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Fun and playful all year round!
ight • 2006
ISSUE THIRTYeight • 2006 NZ Distributors: Southern Extreme Ltd. Ph 03 360 2550 Fax 03 360 2499 e-mail thule@irl.co.nz
Issue 38 A big thank you to the organisers of the Xmas lunch at Dacre Cottage. The sight of 85 kayaks arriving, nesting and leaving was thrilling. The magnificent lunch was enjoyed by close to 200 adults and children. Thanks to the huge team of supporters that made the day great. Phillip Morrow Front cover photo: Mirrem Brockies Photo by: Peter Townend
The Unclaimed Coast Adventure Philosophy’s South Georgian Odyssey - Chapter Four 8
New Edition in store this Christmas
Mohaka story
Coast to Coast – In The Beginning
Kayaking the Able Tasman
The Green Prescription: The Whanganui River Tonic
Naki report
Triple Waikato Lake Tipple
Long Lining from a kayak
Pokaiwhenua Trip
Hamilton’s 7 Bridges River Race
Shark Encounter…
Paddle Strokes
Canoe & Kayak Rodney Coast Challenge
Directory: Things to do
Team KIWI in the USA
Surf skis
NZ Kayak Magazine Buyers Guide
Unexpected Discovery
Destination - Taupo activity - kayaking
Merry Christmas EDITOR: Peter Townend Ph: [09] 473 0036 Fax [09] 473 0794 Email: pete@canoeandkayak.co.nz DESIGN & PRODUCTION: Breakthrough Communications PO Box 108050 Symonds St, Auckland Ph: [09] 303 3536 • Fax [09] 303 0086 Email: kayak@graphics.co.nz Website: www.graphics.co.nz PUBLISHER: Kayak NZ Magazine is published six times per year by Canoe & Kayak Ltd. 7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale, Auckland PRINTING: Brebner Print DISTRIBUTION: IMD SUBSCRIPTIONS: New Zealand – 6 Issues = $30 Overseas – 6 Issues = $50 Payment to: Canoe and Kayak Ltd, 7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale, Auckland Ph [09] 421 0662 • Fax [09] 421 0663
The battle rages in my head of all the things to do, A Xmas party at Dacre Cottage to organise, the Magazine to finish, a forrest to save, a trip around Lake Taupo with 20 plus kids, not to mention four family birthdays and Xmas coming up, soccer coaching, netball and the planet is warming up and I am getting cold sitting in my office. Where is the heater? The job of a dad, husband and worker is one heck of a juggle eh guys. Yes all you mums out there we know your lot is the same, we are all busy people and it is great that life is full.
provide the oversight or horse power to allow a lot of these things to happen. So soccer balls, mini golf sets, cards, chess sets, kayaks, surf boards, buckets and spades, rifles for hunting, marshmellows for roasting, will all be packed and transferred to the beach in an endeavour to keep everyone busy and happy. Aren’t we a funny lot, the aim was to go away, do our own thing in order to get a rest from being busy and we end up planning to be busy to make a great holiday. I suppoose when you look at it, happiness is being busy.
What do you do to relax? For me it is thinking of heading out tomorrow to Dacre Cottage and working with the crew on fixing up something, be it the water tanks or the lawns to mow. Then taking the kayak out to the new secret spot and catching a meal of fresh snapper. Whatever your relax button maybe it is time to plan to do it this Xmas holidays, then with a little bit of planning, it will happen. Xmas for our family this year is spending as many days as possible at the beach doing very little except please ourselves. A nice idea, as what will actually happen is that the kids will want to do this and that. Dad and Mum will
What you might ask has this to do with kayaking? I don’t really know except it is one of my most enjoyable ways of being busy and consequently it gives me a heap of happiness.
Overseas subscribers can make payment via credit card number on subscription form. CONTRIBUTORS: We welcome contributors’ articles and photos.
Enjoy your Xmas and the time in between the games and adventures with your mates and your trusty kayak to sit back on a deserted beach and read some other busy people’s adventures in this issue. Merry Xmas Peter Townend
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• 6 issues for $30, saving nearly $6 off the news-stand price, delivered free.
• Material published in the magazine must not be reproduced without permission. • Refer to www.canoeandkayak.co.nz. NZ Kayak magazine ‘Contributors’ Guidelines’ for more details. Copyright: The opinions expressed by contributors and the information stated in advertisements/articles are not necessarily agreed by the editors or publisher of New Zealand Kayak Magazine. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO: Peter Townend Email: pete@canoeandkayak.co.nz New Zealand Kayak Magazine
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ight • 2006
Book Review A manual for Sea Kayaking in New Zealand. The KASK Handbook 4th edition Produced by the Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers Affectionately dubbed ‘The little red book’, this extensive encyclopaedic reference was first published in 1996 and as Peter Sullivan, who undertook the editing and layout work of that edition said, the book is a “Living Work”. It grows, evolves, and multiplies. It is now 204 pages, and has progressed from a plastic comb-bound ‘office report’ look to a BIG, BOLD, BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL BOOK or as some would say, sea kayaking ‘BIBLE’. Visually the book leaps off the shelf – says look at me, buy me, take me home, and devour me. The cover, outside, inside, front and back has tantalising and inspiring colour photos. The contents are well illustrated with photos and line drawings. Hefting the book, it feels good, substantial, but pliable and user friendly. By request the binding method has been retained but is a more upmarket wire spiral and when the book is closed this is covered, giving the book a spine. Another sneaky improvement is the clear plastic pocket at the rear, to pop brochures into. Many chapters have been amended and updated, Customising your Sea Kayak and Clothing chapters have been rewritten, and there are totally new ones: Rescues, Making a Greenland paddle, Using a GPS Receiver, Marine Communications, Trip and Expedition planning, First Aid and Medical Kits, Hypothermia and Other Environmental Challenges. Wow, a new comer to the book might exclaim if this is the new or revised stuff, what else does it contain? A glance at the List of Contents reveals that absolutely everything is covered – from kayak design to paddle strokes to surf landings, to night lights, to making a sail, and kayak kookery. After the sections on gear, the techniques & skills, the elements, trips & expeditions, there is a section called ‘Places to Go’ which is certain to expand your horizons and get you going …from Stewart Island to the Hauraki Gulf…so many places to paddle, so little time… And finally, there is the very useful, updated Resource section which lists paddling literature, commercial operators and guides, manufactures, retailers, kayak clubs and networks. Kayak retailers, outdoor pursuit schools, instructors and guides should order these by the box load. Retailing at only $35 they are a bargain, an excellent resource or textbook, written by experienced kayakers for both their peers and for beginner kayakers. So, whether you are just getting into the sport or have logged a 1000 km, dash into a kayak shop and grab one – they’re easy to spot – they’re big and bright and fire engine RED! Reviewed by Ruth E. Henderson.
The Battle to save our Coast Our Coastal wilderness areas are disappearing at an alarming rate. Think back ten or twenty years and you will remember large areas of undeveloped coastal land. The holiday communities were few and far between. You could drive though virtually empty bays, farm land or forests and arrive at a quaint seaside resort with large sections and small baches’s. These areas are being subdivided, the Baches’s replaced with huge homes and little grass. Empty bays are filling with many homes or one mansion and rural backdrops are pushed further and further inland. The paddocks and open areas which used to surround them are now new subdivisions with canals, marinas, swimming pools, tennis courts, shops and all the infrastructure buildings required by a modern community. When does this stop? When we have got a continuous wall of buildings from one end of the island to the other? What will the population of Auckland be in say 100 years? If the world’s four fold growth of over the last 100 years applies it will be about six million. Take an existing park like Long Bay and do the same maths. The current maximum usage per day of 37,000 visitors becomes 148,000. With that number you will have to park at the Auckland Harbour Bridge and walk, or go somewhere else. But where do you go? Shakespeare or Wenderholm in the North or Murawai in the west or North Head in the South? These other existing options are also approaching capacity and every new subdivision on the coast takes away the option of new parks for the future. As New Zealanders are we working to benefit future generations? Or are we working for our own riches and wealth without considering the impact this will have on our children’s children. We simply must consider what our quest to have a little piece of our own coastal paradise will have on the bigger picture of life for the future residents of New Zealand. “So” you say “what do we do about it”? And that is the problem we all get stuck on. Land developer makes quick decisions and fund them with whatever they need. They are opposed almost exclusively by poorly funded volunteers working in committees. In the middle politicians are required to aid progress. This is where you can help. Writing to the editor, council and MP’s will influence the politicians decision as they see the concern of the public mounting. What is progress? To some Kiwis it is building new houses and 60000 seat stadium, bigger and bigger buildings with better and better views and to hell with the future. But to this Kiwi it is building while keeping what we love about NZ including beautiful places to get away from urban city life. We need parks and wilderness environments to enjoy New Zealand as it was, is and should be in the future. Peter Townend
Bang Bang Rescue New Name see issue 37 I have received some very funny and some very rude names for this great rescue, but as yet we have not found the right name. So email your ideas to me at pete@canoeandkayak.co.nz and be into win.
A big “SORRY” from me for missing out the Photographer’s name from Phil White’s article in the last issue. They were taken by Sue Davidson of adventurepics.com Editor
ight • 2006
Hi Pete, Have just received my copy of your magazine. Congratuations on the articles, the pictures are very spectacular, almost makes one homesick. The article you presented on May Day-May day was very informative - Hope to be able to paddle with the Yakity Yak team one day. Kind regards - Ron, Member of the Suncoast Seniors Recreational Kayaking Club
Don’t be a Tom A cautionary tale by Russell Williams Tom was inspired. Paul had been nonstop all week about the 5kilo snapper he had caught off his kayak. Over the usual Friday nights drinks after work Tom had decided what Paul could do he could do. He woke to the usual Saturday morning stone mason hammering in his head. Sharon had not been pleased when he got home but she would be when he brought home fresh fish for dinner. He would show them all who was a Good Old Kiwi Bloke. Tom went down to the bottom of the garden and dragged the old kayak out from under the pile of rubbish. It had been there when they bought the house 6 years earlier. A quick inspection found a hole. This did not deter Tom. He was a good Old Kiwi Bloke. Out came the duck tape and he used this to patch the hole and also tape up the paddle as it to had seen better days. With the kayak on the car and his fishing gear in the back it was off to the beach. Paul had said he had caught the big one just off Brown’s Bay reef, how hard could it be? Brown’s Bay seemed calm, although Tom could see white water out where a Tanker was entering port and the wind was gusting quite strongly at times. He launched off the beach and immediately fell out of the kayak. This was not going to be as easy as he thought. Tom thought, “I better have a little practice first before I go too far. I am a Good Old Kiwi Bloke so I must be able to do this”. Back in the kayak, with care this time, out around a buoy and back and “There” he told himself, “that was easy, time to pack up the gear and go fishing”. He had to leave his spare clothes and food behind to allow room for his 6 pack of stubbies. He had also forgotten the old life jacket hanging up in the garage. All went OK, Tom made it to the reef with only a little difficulty and set up his line to drift fish just as Paul had described. The wind was much stronger here. As Tom was exposed more, being out of the shelter of the land and Tom soon found himself heading out into the Hauraki Gulf into the white water he had seen from shore. Just then a fish took the bait and over he went. When he surfaced the kayak was being blown quickly away from him and the tide was taking him further out into the Gulf. Tom’s body was found 2 days later, A Good Dead Kiwi Bloke. Darryl, Tom’s other drinking mate had also been inspired by Paul’s fishing stories. He recognized that he didn’t know anything about kayaking and visited his local Kayak Centre. He enrolled in a course and learnt how to kayak safely. One month later he caught his first snapper off Brown’s Bay reef and thought about Tom. Darryl would grow to be a Good Old Kiwi Bloke.
Thumbs up to DOC Two storm troopers leapt from their van and rushed our building ... bringing a wheelie bin, disinfectant, information and stickers... Canoe and Kayak Taupo is now an Official Didymo Cleaning Station. Great idea - the bin sits in our doorway with a ready made up solution to dunk your paddle gear in. If for some reason you neglected to wash your kit on the riverbank... then you get a second chance to stop by and dunk it in town!! It would be inexcusable not to!! There have been a couple of scares recently that Rock Snot has reached the North Island - what a tragedy it would be had that been the case... it wouldn’t be quite the same paddling the Tongariro or the Waikato over a riverbed covered in SNOT!
For Sale Kayak Centres Interested in owning your own kayak shop?
Canoe & Kayak Ltd is ready to open Licensed Operations in
Whangarei and at selected South Island locations
Phone: 09 473 0036 Peter Townend Managing Director, Canoe & Kayak Ltd and I’ll be glad to have a chat. All approaches will be dealt with in confidence.
You cannot forget to do your bit... wash your kit on the riverbank. Dry it thoroughly... or your river will look like snot!!
ight • 2006
The Unclaimed Coast Adventure Philosophy’s South Georgian Odyssey - Chapter Four
Mark Jones
By Mark Jones, a member of the Adventure Philosophy team who lectures at AUT University on its Outdoor Leadership courses.
After our rounding of the northern capes we camped on a small beach near the entrance to Coal Harbour with a lone elephant bull and a handful of fur seals. It was cold work getting camp established, fingers required dunking in a cup of milo from the thermos to keep them functional. It was
tight getting water but I managed to find a small trickle of water underneath the ice of a creek and coaxed it along a map into vessels. By morning the trickle would be frozen solid. It was our first camp without wind or falling snow and we revelled in the freedom to cook outside the tent and dine with a view. It was a bitterly cold transition from tent to kayak next morning and fingers felt like they had all been hit by mallets as I pulled away from the beach. We passed by a fantastic wall draped with vari-coloured icicles that would have made a great photograph. I slowed and looked at Graham hoping he would take the shot. He could see my mind working as I reluctantly passed it up, both of us knowing our fingers would have gone completely had we pulled out the camera at that point.
Hawke’s Bay Kayak Centre
For Sale Phone: 09 473 0036 Peter Townend Managing Director, Canoe & Kayak Ltd and I’ll be glad to have a chat. All approaches will be dealt with in confidence.
ight • 2006
The thermometer never got above –2oC all day, which may explain our lack of cohesion as a team. Marcus was out in the lead and missed the obvious gap in the reef. Grum and I sat cold on the other side waiting for him to round the end of it. Then soon afterwards, because he was too far offshore and head down, he failed to see another short-cut behind a series of islands. I said to Graham, “I’m getting a bit of sick of this”. He was too far away to call back and Graham said “Blow him, let’s go anyway”. I was reluctant to split us up and said so, but Graham replied “Too bad, he needs to learn the lesson!” We had spoken several times about the need to keep within ear-shot but Marcus had a habit of having ‘blinkers-on’. So we headed behind the islands and had a bite to eat and a milo while Marcus fought his way around the outside. We had words about our intention to stay together. But on the next big bay crossing, Marcus was out of ear-shot again and after finally getting his attention Graham called to him. “You’re getting out of the zone Mardu. If Jonesy and I decide to bail we’re just going to go and you’ll have no idea”, (as the wind had got up by then.) “Which mightn’t bother me, except that you have the tent!” It was bitterly cold and with the wind it was easy to just put one’s head down and go for it and suddenly find oneself alone. It wasn’t a good look though but from then on we managed to stay close. Visibility reduced as a snowstorm enveloped us and I took a bearing before it completely obliterated the island we were heading toward. We rounded Cape Demidov and it was a bit of a fight up the coast to Elephant Cove. From one of the most jagged inhospitable coasts I’ve paddled opens out a perfectly circular bay surrounded by high mountains. It was completely sheltered from the wind but the steep beach indicated that big swell pounded even this shore when it ran from the west. Sooty-mantled Albatrosses cried plaintively as we landed on the less populated end of the beach. It was another touch-and-go transition from boats to tents with circulation fading fast. There was not a lot of margin for error and I marvelled at the way the wildlife was so perfectly adapted to not only survive, but thrive in the Antarctic cold. Animals stood or lay around taking a dip when they felt the need to cool
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The Unclaimed Coast continued off! Our surroundings reminded me of a trip the three of us had done into the Arrowsmith Range in winter. Looking up the valley we could have been easily convinced we were there, except for the snorting, trumpeting, squawking, and barking that filled the air. It was exciting to think that no one had camped here since the days of sealing. We were travelling down a coastline no one had ever kayaked before and the thrill and joy of doing so wasn’t lost on me. We had a long discussion that evening about acting like the tight three we were, keeping closer together and communicating better. It was another freezing departure and took an hour before wiggled toes got circulation back to my extremities (despite having a cockpit lined with closed-cell foam). A nine and a half hour battle into a headwind achieved a paltry 40km. We got to the enormous Ice Fiord and gained some insurance by paddling into it for an hour before we decided to cross into a light headwind. Almost as we began to cross the wind increased to a stiff breeze and we settled in for a three hour grind before we gained the shelter of the reef on the other side. As each squall swallowed us we were sure that that was it, the wind too strong to make progress and that we should turn tail. But then it would pass and we’d make ground again. We had a brief cup of milo and some Vitazone bars in the lee of the reef, then launched ourselves again into the fray, finding ourselves barely making ground. It was a wild sea by now with a wind we could only crawl into using brute strength and working the wind’s weaker moments. “Are we just being stupid” Graham voiced the question we were all pondering. But there was nowhere to hide. “We can always run to Queen Maud Bay” I replied, but none of us liked the idea of losing the ground we had made and we had our sights set on getting to Holmestrand. Cape Nunez lay a couple of kilometres ahead of us and I had a feeling the wind angle would give us an easier time if we could get around. We hugged the contours of the coast, windmilling arms to gain the next nook while the sea reared and pitched about us. The swells exploded against the cliffs. We literally inched our way around the cape, hoods drawn tightly about pinched faces. the sea a confusion of bucking reflection waves crashing into each swell. Energy levels were fast running low. If it didn’t ease around the corner we would be forced to retreat. But the wind did relent once around the cape and relented further around the next headland. Marcus’s back had been sore for some time and he’d lost feeling in his legs. Stoically he had been enduring the discomfort without comment but as a potential landing appeared he called a stop and we made it to shore for a break. Our preference was to keep going. To stop inevitably resulted in cooling down quickly and hands and feet that took an age to warm back up. Marcus hobbled around as blood seeped back into his wobbly legs. We got back on the water as quickly as we could but not before our hands and feet were numb with cold. Two more hours and we were at Holmestrand. It was a well-protected peninsula. We paddled to its lee side, strewn with giant ice-blocks and elephant seals. We found a gap in the brash ice and hauled our boats up to a flat and busied ourself with creating a home Now that we were committed to the west coast I definitely had the feeling of having rolled the dice. The chance of a weather system pinning us down for a week or more was high. Escaping across the island was one of our escape options if food ran out and resupply was not possible. The latter problem was quite likely as no sane skipper would venture onto the exposed coast we were on in a strong onshore system, weather conditions that could easily last for several weeks without change. When a day later it was possible to depart, we made the most of it. With another headwind I was starting to question the anticlockwise direction we had chosen to circumnavigate the island, but we paddled south as fast as we could hoping to get to Ducloz Head. My diary recorded the day as some snapshot impressions:
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“Shattered! 56 kilometres, ten hours on the go- Big tabular bergs- busted glaciers- forbidding black walls, veined with ice disappearing into cloudHeaving swell on the capes- falling snow all day- Glaciers creaking- The boom of icefalls thundering to us out of the fog - Bearing through white-out across brash-filled Newark Bay-Snow building up on the Bears- Reefs exploding white water, the air full of terns feeding- Lunch snatched in small cove- Sheltering beneath lee of a cliff, frozen lark huddled in a cleft- Tired smiles as we enter Ducloz Head- Clawing through dense brash to beach-Mate… what a day! I slept the sleep of the dead. Another 35 kilometres got us to Diaz Cove were the wind-halted progress south. It was a veritable heat wave. Our Suunto wristops showed the temperature nudging 50C. I paddled close to absorb the ambience of the coast. Swells boomed in the back of dark zawns. The bull kelp was flogged relentlessly against the rocks. I rolled the video mounted on the deck to capture the wildness of the place. We could not believe our luck the next day when again the wind allowed passage south. Graham was up early to brew porridge and we got away knowing we needed to round the South Cape before a forecast strong sou-westerly air-steam reached the island. The coast was a sight to behold with great peaks stabbing at the clouds, tabluar bergs off the coast, and reefs seeming to rear from each swell like breaching whales. A larger than usual swell steepened in front of me over a shoal and I launched from its near vertical face to be completely airborne. I paddled quickly out of the zone before the next swell broke. “Way too close” I said to myself. Enveloped in the warmth of a drysuit it was easy to forget the temperature of the sea and become complacent with the vigilance required to spot shoals well ahead and keep clear of them. Cape Disappointment, named by Cook when he discovered South Georgia, was not the fabled southern continent, but an island, was anything but disappointing. We rounded it just as the sou-westerlies kicked in and suddenly we found ourselves surfing down the faces of waves. Finally the wind was behind us pushing us along at reckless speed. The South Cape was a big place of wind-tossed seas and booming swell. Great black walls, streaked with ice, jagged peaks above, plastered with snow. The relentless ocean bashing away endlessly at it all as though its sole quest was to reduce it to sand and rubble. We landed at a tiny beach covered with elephants for a brief bite to eat and a hot drink. It was the site of the furthest camp of the 1991 British expedition, attempting to circumnavigate the island from the other direction. They spent over a week pinned down on this same beach. After three days, being on quarter rations by that time, they began eating penguins. On the eighth day an airdrop failed to reach them as they watched it drift in a fickle wind out to sea. Eventually they retreated to Drygalski Fiord where they were once again unable to travel, this time for 2 weeks, eventually being picked up on the 29th October 1991. When we arrived at Drygalski Fiord it was with some disappointment that we discovered it was blowing and it was ninety minutes of hard graft before we reached the sanctuary of Williams Harbour. We woke to sun streaming into the bay. It was nice to get some indication after ten days that we were part of a solar system; to get some indication that all the world was not composed of grey sky, snow and an endless barrier of rock and ice. Our moods lifted and tiredness evaporated with the damp that had clung to our lives for the previous week. “Mate. I’ve Gotta say, it feels great to be off the west coast” Said Graham, voicing the thought foremost in all our minds. It was great to be on the warmer east coast. To have toes you could feel without wiggling, to not have aching hands at each transition from shore to kayak, or kayak to camp. There was a lightness to the days, and if we thought we knew by now how extraordinary South Georgia was, we were in for a lesson for the best was ahead of us. It was a day in staggering contrast to the SW coast just a few long days before. The mountains were spectacular. We picked out the lofty Mt Carse, third highest
21 pretty rugged kayaking half p1 1
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The Unclaimed Coast continued at 2330m, surrounded by an entourage of lower peaks. There were wonderful blue bergs, and snow petrels, the very embodiment of elegance. As we kayaked into Gold Harbour we could hear the wildlife from more that a kilometre away, long before we could see it. I tried to make out the elephant seals on the beach as we approached, then realised they were the beach. There was no room to even contemplate a landing. “Jesus! Can you believe this place.” Said Grum I just shook my head, trying to take it all in. It was a staggering assemblage of wildlife. ”Where the hell are we going to land?” We headed down to the far end of the beach paddling along a kilometre of coast that tested my credulity. The elephants were twenty or thirty deep to the top of the beach, one harem seeming to run seamlessly into the next. Bulls dotted throughout, occasionally to rear and bellow, sometimes to confront one another. When the interloper did not back down, they hacked at one another in bloody battles. They all bore wounds of recent conflict and, above the tide, the stones were spattered in their blood. Every fifty metres an unmated bull eyed us warily from the surf as we paddled along the beach behind the break. We landed at the end of most of it and I shot a couple of rolls of film between slurps of Milo and bites of lunch. Bloody headed giant petrels, head-deep in entrails; Elephant bulls belly to belly; and a hanging glacier served as backdrop, frequently avalanching thunderously above the din of animal noise. It was an astonishing scene. All the cold and effort and pain and the anguish was suddenly worth that one moment of rare and spectacular glory in the wonder of nature. It was tempting to stay another day; wallow in the luxury of such a rich feast for the eyes and soul. But there was something drawing us on that was stronger than the desire to stay. Wonder at what was around the next corner perhaps. So late the following morning we packed up, pushed through a throng of penguins between herds of elephants, and continued on our way. Rounding the first small headland had a real sense of familiarity about it. I was toasty warm, the sun was beating down, kelp swashing this way and that in a light surge, the water deep and blue. It could’ve been somewhere on the East Cape of NZ, except that beside me the cliff was aglitter with icicles. A look at my wristop showed it to be only 50C. It was a great day to capture some video footage and at the next headland I rolled the deck-cam mounted on top of my cockpit as I ran a gap between two reefs. I watched a couple of big swells surge through the gap towards me and decided it was quite runnable, but misread the situation badly. As I put in some power strokes to punch through the narrow gap a big swell came from the opposite direction, from behind me, and as it swelled beneath me it steepened to breaking point. I tried to get off the wave, braking with all my strength, but I had too much momentum and the wave launched me down its face in a full surf. The nose buried, I was viciously corkscrewed, and suddenly under the water, half out of my kayak. “Nice one Jones” I thought and set up to roll. But my hips and knees had no purchase. It was not going to happen. I removed my hands from their pogies and tucked the shaft under my arm. Then grabbed the cockpit rim and pulled my body back into the kayak properly as the next wave broke over the boat. I was only metres from the reef. Hurriedly I stuffed my hands back inside their pogies and rolled up quickly. Grum, who had been following me, could barely contain his mirth once he realised I was OK, (since I had been underwater for wee while by then). “You clown” he chuckled, “what was that about?”. I sheepishly recounted my error captured nicely on camera. The next bay was St Andrews which made the shows at Gold Harbour seem like minor productions. It was like three country boys having just been goggle eyed at the hustle and bustle of Auckland, suddenly arriving in New York: kilometre after kilometre of elephant seals, hectare after hectare of king penguins, all rolling out of the mist like an endless diorama, only it was real. A chaos of domestic hostility, maternal concern, food gathering forays, inter-beachmaster battles, pups playing, penguins piping, on and on in an
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overwhelming spectacle of squawking, grunting and groaning bodies- truly a staggering sight to behold. The hills beyond, which we could not see through the mist held the largest colony of King penguins on South Georgia and we could only try to imagine the true extent of the multitudes. If there was a counterpart in the south to Africa’s Serengeti Plains then this was surely it, and I felt an overwhelming sense of delight in bearing witness to nature unchecked with such extravagant results. We paddled 46km that day to reach Ocean Harbour, arriving on dusk and camped in an old brick hut, the last standing from many that had been built as part of the whaling station there. That evening we reminisced about the extraordinary sights we had seen during the day. The leg across Hound Bay, glasslike and the light possessing a special quality lighting the Bears up like lanterns. Low sun on Mt Paget, the highest peak in the range at 2915m. Giant Petrels wheeling overhead. Past the rusting hulk of Bayard, a transport ship wrecked in1911, to land amongst the ruins of an old whaling station. One side of the bay comprised of a sheer wall, black against the stars, that threw back the sounds from the harems on the beach. It seemed to magnify and distort, so that the otherworldly echoes appeared to emanate from the relics about us. There was mixed feelings for me on our last day. Half of me was looking forward to finishing. The other half was sad the journey was coming to a
close. I got up at 4:45am to stalk reindeer in the dawn light and to fill the day. We called in to Godthul, the smallest of the seven whaling stations that were built on South Georgia, with little to show for the industry that once prevailed there except some rusty mechanical outlines and a beach still strewn with bleached bones. Later that day we rounded the final headland into Cumberland Bay, making our way slowly, stretching out the final minutes of our adventure together. It was a day in marked contrast to our departure, with blue sky and a feast of mountains spread out before us. As King Edward Point came into view we could see the entire population of the base (about 15 people) lined up along the shore. We could see a “Congrats Kiwis” banner and a New Zealand flag, both drawn on sheets with felt pen. As we approached, the New Zealand national anthem carried to us across the water, played out on saxophone. We responded with a chilly, team Eskimo roll and paddled into the beach for much hand-shaking, champagne and cake. It felt very special to be welcomed back with such fanfare and it was a warm and generous celebration that ran on into the night. It had been a gamble from the beginning. There had been no guarantees of success, and I felt South Georgia had allowed our passage. It is truly one of the extraordinary places on the earth and it felt a real privilege to experience it as we had- at water level, stroke by stroke- as intimately as is possible without swimming with the penguins. As for conquest, I discovered this was on the inside, for what does it matter how a coast is traversed- by motor, or sail, or paddled one stroke at a time? It is the inner reward that is the prize and inside I harboured a contentment of the highest order, and memories to last a lifetime. Adventure Philosophy would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the large family of loyal sponsors and helpers who have supported us so generously and without whom this expedition and others would not be possible. Visit www.adventurephilosophy.com for more information about this and other expeditions, the products that made them possible, and the adventure scholarships we offer for young Kiwis.
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kayaking the able tasman by Louise Chilvers
The Able Tasman Coast Track is described as NZs most popular walk linking a serious of beautiful beaches and bays – but you know really it’s a lie because it is more spectacular and fun kayaking it. Over labour weekend (plus a little more) 10 of the Wellington Yakity Yak club paddled the southern half of the Able Tasman Coastal track.
short drive, bacon & eggs for breakfast and then to the mall shopping for kayaking food and coffee, we were at the beginning, Marahau, by lunch time Thursday. We put in with the tide going out so there was a bit of pushing and pulling to get all the kayaks out past the inlet bar – especially the doubles, but once afloat it was beautiful flat, sun shine kayaking. We landed at Tinline Bay for a late lunch and then to our first camp, Observation Cove. Observation Cove had fantastic camp sites for our 8 tents and a lovely stream with morporks, plovers and cormorants gabbling and carrying on.
Our escapade began Wednesday night 18 th October piling 8 kayaks and 10 people into two cars and a trailer. We then poured ourselves onto the Interislander. After the first night in Picton with all 10 of us in a room not much bigger than the average double bedroom and two snorers (who was that ?), everyone appeared bleary eyed but ready to go. A
The next day was up the coast in bright sunshine, stopping at Anchorage hut for filtered water and on to Mosquito Bay within the Tonga Island Marine Reserves. The evening was spent watching the sky for satellites and shooting stars. We also spent a bit of time guessing which way a boat was heading by its lights (harder than it sounds) and working
Hi Guys, took the new Marauder out for a surf last week. It performed very well. Surfed it in frontwards and backwards. It’s agile enough to even pull a few tricks.
The recess at the front of the cockpit will give sounder screens a little more protection from waves. It is much quieter than the Pro Fisherman and Cobra has lengthened the cockpit from the original model for us taller lads.
I’m 110kg and it’s just as dry as the FND, just as stable, but quicker and only weighs 23kg.
yes the foot wells are a little narrow, but I have no problem fitting my size 12’s in there.
I’ve put an A hatch in the bow of mine which will take a 1.4m spear gun and any standard boat rod. The O hatch in front of the seat allows for easy access to soft baits and pre-made traces.
It’s the bee’s knee’s and I’ve been waiting to get this boat for 12 months. In fact I might head out for a surf on it now and will be out fishing on it tommorrow and Weds nights.
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out what a yellow flashing light that flashed 5 times meant (given that 2 of the group were undertaking boatmasters courses). The next morning it was a bit overcast but we paddled out around Foul Point to Tonga Island, the most northern fur seal breeding colony in the South Island. There were lots of fur seals on land and swimming around in the water including mothers and pups looking at us with curiosity. We kayaked back and settled in for another evening star gazing and laughing. Saturday, brought a bit of rough weather so after piling into our kayaks and sticking our bows out into the open sea, we turn tailed and went back to shore for a couple of hours. Liz and Louise ended up sitting in the DOC long drops to stay out of the wind and that is how Louise ended up writing up this trip report (lovely loos by the way – didn’t smell at all). By early afternoon the weather had dropped and a fantastic adventurous kayak in 2m
swells ended up in Torrent Bay. Here, all of us were so excited to see a mother and calf bottlenose dolphin. The dolphins stayed around the boats for over 15mins, diving, jumping and investigating the kayaks – an experience of a lifetime! We stayed the night at Anchorage Hut camp site, drinking and eating all the reserves for the trip as it was the last night. An early start and a nice rainy day back to Marahau for a great hot shower and drive back to Picton for a 6pm ferry. Thanks to everyone on the trip for such a wonderful time and to Jim for organising a great trip.
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Triple Waikato Lake Tipple The Waikato River is the longest river in New Zealand. The River starts its journey to the sea from high in the central North Island volcanic zone, 2797m above sea level. From there it flows into Lake Taupo. Leaving the Lake, the River cuts through the volcanic plateau flowing north, passing through eight hydroelectric dams (this trip included three of them), and onto the lowlands from Cambridge to Mercer. The River finally flows into the Tasman Sea at Port Waikato after a journey of 425 km from Lake Taupo. The Waikato River is a tupuna (ancestor), a taonga (treasure), and the mauri (life force) of Tainui Waka and Ngati Tuwharetoa. Mary-Ann, Trevor, Ken, Brendon, Leonie, Philip, Barbara, Peter, Joanna were joined by Dean (Napier), Val (Taupo), Reg (Taumaranui)
Friday 22 Sept A late start due to the trailer lights connection being too short for turning corners so a bit too important to ignore. The cheese toasties at Piopio recommended. Arrived at the Mareiti Rowing Club in Mangakino in the dark. $10 per night for all amenities and cubby- hole bunk rooms- a bargain.
Saturday 23 Sept Awakened at 5.30am by loud steel-cap booted termites aka five High Schools of rowing clubs on a training camp and a 100m roof sprinting possum. Got up to find a beautiful view of the misty millpond-calm Lake Mareiti. Launched straight in to explore up to the edge of the dam and the scenic inlets keeping wide margins around pairs of swans and their cygnets. Passed giant forestry water aerators attempting to clean up the murky black water from the paper mill effluent. Played water polo with the ‘world’. One newer group member showed the others how to fall out under a very low bridge so they could hone their rescuing skills. Good effort, will be awarded the ‘bottoms-up duck’ trophy. Battled head winds and chop across the lake to a sunny lunch spot watching the trout glide past in the shallows. Dynamic duo (P n B) continued around the lake to work up their appetites. Val was our quicksand finder so we didn’t sink past our knees too, thanks! Housetruck café was well placed for hot coffees and snacks. Next was a long drive (not well sign-posted we shall say) to Lake Karapiro, Findlay Park Christian Camp to meet up with nine friendly members from BOP Kayak club. Kayaked up the river into the Pokaiwhenua Stream for a daylight recce of the ravine. Sumptuous picnic feast on lake edge till dark then donned headlamps and glow sticks, buddied up and back up thro the ravine (playing bumper boats), which was now heavenly sprinkled with blue 100’s and 1000’s of glowworms. We then turned our lights off and glided back on the current blissing out in the peaceful, magical-ness of it all (some people also found it a bit dark and creepy!) It was so good we had to do it again- a fabulous form of relaxation therapy. Thanks to Neil and BOP kayak club for their hospitality and showing us this very special place. (gold coin donation to the camp)
Sunday 24 Sept Another very early rowdy awakening but most sleeping soundly after y’days exertions. Finally Lake Waipapa and under the bridge into the Waipapa River. Hot sunshine! Fifty year old swamped tree trunks with Aurelia’s growing on top
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looking like something out of a Jurassic Park movie, to an impassable rocky gorge and waterfall. The more madder of the group went rock climbing and cliff jumping for a bit of white water body surfing- bruised knees the price to pay for the refreshing dip! So a great three lake experience with great company and even a tipple now and again to rhyme with triple….. Thanks especially to Mary-Ann for organizing.
Pokaiwhenua Trip
T’was looking like a starry night with a crescent moon that was all but gone. The kids were playing in the field by the boat ramp at Finlay Park. Stories were being told of polyethylene eating Taniwha’s and 20 people were preparing to boldly go where many hundreds of people had gone before, and many hundreds will go in the future. Our group was made up of 4 shop staff from Hamilton, 4 Clubbies and 12 tourists. Kayak types varied – sea kayaks, recreational kayaks and a couple of white water kayaks. Following a briefing, we set off into the deep waters of Lake Karapiro and up the Pokaiwhenua Stream in search of those little shards of light called glowworms. It didn’t take long and we were at the bay where we could turn around. Trouble was that the big yellow ball in the sky was still having an influence. So we mucked around for an hour or so. Then – without any warning, it went from light to dark. A quick count up, lights off and we were off – drifting with the current downstream and through the canyon covered with glowworms. Millions of glowworms, and they were the only things emitting light. It was so dark that you could not see your hand in front of your face. The current made us bump into the sides of the canyon and each other. All too soon it was over and we were going under the bridge across Horahora Road. Back across the lake and out of the water. A quick count up told us that we left no-one on the water. It was a short paddle – only 3.5Km in all, but with the time the sun goes down in summer we still didn’t arrive home until after 11:00PM. It is 30 years since I was a brat at a camp at Finlay Park, which means it is 30 years since I last visited the Pokaiwhenua Glowworms. It will certainly not be 30 years until I return. (The brat part has not changed.) Tony Case
A high res picture of the darkness
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Paddle Strokes
by Peter Townend
Photos of Rob Spence
A group of instructors and myself were in fits of laughter watching a couple of kayak fisherman dealing with three to four foot surf on a northland beach the other evening. It made me think we should do another article on basic paddle technique as this is where the ability to surf starts from. If you are starting out as a paddler, it is essential you focus on good technique rather than guts and determination. Guts and determination wane with time and even the strongest person tires quickly when wasting energy.
Power Stroke This is the paddle stroke, which gets us from A to B and thus requires a lot of focus. A poor power stroke makes it hard to keep up with the group, making any trip much less enjoyable. It also reduces the power that you’ll need to accelerate out of trouble in surf and rough water. Primary coaching points
The paddle stays close to the side of the kayak, to minimise the turning effect on your kayak. Ensure you keep the blade fully immersed. Remove the paddle at the hip. Beyond the hip the paddle is starting to lose its effectiveness. Note, Rob keeps his body position forward. Secondary coaching points to fine-tune your power strokes Paddle splash on entry results from pulling the paddle back before it is submerged, hence wasting a lot of energy.
v v
Paddle splash on exit is the result of not feathering your paddle blade to allow a clean exit from the water. The paddle should be removed vertically at the hip. If you are lifting water think how heavy the water on each blade is. It will be anything from a quarter to a whole litre and weighing a quarter to one full kilo. As thousands of paddle strokes are required on any trip, you are going to be either real strong or real tired!
In the main picture above, Rob is making a box shape with his arms and paddle. This is the starting point of a good paddling style. To begin, the paddle goes in the water at your toes to give the maximum length of stroke.
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The top hand punching out at eye level is the strongest height to push forward. If your hand is going higher, think about dropping the other hand further into the water. This will bring the top hand down.
Award Scheme Trunk Rotation Trunk rotation produces the majority of sustainable power. Briefly this involves using main body muscle groups to supply the majority of power to the paddle. Concentrate on pulling the paddle down the side of the kayak by twisting your body rather than pulling with your arms.
Sweep Strokes The sweep stroke turns your kayak in tight areas or in windy conditions. Start with box as shown. The Paddle goes in at the toes with the top hand lower than for the power stroke.
The NZKI Award Scheme was formed in response to a growing need in the Kayaking Industry to have more people with Kayaking qualifications, to encourage more kayakers towards expanding their skills and knowledge and to continue to increase the safety of our sport. The NZKI Award Scheme is structured around the assessment of skills and knowledge that are required for the type of activity to be undertaken by the Instructor or Guide. A star is awarded for each level achieved, starting off with the NZKI One Star for personal paddling skills and knowledge and moving up to the NZKI Five Star for an Assessor. For more information phone 0508 5292569
The paddle is pulled around in a half circle away from the kayak.
The body provides power by twisting from the waist. This also reduces stress on the shoulder by limiting over-extension.
The paddle finishes at the stern of the kayak.
Keep the blade fully immersed and your top hand close to the spray deck to extend the paddle to its maximum reach and provide greater leverage to help your turn (as in picture to the left).
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Low Braces
Stern Rudder
The Low Brace prevents capsize. With enough practice it will become a reflex reaction to an imminent capsize.
The Stern Rudder is your primary control while surfing. It is needed to augment and or replace the kayak’s rudder when the bow of the kayak drops down the face of the wave and the stern is lifted clear of the water. At this point the kayak needs direction and the stern rudder supplies this. The kayaks surfing the other evening were doing the “weeee weeee weeee” move which is the sound people make when they lift their paddle above their heads while dropping down the face of the wave without steerage. As the bow digs into the slow moving water in front of the wave and the stern is being lifted and pushed by the fast moving wave, the kayak then starts to broach or in other words the stern will catch up with the bow. This is not a problem to an experienced kayaker. The kayak is very happy bouncing down a wave sideways when a Low Brace stroke is used into the wave face and the beach side of the kayak is lifted to allow the kayak to skim over the water in front of the wave. However inexperienced kayakers will allow the centrifugal force of the kayak broaching to throw them towards the beach. Digging in, the beach side of the kayak catches in the water and flips the kayak and paddler into the sea.
It should be developed in shallow water where the paddle can hit the bottom to prevent an actual capsize. Then progress to deep water as confidence and ability improve. When starting to capsize, make a vertical box, as in power and sweep strokes, but bring the paddle shaft down to your spray skirt.
Try the steps below and get some Quality Instruction to make surfing fun. Set up your Stern Rudder first by rotating your entire top half from your hips and stomach around to the rear of the kayak. Place the paddle into the water at the rear of the kayak with a Vertical blade. Totally immerse the Blade. This is the same position as the end of a forward sweep stroke.
Use the back of the blade to push down on the water. Keep your elbows above the shaft, this is the strongest position for your arms giving more power whilst reducing the chances of injury.
Both your hands should be across the centre line of the kayak and you should be looking forward Now practise on flat water and take a few paddle strokes to build up speed. Then go to the Stern Rudder Position. When the paddle is in the correct position push it away from the kayak and see how it can control the direction of the kayak. Try pulling and pushing the blade in the water away and towards the stern of the kayak to feel the effect it has on the kayak’s direction. Use a ‘hip flick’ to recover your kayak. This is the use of your lower body (including your feet, knees and butt) to anchor yourself firmly into the kayak. Your hips will provide a flexible point from which you can flick the kayak back into a level position. When the paddle has provided enough support recover by twisting the blade forward into a vertical position before removing it from the water.
Once you have practised this heaps, and can perform a stern Rudder on flat water without thinking, try it out on some small surf. Progress to bigger surf as your skills develop. The trick in surf is to set the Stern Rudder up as soon as the kayak starts to be propelled by the wave. You can then navigate the wave to put you and your kayak in a good position on the wave. Leaving the Set-up till later normally allows the kayak to start broaching and once this has happened it is unlikely the Stern Rudder will be able to take back control from the wave. Always remember the simple surf rule “If you are not happy swimming in the conditions, don’t go kayaking”
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Team KIWI in the USA Hey BS crew Sam here we just got back from the sickest 6 weeks all three of us have ever had. The world cup was an awesome experience, the tour making it interesting with people like Brian Kirk winning up until the last event where two poor rides put him off the podium. The first round was on the Ottawa river on Garberator which was awesome and super fast, except that the lines were 20mins long so if you flushed you felt like having a cry. They had lights so you could practise all-night with there still being 10 people in the line at 11pm. People slept at the wave and would get woken up at 4am to hear EJ training; it was amazing what people would do to get some time on the wave. The first round Nick and I got into the semi finals with a field of 38 junior men so it meant that it was time to party hard, waking up with little sleep for semi finals which went well enough for me to make the finals and Nick to come 10th with two unlucky rides. I was first up and all of a sudden I felt so energetic and I somehow managed to do all the moves I could do and that put me in second to Nick Troutman who had just won the Canadian men’s trials. The next round was at Water Town New York state, the feature sucked as
it was so shallow and flushy and really suited the first two juniors as they where small 13yr olds that weigh only 30kg. All three of us sucked at this event with Sean coming 9th and myself coming 10th and Nick 13th. The event was really well organized with free Dunkn Donuts for breakfast. We were all happy to get out of there to the next event in Rock Island Tennessee *where it hadn’t rained for 3 months so we could only get enough water to have four practice rides, Nick came 12th Sean 11th and myself 4th doing a “back pan am” just as the buzzer went so I didn’t get it scored, which would have got me on the podium. This was good enough to put me in third place over all to Nick Troutman and Dane Jackson who tied on points for first. Sean Gerlach came 11th and Nick Boyes 12th.There was a sick party at the Jackson factory sponsored by Red Bull and Jack Daniels. The boats got a lot of attention with every body wishing they could be lucky enough to paddle them. They also went big as soon as Yappa taught us how to surf a wave. They bounce further out on the wave which made combo moves a lot better, although we only could get the occasional one. Yappa is on a different level to every one else, it is so cool to watch every one stop to watch him. Even Pat Camblin said that he is way in front of every one. I told him it’s the boat. Any way I hope you enjoy the photos and thanks a lot for supplying us with the sickest kayaks out. Peace Sam Results are on www.wcfkc.com as well as some other photos almost as good as these.
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unexpected Discovery “Serendipity” is one of those poetic sounding words that is not much used, but has an intriguing tone to it. It means ‘chance discovery’, or unexpectedly being pleasantly surprised by the way something turns out. All that might seem a long way from kayaking, but it does sum up how sometimes what might be under-rated as a routine paddle destination pleasantly surprises. So it is with the Waikato River where it winds its way through Hamilton city. It is shunned by the main street of the city that parallels the river, but faces away from it. It is dismissed by paddlers from further upstream (where at its source the river is crystal clear) for its strong tea colour. It is generally taken for granted by those who fight rush hour traffic over its seven city bridges. But get down on the river in a kayak and the whole picture changes. The steady flow gently sweeps you past sights unseen from a car. Beautiful gardens
spill down banks to the water’s edge. In the distance city noise can be heard, but on the river the scene is peaceful and tranquil. One by one, the bridges come into view and you glide underneath them. Wild pigeons curve in and out of cover. The current keeps you in pace with walkers on the reserves lining the river bank. Often they stop to wave at the sight of colourful kayaks, and I suspect think, “I’d like to do that!” At the Hamilton Canoe & Kayak centre we run tours to show people what an asset the Waikato River really is. The change of perspective from looking at the water to being on the water often catches people unawares. We hope that many paddlers will have that “unexpected surprise” and experience that same “serendipity.” To find out more or to book a tour, contact Canoe & Kayak Waikato on (07) 847-5565 or email hamilton@ canoeandkayak.co.nz
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new edition in store this Christmas
Mohaka story We had a rare chance to escape the Taupo shop for a social paddle and to do a recce run of the Glenn Falls to Bridget’s Clearing Grade 2 run of the Mohaka. Maddog, River Ron, Freddy and myself planned a run to find out if any logs or trees had shifted since we last ran this section in preparation for our Multisport Coaching Weekend. Not a good idea to take 28 clients down there without having a wee peek for any potential surprises. We managed to gain 2 extra kayakers in the form of 2 English tourists who we decided to take with us for a laugh. They were on sit on top kayaks which they had a great time on (all be it a little soggy)
for Multisporters and up and coming white water paddlers. There are a few challenging sections including pour over’s leading into some relatively munchy holes with a few rocks to negotiate. Picking the right line is pretty crucial. There have been kayaks wrapped around rocks and tangled in trees on this section. Also on this section there is a convergence (two or more flows meeting) leading unsuspecting kayakers straight into a semi submerged tree. A few expensive dramas have occurred here. Chunky eddy lines and splat walls add to the fun and allow intermediate Grade 2 paddlers the chance to really “up” their skills.
This section of river is an ideal training ground
I suppose what I am trying to say is this....It is a
fantastic run , which I can’t wait to explore again. It’s slightly harder than the McVicars Rd section, about the same length possibly 2+ on a couple of them. Just remember to take all your paddle gear (dry clothes, throw bag etc) scout the run if you are not familiar with it and be prepared to portage if you are not happy with the rapid you’re looking at. And above all SMILE, have fun and keep on paddling.
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The Green Prescription: The Whanganui River Tonic By Ruth E. Henderson Needing a holiday? Do you relish a total change of pace and scenery, a healthy diet and exercise - a holistic experience? Do you want to cut the umbilical cord that ties you to the computer, cell phone, responsibilities, commitments, deadlines—for one delectable, rejuvenating week in the wilderness? The solution could be ‘The Whanganui River Tonic’, a journey of 6 days and 120 kms from Ohinepane to Pipiriki by kayak or canoe. It could be just what the Doctor ordered. Recommended dosage rate — at least once in a lifetime, or annually if required. Active ingredient — Peter Townend, (Canoe & Kayak boss man), in holiday mode – with an impish sense of fun, great culinary and fire starting skills.
Recommendations — take along: a good tent, warm clothing, spare warm clothing, wine, friends, potato peeler, book, camera, pack of cards or backgammon set, and a folding or blowup chair. An ability to sing and enjoy childhood songs, such as “I’m a little fire engine—Flick is my name”; a sense of fun, humour, adventure; and an awe for weeping walls and waterfalls, rata in flower, and billy goat bluffs are an advantage. Skills needed or gained on the trip — rafting up (for chocolate rations), two handed serving spoon dexterity (for dishing up dinner), centipede formation (to carry laden Canadian boats), firewood gathering (for roaring bonfires), catching (flying corn fritters), walking (to the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’), binocular use (for star gazing), and fishing (for eels).
Compatibility — recent tests showed no adverse reactions or allergies when 55 kayakers, aged from nine to seventy years of age with adventurous spirits, and nimble bodies were mixed together on the river and the riverbanks.
First Aid — On site: warm up wet people with food and fire; cool down hot and sweaty people with a dunk in the river, then give other liquids orally.
Mixing instructions — load Canadian kayaks with chickens, corned beef, noodles, potatoes, kumara, onions, apples, oranges, bacon, eggs, porridge, cheese, bread… plus pots, pans, cooking implements, BBQ griddle, and tarpaulins. Load sea-kayaks with personal camping gear, normal river paddling safety equipment, including 20 metres of rope, and a share of the food. Practise ferry gliding and finding eddy lines, then head down river.
Caution — this tonic may be addictive and may result in an increase in weight.
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Off site: for withdrawal symptoms, take another dose of the tonic.
Department of Conservation Camping & Hut passes available.
Book your trip now - Phone 0508 5292 569
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New Zealand’s Best Kept Secret
The Yakity Yak
Many of the articles you are reading in this magazine are about trips organized by the Yakity Yak Club. Interested in Joining up?
treasurers. We just discuss where to go next and who is coming. These trips are viewed on www.canoeandkayak.co.nz and booked at your local Canoe & Kayak Centre
Well read on and get involved
Join the club. You will get a weekend skills course to teach you techniques and safety skills and a year’s membership. If you are keen to learn more there is a bunch of courses to teach everything from Eskimo Rolling to becoming an instructor. At no cost is the Leader’s Training Course, ten weeks part time for those who have the urge to put something back into the club.
“Too old” you say or “not fit enough” or “don’t like clubs because of the working bees and committee meetings”. Well guess what, our oldest member is 80 plus and started paddling in the last two years. Can you walk? well then you can paddle, in fact that’s not correct we have had members with a missing leg or two, but you get the picture. The only committee meetings we have are a wine and cheese evening once a month to arrange trips. There are no secretaries or
So what does joining the club cost? Only $295 for the first year including the weekend course and then only $35 per subsequent year thereafter.
Unit 2/20 Constellation Drive (off Ascension Place), Mairangi Bay, Auckland
502 Sandringham Rd
7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale
710 Great South Road, Manukau
The corner Greenwood St & Duke St, State Highway 1 Bypass
PHONE: 09 815 2073
PHONE: 09 421 0662
PHONE: 09 262 0209
PHONE: 09 479 1002
PHONE: 07 847 5565
For up coming Yakity Yak trips 26
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Special limited offer - JOIN FOR ONLY $6.75 PER WEEK
Kayak Club
Conditions Apply
Proudly Supported by Your Local
Now you say “They must charge for each club trip”. My friend you would be wrong. There is no participation charge for club trips.
but we know you will find a bunch of like minded mates to enjoy our wonderful little paddling paradise.
The Yakity Yak Kayak Club was set up by a bunch of enthusiastic instructors. After spending much time teaching people how to paddle we found a few months later that they had not carried on with paddling. They said there was no one to paddle with, or they were a bit shy, or they did not have a boat, or they lacked confidence to go on trips where they did not know the area or the people.
So get on the phone to one of the Canoe & Kayak Centres (see advert on the back page) and join the Yakity Yak Kayak Club. You will be welcome.
So we said enough is enough and the Yakity Yak Kayak Club was formed.
Welcome aboard Peter Townend One of the founding Yakers
We cannot guarantee you will get on like a house on fire with every club member
JOIN NOW! PHONE 0508 5292569
3/5 Mac Donald Street
143 Ruapehu Street,
15 Niven Street
Unit 6, 631 Devon Road
2 Centennial Highway
Mount Maunganui (off Hewletts Rd)
Onekawa, Napier
Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth
Ngauranga, Wellington
PHONE: 07 574 7415
PHONE: 07 378 1003
PHONE: 06 842 1305
PHONE: 06 769 5506
PHONE: 04 477 6911
see www.canoeandkayak.co.nz ISSUE THIRTYe
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Hamilton’s 7 Bridges River Race by Tony Barrett In ‘rugby talk’, you often hear a match referred to as “a game of two halves.” Never was that more true than in the inaugural 7 Bridges River Race held on the Waikato River on 12 November. Beginning at the Grantham St Boat Ramp in the heart of Hamilton city, the first half of the course was 10 km downstream to the turnaround at the Pukete Bridge. The second half was a challenging 10 km upstream (and into the wind) to the Cobham Bridge before a short finishing run downstream. Craig Brighouse, who organized the event, aims to increase opportunities for kayaking and multisport eventing in the Hamilton area. Despite the significant number of people involved in kayaking for fitness, recreation and competition in the region there are relatively few regular events. The Cambridge to Hamilton race being one. “I want to lift the profile of kayaking and promote the use of the Waikato River,” says Craig. Keen to see the 7 Bridges Race as an annual event, he was pleased with the 69 entries and the great atmosphere on the day. The competition for the top places was keenly contested. The winner on the day, Tim Grammer, came scorching home on a surf ski in 1 hr and 35 mins. What made it even more impressive was that he had damaged his rudder in the closing stages and lost his ability to steer properly. Accompanying the speed machines were a Canadian canoe, an outrigger, tandem kayaks, and a good smattering of sea kayaks and sit on tops. One characteristic of the day was the friendly atmosphere. Participants were encouraged along the way, no matter what their experience level. Jun Iwata, a visitor from Japan for 6 months, paddled in the race after only just learning to kayak in a Sea Kayak Skills Course. It was his third time in a kayak, but he coped well with the distance and current. “This race is definitely the highlight of my stay here!” said Jun at the finish. Another comment from a first time competitor was, “I now know that I can do that!” The Waikato River has walking paths along most of the distance of the race from which participants can be observed throughout the event. Next year, it is intended to develop a variety of courses to cater for the more recreational paddler, and to capitalise on attracting spectators to what could become Hamilton’s premier kayak race. Check out the websites www.7bridges.co.nz for information and results from the race, and www.waikatomultisport.co.nz for information about multisport kayaking in the Waikato.
Designers & Constructors of Multisport & Adventure Racing Kayaks Phone/Fax 06 374 6222 E-mail:- mike@ruahinekayaks.co.nz Website:-www.ruahinekayaks.com
Ruahine Kayaks are pleased to introduce the new “Gladiator”. This fast, stable kayak is designed for the larger paddler looking for a longer, stable boat.
Gladiator 28
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Canoe & Kayak Rodney Coast Challenge In blustery, overcast conditions with the promise of rain, a field of 380 athletes prepared for the annual Canoe & Kayak Rodney Coast Challenge run by the Kaukapakapa Scout Group, held on Sunday 29th October, starting at the waters edge on Muriwai’s, West Coast Beach. The run began with a short scramble back over the dunes, then parallel with the beach before starting the 9 km grind through Wood Hill Forest back up and over the hills to the Cycle transition at the Rimmers Road Forest entrance. Paul Angland led into the transition in38:56 followed closely by Matthew Brick in39:40.
The fastest times over the complete course were:
From the transition riders descended Rimmers Road to join State Highway 16 for an undulating ride to Kaukapakapa and the dreaded hill before dropping down to the Makarau Valley and the mountain bike transition. The fastest over the 30km course was Andrew Smith in 51:15 chased by Matthew Brick in 52:03
Open Mens: Philip Muir, Steppy, Matt Fricker, Chris Wright 3:15:53 Open Womens: Jo Clews, Jo Clarke, Rachael Sutton 4:14:56 Open Mixed: Castelle Young, Andrew Smith, Arlo Guthery, Neil Young 3:33:59 Veteran Mens: Allan Lennon, Kevin Vranjes, Blair Roskruge 3:25:48 Veteran Women: Ngaire McLachlen, Dianne Barret, Shona Fogden, Nancy Bowmar 4:11:15 School: Waiuku College A, Michael Whitehead, Shaun Hamilton, Alex Meikle 3:23:49 Corporate: Vaughan Martin, Andrew Newson, Simon Orgias, Fred Teear 3:40:58
The 27m mountain bike course followed rural metal roads with some steep climbs and descents before finishing at the Puhoi Sports Reserve and was completed in 56:02 by Dan Wood just ahead of Thomas Reynolds in 57:45. From Puhoi the canoe section followed a meandering tidal inlet to Wenderholm on the East Coast 8km away. Chris Wright completed this section in 37:56 with Gordon Blythen finishing in 38:11.
Individuals Open Men: Andrew Nicholson 3:22:36 Open Women: Chris Couldrey 4:102:13 Veteran Men: Matthew Brick 3:18:09 Veteran Women: Rosemary Whitehead 5:05:03
It’s back to the future for the 16th ThermaTech Head2Head multisport race. The experiment with a late summer date change earlier in the year did not provide the anticipated avalanche of additional competitors. So the organisers have returned, appropriately humbled, to the traditional 10 December date. This should please budding Speights Coast to Coasters looking for a test of training race blow-out. The date change also provides the best tide for quite a few years. Speedy course times are anticipated as a result, especially if the traditional spring westerly kicks in. Further competitor incentives include a revised entry fee structure with team entry fees in particular reduced by a quarter and Individual fees also tweaked southwards. Everyone still gets to add to their ThermaTech top collection. Hard copies of the entry form are available from Canoe & Kayak outlets or from the race organisers: Nelson Associates Ltd., PO Box 25475, St Heliers, Auckland (Tel. 025 821562) The entry form is also available off the www.head2head. net.nz website. Regards Alan Nelson, Race Director
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Surf skis
by Phil White
For the best paddle racing in New Zealand, or fun summer paddling, you can’t go past a surf ski. Surf skis differ from kayaks in several ways, and it is these differences that make them ideal for paddling and racing offshore in virtually any conditions. Surf skis appear to have originated in Australia in the 1920s. They were originally designed to be paddled out through surf in order to rescue drowning swimmers, as an alternative to bigger, heavier, and more expensive five man surfboats. In recent years they have been made obsolete (as far as rescues go) by outboard-powered inflatables, but surf ski races have been around since the 1940s. Early surf skis were tear-drop shaped and more than a metre wide, but over time they became narrower to maximise speed and improve their ability to cut through large broken waves.
Types Wave skis These boats are not too different from a surfboard or a white water kayak, being short, but reasonably wide, highly manoeuvrable, and fun to play on in waves with their wide planing hull and one to three fixed fins. They normally have a seat strap, making it possible to roll them after being dumped by a wave. Sit on top kayaks There are many different types of sit on top kayaks, but most are wide, long cruising boats without a rudder, that are good for fishing or sightseeing. They are normally made out of plastic and are quite cheap and fairly indestructible, but heavy. Spec surf life saving skis Spec skis were originally designed in Australia for sprint surf races, so have a broad, flat nose, a large amount of rocker in the hull, a flared bow, and a lot of volume in front of the paddler to prevent nose-diving. The ski is broad and low through the seat, which makes getting on the ski easier after a capsize, and allows jump starts for fast beach starts. These skis provide a reasonable compromise of speed, stability, and manoeuvrability.
invented kayaks, because on a surf ski, the paddler is exposed to the elements. Consequently, surf skis are most popular in warm areas, like Australia, South Africa, Hawaii and Tahiti. Rather than trying to keep the water out, long distance racing skis have Venturi drain holes which suck the water out from under the paddlers feet when they are moving. A big difference from multisport and sea kayaks is that the rudder is positioned underneath, rather than off the stern. This is very important because when surfing waves, the nose drops, and the stern lifts up. If the rudder is at the stern it will lift out of the water, steering is lost and the kayak broaches. The rudders on surfskis are designed to be very powerful to prevent this broaching. Surfskis also have a very sturdy construction with stringers running down the length of the ski to cope with the forces from large waves. These stringers also prevent the ski from sinking if it is damaged. (In South Africa a number of skis have made it back to shore after great white sharks have taken pieces out of them.) Until a few years ago, most surf skis did not come with adjustable footpegs – instead, like bikes, there was a range of boats to fit various sizes of people. Lately, most manufacturers have started offering suf skis with an adjustable footrest system, making them more a lot more versatile. For the elite paddler a fixed footrest is still the best, having a solid footwell to push against, less water volume in the footwells, and reduced weight and cost. These differences give a surf ski both benefits and disadvantages compared with a kayak. With no spray deck, they are much quicker to get on and off (important for races that start/finish on dry land). If you do get tipped over you can climb back on (with a bit of practice), something which is often not possible in a kayak (for those who can’t roll). They are fast, particularly with a following sea, and good for surfing down waves. They are generally cheaper to buy than a kayak. No pumps, bailers, spray deck or air bags are required. The disadvantages are that they can be cold in winter (a neoprene top and longs are recommended in cold weather), the non-retractable rudder will scrape the bottom in shallow water, and there is limited gear capacity, apart from what you can carry on you (e.g. in a backpack) or on the deck (under bungies).
Racing skis
Surf Ski Racing
Racing skis were developed in South Africa for longer distance open ocean racing, either in flat or rough conditions. They are longer, narrower and higher than a spec ski, and with less rocker, meaning that they are faster, but less stable, more difficult to climb back onto, and more prone to nosediving in steep waves.
Races range from sprint events of a few hundred metres to middle distance events of 5-10 km and long ocean races. The ocean races include the famous Molokai race in Hawaii, an annual 60 km event from the island of Maui to Molokai, that was first held in 1976. The longest is from Port Elizabeth to East London in South Africa, a 244 km 4 day event held every two years since 1972. In New Zealand, surf ski races can be very competitive, with the best K1, multisport and surf life saving paddlers all lining up. Over summer there are races each Tuesday evening from Takapuna beach, which are only open
How does a surf ski differ from a kayak? The biggest difference is the open cockpit. It is no coincidence that Eskimos
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to surf skis and outriggers, and have seen over 100 competitors racing over a 5 km course. The winners vary according to the conditions: K1 paddlers like Ben Fouhy often win when the water is flat, but the more experienced ski paddlers come into their own on rough days. As surf ski paddling becomes more popular in NZ, more and more races are being organized. The King of the Harbour is held near Auckland every year and is the major NZ surf ski race with many top international paddlers competing. Some multisport races like the Moehau Man are ideally suited for surf skis, and the race across lake Taupo would be perfect for surf skis in a strong tail wind. There is a calendar of local and international surf ski races on the surf ski website www.surfski.co.nz. Precautions: New Zealand maritime laws require a buoyancy device for each person on
a craft, meaning that you must wear or have on the boat a personal flotation device. While some might dispute the value of such a device, most organised races will not allow you to start without one, and you could potentially be prosecuted if you don’t have one. While many paddlers often just strap a lifejacket onto their boat, this is not much good to you if your boat blows away, so on rough days even the best paddlers normally wear their buoyancy device. In strong winds, if you do tip off a surf ski and do not hold onto the footstraps, it will quickly blow away, leaving you alone in the water without a boat. For this reason, beginners are encouraged to either tie a strap between their waist and the footstraps, or tie their paddle to the ski. This should not be done in rivers! You are also encouraged to wear bright colours, and remember that raising your paddle in the air not only makes you more visible, it means that you want help. Finally, never paddle alone in a strong off-shore wind! And have fun!
Photos by Sharon Ducker
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One or two weekends training Is just NOT ENOUGH!!! We believe our comprehensive Grade 2 Training & Certification is the best you can get. To gain the skills to confidently paddle on white water, you need between 3 and 8 weekends on the water with an instructor.
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2006 Multisport Package $795
Official Sponsor ISSUE THIRTYe
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Destination Taupo LOADS OF FUN If it’s a kayaking holiday you are after, then look no further than the Central North Island - Taupo has such a variety of pristine and varied waterways, it’s hard to beat!Most activities involve only a short drive and can be easily organised as half day or day trips. If camping is not your thing you can head back to town and unwind with a well-deserved hot thermal soak and a glass of wine.
Lake Taupo - Maori Carvings In the Eastern Corner of Mine Bay you will find some amazing artwork carved into the rock face. In the late 1970’s master carver Greg Whakata - Brightwell and Jono Randell began work on the carvings in the tradition of the local Ngati Tuwharetoa. Greg’s aim was to encourage and involve young people into carving and all aspects of Maori art. Standing at ten metres tall, they are an impressive sight from a sea kayak. The ideal ‘put in’ would be Acacia Bay South. Toilet and parking facilities are there. Allow four hours for a leisurely return journey. On fine days lunch stops are possible on the rocks.
Lake Hinemaiaia If wind conditions on Lake Taupo are unfavourable then head to the bush and discover Lake Hinemaiaia. Tucked away in the hills above Hatepe (half way between Taupo and Turangi) you will find a beautiful little lake fed by a slow moving shallow river system. The river was dammed in the mid 1900’s and supplied power for the Taupo region. At the top of a winding dirt track is the ‘put in’. The lake itself is only 33ha and is fed by a river that winds down from another two lakes for a couple of km’s. As you paddle along you will see submerged trees with strange foliage, native bush and plenty of wildlife including blue ducks, paradise ducks, swallows, fan tails and even the odd possum and trout. The lake eventually gets quite narrow and turns into a small stream. If you have the strength to paddle up it you will find moss covered cliffs dripping with water - very surreal. Allow 3 hours for a very comfortable paddle, suitable for all as due to the surrounding ignimbrite cliffs the wind will not raise a wave above 30cm.
Waikato River - Control Gates to Reids Farm A popular family outing. A short leisurely paddle from the source of the Waikato River, Lake Taupo.
Maori Carvings Lake Taupo
Korako thermal resort. Jump on their motor boat and explore the amazing thermal area with geysers, hotpools bubbling mud and caves... Permission is needed for the landing at Oraki Korako. Canoe and Kayak Taupo specialises in tours, team building and instruction. Why not let us organize and guide you or your group on one of these fantastic trips. Other options include the Mohaka River... easy rapids for the more adventurous - suitable for beginners, day and overnight options. Whanganui River Wilderness Adventures... multiday options.
hot poolers - Waikato River
Get in at the Control Gates Lagoon and let the river take you down stream, experiencing natural thermal hot pools, rock jumps and if you’re game, some Grade 2 rapids to play in. The ‘get out’ is at Reids Farm Scenic Reserve. Be sure to get out there or you may end up taking a very close look at Huka Falls!! Huka Falls is 1km downstream from Reids Farm. When the river is on a low flow you may be lucky enough to see some gnarly white water paddlers going over the falls.
White Water guiding also available all grades... Bush Walk/Kayaks, Western Bays, Lake Taupo... Speak to Freddy or Steve at the Taupo Canoe and Kayak Centre store for more info 07 3781003 or taupo@canoeandkayak.co.nz.
Mihi Bridge to Oraki Korako - Waikato River An easy day’s paddle, great for the summer months. There are good places for a swim, like by the Tutukau Bridge. Look for the hot thermal stream near Wharerarauhe - always good for a soak. Further upstream it’s possible to cook in the hot (very) spring. Try cooking up some corn cobbs, spuds or sausages for lunch.The Scenery varies from farmland to native bush finishing at Oraki
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new inset carving - fun out on the lake
Huka Falls
10 DECEMBER 2006 Run 13km Cycle 58km Kayak 19km
Waikato River
Masons rock, Western Bays Lake Taupo
90 kilometres coast to coast across the Auckland isthmus. From North Head, Manukau Harbour on the Tasman Sea, to North Head, Waitemata Harbour on the Pacific Ocean, the course is distinctive and challenging. “Head to Head” is an exciting race and also an adventure, a journey of discovery through Auckland’s surprisingly wild and scenic places. Compete as an individual or in a three person team. For further information or an entry form, contact the event organisers: Nelson Associates, P.O. Box 25 475, St Heliers, Auckland. Phone (09) 585 1970, email: nelson.as@clear.net.nz
www.head2head.net.nz Rangataiki River
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Coast to Coast In The Beginning The Southern Alps, shaped to the west by the pounding surf of the Tasman Sea and to the right by the Pacific Ocean, remain largely the way that European settlers found them when they forced their way across the country in the 1860s. And it’s this same wild and unspoiled wilderness that has attracted endurance athletes from all over the world to the Speight Coast to Coast. New Zealand’s favourite race turns 25 in February. It’s hard to fathom that multisport, and the race that created it, has been around for a quarter of a century. This year close to 1000 entrants from 11 countries will line up for the 25th anniversary event, a far cry from the 79 who stood on the Kumara Beach start line 25 years ago. From early settlers forging a life in the land, to the first to scale the world’s highest mountain, to excellence in sports such as triathlon, distance running, cycling and kayaking, New Zealand’s history is rich in pursuits of adventure and endurance. So it was probably only a matter of time before we combined these pursuits. But the man who actually did was an eccentric tourist operator whose vision of a race across New Zealand’s Southern Alps actually kick-started an entire sport. In 1980 Robin Judkins and a group of mates embarked on an epic adventure for no better reason than to see what was out there. They kicked off by climbing the 3000m high Mt Aspiring, then trekked down to the Matukituki River to kayak across Lake Wanaka and down the Clutha River to the sea. They dubbed the expedition ‘Aspiring to the Pacific’, but toward the end of the 12-day journey one of Judkins’ companions commented that had they started on the western side of Mt Aspiring they would quite literally have crossed the country from ‘coast to coast’ For Judkins it was like a light bulb exploding inside his head. It took three years for the concept to become reality, and another five years for it to become an international success. In the first two years entries of just 79 and 143 competitors saw him perilously close to bankruptcy. But instead of giving up he convinced TVNZ to air the event and the award winning images
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by Michael Jacques
of human will against an uncompromising environment were so inspiring that in the next three years he got more than 300 entries. By 1990 more than 600 people from half a dozen countries were lining up, and this year Judkins expects to crack 1000 for the first time. The concept was a classic from the first, combining the West Coast’s unique charm and history with a route through the Main Divide that dates back to the 12th century when Maori started exploring the West Coast in search of the coveted Pounamu. It starts on the West Coast’s Kumara beach with competitors ceremoniously dipping a toe in the Tasman before sprinting off the beach at the first sign of the sun rising over the Southern Alps. A 3k run is followed by a 55k road cycle to the foot of the Alps for a 36k mountain run across Goat Pass to Arthur’s Pass. A 15k cycle leads to the Waimakariri River for 67k of white water kayaking down to the Canterbury Plains for a final 70k cycle to finish at Sumner Beach, where finishers can stand in the Pacific as they try to comprehend what it means to race across your country. Recreational competitors can compete over two days as either individuals or two-person teams, with the first cycle and run finishing at an overnight camp at Arthur’s Pass in the heart of the Southern Alps. But it is the One-Day World Championship race that is the feature of the Speights Coast to Coast. Past winners like Kathy Lynch (4 times), Kristina Strode-Penny (twice) and Steve Gurney (nine times), have become household names. Current champion Richard Ussher (2005, 06) has also won the last two adventure racing world titles, but for 99.9 percent of the field the challenge is exactly what Robin Judkins first envisioned. Judkins dreamed up this classic concept inspired by the thought of crossing the country under his own steam, and he knew others would be too. Now, 25 years after he gave a trademark cackle and sent 79 athletes off into the unknown, multisport is part of mainstream New Zealand. If you’re not into multisport, then you know someone who is. If you haven’t done the Speights Coast to Coast, then you know someone who has. Either way we’ll probably see you in Kumara this February.
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Naki Report Well on Saturday the boys in the Naki got out for a fish and with the news out that the reserve at White Cliffs was commencing on the 9th of October, there was bound to be a good turnout. Wondaboy and I arrived at 7.30 to find that Bruce & Gary were already paddling into the sunrise so we quickly set up the yaks. During this time Nubee and Jason had arrived. We decided to head straight out as there was plenty of action with birds diving frantically. We pulled out the soft plastic baits (SP’s) and were instantly pulling in kawahai (KY), with Nubee and Wondaboy pulling in the odd snapper up to 5lb. After 3/4 of an hour Wondaboy headed out to one of our spot X’s and I followed shortly afterwards. When I got there, Wondaboy had already dropped the anchor and Bruce & Gary weren’t far away, so I decided to head out deeper to some clear un-burlied water. After about 3/4 of a km paddle I found some good structure with good fish signs and lots of kelp. I hadn’t fished this reef before, as I didn’t know it was there, so I was quite excited about its prospects. Dogfish arrived shortly after and dropped anchor behind me. The day dragged on, with only 300mm fish being caught, which were released, some KY and a nice blue cod. Dogfish had lost a 10lb snapps at the side of his yak, so the air was foul for a short time. Bruce had paddled out to see what was going on, just as my stray line peeled out and soon a nice 8lb snapps was in the bin. With that Bruce dropped anchor and was soon joined by Gary. However nothing eventuated so by about 1.30 everyone started packing up. As Dogfish came past I explained he was going too early as the big snapps would be on the bite in about 1/2 an hour. “NA bite times been” was his reply. Dogfish had paddled about 1km when the girl at the White Cliffs supermarket announced that they were having a closing down sale and snapps were on special. A work up started, so I quickly put fresh baits on and burled frantically. My stray line peeled out and as I was reeling it in my ledger sang out, so I flicked the lever on it, set a tight drag and got back to the business at hand. During this time my ledger was still screaming. After about
5 to 10 minutes a nice 17.5lb snapps greets me at the side of the yak. Eager to get to my ledger, as it was bent over screaming, I dragged the snaps on board, taking out my fish finder mounting bracket (well it was heavy) I sat on the snapps and got down to business once again to deal with my ledger. Soon a nice 8lb snapps joined the 17.5 on the deck. Wondaboy had seen this and like a true professional, changed tactics, putting away his SP and dropped baits. Keen to get my lines back in the water, I sat on the two snapps, re-baited and after this I got back to dealing with my snapps. During this process the lines peeled out again. I reeled them in and a couple of 7lb snapps joined the pile on the deck (I’m starting to think I’m going to need a bigger yak) I baited, up again and turned sideways on my yak so I can deal with the next fish as I was in a bit of a dilemma as to where I was going to put it. My stray peeled out, so I tightened the drag and left it screaming while I cleared the deck. My ledger bounced and screamed, however my concentration was on my stray line, as the rod had quite a bend in it. The excitement was mounting and the adrenalin pumping. A 15lb snapps was slapped on the deck and I instantly turn to my ledger and another 8lb snapps joins the 15lbder. It quietened off, which gave me time to gather my thoughts and get some sort of organized chaos happening. My ledger nodded and gave a short burst, so I causally set the hook, which resulted in the reel screaming. This fish had gone 50metres in a matter of seconds. I played the fish for about 15 minutes. Then the biggest snapper I’ve ever seen popped to the surface. I thought he’d given in, but he gave a flap of his tail and peeled me back to the bottom. About 5 minutes later I once again had him at the side of the yak. He opened his jaws, bit down, going through 60lb steel trace, gave a flick of his tail and was gone. You can imagine the lyrics to the song that followed. F$$&%@. A couple more snapps went in the bin to make my limit and it was time to go home. Wondaboy also had a good haul, with 8 snapps from 6lb to 8lb. At one time he too was peeled out with just a few spools left on his reel when he was busted off. News Flash, I have since heard that Nubee was up to his old tricks when heading back in. He jumped off his yak (so he said) letting his yak go when Bruce was ahead of him. Next thing Bruce is sitting in the wrong yak A great day, but a hard paddle back loaded down with snapps. Cheers Peter Florence
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Long Lining from ��� ����������� a kayak by Peter Townend
Tuesday morning and I’m suffering from lack of sleep. A good movie and then a sick kiddy, my eyes and head are a bit tired. There is heaps to do today, must prioritize! Options are endless. “Ah that’s very important”, look outside. “Yes not too much wind and the sun is shining”, and check tides and weather “YES!” The absolute priority is to go fishing with a new long line sent to me by Kayakcessories. Because I have never used a long line I flicked the CD into the computer, sat back and nodded knowingly to myself for 5 minutes. Kayak on the roof, fishing gear in the truck, depart home 5 minutes latter. Browns Bay Reef
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Out on the water the wind was gusting 15 knots from the Nor West, probably on the edge of conditions for running a long line from a kayak. However I felt confident enough to run out 9 of the eighteen hooks I had pre-baited on the beach. The system worked really well. After only a five-minute video I did not make a mistake. The wind continued to stiffen as forecasted so I paddled around for only ten minutes hoping that a Kahawai was hungry enough to grab the plastic lure. Nope ‘No bites’. The wind was still freshening so it was time to head for sheltered waters. Pulling up this Long line proved to be straightforward and simple. And look at this. Two Kahawai for my trouble. Not bad for ten minutes in the water. I certainly intend to go again and have another play on a more settled day. On a cautionary note it would be very easy to get into trouble with any long line when wind, waves or current cause sudden pulling pressure on the wrist strap. So pick a place where the conditions are soft and I think you will catch a ton of fish. Also I would have preferred to be in my Fish & Dive. Its stability would have made it easier and safer. Thanks Graham for sending me this new tool. Kahawai is the kids favourite when cooked in a bake as follows: • Lay out the Kahawai fillets in a shallow oiled baking dish. • Cover with a mixture of breadcrumbs, grated lemon rind, grated cheese and a little oil. • Bake in a moderate oven, until golden brown on top.
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Yum Now back to the priority list. Cheers Peter Townend
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Shark Encounter… by Nathan Pettigrew It was to be another windy day here in Mt Maunganui but I thought if I got out early enough for a fish I might be right for a few hours. And I was right! I headed out at 9am, the sun was shining, very little wind and I had a good feeling about the days fishing! You see, us ‘fisho’s’ get these feelings, I think its part of the build up to the day and boy was I amped! I was trying some new mackerel bait that I managed to get from one of the fishing trawlers. Now, if you think bonito is oily then you should see this bait! It absolutely pongs, and that’s when it’s frozen! It is that bad, which actually makes it that good! Plus I had my faithful yellow flasher lures which seem to work a charm on snapper. So off I paddled to my little faithful spot about 1400 metres past Rabbit Island ready for some action. I KNEW it was going to be a great day. What I didn’t know was how big and dangerous the action was going to be. It didn’t take long for me to get out there, set the anchor, threw some mackerel on a hook and dropped it to the bottom. Remember, I like to use light gear, I basically use a kid’s reel with about 3 or 4 pound nylon, so if I hook something it’s fair game. And it’s more fun than just winding them in. That to me is not fishing. So some of the fish caught can take a little while to bring in. After about 3 minutes, my lucky spot didn’t let me down and my line was tugging again, nothing big at this stage. I have found the bigger snapper tend to come in a little later and literally take over. The first fish was a nice pan-sized snapper, not huge, but something to keep the good lady happy for the filleting that I was about to do in her kitchen later that evening. You see guys, it’s about balance and remembering these words ‘ and look what I caught YOU honey!’ It’s worked for me so far! Back to the fishing…the next fish gave a few initial tugs but relaxed pretty quickly into the fight so I wasn’t sure what I was pulling up. Then I saw it, a new species caught on my kayak, Terakihi. I was wrapped! I dropped more
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bait down bearing in mind that I had already caught a few other smaller fish, which I released, so there was a lot of action in the water. At one stage I got a mammoth hit, the rod bent over and peeled out line. A large snapper had taken the bait, run with it but dropped it soon afterwards. I couldn’t believe my bad luck when I’d lost it but I knew he’d still be down there so I kept baiting up. I pulled in a few more pannies which I released and then hooked another terakihi which I threw in the back with my 2 other fish. This time I rigged a piece of bait which had some bones sticking out of it from all angles. For a bit of bait, it actually looked pretty good I thought! I figured the smaller ones might not bother due to the bones whereas the bigger snapper wouldn’t care much and just gulp it down. My philosophy was right. BANG! You guessed it, the rod bent yet again and the reel began screaming. However, this time it didn’t stop! But then, things would turn bad… The wind had picked up which I wasn’t too concerned about. What did concern me was that not 30 seconds into the snapper taking the bait, a large fin passed me on the left side of my kayak! And when I saw that fin, words came to my mind (and in fact I think I actually said them aloud) that I probably could not mention in this article. It was swimming in circles about 6 metres away from the kayak, fin out of the water. It would then head towards the kayak and glide underneath me. If it were a dolphin (like it was 2 days prior) then I would have reached down and touched it but as it was an 8ft MAKO shark I didn’t have the same sought of urge. Funny that. I must admit, butterflies in my stomach were an understatement compared to how I was feeling at the stage that I saw that fin, but there was just one thing I could think about… Getting that damn snapper! Unfortunately the shark was obviously of the same opinion. I also had my knife close at hand just in case. But it’s a knife designed to fit inside one of my hatches and when I looked at the size of the shark’s head as it torpedoed past, I quickly realized that it may as well have a been a tooth pick. So I had two major extremes, a big snapper that I was not prepared to lose and a Mako shark that I couldn’t take my eyes off. Each time she passed under the kayak I could see her big black eyes looking up at me. I could almost hear her saying, “Don’t worry, stay cool, I’m just waiting for your fish!” Every now and then the shark would ‘bolt’ and man, those things can move! I’ve never seen anything like it! But of course it is the second fastest fish in the ocean. I have been intrigued by sharks since the age of 8 years old, I have every book imaginable on them but to see them like that is absolutely amazing! A-la natural. Now remember the snapper was a decent size and I use light gear so he just kept going and each time I retrieved line it would take off again. I had not felt a fish like that before and he was mine! After about 10 long minutes of fighting the fish I could feel him lifting off the bottom, my line was coming in faster now, however I’m not sure if it was because I thought “to hell with this, if it breaks it breaks!” or because I knew that was when the shark would strike. Shark? Hang on, what shark? I couldn’t see it anymore. Suddenly I saw the swivel, which attached my 2 metre trace line, so I went for it! I grabbed the line by hand and starting pulling it up from underneath my kayak and that’s when I saw the head of this snapper! WOW! Awesome size. As I’m writing this
right now, I can feel the butterflies churning again because as I pulled the snapper next to the kayak, the Mako came up with it, with the tail end of the snapper in its mouth. But I wasn’t about to give up without a fight. If I had shot nearly all my nerves then why not shoot the last of them! Besides, I had come this far with catching this snapper! The shark smacked itself against the side of the kayak and rolled on its side. That’s when I realized it was a female as it had no claspers. I cant believe at that time that I thought “Oh, it’s a girl”! You would have thought I had better things to worry about! With absolute ease the Mako bit through my snapper and as the rest of it went into the back of my kayak I distinctly remember thinking to myself right at that time, why couldn’t she have taken a smaller one?! Isn’t it amazing what you think at the best of times! I can tell you one thing though, you have never seen someone pull up an anchor so fast! The Mako was still circling obviously wanting the rest of what she thought was her fish. But hey, she had her half, fair is fair!
The wind had risen to twenty knots but I powered back to the nearest boat 1300 metres away just behind Rabbit Island. . My neck was sore from constantly looking behind me for a fin. But I got back with two Terakihi and one and a half snapper! Interestingly enough, the first thing the guy said to me when I got to his boat was, “shit mate, you’re a fast paddler!” Now, how could you not laugh at that especially when he didn’t even know of my little encounter. So let’s look at this: Sharks are there, there is no denying that, so no one should freak out about a shark just doing its own thing. Remember also that the bait I was using was incredibly oily and I was cutting up bait on the kayak before splashing it off with saltwater to clean the deck. I was also throwing the gut of the bait over the side. This, coupled with the constant action of a few fighting fish on a line, is like a dinner bell to a shark. It’s no different from KFC across the road from the shop here. It’s bloody tempting! One thing is for sure though, no shark is going to beat me and my mighty Fish ‘n’ Dive kayak!
Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers N.Z. Inc. (KASK) KASK is a network of sea kayakers throughout New Zealand KASK publishes a 200 page sea kayaking handbook which is free to new members: the handbook contains all you need to know about sea kayaking: techniques and skills, resources, equipment, places to go etc. KASK publishes a bi-monthly newsletter containing trip reports, events, book reviews, technique/equipment reviews and a ‘bugger’ file. KASK holds national sea kayaking forums.
Website: www.kask.co.nz Annual subscription is $35.00.
Kask PO Box 23, Runanga 7841, West Coast
Hi there Last week I took the week off and fished the Coramandel Kane Davis (10 years old) caught this snapper out of Stony Bay in his Kayak on light tackle It measured 58cm (aprox 7 - 8 lb) It proves that kayak fishing isn’t just for adults (some good advertising for Cobra Plays!!) We had an awesome week with great weather Cheers Ian
ight • 2006
Directory: Things To Do
TAUPO Maori Carvings Half day guided trip to the rock carvings, Lake Taupo... only accessible by boat.
$85 per person (bookings essential). Call freephone 0800 KAYAKN for details.
Waikato River Discovery
2 hour guided kayak trip. Experience the magnificent upper reaches of the mighty Waikato River - soak in the geothermal hotsprings - take in the stunning environment... a perfect trip for all the family...
Need some excitement? Take a kayak down this wicked Grade II river run... this is a whole day of thrills and fantastic scenery down the Mohaka River.
Price: $40 adult $25 children Special group and family rates. Call freephone 0800 KAYAKN for details.
TAUPO Accommodation
Waitara River Tours
Accommodation available to Yakity Yak club members and their families... Ideal for sport and school groups... Situated on the banks of the Waikato River our Kayakers Lodge accommodates up to 12 people, is fully furnished, with plenty of parking and a quiet location.
For those who are slightly more adventurous at heart, this is a scenic trip with the excitement of grade two rapids. Midway down, we paddle under the historic Betran Rd Bridge where we will stop for a snack.
Hawkes Bay Harbour Cruise
Okura River Tours
$25 per person per night. Phone: 0800 529256 for details
Allow 2 hours paddle only. Priced at $50. Phone: 06 769 5506
Price: $100 per person. Call freephone 0800 KAYAKN for details. Phone: Taupo 07 378 1003, Hawke’s Bay 06 842 1305
Mokau River Enjoy this beautiful scenic river which winds through some of New Zealands lushest vegetation. Camping overnight and exploring some of New Zealands pioneering history. A true Kiwi experience.
Two day trips $220.00 or one day $70.00. Phone 06 769 5506
Exploring Karepiro Bay and the Okura Marine Reserve. Enjoy this scenic trip with abundant wildlife and a stop at Dacre Cottage, the historic 1860 settlers’ house, which is only accessible by boat or a long walk.
Taupo - Open for the summer and by appointment. Long Bay, Auckland - by appointment only. Have some paddling fun on the beach or let us run a Tour for you and your friends and explore these beautiful areas.
All this for $40 per person. Phone 06 842 1305
Okura River Kayak Hire Company Phone: 09 473 0036
Phone Canoe & Kayak on 0508 KAYAKNZ for details
Kayaking to a local pub is a unique way of spending an evening, bringing your group of friends together by completing a fun activity before dinner and making a memorable experience. These trips are available to Riverhead, Browns Bay and Devonport Pubs. COST: $59.00 each • GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE!
Okura River Kayak Hire Company Phone: 09 473 0036
Twilight Tours Departs from one of The East Coast Bays beautiful beaches. Enjoy the scenic trip with the sun setting over the cliff tops as you paddle along the coast line. Group discounts available!
Okura River Kayak Hire Company Phone: 09 473 0036 Mobile: 0274 529 255
Customized Tours • Work Functions • Schools • Clubs • Tourist groups Whether it’s an afternoon amble, a full days frolic or a wicked weekend adventure we can take you there. If there’s somewhere you’d like to paddle we can provide you with experienced guides, local knowledge, safe up to date equipment and a lot of fun.
Contact your local store on 0508 KAYAKNZ
ight • 2006
Interested in a great adventure on this Magnificent River? Give us a call and we will give you a memory of a lifetime. Canoe & Kayak Taupo
Price on application.
0800 529256
Sugar Loaf Island From Ngamutu Beach harbour we head out to the open sea to Nga Motu/Sugar Loaf Island Marine Reserve. View the Taranaki scenic, rugged coastline as we draw closer to the Sugar Loaf Islands. Enjoy the seal colony and experience the thrill of close up views of these fascinating marine mammals.
Allow 3 hours subject to weather. $50.00 per person. Phone 06 769 5506
Kayak Hire
A guided kayak trip round the safe waters of the Inner Harbour, while learning about the history of the area. During this stunning trip around the beautiful Napier Inner Harbour of Ahuriri, we stop to share a glass of fresh orange juice, local fruits and cheese platter.
Paddle to the Pub
Whanganui River Trips
New Zealand Kayaking Instructors Award Scheme Become a kayaking Instructor and Guide. Get into gear and get qualified! It’s fun and easy to do.
Don’t delay phone 0508 5292569 now
Join the Yakity Yak Club Want to have fun, meet new people, have challenging and enjoyable trips, and learn new skills? PLUS get a regular email newsletter and this magazine! Also, get a discount on kayaking courses and purchases from Canoe & Kayak stores. Then, join us!
Phone Canoe & Kayak on 0508 KAYAKNZ to find out more
Easy finance available. Conditions apply.
Summer Catalogue www.canoeandkayak.co.nz Freephone 0508 5292 569
A comfortable performance orientated sea kayak which will suit all sizes of paddlers with plenty of foot room for the bigger ones. Handles well in rough conditions, a fun boat to paddle.
Prices start at $2440 Length: 4.80 m, Weight: 26.5 kg std, 23kg lite, Width: 610 mm
taSMaN eXPreSS
Responds to rough conditions. Its low profile and flared bow enable it to perform well in adverse conditions. It is designed to give the paddler maximum comfort, with adjustable footrests, backrest, side seat supports and optional thigh brace.
Prices start at $2696
Length: 5.3 m, Std. Weight: 29 kg, Lightweight: 27 kg, Width: 610 mm
INCePt K405
Tasman Inflatable Sea Kayak. With an Incept single inflatable sea kayak there is no need for a vehicle roof rack, no storage problems, and traveling on public transport and small aircraft a breeze! Perfect for multi-day expeditions and just as good for spur of the moment days trips.
Pacific Inflatable Sea Kayak. This double inflatable sea kayak packs down into light, compact airline baggage inclusive of pump, decks, seats, pedals and rudder. Constructed from a heavy duty but light weight polyurethane - alloy that is strong, hard wearing and is UV protected.
Length: 4.35 m, Weight: 15 kg std, Width: 670 mm
Length: 5.35 m, Weight: 20 kg std, Width: 670 mm
ChaLLeNGe 5
Prices start at $2755
Has all the features for multi-day kayaking with ease of handling in all weather conditions. With great manoeuvrability this kayak is suitable for paddlers from beginner to advanced.
Prices start at $3430
Slightly larger volume than the Sequel and lighter at 22kg. A fast and stable touring sea kayak well appointed and featuring a great rudder/steering system.
CoNtoUr 480
A comfortable performance orientated sea kayak which will suit all sizes of paddlers with plenty of foot room for the bigger ones. Handles well in rough conditions, a fun boat to paddle.
Prices start at $2199 Length: 4.8m, Weight: 27 kg, Width: 620 mm
Sea K torreS
A fast and stable sea kayak capable of handling extreme expeditions. Huge storage and lots of leg room.
Prices start at $2395
Prices start at $3571
Prices start at $4220
Length: 4.80 m, Weight: 25 kg std, Width: 610 mm
Length: 5 m, Weight: 22 kg std, Width: 590 mm
Length: 5.6 m, Weight: 23 kg kevlar carbon, Width: 600 mm
PaDDLe FLoat
KayaK troLLey
Agile and responsive with excellent stability, making it suitable for both beginners and more advanced paddlers. It is a multipurpose kayak at home on lakes, in surf, in rock pools and around coastlines. Prices start at $1956 Length: 4.5 m, Weight: 22 kg std, 23kg lite, Width: 600 mm
Two chamber float for added safety. A 2nd chamber for use when you need extra buoyancy or if one chamber is accidentally punctured. Clip on safety tether to eliminate loss in windy conditions.
Easy to carry a sea kayak loaded down with all your gear! Heavy duty stainless steel constructions. Wheels fold down conveniently to fit in a back hatch.
eCoBeZhIG 540
Fast, light, touring kayak suits beginners through to advanced paddlers. The hull design allows for great handling in rough water. Well appointed and ideally suitable for multisport training.
An enjoyable sea kayak, fast and nimble with huge storage, great features and the most comfortable seat your butt will ever meet.
A versatile touring kayak for lake, river and sea. Stability, speed and easy tracking make for an enjoyable day’s paddling. A larger cockpit allows for easier entry and exit.
Prices start at $2496
Prices start at $2799
Prices start at $1895
Length: 4.93 m , Weight: 26kg, Width: 580 mm
Length: 5.4 m, Weight: Std 26 kg, Width: 590 mm
Length: 4.4 m, Weight: Std 22kg, Width: 610 mm
aCaDIa 370
eCo NIIZh 565 XLt
ayaks CoNtoUr 450
This kayak is designed for day tripping and light overnight expeditions. It’s great fun to paddle and handles easily.
Flat water cruising, well appointed, a nifty adjustable backrest, an access hatch in the back which is great for carrying your extra gear.
This model is proving a hit with its lighter weight and some excellent features. We now have a plastic double sea kayak that is great to use for all those amazing expeditions and adventures.
Prices start at $1299
Prices start at $3699
Length: 3.7 m, Weight: 20 kg std, Width: 680 mm
Length: 5.64 m, Weight: 45 kg std, Width: 760 mm
CoNtoUr 490
taSMaN eXPreSS KeVLar
This double Sea Kayak is an ideal day tourer with the easy ability to do those weekend camping expeditions. It handles well, is fun to paddle and has well appointed accessories.
As per the plastic model, the kevlar Tasman Express responds to rough conditions but its decreased weight, and increased stiffness, gives even better performance.
Prices start at $1999
Prices start at $2799
Prices start at $4095
Length: 4.5 m, Weight: 26 kg std, Width: 640 mm
Length: 4.87 m, Weight: 35 kg std, Width: 800 mm
Length: 5.3 m, Weight: 22 kg std, Width: 610 mm
A must for any boater. Our 8-gallon per minute Bilge Pump features an easy-grab handle, superstrong pump shaft and heavy-duty impact resistant plastic.
The Deluxe Deck Bag offers a unique window view access, high capacity and light reflectivity. A clear window allows for easier gear location and a higher profile for better gear storage.
These all-purpose bags are great for any adventure. The Omni Dry Bag features a waterproof 3-roll closure with D-ring, vinyl body and heavy-duty abrasion resistant bottom.
10Ltr $39.90 - 21Ltr $44.90 - 41Ltr $54.90
A Sit-on-Top for the family. Able to seat an adult and a small child. It is easy to paddle and is very stable. Easily carried by one adult or two kids.
Great for the paddler who wants a fun fast surf and flat water kayak. Kids love this Sit-on as it is not too wide for them to paddle and yet very stable.
Stable and easy to paddle and it handles surf with ease. Simple to use for the beginner, yet exciting for the more experienced paddler.
Prices start at $399
Prices start at $695
Prices start at $799
Length: 2.7m, Weight: 15 kg, Width: 780 mm
Length: 3.10 m, Weight: 17.27 kg, Width: 710 mm
Length: 2.95m, Weight: 19kg, Width: 750 mm
Probably the closest you will come to finding one kayak that does it all. Surfing, fishing, snorkelling.
The low profile hull of the Cobra Tourer cuts down on windage, enabling paddlers to maintain high speed and straight tracking with easy handling in all conditions.
Prices start at $799
Prices start at $1249
Length: 3.3 m, Weight: 23 kg , Width: 750 mm
Length: 4.55 m, Weight: 22.68 kg , Width: 711 mm
aCaDIa 280
A light easy to use family kayak. Enjoyable paddling for the whole family in sheltered waters.
A stable fun kayak which is easy to handle. This is an enjoyable kayak for all the family.
recre FIreFLy
Here is a little cracker! The Firefly is designed so the kids can have some fun. Little and light. Easy to handle and nice and stable. Here is a kayak the kids will love, if they can get Dad off it!
Prices start at $799
Prices start at $1695
Length: 2.8 m, Weight: 17 kg std, Width: 680 mm
Length: 4.5 m, Weight: 34 kg std, Width: 280 mm
Length: 2.4 m, Weight: 16 kg kg std, Width: 700 mm
toreNt FreeDoM
StaNDarD troLLey
Great for the surf and the river with awesome manoeuvrability. Excellent finish.
A comfortable performance orientated sea kayak which will suit all sizes of paddlers with plenty of foot room for the bigger ones. Handles well in rough conditions, a fun boat to paddle.
Prices start at $799
Prices start at $1199
Length: 3.12 m, Weight: 22.7 kg, Width: 810 mm
Length: 4.80 m, Weight: 26.5 kg std, 23kg lite, Width: 610 mm
These wheels are the step down from the heavy duty version. Large wheels still make any terrain a breeze, while a pin holds them in. They still fold away into your back hatch. A lighter weight trolley for moving mainly empty kayaks.
the tandem
A ‘two person’ kayak, ideal for fishing, surfing and exploring. It has great hatches for storing your adventure equipment. Now available with three person option. It is often used by one person.
fiSh n’ dive
The ultimate fishing/diving kayak. A large well is located in the stern and holds up to three tanks. There is one centrally located seat and a smaller companion seat near the bow.
Swing 400 PLuS
Fishing, cruising, well appointed with gear storage inside. Also includes an optional extra pod that detaches, which is great for carrying your fishing gear to your favourite spot.
Prices start at $1195
Prices start at $1095
Prices start at $1199
Length: 3.81 m, Weight: 25.90 kg, Width: 915 mm
Length: 3.81 m, Weight: 25.85 kg, Width: 914 mm (hatches & accessories not included)
Length: 4.01 m, Weight: 25 kg, Width: 780 mm
Great general purpose kayak for fishing, diving and having fun in the sun.
ational acadia 470
A great fun family boat with plenty of freeboard allowing for a heavy load. Excellent for sheltered water exploring. Paddles quickly and has excellent stability. Dry storage compartment.
Ideal for fishing, surfing and exploring and one of the driest ‘Sit-ons’ you will find. Great hatches for storing your goodies
Prices start at $1019
Prices start at $849
Length: 3.46 m, Weight: 27 kg std, Width: 750 mm
Length: 3.43 m, Weight: 18.18 kg std, Width: 790 mm
cobra Strike
Swing 470 PLuS
A Wave Ski which the whole family can enjoy. Fantastic in the surf, it‘s a fast and manoeuvrable sit-on-top.
A fantastic two person cruising kayak which is stable and fast. It has plenty of storage and great features to make your adventures fun.
Prices start at $1599
Prices start at $849
Prices start at $1399
Length: 4.7 m, Weight: 34 kg std, Width: 830 mm
Length: 2.92 m, Weight: 161 kg std, Width: 685 mm
Length: 4.75 m, Weight: 34 kg std, Width: 840 mm
micro dry Stuff SackS
oPti dry Stuff Sack
cobra marauder
Compact splash proof protection for all your valuables and electronics. Constructed with 70D Hex rip-stop nylon with and easy-to-use three roll closure system.
The Opti Dry is super-tough and super-clear. Constructed with heavy-duty clear vinyl and an abrasion resistant bottom.
10Ltr $29.90 - 21Ltr $34.90 - 41Ltr $44.90
The new Marauder available this Christmas. Designed for the serious kayak fisherman. Performs very well in surf and will be this summer’s hot fishing boat.
Prices start at $1455 Length: 4.27 m, Weight: 28 kg std, Width: 750 mm
aDVeNtUre DUet
This lightweight, very fast and recently updated Adventure Racing double kayak continues to dominate adventure racing in NZ and is very suitable as a recreational double.
This fast, stable kayak with its larger cockpit is built for the bigger paddler looking for a longer, stable kayak for Coast to Coast etc.
This new, very user friendly kayak with its excellent combination of speed and stability supercedes our very popular Opus. It is suitable not only for the intermediate / advanced paddler, but also for the busy, but keen ‘Weekend Warrior’.
Prices start at $5760
Prices start at $2860 Glass $3170 Kevlar
Length: 7m, Weight: 26 kg Glass, 24 kg Kevlar, Width: 550 mm
Length: 5.9 m, Width: 530 mm Weight: 12 kg to 15 kg depending on construction,
The next step up from the entry level kayaks. Fast with good stability. Medium skill ability is required to enjoy racing this kayak. A very popular Coast to Coast kayak.
This kayak is ideal for the beginner/entry level kayaker who is looking for a quick, light kayak with great stability. Very suitable for first time Coast to Coasters.
Prices start at $2710, $2940 Kevlar
Prices start at $2460, $ 2740 Kevlar
Length: 5.4 m, Weight: 12 kg , Width: 480 mm
Length: 4.94 m, Weight: 14.5kg , Width: 540 mm
the eLIMINator
Fast ocean going Racing Sea Kayak. The broad bow allows this kayak to ride over waves like a surf ski without losing any speed and is easy to control while surfing. A low profile reduces buffeting by the wind in adverse conditions.
An excellent training and competition surf ski, can be used with under-slung rudder or rear mounted rudder.
Prices start at $3195
Prices start at $1649
Length: 5.03 m, Weight: 19.09 kg std, Width: 585 mm
Length: 6.43 m, Weight: 16.5 to 19 kg, Width: 510 mm
Length: 5.29 m, Weight: 21 kg kg std, Width: 510 mm
oCeaN X
The Rebel is designed for paddlers of both genders up to 75kgs. At 5.65 metres long, the Rebel is half way between the length of the Swallow and the Opus or Firebolt and is faster than them all.
The Ocean X is suitable for kayak racing in the many harbours, estuaries and lakes of New Zealand and lends itself well to the kayak sections of many multisport races.
A fast stable racing and training ‘Sit -on’. It has an adjustable dry seat and a cool draining system. Ideal for the paddler wanting a good fitness work out.
Prices start at $1549
This boat is designed as an entry level alternative to expensive composite crafts, has good stability and speed. Colours: Stone grey, Mango, White granite, Lime, Yellow.
Prices start at $3170 Length: 5.9m, Weight: 12kg, Width: 455 mm
Prices start at $1549
Prices start at $3150
Prices start at $3200 Fibreglass, $3700 Kevlar
Length: 5.15 m, Weight: 22 kg std, Width: 550 mm
Length: 5.65 m, Weight: 11 kg std, 23kg lite, Width: 450mm
Length: 6.4 m, Weight: 16.5 kg std, 23kg lite, Width: 500 mm
raD 180
Big air for big times..... Unbeatable for looseness, zippiness, and speed and it’s even got better with all the new goodies we’ve put inside. Lighter and stronger. Perfectly fitted for the mid-sized boater.
Built to be bullet proof. Designed to meet the demands of the purest creek boater who’s looking for the next level of performance. A hull to get up and go and enough rail to hang on line. This is a serious addition to the creek boating world
raD 185
Our first RAD creation and still the best for flying out our door. It’s hull performance is the envy of all. Now fully refurbished. Offers comfort and performance not often found by the mid to larger sized paddler.
Prices start at $1295
Prices start at $1495
Prices start at $1295
Length: 1.82 m, Weight: 16kg, Width: 660mm
Length: 2.43 m, Weight: 21.5 kg, Width: 660mm
Length: 1.87 m, Weight: 15 kg, Width: 660 mm
MaC 1
white water raD 195
Faithful all the way. As popular now as ever. It’s friendly manner and ability to run wild creeks continues to impress. This boat floats small to medium sized boaters very well.
Prices start at $1295
This is a performance kayak. Responsive edges and a very fast planning hull. From extreme racing, running wild creeks, to teaching kayaking, the MAC has delivered for all. Fits a mid to larger paddler well.
Prices start at $1295
Length: 2.35 m, Weight: 18 kg std, Width: 660 mm
Length: 2.43 m, Weight: 21.5 kg std, Width: 665 mm
PaDDLe jaCKetS
FroM NZ’S LeaDING SUPPLIerS So they to, can now fly. Slightly longer for it’s width, there is no man we haven’t been able to fit and float successfully in here. Also recommended by some a little lighter, as being a mighty fine performance creeker.
Prices start at $1295
There an’t nothing you can’t bomb with a SCUD!!!!! Evolution or Revolution, who cares. One things for sure, this boat is the hottest ride in a long time. Innovative, both in design and construction, all things to all people, the “SCUD” is simply like no other. Prices start at $1495
Length: 2.0m, Weight: 16 kg std, Width: 680 mm
Length: 2.03 m, Weight: 17 kg std, Width: 660 mm
FroM NZ’S LeaDING SUPPLIerS The new updated issue is in store this Xmas, lots of the best rivers to go and play on with your new toy. Remember Canoe & Kayak runs comprhensive river training courses to give you the skills to enjoy and be safe on the river.
A comfortable performance orientated sea kayak which will suit all sizes of paddlers with plenty of foot room for the bigger ones. Handles well in rough conditions, a fun boat to paddle.
Prices start at $96.00
Paddle Jackets keep you warm and dry, which on a cold mountain feed river or a windy day on the ocean makes for a warm very enjoyable day.
Prices start at $169.95
rooF raCKS Suppliers and installers of
thULe MoNDIaL ProraCK With one of the best ranges of Roof Racks in the country, we can give you great options on strong dependable racks and accessories that will do the job. We test them everyday on our cars and commercials and only sell the ones that are tough enough to stand up to our demanding business and private needs.
SUPer LatItUDe
Eco-friendly PVC Free Super Latitudes feature the great wide mouth-lateral design utilize the best materials and features. Slides easily into kayak hatches. While our hands-free AutopurgeTM valve automatically purges the air as the bag is compressed or stuffed into tight spaces.
With full horizontal access, our Latitudes eliminate the hassle of having to dig vertically to get at what you want. Built with a polyester body and heavy-duty vinyl ends, Latitudes are built to perform, but at a value price!
Our 15 litre capacity square camp sink can’t be beat. The Pack Sink’s unique square shape makes cleaning larger items simple and it folds flat for easy (out of the way) storage when not in use.
10Ltr $69.90 - 21Ltr $79.90 - 51Ltr $119.90
10Ltr $54.90 - 21Ltr $64.90 - 51Ltr $99.90
Please Note: For the kayaks advertised, the price is for the kayak only, it does not necessarily include any of the accessories, hatches, seats etc shown in the photos. The prices were correct at the time of printing however due to circumstances beyond our control they may alter at any time. Please contact your nearest Canoe & Kayak Centre and they will put together a great package of the best equipment available for your kayaking fun.
yaKIty yaK KayaK CLUB
KayaK ShoPS For SaLe
140 litres Huge says It we put a gutair In one last weekend, huge storage. A heavy-duty 3-roll closure system and adjustable, padded shoulder straps.
Join the club. You will get a weekend skills course to teach you techniques and safety skills and a year’s membership. If you are keen to learn more there is a bunch of courses to teach everything from Eskimo Rolling to becoming an instructor.
What a great way to earn a living. Working in a recreational retail business with heaps of time outdoors, floating on the sea with great company. Give Peter Townend a call on 09 473 0036 and find out more.
rooF raCKS Suppliers and installers of
thULe MoNDIaL ProraCK With one of the best ranges of Roof Racks in the country, we can give you great options on strong dependable racks and accessories that will do the job. We test them everyday on our cars and commercials and only sell the ones that are tough enough to stand up to our demanding business and private needs.
6 issues for only $30, saving nearly $6 off the newsstand price, delivered free. This great magazine will give you heaps of information and ideas to enjoy your kayaking.
Subscription price to anywhere in NZ $30
North Shore
Unit 2/20 Constellation Drive (off Ascension Place), Mairangi Bay, Auckland
502 Sandringham Rd
7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale
710 Great South Road, Manukau
The corner Greenwood St & Duke St, State Highway 1 Bypass
PhoNe: 09 815 2073
PhoNe: 09 421 0662
PhoNe: 09 262 0209
PhoNe: 09 479 1002
PhoNe: 07 847 5565
Bay oF PLeNty
hawKe’S Bay
3/5 Mac Donald Street
143 Ruapehu Street,
15 Niven Street
Unit 6, 631 Devon Road
2 Centennial Highway
Mount Maunganui (off Hewletts Rd)
Onekawa, Napier
Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth
Ngauranga, Wellington
PhoNe: 07 574 7415
PhoNe: 07 378 1003
PhoNe: 06 842 1305
PhoNe: 06 769 5506
PhoNe: 04 477 6911
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lake terraCe
502 Sandringham Rd Telephone: 09 815 2073
143 Ruapehu Street, Taupo Telephone: 07 378 1003
Unit 6, 631 Devon Road Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth Telephone: 06 769 5506
Rees and Partners Limited Trading as Canoe & Kayak Taupo
Peter & Bronnie van Lith Trading as Canoe & Kayak Taranaki
north shore
Canoe & Kayak Limited Trading as Canoe & Kayak Distribution
killarneY roaD
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Duke street
atea D riVe
The Corner Greenwood St & Duke St, State Highway 1 bypass Hamilton Telephone: 07 847 5565
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Jenanne Investment Limited Trading as Canoe & Kayak Bay of Plenty
easy finance available.
Conditions and booking fee apply
www.canoeandkayak.co.nz 52
ight • 2006
J. K. Marine Limited Trading as Canoe & Kayak Manukau
2 Centennial Highway, Ngauranga, Wellington Telephone: 04 477 6911
maunganui roaD
3/5 Mac Donald Street Mount Maunganui (off Hewletts Rd) Telephone: 07 574 7415
g e rD
maCDonalD street
710 Great South Road, Manukau Telephone: 09 262 0209
kahikatea DriVe
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Duke street
Canoe & Kayak Limited Trading as Canoe & Kayak Hawke’s Bay
BaY of plentY
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7/28 Anvil Road, Silverdale Please phone for opening hours Telephone: 09 421 0662
southern motorawaY
Flood Howarth & Partners Limited Trading as Canoe & Kayak North Shore
D il r
Unit 2/20 Constellation Drive, (Off Ascension Drive), Mairangi Bay, Auckland - Telephone: 09 479 1002
first DriVewaY
great south rD
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Constellation DriVe
15 Niven Street Onekawa, Napier Telephone: 06 842 1305
waY rth high main no
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upper highwaY (16)
northern motorwaY
Arenel Ltd T/A Canoe & Kayak Auckland
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sanDringham roaD
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