Issue 33

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NZ Kayak Magazine Buyers Guide

Cobra Fish n’ Dive valued at $995 SPONSORED BY

W H ITE WATE R • R I V E R K AYA K I N G • S E A K AYA K I N G • M U LTI S P O R T Discover Another World



three • 2005

So why choose a Q-Kayak? • Quality - not only the finish, but the high grade materials used in all Q-Kayaks kayaks

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• User friendliness Catering for novice through to elite kayakers

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A full range of Sit-on and Sit-in Kayaks Check out what’s on the water! PROUDLY NEW ZEALAND MADE & DESIGNED web: • PHONE: 06 326 8667 ISSUE THIRTY

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Issue 33 Kayaking & Fishing Lake Taupo 6 Andrew Canning circumnavigates Lake Taupo in three days and still has time to catch a trout or three.

Coromandel Coastline 14 Ruth Hibarger tells of trip with the added dimension of the laughter of the van Lith children.

Right place right time 24 AUT’s Matt Barker covers some ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’ of white water leadership.

Fishing in Taranaki 8 Bronnie van Lith persuades four keen fishermen to part with some hints and tips on sea fishing from kayaks.

First-timer but no Part-Timer 16 Grabbing life in both hands and going for it, in Kaukapakapa.

Off-Road Running Shoes Footwear for multisporters.


Waimakariri familiarisation trips


Product Focus - fishing gear etc.


Paddling at the end of the earth 10 The Antarctica Sea Kayaking Championships lure Steve Camp to race in rather extreme conditions.

What does a 180 degree spin look like? 17 Maree and Jim Downey prepare to open a Wellington Canoe & Kayak shop.

VHF Channel changes

Rakiura in rain and Red Bands 32 Bernie, Janette, Johnny and Silvia spend their holiday paddling around Stewart Island.


Kayaking versus Legal Tomes 18 Irvin Openshaw the first person to kayak the Cook Strait tells his tale to roving reporter Heather Hills

The unquenchable thirst 38 Kelvin Oram writes about his journey on the Ganges with friend Doug.

Casio Coromandel Classic 20 A two day multisport event is described by Team PRO4 Nutrition

Mohaka Adventure 12 We get two sides of the story when Steve Kittle becomes a ‘Shuttle bunny’ for Nhoj and friends. The birth of a kayak The Dusky Bay Classic arrives.


Obscured by Waves - Book Review 42 Paul Caffyn’s book on his South Island Odyssey. Winners of Rasdex paddle jacket


Potu Falls 23 Two staff members from Taupo Canoe & Kayak drop over a local waterfall.

NZ Kayak Magazine’s Buyers Guide


Directory: Things to Do


Learn to Kayak and WIN a Skills Course


Front cover: Steve Knowles



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On Sunday the sun was out. I was too, walking with the kids and dog, enjoying a leisurely lunch and an afternoon on the water. We had a family gathering at Dacre Cottage to mow the lawns, paddle, swim, BBQ and enjoy beach games.

EDITOR: Peter Townend Ph: [09] 473 0036 Fax [09] 473 0794 Email: SUBEDITOR: Ruth E. Henderson Ph: 021 298 8120 Email:

I dare say that on most days you and I over-tax our brains on ‘important things’, so that the opportunity to relax with neighbours, friends, and family, to chat with strangers we meet is surely just the ‘bee’s knees’.

DESIGN & PRODUCTION: Breakthrough Communications PO Box 108050 Symonds St, Auckland Ph: [09] 303 3536 • Fax [09] 303 0086 Email: Website:

Our kayaks are more than valued boats; they are tickets to shared activities or to dream in pleasant solitude. They make it possible to discover this great little country, smile and think, “It doesn’t get much better than this”.

PUBLISHER: Kayak NZ Magazine is published six times per year by Canoe & Kayak Ltd. 7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale, Auckland PRINTING: Brebner Print DISTRIBUTION: IMD

As Christmas approaches we are pressured to do even more. Over-taxing

SUBSCRIPTIONS: New Zealand – 1 year 6 Issues = $30 Overseas – 1 year 6 Issues = $50 Payment to: Canoe and Kayak Ltd, 7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale, Auckland Ph [09] 421 0662 • Fax [09] 421 0663

is almost universal. For some of us the frantic timetable is an annual torment. We know the answer - go paddling for a few hours alone, mobile phone ‘off’, or with friends. Smile and say “Gidday” to anyone we meet. In brightening other people’s we feel refreshed. Can you make time in your ‘frantic schedule’ to say “Gidday” to store owners Jim and Maree, who have recently opened the tenth Canoe & Kayak Centre in Wellington, or to another Centre manager? You know that the next best refreshing thing to kayaking for a few hours is to talk and plan an activity or trip with a fellow enthusiast for a few minutes. Happy paddling. Peter Townend

✄ Subscribe a friend to the Kayak NZ Magazine

Overseas subscribers can make payment via credit card number on subscription form. CONTRIBUTORS: We welcome contributors’ articles and photos. • Deadline for issue 35: 10 December 2005 • Deadline for issue 36: 10 February 2006 • Text should be submitted on disk or emailed as a Word text file. • Photos should be emailed or put on CD as a high resolution (300 dpi) jpg at full size accompanied by captions. Prints should be captioned on the reverse and numbered and listed in text.

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One year subscription, that’s 6 issues for $30, saving nearly $6 off the news-stand price, delivered free.


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• Material published in the magazine must not be reproduced without permission.


• Refer to NZ Kayak magazine ‘Contributors’ Guidelines’ for more details.

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COPYRIGHT: The opinions expressed by contributors and the information stated in advertisements/articles are not necessarily agreed by the editors or publisher of New Zealand Kayak Magazine.


ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO: Ruth E. Henderson New Zealand Kayak Magazine

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• Very easy to remove • Simply plugs into a rod holder • If lost overboard it floats • Flexible plastic base and fibreglass shaft

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Being seen has never been easier Available at all good Kayak stores Includes Safety Flag & Rod Holder email:


three • 2005



Three days kayaking and fishing around Lake Taupo by Andrew Canning I have lived in Taupo for a few years and have often entertained the idea of a kayaking trip around the whole Lake. A clear long range forecast and the “Go for it”!! thumbs up from my lovely partner Rachel, meant it was all on. Pulling out of Whakaipo Bay at 5pm my Tasman Express was very low in the water with enough food for a week aboard! The lake was like glass and it was an easy paddle to Kawa Kawa before dark. It was a late start due to a stag do the previous night. A tree ‘slightly rooted’ to the cliff and hanging perilously out over the water, reminded me how I felt. Monday morning the welcome sound of the lake lapping gently on the beach only metres from my tent woke me. My harling rod was quickly in the rod holder and I was quietly cruising along. My senses dined on a smorgasbord of natural sights and sound including tuis, bellbirds and the occasional plop of a trout. And then!! ZZZZZ—ZZZZZZZZZZ—!!! Magic to my ears. Yee Haaaa. Numero uno. A nice 4lb rainbow hen, given the kiss of life and quickly released. When harling I find it helps significantly to exercise some self- control by hitting the rudder hard left or right before lunging for the rod. I can then play the trout over the bow rather than awkwardly back over my shoulder. A quick stop at Boat Harbour and then off again past the breathtaking scenery: native bush, towering cliffs and waterfalls as a backdrop to the deep green/blue of the flat lake. About 2pm I discovered a little bay surrounded by cliffs with a small stream, the Waikino flowing into a sandy bay that dropped off deeply about 100m out. After a quick lunch I was in my hammock: rod out (heave and leave) and I was lost in the pages of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code oblivious to the changing weather. Alerted by the noise of my paddle washing across the ledge I scrambled for my gear just in time to stop it getting wet. Up the lake white horses were building. Within an hour the lake had changed from flat calm to very rough. Waves slammed onto the ledge, but thankfully the wind leap-frogged it



before screaming up the towering cliffs behind me. I was here for the night whether I liked it or not. Annoyed for dropping my guard I concentrated on catching dinner and landed 5 trout, using the waves to pull them over the 3m ledge. I kept one and filleted it into steaks, rolled in flour, fried in butter and served with asparagus and mash. Despite the wind I had a very sound sleep, apart from being woken twice by the noise of my reel screaming out from my ‘heave and leave’ fishing technique. At sparrows fart the lake was virtually flat again. I harled close in under the cliffs, enjoying the sunrise and a cup of left over luke -warm coffee from my thermos. I landed a nice trout, keen to put in a big day, stashed my rod and paddled past the lovely settlement of Whanganui. Over the next few hours trout broke the surface very near my bow. Temptation got the better of me and out went the weapon again, but to no avail. Rounding Tangingatahi Point the Northeasterly wind and waves rebounding off the cliff base (clapatis) made me wind in my line to concentrate on paddling. After 7 hours paddling I pulled into Te Hapua bay for lunch and a quick nap in my hammock. Setting off into a southeasterly head wind and making slow progress I decided I might as well be fishing. I tried different flies and lures over the next few hours without a catch. The weather deteriorated. Consistent white caps encouraged me to put the rod away and resort to paddling for distance. Reaching Kuratau mid afternoon, the wind was even stronger. I cut the corner and headed straight over to the Tongariro Delta, landed, quickly changed into dry clothes and attended to a king size dose of the munchies. Eating so much I was surprised to fit back into my kayak! After a total of 11 1/2 hours paddling I arrived at the Waiotaka River mouth where Rachel, bearing fish-n-chips and a bottle of red, joined me. After dinner we had a quick fly fish in the river mouth and I couldn’t help but laugh at a French fisherman who waded so far into the rip that the trout were rising behind him. But we all caught trout whilst enjoying a spectacular sunset. Next day I hugged the shoreline most of the way up the lake to Motutere Point, then paddled to

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Motutaiko Island. Within 20 minutes I caught 4 prime trout in about 50 metres of water. I knocked a 5 1/2 pounder on the head for dinner with Rachel that night. In a light Northerly, I paddled due north from the island up to the middle of the lake. After a few hours I passed well to the west of Horomatangi Reef, - Rangatira Point looked barely closer. The Northerly picked up and Rachel rang to warn that the forecast had changed to “thunderstorms over the central North Island”. They soon became very obvious. Thunderbolts and Lightning - very very frightening! About 6 kilometres south of Rangatira Point a swiftly rotating funnel of wind sucked water off the surface of the lake. It sounded like a truck on State Highway 1 at Hatepe. It grew louder and louder and 200m away was coming straight for me. I paddled rapidly in the opposite direction but ran low on energy. Figuring that at worst it could only tip me out, I sat and watched as it passed very close by and disappeared. I drank a cup of coffee whilst buzzing on the wow factor. I later discovered that water- spouts are rarely seen on Lake Taupo. Carrying on almost to Rangatira Point before heading east, I had a quick jig on Mine Point where I touched a couple of trout but failed to hook them. A strong South-Easterly set in and with a tail wind behind me I paddled into Whakaipo. My abdominals, shoulders and arm muscles were aching after another 11 1/2 hours of paddling with only 15 minutes out of my kayak all day. Rach was waiting patiently on the beach. As I pulled in I had a huge grin from ear to ear, let out a hoot of excitement and was engulfed by a great sense of achievement. Bring on the next adventure!! yippee-I-aye!!!


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Hints about fishing in Taranaki by Bronnie van Lith Fishing off kayaks is a growing sport in New Zealand but especially in Taranaki. The Oakura Surf casting club, recognizing this fact, set up a ‘Fishing off Kayaks’ section of their club, and within the week had another 15 people join to go fishing. So why all the fuss? I approached a group of 5 fishermen and asked why. Garry Harrison, Stefan Martul, Wayne Hutchins, Gary Mc Cracken & Bruce Howson wouldn’t tell me all their secrets, but did let the following hints slip out of the bag: So let me start with the most obvious question, why fish off kayaks? • To fish the unfished areas, where most of the fish are. Motorboats automatically head out to the horizon, Surf casters can get only a short distance off the beach, but there is a huge area from the coast line to about a couple of kms out that has never been fished. And kayaks can get there. • You can catch some really good fish in 7-15 metres of water. • You are much smaller and quieter so you don’t scare the fish off first. • In Taranaki there are only a few spots where you can launch motorboats and you are often limited by the tides. We can launch our kayaks anywhere at any time. • Heaps cheaper. Fishing off shore is no longer restricted to those who could afford a motorboat or who have a Dad or a friend with one. Kayaks make it affordable for anyone. • You don’t have to worry about the cos of petrol, maintenance, trailers, and cleaning the boat down afterwards. Simply throw the kayak on top of the car and away you go. What sort of fish have you caught & what is you’re biggest? • My largest has been a 41/2 kilo trevally. It took me for a bit of a tour around the ocean but it was fun.

catch blue cod, trevally. John Dory, spotty, dogfish shark, even king fish. • I spotted a marlin in the Nga Motu harbour once. I think we have the potential in Taranaki to catch game fish, especially when the blue water comes in close. • You could even catch Tuna, but it would be a bit of a pot luck, being in the right place at the right time as they move so fast it would be hard to keep up with them. • We catch Kahawai all the time, whether you are trying to or not. One day I caught a big one close to the wharf in the harbour. It then swam under the wharf. I was still fighting when I heard a voice from above... “ You do realize you are not meant to be fishing in here?” No, it wasn’t God, it was the port security. “You tell that to the fish!” I replied. I wasn’t going to let this fish go for nobody. Can you give me some hints on fishing off kayaks in Taranaki? • Using burly is essential in Taranaki, rather than drift fishing. Then the fish come to us. The anchors you sell in the shop work well. • I click my burly onto the anchor chain. Makes it nice and simple. • I have my burly on a dropper line. I find I can then make sure I am fishing in the burly trail. • I tend to use shorter rods. Makes it a bit easier. • I lost a rod going through the surf so I buy the cheaper rods. They still last a couple of years. • I like to use a good quality one. I simply make sure it is tied onto the kayak well. I use a paddle leash for this. • The Fish n’ Dive is great for that problem. I store away both my rods inside the boat before I venture back through the surf. • You need to use a boat reel or spinner.

• My mate Nigel caught a 10 1/2 kilo snapper once, but my biggest snappers have only been 31/2 - 4 kilos.

• I made my own flasher rig. Have caught every fish you could think of with it.

• You can catch anything. I normally go for snapper & gurnard. If you go south you can

• The rod holders and Scotty holders work well. I also use a fish finder.



• The artificial squiggly baits work well too.

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• You need to think about storing the fish once you have caught them. I simply throw a wet towel over the fish in the tank well. • I use a wet sack. • I use the white fishing bag that fits perfectly into the back of the Fish n’ Dive. Works wonders. Can even put ice in it. • Fishing on the northern side of the rivers is a good hint. This is because typically the current is always heading north. So what made you take this sport up? • I went fishing with some mates one day in the Coromandel. We knew of a great fishing spot off this ledge, so being keen fishermen, we took ages scrambling over rocks to get there. It wasn’t a good day, we caught maybe 3 snappers between us, in the 3-4 hrs that we were there. As we were packing up fours guys came paddling around the corner with kayaks loaded with fish! I asked them where they had been. “Just around the corner” they said. A corner that we couldn’t get to by foot. That annoyed me. It also looked more fun than scrambling over rocks.

• I went on a charter fishing trip at Great Barrier. They had three kayaks on board, so I decided I would use one to get to some rocks not far from the mother boat. Had a great day. Out fished those on the boat by 10 to 1. Next day everyone wanted to use the kayaks so we tied a rope to the kayaks. Someone could use it to get to the rocks then someone else would pull the kayak back to the mother boat for the next person to use it. Everyone had an awesome day fishing that day. • I simply bought a kayak to have fun in. It wasn’t long before I worked out the potential it had for fishing. • I was thinking of my family when I bought my kayak. The Fish n’ Dive has an awesome seat in the front for the kids. They love coming out and fishing with me. • I really appreciate the local demo days you guys at Canoe & Kayak, Taranaki have on the lake, introducing people to different models. It was great being able to try different boats & gain the confidence to buy one. • I don’t think you need to be a hard-out fisherman when you buy a kayak. You can get the boat for family fun & then take a simple hand line out. Can you give me some safety hints for fishing off a kayak? • Taranaki is a very beautiful but wild coast. Wind can pick up very quickly, so it is important to check out the wind direction & strength before you go. • I never go out in a strong offshore wind. When it is not an offshore wind, I paddle into the wind. • Visibility is always a big thing. Wear bright colours or/& buy a brightly coloured boat. I

have a bright coloured buoyancy aid, it’s great. • Those flags are also a great idea. They help boaties be more aware that we are out there and show us some consideration. • Never underestimate the value of doing a course. Do that first off. Learn some basic and effective paddle techniques so you are prepared for when the wind gets up, and learn the best ways of getting back on your boat. • It is important to make sure you can get on the boat again in case you do come off. Practise this in a safe environment & with a friend before you head out to the open sea. There are some boats on the market where this can be very difficult. • Always wear a buoyancy aid. I have a friend ( Herb Spanagal ) who was out fishing by himself one day and fell asleep. Woke up in the water, looking at the bottom of his kayak. He lost a good rod & reel too. Well thank you for your time. Can I squeeze just one more story out of you before we end? • Stefan and I (Gary) were coming back from fishing when we took a short cut between the breakwater & Motunui rock. We were heading back when Stefan caught a kahawai right on the breakwater, so we stopped and looked around. To our horror and enormous swell had formed behind us. I swear it was the 7th wave! I paddled for my life, sure I was about to die. Stefan still had this kahawai on his line and like a true fisherman wasn’t going to give it up. He jumped off his kayak hanging onto his line and his boat with all his might. I’m not sure how I kept on my boat but I did. When I turned around to let out a trumpet roar... behind me was 7th wave number two! P.S. Stefan lost his fish!

• No drainage hole • Strengthening under flange • Only 3 rivets for mounting, less holes in your kayak • Fits Great Stuff safety flag DON’T SETTLE FOR LESS Available at all good Kayak stores email:

Cobra Fish & Dive ready for action


three • 2005



Paddling at the end of the earth by Steve Camp

The intimidating roar of a bull elephant seal broke the stillness. We stopped paddling and listened. The cacophony and smell of a gentoo penguin rockery wafted over the still water. My eyes watered in the crisp, moist sea air. We resumed paddling and the fog opened. Suddenly, apparition-like, forms of rock pillars and ice cliffs filled the sky before us. Porposing alongside our kayaks inquisitive gentoo penguins squawked excitedly. I slid my hand out of my warm ‘podgie’ paddling glove and dipped it into the icy cold water. I needed to reassure myself that this was for real. It had long been a dream of mine to explore the bays and coastline of Antarctica. I had tasted the paddling beauty of the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska a few years previously, now the lure of taking part in the second Antarctica Sea Kayaking Championships had brought me to the other end of the earth. Held every two years (weather permitting) to coincide with the Antarctica Marathon, I was making this journey with 180 kindred spirited adventure sportsmen representing 13 different countries. We had left Ushuaia, the southern most city in the world, four days before in a Russian icebreaker research ship and anchored off the eastern coast of the Antarctica Peninsula. The marathon successfully behind us, we focused our minds on the kayak championship, which lay ahead.

skies, with only the top ten going through to the finals. We gathered on the stony beach littered with blocks of ice, standing in groups waiting our turn and checking the form of the other paddlers. The course was two kilometres out and back sprint between two Zodiacs. I won my heat, securing a spot in the finals to be held three days later. Some of the finalists were keen to get the championships over and done with sooner. I’d come a long way and was happy to milk every extra moment in the cockpit of my kayak, absorbing the stunning scenery. Antarctica is simply one of the most humbling and powerful places on earth and to see it by kayak is an experience not to be missed. The following two days on the water held new wonders, from faceto-face encounters with humpback and minke whales, to serene paddles through narrow fjords dwarfed by enormous icebergs. Race day arrived, as did steadily deteriorating weather. It had been snowing on and off for the last 24 hours. With the long range forecast looking bleak, the race organisers weighed up their options to race now or come back in two years. There was a frenzy of activity, offloading the kayaks and Zodiacs into the water. The poor weather necessitated shortening the course to a measured nautical mile sprint - out around a Zodiac and back.

For safety and survival in this unforgiving environment all competitors paddle in a dry suit on top of at least two layers of thermal gear topped off with gloves, balaclavas and booties. It’s a far cry from the warmer conditions of the Hauraki Gulf where I am more accustomed to paddling. Unlike the marathon, which we had run a few days earlier, where all runners were responsible for their own running kit, the championship organisers had to provide 20 single and double kayaks, dry suits, paddles, set a suitable course and hope for good weather. To squeeze scores of paddlers into so few kayaks they ran a series of time-consuming heats under crisp, clear, blue



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We left the safety and warmth of our ship in a partial whiteout to paddle 100 metres to the Zodiac - our start line. The wet snow congealed on the sea’s surface like thick porridge. The race itself was hard going. The snow blurred my sunglasses. It was difficult to see. I found I could bulldoze my way through the mush, but it was indeed heavy paddling. Between gusty snow squalls I could make out the turning point. Going wide around the Zodiac I was surprised to see I was in the lead. Unable to find the path I had already cleared in the porridge, I kept going. Nearing the finish line I could hear the safety crew in the Zodiacs shouting. Shutting them out I kept my head down, paddling hard. On my left I saw what I had feared for the last two hundred metres - a dark blur breaking out of my wake and slowly getting larger. Gradually it pulled alongside me, then slowly edged past to beat me across the finish line! Like all races, it’s about strategy. Maybe I should have held back and let someone else clear the way through the porridge mush, saving my strength for the end! But no regrets, I’d had a fantastic experience just getting to the start line. That’s what life is about. It was a long way to go to get freezing cold in a kayak but it is a unique event and the effort to get there only makes it a lot more special. I will always cherish my memories of paddling in this pristine icy wilderness.


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Mohaka Adventure.... Te Hoe to Willow Flats “Hey bro, wanna be a Shuttle bunny!” I thought for a moment and it clicked into place. I was being asked to utilise my driving skills and drive 4 gnarly white water dudes down to the Te Hoe ‘put in’ for the grade 3/4 section of the Mohaka River. They were (names changed to protect the innocent) Dick Geoffrey, Nohj Snickwad, River ‘where’s my hat’ Ron and the Dog of Madness. It would be a jolly day out with the boys. I thought, why not. Had I known it would take over 9 hours, half of which was over mountainous single lane corrugated logging tracks with sheer drops lunging down into huge ravines, I may have thought twice and stayed in bed.

run as per normal and the ‘veterans’ walked around a couple of bits. We have probably had enough adrenaline in our systems for one lifetime. I can’t get over Mad Dogs river knowledge. Personally I have the memory of a lobotomised goldfish when it comes to what’s around the corner but M.D. was giving a running commentary on what’s going to crop up in the next wee while. Good to have someone like that on a trip if you want to economise on time. Arriving at the take out and seeing Hooba bouncing around and barking on the bank was a great sight as you know the long suffering shuttle driver is there too, even if his first sentence is worse than the most chronic Tourettes

Ten minutes after dropping the lads off at the ‘put in’ and cheerily waving goodbye, I experienced the ultimate in free Adrenaline Sports that New Zealand has to offer. A logging truck bore down on me as my trailer slid perilously close to the edge of an extremely big drop to the rocky splat zone of the Mohaka River. Realising I had not been dashed to a billion pieces by the truck or on the rocks below, I opened my eyes, stopped swearing, changed my undies and patted my dog, who I’m sure was giving me a dirty look. I then continued to the ‘take out’ at Willow Flat to greet the boys as they paddled triumphantly home... ...shuttle drivers are great people. Especially when the section of river you want to sink your paddle into would normally be a 2 day driving epic - and “See you at the take out” is your bag. The lower bit of the Mohaka from the Te Hoe road bridge to Willow flat is a quality run for the grade. Plenty of bouldery rapids and a few that you will want to scout properly before running. Take my advice and get your creek boat fitted out properly so that when you do get out for a rock scramble scout mission your legs will work and are not completely made of rubber. Anyhow, after Steve let us loose on the water we were soon having fun finding our way down this section. River Ron was a bit cagey and admitted to not being able to sleep the night before as his nerves were getting a bit on edge, nothing to do with those funny pills and Barb eh? Ron’s made more comebacks than Mohammed Ali after telling everyone he’s not doing THAT river again. The flow was very much lower than the last time I did this stretch and it makes it a bit more hazardous with some rock sieves you don’t want to go near. The holes are smaller though and there’s more boofy type drops which previously were nice green tongues. Dick Geoffrey styled the



by Steve ‘Shuttle’ Kittle and Nhoj Snikwad

Check out the scenery down here

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syndrome individual. But we all know sandflies are there to remind us we are in paradise..... ...two hours later, I got to Willow Flats deep in the Mohaka Forest and awaited their arrival. And I waited, then I did some more waiting before finally waiting a bit longer. All the while I was being slowly devoured by the bastards of the sky, your friend and mine, the Sandfly. I was going insane with the relentless biting, so much so that I went to the ultimate extreme and put on the Dog of Madness’s soggy long johns to cover my legs up. If you knew the ‘Dog’ you would appreciate why this was extreme!

I was starting to think like a mum, “Where are those boys, they should be here by now, I hope they’re alright.” I was worried sick. Then I heard the familiar manic laughing cackle of the Dog of Madness. I was relieved they were alright and looked forward to hearing all about their adventure. I was more relieved that we were going to leave the bite zone from hell and that since they were all alive I would still get paid.

I must have looked tired on the drive home and in need of a break, because as I got out of the van at the summit kiosk for a stretch, Nohj clambered out of the side window, Dukes of Hazard style and jumped into the driver’s seat relieving me of my duties. Gladly I slumped in the back and was strangely satisfied with my own efforts. I was glad I had got out of bed.

Nhoj Snikwad

River Ron


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Coromandel Coastline by Ruth Hibarger June on the Coromandel can be sunnier than in December and the maddening crowds are sure to be less. Peter van Lith loaded his double canoe with his three young children and launched through the misty rain. Talitha (6 years, 32kg) Daniel (5 years, 27kg) and Ariana (3 years, 20kg) gave him a total handicap of 79kg. Bronnie van Lith had a single kayak all to herself, lightly loaded for quick get-a-ways. All kayaking mothers dream of this. Whining children? No problem just paddle a bit farther from the noise. That really wasn’t an issue with the van Lith kids; noisy laughter was the melody we paddled to on this trip. Helen Lander, Les Dollard, Brendan Hartigan, and myself from the Taranaki Kayak Club and Rex Temm from



Te Awamutu were all keen to see Cathedral Cove and the coastline north of Hahei. We launched from a sandy beach and paddled past multicoloured cliffs. In this area monetary penalties and jail sentences protect the fish and crayfish! Lunch at Cathedral Cove fuelled the crew for the paddle to the islands in Te Whanganui A Hei Marine Reserve. If you’ve ever hiked down to Cathedral Cove, you know how beautiful it is, but only a small area is accessible on foot. To really see this area, you must kayak. The islands inside the marine reserve were inviting. Rocky cliffs rise above waves which have carved surprisingly deep caves. In pitch darkness when surging swells threaten to damage rudders a headlamp comes in handy . Two giant crayfish and a stingray lurked unafraid of us, in the sunlit entrance of a cave on Mahurangi Island. How much was the fine for taking protected sea life? A waterproof camera would have been handy. Luckily Les had such a camera plus the laptop and the know-how to provide a slideshow to the rest of the Yakkers on Monday morning. Rainbows reward paddling in the rain. A memorable one

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glowed unobstructed across an expanse of New Zealand Coromandel coastline. Short daylight and long dark nights can put a real damper on a kayak trip but the cabin at Hahei campground prevented that. Peter not only paddled a kayak with three non-paddling kids but cooked dinner for us! Sunday’s plan to go from Simpson’s Beach north of Whitianga to Opito necessitated shuttling cars. This coastline impressed us just a much as the previous day. Both our timing and the weather were perfect. As the sun set we finished the 20kilometre paddle and approached ‘flash houses’ in the flawless bay. Dinner in Whitianga ended a wonderful day. Weary paddlers sank into their beds by 10:00. Monday offered us a supposedly quick trip to Hot Water Bay, but who could resist entering the coves and caves, one after another? The finale, just shy of the finish was the blowhole. Its sunlit, circular enclosure was big enough for us all. The waves washed us up on the beach with time to dig down and soak in the hot water. So ended three very memorable hassle free days on the Coromandel.

Photos by Les Dollard.


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First-timer but no Part-timer by Nadia Lehmann “Grab life with both hands, hold on tight and go for it.”

thousands of mangrove bushes. Two fizz boats, passed us, but otherwise the river was ours. We reached the dredgers and turned right into the Kaukapakapa River. A left, -and we would have ended up on the Kaipara Harbour. The group stayed together having a good yak and ducking whenever we heard shots. We encountered quite a few decoys on the river and occasionally camouflaged heads and bodies would pop up from the nearby mangroves. “ Do not shoot at the kayakers”.

That was my motto as I prepared to leave Wales and head to New Zealand. After frequent visits over the past 10 years, and at least one paddle outing each time, I had decided to pursue my love for the more varied waters and go. Arriving last December, and taking a while to settle down, I decided that occasional day trips with various organisations to more or less the same places was not entirely satisfying so I went on a Skills course with the North Shore Canoe & Kayak shop and became a Yakity Yak Clubbie. Beginners hick ups were encountered - the usual: do not know anyone, have no boat, have no roof rack or any gear for that matter, not sure of the best paddle spots. I went to my first club night and all the above problems were resolved. As a newbie I was welcomed and encouraged and given many helpful tips. My diary was filled with future trips. I made a list of essential items needed, plus an additional list, a wish list. Other members were very welcoming and encouraging. It took a few weeks to get my first essential item roof racks - then a week later I had booked my first YY trip: Ruth and Ian’s Housewarming and paddle trip at Kaukapakapa. Veronica, my skills course buddy, and I collected all our hired gear from the shop, and headed up to KKK. We were first to arrive. As newbies we had been hesitant about turning up to the party, but there was nothing to worry about within this friendly environment. Everyone was made to feel welcome. We pitched our tents and the party began with drinks and nibbles on the deck, watching the last of the sun disappear over the river, lazily running past the boundaries of the

After a two-hour paddle we made it back to the ‘scene of the crime’ from the previous night and tried out Ruth’s new landing ramp. This caused much amusement and more teamwork. The tide was high. What on earth were we landing and stepping on? Veronica trials out the carpet strip, under Brenda’s watchful eye.

property - our watercourse for the next day. Duck shooting had begun that weekend and our tranquillity that night and the next day would be marred (or was it spiced up?) by the sound of gunshot. More people arrived and so did the rain and cold, but nothing dampened the spirits or froze the enthusiasm. Several hours later, I dashed through the rain into my tent, glanced up and in a gap in the clouds saw the Southern Cross - a good sign. There was an early wake up call, well, it is early when you stay up late. Our group of 16 hardy paddlers weren’t turned off by a little bit of rain or a little bit of torrential rain at times. We launched at the Springs Road Wharf’s ramp, in Parakai - on the incoming tide. It was tremendous how everyone helped each other. We two ‘new ones’ really felt part of the Yakkers group. Off we went, a mixture of boats and paddles, travelling downstream on the Kaipara River through beautiful unspoilt scenery, bordered by

With only half the group making the return journey, there were plenty of boats to choose from.

Our arrival coincided with heavy showers. Under the shelter of the veranda we warmed ourselves up with hot drinks and barbequed sausages and patties. Thanks Ian. The weather turned for the worse. Some people, perhaps a bit tired from the night before, or deterred by the rain, decided to stay and help tidy up. So only 8 did the return journey. The relaunch was something of a challenge, as the tide was going out extending our original landing patch. The ramp was revealed! It was carpet (recycled from the North Shore shop!) and was a tad waterlogged and muddy. The river had dropped 30cm below that. A few enterprising folk decided to seal-launch from a section higher up the paddock. That looked a bit risky, with the chance of going head over heels. Luckily all was well and the group staying behind waved us off. The downstream paddle on the Kaukapakapa River was quick. Our small group yaked less. Once on the Kaipara river, and going upstream the outgoing tide and wind did not allow for any slacking in paddling and there was little shelter along the banks. Exiting at Parakai was our last challenge. The tide flow was strong and by now, the ramp was no use to us. It had to be a threeperson job at the Wharf’s pontoon. Team effort once again prevailed and turned an impossible one-person task, into a well-executed mission each time someone came out of the water. After a few helpful hints about how to secure my kayak to the roof rack - we were off. I had a quick stop at Ruth and Ian’s to say a big thank you and to collect Veronica, and then we were homeward bound - still enthusiastic, tired, happy and keen for more. See you on the water very soon. Photos by Ruth E. Henderson



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What does a 180 degree spin look like? by Maree Downey

For some kayak enthusiasts, a 180 might well be the difference between enjoying travelling on top of a rapid as opposed to underneath it! Our family has been sitting on top of a fast flowing river for five months. It has deposited us in Wellington where my husband Jim and I are the new shop owners of Canoe & Kayak.

I have no claim to fame in the kayaking world...yet! My first introduction to kayaks was 6 years ago on our honeymoon in the Caribbean. We anticipated a great day kayaking and snorkelling around the mangroves of St Thomas. However, it took on quite a different twist due to our competitive nature. Our double Kayak careered from point to point making sure we weren’t out- paddled by the Aussies and Americans in the group.

Jim comes from 5 years in the NZ Navy and 19 years in the NZ Police Force. I’ve had 18 years in the Airline Industry. We were ready to jump at this timely opportunity.

In recent weeks I have participated in several Canoe & Kayak courses - a wonderful way to develop skills and confidence and also to make new friends.

When a young boy Jim and his brother built a canoe out of canvas and painted it yellow. They survived the rigors of the Tauranga harbour and their fishing expeditions. In recent years he has moved into more reliable boating equipment and has become a very keen multisporter. He has taken up sea and river kayaking with great gusto and reckless disregard (from my perspective) to hair raising moments. He has also participated in 12 hour events in orienteering, running, cycling, abseiling, shooting, and kayaking.

Prior to the arrival of our 15 month old daughter Emma (who is just wonderful), Jim and I planned our own cycling trip through France. Our preparation was a trip from Auckland to Thames over the ‘hills’ of the Coromandel to Tairua and from there to Tauranga. After that I didn’t think I’d be able to walk to the airplane let alone ride around France. But it was a wonderful holiday - eating and paddling our way through some fantastic countryside. We haven’t quite braved taking Emma out on the bikes or in a kayak yet but she has had her first swimming

VHF CHANNEL CHANGES 1ST SEPTEMBER 2005 Coastguard has established a Marine VHF Radio Service Network for its members which is a global leader. The Half Moon Bay Marina Nowcasting Service is a world first. We acknowledge with grateful thanks the assistance of our sponsors in establishing and maintaining the network channels which are monitored 24 hours every day of the year.

lessons so it won’t be long before she is out and about with us. It has been our privilege to travel to and experience many countries in the world. We’ve trekked on elephant back, canoed down a river in the Chitwan National Park, and most magical of all safaried through the Masi Mara in Kenya and trekked with friends in the Anapurnas of Nepal. We love life, the outdoors and making new friends. We look forward to greeting you in the brand new Wellington Canoe & Kayak shop. Make sure you come and visit us sometime - we’d love to meet you.

Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers N.Z. Inc. (KASK) KASK is a network of sea kayakers throughout New Zealand

Coastguard VHF Marine Radio Coverage Ch 16 International Distress - Safety and Calling Frequency. Also Calling Channel Coastguard and other vessels. Except in an emergency situation, move to a suitable working channel after making initial contact with station being called. Ch 80 Calling/Working Channel for Coastguard (Previously 86) Waitemata Harbour and Inner Hauraki Gulf. Ch 82 Calling/Working Channel for Coastguard.Outer Hauraki Gulf. Effective range is from Mayor Island to North of Tutukaka. Repeater located on Moehau Ranges, Coromandel. Ch 86 Calling/Working Channel for Coastguard (Previously 87) Whitianga. Ch 85 Calling/Working Channel for Coastguard. Tutukaka and Whangaruru area. Ch 64 Calling/Working Channel for Coastguard. Whangarei. Ch 86 Calling/Working Channel for Coastguard. Bay of Islands. Ch 81 Calling/Working Channel for Coastguard. Manukau Harbour and west coast located on South Head. Ch 84 Calling/Working Channel for Coastguard. Kaipara Harbour and west coast located on South Head. Ch 04 Calling/Working Channel for Coastguard. Raglan/Kawhia Harbours and west coast, linked to Channel 81.

KASK publishes a 146 page sea kayaking handbook which is free to new members: the handbook contains all you need to know about sea kayaking: techniques and skills, resources, equipment, places to go etc. KASK publishes a bi-monthly newsletter containing trip reports, events, book reviews, technique/equipment reviews and a ‘bugger’ file. KASK holds national sea kayaking forums.

Boat to Boat Channels Ch 03 Kawau, Ch 62 Waiheke, Ch 65 Coromandel, Ch 63 Manukau

Continuous Weather & Marine Safety Service Nowcasting Half Moon Bay Marina Nowcasting provides Peak and Average wind strength(Knots) and direction (true bearings) from sites around the Northern Region Ch 20 Ch 21 Ch 23 Ch 21 Ch 22

Outer Hauraki Gulf. Inner Gulf and Waitemata/Manukau Harbours. Kaipara Harbour and immediate West Coast. Bay of Islands - north to Whangaroa and south to Whangaruru. Port Waikato to Raglan/Kawhia.


Annual subscription is $35.00.

Kask PO Box 23, Runanga 7854, West Coast


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Kayaking Versus Legal Tomes by Heather Hills Even at 78 you never know whom you are going to wake up next to and what stories will unfold. Recently I was parked up in my campervan at Parakai Hot Springs next to Irvin Openshaw and his wife Vivienne. Discussions over a cuppa revealed some interesting pieces of history. In the 1960’s Irvin was working at Public Trust in Wellington and studying law at Victoria University. There was a battle on. Dusty tomes versus kayaking and tramping. Kayaking won.!! He never did finish his law degree. He dreamt of paddling across the Cook Strait but Mother said “Not on your Nellie, not until you are 21 son!” In 1960 you couldn’t buy an off-the-shelf boat, so the first step was to build his own craft. He and his mate Alan Pearson laid their hands on a design from ‘Tyne Boat’ in England. They each

constructed single folding kayaks 26 inches wide and 14 ft long with 5/8 inch-dowel and1/2inch marine ply for the frame. The skin fitted like a sock over the frame. A 5-ply rubber bottom, with 10oz canvas on top completed the construction of the kayaks. With the Gisborne Canoe and Tramping club Irvin had many adventures including the first descent of the Waioweka River. Other trips included the Mohaka, Willow Flat, Wairoa, Rukituri, Waikareiti, Hangaroa and in 1960, the rescue on the Motu River when club members had run out of kai. Exciting trips were made on the Waikato River from the Mihi Bridge down stream, prior to the Dam being built. This was all good training and preparation to be the first to cross the Cook Strait. The Mana Cruising Club agreed to escort him once he had convinced Bob Gouldie the kayak was OK. But was Irvin fit enough? Irvin Openshaw proved that point by taking on the 32-mile Wairoa River flat race, which took 7 to 8 hours. Then on the 23rd March 1962 he achieved his

dream. The kayak was launched at Makara with a N/W fresh wind. Off the coast he successfully negotiated the Terawhiti and the Karori Rips. Point to point the trip was 22 miles N to S. The crossing took five and a quarter hours, achieved with a completely dry bottom! With the 32 ft Mana Cruising Club launch escorting him, and Alan Pearson accompanying him in his kayak, Irvin touched just South of Brother’s Island and then paddled to sheltered waters at Perano Head for his pick up. The Dominion and T.V. hailed Irvin as the first person to successfully paddle across the Cook Strait in a kayak. Irvin remembers his reaction on arrival. Firstly relief at being able to get out of his kayak, away from the salt water and sea spray, and secondly anticipation of a feast of steak, sausages and eggs! Irvin continued to escape dry as dust legal studies by becoming deeply involved with Outward Bound, Anakiwa. He attended the opening of the school, then commenced as an instructor. Mana Bay Cruising Club helped set up the school. The All Black, Ron Jarden was one of the helpers and Irvine was the ‘Gofer’. For the second course, Irvin helped set up a river programme and took Outward Bound students on the Rai, Pelorous and Wairau Rivers. He continued at the Anakiwa school with Hamish Thomas as warden and Adrian Hayter who sailed single-handed around the world. In 2001 Irvin announced to his family that he wished to embark on a fitness programme so he could attempt another crossing on the 40th anniversary. Once again he was told “ Not on your Nellie” or in his words “ My idea was met with strong opposition.” These days Vivienne puts her foot down on extreme physical sports and outdoor activities. However, he does escape along with his son Troy on extreme 4WD vehicle ventures.

Ruakituri River in The Kayak used in the Strait crossing



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For Sale Kayak Shops Interested in owning your own kayak shop?

Canoe & Kayak Ltd is ready to open Licensed Operations in new centres and has the going concern Hamilton Canoe & Kayak, The Corner Greenwood St & Duke St, State Highway 1 bypass for sale.

Phone: 09 421 0662 Peter Townend Managing Director, Canoe & Kayak Ltd and I’ll be glad to have a chat. All approaches will be dealt with in confidence.


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Casio Coromandel Classic by Phil White The Casio Coromandel Classic is a multisport event that covers some of the best parts of the Coromandel in two days. It has been designed to enable any skill l e v e l to c o m p e te, y e t p ro v i d e a challenging race for the fastest teams and individuals. The first day starts from Thames with a 22 km mountain bike ride up the Kaueranga valley, then a scenic but technical 27 km run past the Pinnacles hut to the other side of the peninsula, a paddle from Coroglen to Cooks Beach, and a road bike to Tairua. The second day continues with a kayak up the Tairua estuary to the Pauanui turnoff, followed by a road bike to Whangamata, a run up the Wentworth valley and over the Wires track to the Maratoto valley, and a fast road bike back to Thames. This year in keeping with tradition, spectacular weather and light winds marked the end of winter and made for fast racing. The event is open to teams, including relay teams of 2, 3 or 4, and traverse teams who do the whole lot together. There are also individual competitors. Each stage (apart from the runs) is fairly short, and achievable for novice racers to experts and everything in between. This also makes it easy to push to the limit. The best two or three teams were stacked with expert runners, cyclists and kayakers. The kayakers included several of the best K1 paddlers in the North Island, along with sea kayakers and multisporters of varying ability. As with all such events, preparation of body and equipment make a huge difference to the outcome and enjoyment. Little things like tyre choice and


tyre pressure for the mountain bike, aerobars on the road bike, position of food and drink for easy access in bunch rides, type of running shoes, the type and rate of fluid and food intake. It is good to learn from the experiences of others (good and bad). Perhaps the most interesting lessons came from the kayaking stages. With the large range of paddling ability, a correspondingly large range in kayak types was represented. Some had different kayaks on hand so they could choose the best one for each stage. The first kayak stage meanders down the mangrove-lined channels of Whitianga harbour for two thirds of its length (i.e. dead flat), making it ideal for tippy racing kayaks. Ideally, however you need a boat that is also suited to the last part, which goes between Whitianga and Cooks Beach, past large cliffs which reflect the swells. Accordingly, tippy racing kayaks are not ideal, and most people take a more stable boat for this stage. At least one person got it wrong, and had six swims along the way. The next day he took a more stable boat. There were a couple of K1 racing boats on this stage, and no, they didn’t swim. However, they were not necessarily the fastest option. One of the K1 paddlers caught up to a Total Eclipse (an intermediate level multisport boat), and then was surprised to see it hanging on his wash, and even more surprised when they took turns leading. Once they were out to sea, the Total Eclipse pulled away for good. The traverse teams could use double kayaks, some of which are both stable and fast.

flat water. This year, with the tide out, there wasn’t much water so there was the option (or necessity, depending on your route choice) of portaging across sand banks. The following fleet could observe and learn from the mistakes of the leading K1 paddlers. Many people stepped up to a lighter and faster boat for this stage, and with shallow water, portages, and an opposing current, it made a real difference. One traverse team went from a reasonably fast adventure racing double to a very fast K2. However, decisions such as when to get out of the boat and run (or walk), and which side of the channel to take were in the end almost as important as boat speed. The parade of multisporters and their caravan of support vehicles eventually made its way over the hill and back to Thames. Stories were swapped on the sunny lawns outside the boating club until it was time for the prizegiving, to be inspired, and to look forward to the warmer weather and the challenge of races to come. For more information see Team PRO4 Nutrition are an adventure racing team heading for the Southern Traverse in November. They entered the Coromandel Classic as a relay team of 3 for some speed work and a weekend of racing with other multisporters and adventure racers. They gratefully acknowledge the support they receive from PRO4, Canoe & Kayak, Scott, Polar and Vasque.

At the end of the first day, the results were posted, so everybody knew where they were relative to the other individuals and teams. On the second day, the kayak stage is a deep-water mass start from the Tairua wharf. This stage is entirely within the Tairua estuary, so it is all on

New innovative kayak with great speed and stability, for the intermediate/advanced paddler.

Designers & Constructors of Multisport & Adventure Racing Kayaks Phone/Fax 06 374 6222 E-mail:-



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Getting into Multisport Kayaking? Ask anybody who has competed in a multisport race and they will say

One or two weekends training Is just NOT ENOUGH!!! We believe our comprehensive Grade 2 Training & Certification is the best you can get. To gain the skills to confidently paddle on white water, you need between 3 and 8 weekends on the water with an instructor.


0800 529256


2005 Multisport Package $795

* See page 28 for Waimakariri Familiarisation Trips

Official Sponsor ISSUE THIRTY

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W I N N E R S Winner of Rasdex - Paddle Jacket Issue 31 Tim Kitt, of Ashhurst, married to Chris with two kids Simone and Dylan is the winner of one of the Rasdex Adventure open neck paddle jackets in Issue 31. He works for Mainland products in Palmerston North as a transport supervisor. When holidaying at Waitarere beach (Levin) he got keen on sea kayaking. He recalls “We had an old canvas over wood sea kayak built by Frank Herbert in 1948. It used to take 4 people to carry it down the beach and 8 to bring it home. It was an amazing craft and although it had no watertight compartments it was unsinkable and we used to set out with longlines in some ‘adventurous’ conditions. Tim decided to get back into kayaking for both fishing and fitness and after testing various craft settled on the Cobra Fish n’ Dive (mainly due to stability). He reckons “The boat sits nicely on top of the Hilux with setlines, longlines, rods and dragnet strapped to the top. We plan to tour around the country with family to get at some better fishing spots. The kids are pretty keen so will be looking for a couple of boats for them. I can’t wait to try out the jacket!”

Winner of Rasdex - Paddle Jacket Issue 31 Kay Raffell, who recently looked longingly at a paddle jacket whilst window shopping in Taupo, and paddled down the Whanganui in a blue cape, is the second proud owner of a Rasdex Adventure open neck jacket. She tells the tale of her kayaking journey to date. “I was introduced to a kayak about 30 years ago in the north of Scotland. My partner of the time was into sea and surf kayaking. He built his own fibreglass kayak and off he went... but he did let me have a go first...on the calmest of lakes. I was terrified! Fast-forward 10 years to New Zealand (minus the sea kayaking partner) where I found the most delightful place to live by the sea - Okura. I bought a house and then a little yellow play kayak for $50. I started going intrepidly where no Kay in kayak had been before...over the wild wavelets of the sandspit...then on the big ocean voyage round the headland to Long Bay...on the calmest oily swell of days. I was so proud! Pete Townend at that time had a small kayaking operation just up the street and I decided to do a skills course. I was, terrified of water...and especially putting my head under. Pete was one of the kindest and most sensitive of teachers I have ever encountered...after several times of being tipped upside down in the Okura river I came up...crying. Eager to get it over with I said...“I’m Ok. I’m just frightened”. But Pete looked at me and gently said “I think we’ve done enough for today”. Taking me along at my pace...he got me through all the drills and wet exits etc over the next few days. Thanks Pete. Soon after that I moved up to the Bay of Islands and with my new skills and confidence decided to buy a sea kayak. I can remember the trepidation with which I drove off with it on the roof and the thrill of putting in on the Kerikeri Inlet. Over the next 10 years I kept pushing my boundaries, until I was confident on the coast and round the islands, culminating in a solo four-day camping trip round the islands. During that time I’ve done more all the safety gear and acquired a sail...the next best purchase ever, after the kayak! A few months back I had the chance to join up with friends for the Whanganui River Trip for my first river experience. I’ve now moved down to the West Coast of the South Island and on the trek down, with kayak on top...stopped to kayak on Lake Tarawera and in the Marlborough Sounds...where the wind can be SCAREY. Now I’m looking forward to just cruising on some of the beautiful lakes around here, with maybe a cruise up to Abel Tasman. I plan to join up with KASK and hopefully meet some other West Coast paddlers soon. “



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Potu Falls by Richard Powell Potu Falls is one of the many waterfalls around the Taupo area, which very few people know about. The drop itself is not too difficult, but as the pool at the bottom is not very deep!!!! a certain water level is required to kayak it. Two staff members from the Canoe & Kayak store in Taupo decided it was their day to go forth and conquer ...(insert fanfare) so.............. It was midday and there could be nothing better for me to do than take a Potu virgin off the Potu Falls. We collected our soggy paddling kit, which (much to Freddy’s disgust) was scattered around the premises of the base and loaded the trusty paddle wagon (along with kayaks Disco Stu and Amy RAD Rodger). After stopping for the standard road-trip ice cream and caffeine filled ‘V’s we were on our way. We parked as close to the falls as possible (not like kayakers are lazy or anything) and began our ascent of the gravel track kindly put in just for us by the local forestry company. Half of the next 30mins took us on a trek scrambling down steep muddy, bushy cliffs. However, it was well worth the walk. The 7m-drop looked clean and easy - right into a nice big blue pool. The walk to the top in itself was a mission! One of us had to scramble up, followed by the paddles, then the boats and finally the second person.


Fuljames, Taupo NZRCA asks kayakers to respect access closure The Tauhara North No. 2 Trust has erected a locked gate at the ‘Hay Barn’ on the access road to Ngawaapurua (Fuljames) rapids, on the Waikato River. Access (including foot access) past this gate is not permitted. The NZRCA understands that the landowners have closed access because some people were being disrespectful of their land. The landowners are concerned that people and large groups have been camping without permission, with unsatisfactory toilet facilities, leaving rubbish and mess. The landowners are also worried about their liability for people’s safety, and have concerns about other non-kayaking related issues - hunting, house truckers, dumped cars etc. The vast majority of kayakers respect the land and don’t make a mess or disrespect the area, but we ask that all kayakers respect the closure. Anyone who trespasses may jeopardize any future availability of access. The NZRCA will be exploring solutions for access and will be communicating with the security company which is managing the access on behalf of the landowners.

Looking over the drop sped the heart up a bit. The lip had a big rock to the right hand side, which caused a minor sieve. The native bush was kind, it had grown just low enough so that we could get our hunched bodies underneath the lower branches but unfortunately didn’t leave us enough room to paddle. Never the less we had walked all this way and we WERE going to paddle! I skirted up first and decided the best line would be right to left trying to avoid the densest scrub and boof left over the lip. Right! Onwards, soon I found myself floating down to the entrance... backwards! Luckily I hit a rock, which spun me forwards again... I tried to go right to left but instead drifted down the centre underneath the densest bush unable to paddle at all. The lip of the waterfall was fast approaching so I set up for my well-planned left hand boof. Down the ‘v’ I went, into a buffer wave and bugger it; there I was again; sideways. As a Richard last resort I put in a final sweep stroke before plummeting uncontrollably to the pool below. Surprisingly, this didn’t help very much. It simply caused me to pencil vertically and smash the front of my boat into the bottom of the supposedly deep blue pool. I surfaced upside-down with very sore feet and a tender rib cage. I rolled up. Not to be deterred by my spectacular exploits, the Potu virgin (Amy) was still amping to go. She skirted up and paddled towards the lip from right to left. Avoiding the dense scrub, she slid down the ‘v’ (straight I might add) and put in a nice left hand boof which caused her to style the drop - without even getting her hair wet!


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Right place right time

by Matt Barker

In the huge grey area of ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’ white water leadership is not easy.

observation, vigilance and appropriate management on the day will keep your group safe. Paperwork never physically got between anyone and a strainer.

Risk management plans and hazard maps are only partly helpful in managing the day enjoyably and safely. But a hazard map is flow dependant. Higher or lower water levels will nullify some hazards and expose others. Rivers can change overnight and make your hazard map out of date before it goes to print. How far do you go with a hazard map, do you mark all deep water and slippery rocks? How about the real killers, which are off the line? Are they important to mark?

On site leadership starts by selecting a suitable strategy or style, adjusting it for the specific situation and then actively managing that situation with the emphasis on ‘actively’. You need to be constantly aware of the group’s ability and the hazards. Keep them as separate as is appropriate for the activity.

While the whole aquatic environment can be hazardous it’s the probability and degree of danger posed by each hazard which will concern the leader. A big worry is that someone will develop the mindset of “I have done my RAMS form and I just have to avoid the hazards marked X Y and Z on this map and my group will be sweet”. This is a very wrong and dangerous attitude to be lulled into. Only constant

Rather than trying to cover all the possibilities (an impossible task) the white water leader should concentrate on the most likely and the most serious issues. Delegate minor roles to more able members of the group, who with suitable support and supervision will develop the next generation of leaders. The table offers leadership styles and sets of circumstances in which they are likely to be useful. Few rapids allow any single pure leadership style to be used. More often the leader has to change leadership style part way through

Matt Barker has been coaching white water kayaking for nearly 20 years. He holds a Coach Level 5, the BCU’s highest award, and NZOIA Level 2 Kayak. He works as a Senior Lecturer at Auckland University of Technology. AUT offers diploma and degree level programmes in outdoor leadership and outdoor education. For enrolment enquiries contact Marilyn Squire on 09 9179999.

to cover a particular hazard or likely incident. Picking the line is especially important when the technically easiest path through the rapid is not necessarily the safest. It may be necessary to suggest or insist on a technically harder line which makes a capsize or swim more likely but is less dangerous than an accident on the easier line. Paddle every river, every time, like it’s a new river. In the real world of earthquakes, landslips and floods, it really may be quite different to the river you paddled last week or last year.

River Leadership Styles Style Lead from the back Indian file

Pro’s Whole group in view. Able to unpin clients.

Lead from the front. You pick the lines and set pace. The current Alpine Blasting Indian file. helps to bring swimmers and their gear to you.


Suitable situations

Clients can be unprotected at the front. You can’t pick lines. Takes time to rescue clients at the front. Watch for fish tail effect. Hard to maintain communication and line of sight with front clients. Group can get too spread out.

Short technical rapids with obvious end points or eddies. Where pinning is major hazard.

Can’t see group unless you paddle backwards. Hard to unpin clients.

Rapids with hazards that need to be avoided. Unknown rapids Need to speed up.

Leap frog

Everybody gets a turn at leading. Can be fast.

Lose sight of group members Lack of control of where lead client eddies out.

Experienced small groups on rapids with lots of small eddies.

Buddy systems

Less units to look after. Clients can rescue each other, or call for help. Improves self esteem.

Buddies can get in the way in rescues. Needs careful pair selections.

Useful with large and mixed ability groups.

Eddy hopping

Safe, everybody in a safe eddy. Clients only move when you say go.

Group has to be able to make the eddies.Can’t unpin clients. Useful for skilled groups in unknown technical rapids that Can lose line of sight with all clients. require boat scouting. Need to maintain chains of signals.

One At a Time

You only have to deal with one client at a time. Safe. Pre-rig rescues. You can show lines, Maintain line of sight.

Very slow. Physically separated from group.

Pool drop situations. Where there is a likelihood of more than one swimmer. Crux rapids.

Front person can still get away from you. You don’t pick the lines. Can give clients limited exposure to leading.

Good for wide open rapids with large or multiple lines.

Easier to communicate with front and rear. You Lead from middle. Mother can move to front or rear as necessary. and ducklings You can Shepherd into eddies. When in doubt scout

Safe. Good to show clients the line from the safety of the bank.

Slow. Some clients may psych themselves out by looking at it too long.

When you can’t see the bottom of a drop or what’s round a corner get out and have a look see.


The river will be there another day.

Portaging is not without its own dangers, assess these.

Any stuff that you don’t want the group to go down

Rafting up

No one swims may be the quickest way of getting through a particular rapid.

Not particularly mobile to avoid hazards

Boily sections on large wide rivers.



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Unit 2/20 Constellation Drive (off Ascension Place), Mairangi Bay, Auckland

710 Great South Road, Manukau

PHONE: 09 262 0209

PHONE: 09 479 1002



502 Sandringham Rd

The corner Greenwood St & Duke St, State Highway 1 Bypass

PHONE: 09 815 2073

PHONE: 07 847 5565




3/5 Mac Donald Street

7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale

Mount Maunganui (off Hewletts Rd)

PHONE: 09 421 0662

PHONE: 07 574 7415


Easy finance available. Conditions and booking fee apply 26


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15 Niven Street

2 Centennial Highway

Onekawa, Napier

Ngauranga, Wellington

PHONE: 06 842 1305

PHONE: 04 477 6911



Unit 6, 631 Devon Road

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Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth


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To join, see your nearest Canoe & Kayak shop ISSUE THIRTY

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Off-Road Running Shoes by Craig Taylor, podiatrist & co-owner of Shoe Science An Off - Road shoe or Road shoe has one primary function and that is to transport you in comfort from point A to point B quickly and safely. Looking cool and groovy is important, but comes second to avoiding slipping, falling and breaking your neck.

Hardrock - designed for heavy trail. Not suitable for any road running. Has reinforced toe box.

Off-road terrains vary hugely, from boggy mud, to slippery boulders to deep rivers. You need to visit a shop that stocks an excellent range and has staff with expert product knowledge. A good store sorts everything out for you. No one Off-Road shoe covers all conditions. If you are an off-road nut tackling many different terrains and wanting to do so at speed you will need several pairs of shoes. Common Off- Road surfaces: The most common surface is, surprisingly, a combination of tar seal and loose trail. From the office or home, over a sealed road, to a park with groomed trails, you need a shoe that has both on-road and off-road features. A heel height of between 20 mm and 24 mm with cushion features and an outsole which grips are important. Be careful to avoid shoes that will be slippery on seal. A trail gripping outsole has a stud type pattern to penetrate soil, but can be slippery and dangerous on the road if the outsole rubber is too hard. A soft rubber outsole is required for the tar seal/ trail combo.

Waimakariri Familiarisation Trips 2006

All Off-Road shoes provide good upper support in the arch and across the toes. It is important that your foot does not slide from side to side in the shoe. Road shoes do not have these upper features. If river running, ensure that your shoes allow water to run out. No shoe is waterproof. The water will get in. The trick is getting it out quickly. If boulder running, your shoes should be lower in the heel and forefoot and have a very grippy sole. This usually Mesatrail means it is smooth, with a high soft designed for a rubber content. combination of road and trail running.

So you can see, shoes for boulder hopping are very different to the pair you would use to run from the office to the local park. So it is pretty tricky to get the perfect shoe. As I mentioned earlier; my best advice is to choose a good store and have them sort everything out for you.



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7th - 15th of January It is essential that all first time Coast to Coasters get some paddling time on the Waimak prior to race day. Take the jitters out of race day - make it fun-filled rather than fear-filled and join us for some great paddling to build that confidence up!

For bookings call Taupo C&K on 07 378 1003

Horses for Courses by Nicholas Carman Every Christmas for the last ten years, my family has rented the DOC Lodge on Motutapu Island. This year was the same, but this year I had a sea kayak. At dawn on Christmas Eve my Uncle John, who was training for the Speight’s Coast to Coast, and I launched from Cheltenham Beach, chosen to avoid the strong winds, which had plagued Auckland over December. John had hired an ultra-light Tribear multi sport kayak, and I was in my brand new Eco-Bezhig, a carthorse compared to his boat. In his thoroughbred, John soon powered ahead of me, arms pumping. He seemed to be in an awful hurry. This was not sea kayaking as I understood it. Weren’t we supposed to loaf along the coast and take in the scenery, with frequent breaks, and a lot of conversation? The only thing John said to me was “Come on we need to keep moving.” The wind was kind to us and the sun shone as we crossed the channel to Rangitoto and paddled east towards Motutapu passing the spectacular slopes of the volcano. I was all psyched up for a long trip, but it only took a couple of hours to reach my favourite Christmas destination of Administration Bay. We enjoyed a friendly swell once we reached Shipwreck Bay. Getting there in this new way was a real thrill for me. John seemed pleased too. We shook hands on landing.

On Boxing Day morning the weather was the best since Christmas Eve. Our kayaks cut a trail through the still water around Motutapu. Fishing boats were out in force in the Rakino channel. Rounding Billy Goat point John raced ahead of me again. He wasn’t overly interested in my comments on the local marine life! Being new to kayaking I saw many birds I hadn’t seen before. I was particularly thrilled to see a Little Blue Penguin floating in the water. Heading towards Islington Bay John in training mode, became a dot on the horizon. His aim was to get from A to B as quickly as possible. I wasn’t interested in competing; I was just trying to keep to my own steady pace. He did let me catch up from time to time - I was carrying his water and snack bars! At Islington Bay the tide had gone out. Gardiner’s Gap was high and dry. The full implication of this immediately did not sink in. On the far side of the bridge there was a portage over a kilometre of sand. The weight difference between my boat and John’s became brutally obvious as my boat nearly yanked my arms out of their sockets, whereas John’s lighter boat was hardly any trouble at all. I felt rather stretched by the time I reached water on the other side! A mere three hours and fifty minutes all up, we were back at Administration Bay. I spent the rest of that day in bed.... John and a partner did the Speight’s Coast to Coast in the two-day event. They came 14th in the veteran’s class. I cheered him on at a safe distance via email.


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GERBER GATOR FILLET KNIVES Gator Fillet knives feature surgical stainless steel blades and patented handles which set them apart from the competition. Gerber revolutionized knife grip technology when it introduced the Gator in 1991, winning Blade Magazine's Most Innovative Knife of the Year award. The Gator Fillet series of fillet knives have handles made of a hard inner core of glass filled polypropylene, with Santoprene rubber molded and chemically bonded around it, essentially combining the two materials into one piece. This creates a handle that is soft and tacky when gripped, even when wet. This handle is lightweight, yet extremely durable. Innovative sheath includes built-in ceramic knife sharpener. Available in three lengths: 6", 7.5" and 9" from only RRP: NZ$34.95



The best, most comfortable, lightweight & downright funky kayak, beach, tramping, hangin'-out shoes you'll find! Want something a little different at the beach this year? Available in a wide range of discreet & not-so-discreet colours, Holey Soles will not only set you apart from the crowd, they also have a range of practical uses & features. Wear your Holey Soles when you're walking your canoe into the water. Then throw them into the boat and don't worry if you miss the boat -They float!

SEALLINE BAJA DECK BAG Here's the best way to keep a few essentials dry and handy on deck while sea kayaking. Our deck bag has waterproof RF-welded seams and a lowprofile shape to protect against deck-washing waves. Convenient zip access is guarded by our patented splash-proof Zip Lips closure and rollback zipper visor. It is built with tough 20 ounce vinyl and an internal shape-holding stiffener. Outside, a mesh zip pocket holds small items that can get wet, and an elastic cord has clips for attaching a Sealline Map Case or Electronic Case. A detachable shoulder strap is handy for carrying on shore.

RRP: NZ$39.95


RRP: NZ$219.00



ODOUR PROOF BARRIER BAG A great item for the camping department is our O.P. SAK odour proof bags to use for food storage. The Alaskan polar bear literally left the food filled bags intact but raided the near by trash bin. O.P. SAK is rated a biohazard bag by the US Government. The bags were strong enough to be used by the government for Anthrax containment. RRP: 22x15cm (3) NZ$21.95 30x40cm (3) NZ$24.95



FISH FINDER NorCross Marine Products is proud to introduce the latest in portable fish finder technology the FF3355P. This new unit arrives with dozens of new features, including a mountable, side-scannable, and adaptable sonar sensor, 4 sensitivity settings, and WeedID. The new sonar sensor lets you troll, mount, or float the sensor. It attaches to a broomstick handle to scan under weeds, lily pads, or docks to find fish. It also comes with mounting tabs for hull mounting of your portable fish finder to canoes, kayaks, and inflatable boats. The FF3355P is guaranteed to produce even bigger fish stories... RRP: NZ$260.00

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Light weight No tangles or twists Seconds to fit No bounce while paddling unlike heavy coiled paddle leashes • Secures paddle to kayak while fishing or if capsized • An essential safety item for any kayaker • Suits sit in or sit on top kayaks RRP: NZ$24.00

WHEELS The Canoe & K ayak Trolleys have been designed and made by kayakers for New Zealand Conditions. •

Stainless steel frames.

Easy to use and assemble.

Fits any boat from canoes, to kayaks and sit-on-tops.

Very few pieces - nothing to lose.

Heavy duty trolley easy to attach with only two snap lock knucles.

Light weight trolley has a simple fold-down system.

Stand to hold trolley in place whilst loading.

Pricing: Heavy Duty all stainless steel 3 piece RRP: NZ$349.00 Light Weight all stainless steel 1 piece RRP: NZ$199.00





Keep the water off your knees but stay comfortable around your waist with this combination deck from Rasdex. The 4oz Vent-X coated fabric used for the one-size waist tube is waterproof, breathable and fully seam sealed, and the deck has adjustable elastic shoulder straps and a useful free-draining pocket. The neoprene deckpiece ensures it stays flat across the cockpit and won't collapse onto you when the odd wave hits. Available to fit any size kayak, it's the ideal solution when you want to be both comfortable AND dry all day. RRP: NZ$159.95

TOPLINE PALM REC ADVENTURE BUOYANCY AID A classic recreational PFD with two zipped front mesh pockets. The front foam has been ergonomically designed to fit male & female. The front foam has been shaped for extra comfort for long touring days on rivers, lakes and sea. Adjustment can be made while wearing the PFD. With front zip.

Optic Nerve is the latest in sports eyewear now available through Canoe & Kayak and other leading sports retailers nationwide. A market leader already in the US, Optic Nerve is set to revolutionize the eyewear industry in NZ - Finally, performance sports eyewear at affordable prices. The range includes styles for everyone from the serious athlete to the casual participant (and the ones watching). Polarised goggles and interchangeable styles come with 3 different lens tints and a hard case. Plus a big range of polarised and general sports eyewear are now available. All models have 100% UV protection, durable polycarbonate lenses with focal point technology and guaranteed optical clarity - all for RRP: NZ$99-$139!

Buoyancy: > 7.6 kg. Colour: Red Sizes: XS (Youth), S/M, L/XL, XXL RRP: NZ$185.00


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Rakiura in Rain & Red Bands ( Stewart Island Circumnavigation) by Silvia Turner-Johnson It was raining. Our trusty Red Band gumboots were the last to be squashed into the end hatch before we launched our heavily laden boats into the cold waters of Halfmoon Bay. Stewart Island and gumboots, they just go together.

us to paddle confidently in bigger seas, and to have no weather enforced layover days. We passed beautiful bays and great beds of kelp as we headed towards our planned stop at Xmas Village Hut. There was little let up in the weather as we faced our first obstacle and an important lesson. The realisation that we would be unable

to land our boats on this stony beach because of the pounding surf was not lost on our tired and weary bodies. Backtracking we found a small stretch of sheltered sandy beach and welcomed the New Year in the luxury of a hunter’s shelter. A chance to dry gear and get warm after the cold temperatures of our first day proved important to group morale.

The boats sat low in the water and were sluggish to respond as we negotiated our way through the moored fishing boats. The local fishermen shook their heads in disbelief. It was cold and the rain was heavy and would continue. Even the hardy fishing folk of Stewart Island were taking the day off. This was Rakiura, Stewart Island. In Maori folklore Stewart Island was the anchor, which held the canoe ofMaui as he fished up the North Island. It is a land steeped in history. From the earliest European settlers who built ships, hunted whales and extracted tin and gold from the sparsely vegetated hillsides of Port Pegasus to the fishing and tourist operators of today, Rakiura influences all who populate and frequent her shores. The pace of life is quiet and unhurried. Only a few kilometres of the island’s 1,600 km coastline are touched by human habitation. We had arrived the day before, crossing Foveaux Strait on the 30th December 2004. Preparation had begun months before, the idea hatched and cemented between the 4 of us - Bernie, Janette, Johnny and myself. Wearing unseasonable layers of polypro, down jackets and woolly hats we unloaded our sea kayaks and 3 weeks of supplies onto the docks at Oban. After intense scrutiny of the 10-day forecast we decided to leave Oban a day earlier than planned and pass the exposed western coast before an expected window of easterlies in otherwise southwesterly winds was lost. We were keenly aware that sea kayaking attempts to circumnavigate the island are often frustrated by the extreme weather conditions. As the noses of our boats pushed out of the harbour into the large swells rolling onto the northern coastline our initiation began. The girls had commandeered the double. The boys were in the singles. This choice of boats proved successful, enabling



Paddling out of Halfmoon Bay along northern coastline - Day 1 cold!

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Johnny paddling past Kelp beds.


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We pushed on over the next 3 days to Doughboy Bay, embracing the intermittent spells of blue sky and sunshine, travelling close to the shoreline, lucky to see close-ups of the varying shades of the West Coast landscape. The towering cliff faces of the Ruggedy Islands were magnificent. Jagged rock edges stood raw and stark against the turquoise blue of the sea. Our first introduction to surf landings, ‘Stewart Island style’, was at West Ruggedy Beach. The golden sands beckoned us in for a lunch stop. In the surf the heavy double proved herself every bit as capable as the singles. We made our way down the coastline and into Doughboy Bay, home to the most remote hut on the southern walking circuit. The days had been cool and the prolonged patches of rain had made it difficult to dry gear. The hut’s warmth from the fire and respite from the cold winds was a joy not to be underestimated.

beach at Islet Cove we were surprised to meet a large group of sea kayakers who welcomed us into their space for the next four days. We appreciated the use of their hut as a southerly blast swept through! A highlight of our stay at Islet Cove was a close encounter with a kiwi. The Islet Cove long drop offers its visitors a small view of the surrounding landscape and it was from this viewpoint that tuis were seen dive-bombing a harassed looking kiwi. We then had an amazing experience crawling around in the undergrowth after him as the kiwi enjoyed his late afternoon sojourn. Launching empty boats to paddle up the tidal waterways of Cook’s Inlet on our day walk into Gog and Magog made a pleasant change in

routine. These magnificent granite peaks stand tall and all seeing over the scrubby valleys and plains, and allowed us sobering views of our journey down the West Coast. Johnny completed what may well be the first ascent of Gog in Red Bands. Other excursions were to Bald Cone, Bulling Bay and the Tin Line. We camped finally at Twilight Bay feeling a pleasant saturation, ready for what Port Pegasus had to offer. A light drizzle, combined with a strong southwesterly flow pushed us through Whale Passage and we began our run up the East Coast of the island. We were resigned to the fact that our next stop would be Big Kuri Bay with 35 kms of rugged cliff and rocky terrain to bypass. Initial boisterous cheers at the healthy tailwind became

An easy day in preparation for the push around the Southern Cape was favoured and we camped on the opposite beach of Easy Harbour, fishing for dinner among the inner Titi (Muttonbird) Islands. A male sea lion, irritated at the impudence of our camping on his beach, visited us frequently during the evening, roaring his disapproval. We launched early on the 6th day, a nervous quiet enveloping the group, as we headed to our last stop on the West Coast at Port Nicholson. Lunch was brief due to the cold SE flow, which refused to abate, and all too soon we were paddling towards the SW Cape, battling current and headwind. Closing on the Cape it seemed less imposing than I’d imagined it to be, but any momentary relaxation was short lived as I realised the size of the waves crashing and rebounding off the headland. The mixing of the tidal currents from the great blankets of ocean, with the restless swell and wind, created a cocktail of confused and steep water. We inched forward around the Cape and attempted to take a moment’s refuge behind the small granite dome of Murphy Island lying just off the Southern Coast.

Packing boats at Doughboy - always a lengthy process fitting things in.

South Cape lay ahead and we continued through the heaving seas. The swells became steeper, with irregular larger waves standing up and crashing over our boats. I felt the fragility of our trusted fibreglass vessels, and an awareness that we hadn’t seen another human soul since leaving Long Harry Hut four days previously. The pain and cold were blocked out as motivated by fear and determination we paddled strongly. Four hours after leaving our lunch stop we dragged our weary bodies onto the beautiful sandy beaches of Broad Bay. A rest day was our reward. We feasted on pancakes and chocolate sauce, and later on succulent crabs caught in the clear waters of the bay. Escorted from BroadBay the following morning by the resident sea lion, we rounded Broad Head into the shelter of Small Craft Retreat. The fishing again proved bountiful through South Passage and into Port Pegasus. Pulling into the



Johnny’s birthday feast - sushi0.

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subdued as the wind and sea grew. The crew of a lone fishing boat heading for the shelter of Port Pegasus expressed their concern at our plan to continue up the coast by telling us we were ‘Bloody mad’. What they didn’t understand was that we couldn’t turn around in those conditions and were committed to our initial decision. For the next five hours the following sea became unpredictable with varying two-three metre swells and a 25-35 knot tailwind forcing us to remain completely focused until we reached the sanctuary of Big Kuri Bay. The double expressed her discomfort in the conditions. She was picked up by the waves and once surfing threatened to broach side on in the trough of waves. Energy for communicating was limited to a “We’re doing great,” yelled to Janette as she braced yet again in front of me. The albatross practised their fly-by manoeuvres over our boats, and we appreciated their graceful company. The sight of Big Kuri brought tears to my eyes. I let my body surrender to the feelings of complete physical and mental exhaustion. It had been our biggest day yet. We felt like true adventurers, deserving of a DB, as we sprawled on the sun soaked beach. Big Kuri was yet another tropical paradise with white sandy beaches and clear waters. A hunter’s bivvy stood, wrapped in layers of black polythene and wool packs, testimony to the toughness of its sporadic inhabitants. We were thankful for its shelter as an escape from the hungry sand flies, and the ‘interesting’ reading material provided plenty of laughs. The following day we explored the length of Lord’s River in downpours of heavy rain and decided to make camp at yet another hunter’s bivvy at the entrance to the river. The shelter enabled us to do some much needed drying of clothes and Janette soon had the outside bath cranked up to ease our paddle weary bodies. Heading out of Lord’s River we made for our last destination of Port Adventure. Spectacular fishing at the

Western Coastline - Ruggedy Mountains in distance


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entrance was closely followed by a large squall which hit us head-on and stopped us in our tracks. We sheltered as best we could and waited, heads tucked down, for the blinding horizontal wind and rain to ease. Port Adventure Hut was to be our home for the next two nights and thanks to the generosity of a couple aboard their yacht, we were able to celebrate Johnny’s 33rd birthday with some superb red wine, sushi and cheesecake. The cold temperatures continued on day 20, the last day of our trip. We rounded Buller’s Point and headed into Patterson’s Inlet, slogging into a strong headwind and crawling to the sanctuary of Ulva Island, a refuge for native birds. We had lunch with the birdsong of kaka, tui and saddlebacks, and watched the antics of some of the ‘locals’ on the beach - a bunch of brawling wekas. The wind refused to ease and it was with pained bodies that we made the final leg of our journey around Acker’s Point and into Halfmoon Bay. Beaching our boats in unison, it was impossible to shake the smiles from our wind burnt, salt encrusted faces. The South Seas Hotel lay waiting with a well-earned shower followed by steak, chips and a cold beer or two.

Great fishing - Trumpeter

We had been a great team, drawing strength and support from each other through the highs and the lows and enjoying truckloads of laughs in between. It had been an incredible adventure, and one that wouldn’t have been as successful without the help of many of the locals. A special thanks to Liz and the friendly bar staff who helped with transporting gear and offered invaluable advice. Photos by Johnny Johnson

Lunch on top og Gog

The end of the journey. Day 21. Half Moon Bay.



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WHATS ON? Coastbusters 2006 is all GO Coastbusters planning and preparation is well under way for the event to be held in March 2006 - see website What is it? A Bi-annual Sea Kayak Symposium put on by recreational sea kayakers for sea kayakers. The highly successful last event was held at Orewa in March 2004. Where is it being held? Milford Primary School on edge of Lake Pupuke North Shore City Friday and Saturday with speakers and workshops then Sullivans Bay Mahurangi West for the Sunday mass paddle exercise. When is it? Friday evening, Saturday all day and the evening, Sunday, March the 17, 18, & 19th 2006. Who can attend? Any actively involved sea kayaker from any club or group or individual How do I apply or get more information? Watch the website for details. Entry information and fee will be posted later in 2005. Put it in your diary NOW. Why should I diary it? ‘Cos you’ll miss out otherwise. Ask anyone who attended the last one. It was a highlight of the year.

New Yakity Yak T-Shirts are here!!

ThermaTech Head2Head - 12 March 2006 For the first time in fifteen years, the ThermaTech Head2Head will not be held in the spring. The event is moving to the more competitor friendly date of March 12th. The decision was not made lightly or unilaterally. Race organisers had feedback from a wide range of past competitors and sought comment from potential newbies. There was regret that H2H can no longer be used as a benchmark for a Coast to Coast build-up. However, other competitors polled had either a neutral reaction to the timing, or an overwhelmingly positive one, citing better weather for training and the event, and less pressure over Christmas period. Entry forms are available on Team entry fees have been reduced, Individual entry fees held at last years levels and the usual generous “Early Bird” discounts apply up to the end of November.

Big Boys Toys Canoe & Kayak will be exhibiting at the Big Boys Toys exhibition, taking place at Auckland Showground between 11-13th November. We will be exhibiting on Stand 10. There'll be prizes, competitions, special show deals - and we'll be on hand to advise on any aspect of kayaking, trips or courses. More information on Big Boys Toys will be available on TV, radio and press campaigns run by the organisers.

Canoe & Kayak have commissioned a new Yakity Yak logo design which will be featured on high quality New Zealand - made T-shirts now on sale in your local Canoe & Kayak store! Be the first to pick one up by calling into your local store... the T-shirts are a bargain and a must-have for all Yakity Yakkers.


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The unquenchable thirst Life and death on the Ganges by Kelvin Oram I met Doug when we were working in a monkey sanctuary in the Bolivian jungle. One night over a couple of beers I mentioned my dream of paddling down the Ganges in an inflatable canoe. “Let me know when you do it,” he said with a smile, “and I’ll come along,” The next time I saw him was two years later with an inflatable canoe under his arm at Delhi airport. For the next four weeks we were to paddle 1,000 kms down the Ganges River in North India from Haridwar in the Himalayan foothills to the sacred city of Varanasi. We sought travel advice from rafting companies in Rishikesh. “You must be crazy”; “It’s too dangerous with just two of you”; and “It’s a very long way” were words of wisdom from concerned river guides. However, we hadn’t come this far to be put off, and although Doug had a dodgy stomach, known by expatriates as Delhi Belly, we launched our little rubber boats. On our first day we paddled through the foothills and out into the giant floodplain which supports India’s most populous State - Uttar Pradesh. Doug’s condition didn’t improve. As a medical man he described the state of his bowels eloquently. “Now there is blood and mucus in it!” Because it was tough for him in the afternoon heat we stopped several times for him to rest in the shade, drink, shit and gather his intestines for the next few kilometres. He made little complaint and had a grim determination to carry on. With Haridwar well behind us we camped on our own little sandbar and watched the sun set over the river.

By noon on the fifth day, battling the wind not the sun had become our chief concern and we were exhausted. We had reached Tigri, a village inhabited by luminous pink and green folk who smiled a lot. They were celebrating ‘Holi’, a festival at which all India goes crazy. We needed a break from paddling and asked about a hotel for the night. “Sorry, no hotel, but you can stay in my house,” came a voice from the crowd. That day and night Anil and his family fed, watered and entertained us. We were covered in pink and green dyes and hugged a lot. Just what we both needed.

we paddled well into the evening in case they had designs on us that night. Two days later, after stopping for water at a small village, two guys, sitting by the river, grabbed Doug’s boat. They had guns. I approached to see what the problem was and suddenly the rifles were pointed at us with demands for “Dollars, dollars !”

The following day the wind had died away. Still multicoloured we paddled on with renewed energy and spent the night in a Maharaja’s ancient palace with a troup of over-confident monkeys and half a million mosquitoes. Sleeping in a palace isn’t an every day experience with or without such companions!

Ten minutes later a young man pursued us with an armful of ‘green snakes’. Still shaking we paddled hard until he caught us in some shallows. “For your journey,” he said in perfect English as he handed us a bundle of bendy green cucumbers. We munched on them and pondered the morning’s excitements with one practical outcome: we determined to keep a small amount of ‘bandit stashes’ on our persons to avoid delay in satisfying robbers.

Our second week started with an army of kids, eager to carry our gear to the far side of the huge Naraura dam.This made the portage easy. The Ganges had become a trickling stream in a bleak and frustrating maze of sand dunes and inhospitable scrub. We had to frequently drag our boats back to ever shifting deeper channels. At one point, an intimidating group of young men with sticks shouted at us in Hindi and held onto our boats (with us in them). When they let us go

For the next few days we paddled happily through rural India, catching glimpses of village life. We waved like royalty at people working with hand ploughs and sickles in the fields, crossing the river in buffalo drawn carts and carrying water on their heads in giant silver bowls. Bleary eyed one morning I peered from my tent at three deer hunters armed with hefty spears standing over the boats and beaming at me. As neither of Doug or I spoke Hindi they conversed in frantic spear waggling. We understood that they didn’t fancy us for dinner but wanted to know what we were doing.



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Fortunately my wallet was handy. I handed it to them. They emptied it, pushed us off and ran away. We paddled like men possessed for a few minutes, and then started shaking. We were lucky that they were content with a few rupees, for they could have taken everything.

What a country! We both needed a rest after our second week on the river and intended to stop in Fateghar for a hotel break, but we took the wrong fork in the river. Instead we were paddling amongst half submerged Hindu corpses delayed in the Ganges’ shallows on their way to heaven. We weaved our



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way through the macabre scenes of vultures and dogs picking flesh from rotting bodies while the stench of decay hung in the humid air like a fog over the living. It was foreign to our Western sensibilities to be surrounded by death. But, the locals were unfazed, bathing themselves and watering their buffaloes. By week three it was clear that we weren’t going to be able to paddle to Varanasi in time for Doug’s flight home. So, we decided to catch the train for the 250 km section between Kanpur and Allahabad. Back into paddling mode, the pre-monsoon heat was unrelenting. The sun was a fiery dragon. By midday water bottles were hotter than a cup of tea and we craved cold drinks. Drenched in sweat we pored over our road map, which didn’t show bends in the river, to find any sizable town which might supply a coke or cold water. It became a bit of an obsession. At each bridge or village we put hand to mouth and called “Pepsi?” the international river greeting. Dolphins frequently accompanied us , showing us the main channel and coming right up to us. It was reassuring to have these beautiful creatures alongside. Every time they appeared we would drift for a while and watch them play and chase fish a few feet away. We reached Allahabad having survived being robbed at gunpoint, burned alive, charged by buffaloes, assaulted by bendy vegetables, the rotting body slalom and stench of death, Delhi Belly, the sand dune desert, the wind and a less than healthy addiction to Pepsi. We were ready for a pit stop ! We found it in the Hotel Yatrik with its lovely staff, swimming pool, room service and ICE. We spent two splendid days there grinning a lot and sipping cold ones by the pool. We left the hotel for the final 300 kms to Varanasi. Paddling wasn’t easy, for in addition to the scorching heat we were both sick with the runs and a chest infection possibly caused by the hotel’s air conditioning. But we still had the dolphins and a huge ice bucket which Doug had bought to be replenished at every opportunity. On our final day, as we rounded the last bend and passed under the huge bridge just upsteam from Varanasi, a flying Indian, in a large urn accompanied by a cloud of his charred remains, hurtled past me. We took great care to dodge the stream of ash and bones at this popular departure point for cremated Hindus on their way to heaven. Emotion and thoughts filled my head as we paddled past the famous ghats. My admiration for my friend and paddling buddy Doug, who had hardly ever kayaked before and who had persevered in spite of his Delhi Belly discomfort, was complete. I felt overwhelmed by the kindness of so many Indians who



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had offered us food, tea, accommodation and friendship, and gratitude to the guy who invented the screw-top ice bucket. It had enabled us to sit in the middle of the Ganges with a cold Coke and think “Maybe this aint so bad after all?” Next stop the Nile. It doesn’t get that hot in the Sahara does it? Editors Note - Kelvin isn’t paddling seven rivers ‘just for fun’ but to raise awareness and money for Save the Children. Their website is


The birth of a kayak - Dusky Bay Classic THE IDEA In 1992 the concept of manufacturing a polyethylene kayak in two sections, then joined in the centre to form a long sea going double, was born. More than 10 years on Max had a new longer oven, and finally the chance to get on with his double sea kayak project.

THE DESIGN AND CRAFTING HER Using the foundation of our composite 6.25mtr Dusky Bay II, Max started on a shorter polyethylene model which would cater for weekend paddling in open waters, yet handle changing weather and tidal conditions. HULL: Much of the hull work was done, but in plastic, large flat areas are a no-go area, so the beautiful lifting rails, used in the elite ‘Torres’ sea kayak, shaped the hull beautifully, giving it extra strength, speed, and stability. Running the rails all the way to the bow, enabled any wash to shed early, making for a dryer deck. DECK: Here is where the fun began! We wanted good stowage in front and rear, without compromising a good length between cockpits to prevent paddle clashing. Could we fit a centre hatch in? How to make the cockpits comfortable for thigh and foot? There are similarities to our other sea kayaks, but working out where it all sits best, and then getting everything to the right measure and level, certainly took time.

by Sandy Wilson

she was off and away. At the Foundry, Brett was not looking forward to the project. She was one big girl. Within a few weeks we had the alloy hull home. Many hours of sanding and sore hands went into getting a smooth finish. Just when we’d had enough, the deck turned up. The area was not as big, but detail was more complex, so more sanding, and more sanding ......... A heavy duty spider frame was made to lift her in and out of the oven. Max progressed with the seats, beefy rudder and all the finishing touches, while the team sanded and sanded .............

THE FIRST BIRTH Finally, a long time down the track, the ‘DUSKY BAY CLASSIC’ was ready to be loaded up and produce.

THE BEAST HERSELF So, once the fittings were complete - this was no easy task either - the ‘Dusky Bay Classic’ was ready to be paddled. Her hull design is smooth and fast on the water. The seats/backrests are comfortable, with ample thigh and foot room. The sturdy rudder is easy to lift and drop, and the footrests manoeuvre the boat effortlessly. So, we’re more than pleased with her! We hope you enjoy her too! And it’s onwards and upwards to the next project around here (but it won’t be quite so BIG!)

Dusky Bay Classic Length

544 cm


74 cm

You wait with baited breath at the first birth of a new model. Did you get the shrinkage percentage right, will the hatch rims come away, or will they buckle with pressure? Is the plastic distributed correctly, and is the thickness right in vital places?


39 cm


44 kg

It is fantastic to see a new project come to completion. The process is long, and patience is not every one’s virtue, but the first birth ............


685 Litres


71 x 44 cm


Paddles, lifejackets, spray decks

Retail Price


GETTING HER MOULDED After months of moulding bog, fibreglass, foam and sanding, the beast was ready for the Foundry. With eight of the team to lift her onto the trailer,



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Obscured by Waves South Island Kayak Odyssey By Paul Caffyn Ian dropped the parcel onto the bed and asked what was I getting from Kayak Dundee Press. As I ripped it open, I could hardly contain my glee; it was the reprint of Paul Caffyn’s first book about his South Island circumnavigation. All thoughts of getting out of my sickbed and doing chores vanished... Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code was cast aside... I snuggled down, I had ‘work’ to do. Half an hour later, I could tell I was definitely going to be ‘sick’ for the rest of the day. I was captivated, enthralled, engrossed with the descriptive writing “...the dark grey clouds in rolls and folds had ominously enveloped the mountains...little did we know what was waiting for us in Acheron Passage...” and nodding in agreement with the wisdom of “Although I sometimes describe the sea as angry or friendly, it is in truth unemotional and has no feelings; if we completed the trip the sea wouldn’t care; if we failed it would merely cast our bodies onto the boulders as if to be rid of us.” It was easy to be drawn into the adventures of Paul and Max Reynolds as they paddled from Te Waewae Bay to Jackson Bay, to picture a youthful Paul, his support crew and their antics: “We paddled through a dozen cans of beer that were bobbing in the chop and powered onto the shingle beach.” Passages such as “I glanced up over my shoulder and was horrified to see the face of an eight to nine foot dumper about to break on top of me. Then Isadora’s stern flicked up as though lifted by a giant hand. The bow dug in at the base of the wave and as it broke the wave hurled the kayak stern over bow...” had me wincing, shuddering, and shivering...imagining the cold, the fear, and definitely not wanting to paddle with Mr. Caffyn. Paul’s expedition may well have finished at Jackson Bay, but he was hooked, and couldn’t settle down. “During the four weeks of the Fiordland trip, Max and I fell into a very satisfying natural rhythm of life, rising with the dawn, bedding down at dusk, an intensified awareness of the environment, the tingling, excitement of discovery, the stomach churning of fear...” Finding no one else keen on accompanying him on a long paddle he set out solo, with a ground support crew from Jackson Bay to Greymouth, to Karamea, to Nelson......... I definitely needed another ‘sickday’, because I could not interrupt the story of this journey for anything as frivolous or unnecessary as housework. It is not often I can honestly say this: I did not want to put the book down. Each chapter is sprinkled throughout with historical tit bits. Maps plot each stage of the journey making it easy to follow. When registering distances, first the reader needs to either think in land miles (Paul paddles at 4mph) or multiply by 1.6 to get kilometres (10 miles = 16 km). To put the distances covered into perceptive, Paul paddled as much before lunch as most of us hope to achieve in a weekend, and then he did it again the next day and the day after that...!! The suspense, the thrills, the excitement, the fear, the intimacy with the author and his support crew is carried through to the end of the book. The details are never boring, just delightful: Paul Dale swam out to meet Paul



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and to encourage him to paddle a bit further “...attached by a piece of rope around his neck; a thermos of hot sweet tea, the next plastic-coated map of the coastline...and a bag of minties.” Is the book inspirational? Yes, for more youthful wannabe adventurers or those needing to break out of their existing unhappy mould. Does the book inspire me to follow in his footsteps? Personally no. But, I knew what I had to do. I had to read more about this remarkable man’s adventures, get a cheque in the post and secure his two other books still in print before the publicity from the release of this one drew attention to their scarcity and they sold out. Obscured By Waves is available from Boatbooks, Auckland or kayak shops, or directly from Paul Caffyn, RD1, Runanga 7854, West Coast for $35 inc. P&P. (100 hardback copies, numbered and autographed will be available at $50 inc. P&P.) And if you are quick, also available from Paul are - Cresting the Restless Waves (North Island circumnavigation) $30, The Dreamtime Voyage ( Australia circumnavigation) $35, limp $45 hardback.

Review by Ruth E. Henderson Paul Caffyn has been paddling since childhood, his first boat a 17' Canadian canoe. The South Island trip marked the start of a remarkable kayaking career. In the summer of 1979, Paul paddled around the North Island, and in August of that year, teamed back up with Max Reynolds for a crossing of Foveaux Strait and a circumnavigation of Stewart Island. Tragically, only months later, Max drowned in a flash flood while paddling in the Aorere River, near Collingwood. In 1980, Paul with Nigel Denis completed the first circumnavigation of Great Britain by kayak, which was followed by the big one in 1982, a solo paddle around Australia. Japan followed in 1985, and in 1991, Paul completed a 4,700 mile solo, unsupported paddle around Alaska from Prince Rupert to Inuvik. Teaming up with Conrad Edwards in 1997, they have since paddled around New Caledonia, along the west coast of Greenland and from Kuala Lumpur to Phuket.



A great fun family boat with plenty of freeboard allowing for a heavy load. Excellent for sheltered water exploring. Paddles quickly and has excellent stability. Dry storage compartment.

A light easy to use family kayak. Enjoyable paddling for the whole family in sheltered waters.

SAVE with a Length: 4.70m, Weight: 34 kg, Width: 830 mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1629.

ESCAPADE Great general purpose kayak for fishing, diving and having fun in the sun.

Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $969.

Length: 2.8 m , Weight: 17 kg, Width: 680 mm

THE EXPLORER is ideal for fishing, surfing and exploring and one of the driest ‘Sit-ons’ you will find. Great hatches for storing your goodies

SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1229.

SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1219.

Length: 3.43 m, Weight: 18.18 kg, Width: 790 mm

Length: 3.46 m, Weight: 27 kg, Width: 750 mm

Easy finance available from

Conditions and and Conditions booking fee fee apply apply booking

Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.

n i W

For more information on any of these kayaks or equipment - fill in the form and receive an information pack and Go in the Draw to WIN....

Prize drawn on 30 November 2005

Cobra Fish ‘N Dive valued at $995 Name: Email: Address: Ph: home work mobile Please send me info. on: Send form to: WIN A FISH N’ DIVE; NZ Kayak Magazine, 7/28 Anvil Rd, Silverdale. Phone (09) 421 0662.


three • 2005


We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.



This kayak has it all, even an adjustable leg length rudder system. The low profile hull of the Cobra Tourer cuts down on windage, enabling paddlers to maintain high speed and straight tracking with easy handling in all conditions. The integrated keel provides stability and efficiency.

The ultimate fishing/diving kayak. A large well is located in the stern and holds up to three tanks. There is one centrally located seat and a smaller companion seat near the bow. It can also be fitted with an optional motor bracket for an electric trolling or small outboard engine.

Length: 4.55 m, Weight: 22.68 kg, Width: 711 mm (x A hatch and tank straps incl.)


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1498.


A Wave Ski which the whole family can enjoy. Fantastic in the surf, it‘s a fast and manoeuvrable sit-on-top.

SAVE with a Length: 3.12 m, Weight: 22.7 kg , Width: 810 mm

SQUIRT A Sit-on-Top for the family. Able to seat an adult and a small child. It is easy to paddle and is very stable. Easily carried by one adult or two kids.

Length: 2.7m, Weight: 15 kg, Width: 780 mm


is great for the paddler who wants a fun fast surf and flat water kayak. Kids love this Sit-on as it is not too wide for them to paddle and yet very stable.

Length: 3.10 m, Weight: 17.27 kg, Width: 710 mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $775.

Probably the closest you will come to finding one kayak that does it all. Surfing, fishing, snorkelling.

SAVE with a

SAVE with a

Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1069.

Length: 3.3 m, Weight: 23 kg , Width: 750 mm

Length: 4.75 m, Weight: 34 kg, Width: 840 mm

Easy finance available from Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.


Length: 2.92 m, Weight: 16 kg, Width: 685 mm


A fantastic two person cruising kayak which is stable and fast. It has plenty of storage and great features to make your adventures fun.

Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1749.


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $999.


SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $609.


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1689.


Great for the surf and the river with awesome manoeuvrability. Excellent finish.

Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $999.

Length: 3.81 m, Weight: 25.85 kg, Width: 914 mm (hatches & accessories not included)


three • 2005

Conditions and booking fee apply

We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.



‘two person’ is ideal for fishing, surfing and exploring. It has great hatches for storing your adventure equipment. Now available with three person option. It is often used by one person.

A great multipurpose family boat for big kids and small kids alike. Lots of fun this summer at the beach. (Hot surfer!)

Length: 3.81 m, Weight: 25.90 kg, Width: 915 mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1729.


Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1689.

Length: 4.2 m, Weight: 32 kg, Width: 830 mm

CONTOUR 490 This double Sea Kayak is an ideal day tourer with the easy ability to do those weekend camping expeditions. It handles well, is fun to paddle and has well appointed accessories.

Length: 4.87 m, Weight: 35 kg, Width: 800 mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $3299.

WANDERER EXCEL A stable fun kayak which is easy to handle. This is an enjoyable kayak for all the family.

SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1999.

Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $739.

Length: 2.5 m, Weight: 21 kg, Width: 770 mm


Fun for the whole family at the beach or lake. Plenty of room and great stability.

SAVE with a

SAVE with a

Length: 4.5 m , Weight: 34kg , Width: 820 mm

Flat water cruising, well appointed with gear storage inside. Also includes an optional extra pod that detaches, which is great for carrying your fishing gear to your favourite spot. The pod can also be used as a seat.

Length: 4.01 m, Weight: 25 kg, Width: 780 mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1225.

TASMAN EXPRESS Responds to rough conditions. Its low profile and flared bow enable it to perform well in adverse conditions. It is designed to give the paddler maximum comfort, with adjustable footrests, backrest, side seat supports and optional thigh brace.

Length: 5.3 m, Std. Weight: 29 kg, Lightweight: 27 kg, Width: 610 mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2839.

Give your specialist kayak shop a call and talk to one of our friendly team to help choose the best kayak for you.

Easy finance available from

Conditions and booking fee apply

Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.


three • 2005


We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.

TORRES A fast and stable sea kayak capable of handling extreme expeditions. Huge storage and lots of leg room.

Prices start at $4110.


Length: 3.43 m, Weight: 18.18 kg, Width: 790 mm

Length: 5.6 m, Weight: 23kg kevlar carbon, Width: 600 mm

SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $3039.

SEQUEL Fast, light, touring kayak suits beginners through to advanced paddlers. The hull design allows for great handling in rough water. Well appointed and ideally suitable for multisport training.

An enjoyable sea kayak, fast and nimble with huge storage, great features and the most comfortable seat your butt will ever meet.

Length: 5.4 m, Weight: Std 26 kg , Width: 590 mm


Length: 4.93 m , Weight: 26kg, Width: 580 mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2649.

As per the plastic model, the kevlar Tasman Express responds to rough conditions but its decreased weight, and increased stiffness, gives even better performance.

Length: 5.3 m, Weight: 22 kg, Width: 610 mm

Challenge 5 Slightly larger volume than the Sequel and lighter at 22kg. A fast and stable touring sea kayak well appointed and featuring a great rudder/ steering system.

Prices start at $3979. PENGUIN Length: 5 m , Weight: 22kg, Width: 590 mm (Freight charges may apply)

Prices start at $3310. CONTOUR 450 This kayak is designed for day tripping and light overnight expeditions. It’s great fun to paddle and handles easily.

Has all the features for multi-day kayaking with ease of handling in all weather conditions. With great manoeuvrability this kayak is suitable for paddlers from beginner to advanced.

Length: 4.5 m , Weight: 26kg , Width: 640mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2375.

Easy finance available from Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.



three • 2005

Length: 4.8 m, Weight: 25 kg, Width: 610 mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2549.

Conditions and booking fee apply

We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.

CONTOUR 480 Is a roomy, manoeuvrable, easy to handle boat. A channelled hull provides outstanding tracking which helps keep you on course. Its upswept, flared bow makes crossing rough water a breeze.

TUI EXCEL A versatile touring kayak for lake, river and sea. Stability, speed and easy tracking make for an enjoyable day’s paddling. A larger cockpit allows for easier entry and exit. Length: 4.8m, Weight: 27 kg, Width: 62 cm

SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2049.


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2499.


ECO NIIZH 565 XLT This upgraded model is proving a hit with its new lighter weight and some excellent features. We now have a plastic double sea kayak that is great to use for all those amazing expeditions and adventures.

Length: 4.4 m, Weight: Std 22kg, Width: 610 mm

Flat water cruising, well appointed, a nifty adjustable backrest, an access hatch in the back which is great for carrying your extra gear.

Length: 5.64 m, Weight: 45 kg, Width: 760 mm

Length: 3.7 m, Weight: 20 kg, Width: 7675 mm


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1575.


with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $4129.


SPECIFICATION Weight: Width: Length: Price:



Weight: Width: Length: Price:

11kg 450mm 5.65m $2995

REBEL This new fast funky Ruahine Kayak is designed for paddlers of both genders up to 75kgs. At 5.65 metres long, the Rebel is half way between the length of the Swallow and the Opus or Firebolt and is faster than them all.

16.5 kg 500mm 6.4 m $3495 kevlar & carbon $2995 fibreglass

OCEAN X This Racing Sea Kayak was designed specifically for the ‘Length of New Zealand Race’ and built around the safety criteria drawn up for that race. The Ocean X is also very suitable for kayak racing in the many harbours, estuaries and lakes of New Zealand and lends itself well to the kayak sections of many multisport races.

Easy finance available from

Conditions and booking fee apply

Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.


three • 2005


We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.


SPECIFICATION Weight: Width: Length: Price:

12 kg 455mm 5.9m $3045

FIREBOLT This new, very user friendly kayak with its excellent combination of speed and stability supercedes our very popular Opus. It is suitable not only for the intermediate / advanced paddler, but also for the busy, but keen ‘Weekend Warrior’.

Weight: Width: Length: Price:


SPECIFICATION Weight: Width: Length: Price:

14.5 kg 540 mm 4.94m $2295

INTRIGUE This kayak is ideal for the beginner/entry level kayaker who is looking for a quick, light kayak with great stability. Very suitable for first time Coast to Coasters.

Weight: Width: Length: Price:

12 kg 480mm 5.4 m $2795

19.09 kg 585 mm 5.03 m $1495

SWALLOW The next step up from the entry level kayaks. Fast with good

THE ELIMINATOR is a fast stable racing

stability. Medium skill ability is required to enjoy racing this kayak. A very popular Coast to Coast kayak.

and training ‘Sit -on’. It has an adjustable dry seat and a cool draining system. Ideal for the paddler wanting a good fitness work out.

Weight: 21 kg Width: 510 mm Length: 5.29 m Price: $1595 Includes rudder foot plate and pedals as standard.

Weight: 16.5 kg to 19 kg depending on construction Width: 510 mm Length: 6.43 m Price: $2980 - $3330 depending on construction

MAXIMUS Fast ocean going Racing Sea Kayak. The broad bow allows this kayak to ride over waves like a surf ski without losing any speed and is easy to control while surfing. A low profile reduces buffeting by the wind in adverse conditions.

SURF SKI An excellent training and competition surf ski, can be used with under-slung rudder or rear mounted rudder.

Weight: Weight:

26 26kg kg Glass Kevlar/Carbon 24kg Kevlar Width: 550mm Width: 550 mm Length: 7m Length: 7m Price: $4995 Price: $4995Glass - $5495 $5495 depending on construction Kevlar/Carbon

Weight: 22 kg Width: 550mm Length: 5.15 m Price: $1495 Includes multisport rudder and Ozo foot pedals and foam pillars fitted as standard.

ADVENTURE DUET This lightweight, very fast and recently updated Adventure Racing double kayak continues to dominate adventure racing in NZ and is very suitable as a recreational double.

VIPER This boat is designed as an entry level alternative to expensive composite crafts, has good stability and speed. Colours: Stone grey, Mango, White granite, Lime, Yellow.

Easy finance available from Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.



three • 2005

Conditions and booking fee apply

Directory: Things To Do

TAUPO Maori Carvings Half day guided trip to the rock carvings, Lake Taupo... only accessible by boat.

$85 per person (bookings essential). Call freephone 0800 KAYAKN for details.

TAUPO Accommodation Accommodation available to Yakity Yak club members and their families... Ideal for sport and school groups... Situated on the banks of the Waikato River our Kayakers Lodge accommodates up to 12 people, is fully furnished, with plenty of parking and a quiet location.

$25 per person per night. Phone: 0800 529256 for details

Hawkes Bay Harbour Cruise

Waikato River Discovery


2 hour guided kayak trip. Experience the magnificent upper reaches of the mighty Waikato River - soak in the geothermal hotsprings - take in the stunning environment... a perfect trip for all the family...

Need some excitement? Take a kayak down this wicked Grade II river run... this is a whole day of thrills and fantastic scenery down the Mohaka River.

Price: $40 adult $25 children Special group and family rates. Call freephone 0800 KAYAKN for details.

Waitara River Tours

Price: $100 per person. Call freephone 0800 KAYAKN for details. Phone: Taupo 07 378 1003, Hawke’s Bay 06 842 1305

Mokau River

For those who are slightly more adventurous at heart, this is a scenic trip with the excitement of grade two rapids. Midway down, we paddle under the historic Betran Rd Bridge where we will stop for a snack.

Enjoy this beautiful scenic river which winds through some of New Zealands lushest vegetation. Camping overnight and exploring some of New Zealands pioneering history. A true Kiwi experience.

Allow 2 hours paddle only. Priced at $50. Phone: 06 769 5506

Two day trips $220.00 or one day $70.00. Phone 06 769 5506

Okura River Tours Exploring Karepiro Bay and the Okura Marine Reserve. Enjoy this scenic trip with abundant wildlife and a stop at Dacre Cottage, the historic 1860 settlers house, which is only accessible by boat or a long walk.

Taupo - Open for the summer and by appointment. Long Bay, Auckland - by appointment only. Have some paddling fun on the beach or let us run a Tour for you and your friends and explore these beautiful areas.

All this for $40 per person. Phone 06 842 1305

Okura River Kayak Hire Company Phone: 09 473 0036

Phone Canoe & Kayak on 0508 KAYAKNZ for details

Paddle to the Pub

Okura River Kayak Hire Company Phone: 09 473 0036

Twilight Tours Departs from one of The East Coast Bays beautiful beaches. Enjoy the scenic trip with the sun setting over the cliff tops as you paddle along the coast line. COST: $49.00 • Group discounts available!

Okura River Kayak Hire Company Phone: 09 473 0036 Mobile: 025 529 255

Interested in a great adventure on this Magnificent River? Give us a call and we will give you a memory of a lifetime. Canoe & Kayak Taupo

Price on application.

0800 529256

Sugar Loaf Island From Ngamutu Beach harbour we head out to the open sea to Nga Motu/Sugar Loaf Island Marine Reserve. View the Taranaki scenic, rugged coastline as we draw closer to the Sugar Loaf Islands. Enjoy the seal colony and experience the thrill of close up views of these fascinating marine mammals.

Allow 3 hours subject to weather. $50.00 per person. Phone 06 769 5506

Kayak Hire

A guided kayak trip round the safe waters of the Inner Harbour, while learning about the history of the area. During this stunning trip around the beautiful Napier Inner Harbour of Ahuriri, we stop to share a glass of fresh orange juice, local fruits and cheese platter.

Kayaking to a local pub is a unique way of spending an evening, bringing your group of friends together by completing a fun activity before dinner and making a memorable experience. These trips are available to Riverhead, Browns Bay and Devonport Pubs. COST: $59.00 each • GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE!

Whanganui River Trips

Customized Tours • Work Functions • Schools • Clubs • Tourist groups Whether it’s an afternoon amble, a full days frolic or a wicked weekend adventure we can take you there. If there’s somewhere you’d like to paddle we can provide you with experienced guides, local knowledge, safe up to date equipment and a lot of fun.

Contact your local store on 0508 KAYAKNZ


New Zealand Kayaking Instructors Award Scheme Become a kayaking Instructor and Guide. Get into gear and get qualified! It’s fun and easy to do.

Don’t delay phone 0508 5292569 now

Join the Yakity Yak Club Want to have fun, meet new people, have challenging and enjoyable trips, and learn new skills? PLUS get a regular email newsletter and this magazine! Also, get a discount on kayaking courses and purchases from Canoe & Kayak stores. Then, join us!

Phone Canoe & Kayak on 0508 KAYAKNZ to find out more

three • 2005



Stage 1


Stage 2

Stage 1




A comprehensive course designed to cover the skills required to become a technically correct and safe paddler. The course progresses so you develop techniques and confidence at an enjoyable pace with great end results. This course is run over a weekend or by request in the evenings.

This course covers the skills required to become a technically correct Eskimo Roller. You increase your confidence, allowing you to paddle in more challenging conditions. Being able to eskimo roll will make you a more competent, safe and capable paddler.

A comprehensive course designed to cover the skills required to become a technically correct paddler. Starting off in a heated pool and progressing through flat water to moving water, it allows you to develop techniques and confidence at an enjoyable pace with great end results.

Course: 4 evening sessions COST $200

Course: Weekend COST $349

COST $295

Stage 3

Stage 2

ESKIMO ROLLING This course covers the skills required to become a technically correct Eskimo Roller. This will increase your confidence, allowing you to paddle in more challenging conditions.

Course: 4 evening sessions COST $200

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 4

MULTISPORT On this course we continue to build on the skills gained on Stage One and Two Courses. Developing your skills, technique and confidence on the faster moving white water of the Waikato River and progressing on to a Sunday day trip on the Mohaka River. Includes, eddie turns, ferry gliding, rolling, surfing and building new skills in River Rescue techniques and River Reading.

During this course we build on the skills gained on the Stage One to Three Courses. Developing your moving water skills, technique and confidence in your Multi Sport Kayak. We start on the Mohaka River on Saturday and progress to the Whanganui on Sunday for some big water paddling. River racing competency letters are awarded to those who meet the standard and criteria as outlined on the Grade Two Competency Certificate. A copy is available from Canoe & Kayak Shops.

Course: Weekend • COST $349

Course: Weekend • COST $349

RIVER SKILLS WEATHER & NAVIGATION Understanding the weather and ability to navigate in adverse conditions is vital when venturing into the outdoors. Learn to use charts and compasses and forecast the weather using maps and the clouds.

Course: 4 evening sessions COST $150

OCEANS COURSE An advanced course designed to build on your skills. Covering paddling technique, kayak control, rescues, preparation, planning and decision making.

Course: Weekend/overnight. COST $350

Stage 6

Stage 6

Stage 5

Stage 5 KAYAKING SURF COURSE Surfing is heaps of fun when you know how. We will spend the evenings starting off in small surf and building up to one and a half metre waves. We will use a range of sit-on-tops and kayaks to make it fun and easy to learn. Skills to be taught include surfing protocol, paddling out, direction control, tricks and safety


Course: 4 evening sessions COST $349

Programme One Evening Cost $60

You need rescue skills to look after yourself and your paddling buddies in adverse conditions. This course covers towing systems, capsized kayaks, T Rescues, paddle floats, stern deck carries, re-enter and roll.

n i W

For more information on any of these courses or tours - fill in the form and receive an information pack and Go in the Draw to WIN.... Prize drawn on 30 November 2005



three • 2005



This course is designed to sharpen your whitewater skills and start learning simple rodeo moves. We will focus on skills such as river reading, body position and rotation, advanced paddle technique, playing in holes and negotiating higher Grade 3 rapids. We recommend you are feeling comfortable on Grade 2+ rapids. Ideally you should already be paddling the mid section of Rangitaiki or equivalent.

This course is designed to cover likely scenarios on white water rivers. The course is suitable for paddlers who feel comfortable on Grade One to Two rivers. The areas covered are rope skills, muscle techniques, team control, heads up, risk management and combat swimming. Also covering skills required in the following situations: entrapments, kayak wraps, swimming kayakers and their equipment.

Course: Weekend • COST $349

Course: Weekend • COST P.O.A.

SEA KAYAK SKILLS COURSE valued at $295 Name: Email: Address: Ph: home work mobile Please send me info. on: Send form to: WIN A KAYAK COURSE; NZ Kayak Magazine, 7/28 Anvil Rd, Silverdale. Phone (09) 421 0662.


three • 2005







502 Sandringham Rd Telephone: 09 815 2073

38 Nukuhau Street, Taupo Telephone: 07 378 1003

Unit 6, 631 Devon Road Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth Telephone: 06 769 5506

Arenel Ltd T/A Canoe & Kayak Auckland

Rees and Partners Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Taupo

Peter & Bronnie van Lith Trading as Canoe and Kayak Taranaki








Unit 2/20 Constellation Drive, (Off Ascension Drive), Mairangi Bay, Auckland - Telephone: 09 479 1002

7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale Please phone for opening hours Telephone: 09 421 0662

Flood Howarth & Partners Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak North Shore

Canoe & Kayak Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Distribution








The Corner Greenwood St & Duke St, State Highway 1 bypass Telephone: 07 847 5565 This shop is for sale







J. K. Marine Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Manukau

Jenanne Investment Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Bay of Plenty


Easy finance available.


Conditions and booking fee apply 52


three • 2005



3/5 Mac Donald Street Mount Maunganui (off Hewletts Rd) Telephone: 07 574 7415


2 Centennial Highway, Ngauranga, Wellington Telephone: 04 477 6911



710 Great South Road, Manukau Telephone: 09 262 0209







CSJ Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Hawke’s Bay






15 Niven Street Onekawa, Napier Telephone: 06 842 1305






































.1 S.H






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