health projects to share ideas and reduce isolation and also to do outdoor/ Assertiveness Training physical health activities (see page 4). 10am - 12.30pm • Strengthened our partnership with Too Good To Waste offering Thursday 16th & 23rd outreach well-being work for their volunteers at their Aberdare branch in addition to the support New Horizons already offer at the Ynyshir January 2015 branch (see page 3). Mondays time TBC • Worked in partnership with Bipolar UK to develop a Bipolar support Education programme for group monthly at New Horizons Aberdare (see page 3). patients, helping to manage • Volunteers from both centres gained awards for their hard work and long term health conditions dedication to the organisation from Interlink (see page 2). (EPP) Aberdare Youth We are busy at the office preparing for the autumns courses and meeting (18-25 year olds) and greeting members of the public at the summer events sharing WEA Courses information about the services and challenging stigma. Confidence Building Monday Evening October To see where the New Horizons and Mental Health Support teams are near Day and time TBC you please see dates for your diary page 7. October Confidence Building 10am - 12.30pm Thursday 2nd & 9th


September Thursday date TBC 11am - 12.30pm Gentle Walks by qualified walk leaders WEA Courses Week commencing September 15th date and time to be confirmed Anger Management October Dates and times to be confirmed Confidence building If you are interested in enrolling on a course or want more information please contact the centre the course is being held at.

The Rhondda Cynon Taff Eating Disorder Self Help and Support Group - Is an eating disorder affecting you or someone you care about? Beat Cymru will be holding new group meetings in Aberdare to support people over 18 years of age who are dealing with an eating disorder in their lives. Whether you are personally affected, a carer or a concerned family member or friend – we’d like to help. The group is pro-recovery and will provide an opportunity to offer support and share experiences. The group will support those with an eating disorder or concerns around eating, and also people who are carers, family members or friends. The group meets the first Monday of every month for both sufferers and carers, family and friends from 6.30pm to 8pm at New Horizons, 16a Dean Street, Aberdare, CF44 7BN - Email:

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Volunteers Week - June 2014 Volunteers Week is an annual celebration for all organisations to thank volunteers for their valued support given over the year. Several of New Horizons volunteers were invited to the Interlink Volunteer Celebration Awards evening in Hawthorn Leisure Centre. Each volunteer received a certificate in recognition of their commitment to volunteering in the community. A splendid buffet meal was enjoyed and everyone had the opportunity to meet and socialise with other volunteers from other organisation across RCT. New Horizons would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our volunteers for their commitment to supporting the organisation over the past year. You are all inspirational! Quotes from volunteers who attended the annual Interlink Volunteer Award evening:

“As volunteers for New Horizons, we were invited along to the Interlink Volunteer Awards. At the event there were a number of other organisations at the event. Nobody expected to have been given anything for our work as we do it as something that we enjoy doing and the rewards in themselves are given by helping others and being able to give our time to do something productive. So it was a shock to have been invited along but was also greatly appreciated as this allowed us all to share or experiences of volunteering and any achievements made along the way, and reassured us all that we are recognised for our help. It was a very enjoyable night had by all. Thank you all for involving us and allowing us all to be part of you organisation and help at your projects.” GL:

“The best part of the event was the helium balloons on the bus on the journey home” JD


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Cynon Centre Opening Hours: Monday

10am –1pm 1: 1 Assessments 4pm-5pm (fortnightly) MHS Youth Focus Group 4pm-7pm Youth Project Eye to Eye youth counselling service

C Y N ON New Horizons and Bipolar UK

New Horizons is pleased to announce that Bipolar UK will be providing specialist support for people diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. The support will take the form of a monthly support group which will look at self management techniques, triggers and offer support and advice for sufferers, carers or the family and friends of those suffering from Bipolar. The group is facilitated by trained volunteers with experience of Bipolar.

The group is holding a planning meeting for the group at New Horizons 16a Dean street, Aberdare, CF44 7BN on Wednesday 6th August 12-2pm 6pm -8pm 1st and 3rd week anyone who is interested in the group is invited to attend. B-eat Support Group For more information please contact Bipolar UK on 01633 244 244 or email 7pm - 8pm Youth Safe Space


10am –1pm 1: 1 Assessments 11am - 1pm Safe Space 1pm – 3pm Music (weekly) 3pm – 4pm Focus Group

Wednesday CLOSED


10am –1pm 1: 1 Assessments 10am-12pm WEA Courses 12.30pm - 3pm Art & Craft




1ST & 3RD SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH 12pm - 4pm Youth Project

Hirwaun Friday

1pm - 3pm Peer Support

TooGoodToWaste Wellbeing Sessions It has now been one year since New Horizons began working in partnership with TooGoodToWaste to support their volunteers with their health and wellbeing issues at their Ynyshir branch. Through 1:1 support, advice, courses and training the volunteers know they are supported and this helps them to continue their volunteering role. Due to the success of this initiative New Horizons has recently begin health and well being support sessions for volunteers at the TGTW Aberdare branch.

Up and Coming Courses New Horizons Aberdare is currently organising the activity timetable of formal courses. Over the coming months, we will be offering courses in Confidence Building, Assertiveness Training, Communication Skills and Anger Management. To express an interest in a course please email your name, the course you are interested in and your contact details to kristy.davies@ or call the centre on (01685) 881113. At the end of October New Horizons will be facilitating the Merthyr and the Valleys’ Mind Prepare to Care Course. The course is a flagship training project that is delivered throughout Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf, taking meaningful learning into the heart of the community. The course aims is to help the learner gain a qualification, increase understanding and confidence. If you are a carer or want to work in care, this course will be of benefit to you.. For further information or to express an interest please contact Kay Maybank 01685 353991/353944

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C Y N ON New Horizons’ Youth Project Aberdare The Great Outdoors New Horizons banishes From funding left over from the closure of Saturday Sadness Chequers Youth Club in Aberdare the New New Horizons is pleased to announce that we are extending the youth service in Aberdare.

Young people aged 18-25 living in RCT suffering from mental health problems can access the centre every other Saturday from 12pm - 4pm. This service began on Saturday 5th July and is now being held fortnightly. New Horizons is pleased to be meeting an unmet need as there is very little out of hours mental health support. This service will make a massive improvement to the young people who utilise mental health services as having somewhere to go at the weekend will be a motivational tool. New Horizons is offering these additional opening hours following feedback from community events and the New Horizons Business Planning away day. We will be providing peer support, internet café, Wii-activities, groups and training and are pleased to welcome Lee a youth worker to our team of volunteers. For more information please call on (01685) 881113 or call along Saturday for an informal chat. Saturday Sessions are: -Saturday 2nd August -Saturday 16th August -Saturday 30th August

“It’s great to have a service on a Saturday it breaks up the weekend for people who live alone, offers support when nowhere else is open and provides an extra service for people who work and go to college and cannot attend during the week”- JD Call NH2 Creative Design on 01685 876114 Logo Design ~ Stationery Design ~ Corporate Branding Flyers ~ Poster Design Brochures ~ Annual Reports Newsletters ~ Websites Exhibition Packages ~ Print


Horizons Youth Project has secured a grant of £1,000 for outdoor physical health activities. Physical health outdoor activities were identified at the Away Day as a need for young people to help their mental health. With the grant New Horizons will be offering young people a residential stay that will involve gentle walking, photography and possibly art or music therapy outdoors to illustrate how different therapeutic activities can benefit your mental health.

Equality & Diversity Jenny O’Hara provided Equality and Diversity training to staff and volunteers in Apple Tree Stores on Monday 14th July. “It was an enjoyable course that turned something that could be boring into fun group work tasks. it was interesting to hear everyones views on the topic” GL Volunteer Below Jenny gives her views on Equality and Diversity Practices at New Horizons ‘New Horizons volunteers and staff are exemplary at walking the talk when it comes to equal opportunities. Not only are they exceptionally inclusive, they also seek to continuously improve with training, reflection and collaboration with service users. ’

Peer Support Group in Hirwaun New Horizons’ Peer Support Group meets at St Lleuwrugs Church Hall (situated behind Hirwaun Library) every Friday 1pm. – 3pm. The group offers support to adults with mental health issues in a friendly and safe environment. The New Horizons’ Aberdare peer support group recently merged with the Hirwaun peer support group and the transition of the group has gone smoothly with everybody coming together to support or enjoy fun times with each other. A warm welcome awaits anyone who wishes to join us, plus a cuppa and biscuit.

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Creative Challenge


Members of the Cynon Youth Group have been taking part in a new creative project that is helping to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination. Led by Making Minds, and funded by Time to Change Wales, ‘Creative Challenge’ has seen participants involved in a variety of sessions including poetry, lyric writing, storytelling, digital storytelling, mask making and batik. Members of ‘Wicid’, Rhondda Cynon Taf’s youth information and advice service have also got involved, along with members of Making Minds – a new organisation that is promoting the role of art and creativity in mental health. Some of the work created in the project will be exhibited at events in the near future, with other content shared online. There will also be an evaluation report, to help other people and organisations gain an understanding of how such activities can help people to talk about mental health, grow in confidence, learn new skills and seek any additional help they may need. “The Creative Challenge was very good it included everyone to have a go at their own pace and abilities. I most enjoyed the sessions on mask making and batic” GL “I found the creative challenge relaxing and I most enjoyed painting”-LL “It was enjoyable and interesting, I enjoyed the painting sessions”-SW

DJing Skills Course

Starting Monday 28th July 2014 6pm-7pm at New Horizons for 4 weeks for 18-25 year olds suffering from mental health problem. Please contact Kristy or Natalie for more information and to attend the course on 01685 881113.

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RH ON DDA National Centre for New Youth Project Apple Tree Stores now offers a youth Mental Health project for 18-25 year old’s suffering from mental health problems every Thursday 4pm-8pm.

Participants have already completed the Gofal Routes to Recovery course which they helped to adapt to tailor the course to the needs of young people suffering from mental health problems. They have also looked at developing social enterprises. Future sessions will include a Depression Busting Course, Art and Craft and basic I.T. sessions as well as a Mental Health Support Focus group. There are two referral pathways into the project. Individuals can wither be formally referred by primary services or other organisations or they can self refer. If you are a young person aged 1825 and feel you would benefit from this service please call in for an informal chat or call the centre on (016850 881113

Walking Group In February a member of staff and a volunteer completed a Walk Leaders course which has enabled them to set up a Walking Group. The reason for this is to not only support people with their mental ill health but with physical health too. The walks are easy and not too long. In addition to having some light physical exercise, there is also a social aspect which helps reduce isolation and increase friendships. To date New Horizons has arranged walks around Rhondda Heritage Park and Clydach Lake.

Holly Howe of the National Centre for Mental Health gave a talk at the Rhondda centre to explain about the research they are undertaking. This research is looking into causes behind mental illness, from genetics and biology to psychological and environmental factors. The aim is to help develop better diagnosis, treatment and support for people in the future by service users participating in the research these aims will be closer to being met. If you would like to be involved please contact the centre on 029 2068 8401.

Young Enterprise Workshops Young Enterprise Workshops in Partnership with the Coalfields Regeneration Trust.

In May we ran two workshops on Social Enterprise; these were held in our Rhondda centre with the Craft group and our Young Persons Project. Both groups are very creative and productive in what they make including felt soaps and hand made cards. The groups were given an insight into the vision for setting up an enterprise and how design and marketing products is the key to being successful. The workshops were interactive and thought provoking giving individuals the knowledge to proceed forward in the near future with setting up an enterprise.

Peer Mentoring Lunch & Learn at RCT Sessions Homes Following the completion of peer mentoring New Horizons facilitated a “Lunch & Learn” session with staff of RCT Homes in their offices at Ty Pennant in Pontypridd. The session gave staff an insight into how mental health affects a person and how to be more empathetic and supportive when dealing with tenants. Sixteen members of staff attended the session and information was given on some of the support organisations within RCT. A majority of those who attended found the session increased their knowledge, very interesting and helpful.


training, with Interlink volunteers, from the Aberdare youth project are helping to develop the Apple Tree Stores youth project by providing peer support.

The volunteers who all came to the Aberdare young person’s project as service users have four sessions of peer mentoring left to provide. They intend to offer sessions in Depression Busting (summarizing what they found most beneficial from the Journeys award winning course), art and craft sessions, a film night to aid with social interaction and a relaxation session.

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Rhondda Centre Apple Tree Stores Opening Hours: Monday CLOSED


9.30am – 12pm Art & Craft (Volunteer Led) 1:1 Assessments 1pm – 4pm Courses (WEA)) – 1pm Safe Space


9.30am – 12pm Peer Support 12pm – 1pm Safe Space 10am - 12pm 1:1 Assessments Courses 1pm – 4pm (1st Wed of Month – Wellbeing Session at TooGoodToWaste)


11am – 12.30pm Walking Group 9.30am– 10.30am 1.30pm– 3.30pm 1:1 Assessments 1pm – 3pm Craft Group 3pm – 4pm Safe Space (Fortnightly) 3pm – 4pm MHS Focus Group (Fortnightly) 4pm – 8pm Young Persons Project (18 – 25 Yrs)

RH ON DDA Courses & Training In September the centre will be offering a variety of courses, including Confidence Building to Anger Management and Emotional Wellbeing. Please contact the centre on 01443 681881 for further details.

Learning from one another New Horizons has obtained funding from the Sainsbury’s Welsh Community Fund Grant to support members of the Aberdare and Rhondda youth projects to visit other mental health organisations so that they can learn from one another and reduce the feelings of isolation often associated with Mental ill health. Visits are being organised to the youth Project at Newport Mind, Four Winds in Cardiff and a self harm project in Bridgend.

Community Events New Horizons aims to project the positive image of people suffering mental health problems through challenging discrimination and awareness raising. A part of this work we attend community events to provide information and reduce stigma. Two events New Horizons are pleased to have had a presence in are the Interlink Connected Communities event and the Aberdare festival:

Connected Communities Events Over the past two months Interlink CVC has held 3 Connected Communities Events across RCT and New Horizons has attended the events held. The events were aimed at giving organisation the opportunity to meet and find out how they can work together for the good of the community within where they work. The events were very successful and connections were made, with the hope of future partnership working shortly.

Aberdare Festival

New Horizons held an information stall at the Aberdare Festival in May, when the Queens Baton for the Commonwealth Games was on its journey through Wales. Despite the weather many people attended the day, with many approaching the stall for information and advice.

Dates for your diary

New Horizons will be at the following events if you are attending come along and meet the team: The Big Bite - Saturday 2nd & 3rd August at Pontypridd Park Fresher’s Fayre at Coleg Y Cymoedd at the Aberdare and Pontypridd Campus- Wednesday 3rd September.



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New Horizons Away Day On Friday 30th May New Horizons held our annual Business Planning Away Day at Aberdare Rugby Club. Trustees, staff, volunteers and service users(including members of the youth project) were invited to celebrate the achievements of the organisation over the past year and plan the future direction of the services and the organisation. The day was opened by Phil Gillard (Vice Chair) and Billy Hardy (University of South Wales) facilitated the day. Phil outlined the achievements and successes that New Horizons has undergone since the last Away Day. During the day trustees, members, staff and volunteers were asked to consider the two questions below. • Where are we now? • Where do we want to go The achievements of the organisation recorded on the day included • Achieving the Investors in People and the Small Workplace Health awards • The positivity of the Recovery Star and the 1:1 support and help consistently received from staff • The ArtisCommunity classes • The development of the youth projects in both locations. • The ongoing partnership working that New Horizons undertakes with other organisations including Beat to develop an eating disorder support project • The treatment of the person holistically • Involvement with research with Cardiff University • The success of NH2 the graphic design social enterprise and the move to their new premises. The next steps for the organisation included Ongoing • Planning and developing new services • Continuing to develop the youth services including a job club, a self harm project and one to help increase physical activity (funding has already been secured to provide physical activities) and to expand the project to opening every other Saturday(Started in July).


Longer term aims

• To consider lowering the age for people to access the service to 16+ due to the lack of service for 16-18 year old • To develop post natal services • To develop support services for people who emotionally over eat • To consider developing social enterprises in response to needs and gaps identified. For a full report of the business planning away please go to www.newhorizons-mentalhealth. “It was a nice way to have a sum up of all that has been achieved by New Horizons, it was also good to have an input into future planning”-GL service user

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N H 2 CRE AT IV E DE S IGN NH2 Creative Design NH2 Creative Design is an innovative social enterprise developed by New Horizons. NH2 Creative Design offers graphic design, web design and print services to the local community, businesses and organisations. NH2 also recruits and supports people who have experienced mental health issues as volunteers and through this volunteer programme help them to gain experience, skills to increase their confidence and prepare them for a return to the workplace. NH2 Creative Design has a commitment to and experience of service user engagement as an integral part of ensuring that all marketing materials (both web and graphic design) send out the correct message for an organisation. NH2 staff have experience of engaging with service users to create marketing materials and through this, help create more involvement and engagement in projects.

Partner organisations, local businesses and future clients attended the event to support and show their interest. Along with the sun shining, we couldn’t have asked for a better day.

All profits from NH2 are invested back in to New Horizons to help the charity to develop new and sustain existing services for those with mental health issues.

Some of the services we offer include • Logo Design • Stationery Design • Corporate branding, • Promotional Flyers • Poster Design • Brochures • Annual Reports • Newsletters Advertising • Exhibition Packages • Start-up packages for business (website and corporate branding) • Web Design • Web Management • Web Development • Website Rebranding • Social Media set up • Printing service also available Call us today for a competitive quote on 01685 876114 or email

NH2 Creative Design Launch

Follow us on Social Media

On Thursday 17th July NH2 Creative Design celebrated its official launch.


NH2 offers a wide range of services from corporate branding, design, annual reports, promotional flyers, posters and print service along with web design, web management and exhibition packages.

The event was officially opened by Derek Walker the Chief Executive of Wales Cooperative Centre. This was followed by an inspiring speech from Derek about the importance of social enterprises. Susan a volunteer with NH2 also gave a talk about her experience as a volunteer and the support she received from NH2 and how it helped to increase her confidence to go on to study at University.

Logo Design ~ Stationery Design ~ Corporate Branding ~ Flyers ~ Poster Design ~ Brochures Annual Reports ~ Newsletters ~ Exhibition Packages ~ Advertising Start up packages for business ~ Web Design Web Management ~ Web Development ~ Website Rebranding ~ Print

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MEN TAL H E A LT H S U P P ORT Mental Health Support Mental Health Support is a partnership project between New Horizons Mental Charity, Cwm Taf University Health Board and Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council. Mental Health Support aims to provide accessible advice and information about mental health issues and services to people with mental health problems, their carers, health professionals and anyone else with an interest in mental illness.


Do you want to learn basic IT skills, learn how to surf the internet and much more? We are always looking for Volunteers or even Virtual Volunteers. If you are looking for work experience or training, a boost in confidence and self-esteem, the opportunity to support others or to ‘give something back’, or just have some spare time...then come and help us! If you have time to spare and want to do something useful please get in touch and find out what Volunteering Opportunities are available.

Mental Health Support Focus Groups We run a number of focus groups across RCT New Horizons, Aberdare every Tuesday at 3pm and in New Horizons Apple Tree Stores every second Thursday at 3pm. We hold two Youth Focus Groups in both centres - Aberdare every second Monday 4pm - 5pm and every second Thursday in ATS from 4.30 - 5pm. We also run a focus group in partnership with Merthyr and Valley Minds in Pontypridd every second Thursday from 11am until 1pm. Please contact New Horizons for further details.

Members of the focus group have submitted their personal journey’s, poems, artwork and reviews while others have given feedback on how to improve the site. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed.

Joining the Focus Group

Would you like to become a member of the focus group? then get in touch. We would like your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and ideas with regard to the Mental Health Support website. Brighten up your week and come to the focus group. Interested? then call us on 01685 881113 If you haven’t already done so check it out at Follow us

Contact Us New Horizons 16A Dean Street Aberdare CF44 7BN Tel: 01685 881113 Email: New Horizons Apple Tree Stores Apple Tree Avenue Dinas Porth CF40 1JH Tel: 01443 681881


CYNON 16 Dean Street, Aberdare Open on Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday Check our website for opening times

RHONDDA Apple Tree Stores, Dinas 10am - 4pm Every Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday & Friday

HIRWAUN Fridays 1pm - 3pm St.Lleurwg’s Church

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