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W H ITE WATE R • R I V E R K AYAK I N G • S E A K AYAK I N G • M U LTI S P O RT Discover Another World
our • 2005
our • 2005
Issue 34
Letter to the Editor
A Food Fest on the Whanganui
One Paddler’s Achilles
Some tips on how to organize a kayak trip 13 Kool Kayaking and Karma
A Meander on the Mokau
Whanganui River by a canoe or kayak is the best holiday I have ever had.
Hot hot hot Taupo
Wonderful Waikeremoana
Letter to the Editor
Putting adventures into training for adventure races
Product Focus
A Family Affair
Fishing Kayak
Snottiness on the River
What’s on
Four day trip with Greg
The Canoe & Kayak Rodney Coast Challenge Nov 6th 2005
Kayaks & Kids at Sandspit
Buyers Guide
Directory: Things To Do
Learn To Kayak
Front cover: Treff and Rowan Rose
our • 2005
There were ten green bottles hanging on the wall. EDITOR: Peter Townend Ph: [09] 473 0036 Fax [09] 473 0794 Email:
You all know the song and it is rather pointless but the kids seem to like it. The nice young lady approaches from the sun drenched beach. It’s late in the afternoon. Her eyes sparkle with passion as she looks deeply into my soul. She moves towards me and opens her moist lips. My heart beats faster. Her words are like music from the heavens. The meaning is so clear and yet being a clumsy male I misinterpret them. “Is there a rubbish bin around here?” My reply is suspicious. All this girl wants is my rubbish bin for her rubbish that she cannot be bothered to carry home. WOW but how wrong could I be? I reply “ Whose rubbish is it?” Her response almost floors me! “ I found it on the beach”. Feeling small, and thinking that there cannot be two perfect women in the world, I point to the 40 gallon drum overflowing with beach collections from the previous month. In a perfect world Donna would typify the inhabitants of our green jewel in which we
DESIGN & PRODUCTION: Breakthrough Communications PO Box 108050 Symonds St, Auckland Ph: [09] 303 3536 • Fax [09] 303 0086 Email: Website: PUBLISHER: Kayak NZ Magazine is published six times per year by Canoe & Kayak Ltd. 7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale, Auckland PRINTING: Brebner Print DISTRIBUTION: IMD SUBSCRIPTIONS: New Zealand – 1 year 6 Issues = $30 Overseas – 1 year 6 Issues = $50 Payment to: Canoe and Kayak Ltd, 7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale, Auckland Ph [09] 421 0662 • Fax [09] 421 0663 Overseas subscribers can make payment via credit card number on subscription form. CONTRIBUTORS: We welcome contributors’ articles and photos.
all make sure our rubbish ends up in the bin and are happy to collect any extra as well. If friends and activity will improve your festive season then join a Kayak Club. You may meet the perfect person on a deserted beach too.
Merry Xmas Peter Townend Your Editor P.S the other woman is my only true love who has given me three and a bit paddlers for our family waka. She picks up rubbish and I met her on a deserted beach too! PPS The green bottles all end up on the ground and the song does not deal with what happens to them. PPPS I hate a story that does not finish!
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• Material published in the magazine must not be reproduced without permission. • Refer to NZ Kayak magazine ‘Contributors’ Guidelines’ for more details. COPYRIGHT: The opinions expressed by contributors and the information stated in advertisements/articles are not necessarily agreed by the editors or publisher of New Zealand Kayak Magazine. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO: Peter Townend Email: New Zealand Kayak Magazine
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our • 2005
Letters to the Editor Hi Ruth, Thanks for the mag. Canoes have come a long way since we used to make them out of corrugated iron and a couple of bits of timber and paddled them in the Whau estuary in New Lynn in the ’50s. We used to spend more time bailing than paddling as the ripply bits on the iron were plugged up with tidal estuary mud, which used to dissolve pretty quick. God, just think how that would be taken these days with protective parents!! Cheers, Ken James Gidday Peter, I’ve been in Fiji for two months sailing and paddling. A fantastic time had by all the crew. We spotted a local fisherman with his corrugated iron canoe at Yalobi Bay, Waya Island, Yasawa Island group. Of course I had to have ago! Thought you’d like to see the boat. Regards, Ross Mackenzie
6 I S SI SU SE U TE H TI RH TI Y R fT oY u f or u •r 2• 0 20 05 0 5
ISSUE THIRTYfour • 2005 7 NZ Distributors: Southern Extreme Ltd. Ph 03 360 2550 Fax 03 360 2499 e-mail
A Food Fest on the Whanganui by Anne Sharplin
our • 2005
Pete Townend promised, “Cool mornings, warm days, roaring bonfires and stunning,star-filled evening skies.” The Whanganui River trip provided all these, plus cold rain, misty mornings, a full moon and the weather pattern which covered the Central Plateau with snow. 23 paddlers turned out to be a hardy lot. We put in at Ohinepane. Two heavily laden Canadian kayaks manned by Pete and Roger, supported by Canoe & Kayak shop’s Russell from Auckland, Terry from Hawkes Bay and Brian from Taupo, ensured that we would be royally fed. We paddled between 14 and 31 kms on each of 6 days, pausing for snacks, and camping at Poukaria, Maharanui, Ohauora, Upper Mangapurua and Tieke Marae where we ate huge meals. I specially remember Pete’s corn fritters one day, banana fritters the next, and hot scones smothered with melting butter, jam and sour cream. We
ate chicken, chicken and tomato soups, bacon eggs and fritters, mince bolognaise, apples, bananas and custard, nuts and raisins, strawberry and chocolate mousse, porridge, muesli, gourmet sandwiches, scrambled eggs, chocolate biscuits and more from the Canadian kayak larders. Some of us swelled, to rival Sue’s blue throne - remarkable for its size, colour and design ! Next to eating - seating influenced our social life and pecking order. Folding chairs, arm-rests, arm-rest drink holders, collapsing minimalist models, converted barrels tended to flock together. But Sue’s blow-up, portable throne was pre-eminent! The food was superb; the river was magnificent, beautiful and stunning. Its rapids were fun. On 5 occasions they claimed a miscalculator who joined the “I capsized in a b... rapid” club, testing our skills in deep water rescues and proving that we were a close knit bunch of caring friends whatever we sat on! Memories of competent friendship in unrivalled wilderness will stay with us all. I’m sure you’ll regret it if you don’t paddle the Whanganui in 2006. Photos by Ron Pinkham
our • 2005
One Paddler’s Achilles
by Doug Alderson
Originally published in the June 2005 issue of Sea Kayaker magazine. Published here by permission of the editor An experienced kayaker paddling solo close to home capsizes unexpectedly and suffers a disabling injury. Floating a l o n g si d e h i s k ay a k , h e d ri f ts and waits. On a calm July afternoon, Patrick Simard set out to paddle alone near his home in Victoria. Patrick is a skilled kayaker who likes to paddle for fitness. He has a good roll and has experience paddling and rolling a kayak in surf. He has taken a number of courses and clinics to keep abreast of effective paddling techniques and good judgment for seakayak touring, and over the past year, he’s concentrated on developing his offside roll. His plan was to launch from Cattle Point and cross Baynes Channel to paddle out to Strongtide and Chatham Islands. The air temperature was about 70˚F, but the water was in the mid-50s, so under his PFD and spray skirt, he wore a 3mm wetsuit. The arms of the suit chafe a little, but Patrick puts up with it knowing that the sleeves of his suit will keep him warmer in the cold British Columbia water than a sleeveless Farmer John suit would in cold water.
back across Baynes Channel. The tide was now flooding near its predicted maximum of four knots, and Patrick had adjusted his course to the west to make a good ferry angle that would set him on a course back toward Cattle Point. A sea-going tug crossed Patrick’s path, and he set up to surf its wake. The waves were only two feet tall and didn’t provide much of a ride. Patrick was relaxed and unconcerned about the tug’s wake. After it had passed, he noticed a larger wake closing in on him from a different direction. Three feet tall with a breaking crest, this wake promised a better ride. The tidal current probably contributed to the wave’s steep slopes and slightly breaking crest. The source of the wake was a mystery-possibly a large freighter out in the shipping lane.
The wind was calm, and the sea was smooth. Visibility was more than a mile through light overcast. The marine forecast was for continued calm weather throughout the day. The flood tide, pushing eastward from the Pacific Ocean and through the Strait of Juan de Fuca at a speed of two knots, accelerated as it curled around the southern tip of Vancouver Island. The tidal stream at Baynes Channel, well-known for its strong currents, would be running at about four knots at its peak.
Before Patrick had time to set up for surfing, the wake hit him broadside on his right. Patrick let the crest pass beneath the kayak, but the back side of the wave was surprisingly steep. Patrick began to capsize down into the trough and prepared to high-brace into the trough as the kayak slid down the back of the wave. He had to reach well down with his paddle to reach the water. He capsized only far enough to dip his shoulder in the water; his brace kept him at the surface but didn’t right the kayak. After a quick sculling stroke to hold him at the surface, he put additional effort into a second attempt to high brace, but he lost his grip of the paddle from his right hand and capsized fully. Something had happened to his right arm. He released the spray deck and exited his kayak. He emerged and held onto his kayak with his left hand. His paddle was floating nearby, and as he reached for it, he realized that he had dislocated his right shoulder.
Patrick launched from Cattle Point at 2:30 and headed along the Vancouver Island shore, then across Baynes Channel to Strongtide and Chatham Islands. The crossing was uneventful, and Patrick had only to make a small ferry angle to compensate for the current. After a short time exploring the shores of the islands, Patrick headed
While in the water, he assessed his situation: He could see the tug that had made the smaller wake heading away. A sailboat, the only other vessel in the area, was also heading away from him. Although his right shoulder was badly injured, it wasn’t very painful for the first few minutes; however, with the joint between his upper arm
our • 2005
and shoulder now distorted, his arm and hand were weak and unresponsive. He tried to keep his injured limb very still. He held onto the boat with his left hand and held the paddle with his weakened right hand. The flooding tide was pushing Patrick out of Baynes Channel into the open waters of Haro Strait. He drifted in the current for about 15 minutes before he saw a sailboat under power approaching him from the northwest. With only one good arm, it was very difficult to hold onto the kayak and raise his paddle above the surface to signal for help, but fortunately the sailboat responded to his signal and altered course toward him. By the time the sailboat reached him, Patrick had drifted a mile or more from where he had capsized and was approaching the much-less-travelled waters bordering Haro Strait. The skipper of the sailboat put a boarding ladder over the side, and Patrick passed over his kayak’s bow line and began the difficult task of getting up on the first step of the ladder. He had been in the water for 30 minutes but was still comfortably warm, and although he was seriously disabled, he was not in excessive pain. With Patrick and his kayak aboard, the sailboat skipper headed to shore for the emergency medical treatment that Patrick needed. Patrick felt cold and began to shake. The pain of the dislocation increased rapidly, and his hand had grown numb. The sailboat’s small motor struggled to make progress against the current. It took another half hour before they made it to a marina in Oak Bay. At the dock, Patrick’s kayak was locked up securely before his rescuer drove him to a nearby hospital.
Lessons Learned When we are close to home and out for an afternoon of paddling, the familiar surroundings tend to lower our perception of risk, especially if we know that emergency rescue services are readily available. Patrick had often paddled to the Chatham Islands, and for him there was nothing unusual about paddling alone across that busy channel in a current running up to four knots. This section of the Victoria shoreline is a popular area for experienced local paddlers to practise their skills, and many make the crossing of the channel to the Discovery Islands. While the area is considered by many to be the local playground, it has also been the scene of a number of kayaking accidents. Patrick now feels that he was lulled into a false sense of security by the familiar and seemingly benign circumstances and was not sufficiently alert at the time the breaking wave arrived. He recalls being very relaxed at the time he capsized and believes that his nonchalant response to the approach of the wake resulted in a poorly executed high brace and the subsequent disabling injury. To his credit, he had reduced the risk of cold-water immersion by wearing a wetsuit. He had also taken several kayaking courses and had practised his skills to the point of feeling prepared to perform a self-rescue if it became necessary to do so. His training contributed to his ability to remain calm throughout his capsize and wet exit, but he was unprepared for the injury to his arm and the obstacle it created in getting back in his kayak. Many of us train and practise to be stronger, more skilful kayakers, but fail to consider the possibility that we may be incapacitated to some degree by injury, illness or exhaustion. We regularly make a risk assessment before we depart the beach based on weather reports and tide tables, on the gear we have with us and on an assumption of normal health and fitness. Chronic or traumatic injuries to a wrist, elbow or shoulder are infrequent but common to sea kayaking. The possibility of injury should be taken into account in our training and in our assessment of risk.
Coping with Injury It’s common to practise bracing and rescue skills in rough sea conditions, but generally we don’t practise techniques to perform self-rescues while simulating injury or other impairment. The training regimens among Greenland kayakers include a long tradition of preparing for the possibility of injury or entanglement while
hunting. To recover from incidents similar to Patrick’s, they developed rolls that kayakers could do with one arm. While the variety of Greenland rolls may not be possible to perform with contemporary kayaks and euro-paddles, practising wet exits and reentries using just one arm could provide valuable insight into coping with an injury. It would be best to learn to deploy a paddle-float or stirrup with one hand in a practice session when you’re not in a survival situation. It’s also very important that paddlers have the mental preparation and decision-making capacity to make the most of these special techniques at the time they’re needed.
Practising Mental Preparedness Capsizing into the trough of a steep wave is not uncommon. A sudden high-brace into a deep trough can place a great deal of stress on the shoulders. After a failed brace or roll, the paddler’s shoulders are again at risk, as a second attempt to high brace is often aggressive and forceful and done from an awkward position. If you find yourself faced with a situation that requires a difficult high brace, allowing yourself to capsize and roll back up can be a more controlled and safer response. Patrick thinks he could have avoided the injury by not struggling to high-brace. He feels certain that relaxing, allowing himself to capsize, then rolling up would have been a simple, easy and successful alternative. Frequent practice of rolling and bracing in a wide variety of paddling conditions will help you stay relaxed and confident and better able to set up and execute a safe and controlled roll, with elbows low and close to the torso. Physical skills are only useful when mental control is present. Practising the mental skills that allow us to assess situations, choose plans of action and implement our best bracing, rolling, wet-exits and reentries when we need them. Practice sessions that simulate injuries, distractions, changing circumstances and limited performance times provide an excellent way to develop the mental agility necessary for effective rescues under difficult circumstances. Frequent practice will help us make assessments and decisions quickly even while under considerable stress. Patrick had practised wet-exits and reentries but had not prepared himself to respond to an unexpected injury. After his capsize in Baynes Channel, he didn’t think to use the pig-tail towline he was wearing to secure himself to his kayak, leaving his uninjured arm to raise the paddle or
reach into the kayak for emergency equipment. Just as it is with physical skills we practise, the mental techniques we practise diligently will be the ones we have available at the time of unexpected circumstances. It took three months of rest and rehabilitation before Patrick’s shoulder was strong enough for him to paddle a sea kayak. He is now paddling again, but he takes his local waters more seriously now and carries flares and a marine VHF radio. Sidebar: The Shoulder Doug Alderson is a senior instructor trainer for the Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association and the author of three books on sea kayaking. His Handbook of Safety and Rescue, co-authored by Michael Pardy, (Ragged Mountain Press, McGrawHill, 2003) describes many rescue techniques and deals in-depth with judgment, trip planning and decision making for rescue, and includes an appendix on Mental Shorthand for Decision Making. Thanks to Patrick Simard for sharing his story and to Patrick’s rescuer for keeping his eyes open and lending a hand in a time of need.
THE SHOULDER The shoulder joint is formed by the junction of three bones: the collarbone (clavicle), the shoulder blade (scapula) and the upper-arm bone (humerus). The rotator cuff is the name given to the group of muscles and tendons that form a cuff that holds the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa, a shallow socket in the scapula.
The structure of the shoulder joint provides an extraordinary range of motion. The only contact between the bones of the shoulder and those of the torso of the skeleton is at the joint between the clavicle and the top of the sternum, so the integrity of the shoulder joint comes almost entirely from the muscles that surround it. By allowing a wider range of motion than any other joint in the body, the shoulder is less stable than other joints, and two types of shoulder injuries are infrequent but well-known among paddlers.
four • 2005
Shoulder dislocations occur when there is an injury to the joint between the humerus and scapula. Shoulder separations occur when there is an injury to the joint between the clavicle and the acromion, an extension of the scapula. When a shoulder traumatically dislocates, the top of the humerus is usually displaced below and forward of its usual position in the glenoid fossa (anterior dislocation). In far fewer cases, and unlikely in paddling-related injuries, the top of the humerus is displaced to a position behind the shoulder blade (posterior dislocation). Typically, the significant pain of a dislocation starts about five minutes after the incident. The pain starts as a dull throb and gets progressively worse. Soon after the trauma, the muscles become tight and hold the shoulder in its injured position. The muscles begin to spasm, and the victim will not find any comfortable position for the arm. Without treatment, the pain can become overwhelming, leading to debilitating shock, if not unconsciousness.
Treating Dislocations Occasionally an injury to the shoulder may only temporarily dislocate the humerus and allow it to return to its original position within the shoulder joint. In this case, a supportive sling will serve to minimize discomfort and prevent further injury until medical help is available. If the humerus remains out of position, there are potentially very serious complications when treating the injury. The pain and the damage will grow progressively worse, and emergency medical assistance should be obtained as quickly as possible. A hospital or appropriate clinic will choose the best of several procedures to relocate the humerus into its shoulder socket. As with setting a broken bone, the patient will be well-medicated to relieve pain and relax the tense and spasmed muscles. Advanced wilderness first-aid courses may cover field treatment of a dislocated shoulder, but believe me, I have witnessed four anterior shoulder dislocations, and all of the victims were in severe pain. Any field treatment would have been overwhelming and excruciating for everyone involved. Typically, victims cradle their injured arm and aren’t inclined to let any non-medical person move them. Some padding and a sling to support the arm in its existing position are likely the safest-and maybe the onlyoptions available prior to transporting the injured paddler to a medical facility. A long process of healing and rehabilitation begins after the dislocation is treated. The patient might be paddling again in three months, and it may take up to a full year to regain normal strength and a full range of movement. The shoulder may never be quite the same again. Patients who have sustained a shoulder dislocation can develop chronic instability and often suffer recurring dislocations. It may be necessary for surgery to tighten up and/or repair torn ligaments.
Causes and Prevention The shoulder is most stable when the elbows are positioned well below the shoulder and are well bent. The shoulder is unstable and prone to traumatic injury when the elbows are near or above the level of the shoulder. The shoulder is most vulnerable to dislocation when the elbow is at, or above shoulder level with the elbow behind the shoulder and the arm externally rotated (palm rolled to face upward). The leverage on the arm the possibility of dislocation is further increased when the arm is extended with a straight elbow. Imagine driving your car with your right hand on the steering wheel and your right elbow by your side. Your left arm is extended and your left hand is hooked over the top of the passenger seat; your right shoulder is in a safe position-your left shoulder is not.
12 MARCH 2006 Run 13km Cycle 58km Kayak 19km 90 kilometres coast to coast across the Auckland isthmus. From North Head, Manukau Harbour on the Tasman Sea, to North Head, Waitemata Harbour on the Pacific Ocean, the course is distinctive and challenging. “Head to Head” is an exciting race and also an adventure, a journey of discovery through Auckland’s surprisingly wild and scenic places. Compete as an individual or in a three person team. For further information or an entry form, contact the event organisers: Nelson Associates, P.O. Box 25 475, St Heliers, Auckland. Phone (09) 585 1970, email:
In a high brace, the wrists are above the elbows. Contrary to what the name of the brace suggests, the working blade should remain as low possible, and the hands shouldn’t be much above the shoulders. The forearm closest to the working blade should remain near 90 degrees to the paddle shaft, and the elbows should be well bent and near the torso. In a low brace, the same rules for the arms and elbows apply, but the wrists are below the elbows. The very common tendency in either brace is to extend the arm closest to the working blade. That only reduces grip strength and places the shoulder in an unstable and weakened position. The remarkable range of motion in a shoulder provides us with the ability to manipulate a paddle and control a sea kayak. Deprived of that joint’s supple strength, our independent progress comes to a stop. We should all pay heed to our shoulders and routinely practise the best exercise and paddling techniques to keep our shoulders safe and strong.
our • 2005
Some tips on how to organize a kayak trip by Dave Evans My first experience of nominating a destination for a club trip was at a my first Yakkity Yak Club meeting back in 2001. Pete Townend pointed at me and said - “Dave ... where would you like to go for a weekend trip?” The first thing that entered my head was Motuora Island and to my amazement Pete had it up on the board quick as a flash! I then went into a mild state of panic, thinking to myself how in the heck am I going to do this! I need not have stressed about it, as Gordon spoke to me after the meeting and volunteered to be trip Leader. All I had to do was turn easy was that!
4) Think about the time of year and prevalent weather patterns - for example if I am planning a Summer trip on the east coast of the North Island I always take into consideration that there can be an easterly or north easterly wind and the need for sheltered exit spots to land or camp.
Sometimes being put on the spot brings out the best in people and I have certainly learnt a lot about how to organize a club trip from people like Gordon and many other experienced Leaders in the club. I now really enjoy pouring over maps and charts looking for that next destination and putting a trip together.
9) Have a current first aid certificate or get your name down to do one
Here are some simple tools I have assembled for planning a club trip: 1) Weather & Navigation Course - I found this course invaluable to learn how to read and understand a weather map, take a compass bearing and comprehend how wind and tide effect paddling conditions 2) Never hesitate to ask an experienced Leader about a destination - there is a wealth of knowledge within the Yakkity Yak network 3) Ask the Locals - I have gained invaluable information from camp ground managers, local boaties and of course Coast Guard
5) Consider the possible paddling conditions sheltered/moderate/exposed - and make sure that clubbies are informed of distances and paddling times. 6) Have a plan for where you will take breaks whether on a day trip or longer journey - always factor in for the weaker or slower paddler. 7) Nominate times for meeting at the start point and a time to be on the water 8) Think about a briefing before your group gets on the water - where you are going, the weather forecast for the day, rest breaks, anyone with health issues, a check of essential equipment, first aid kits, who has VHF radio and/or mobile phone.
10) Have a list of peoples names and contact phone numbers - I usually collect this from the shop a couple of days before a trip - things can change at the last minute The main point I want to make is don’t hesitate to speak up at your club meetings - by putting forward a destination whether it be a half day local paddle or a full weekend away. There are enough experienced Leaders in the club, so if it is your first trip just say that you will need a Leader to assist you. Make use of the Yakkity Yak Club network for local knowledge if you are planning a trip in another part of the country. Read the Kayak Magazine and get some inspiration from what others have done. So be brave, you will never never know if you never never give it a go!
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Kool Kayaking and Karma by Dylan Quinell This is a tale ab out kayaking in beautiful Mt Maunganui, a lesson in Karma and more evidence of the importance of surrounding oneself with good friends, and of course, travelling. I awoke on Easter Friday happy, thinking that I would soon be carving it up on Raglan’s epic surf, in my white water kayak. That was until I checked the surf report. Unbelievably, Raglan was ‘flat’, not small like 1-2 ft, but flat. Luckily for us the surf was pumping on the East coast and even better, the Wairoa was open on Sunday. So off to Mount Maunganui it was. Our adventurous group was made up of Joel aka Mole, Toni and I, all white water kayakers, as well as three friends along for the adventure. Toni is an adventurous kayaker ready to take on anything. Depending on how the first try goes she might do it again. Mole on the other hand is calm and controlled. He’s also usually the crash test dummy, while Toni and I wait to see if he survives. Our three fellow travellers were crazy Darren the cook, our other driver and white water swimmer; Anne who is Toni’s non-biological sister/ German exchange student and trip masseuse; and Sam, aka Rat, our resident try everything guy & funny man. Our two cars were packed with a mix of warm stuff and fun gear that ranged from a token surfboard to three white water kayaks and a guitar. Luckily we were good friends since the trip that usually takes about two hours, took five, due to other Easter revellers clogging up our road. By the time we got to Tauranga it was two hours to sundown. The others who sensibly wanted to first find accommodation outvoted Toni’s and my suggestion to go surfing. This was a mission since the weather had cleared and most campsites were fully booked. Motels were above our budget. Finally we found a tiny corner site next to the road, which had space to park two cars. It didn’t take long to set up our tents and before long we were standing on Papamoa beach looking out at an angry grey sky and a just as angry storm chopped sea. Within the sea were 3-4 ft waves, if you could call those dumping beasts waves. Mole, Toni and I went paddling for about an hour but spent most of our time trying our best not to get eaten. Some epic wipeouts were witnessed. This did not bode well for Saturday, but we still had big plans of surfing if it cleaned up. After a game of pool we decided on the Chinese takeaways. Toni got given two bowls instead of one by mistake and offered me one. Against my better judgment I used it and
grabbed some food, without paying. I was soon taught a lesson through karma. I read on a website that in Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says that: for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according to whether its cause was ethical or unethical. Therefore, the law of Karma teaches that responsibility for unethical actions is borne by the person who commits them. To me this is a spiritual force that punishes people for their wrong doings. Sounds better than our judicial system. It doesn’t take months to make a decision and there are no greedy lawyers, plus it knows the truth. So, after my misdemeanor I was in line for being taught a lesson. When I awoke up the next morning I couldn’t find my wallet or jacket but was sure they’d be somewhere under the piles of gear in the tent. Besides, there was surfing to be done. After we an interesting breakfast, we set off for the beach. Toni and Anne ate their weetbix and milk straight out of the packet. From the first sight of the beach Toni and I began shaking with excitement and huge grins plastered our faces for the rest of the day. The weather had cleared, the sun was shining on a stunning golden sandy beach and a sea of shimmering diamonds, with 3ft, clean breaking, beautiful waves. We found ourselves a spot along the beach and before long we were paddling out, cheering and hooting. The first thing I saw was Darren and his sit-on-top getting rolled back towards the beach by the set. When he came up for a breath he had a huge grin. It was a great day’s surfing. Every now and then I’d hear a yell and turn to see my friends screaming down the face of a near perfect wave. I pulled off my first 360 degrees flat spin on the face of a wave, by mistake. I was trying to pull out of the wave but instead of shooting over the back, my kayak spun and I ended up going forwards again, I had to celebrate this with yet more hooting and shouts of “WOW Mole, MOLE, did you...did you see that, it was... AWESOME.” After lunch Toni took out her surfboard while I stuck with my trusty kayak. Once again we caught some great rides. Darren captured us on film while swimming, using Toni’s digital camera and waterproof housing. We had to dodge the odd long boarder, angry that we had invaded their territory. At other times we had to thank them for not running us down when we got in their way. After hot showers we had dinner. Darren, the great camper that he is, cooked himself a feast of bacon, eggs and hash browns. I shared my cans of
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spaghetti and diced apple with Toni and Anne who still hungry managed to seduce Darren into parting with some of his feast and even get me a bit. After that all six of us crammed onto Darren’s double airbed. We lay spooning, to keep warm, under the stars, playing guitar and watching the fireworks show. Before we went to sleep Mole and I got a massage from Toni and Anne. They expected a long, and decent massage in return, so we were forced into massaging till we could massage no more. We awoke happy the next morning with the promise of a day’s whitewater kayaking on the mighty Wairoa. The only problem for me was that I had still not found my jacket and wallet and felt bad about the $10 owed to the takeaways. By now I had searched the whole campsite, twice, and asked most of my fellow campers. No one had seen anything. I had also tried to make a deal with the man upstairs that if I got my wallet back I would pay the money I owed. Nothing happened. I decided that he doesn’t make deals and borrowed money from Toni to pay it back. At least then the matter would be off my conscience. As we were leaving the campsite, heading for the river which was on the way home I heard a shout from behind me and turned to see the campsites owner running towards me with my jacket and wallet in hand! Everything was still in the wallet! After thanking him I carried on to the takeaways but found it closed. I babbled on about karma for the rest of the day. The Wairoa is our local river. Today would be our sixth trip down it. Since we don’t kayak often enough we would only kayak the mid and lower sections which are grade 2-3+. First we played in some grade 1-2 rapids with Sam, Darren and Anne. We swapped between the sit-on-top and swimming, with life jackets on to make it easier. This was a lot of fun and enjoyed by all. Next we moved up to the standing wave. Toni Mole and I pulled off some epic flat spins and were wiped out numerous times while the others watched. Darren got bored and decided to try and surf the wave in just a life jacket. The actual surfing didn’t really work. Instead he disappeared into the wave and eventually resurfaced about 2m down river with a grin of pure adrenalin. That wasn’t the last time he tried it. Then it was time for us to set off down the river. We agreed to meet Sam, Darren and Anne back at the car and off we went. The Wairoa is a great river to paddle. It’s not too hard but at the same time not too easy. It gets the blood pumping. A local named Michael, whom we had met at the wave,
Power stroke
In control while Toni watches on
Weetbix breakfast of champions eaten camping style
agreed to paddle the lower section with us. We still weren’t fully confident with the grade 3 rapids and the 2m waterfall. He showed us the lines to take as well as what happens if you purposefully get stuck in a whirlpool. It was amusing to watch as he went round and round and round. The waterfall was a source of nervousness and mental preparation, but also a huge buzz. Michael pulled off a huge launch rolling sideways in the air before landing perfectly. I on the other hand didn’t pull off a decent boof stroke and was nearly sucked back in. That shook me up a bit. We thought we were home free with only a small rock garden to go. I decided not to follow Michael’s line, thinking that it looked small and I had just done the waterfall. It was a mistake. I went nose first down a small chute and hit a rock at the bottom. This flipped me onto the rock and I dropped my paddle. I went down the next chute upside down and sideways. When I rolled up one side of my kayak was pressed against a rock while water was running with reasonable force onto the other. I was stuck! Every time I rolled up I was rolled over again. Once while I was up I saw Mole sitting about 1m from me with a look on his face that showed that he knew there was nothing he could do to help. Eventually my kayak came unstuck and I managed to guide my kayak down using my hands. In the mean time Joel had found my paddle and threw it to me. I missed it and it got stuck. About half an hour later it washed out. I was thankful, as I wouldn’t have to buy a new one. Overall the trip was great fun: a great time with great friends in an awesome setting caught on Toni’s waterproof camera. Lastly, a word of advice from experience, Karma is watching.
I SI S SU UE E T TH HI RI RT TY Yt hf or u e er • 2 0 0 5
A Meander on the Mokau by Mark Robbins With Bronnie in charge 15 paddlers, 13 kayaks set off for the Mokau, and then carried on to Ngatarawa Rd, just past Mohoenui. At the end of this road we crossed a farm, with numerous gates and a track, which gave the group in the 2WD van, skilfully driven by Phil, a bit of early entertainment. Loading up the kayaks took a while. Several of us, including me were new to actually putting stuff into those hatches! Launching from a concrete boat ramp was dignified, and then we were off. Now, what was it Bronnie had said about going down rapids...? “No problem just follow the kayak in front - and hope for the best!” Actually, the rapids were very easy, and soon became something to look forward to. Very sharp corners and submerged logs made the logjams troublesome. The paddle started in fairly open farmland, slowly meandered south into a deeply incised valley. A couple of hours later, we stopped for lunch and a leg stretch at a nice spot on the river bank, then continued to where the river changes direction, heading west along the base of high bluffs. We passed from the top of the Mahoenui Group (upper Awakino Limestone) into the base of the
Mokau Group (Lower Mokau Sandstone). This area was formed around 20 million years ago. The Mokau is joined by a tributary, which can be paddled for a short distance to a hunter’s hut. Surrounded by high bush-clad hills, nikaus in profusion along the banks, and numerous wild goats watching with interest, paddling this part of the river is very relaxing. Nevertheless, after a few more kms we were glad to put in to shore and off-load all our tents and bags of food. The campsite was an alluvial flat well above river level. Across the river there was an excellent exposure of a lens of Mokau coal. The weather was overcast, quite cold but windless. After hauling our gear up a slippery bank and setting up campsite between the numerous cow patties (most of them still rather “fresh”), we lit a nice fire and heated up dinner, which Bronnie provided. An excellent homemade chicken dish, boil-in-bag rice and carrot salad, accompanied by some liquid refreshments including a drop of Sentry Hill Winery Green Ginger Wine. Next came dessert. The food & gear Bronnie pulled out of that kayak was remarkable! A heavy drizzle around this time, sent some to an early bed, while the “hardy” types kept yakking in front of the fire. A cold night it was! I don’t think I had any clothes left in my dry bag by the morning!
Another fire in the morning to warm up, breakfast (can’t beat that porridge!), pack-up and we were back on the water. Our first stop was only 3 km along the river. We took a track through the bush to a couple of abandoned but well preserved horizontal mine shafts. Just visible was the remains of the railway system used to transport coal down the river. Conditions for the miners must have been very hard, especially in winter not my cup of tea! Further up the track, we came to an old farm track leading down to the river. Following this we soon came to an open sloping hillside covered in pasture with the remains of numerous buildings, including a bakery, numerous exotic trees and dozens of beer bottles. Still standing is a very large woolshed and a hut with 1/2 dozen bunks and beds and a big hole in the roof. The community which once lived here was supported by a large sheep station, most of which appears to be regenerating native bush. A fascinating place - well worth the visit if you happen to be passing! Back on the road (sorry - river) again, continuing on for 12 km, past towering bluffs, we eventually stopped for lunch near the site of an old limekiln. It would have been used to make Portland cement from local limestone. This was achieved by mixing the crushed rock with clay or sand and heating to 1480 degrees C. I guess they used local coal. I could not see any obvious limestone outcrops in the area - the major outcrops are further north. The resultant fused material called clinker is ground down to a fine powder before use. This was probably done after transportation. If anyone knows more about this plant or the sheep station, I’m sure we’d be most interested to hear from you. There is some info at the Mokau museum and apparently a book on the history of the Mokau River is coming out soon. The last leg was just a hop of 6km to the get-out at Awakau Road. On the high slippery riverbanks, getting out was a slow, one-at-a-time affair. Fortunately it was sunny and the wait was very relaxing for those watching the mugs, hauling laden kayaks up the bank. All in all, a great couple of days - good kayaking, great scenery and excellent company. I learnt a few things: such as the pleasures of river kayaking, how to ease that lower back pain by stretching the legs right out and leaning hard back, and not to attempt eating scroggin and paddling at the same time! Special thanks to the drivers, and to Bronnie for organizing and leading the trip.
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Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers N.Z. Inc. (KASK) KASK is a network of sea kayakers throughout New Zealand KASK publishes a 146 page sea kayaking handbook which is free to new members: the handbook contains all you need to know about sea kayaking: techniques and skills, resources, equipment, places to go etc. KASK publishes a bi-monthly newsletter containing trip reports, events, book reviews, technique/equipment reviews and a ‘bugger’ file. KASK holds national sea kayaking forums.
Annual subscription is $35.00.
Kask PO Box 23, Runanga 7854, West Coast
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Whanganui River by a canoe or kayak is the best holiday I have ever had. by Pete Townend
Do it NOW. Contact your local Canoe & Kayak Centre to get away.
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For Sale Kayak Shops Interested in owning your own kayak shop?
Canoe & Kayak Ltd is ready to open Licensed Operations in new centres and has the going concern Hamilton Canoe & Kayak, The Corner Greenwood St & Duke St, State Highway 1 bypass for sale.
Phone: 09 421 0662 Peter Townend Managing Director, Canoe & Kayak Ltd and I’ll be glad to have a chat. All approaches will be dealt with in confidence.
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Hot hot hot Taupo by John Thiele 8.00am Sunday morning most clubbies met at the Canoe and Kayak shop in Taupo then travelled to the landing by the Mihi Bridge on the Waikato River to meet the rest of our group. Bt 10am the car shuttle over, we had 22 kayaking enthusiasts, paddles in hand, ready to go. The small wakes and reflections produced by the kayaks changed the glassy river surface as we floated under the Mihi Bridge. We talked, enjoyed some water fights and passed historic sites on the way to the Tutakau Bridge landing.
The beautiful sunny, windless day bought out the cameras and we have photographic evidence of the decadence that is shown on some of the Yakity Yak expeditions, in this case by Mr Baxter, with his Lazy-Boy recliner chair. He has been known to reveal a full delicatessen from the holds of his kayak. At times the home comforts that are produced from the lower decks of these kayaks have to be seen to be believed.
shop place half a dozen Porta-loo’s, at each stop for our convenience?
We collected some apples and some of us located the old bush toilet. Next time could Steve or Freddy and crew at Taupo’s local Canoe and Kayak
On this leg of the journey there were water wars, which led onto a couple of wet exits and some water rescue practices. At Wharerarauhe some of us soaked up the heat of the hot Pool, while others lounged about soaking up the sun.
Here we had a bite to eat, a chat, and a refreshing swim for the younger members Sarah and Joshua Thiele who were sharing a tandem, Eco-Niizh. Lizzie and co, our Bikini clad models, also showed off their prowess by leaping off the end of the wharf, hitting the water with their legs still running madly.
Ha Ha! Our next target was a hot thermal stream near Wharerarauhe. Enroute we passed Maori burial sites (Uru pa), some in caves high up on cliffs and old pa sites. Two island pa were submerged when the dams were built.
Those who had to get home early continued the paddle down river past the wonderful Orakei-Korako silica terraces and exited at the Orakei-Korako landing. Whereas, those in no hurry lingered while I, further up the stream, placed some honey and pearl corn cobs in a very hot spring for eating 20 minutes later. (NB Care must be taken using this spring!) The sun was still on us when we landed at 5.00pm. The cloud in the distance never reached us, but for keen kayakers it would have had no effect. As the old bushmans saying goes: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD WEATHER, THERE IS ONLY INAPPROPRRIATE CLOTHING
New innovative kayak with great speed and stability, for the intermediate/advanced paddler.
Designers & Constructors of Multisport & Adventure Racing Kayaks Phone/Fax 06 374 6222 E-mail:-
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Getting into Multisport Kayaking? Ask anybody who has competed in a multisport race and they will say
One or two weekends training Is just NOT ENOUGH!!! We believe our comprehensive Grade 2 Training & Certification is the best you can get. To gain the skills to confidently paddle on white water, you need between 3 and 8 weekends on the water with an instructor.
0800 529256
2005 Multisport Package $795
* See page 28 for Waimakariri Familiarisation Trips
Official Sponsor ISSUE THIRTY
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Wonderful Waikeremoana by Dave Evans Lake Waikeremoana in the Te Urewera National Park is a destination any kayaker with a love of nature and a yearning for isolation must put on their “wish list”. Yours truly had passed up opportunities in the past with various excuses such as work commitments or ‘it is too far to travel.’ So, when a trip was planned for Anzac weekend 2005, I just had to put my name down and make my own journey of discovery.
available from the locals or the Information Centre at Aniwaniwa.
Lake Waikeremoana was formed about 2200 years ago by a massive landslide, which blocked a narrow gorge of the Waikaretaheke River. The water backed up behind the landslide and created the lake, 248 metres deep. The local Tuhoe and Ruapani Maori people known as ‘Children of the Mist,’ have lived in the area for centuries. In pre-European times their life was a constant cycle of food gathering in this demanding landscape of rugged mountains cloaked in dense forest. There are many areas within the forest park and on the lake edge, which are sacred to the Tuhoe and Ruapani people, an important aspect to be aware of and to respect when you visit.
Over the four days we spent on the lake, we encountered beautiful clear blue sky, warm daytime temperatures, cold south westerly winds, low cloud, lake mist, heavy frost and snow on the surrounding hills. Just about the full Monty in terms of weather conditions! Take plenty of thermal clothing and wet weather gear.
There are more than 650 types of native plant in the Te Urewera National Park and many birds, including Kaka, Kakariki, New Zealand Robin, New Zealand Falcon, Tui, Bell Bird, Morepork and Brown Kiwi. Other introduced species include Grey, Mallard and Paradise Ducks, Kingfishers, New Zealand Scaup and White Faced Herons. If you sit quietly in your kayak and listen, you will hear many of them calling from the forest and you may even sight them around the numerous DOC camp sites. Lake Waikeremoana is fed by four major tributaries - the Hopuruahine, Mokau, Aniwaniwa and Te Korokorowhaitiri (also known as Korokoro Stream). In 1946 a hydroelectric development was completed, which lowered the lake level by 5 metres. The lake level does vary depending on the amount of rainfall in the area and the manipulation of the water level from the hydroelectric scheme. Some members in our group reckoned the lake level was about 2 metres lower than on their previous visit 20 months earlier. The Lake Waikeremoana Track is listed as one of the Great Walks in New Zealand. It affords truly magnificent vistas of the lake, especially from the Panekiri Bluff. The bluff makes a spectacular backdrop as you kayak across the main section of the lake. The Track is 46 kilometres of easy to moderate difficulty, taking three to five days to walk. There are 5 DOC huts and campsites enroute with generally excellent facilities including fresh water and toilets. It is also possible to visit other lakes within walking distance of Lake Waikeremoana - Lake Kaitawa, Lake Kiriopukae, and Lake Waikareiti - each with their own special magic. Whilst you cannot take your kayak to these smaller lakes, I am told that they are well worth a visit if you have the time. All of the lakes in Te Urewera National Park are renowned for their trout fishing. Good size Brown and Rainbow trout can be caught by fly or trawling. Our group decided to camp at designated DOC campsites on the lake edge, which provide fresh water, a toilet and a decent sized shelter for cooking and socializing. We had roaring campfires every night, creating a special atmosphere in the midst of a pristine remote wilderness. You can Free Camp anywhere on the lake, provided you are at least 500 metres from the walking track. If you decide to take this option, please find out where the local Maori sacred sites are located before you start your trip. This information is
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VHF channel 6 is used for boat-to-boat traffic and we were told that weather forecasts were available by calling the Visitor Centre on Channel 19. However, despite several attempts we were not able to raise an answer. Local boaties provided weather forecasting, from quite detailed reports to “more of the same mate” with varying accuracy. Because Lake Waikeremoana is 600 metres above sea level, it is prudent to check out a five day forecast before you enter the area and treat it like an alpine climate. The weather can change extremely quickly!
Kayaking on the lake is an absolute pleasure. The forest grows to the water’s edge. There are water falls, lovely bays and beaches, unusual rock formations and breath taking vistas. It is a visual symphony of nature at its pristine best with the added edge of having to be constantly aware of how quickly the lake can turn from docile flat calm to snarling 30 knot plus gusts of wind. The lake can and did “kick arse” with a couple of our hardy group taking an impromptu swim in the middle of the lake. We paddled most of the lake shoreline over four days. On the first day it was in brilliant sunshine along the Northern coastline and into Whanganui Inlet, where we camped at the very sheltered Tapuaenui campsite. On day two we explored the Whanganui Inlet and then paddled around into the Wairau Arm, exploring the many little bays enroute. We camped two nights in a picturesque setting at the Maraunui Bay campsite. Some of the group paddled to the Korokoro Falls on day three. By all accounts it is well worth the half hour walk from the Korokoro campsite. The rest of us spent the day walking two sections of the track in cold bleak conditions. In the Marauiti Hut we chatted with some hunters who were trying to stalk deer and wild pigs. During our walk we saw tracks of them but no actual sightings. Day four began in pleasant conditions with a breeze at our back, paddling back out of the Wairau Arm. However, on crossing the lake heading for Waikeremoana we were hit by sudden gusts of wind which managed to tip out a couple of our intrepid group. So after a quick rescue and sorting out we headed for the nearest beach to give the drenched duo a hot drink and chance to collect their thoughts before we continued on the final leg back. Apart from the natural wonders of the lake and its surrounds, the antics of some members in our group provided highlights. We had a Talent Quest organized by our producer Chris. He roped in three young teenage lads who were sharing our campsite. Those boys will be telling the story of that night for years to come! Our resident doctor regaled us with funny stories about strange injury patients coming into A&E....what do you think happens when a grown man attempts to trim a hedge with a lawn mower??!! So as usual the company was great and new friendships were forged in typical Yakkity Yak style. Many thanks to Stephen and Brenda for organizing the trip and allowing me to experience a place I plan to revisit again and again in the years ahead. As they say - “if you never never go, you will never never know” - so just do it! Photos by Dave Evans and Guy Folster
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W I N N E R Winner of Fish n’ Dive Issue 33 Liz Hasselman and partner Loek had been in the Napier Canoe & Kayak store looking at the Cobra Fish n’ Dive or the Cobra Tandem, keen to purchase one for the summer and could not believe their luck when they were rung to tell them they won the NZ Kayak Magazine’s Competition for a Fish n’ Dive. Liz and Loek have no real experience with kayaking, but are keen to learn with some Canoe & Kayak instruction. “We have a batch at the beach, so having a kayak will be great for getting to the good rocky sections to dive for selfish”, says Liz. Liz and Loek have been owners of the Sandwich Factory in Napier for some years and have been looking at some form of relaxation now they have sold the business. They both agree kayaking could give them the relaxation and freedom they have been looking for. Loek could not let Liz have all the fun so has purchased a kayak for himself!
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Letters to the Editor Cars carrying brightly coloured kayaks, Kayaks lined up on the beach ready to launch into the sea Triggering envious thoughts of: ‘I’ve left it too late in life This arthritis in my neck and shoulders would prohibit me’. Eventually— other thoughts; ‘if I don’t try it how will I know’. So I toddled off to the Yakity Yak Shop, situated in North Shore. There I met with sound advice and signed up for a course The staff are the friendliest bunch and full of kayak lore. This basic skills course gave me confidence in rescue techniques, Paddle strokes, many issues of safety, weather and equipment . The ‘Sunday Paddle’ was memorable, cold and high winds, It was suggested I ‘opt out’ due to my age. (I loved every moment!) Once completing the course one is free to join in the Sunday kayak trips and I take full advantage of these days, Enjoying the never ending delight of meeting new people Always a new experience, a new bay, river or inland waterway.
All the instructors are so professional and likeable people Ever ready to advise or demonstrate the proper way to do things. It always amazes me how they remember every-ones names, Their friendly manner contributes to the success and joy the course brings. It’s just two years since I started paddling, and still as keen as ever, The problem I had with my neck and shoulders are so much better! Paddling a kayak makes me feel like I’m part of the ocean. Conscious of every ripple swell and wave and feel so much fitter.
Of all the kayakers that I have met, I estimate one third are female. All age groups are represented, so if you are thinking about joining, don’t miss out like I did, the sooner you start the more fun you will have. So stop prevaricating! Ken Brett. Aged 83.
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Unit 2/20 Constellation Drive (off Ascension Place), Mairangi Bay, Auckland
710 Great South Road, Manukau
PHONE: 09 262 0209
PHONE: 09 479 1002
502 Sandringham Rd
The corner Greenwood St & Duke St, State Highway 1 Bypass
PHONE: 09 815 2073
PHONE: 07 847 5565
3/5 Mac Donald Street
7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale
Mount Maunganui (off Hewletts Rd)
PHONE: 09 421 0662
PHONE: 07 574 7415
Easy finance available. Conditions and booking fee apply 26
our • 2005
15 Niven Street
2 Centennial Highway
Onekawa, Napier
Ngauranga, Wellington
PHONE: 06 842 1305
PHONE: 04 477 6911
Unit 6, 631 Devon Road
38 Nukuhau Street,
Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth
PHONE: 06 769 5506
PHONE: 07 378 1003
Now selling new territory for Canoe & Kayak shops. Interested? PHONE: PETER TOWNEND 0274 529255
To join, see your nearest Canoe & Kayak shop ISSUE THIRTY
four • 2005
Putting adventures into training for adventure races by Phil White Training is like an adventure race: its about having adventures. Thus training for us has become creative, motivating and challenging. Training also needs to be specific to the race we are training for, but this article is about adventures. Adventure racing is a team sport that involves kayaking, biking, and running/ walking around an unmarked course which is revealed to competitors just before the start. Often there are additional activities, such as coasteering (running/walking, climbing and swimming around the coast), caving, rafting, or an abseil. Races mainly range in length from 6 hours to 10 days. The kayak stages are from 30 minutes to 6 hours long. The double kayaks generally used range from very stable, heavy and slow to a bit less stable, not quite so heavy, and potentially faster. In the rough, paddling a stable heavy slow kayak is quicker than swimming beside a faster one, as many teams in the 2005 ARC found out. There is always a compromise between speed and stability, though with practice, even a fast kayak can become comfortable in most conditions. Kayaking is done on the sea or lakes (often rough), in estuaries (which can have more mud than water), and rivers up to grade two (downstream or sometimes up). Portages may be unavoidable, or can make good short cuts. Training adventures start with an idea that excites us; a challenge, a place to head for, or a reward (or all three). Maps are our inspiration. Not just topo maps, but marine charts (go to Milford mall for a coffee at a table with marine charts) and park maps that show camping areas and facilities. Then a bit of research and some planning are needed to make it work safely. Based on a rough average of 10 km per hour, we can calculate how far we will get in a training session of x hours, what food, drink and gear to take. Most adventures happen close to home, in our case, Auckland’s North Shore. But there is still the rest of the country to explore. A training challenge for us in an adventure racing double kayak can mean a number of things. Paddling a specific distance or length of time, such as
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around Rangitoto, Motutapu, and Rakino in a morning. Or seeing improvements in speed by doing time trials around Lake Pupuke. Battling into strong easterly headwinds and through waves to improve our confidence and strength, and trying to surf gracefully (for the spectators) into a beach. Navigating a course in the dark or sometimes in the early morning fog is particularly valuable practice for paddling by compass setting. A place to aim for might be a new place to explore, though the weather and tides can make an old place different. The Hauraki Gulf is full of islands to circumnavigate. One of our favourites is Tiritiri Matangi; in addition to running amongst rare birds such as takehe, it is great for snorkelling. Snorkling is a good way to get comfortable in the water among rocks and swells, similar to the coasteering section of some adventure races where a wetsuit and fins can be used. Also a dive to a cray pot has been included in one race. Another is Rangitoto; it is possible to paddle across, run to the top and get back before work, during daylight saving anyway. For longer trips, visit Auckland’s coastal regional parks and DoC campgrounds, such as Mahurangi, Tawharanui, Motutapu, Tawhitokino, or Tapapakanga. Some of these can only be accessed by sea, so are never crowded. Exploring an estuary is good for strength work because of the shallow water, and safe in bad weather (e.g. Okura, Mahurangi, Waiuku, or Raglan Harbour). Or we might aim for a coffee shop (Puhoi, Riverhead, and Albany - hang on, they are all pubs! How about Whitford or Clevedon then?) Besides achieving the adventure, the reward might be surfing all the way home after paddling hard into an easterly, watching the sun or moon rise, meeting friends for a barbeque at the beach (they might drive you and the kayak home), hot pools on the Waikato River, or the shore of Lake Tarawera, and that coffee shop again (has someone written an article on what coffee shops can be accessed by water?). Unplanned rewards might be dolphins, orcas or sharks for company, or surfing behind a gin palace (but most of them don’t go slow enough). With a little imagination, it is very easy to put together a training adventure that combines kayaking with a trek, run or cycle. So get out there and find yourself an adventure!
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WOW - The FLOW is great Stable and easy to paddle and it handles surf with ease. Simple to use for the beginner, yet exciting for the more experienced paddler. The flow handles the heavier paddler well. We tested it with 115kg. It was stable and comfortable to paddle and the little ones enjoyed it to. This is an excellent family kayak that will get you and the kids out on the water exploring, fishing, surfing and anything else you can imagine to do on a kayak.
A great Canoe & Kayak package includes thigh braces, to make surfing way more controlled and a paddle all for only $799.00 Great Value Great Kayak Peter Townend
DVD REVIEW “Sea Kayaking - the Ultimate Guide” with World Champion Kayaker Ken Whiting and Alex Mathews Review by Neil Watson This DVD is about Ken, a bit about his expert mate Alex, and nothing about their blond companion (nameless on the cover). I’m left fantasizing what it would have been like if the roles were reversed. Ken is undoubtedly a champion with a paddle in his hand, but as dry as a buzzard’s crutch when it comes to narrating. The DVD provides both new and experienced paddlers with the knowledge and skills necessary for safe and comfortable sea kayaking. It is in 4 parts: Introduction to sea kayaking, Essential strokes and techniques, Rescue techniques and Advanced paddling. “The Ultimate Guide” is huge (120 minutes). The subject content is comprehensive and detailed. The images are highly illustrative and compliment the narrative. Placid backwaters, perfect surf and
raging tidal races tempt all skill levels. The “on location” scenery is stunning. Forget about trying to get your head around it in one sitting. I recommend one part at a time, twice: once to take in the scenery and the second to concentrate on the paddling. Enjoy, with your favourite beverage in one hand, and the other on the replay button. It’s all good stuff with plenty to mull over and apply. My bouquets are for: • The 3 Golden Rules. These are about correct stroke technique for effective paddling and injury prevention. • Going rudderless. Handy in rock gardens and surf landings. • Surfing backwards (I wish!)
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Dry Bag Technology moves forward
Great stuff ad to come
Super Latitude Dry Bags Showing the way forward in strength and ease of use Opens along the length of the bag - no more losing things in the bottom of the bag Hands-free autopurge valve automatically purges the air as the bag is compressed or stuffed into tight spaces Light weight urethane coated diamond rip-stop allows these bags to slide easily into kayak hatches. A full width window makes it easy to see your gear. THESE ARE THE BEST Available in 10, 21 & 51 Litre Sizes
Latitude Dry Bags Length opening dry bags at a competitive price Opens along the length of the bag - no more losing things at the bottom of the bag Polyester body and heavy-duty vinyl ends. WHY PUT UP WITH A TOP OPENING DRY BAG? Sizes available in 10, 21 & 51 Litre
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Grand Adventure When size matters Tough, waterproof, abrasion resistant fabric Shoulder strap & grab handle Carry all your gear in one bag Keep your car dry by keeping all your wet gear in one bag Size 99 Litre
Available at all good Kayak stores ISSUE THIRTY
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A Family Affair
by Ruth E. Henderson
Dolphins galore
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Byron Bay attracts surfers and dolphins
When my niece Rachel rang, she caught me on the hop. “Have you seen the latest Freedom Air fares to the Gold Coast?” “Nooooo... not everyone surfs the net in their tea or V - break!” She’s a slick talker. Within 30 minutes I found myself a booked and paid up customer. We were off on our next escapade, not kayaking the Abel Tasman, or Cathedral Cove, but ...there had to be a kayak in it somewhere! There was. A busy bee on the phone, Rach sold the idea of a holiday in a warmer clime to her mother and partner, and suddenly my unsuspecting ‘Aussie’ sister had a ‘Kiwi’ invasion on her hands. Barbara and her family manage Rainbow Apartments in Coolangatta, on the border of Queensland and New South Wales, so accommodation was no problem: waterfront self-contained apartment, with constant surf as far as the eye could see and Surfers Paradise, looking like toy-town on the horizon. Once settled in, and armed with a bundle of brochures, and access to the Internet we plotted our week’s activities. Barb confirmed that she could leave the building in daughter’s Jamie-Erin and Angie’s capable hands and sneak off work for a couple of paddles. For the rest of the time we were welcome to the surf-ski and kayaks in the basement. Byron Bay, the most eastern point of Australia beckoned. It had wild life: reputably dolphins play there year round and if we were lucky we might see a pod of whales. The Bottlenose Dolphins are “commonly seen
A family affair - Ruth, Barbara, Rachel.
riding the breakers into the bay and chasing small fish into the shallows. They are gregarious and sociable animals, fast agile swimmers and can remain underwater for up to fifteen minutes,” said one pamphlet. The southern hemisphere’s Humpback whales spend December through to March in the Antarctic, and from June to October in tropical breeding grounds. The 5,000 km round trip migration off the east coast of Australia begins in April, as the temperature drops. They pass Byron Bay in May and again in November. We were right on cue to catch sight of them. The Southern Cross University Whale Research Centre blurb said “The Byron area is renowned for its high numbers of humpbacks passing close to the shore and was once the site of a major landbased whaling station from 1954 - 1962.” If we needed anymore encouragement ‘Dolphin Kayaking’ advertised “...a guided tour of Byron’s Bay marine life. We take you over reefs and wrecks, give you a chance to see the many fish and turtles of our beautiful waters, and of course, get up close with the bluenose dolphins.” Of course! Guaranteed? Almost! We thought it worth the punt and the $60 for the gear hireage and local knowledge. A few days later we were looking for a blue van and yellow kayaks on Clarke’s Beach. We couldn’t miss them or Andrew. As large as life, and over flowing with enthusiasm he directed us to don helmets, buoyancy aids (both compulsory) and wet suits if desired. On the beach we had a surprisingly
minimalist briefing considering some of our group were total novices - more tourist than kayaker. At least we were quickly into the water and on our sit-on-top tandems. Rach and I paired up, and Barb had a muscular young man, a greenhorn, in the front of her boat. After 30 minutes of gentle paddling I thought, “ah oh, this is a bit tame...boring, tedious even. We spotted a couple of turtles... scanned the horizon for pods of anything: whales... dolphins...after about an hour and still nothing Andrew signalled us to head for the beach under the lighthouse with a promise of a cuppa raspberry tea and a chocolate biscuit. That’s when everything changed. He instructed the front ‘man’ to lean back when surfing the waves. Surfing the waves!! Golly, I might be a seasoned salt & pepper paddler, but when I see surfers, I either stay ashore, or look for another landing. We canned out in spectacular fashion. And didn’t get a cuppa for our trouble. No sooner were we ashore then there were excited shouts of “DOLPHINS, DOLPHINS.” We got to see dolphins playing, surfing, diving, ‘belly flopping’, and racing each other. The shutter delay on my digital camera drove me crazy. It was hard to anticipate exactly where and when the dolphins would perform. (Remember they can ‘hold their breath’ for a quarter of an hour.) The lack of a waterproof case meant I didn’t want to get too close to the action. Andrew, however, had all the gear, and got some great shots. Another birthday...another time ... next time... perhaps the action photos will be mine? Photos courtesy of “Multimedia Environment” and “Dolphin Kayaking” and Ruth E. Henderson
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Fishing Kayak by Bronnie Van Lith Off Nga Motu Beach one day, intending to paddle around the Sugar Loafs, Taranaki‘s reserve and seal colony, I saw a young man paddling a Perception Method Air which is a small white water boat, a play boat, made for river rapids or surf. Nga Motu beach is a harbour and this boat is extremely slow on flat water. I couldn’t resist paddling out to him and asking “ What’s up?” I nearly fell out of my boat when he replied “I’m going fishing. “ It would take him quite some time to paddle out of the harbour, and then if he caught a fish, where would he put it? I chuckled for the rest of my paddle. So what makes a good fishing kayak? It should be something very stable with loads of space for storage and a decent size tank-well to put your fish in. You don’t want to put fish inside your kayak as they will smell out your boat. At sea it is not wise
to open your boat with a flapping fish. You risk tipping out and filling your boat with water which puts you in a very dangerous situation. And of course your kayak needs length, so paddling doesn’t take too long or much effort to travel from A to B. A common question kayak retailers are asked is “Which kayak do you sell most?” Obviously it depends on the purpose for the boat. For fishing it is definitely the Cobra Fish ‘n Dive. Why? It is a good quality kayak specifically decked out for fishing and is incredibly stable. Once, when doing a demo, a client asked me “How easy is it to get back on the kayak?” The trouble was he couldn’t tip off the thing. I suggested “Stand on the kayak and rock it. See if you can tip it”. He was still unable to, so he jumped off. Because of its initial stability it is great in very rough conditions and also very easy to climb back on, a very important feature on a kayak. Make sure you can do it before you take it out into the open sea. When in doubt ask the retailer if you can take the boat for a demo. The tank-well on the Fish ‘n Dive is awesome, it can fit three dive tanks. It is the largest I have seen on any kayak and because it is directly behind the seat, you don’t have to lean too far back to stow your 20lb snapper. It also means plenty of room for a decent sized fishing bucket, fishing bag or live bait tank. We have fishing bags which fit perfectly into the tank well and can be carried as a back pack when on shore. Other storage includes a 10 inch round bait bin or bucket inside
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a hatch, directly in front of your seat. You can easily pull it out for cleaning. Lastly you can fit your two fishing rods into a large 23 by 13 inch hatch, so they are nicely tucked away before you hit that dreaded surf. Surf? Yes, in Taranaki and elsewhere there aren’t many places where you wont meet surf. But the Fish ‘n Dive has hard lines on it, which means you can, with a little bit of skill, cut & carve into surf and have a lot of fun. In fact some surfie friends take a Cobra Tandem out when the surf is pumping. They both stand on the kayak and go surfing. They love it! The Cobra Tandem has the same hull, as the Fish ‘n Dive. The deck is a different mould. It’s length, 3.81m gives it a reasonable speed so it doesn’t get pushed too far back when punching through surf. And it makes life a lot easier when pulling out that heavy long line. Another feature on the Fish ‘n Dive which makes it such a popular boat is the extra seat up front for your partner or kids. Our 5 yr old boy loves this daddy & son quality time. Also there is plenty of deck space for extra rod holders & a fish finder. The high seat area makes it a dryer boat and little strain on your back. However, if you do have back problem you can fit a deluxe seat which feels like a lazy boy. To top it all off, this stable, 3.81m kayak only weighs 25.85kgs and has a lifetime guarantee on the plastic! Pretty awesome ah! No wonder it is such a popular boat. Come and check it out at a Canoe & Kayak centre.
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Snottiness on the River by Bill Parks River users have a new and unwanted companion. Didymosphenia geminata, or didymo, has found its way into New Zealand. More colorfully known as river snot, the non-native and unsightly algae can carpet riverbeds in brown slime, potentially affecting native plants and fish. Didymo was first discovered in New Zealand October 2004 in the Lower Waiua, but only since August, when it was found in the Buller, has the story become a discussion topic amongst river users nationwide. Its presence has now been confirmed in eight other South Island rivers: the Mararoa, Waiau, Oreti, Hawea, Upper Clutha and Von, which flows into Lake Wakatipu. Didymo is a diatom, a single celled algae. It becomes noticeable when it blooms as colonies attach themselves to river bottoms. Despite its slimy appearance, it is more scratchy to the touch and it can grow “streamers” with whitish ends. Once established, it can cover riverbeds, choking out other organisms. There is no evidence of any health risk to humans, though some swimmers have reported itchiness in their eyes. According to Phil Barclay, a spokesperson for Bio Security New Zealand, didymo seems to thrive in rivers with clear, cool moving water and rocky bottoms. Though there is no conclusive evidence that didymo has made it to the North Island, Barclay says the possibility cannot be ruled out, and rivers such as the Tongariro in the central volcanic plateau are considered especially
vulnerable. Consequently, Bio Security is asking all river users to clean their gear when ever they move from one river to another, whether the river is known to have didymo or not. Though initial doomsday fears amongst river users that didymo would seriously affect access to infected rivers seem unfounded, controlling its spread will take a cooperative effort amongst all river users. “It really comes down to personal responsibility,” says Barclay. He is adamant that river users take steps to halt the spread of the organism. It only takes one drop of water to infect a river. In fact, officials believe that didymo arrived in New Zealand from overseas in damp fishing or kayak gear. Thus, cleaning all gear is essential. Biosecurity is requiring anyone moving gear from an infected river to “Soak and scrub all items for at least one minute in either, hot (60°C) water, a two percent solution of household bleach or a five percent solution of salt, nappy cleaner, antiseptic hand cleaner or dishwashing detergent.” If soaking is not possible, then river users must let their gear dry completely and then let it sit an additional 48 hours. Kayakers who have access to swimming pools may also disinfect their gear in the chlorinated water. Fortunately for paddlers in the Buller region, cleaning gear is relatively simple. Pam Weiss, codirector of the New Zealand Kayak School in Murchison, says the school has installed a saline bath that may be used not only by clients, but also by any other river users. Since the many of the Buller tributaries do not have didymo, Weiss says that the weed has made her “think more about which rivers we are paddling in which order.”
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New Zealand is not alone in finding didymo a problem. Though didymo may be native to Northern North America, it is now spreading throughout the American west. In August of this year it was also discovered east of the Mississippi for the first time. Scientists are looking into why didymo, whose presence has been known for years, only now seems to be spreading. Certainly, experience in the United States should give Kiwis pause. According to information published by the US Environmental Protection Agency, the dense brown mats of algae have meant that some western US fisheries have “declined by 90% in 2003 and 2004.” Fortunately, New Zealand is known for its ‘can do’ attitude, and the paddling community takes conservation seriously. Alan Bell, president of the Hutt Valley Canoe Club sums it up matter-of-factly, “We have to disinfect and get used to it.” If all river users adopt that mantra, this unwelcome guest will be kept under control and New Zealand’s rivers will remain pristine. More detailed information on didymo in New Zealand and how we can help contain its spread can be found at: didymo
From the USA - Seattle Sports Paddling Accessories Basic Trolley If you could not afford a trolley before, you can now. Clear anodised aluminium frame Stainless steal needle bearing and hardware Pneumatic wheels Simple design
Folding Camp Sink Why carry a cumbersome plastic bowl 3.5 gallon capacity folds flat for easy storage Top stiffeners Rugged vinyl Construction, RF welded seams and webbed carrying handles.
Paddle Float Two chamber float for added safety
Easter “Get Together”
A 2nd chamber for use when you need extra buoyancy or if one chamber is accidentally punctured Clip on safety tether to eliminate loss in windy conditions
Lake Taupo On-water activities, games, fishing competition and loads of trips all weekend With a party on the evening of 15 April 2006 BBQ, live music, dancing frivolities $25 Saturday evening ‘DO’ will be held at Taupo Motor Camp ... cabins & campsites available - to book:
Solar Shower No more cold showers at the end of a day’s paddling The 5-gallon capacity for 8 minute shower Constructed of durable PVC Separate fill cap, on/off valve and a hanging/carrying handle.
Foam Paddle Float No need to worry about blowing up your paddle float - use immediately Unidirectional trapezoidal shaped foam block enhances Reflective webbing trim and metallic chrome stability front panel Large pocket for paddle blade Wide adjustable leash to secure the paddle shaft.
Bilge Pump Solid, simple & effective pump 8 gallon per minute Easy-grab handle Super-strong pump shaft and heavy-duty impact resistant plastic.
Paddle Leash Unique quick release paddle leash
Deck Bag
Streamlined, low-profile retractile cord 8' expansion Heavy-duty snaphook Internal Kevlar cord filament
A place to put your nibbles, camera, and extra clothing providing easy access while on the move Entire bag is RF welded to keep water out. Splash proof HydroKissTM zipper is sealed in with no holes for water to find. Internal plastic stiffener to keep the bag in shape A universal anchoring system
Call your local Canoe & Kayak Centre for further details. Available at all good Kayak stores
four • 2005
Four day trip with Greg Havelock to Picton Saturday, September 17-20, 2005 This trip had been arranged for a couple of months. Greg Andrews (from Christchurch) and myself (Kevin Andrews). We are not related in any way as far as we can ascertain, just cobbers who met because our wives were friends. We had been eagerly waiting for the weekend to arrive. We picked a full moon and also the tide to run us out from Havelock. The idea was to paddle our kayaks from Havelock to Picton in the ensuing four days. The weather of course was going to be great at this time of the year. As it turned out the weather forecast was shit and more shit. However, Greg arrived and the decision was made to have a go. After all we could always come home. So it was that Jenny, Kevin’s wife, took us down to Ohingaroa on Saturday morning and we launched in brilliant sunshine and a slight Nor’west breeze and were underway by 9.25am. We paddled across the Mahau to Putanui Pt in a slight chop that got a wee bit larger in the Hikapu Reach with the tide backing against the wind. As we closed in on Pipi Beach I suggested to Greg that a few minutes ashore would be in order. He agreed, so we hauled ashore for a spell. From here we carried on past Maori Bay, across the front of Four Fathom Bay and round Turn Point. By this time the tide was giving us quite a hand and we were making good time and in reasonable conditions we made Tawero Point. This was our lunch stop. Here we stretched out in the sun in the lee of a rock out of the blustery Nor’west that was blasting down Tawhitinui Reach and watched the fizz boats bouncing across the gap towards Horseshoe Bay. This looked like our first big challenge. What a grunt it was, a good half an hour of solid paddling against a big choppy sea into a strong head wind. Across Richmond Bay we went with the wind now running more side on, hence a little less effort was required. Also at this stage we had a couple of Hector Dolphins decide to show off for us. They jumped straight into the air in front of us, leaping higher than our heads, they raced
past the boats, dashed close inshore and out again. Two Bottlenose dolphins arrived to join the fray they swam around us a couple of times, just magic. We paddled on and duly made the turn into Ketu Bay where we determined that we would camp the night. In the bay five runabouts were all dragging scallop dredges and a launch was hooked up to a mooring for the night. We cruised in past the first two beaches and finally decided on the third as it looked to have the only camping site. We were reasonably sheltered in here, possibly the best spot in the bay available to our lifestyle. Five hours had passed since Jenny had seen us off. Not too bad a time for a couple of amateurs I reckoned. We set up camp and dried our sweat-soaked tops in the warm sunshine. About an hour or so later, the wind was increasing and getting colder, so we had tea and retired for the night. About 11pm the rain started. It was still raining in the morning, blowing a gale from the south, huge williwaws streaked across the bay, lifting spray 70-80ft in the air. Then the rain and mist closed in and we could no longer see across the bay. So to keep warm both of us crawled into my tent and our sleeping bags. Greg’s tent fly was not entirely successful so he slept in the tent with me. In the afternoon the rain eased
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to sporadic showers so we went for a stroll along the beach to the head of the bay, coming back via a road that had been kept in good nick. We cooked tea and listened to the weather forecast and decided that our only choice was to abandon the idea of trying to get round Cape Jackson, the top of the Sounds to Picton as there was a storm warning out and it was a southerly. After a blustery night we awoke to clear skies but a rather brisk sou’west blow. We had a quick breakfast, packed up camp and at 5.50am were on the water. Destination Penzance Bay, Tennyson Inlet. We cruised out of Ketu Bay on a calm sea, rounded the corner into a real rugged sea and extremely brisk breeze. We punched this for an hour or so, finally gaining some shelter and a wee break behind Maud Island. It was here that I asked Greg to dig out his cell phone and contact Jenny, my lovely and understanding wife, to request a pick up at Penzance Bay, our ETA would be in about three hours. Well we popped out from the lee of Maud Island into the biggest sea of the trip and as was now the norm, another big head wind. At times on this stretch we both thought that we were not making any headway, but we were, slowly getting there. One and a half hours of solid paddling saw us thankfully resting in the shelter of Tarakaipa Island in Tennyson Inlet. From here we popped across to Deep Bay, and landed on a wee beach to stretch the legs, before cruising around the coastline in sheltered waters and sunshine listening to the birds singing in Penzance Bay. Time
Our day was topped off by Jenny cooking us a fantastic meal that we all enjoyed along with a convivial glass of red. It is really great to come home to such a lovely lady. The experience was fantastic. We were a tad disappointed at not being able to achieve our objective, but by not trying to be smart we live to try again another day. The weather was not conducive to kayaking around Cape Jackson. Also I know now that I still need to get my wrists considerably fitter. They are at present both
swollen and rather tender. However on the up side we agreed that the trip is possible and hopefully we will one day achieve it. We have far more knowledge about our boats capability and at no time did we feel unsafe in the conditions. Possibly had the wind been much stronger we may not have been able to battle against it. Not too bad an achievement for a couple of amateurs I reckon. Greg was paddling his contour 480 and I was paddling my Tui Excel. Greg was not able to match my boat speed. I seemed to slip along somewhat faster with less effort. This was in good going, i.e. flat water as well as in the rugged water, even though Greg seemed to be cutting through the rough flatter than me. His paddles are squarer than mine, he said he seems to have to dig deeper to get momentum whereas I apparently have a flatter sweep with my bettershaped paddles. After our discussions, in the watering hole of course, we have decided to exchange paddles next time out together, and see if that was the cause for the speed differential or whether it was simply a case of boat design.
125mm, 360 degree LED light
11.30am. Half an hour later, Derek Cordes, who had been contacted by Jenny, arrived in my vehicle to pick us up. The Bay was flat calm, the sun shining and one would never have believed the difference in the conditions just a couple of miles further out. After a cuppa we loaded the boats and Derek drove us out. Car problems as usual at the Clansman in Havelock saw us enjoying a well-earned Guinness and a bite to eat. This caused bladder problems and a call at the Cork and Keg in Renwick a few kilometres towards home was necessary to get this fixed.
NEW Safety Flag & Light
Manufacturered by Great Stuff Ltd, email:
Be seen day or night with Great Stuff’s new Safety Flag, LED Light unit. • LED light with 20 hour battery life • Waterproof up to 300 feet • Visible up to 500 meters in darkness • Available in traditional rod holder mount or new easy install base
NEW Easy Install Base • Very easy to install. Simply drill a 20mm hole and tighten the large plastic nut until waterproof • Rubber washers provide seal • Base is small and inconspicuous on your kayak • Flag pole slides in and out of Base for easy transport
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The Canoe & Kayak Rodney Coast Challenge Nov 6th 2005 by Rob H
Once again Kaukapakapa Scouts did a great job in organising this year’s event and with entries up and near perfect weather the best family multisport race on the Auckland calendar was a ripper. It truly is a family event for all ages and abilities and as John Elia explains, even if you don’t want to do the whole event you can always find a teammate and support crew to help you along!! Looking for a team partner was the biggest challenge. As the deadline for entries drew near most avenue’s closed. A casual enquiry at the Naval base and Dan volunteered his running and mountain biking services. As a first time multisporter he figured he would be able to manage and with that we prepared for race day. Virgin support crew Mike (and family!) were to look after both myself, Dan and also Sam Goodall from Canoe & Kayak North Shore. Sam was entering his first event with high hopes in the individual men’s event. Race day starts early as the kayaks are to be left at the Puhoi transition area. Then back to Kaukapakapa to drop of the Mountain Bikes.
Time! Yes time was running out as we headed for Woodhill Forest. Leave your road bikes here and go to the beach area for registration, we join in the procession, register, leave the runners and slowly pick our way back to the bike racks. By the time the vehicle was parked, the first runners were not long in reaching the transition, and gosh! Dan arrives. Don’t panic, get on the bike and go for it. Adrenalin rush down through a narrow lane between parked cars legs pumping and my ride is underway. Sam should be on me soon so concentrate, hard work up the big hill but then comes the down hill rush, turn right and up to the transition, hand over to Dan and as I retrieve my bike in comes Sam. Load up the bikes and it is off to Puhoi. The Traffic is heavy and some strangers in town in Campervans are not sure which way they should be going. Quick mountain bikers take about an hour to do this leg and we are pushing it in the traffic. We park the vehicle and run to the kayak transition, but my kayak is not there! Then a voice calls my name. Dan has beaten me here and tells me he has been waiting for 10 minutes. “Who is this guy?” There is a mix up with some gear but I’m on the water with a magnificent seal launch, plastic sea
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kayaks are great eh? I can hear my name being called. It’s Sam saying something about a paddle. Oops! Somehow I have Sam’s paddle so I slow up, we swap and I get left in his wake cursing for being late to the transition but still make the finish in style. It’s all over and time to reflect on a great race. To Dan, I would like to thank him for giving me the biggest buzz, for without him I would not have been able to enter the event let alone face the possibility of such a good finishing position. I think he has been bitten by the multisport bug, and may be in the Individual section next year. To Mike and family, a big thanks for your help and I look forward to seeing you compete next year. Thank you also to the organisers, and a very big thank you to the officials and marshals who do a great job on the course. Every one has their story. This is mine. John Elia & Dan Reynolds finished 8th in the open men’s team despite a 10 minute cock up at the kayak transition. Sam Goodall finished 8th overall in the individual men’s - Go Sam! Well done to all competitors and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.
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Kayaks & Kids at Sandspit by Kate Fitness I was describing our planned weekend at Sandspit to a friend, “It’s going to be great. We’re expecting about 20 kids and adults”. At this she pointed out, yet again, our differing concepts of a good time.
When they say there is no water at low tide... They mean it!
Happily I can report in all earnest that once we had all reminded ourselves that kids + water + sand = wet sandy kids, even if it is the middle of winter, we had a wonderful time.
The gentle weather held on Sunday and 6 of us set off up river in search of Matakana. We searched several likely looking mangrove strewn creeks, which all grew narrower and narrower - someone said cheerfully “there’s a Café there, I’m sure it’s up here....” But the Café remained an elusive mirage - we were up the wrong creek...but we still had our paddles.
The campsite is unique. The owners have turned derelict sheds into a fascinating street of shops from the turn of last century(ish). These are packed with curios that locals have donated. Spot the man at work under the old Austin. We gradually realised he had a major problem, or he is stuffed! They also had huge game of Snakes & Ladders. You were a piece on the board. And they had a giant chess game. We also enjoyed a round of mini golf, even though the lower holes were flooded. Did we get afloat then? - Of course! Thanks to the great weather, a high tide and very sheltered waters, we tried a range of sit-on-tops & sea kayaks with our kids. The youngest was about 6 months while the oldest were teenagers (who knows their age...who cares?) The adventurous paddled around the shore to a small park & back. Our youngest, Emelie (6) managed to paddle all the way - with only a few lollie bribes offered. Lunch was very civilised - a visit to Heron’s Flight Winery proved to be an excellent way to spend the afternoon.
Bryn and Rowan Rose
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We all got together for a chilli of immense proportions - thanks to Brenda & Rob - Wonderful! The young’uns were entertained in the cinema with duty parents on a rota system, checking they weren’t switching from “Bad Jelly the Witch” to anything unsuitable.
We did see Kingfishers, stingrays and even a Spoonbill, which is classified as rare in my bird book. - A first. Again Emelie paddled herself on a Cobra Play, with a few tows this time. This has given her a huge leap in self confidence. A big thanks to Rob & Brenda for bravely organising the weekend - it was a massive success & lets do another one soon.
A great fun family boat with plenty of freeboard allowing for a heavy load. Excellent for sheltered water exploring. Paddles quickly and has excellent stability. Dry storage compartment.
A light easy to use family kayak. Enjoyable paddling for the whole family in sheltered waters.
SAVE with a Length: 4.70m, Weight: 34 kg, Width: 830 mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1629.
ESCAPADE Great general purpose kayak for fishing, diving and having fun in the sun.
Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $969.
Length: 2.8 m , Weight: 17 kg, Width: 680 mm
THE EXPLORER is ideal for fishing, surfing and exploring and one of the driest ‘Sit-ons’ you will find. Great hatches for storing your goodies
SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1229.
SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1219.
Length: 3.43 m, Weight: 18.18 kg, Width: 790 mm
Length: 3.46 m, Weight: 27 kg, Width: 750 mm
Easy finance available from
Conditions and and Conditions booking fee fee apply apply booking
Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.
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For more information on any of these kayaks or equipment - fill in the form and receive an information pack and Go in the Draw to WIN....
Prize drawn on 15 January 2006
A ‘Flow’ kayak valued at $995 Name: Email: Address: Ph: home work mobile Please send me info. on: Send form to: WIN A FLOW; NZ Kayak Magazine, 7/28 Anvil Rd, Silverdale. Phone (09) 421 0662.
four • 2005
We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.
This kayak has it all, even an adjustable leg length rudder system. The low profile hull of the Cobra Tourer cuts down on windage, enabling paddlers to maintain high speed and straight tracking with easy handling in all conditions. The integrated keel provides stability and efficiency.
The ultimate fishing/diving kayak. A large well is located in the stern and holds up to three tanks. There is one centrally located seat and a smaller companion seat near the bow. It can also be fitted with an optional motor bracket for an electric trolling or small outboard engine.
Length: 4.55 m, Weight: 22.68 kg, Width: 711 mm (x A hatch and tank straps incl.)
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1498.
A Wave Ski which the whole family can enjoy. Fantastic in the surf, it‘s a fast and manoeuvrable sit-on-top.
SAVE with a Length: 3.12 m, Weight: 22.7 kg , Width: 810 mm
SQUIRT A Sit-on-Top for the family. Able to seat an adult and a small child. It is easy to paddle and is very stable. Easily carried by one adult or two kids.
Length: 2.7m, Weight: 15 kg, Width: 780 mm
is great for the paddler who wants a fun fast surf and flat water kayak. Kids love this Sit-on as it is not too wide for them to paddle and yet very stable.
Length: 3.10 m, Weight: 17.27 kg, Width: 710 mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $775.
Probably the closest you will come to finding one kayak that does it all. Surfing, fishing, snorkelling.
SAVE with a
SAVE with a
Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1069.
Length: 3.3 m, Weight: 23 kg , Width: 750 mm
Length: 4.75 m, Weight: 34 kg, Width: 840 mm
Easy finance available from Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.
Length: 2.92 m, Weight: 16 kg, Width: 685 mm
A fantastic two person cruising kayak which is stable and fast. It has plenty of storage and great features to make your adventures fun.
Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1749.
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $999.
SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $599.
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1689.
Great for the surf and the river with awesome manoeuvrability. Excellent finish.
Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $999.
Length: 3.81 m, Weight: 25.85 kg, Width: 914 mm (hatches & accessories not included)
our • 2005
Conditions and booking fee apply
We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.
‘two person’ is ideal for fishing, surfing and exploring. It has great hatches for storing your adventure equipment. Now available with three person option. It is often used by one person.
A great multipurpose family boat for big kids and small kids alike. Lots of fun this summer at the beach. (Hot surfer!)
Length: 3.81 m, Weight: 25.90 kg, Width: 915 mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1729.
Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1689.
Length: 4.2 m, Weight: 32 kg, Width: 830 mm
CONTOUR 490 This double Sea Kayak is an ideal day tourer with the easy ability to do those weekend camping expeditions. It handles well, is fun to paddle and has well appointed accessories.
Fishing, cruising, well appointed with gear storage inside. Also includes an optional extra pod that detaches, which is great for carrying your fishing gear to your favourite spot. The pod can also be used as a seat.
Stefan Martul Length: 4.01 m, Weight: 25 kg, Width: 780 mm
Length: 4.87 m, Weight: 35 kg, Width: 800 mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $3299.
A stable fun kayak which is easy to handle. This is an enjoyable kayak for all the family.
Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1999.
Length: 2.5 m, Weight: 21 kg, Width: 770 mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1225.
SAVE with a
Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $739.
Fun for the whole family at the beach or lake. Plenty of room and great stability.
SAVE with a
SAVE with a
Length: 4.5 m , Weight: 34kg , Width: 820 mm
TASMAN EXPRESS Responds to rough conditions. Its low profile and flared bow enable it to perform well in adverse conditions. It is designed to give the paddler maximum comfort, with adjustable footrests, backrest, side seat supports and optional thigh brace.
Length: 5.3 m, Std. Weight: 29 kg, Lightweight: 27 kg, Width: 610 mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2839.
Give your specialist kayak shop a call and talk to one of our friendly team to help choose the best kayak for you.
Easy finance available from
Conditions and booking fee apply
Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.
four • 2005
We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.
TORRES A fast and stable sea kayak capable of handling extreme expeditions. Huge storage and lots of leg room.
Prices start at $4110.
Length: 3.43 m, Weight: 18.18 kg, Width: 790 mm
Length: 5.6 m, Weight: 23kg kevlar carbon, Width: 600 mm
SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $3039.
SEQUEL Fast, light, touring kayak suits beginners through to advanced paddlers. The hull design allows for great handling in rough water. Well appointed and ideally suitable for multisport training.
An enjoyable sea kayak, fast and nimble with huge storage, great features and the most comfortable seat your butt will ever meet.
Length: 5.4 m, Weight: Std 26 kg , Width: 590 mm
Length: 4.93 m , Weight: 26kg, Width: 580 mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2649.
As per the plastic model, the kevlar Tasman Express responds to rough conditions but its decreased weight, and increased stiffness, gives even better performance.
Length: 5.3 m, Weight: 22 kg, Width: 610 mm
Challenge 5 Slightly larger volume than the Sequel and lighter at 22kg. A fast and stable touring sea kayak well appointed and featuring a great rudder/ steering system.
Prices start at $3979. PENGUIN Length: 5 m , Weight: 22kg, Width: 590 mm (Freight charges may apply)
Prices start at $3310. CONTOUR 450 This kayak is designed for day tripping and light overnight expeditions. It’s great fun to paddle and handles easily.
Has all the features for multi-day kayaking with ease of handling in all weather conditions. With great manoeuvrability this kayak is suitable for paddlers from beginner to advanced.
Length: 4.5 m , Weight: 26kg , Width: 640mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2375.
Easy finance available from Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.
our • 2005
Length: 4.8 m, Weight: 25 kg, Width: 610 mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2549.
Conditions and booking fee apply
We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.
CONTOUR 480 Is a roomy, manoeuvrable, easy to handle boat. A channelled hull provides outstanding tracking which helps keep you on course. Its upswept, flared bow makes crossing rough water a breeze.
TUI EXCEL A versatile touring kayak for lake, river and sea. Stability, speed and easy tracking make for an enjoyable day’s paddling. A larger cockpit allows for easier entry and exit. Length: 4.8m, Weight: 27 kg, Width: 62 cm
SAVE with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2049.
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $2499.
ECO NIIZH 565 XLT This upgraded model is proving a hit with its new lighter weight and some excellent features. We now have a plastic double sea kayak that is great to use for all those amazing expeditions and adventures.
Length: 4.4 m, Weight: Std 22kg, Width: 610 mm
Flat water cruising, well appointed, a nifty adjustable backrest, an access hatch in the back which is great for carrying your extra gear.
Length: 5.64 m, Weight: 45 kg, Width: 760 mm
Length: 3.7 m, Weight: 20 kg, Width: 7675 mm
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $1575.
with a Canoe & Kayak Package Deal. Packages start at $4129.
SPECIFICATION Weight: Width: Length: Price:
Weight: Width: Length: Price:
11kg 450mm 5.65m $2995
REBEL This new fast funky Ruahine Kayak is designed for paddlers of both genders up to 75kgs. At 5.65 metres long, the Rebel is half way between the length of the Swallow and the Opus or Firebolt and is faster than them all.
16.5 kg 500mm 6.4 m $3495 kevlar & carbon $2995 fibreglass
OCEAN X This Racing Sea Kayak was designed specifically for the ‘Length of New Zealand Race’ and built around the safety criteria drawn up for that race. The Ocean X is also very suitable for kayak racing in the many harbours, estuaries and lakes of New Zealand and lends itself well to the kayak sections of many multisport races.
Easy finance available from
Conditions and booking fee apply
Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.
four • 2005
We have many more kayaks available so please ask if you cannot see what you want.
SPECIFICATION Weight: Width: Length: Price:
12 kg 455mm 5.9m $3045
FIREBOLT This new, very user friendly kayak with its excellent combination of speed and stability supercedes our very popular Opus. It is suitable not only for the intermediate / advanced paddler, but also for the busy, but keen ‘Weekend Warrior’.
Weight: Width: Length: Price:
SPECIFICATION Weight: Width: Length: Price:
14.5 kg 540 mm 4.94m $2295
INTRIGUE This kayak is ideal for the beginner/entry level kayaker who is looking for a quick, light kayak with great stability. Very suitable for first time Coast to Coasters.
Weight: Width: Length: Price:
12 kg 480mm 5.4 m $2795
19.09 kg 585 mm 5.03 m $1495
SWALLOW The next step up from the entry level kayaks. Fast with good
THE ELIMINATOR is a fast stable racing
stability. Medium skill ability is required to enjoy racing this kayak. A very popular Coast to Coast kayak.
and training ‘Sit -on’. It has an adjustable dry seat and a cool draining system. Ideal for the paddler wanting a good fitness work out.
Weight: 21 kg Width: 510 mm Length: 5.29 m Price: $1595 Includes rudder foot plate and pedals as standard.
Weight: 16.5 kg to 19 kg depending on construction Width: 510 mm Length: 6.43 m Price: $2980 - $3330 depending on construction
MAXIMUS Fast ocean going Racing Sea Kayak. The broad bow allows this kayak to ride over waves like a surf ski without losing any speed and is easy to control while surfing. A low profile reduces buffeting by the wind in adverse conditions.
SURF SKI An excellent training and competition surf ski, can be used with under-slung rudder or rear mounted rudder.
Weight: Weight:
26 26kg kg Glass Kevlar/Carbon 24kg Kevlar Width: 550mm Width: 550 mm Length: 7m Length: 7m Price: $4995 Price: $4995Glass - $5495 $5495 depending on construction Kevlar/Carbon
Weight: 22 kg Width: 550mm Length: 5.15 m Price: $1495 Includes multisport rudder and Ozo foot pedals and foam pillars fitted as standard.
ADVENTURE DUET This lightweight, very fast and recently updated Adventure Racing double kayak continues to dominate adventure racing in NZ and is very suitable as a recreational double.
VIPER This boat is designed as an entry level alternative to expensive composite crafts, has good stability and speed. Colours: Stone grey, Mango, White granite, Lime, Yellow.
Easy finance available from Please note that all prices are subject to change without notice. Accessories and hatches as pictured may not be included in price.
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Conditions and booking fee apply
Directory: Things To Do
TAUPO Maori Carvings Half day guided trip to the rock carvings, Lake Taupo... only accessible by boat.
$85 per person (bookings essential). Call freephone 0800 KAYAKN for details.
TAUPO Accommodation Accommodation available to Yakity Yak club members and their families... Ideal for sport and school groups... Situated on the banks of the Waikato River our Kayakers Lodge accommodates up to 12 people, is fully furnished, with plenty of parking and a quiet location.
$25 per person per night. Phone: 0800 529256 for details
Hawkes Bay Harbour Cruise
Waikato River Discovery
2 hour guided kayak trip. Experience the magnificent upper reaches of the mighty Waikato River - soak in the geothermal hotsprings - take in the stunning environment... a perfect trip for all the family...
Need some excitement? Take a kayak down this wicked Grade II river run... this is a whole day of thrills and fantastic scenery down the Mohaka River.
Price: $40 adult $25 children Special group and family rates. Call freephone 0800 KAYAKN for details.
Waitara River Tours
Price: $100 per person. Call freephone 0800 KAYAKN for details. Phone: Taupo 07 378 1003, Hawke’s Bay 06 842 1305
For those who are slightly more adventurous at heart, this is a scenic trip with the excitement of grade two rapids. Midway down, we paddle under the historic Betran Rd Bridge where we will stop for a snack.
Allow 2 hours paddle only. Priced at $50. Phone: 06 769 5506
Two day trips $220.00 or one day $70.00. Phone 06 769 5506
Exploring Karepiro Bay and the Okura Marine Reserve. Enjoy this scenic trip with abundant wildlife and a stop at Dacre Cottage, the historic 1860 settlers house, which is only accessible by boat or a long walk.
Taupo - Open for the summer and by appointment. Long Bay, Auckland - by appointment only. Have some paddling fun on the beach or let us run a Tour for you and your friends and explore these beautiful areas.
All this for $40 per person. Phone 06 842 1305
Okura River Kayak Hire Company Phone: 09 473 0036
Phone Canoe & Kayak on 0508 KAYAKNZ for details
Paddle to the Pub
Okura River Kayak Hire Company Phone: 09 473 0036
Twilight Tours Departs from one of The East Coast Bays beautiful beaches. Enjoy the scenic trip with the sun setting over the cliff tops as you paddle along the coast line. COST: $49.00 • Group discounts available!
Okura River Kayak Hire Company Phone: 09 473 0036 Mobile: 025 529 255
Price on application.
0800 529256
Sugar Loaf Island From Ngamutu Beach harbour we head out to the open sea to Nga Motu/Sugar Loaf Island Marine Reserve. View the Taranaki scenic, rugged coastline as we draw closer to the Sugar Loaf Islands. Enjoy the seal colony and experience the thrill of close up views of these fascinating marine mammals.
Allow 3 hours subject to weather. $50.00 per person. Phone 06 769 5506
Kayak Hire
A guided kayak trip round the safe waters of the Inner Harbour, while learning about the history of the area. During this stunning trip around the beautiful Napier Inner Harbour of Ahuriri, we stop to share a glass of fresh orange juice, local fruits and cheese platter.
Kayaking to a local pub is a unique way of spending an evening, bringing your group of friends together by completing a fun activity before dinner and making a memorable experience. These trips are available to Riverhead, Browns Bay and Devonport Pubs. COST: $59.00 each • GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE!
Interested in a great adventure on this Magnificent River? Give us a call and we will give you a memory of a lifetime. Canoe & Kayak Taupo
Mokau River Enjoy this beautiful scenic river which winds through some of New Zealands lushest vegetation. Camping overnight and exploring some of New Zealands pioneering history. A true Kiwi experience.
Okura River Tours
Whanganui River Trips
New Zealand Kayaking Instructors Award Scheme Become a kayaking Instructor and Guide. Get into gear and get qualified! It’s fun and easy to do.
Don’t delay phone 0508 5292569 now
Customized Tours • Work Functions • Schools • Clubs • Tourist groups Whether it’s an afternoon amble, a full days frolic or a wicked weekend adventure we can take you there. If there’s somewhere you’d like to paddle we can provide you with experienced guides, local knowledge, safe up to date equipment and a lot of fun.
Contact your local store on 0508 KAYAKNZ
Join the Yakity Yak Club Want to have fun, meet new people, have challenging and enjoyable trips, and learn new skills? PLUS get a regular email newsletter and this magazine! Also, get a discount on kayaking courses and purchases from Canoe & Kayak stores. Then, join us!
Phone Canoe & Kayak on 0508 KAYAKNZ to find out more
four • 2005
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 1
A comprehensive course designed to cover the skills required to become a technically correct and safe paddler. The course progresses so you develop techniques and confidence at an enjoyable pace with great end results. This course is run over a weekend or by request in the evenings.
This course covers the skills required to become a technically correct Eskimo Roller. You increase your confidence, allowing you to paddle in more challenging conditions. Being able to eskimo roll will make you a more competent, safe and capable paddler.
A comprehensive course designed to cover the skills required to become a technically correct paddler. Starting off in a heated pool and progressing through flat water to moving water, it allows you to develop techniques and confidence at an enjoyable pace with great end results.
Course: 4 evening sessions COST $200
Course: Weekend COST $349
COST $295
Stage 3
Stage 2
ESKIMO ROLLING This course covers the skills required to become a technically correct Eskimo Roller. This will increase your confidence, allowing you to paddle in more challenging conditions.
Course: 4 evening sessions COST $200
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 4
MULTISPORT On this course we continue to build on the skills gained on Stage One and Two Courses. Developing your skills, technique and confidence on the faster moving white water of the Waikato River and progressing on to a Sunday day trip on the Mohaka River. Includes, eddie turns, ferry gliding, rolling, surfing and building new skills in River Rescue techniques and River Reading.
During this course we build on the skills gained on the Stage One to Three Courses. Developing your moving water skills, technique and confidence in your Multi Sport Kayak. We start on the Mohaka River on Saturday and progress to the Whanganui on Sunday for some big water paddling. River racing competency letters are awarded to those who meet the standard and criteria as outlined on the Grade Two Competency Certificate. A copy is available from Canoe & Kayak Shops.
Course: Weekend • COST $349
Course: Weekend • COST $349
RIVER SKILLS WEATHER & NAVIGATION Understanding the weather and ability to navigate in adverse conditions is vital when venturing into the outdoors. Learn to use charts and compasses and forecast the weather using maps and the clouds.
Course: 4 evening sessions COST $150
OCEANS COURSE An advanced course designed to build on your skills. Covering paddling technique, kayak control, rescues, preparation, planning and decision making.
Course: Weekend/overnight. COST $350
Stage 6
Stage 6
Stage 5
Stage 5 KAYAKING SURF COURSE Surfing is heaps of fun when you know how. We will spend the evenings starting off in small surf and building up to one and a half metre waves. We will use a range of sit-on-tops and kayaks to make it fun and easy to learn. Skills to be taught include surfing protocol, paddling out, direction control, tricks and safety
Course: 4 evening sessions COST $349
Programme One Evening Cost $60
You need rescue skills to look after yourself and your paddling buddies in adverse conditions. This course covers towing systems, capsized kayaks, T Rescues, paddle floats, stern deck carries, re-enter and roll.
n i W
For more information on any of these courses or tours - fill in the form and receive an information pack and Go in the Draw to WIN.... Prize drawn on 15 January 2006
our • 2005
This course is designed to sharpen your whitewater skills and start learning simple rodeo moves. We will focus on skills such as river reading, body position and rotation, advanced paddle technique, playing in holes and negotiating higher Grade 3 rapids. We recommend you are feeling comfortable on Grade 2+ rapids. Ideally you should already be paddling the mid section of Rangitaiki or equivalent.
This course is designed to cover likely scenarios on white water rivers. The course is suitable for paddlers who feel comfortable on Grade One to Two rivers. The areas covered are rope skills, muscle techniques, team control, heads up, risk management and combat swimming. Also covering skills required in the following situations: entrapments, kayak wraps, swimming kayakers and their equipment.
Course: Weekend • COST $349
Course: Weekend • COST P.O.A.
SEA KAYAK SKILLS COURSE valued at $295 Name: Email: Address: Ph: home work mobile Please send me info. on: Send form to: WIN A KAYAK COURSE; NZ Kayak Magazine, 7/28 Anvil Rd, Silverdale. Phone (09) 421 0662.
four • 2005
502 Sandringham Rd Telephone: 09 815 2073
38 Nukuhau Street, Taupo Telephone: 07 378 1003
Unit 6, 631 Devon Road Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth Telephone: 06 769 5506
Arenel Ltd T/A Canoe & Kayak Auckland
Rees and Partners Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Taupo
Peter & Bronnie van Lith Trading as Canoe and Kayak Taranaki
Unit 2/20 Constellation Drive, (Off Ascension Drive), Mairangi Bay, Auckland - Telephone: 09 479 1002
7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale Please phone for opening hours Telephone: 09 421 0662
Flood Howarth & Partners Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak North Shore
Canoe & Kayak Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Distribution
The Corner Greenwood St & Duke St, State Highway 1 bypass Telephone: 07 847 5565 This shop is for sale
J. K. Marine Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Manukau
Jenanne Investment Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Bay of Plenty
Easy finance available.
Conditions and booking fee apply 52
our • 2005
3/5 Mac Donald Street Mount Maunganui (off Hewletts Rd) Telephone: 07 574 7415
2 Centennial Highway, Ngauranga, Wellington Telephone: 04 477 6911
710 Great South Road, Manukau Telephone: 09 262 0209
CSJ Limited Trading as Canoe and Kayak Hawke’s Bay
15 Niven Street Onekawa, Napier Telephone: 06 842 1305
.1 S.H