ABOUT THE COVER Nursing Student Athletes Wolves’ defensive back, James Bostick and left tackle, Lequawn James, were both captains of the 2011-12 football team and graduated in May 2012 from the College’s Nursing Program. See page 10-11 for the full story. 201
Look for the next edition of Dimensions Magazine coming out this fall Loo featuring Homecoming 2012, the Inauguration of Dr. Maurice William fea Scherrens as the College’s 22nd President, and a list of new faculty and staff. Sch
SSend us your news! Send your news and photos to the ffollowing address: Nellie Morris Dimensions Magazine/Alumni Relations 2100 College Street Newberry, SC 29108 or email to: (803) 321-5676
PRESIDENT ELECT On May 21st, Newberry College held a press conference to announce that the 22nd President of the College will be Dr. Maurice William Scherrens, effective August 13th.
We are excited to become a member of the Newberry College family and we look forward to sharing many successes in the upcoming years.
–Dr. Scherrens
Make sure to join us for the inauguration ceremony, planned for this fall.
The Board unanimously elected Dr. Scherrens The Board of Trustees at Newberry College unanimously elected Dr. Maurice Scherrens for his strong, proven leadership at George Mason University where he has served as its Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Dr. John Hudgens will remain as Acting President until Dr. Scherrens arrives in August to begin his tenure. In expressing appreciation to the Board for their confidence in his leadership, Scherrens said, “The opportunity to lead Newberry College is an honor and a privilege. The College has a rich history built upon a long-standing commitment to teaching and learning. We will find new paths to excellence, while we build on our existing core strengths.” Through Scherrens’ leadership efforts, George Mason significantly expanded its programs, reputation, and resources. Graduation and retention rates improved and the academic profile of the incoming freshman class is at its highest ever. “In a collaborative, ontological fashion we will challenge ourselves every day to develop the best possible learning environment for our students, faculty, and staff,” Scherrens added. “We are committed to leading Newberry College on this journey in an inclusive, transparent manner.” For the past 12 years, Scherrens has taught an ethics course in George Mason’s College of Education and Human Development, Department of Sports Management. He also currently teaches a graduate finance course. Scherrens earned his Doctorate in Higher Education (Ed.D.) from the University of Southern California; Juris Doctor (JD) from George Washington University; and both a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Central Michigan University. He and his wife, Dr. Sandy Scherrens, have four children.
Strategic Plan
PROGRESS AND RENEWAL OUR FUTURE IS OURS TO DETERMINE In 2010, Newberry College embarked on a bold two year comprehensive, all-inclusive strategic planning process for the reaffirmation of accreditation. The Southern Association of Schools and Colleges – Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC) has determined that having a solid plan for the future is so important that this is now a “Core Requirement” of accreditation. Overseen by Dr. Donald Johnson-Taylor, the Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, the College sought advisors with deep, world-class expertise in each facet of the plan. Throughout 2011, a series of five “Town Hall Meetings” were held at the Fire House Conference Center in downtown Newberry. With input from faculty, students, staff, alumni and citizens from the town of Newberry, various aspects of the plan were developed and presented by administrators and consultants as each evolved. The College not only talked – it listened and answered questions. From the beginning, the intention was that this would be “our plan,” not just the brainchild of a few administrators! The Board of Trustees of the College has also been very much involved. Ultimately, this body had to approve the resulting strategy to make it official policy for administration and faculty to implement. A subcommittee of the Board became intimately familiar with the evolving plan and made final recommendations to the full Board to adopt Newberry College’s “Enterprise Strategy,” which it unanimously did on October 6th. The Enterprise Strategy is by no means the end of the strategic planning process or even a completed plan. By design, it is an overarching, top-level plan to which all subordinate, detailed academic and non-academic executing decisions must conform and support. Over the next few months, every academic and non-academic function on campus will develop its own specific tactic that complies with and effectuates the Enterprise Strategy. This process is well under way.
The Strategy calls for several very significant changes over the next 5 years: • Increasing traditional, undergraduate enrollment from approximately 1,200 to 1,600 students from strategically determined new majors with significant improvement in retention
• Increasing the number of undergraduate, adult students enrolled in the fast FORWARD (professional development/degreecompletion) program from approximately 40 to 400 students
• Adding graduate/masters programs in several areas, including education, business, and the sciences
• Strongly reaffirming our Lutheran heritage and values in ways that can be sensed and embraced by students and parents of all denominations
• Adopting an “Academic Promise” that clearly states what all students can expect to achieve if they successfully complete their program at Newberry College. This promise introduces the important notion of “Ontological Leadership,” which will become a central theme in academic programs
• Developing a distinct “Learning Ecosystem” that provides a common, structured learning environment which students of all disciplines evolve from incoming high school students to young adults, well-prepared to take on the challenges of citizenship and successful careers
• Advancing the notion that Newberry (the city of) should become a true “college town” and not just a town with a college, recognizing that neither the City of Newberry nor Newberry College can be truly successful unless both are successful
Many detailed tactics must be formulated and implemented for the Enterprise Strategy to be realized. A Campus Master Plan providing the necessary amenities and provisions dictated by this Strategy must be shrewdly designed, formally adopted and thoroughly executed. Such a plan, which is absolutely exciting, has been formulated and presented to the College community. It has been endorsed by the strategic planning subcommittee of the Board and has recently been approved by the Board. The core curriculum must be overhauled to achieve the Learning Ecosystem concept. fast FORWARD must be revamped to reach strategic goals. The College must go through accreditation level changes to offer master’s programs. And obviously, significant funds must be raised to initiate and adequately sustain all the above. The College’s exciting newly adopted Strategy is a relatively simple, but profound, document with far-reaching implications.
Organizational buy-in is the key factor deciding between success and yet another dusty pile of paper on a shelf. At Newberry College, thanks to the process, management and vision, we have broad and deep buy-in for the Enterprise Strategy.
– Dr. Don Johnson–Taylor Executive Director, Insitutional Effectiveness Accreditation Liaison If you would like to have a copy of the plan, contact Dr. Don Johnson-Taylor in the Office for Institutional Effectiveness.
email: don.johnson-taylor
Campus Events
PERFORMING ARTS For Newberry College, 2011 was a year filled with the soothing melodies of the College’s jazz band to spectacular live performances of the Department of Theatre.
College Hosts First Jazz on the Lawn Event
several community musical events held this spring, including a benefit concert for the March of Dimes, the Newberry College Singers’ concert, several brass and percussion chamber ensembles, a Symphonic Band concert, and a Jazz Big Band graduation concert.
In April 2012, members of the Newberry community gathered under the stars outside the Alumni Music Center to share in the College’s first ever Jazz on the Lawn event. The College Street Jazz Connection performed for around 1 ½ hours and was joined by alumni pianist Shannon Pinkney, a former member of the College Street Jazz Connection who currently is a professional pianist based in Columbia, S.C. As a performance open to the public, Jazz on the Lawn was a successful partnership to advance the arts in Newberry County, so successful that a second Jazz on the Lawn performance was held that same month. This event was developed by Dr. Barry McGinnis, Associate Professor of Music and Director of Jazz Combos at Newberry College. It provided our music students with an opportunity to showcase what they have been learning in their studies and to raise funds to benefit the College Street Jazz Connection. Monies raised will be used to buy new music and to help fund their participation in educational jazz festivals, such as New Orleans’ Crescent City Jazz Festival. The festivals provide hands-on, experiential learning opportunities where students work with professional jazz clinicians and hear other college and university ensembles, as well as professional ensembles. After this year’s successful performance, Dr. McGinnis is planning for Jazz on the Lawn to become an annual community event.
College Hosts Second Oldest Jazz Festival in the Nation In Spring 2012, Wiles Chapel was filled to capacity as high school students and members of the surrounding community attended the Newberry College Jazz Festival. An AllState Jazz Band under the direction of clinician Ken Edward and an All-State Jazz Band under the direction of clinician Dick Goodwin performed. The Jazz Festival also featured middle school and high school bands from around the state that performed for ratings throughout the day. The festival was held in collaboration with the South Carolina Band Directors Association. As part of the festival, the Newberry College Jazz Big Band, directed by Associate Professor of Music, Bill Long, performed with guest artist, world-famous jazz saxophone soloist Chris Vadala. Holding the second-oldest jazz festival in the nation brings regional and national distinction to the College and provides the Department of Music with an opportunity to nurture experiential learning at the secondary and collegiate levels. During this year’s festival, the Jazz Big Band enjoyed playing with Vadala and the experience made Professor Long even more proud of his students’ knowledge and expertise. “We have had some of the finest professional musicians in the world participate in our Jazz Festival,” he said. “It makes me exceedingly proud to hear the professionals compliment our students who I feel are every bit as talented and well-trained as the world-renowned musicians we bring in.”
Newberry College Jazz Big Band, directed by Associate Professor of Music Bill Long. One of America’s foremost woodwind artists, Vadala is in high demand as a jazz/classical performer. A graduate of the Eastman School of Music, he is the Director of Jazz Studies, Professor of Saxophone and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher at the University of Maryland. He received performing credits on five gold albums and two platinum albums and has been honored with performing credits from two Grammys, an Emmy, a Georgie, and a Golden Globe Award. Vadala has performed and recorded with the greatest musicians of our day, including Dizzy Gillespie, Quincy Jones, B.B. King, Chick Corea, Ella Fitzgerald and Aretha Franklin.
Theatre This spring the Newberry College Theatre presented a set of One Act Plays directed by students in the program. Pictured is a scene from the play GOD by Woody Allen, directed by student Joseph Schroer. Student Brittany Kaminer, directed the play Steel Magnolias by Robert Harling.
Lutheran Heritage
HISTORIC FAITH & VALUES Newberry College’s historic motto, ‘pro ecclesia et posteritate,’ continues to be the institutional torch illuminating the College’s mission vision and priorities. It calls for creating and sustaining the best learning environment for producing excellent future leaders for the church and all of society. The quality and depth of the College’s religion/philosophy faculty and continued core requirement for instruction in Bible and applied Christian ethics proudly embrace Luther’s vision and help define the Lutheran vision for higher education.
College hosts Luther descendant, Christian Priesmeier Martin Luther and Katherina “Katie” von Bora had six children. Several were blessed to survive to adulthood, to marry and give them grandchildren, who then married and had children, and so on, down through the centuries. One of Martin and Katie’s 13th generation grandsons, Herr Christian Priesmeier, and his wife, Claudia, from Hamlen, Germany, were on the Newberry College campus November 10 - 11, 2011. Their visit was arranged with the assistance of Jim Riddle `72, who is pictured above (right) with Priesmeier (left), to help the College and surrounding community reaffirm Newberry’s historic faith, heritage and distinct mission in higher education. Two days of sessions were scheduled for the Priesmeiers to meet with faculty, students, and staff. An evening in Smeltzer Hall’s newly-renovated Summerland reception room provided a forum for Herr Priesmeier, on the occasion of Martin Luther’s 528th birthday, to make a presentation and field questions along with Dr. Patrick Graham from the Pitts Theological Library at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. Dr. Graham brought some of the world’s rarest Reformation materials from the acclaimed Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection at Emory ( “Collections”) to view. The following morning, Herr Priesmeier was the guest speaker at the College’s 155th Founder’s Day Convocation. Priesmeier is Secretary of Lutheriden-Vereinigung, a genealogical society documenting the descendants of Katie and Martin Luther, as well as Martin Luther’s siblings. For more than two decades, Priesmeier has performed significant volunteer work for the German Red Cross. Ten of those volunteer years, he helped coordinate the building of orphanages for homeless children in Bulgaria. For that work, he was honored with a Henry Dunant Silver Medal for outstanding humanitarian service. A seminary-trained, licensed lay minister in the Evangelical Church of Germany, Herr Priesmeier lectures, leads worship, and delivers sermons. Bi-vocationally, he also studied and apprenticed as a business economist for internet technology business applications. For the past seven years, he has worked as head of quality assurance in a software development company specializing in developing and servicing applications for hotel and restaurant systems.
Spring Break mission trip nurtures students’ desire to serve This spring, our Values Based Learning (VBL)Program provided resources for Chaplain Ernie Worman, Dr. Christina Wendland, and four students as they prepared for a Spring Break mission trip to Washington, DC. The mission trip was sponsored and coordinated through Newberry College Campus Ministry. Using the VBL resources, the group’s preparation became an exercise in liberal and empathetic learning as they discussed poems, short stories, and data profiling poverty and homelessness in the United States. The trip participants also examined the causes of poverty as they contemplated civic engagement and community participation. The trip offered a chance for all six from the College to get some important hands-on experience helping workers at the DC Central Kitchen prepare 1000 meals, which included 38 bushels of collard greens. They volunteered at Bread for the City, an advocacy organization providing legal, medical, dental, and social services. Students helped bag, stock, and distribute food. They stood on street corners selling Street Sense, a newspaper written by staff and homeless persons. The group also met representatives from Lutheran Social Services and Lutheran immigration and adoption services at the Washington Office of the ELCA. Additionally, a panel discussion of affordable housing and a living wage reinforced how homelessness could happen to anyone. Afterwards, students reflected on the experiences, including the day they greeted wounded soldiers at the Pentagon. Reflection was a significant component of VBL, helping students apply life experiences to local, regional, and global endeavors that evoke positive change. Just as our students volunteered for the College’s first mission trip in 10 years, perhaps more of our students will go and do likewise as an extension of the personal character and spiritual formation nurtured while at Newberry. Now the students’ challenge is applying their experiences to the College and the surrounding community. More mission trips are being planned as the College continues to encourage the call to service through local, regional, and even global, community service participation.
I have done mission trips with churches before to Central America and West Africa, so I was excited to go to help in DC.
– Anthony Santilli Junior, Biology Major
Students enjoyed DC including the day they greeted wounded soldiers at the Pentagon.
Students helped DC Central Kitchen prepare 1000 meals and over 38 bushels of collard greens.
College to re-establish Lutheran Youth Day This fall the College will re-establish its Lutheran Youth Day and spotlight current students who are invested heavily in their home parishes. The day will give them the opportunity to share their personal character and spiritual formation as they relate their faith experiences to current and prospective students. The Lutheran Youth Day programming will build upon the Office of Admissions’ strong national presence at Lutheran College Fairs, the ELCA Music Collegiate Partnership at Luther College and at the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, to reaffirm the College’s relationship with the Lutheran intellectual tradition in higher education.
NURSING STUDENT ATHLETES Hands-on learning experiences in our Nursing Program make our graduates desirable to employers with 93% of our first graduating class of nursing students being employed in the nursing field. In the photo above, Lequawn
Making their rounds: students excel in football and nursing
James, poses with the Sim Man 3G, a human patient simulator. Local media, including
The Newberry Observer and WIS-TV recently featured stories about James and Lequawn’s football and nursing careers. Above photo courtesy of
The Newberry Observer
For most football players, a run-in with a nurse involves a trip to the doctor or a hospital visit, but for opponents of James Bostick and Lequawn James, a run-in with a nurse occurs while trying to sack the quarterback or catch a pass. Wolves’ left tackle Lequawn James and defensive back James Bostick both were captains of the 2011-12 football team and both graduated in May 2012 from the College’s Nursing Program. James Bostick, an NFL prospect, has wanted to become a nurse since he was a boy, thanks to the influence of his aunt, a nurse at an Augusta burn center, and his grandfather, a doctor in the Korean War who also worked as a mortician at his family-owned funeral home. “My Grandfather let me see things that most little kids couldn’t see (like dead bodies),” James recalled. “It felt natural and medicine became something I wanted to do.” He chose to pursue his dream by attending Newberry because he was drawn to the College’s small class sizes, its football program, and its commitment to academics. During his years at Newberry, James worked hard to take advantage of the opportunities that the College presented him. “Good time management is the number one thing when you do two completely opposite things like nursing and football,” James said. He managed his time and workload well, thanks to the support of his best friend, Lequawn James. The teammates split the driving to nursing clinicals and even worked on the same floor at Lexington Medical Center (LMC). They worked out, ran, and studied together. When they studied, James would study one subject in depth and Lequawn would pick another area. Then they later debriefed each other on the material. Both of them said that studying technique made them work harder because they wanted to make sure they learned the material well enough that they did not let their partner down.
Our nursing faculty, all registered nurses with master’s or doctorate degrees in nursing, worked closely with our football coaches to develop a schedule that maximized the players’ classroom time, including one-on-one interaction with professors, and their practice time. Lequawn and James pursued all of those experiential learning opportunities in the nationally accredited nursing program thanks to the guidance and support of their professors and coaches. During 2011-12 Lequawn worked as a nurse technician at Lexington Medical Center and was also a resident advisor in East Hall. The RA job sometimes required late nights followed by getting up at 5:00 a.m. for clinical rotation assignments, but he said the grind was worth it. “Being an RA… my residents count on me just like patients do in a hospital setting, so it all kind of goes hand in hand,” he said. Lequawn will work even longer hours when he returns this fall to play his final season for the Wolves. Though he already has graduated, he will take more courses so he can make the most of the privilege offered to him by athletic eligibility. During his final semester at Newberry, he plans to work nights as a nurse while juggling football and academics. Nurses at LMC marvel at his ability to do so many things at once. For Lequawn, it all fits together, though. Football helped him become a more observant nurse because of skills he honed as a left tackle breaking down game film. “With nursing, you are taught to look at the whole picture. You have to go beyond what you see, and we do that in the film room, too.”
For James Bostick, the football carryover to nursing is confidence. “As a defensive back, if you get beat on a deep ball, you have to move to the next play. We ‘move on to the next play’ in nursing, too. You have to be confident (as you advocate for your patient). You can’t appear unsteady or uncertain.” James aspires to work in the critical care field and believes that playing cornerback helped prepare him for the rigors of an ED. Additionally, both team captains credited small group clinical work for expanding their leadership abilities. They learned to lead a medical team and then applied those lessons to leading 150 football players. One way they led was by example. On days when they had clinicals, both students were on their feet all day and sometimes skipped lunch to arrive at practice on time. Once there, they gave maximum effort on the field followed by study sessions lasting well after midnight. Both agree the sacrifices in social and free time were worth it. “At the end of the day, my friends could not graduate for me,” James said. “It was my choice to be a student first and an athlete second.” They hope more dedicated, energetic studentathletes will follow their example and study nursing at Newberry College. Regardless of their course of study, Lequawn encourages students to embrace the College’s “Education for Life” concept and make the most of their Newberry experiences. “I remind (my teammates) that hardly any of us will get to go pro, so we need to be proactive in our educations. If they put the same effort in the classroom as they do here in football, they will guarantee success.”
Pictured is the 2012 Department of Nursing graduating class.
• Dr. Gregory K. Cole,
• Assistant Professor of
• New Bern ArtWorks &
Professor of Spanish, had his third book of poetry published in Fall 2011 by Ravenna Press in Spokane, Washington. Entitled Frases to Or, it is a collection of poems in Spanish and English.
Communication, Al de Lachica has chosen the epic film series, Star Wars, as ‘The Force’ communications students can more fully comprehend and analyze the progression of media. The innovative course explores the impact available communication mediums have on promoting the film, celebrating its themes and characters, the development and growth of fan clubs while also influencing social norms, political systems and even the ethics of cloning.
Company fine art gallery in downtown New Bern, NC, will present an exhibit of new works by Bruce Nellsmith, Professor of Visual Art.
• Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Laura Lanni published a paper entitled “Enhanced Pore Stability and Hydrolytic Stability of Self Assembling Alkylated 2-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks” in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
• Dr. Betsy McDowell, Chair of the Department of Nursing, authored a chapter in a major nursing textbook focusing on pediatric nursing and the use of the “Newman Systems Model.” She also spoke at national conferences in subjects like children and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Farewell The following Professors and Staff members have retired from the College after the 2011-2012 academic year. The College thanks each of them for their years of service and commitment to liberal arts higher education.
• Dr. Nathan Schroer, Associate Professor of Psychology, 1989 • Dr. Victor Terrana, Professor of Mathematics, 1995 • Mr. Larry Ellis, Director of Library Services, 1992 • Ms. Cleta Dunaway, Associate Director of Library and Technical Services, 1994
• This spring, Professor and Coordinator of the Communications Program, Dr. Jodie Peeler received the South Carolina Independent College and Universities (SCICU) Excellence in Teaching Award. The award acknowledged the dedication shown to her students as she teaches journalism, media history and communications law courses. A faculty member at the College since 2001, Dr. Peeler also supervises the student newspaper, The Scarlet and Gray. She has been instrumental in the town and gown partnership the College has with the Newberry Observer, helping mentor students as they write for the local paper.
• English Professor and Director of the Communication Across the Curriculum Program (CACP) John Carenen is having his first commercially published novel, Signs of Struggle, published by Neverland Publishing in Fall 2012. The novel is about a man who loses his family in an automobile accident and then struggles with drinking, a tendency toward violence, and with his faith.
• The graduating class of 2012 voted to honor Dr. Lisa Waller, Assistant Professor of Education, with the L.Cooper Grady Award as an outstanding professor. In addition, Dr. Peggy BarnesWinder, Professor of Physical Education, was honored with the Student Government Association (SGA) Professor of the Year Award.
• Assistant Professor of Business and Entrepreneurship Paul Smith’s article on entrepreneurship was recently published in the book, Teachers Reaching Out.
• Dr. Karl Rohr’s article, “On the Bridge Near Harpers Ferry at Midnight: The Journal of the Rev. Josiah P. Smeltzer ” was published by the South Carolina Historical Association in its 2012 journal, The Proceedings. According to Dr. Rohr, his is the first published, scholarly work to examine the journal of Smeltzer, who was president of Newberry College from the Civil War through Reconstruction. Dr. Rohr also presented the article at the South Carolina Historical Association’s Annual Meeting and Conference at the College of Charleston in March 2011.
• Assistant Professor of Education, Dr. Carla Cruickshanks, has recently developed a unique strategy to enhance the teaching of confidence skills to physical education majors while also providing a social engagement and service learning opportunity for students as they discover and meet a community need. The strategy connects College physical education majors using acquired Motor Development and Movement Education skills with home-schooled students from Newberry and surrounding counties. Starting in the spring of 2011 with 12 home-schooled students, ages 4 to 15, within three semesters Dr. Cruickshanks’ students provided organized oversight instruction for 50 homeschooled students.
• Dr. Wayne Kannaday ('75), Professor of Religion, was a featured speaker at the South Carolina ELCA Synod Assembly this month leading a series of devotional sessions on Ezra/ Nehemiah and Jonah in a pastoral exploration of the tensions inherent in preserving the purity of God’s community of believers while openly receiving all of God’s children.
• Professor Dr. Charles Horn
• Assistant Professor of
published articles entitled “75 years of botany – The Southern Appalachian Botanical Society” in Southeastern Biology ; “Pontederiaceae” in The Jepson Manual, Vascular Plants of California; and “ Heterophylly of Didiplis diandra (Nutt. Ex A. DC.) Wood (Lythraceae). He also published a key to some rooted, shallow water and shoreline herbs of the midAtlantic piedmont in Castanea. Additionally, Dr. Horn received the Southern Appalachian Botanical Society’s Elizabeth Ann Bartholomew Award (April 2011) for his outstanding service to the botanical community.
Sociology Dr. Carol Black served as a panelist and presented a paper at the Southern Sociological Society’s annual meeting in New Orleans. The session was co-sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society. The discussion among graduate students and faculty was on changing career paths. Dr. Black also participated in the Fourth Annual Peace Studies Conference held at Lander University.
• Assistant Professor of English, Dr. Marilyn Seymour, served on a panel and presented a paper entitled “The Power of the Story: Gayl Jones’s Corregidora” at the 36th annual Philological Association of the Carolinas (PAC) conference in March of 2012.
• Professor of Theatre & Speech, Patrick Gagliano, completed some acting work with South Carolina Educational Television, performing in several historical dramas based on the works of Idella Bodie. “The Dicey Langston Story” was shot on location at Lexington County Museum and Prof. Gagliano portrayed the father of protagonist, Solomon Langston. An earlier production, “The Dorcas Richardson Story”, shot in Camden, SC, and featured Prof. Gagliano as Jack Simpson, patriot, bodyguard, and confidant to Richard Richardson, one of Francis Marion’s men.
NEW PROGRAMS & MAJORS College establishes Accounting major, Athletic Training minor, and Student-Manager program. Accounting major In order to elevate the College to become an institution of regional and national distinction, new majors, minors, and programs have been launched in the areas of business, education, and athletics. The undergraduate major in accounting is being re-established for the Fall 2012 semester, and the Office of Admissions has begun to actively promote the program among its candidates. The accounting curriculum was redesigned by the business faculty to align directly with recently revised South Carolina standards for eligibility for the Certified Public Accountant Exam. An advisory committee of four CPAs and other community business professionals provided counsel on the curriculum.
Athletic Training minor In another academic initiative, the Department of Athletics and the Department of Teacher Education and Sport Professions collaborated to introduce a new minor in athletic training. The athletic training minor includes coursework and 100 hours of field experience each semester under the supervision of a head athletic trainer from the Moore Orthopedic Clinic. The minor prepares students for graduate school and is available to all students, regardless of their major.
Student-Manager program Another way that students can prepare for their futures is through our new Student-Manager Program, which links experiential learning to career objectives in athletics. The four-year program allows students to gain experience in a coaching tract, an administrative sports management tract, or both tracts, by completing 800 hours of service work under the direct supervision of coaches or administrators. Though student managers do not receive academic credit, they benefit from career exploration and leadership development within a structured and progressive learning environment. Faculty and coaches serve as mentors and help to identify and develop students’ leadership styles by placing an emphasis on successful conflict resolution, collaborative leadership skills development, and communications skills. The student managers provide logistical support with practices, competitions, and team travel.
Becoming more “Military Friendly” for Veteran Support Services
College establishes Summer Mentoring and Research Training Program
The new Veterans Program at Newberry College redefines “military friendly” higher education.
In 2011, the College launched a summer pilot program to promote student research across all disciplines. Established by Chemistry Professor Dr. Evelyn Swain, the Summer Mentoring and Research Training (SMART ) Program enables collaborative student-faculty research that extends beyond the classroom. Students select a faculty sponsor, design a research proposal and then apply for SMART. The SMART Review Board, consisting of a representative from each department and one from the administration, selects the participants for the ten-week program.
The College is already a Service Member Opportunity College and a participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program. Now Newberry is set to offer a re-structured College 101 experience for veterans, a dedicated study facility, and support services. The program is being developed and implemented by Susan Epting who recently completed her doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania focusing on veteran’s readjustment issues. Dr. Epting notes, “Newberry College enjoys a long tradition of educating military personnel and it is a legacy we wish to continue and embrace.” The College established a unit of the Student Army Training Corps during WWI and during WWII, Newberry hosted the V12 Program, one of only two in the state, to train Navy and Marine Corps personnel. Over 800 men were assigned to the College’s V12 Program and as an acknowledgement of the school’s outstanding contribution to the US Navy, a ship was named after the College, the SS Newberry Victory. The Veterans Program and study area will be located in the Darrow Naval Trainee House on College Street. The facility was purchased by funds donated by Captain Donald Darrow, a Newberry V12 veteran and his wife, Kitty. “The inside of the house is rather stately and features military memorabilia related to the College,” explains Dr. Epting; however, she continues, “there is need for immediate exterior renovation to reflect the priority and respect the College has placed upon educating those who serve our country.” One of Dr. Epting’s goals is to raise funds to make the outside of the Darrow House as welcoming as the inside.
The Veterans Program and study area will be located in the Darrow Naval Trainee House on College Street. The program is being developed and implemented by Dr. Susan Epting.
Weekly meetings between program faculty sponsors and student researchers ultimately produce findings presented on campus at Research Day during Homecoming Week, as well as during an end-of-summer seminar or a SMART focus series event during the academic year. In 2011, two students conducted a wet-lab project utilizing yeast as a model for understanding Type 2 Diabetes. A third student partnered with the University of South Carolina’s computer research cluster to perform computational chemistry research on the same topic. In addition to promoting undergraduate scholarship, SMART strengthens students’ applications to the Council on Undergraduate Research’s Registry of Undergraduate Researchers. This Registry helps to match students with graduate schools seeking well-qualified, experienced researchers in various fields. SMART applications for 2012 included two majors in biology, three in chemistry, one in business and one in music education. “Their research transcends any kind of learning they get in the classroom. Undergraduate research gives students the opportunity for hands-on learning as they begin to apply their craft,” Dr. Swain said. “Other benefits include helping student retention.” Through Research Day and the SMART program, the level of scholarship at Newberry College continues to grow as we make advances to our science and math facilities, providing experiential learning that benefits the entire campus community.
ENGAGING STUDENTS College hosts Creative Arts Scholarship Day A new recruitment initiative occurred on campus this spring that used an experiential learning opportunity to attract talented students in the creative arts. During the College’s first Creative Arts Scholarship Day, high school students presented portfolios of creative works or performed theatre auditions that put them in competition for special scholarship awards. Fifty people, including students and their family members, attended the event, which was a collaborative effort between staff in the Office of Admissions and the faculty in theatre, communications, music, visual arts and creative writing. These faculty members provided the Office of Admissions with a list of specific schools to target because of the schools’ reputations throughout South Carolina for arts programming. Admissions Counselor Chris Bouknight (’04) said the Office of Admissions expanded its recruiting efforts by having her attend performing and visual arts fairs and art-related conferences. She also visited arts classrooms to connect with teachers and students.
Creative Arts Scholarship Day should be a big help in recruiting not only talented theatre students but also students interested in the other creative arts areas on campus. We expect that many of the prospective students who attended will become Newberry College students in Fall 2012.
– Patrick Gagliano
Professor Patrick Gagliano, chair of the Department of Arts and Communication, noted that many of the prospective students were talented in their respective arts and were top-achieving students who would enhance the College’s overall learning environment. Chris continues to actively recruit that caliber of student, telling young people that Newberry can be their stage and sharing how she uses her Newberry theatre and speech communications degree every day while she works as an admissions counselor. The College commends her, its faculty, staff, and the Office of Admissions for their efforts to advance the arts and strengthen Newberry’s proud tradition of liberal arts education.
Which way did they go? Catching up with the Office of Admissions
More service and faith-based scholarships are now available
This year the Office of Admissions engaged in a national recruiting campaign by visiting nearly 500 high schools, community colleges, college fairs and specialized recruitment events throughout the country, an increase from about 100 such visits in 2011. Admissions counselors posted an interactive Google map on the College’s website so people could follow them on the recruiting trail. They also launched a Social Networking Initiative including an admissions electronic newsletter, Zinch (a social media outlet similar to Facebook allowing students to ask online questions of our admissions counselors) and a group Facebook site where newly admitted students can learn about one another. These efforts, along with more extensive direct mail and email communications, are all part of a three-year strategy entitled “Bring the World to Newberry” that is intended to expand the College’s regional and national visibility.
Making Lutheran-affiliated higher education affordable for all students and their families is important for Newberry College. With this objective in mind, the Offices of Admissions and Financial Aid have collaborated to make more scholarship opportunities available, including some only for Lutherans. Merit-based scholarships have been expanded for incoming and transfer students in three critical areas to match the College’s newly adopted strategic plan. Supporting an undergraduate education emphasizing character, • leadership development, and civic responsibility • Reaffirming the College’s commitment to its Lutheran values and the Lutheran intellectual tradition • Building academic and student life program capacities through targeted recruitment efforts to enhance the College’s reputation and to expand national recruitment.
Strategic Plan Creates Exciting New Financial Aid Policy
Service Scholarships New scholarships are now available for students who are active in community service. A committee evaluates students’ community service resumes and awards ten scholarships to recipients who will provide leadership for the College’s community service organizations. Another service-related scholarship now available is the Newberry Community Leadership Scholarship that is funded entirely by the City of Newberry. The scholarship is for a city resident who has an outstanding service and leadership background.
Faith-Based Scholarships To affirm the College’s connection to its Lutheran heritage and values, the Muller Endowment assists Lutheran undergraduates interested in pursuing training as ordained ministers, youth ministers, or ministers of music. Sponsorship for Lutheran students also has been expanded through the Lutheran Family Member Award scholarships for the sons and daughters of active ELCA Lutheran ministers or rostered ELCA congregation leaders. Interim Dean of Enrollment Management, Shelia Wendeln, and her department are working closely with local congregations to reaffirm their connectedness to Newberry College and to the Lutheran intellectual tradition and sponsorship. She also has held a series of meetings with Lutheran networks in the region.
Communications Scholarship In addition to service and faith-based scholarships, the reinstituted Clemmy Scholarship, named for former Communications Professor Dr. Clem Chow, is now available. To compete for the Clemmy scholarships, prospective communications students present an original piece of electronic media. Submissions are judged for editing, camera work, audio, story line, and overall creativity. The scholarships are awarded to incoming communications majors.
TRANSFORMING EDUCATION Teacher education at Newberry College is poised to increase in stature and ability in the coming years thanks to our Speers Street School renovation project. The College purchased the old Speers Street Elementary School property from the School District of Newberry County and plans to convert the building to house the Department of Teacher Education and Sport Professions (TESP). The building also will contain an innovative Institute for Teacher Leadership and will incorporate our ďŹ rst graduate courses, which will be offered for practicing teachers. Dr. Cindy N. Johnson
College transforms education through Speers Street School project Expansion is needed for a Teacher Education and Sport Professions department that in the past six years has increased from 60 students to over 325 students and has added three new majors (Early Childhood Education, Middle Level Education and Secondary Education for Chemistry majors) leading to teacher certification. The expansion project occurs in three phases. Phase one involves moving the TESP into the building and constructing a 200-seat conference area that could be shared with other groups of educators. Phase two involves moving the Physical Education majors into the facility and establishing the Institute for Teacher Leadership. The final phase of the project constructs a lab school on the Speers Street property. The lab school will be a public school for children ages kindergarten through fourth grade and it will offer year-round instruction in arts and technology. The goal is to move the TESP into the Speers Street facility by summer of 2013. Renovated classrooms in the new facility will be modeled after the learn lab in the McClurg Center for Teaching and Learning. All classrooms will be designed to create learning environments that foster “constantly engaged learning.” These learning environments will be technology-oriented and will include projectors that are triangulated to multiple screens, a smart board, rotating chairs, huddle boards, and a copy cam that can take a photo of notes on the board and email those notes to everyone in the class. Other building expansion objectives include old classrooms being converted to office space, former administrative space changing into a reception area, and remodeling the media center into a larger 30-40 student classroom. Classrooms will include breakout areas, and the old cafeteria kitchen will be remodeled as a catering kitchen. A library will also be constructed on the site. According to architect Darryn Bouknight, “There is no wasted space. It’s as if the building were ready-made for this project.” Jumper Carter Sease and Newberry College Trustee Joel M. Carter have generously donated Darryn’s time to the project. Darryn first learned of the proposal from his wife, Newberry Assistant Professor of Education Jen Morrison. He became excited by the idea that the school he attended for grades 1-3 might be used again for teaching. “This is a unique opportunity to go back to my childhood school and have an impact on the community,” Bouknight said. A former chair of our TESP will lead the efforts to fund the renovations and develop this opportunity. As the Assistant Dean for Transformative Initiatives, Dr. Cindy Johnson will apply her experience as principal investigator for three grants totaling $1.8 million. She also will utilize her background in mentoring, teacher
Original Speers Street School education, and school leadership as she works closely with Interim Dean Timothy Elston and the Office of Institutional Advancement to raise funds for the Speers Street project and for other academic programs. Dr. Johnson will lead the development of new teacher education initiatives, including Newberry College’s first graduate degree program and the Institute for Teacher Leadership. Additionally, she will work to strengthen the College’s relationship with the School District of Newberry County. Under Dr. Johnson’s leadership, the TESP established programs in Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood fast FORWARD, Middle Level Education, and Chemistry Secondary Education. The department also started the Newberry College RETAIN Center of Excellence through the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education. Professor Jen Morrison will work to maintain the forward momentum in the TESP by serving as its department chair. Professor Morrison will handle the day-today operations of the department, which includes both teacher education and physical education majors. Dr. Johnson said that future graduate level degrees might include a Master’s degree in Teacher Leadership for practicing teachers and a Master’s degree in Sports Administration for those who work in physical education. No matter what the specific programming turns out to be, her goal is for our TESP to become the best teacher education program among South Carolina private colleges and universities. “Having me work in a position that focuses on a series of projects that can change the face of Newberry College is evidence of the transformative thinking that is taking place on our campus,” Dr. Johnson said. “It is my belief that the TESP will serve as a prototype for other departments on campus who are interested in expanding into graduate studies. In addition, it is my hope that this change will make a strong statement to the campus community and the broader community that progress continues at Newberry College.”
PHILANTHROPIC OPPORTUNITIES “a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant…” Deut. 6:11
Some already completed and many needed project renovations are more than hopes and dreams. They are mandates by accreditation agencies to preserve Newberry’s great reputation and to ensure Newberry’s success.
Strategic initiatives for alumni and other constituents to annually support and establish a great personal or family legacy Every outstanding college’s ongoing strategic plans list needs that provide excellent opportunities for alumni and other constituents to annually support and to establish a great personal or family legacy. Akin to the important message Moses spoke to some desert wanderers’ 40-year hopes and dreams, the pursuit of a college-degree-needed-vocation is a transformative four-year journey that takes undergraduates into a strange land where so much good already exists. Facilities in which to study, eat, sleep and compete athletically, the all-important investment structure with restricted portions exclusively for scholarships, faculty compensation or facility maintenance, the ongoing constantly evolving student services amenities to stay current with technology and the best-practiced expectations and accreditation demands, are just some of the “good things” that undergraduates thankfully do not have to “build, dig and plant” for themselves. Newberry College has many well-known and less-known campus needs to provide students the opportunities and experiences necessary to graduate with great institutional respect and to vie successfully for jobs in a competitive market place. In future publications, you will be able to read in more detail vital initiatives the development office has been charged with by the Board of Trustees to make widely-known and to recruit the financial commitments necessary to accomplish. These strategic initiatives are: • The Speers Street Transformation Teacher Institute Project • The Student-Athletic Success Campaign • The Wiles Chapel Pipe Organ Renovation to Sustain Sacred Music Major • The Science and Math Building / Department of Chemistry Renovation • The Department of Nursing New Facility Each of the above strategic initiatives has various levels of needed giving and naming opportunities. For further details as well as discovering the variety of ways to contribute or to investigate other areas of personally targeted giving that pushes Newberry College forward, call the development office. We would be honored to help you build, dig, and plant good things to flourish in the sacred soil called Newberry College. Please call the Office of Institutional Advancement at (803) 321-5676 for information about philanthropic opportunities with the College.
Communications Program celebrates new control room and renovation plans New energy and enthusiasm are flowing through the Communications Program following the March open house that kicked off efforts to renovate the Langford Communications Center. The event highlighted the new television control room installed in Fall 2011. The new digital control room allows students to train on industry-standard equipment similar to what they will use in the working world. The control room is the first of several stages of improvements proposed for the Langford Center. Renovations in the works include converting space on the first floor and second floor into seminar rooms. Plans also include creating a computer lab for communications projects, creating an audio production lab, making needed repairs to the building, and refreshing the interior with new paint and furnishings. The Communications Program is working to build relationships and alliances with television stations in the Greenville/Spartanburg and Columbia markets. Dr. Peeler says such relationships give students additional opportunities for experiential learning to supplement the hands-on learning students receive on campus as they work on editing, producing, writing, and running equipment. That combination of skills makes our Communications graduates attractive prospects for future employers. Another feature of the renovated Langford Center will be a Wall of Fame highlighting distinguished alumni of the Communications Program such as television producer John Howard (‘97), who works with television sports coverage and was involved in the production of the 2012 Super Bowl and Polly Kotowski (‘03), a producer for the “Dr. Phil” program. With support from alumni and donors, Dr. Peeler believes the Communications Program can help elevate the College to become an institution of regional and national distinction. Her goal is to complete the Langford Center renovations by 2015, the building’s 25th anniversary.
Smith Road Athletic Facility enters final stage of expansion In February, a ceremonial groundbreaking took place to mark the final construction phase of the Smith Road Athletic Facility. The phase involves construction of a new field for the women’s softball team and a field for our men’s and women’s soccer teams. Coaches and student-athletes are excited about ways the facility will elevate the level of Newberry athletics to that of a premier program in the South Atlantic Conference. The new field, for instance, will allow the soccer teams to hold more spring practices since they will not be sharing the field with softball. “Having our own identity and facility is amazing. This is my fifth season and I have been looking forward to this since I have been here,” said Karrie Miller, Women’s Soccer Coach. Thanks to the dedication of Mike Hold, Jerry Chitty, Jumper Carter Sease, and various donors, $385,000 has been raised for the $410,000 project. The College looks forward to alumni visiting this facility when it opens in 2013.
It has long been a dream of the College to have separate facilities for each sport. The baseball field was stateof-the-art and this new field will be state-of-the-art—a first class facility for a first class College.
– Mr. Billy Walker Newberry College Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Student Life
Karen Johnson and
Newberry College students study at Oxford
Emily Pressley both have Two Newberry College students’ study of Shakespeare and of religion and philosophy led them on an adventure far from Wessels Library and the College’s hallowed halls. In fact, their scholarship took students to dream big them all the way to the halls of Oxford University. In 2011, Karen Johnson (photo bottom left) and Emily and pursue study abroad Pressley (photo top left) were two of just 26 students from across North America who were accepted into the six-week study abroad summer program. opportunities that enable Nursing major Karen Johnson (‘13) used her trip to Oxford to explore her interests in religion and participation in a global philosophy. She first had those interests piqued as she completed her core requirements, and the tug community. “I am excited that was so strong that she decided to apply to study religion and philosophy in Oxford. “The studies did Newberry College is advancing not directly relate to medicine,” she said, “but I plan to go into palliative care, so added knowledge of philosophy and religion will be a tremendous resource.” Karen enjoyed her stay in England and said her in its global educational writing skills improved during her study, as did her life perspective. “People in England walk everywhere opportunities for students,” and that encouraged me to remain health conscious and physically active when I returned to Newberry,” Emily said. “I am thankful that she said. During her time in England, English major Emily Pressley (‘12) focused on the Oxford Fantasists this program was implemented and Shakespeare. She frequently studied in the Bodleian Library, an experience that was careerbefore I graduated because shaping. “Having the opportunity to use the resources of that world-famous library and to see the this is one of those once-in-a- manuscripts that they own, made me develop an interest in archival sciences and the conservation of rare books and manuscripts,” she said. That experience led her to consider attending graduate school in lifetime opportunities.” England. encouraged other Newberry
Physical Education Program hosts Heart Chase Event
Students benefit from career development programming In the fall of 2011, Associate Dean for Educational Services, Jane Willis made advances in the College’s career development initiatives. “Our programming ensures students gain the life skills and job search skills to manage their careers throughout their lifetimes,” Dean Willis said. It covers interview preparation, résumé development, business dining etiquette, dress for success and job search techniques. Another beneficial resource is WolfTrack (found at services), an online career platform that allows employers to post positions directly to Newberry College students, search students’ résumés, and arrange on-campus recruiting visits. Students also can search for positions posted on the NaceLink (National Association of Colleges and Employers) Network. The career development initiatives have had steady student participation this year and those efforts are paying off. When senior Ben Inabinet applied his new career development training and life skills, he received job offers from Fastenal, AmeriTrust, UPS, and Enterprise Rent-A-Car. He credits those successes to his improved resume and to Dean Willis and her staff connecting him with human resources professionals for interviewing tips. “The Center for Student Success (the umbrella division under which career development falls) has been the most valuable asset that I could have had while at Newberry,” Ben said. “Dean Willis and her team have helped me choose my career path. They have put me at a competitive advantage versus other graduating seniors.” Senior Maria Besio is using career development resources to search for jobs in her home country, Argentina, as well as in the United States. Career Advancement Specialist Mariah Gaughan literally went the extra mile to assist Maria. Maria did not have a car, so Mariah drove the young lady to a job interview. “[The career development staff] opened my eyes into a new world and introduced me to different types of jobs and networking… experiences that I know I would never have gotten back home,” she said. For junior Brian Beard the career development programming is assisting with his transition from active duty Marine into a civilian in the workforce. After participating in a mock interview with Enterprise Rent-A-Car that was arranged by Dean Willis and her staff, Brian gained the confidence and skills he needed to enable him to land a coveted summer internship with the Boeing Corporation in Charleston. “Dean Willis and her staff show initiative,” he said, “and you can tell that they really do care about the success of Newberry College students.”
The Physical Education Program conducted its first annual Heart Chase Event in April 2012. The event was similar to “The Amazing Race” with its mental and physical challenges that related to healthy living. The Heart Chase Event was designed and implemented by our PHE 211 community and church recreation students, providing them hands-on, experiential learning opportunities in areas of event planning and community outreach programming.
Look for the Heart Chase Event to occur again in the spring of 2013. For more information about the event, please contact: Ms. Gretchen Haskett at Gretchen.haskett@ Dr. Carla Cruickshanks at Carla.cruickshanks@
Student Life
STUDENT KUDOS & ACCOLADES • Senior business major,
• Junior business
• The new 2012 Miss
Kelton Hall, was selected to participate in the highlycompetitive KAPPA ALPHA PSI Fraternity 2012 Undergraduate Leadership Institute – Epsilon Class in June 2012. He was one of a handful of candidates chosen for the national conference.
administration major, Mario Rojas, had his paper “The Evolution of Affirmative Action” published in the 2012 Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences.
Newberry College is Jessica Beam. She graduated in May 2012, with a major in Elementary Education.
• Jordan White, chemistry major with biochemistry and secondary education concentrations, was accepted into a 10-week research experience for undergraduates (REU) at the University of South Carolina. In addition, chemistry major Kaleigh Magita was also accepted into a 10-week research experience for undergraduates (REU) in St. Louis, Missouri.
• The Newberry chapter of the American Chemical Society was recognized as commendable in the top 25% of chapters in the nation for 2010-2011.
• History major, Kristen
Smith, applied her work as a student of Colonial America and her past work as a Revolutionary War re-enactor to land a job as an interpretive ranger for the National Park Service. This summer job at Guilford Courthouse National Military Park in North Carolina is a paid, seasonal interpretive job. Associate Professor of History Dr. Karl Rohr said the National Park Service told him the job likely will lead to permanent employment for Kristen. Her landing this competitive position is a significant step forward for the College’s History Program.
• Freshman chemistry major, Justin Golay, was awarded the 2012 CRC Press Chemistry Achievement Award for demonstration of outstanding achievement in chemistry based on his performance in the classroom, leadership on campus and service to the community.
• Junior, Dustin Goodlett, a chemistry major with a biochemistry concentration received the 2012 American Chemical Society Undergraduate Chemistry Research Award that recognizes excellence in undergraduate chemistry research.
• Sophomore chemistry major with biochemistry concentration and biology double major, Chas Goodwin, was awarded the 2012 POLYED Undergraduate Award for Achievement in Organic Chemistry for his excellence in organic chemistry.
• The Western Carolinas section of the American Chemical Society recognized senior, Brandon Davis, a chemistry major with a forensic science concentration, with the Newberry College 2011-2012 Outstanding Senior Award. Seven Newberry College students presented their undergraduate research at a poster session prior to Davis’ awards ceremony that was held at Furman University.
• The Michael W. Terrana
• Students received the
• The Bachman Honor
Competitive Logic and Mathematics Exam tests students’ mathematics and logical reasoning skills. Named for Professor Vic Terrana’s late father, the award is endowed thanks to family members and friends in the Newberry community. The 2012 first place winner was junior, Josh Stevenson, while second place went to freshman, Nathan Collier.
following awards at the South Carolina Speech and Theatre Association State College Festival Competition: Audition Monologues, second place, Amanda Williams; Prose Interpretation, first place, Stephanie Strickland, and third place, Brittany Kaminer; Theatrical Design, second place, Raymond Schwindler; Informative Speaking, second place, John Fowler, and third place, Stephanie Strickland. Stephanie Strickland also won the Triathlon Award for the highest score that combined at least one theatre, one performance studies and one public speaking event. The Triathlon Award is the highest individual award of the South Carolina Speech and Theatre Association.
Society was founded on March 15, 1962 by a group of faculty who were members of Phi Beta Kappa and others who were deeply committed to fostering high standards of scholarship. The society is named for the Reverend John Bachman, churchman and scholar and the main guiding force in the founding of Newberry College. Each year the Society inducts new members from the top ten percent of the Senior Class. This year fourteen seniors have been named Bachman Honor Scholars. Along with their membership certificate, inductees into the Society will receive Scarlet and Gray honor cords to be worn at commencement, designating them as Bachman Honor Scholars. The recipients are: Maria Luz Besio Zachary Aaron Bond Kathryn Marie Cloninger Robert L. Ellis Jennifer Ann Getsinger Matthew Francis Killen Christine A. McLaughlin Katherine Deann McManus Jennifer Gantt Richardson Rebecca Grace Wicker
• Rebecca Wicker, religion major, has been approved by Lutheran World Missions for a year-long mission effort in Malaysia starting in August, 2012.
• The Jimmie F. Coggins Sr. Memorial Scholarship Award is awarded by the Communications faculty to the next student manager of the campus radio station WNIRLP-FM. This year’s recipient is communications major Andrew Wigger. T
• Anthony Carosiello and Josh Stevenson are serving summer internships at Wightman Methodist Church in Prosperity.
• Bryan Riddick, a Physical Education/Leisure Services major, is serving as an summer intern for StokesTrainor Chevrolette Buick GMC Cadillac dealership in Newberry, S.C.
• Joshua Seawright was
• At the season’s final jazz concert, Patrick Magwood was awarded the Charles “Chief” Pruitt Most Valuable Player Award.
graphic design major, was awarded the prestigious Erma Metz Brown Scholarship from Kappa Delta Sorority Foundation. Lauren was one of 39 girls chosen, from a large national pool of applicants, to receive a scholarship from the foundation.
a biology major, was accepted into a five week summer internship program for orthopaedic research at the VA Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.
• Christine McLaughlin,
• Lauren Veres, a junior
• Our mathematics students formed the Society for Undergraduate Mathematicians (SUM).
recognized as Outstanding Soloist for his performance with the College Street Jazz Connection, at the Crescent City Jazz Festival, held in New Orleans, Louisiana.
• The Joe McDonald Community Service Scholarship is awarded annualy to a student who has demonstrated a dedication to public service through involvement in the community. This year the award goes to Theresa Bishop who has been active in the campuscommunity garden and participated in the spring break service-learning trip to DC.
GRADUATION AT NEWBERRY Newberry College Commencements On Cinco de Mayo, 152 students had extra reason to celebrate this year because they became young alumni of Newberry College. Reverend Dr. Herman R. Yoos, III, Bishop of the South Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), was the commencement speaker. The setting was familiar for Bishop Yoos, who was named Bishop of the South Carolina Synod, in a 2008 installation ceremony held in Wiles Chapel. The Bishop challenged graduates to go forth with God discerned and Newberry College developed skills to lead lives of significance, of sacrificial service to others and to seek to build bridges of peace and reconciliation in our world wherever they go. Earlier in the week, the graduating students and their immediate family members were honored in a Senior Ceremony at the Dufford Alumni House. The Newberry College Jazz Big Band performed its Graduation Concert on May 4 recognizing and celebrating all senior members of the ensemble. Held in the newly renovated West Recital Hall, the packed performance featured a new composition by senior Music major, Joseph Schroer, for band vocalist, Kasey Stuart. Following the May 5 hooding ceremony, graduates proudly carried degrees in hand to join their guests, along with faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees who were gathered under the Yost Portico of Holland Hall. The President’s reception provided plenty of fine food, lots of congratulatory hugs, and photo moments for families and friends.
As part of the Newberry College December 2011 Graduation ceremony, Newberry College conferred the title of Professor Emeritus of Business Administration and Economics on Dr. Norman E. Masters, jr. Dr. Masters’ Conferral Ceremony was dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Masters’ parents, Norman Ernest Masters, Sr. and Elsie Lorraine French Masters. Dr. Norman E. Masters, jr. joined the Newberry College Faculty in 1977 as an Assistant Professor of Business Administration and Economics, after beginning his academic career at Louisburg College in Louisburg, North Carolina, in 1973. While at Newberry, Dr. Masters rose steadily through the academic ranks, retiring as Full Professor in 2009. He served as Chairman of the Business Administration Department from 2000-2006. He holds the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from East Carolina University (1970), the Master of Commerce in Economics and Finance from the University of Richmond (1973), and the Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration in Higher Education Law from the University of South Carolina (1993). He earned the Certified Financial Planner designation from the College for Financial Planning in Denver, Colorado (1987). Dr. Masters devoted himself to teaching and student life at Newberry College for 32 years. He was twice chosen as Professor-of-the-Year, 1981 and 1987, and as Greek Advisor-of-the-Year, 1997 and 1999, by the Newberry College Student Government Association. He served as advisor of Theta Chi Social Fraternity and Blue Key National Honorary Society for more than 25 years. The College nominated him to be a South Carolina Distinguished Professor, which was awarded to him by the South Carolina Governor’s Office in 1992. For his many contributions to the more than 10,000 students he was privileged to teach, Newberry College recognized Dr. Norman E. Masters, jr. for his loyal, devoted, and exemplary teaching and service to the College. Dr. Masters holds the following degrees: • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, East Carolina University (1970) • Master of Commerce in Economics and Finance, University of Richmond (1973) • Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Higher Education Administration in Higher Education Law, University of South Carolina (1993) • Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation, College for Financial Planning, Denver Colorado (1987) Dr. Masters was awarded the following teaching honors: • Professor of the Year (NCSGA), 1981 and 1987 • Greek Advisor of the Year (NCSGA), 1997 and 1999 • South Carolina Distinguished Professor (Governor's Office), 1992 During the ceremony, Newberry College provided Dr. Masters a rocking chair with the Newberry College emblem. Former Newberry College President Glenn. E. Whitesides, current Board Members and former students of Dr. Masters, Marshall Prince and Brent Weaver, participated in the presentation.
“Thanks to my degree from Newberry College, I now have the career I always wanted.” – Stephanie Sullivan
PROGRAM INFORMATION • Students transfer previous
college credit hours from twoyear schools or four-year schools to earn a degree in Organizational Management in as few as 18-24 months. • Students attend classes in the evening and online, blending face-to-face interaction with the flexibility of online learning. • Classes are taught in an accelerated 8-week format with a clear path to graduation.
• Most adults qualify for substantial financial aid for tuition.
For more information please visit our website at or email us at or call us at (803) 321-5691
LACROSSE FIRST SEASON In the fall of 2011, 20 female student-athletes began Lacrosse 101 as our Women’s Lacrosse team started preparing for its spring 2012 inaugural season. There are parallels from basketball to lacrosse in offensive and defensive strategies. Offenses can operate in a fast break, a slow break with a specific cutting pattern, or they can run set plays. Games typically are high scoring and fast-paced. They are played on a field similar to a soccer field, but lacrosse’s offside penalties, substitutions, and penalty box resemble hockey. The ball is on the ground a lot in lacrosse, so being able to bend down and sweep the ball into one’s net while running is crucial. Controlling the draw, which is similar to a hockey face-off, and scooping ground balls generally determine the winning team.
While there has been a learning curve, the College took a calculated risk in competing during the team’s first year instead of easing into lacrosse initially as a club sport over a 2-3 year period. By launching a Women’s Lacrosse Program in that manner, the College has positioned itself to benefit from the sport’s popularity in other regions of the country, such as the Northeast, and its growing popularity in the South. Therefore, offering women’s lacrosse will elevate the College in both regional and national distinction. In keeping with those objectives, first-year head coach Emily Bikowski has filled the roles of coach, teacher, and cheerleader as she built the program. During a shortened recruiting season, Coach Bikowski signed five recruits and two transfers. She also held one-on-one interest meetings that led several students who had never played competitive lacrosse to join the team. Despite the coach’s most commendable efforts, the team faced unique growing pains. Four Wolves' defenders saw their first ever lacrosse action when they debuted at the Division II level. With determination, the ladies worked together to overcome those obstacles and develop their strengths. Defense was the Wolves' strength in their first season because players were still learning the fundamentals of the sport. Coach Bikowski required every Wolves' player, including the goalie, to learn every position on every play so they could potentially help a teammate. That work ethic carried over into the classroom where women’s lacrosse posted the best fall GPA of all our athletic teams. Our students and fans have embraced lacrosse. Students attended practice to learn the game and enjoyed cheering the team at historic Setzler Field, especially when the women won the College’s first lacrosse game ever played there. The team’s greatest victory, however, may be the relationship that has formed between Coach Bikowski and her players. “I have never been so humbled than I have been this year by coming across these 20 girls, two-thirds of whom never played the sport before,” Coach Bikowski said.
They have displayed such work ethic, toughness and perseverance that it is incredible. I have learned far more from them to this point than they have learned from me.
– Coach Bikowski
tA hletics
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LETTERMEN’S CLUB The College’s athletic success in recent years is something that engenders alumni pride, and the Newberry College Lettermen’s Club fosters that pride as it recognizes athletic achievements among our current and former lettermen. Lettermen’s Club honors Newberry College athletes in Hall of Fame: The club elects athletes and coaches to the Newberry College Athletic Hall of Fame. In addition, current studentathletes are recognized by being given letters, senior awards, and a Welcome Back/Hall of Fame Banquet that is co-sponsored by the Letterman’s Club and the Athletic Club.
As a result of the Lettermen’s Club’s efforts to elevate the level of Newberry Athletics, over 125 people have been inducted into the Newberry College Athletic Hall of Fame since 1976. Inductees in 2012 include: • Katy Satcher Felts (‘02, Basketball and Softball) •Tommy Williamson (‘73, Football) •Dennis Swygert (‘69, Football) A complete list of inductees can be found on the Lettermen’s Club website: http://newberryathleticsite. com/lettermensclub/
Other club efforts to nurture relationships among our athletic constituents include:
Here are just a few ways in which alumni can get involved with the club:
• Welcome Back/Hall of Fame Banquet scheduled for August 23 in Eleazer Arena
• If you are a letterman who is not currently receiving communications from the Lettermen’s Club, please contact Club Secretary Janet Parkman Jordan (‘78) at 803.356.4523 or and ask to be added to the mailing list. • Nominate an outstanding athlete for the Athletic Hall of Fame. Nomination forms can be obtained from Janet or they can found on the club’s website. • Consider joining the Lettermen’s Club. Club dues are just $35 per year. An application for membership can be downloaded from the club website or may be obtained from Janet.
• The Hall of Fame Game that is scheduled for September 1 Ticket information for both events can be obtained from Sharon Bryant at 803-321-5152 or sharon.bryant@newberry. edu. The Lettermen’s Club also hosts: • Annual reunion for former lettermen each May. They invite all former lettermen to join them and uphold the tradition of recognizing our athletes.
TEAM NEWBERRY is Doing Great Things! Did you know that three former Newberry football players are now playing for NFL pro teams? Helping Team Newberry to attract, to sign, and to retain the best student athletes in all sports, some who may become professionals or even Hall of Famers, is very important. To do this, it is vital for all College alumni and constituents to know and comply with the NCAA rules governing recruiting. Even if you are not a college employee, if you can answer YES! to any of the following, to the NCAA you are a representative of Newberry College and are, therefore, part of Team Newberry athletics: • Attended Newberry College • Participated in or have been a member of the Athletic Club • Contributed to the athletics department or Athletic Club • Assisted or have been requested by the athletics staff to assist in the recruitment of prospective student-athletes Assisted in providing extra benefits to enrolled student-athletes or their families • • Have been otherwise involved in the Newberry College athletics program According to the NCAA, once someone is identified as a representative of an institution’s athletics interest, that person remains a recognized booster forever. The NCAA’s rules governing any representative of an institution, therefore, need to be known and respected, especially regarding recruitment. These regulations prohibit representatives from making in-person, on-or-off-campus recruiting contacts (i.e. attending a contest and speaking with a prospect), any written (even posting a message on a prospect’s Facebook or Twitter site) or telephonic communications with a prospective student-athlete (any student that is 9-12 grade in high school, two-year college transfer, or a four-year college transfer who has been released by his or her institution) and the prospective student-athlete’s relatives or legal guardians. This prohibition also includes contacting high school coaches and guidance counselors to seek information on prospects. Only Newberry College coaches and athletic staff have recruiting contact privileges with prospects or the prospect’s relatives or legal guardians. What can other representatives of TEAM NEWBERRY do to help Newberry succeed athletically? Much! Other representatives are permitted, even strongly encouraged, to contact our coaches with information about prospects. The athletic staff needs extra eyes and ears. Newberry representatives can help Compliance Services by reporting rules violations to help protect a prospect or current student athlete’s eligibility as well as the College’s good name and reputation. Penalties for breaking NCAA rules, whether by accident or intentional, are severe. No matter how minor an infraction may seem, a violation could jeopardize a young person's opportunity to compete for a Newberry College program, get a great Newberry degree, or more! Help Newberry College Athletics continue doing great things with student athletes in classrooms and places of fierce, hopefully feared, competition! Remember that greatness must always include avoiding the pains of unwanted press, possible NCAA sanctions, or having to disassociate someone from our program. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support of Newberry College athletics. For more information or questions, please contact Compliance Services at or at 803-947-2064.
Athletic Club Contact Information Please visit There you will learn about upcoming events, news, becoming a member, and about our athletic scholarships. Or, contact our staff to answer your questions.
Mike Hold Executive Director 321-5247
Sharon Bryant Associate Executive Director 321-5152
Jerry Chitty Special Assistant to Executive Director 321-2115
HOMECOMING Newberry College blended some old traditions with new ones as it observed Homecoming 2011. On Friday night, the new Scarlet and Gray Fest was held on the lawn between East Hall and Eleazer Arena. Hosted by SGA, the event included music, food, giveaways and the crowning of the 2011 Homecoming King. A “Party on the Portico” for alumni and guests followed which featured great music, delicious food, and a fabulous professional firework show over the campus. The crowning twenty-minute spectacle high in the sky not only wowed the college crowd but many throughout the town of Newberry. Saturday activities began with the annual 5K run/walk sponsored by the Newberry College Alumni Association. The 5K course was USA Track and Field certified and timing was provided by Strictly Running. Following the race, the Alumni Association and Herff Jones co-sponsored their annual College Ring Ceremony in Wiles Chapel for those ring-eligible students who ordered their Newberry College ring. This event has not only become a meaningful prelude for undergraduates working towards degree competition, but also for graduates, years or even decades after graduating, who always wanted and finally ordered their Newberry College ring. After the College Chaplain blessed and the President distributed rings, the Association held its annual business meeting in Wiles Chapel. Special reunion classes were recognized, awards were presented, and College updates were given by senior administration. Following the singing of the alma mater, hundreds disbursed to Kaufmann Hall or to tailgating tents around the campus for picnic lunches as they waited for the Homecoming Parade. From Lindsay Furniture on College Street through the main entrance gate and around the fountain in front of Setzler Field, the annual procession included first, second and third place float winners Future Educators of America, Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, and Newberry College Campus Ministry. The high energy spectacle–featuring great sounds from the last Lutheran College marching band in America, cheerleaders and beloved mascot, Scar–was followed by a special reunion concert in Wiles Chapel for Newberry College Singers. The vocal event began with an impressive performance of the current Singers and Madrigals, followed by welcoming an additional 60+ years worth of 100+ college-loving-related voices to the stage. Their sound was spectacular. Our Student Government Association helped by hosting a Homecoming Carnival including a “Kidsville” area with inflatable games and train rides around the quad. Activities concluded with the Homecoming Game between Newberry and Tusculum. At halftime, the band presented a fantastic show and Essence Kinard was crowned 2011 Homecoming Queen. We hope that you will join us for Homecoming 2012, which will be held the second weekend in October. The theme for this year’s Homecoming is “Bringing Back the Memories.” Festivities will begin on October 12 for alumni and guests with a dance in Kaufmann Hall and conclude on Saturday with the 4:00 p.m. football game vs. Wingate. Look for more information on all events for Homecoming 2012 in a registration flyer that will be mailed later this summer.
Save The Date! HOMECOMING October 13, 2012
Alumni Awards At Homecoming 2011, the Alumni Association awarded the outstanding alumni and non-alumni award, to those who best represent commitment to and support of Newberry College. Alumni Association honored three with the Thomas A. Epting Outstanding Alumni Award Philip (Phil) M. Spotts (’56) was recognized for his service to the College. As a 50+ year member of the Athletic Club, he has served three times on its Board of Directors. He has been a member of the Lettermen’s Club since it was founded, serving on its Board of Directors and currently serving as treasurer. He is a member of the Newberry College Athletic Hall of Fame, and in 2001, he was Interim Athletic Director for Newberry College. Mr. Spotts is a member of the President’s Club and currently is on the President’s Club Board of Directors. He has also served on the “Star Team” as a representative for the Class of 1956, and on a number of special committees for Newberry College over the years. In 2007, he received a Sesquicentennial Medal of Honor Award during the 150th anniversary of Newberry College. His community honors include Distinguished Service Awards from the Saluda and Summerville Junior Chambers of Commerce. A member of the Newberry Rotary Club, the Newberry Historical and Museum Society (former president), he currently serves on the Opera House Board of Directors. After serving in the United States Marine Corps, Mr. Spotts began teaching and coaching for Saluda, Chester and Summerville High Schools. Phil was director of adult education at Summerville High, served as assistant principal and principal at Irmo High School, and was on the Board of Trustees for Lexington/Richland School District 5. He also was director of secondary education for District 5 as well as headmaster to Patrick Henry Academy in Hampton County and headmaster to Lowcountry Day in Pawley’s Island, South Carolina. He and his wife, Mary Kathryn (Kathy) Whitaker Spotts (’63), are members of Central United Methodist Church in Newberry. Mary Kathryn (Kathy) Whitaker Spotts (’63) also pursued a career in education, teaching for 25 years in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Paris, France. A current member of the Alumni Association Board of Managers (former president) and past member of the Newberry College Board of Trustees, she served as a member of the Steering Committee of the Sesquicentennial and Bachman Symposium and as a “Star Team” member representing the Class of 1963. She currently serves on the Executive Committee of the President’s Club. Additionally, she is a member of the Heritage Club, the Athletic Club, and the Newberry College Women’s League. She has been honored with a Class Ring Award from the Alumni Association, and, like her husband Phil, Kathy is a recipient of the Sesquicentennial Medal of Honor.
George W. Dominick (’65) was recognized posthumously for his service to and love for Newberry College. A member of the Newberry College Alumni Association Board of Managers, and the Newberry Touchdown Club, he actively assisted with College Homecoming activities and prepared meals for fans and players at Newberry College home football games. He served in the South Carolina National Guard and was Sergeant-at-Arms in the Newberry Rotary Club. George was a member of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, serving the Lutheran Men in Mission and working on various committees.
The Philip T. Kelly, Jr. Outstanding Young Alumni Award At Homecoming 2011, Zebulon “Zeb” Lee Reid (’02) was honored with the Philip T. Kelly, Jr. Outstanding Young Alumni Award, presented by Woody Cornwell (’67), the immediate past president of the Alumni Association. The founder of the Newberry College Men’s Basketball Alumni Association and a member of the Newberry College Lettermen’s Club Board, Zeb currently assists the Newberry College Department of Teacher Education and Sport Professions in training student teachers. During his career he has worked as teacher and coach at Newberry High School; as the assistant men’s basketball, assistant men’s golf, and assistant women’s golf coach at Newberry College; as athletic director, teacher and head varsity basketball coach at Trident Academy; and as teacher, coach, and athletic director at Mid-Carolina Middle School, where he currently works. He received the 2004-2005 SCISA Class A Region I Coach of the Year and the MCMS 2009-2010 Teacher of the Year awards. He and his wife, Angela Sease Reid (’02), and children, Zoe and Zarek, are members of St. Philip’s Lutheran Church in Newberry.
The Noah and Pansy Derrick Outstanding Non-Alumni Award As part of her work for West Electric, Misty M. West has been involved in the designing and remodeling of the Alumni Music Center, Brokaw Hall, Cannon Tennis Courts, Cromer Hall, the Darrow House, Derrick Hall, Holland Hall, Kaufmann Hall, MacLean Gym, the McClurg Center for Teaching and Learning, the Oakland Mill Residence Hall, the O.L. Casey Center, the Physical Education Complex, Setzler Field, the Science and Mathematics Building, the Smith Road Baseball Complex, the Welcome Center, and Wessels Library. She is currently involved in the final phase of the Oakland Mill Project.
Jeff Shacker was recognized for his contributions to the College through his work as the economic development coordinator, assistant city manager and city manager for the City of Newberry. A graduate of the South Carolina Executive Institute and of the University of South Carolina, he also received the Young Professional of the Year award from the South Carolina City-County Management Association (2005) and the Palmetto Achievement Award (2008) from the South Carolina Department of Commerce for his efforts.
Class Notes The class notes published in this issue of Dimensions were received prior to February 28, 2012. All class notes received on or after February 28, 2012 will be published in the fall 2012 Dimensions magazine or on the College's website. Alumnus, James Derrick, engages in global community outreach In September, James Derrick (’82) performed global community service by doing medical mission work in La Antigua, Guatemala. The mission work was part of his continued volunteer efforts with Women Orthopedist Global Outreach (WOGO), a group of female surgeons who travel to developing nations and provide free surgical care and joint replacement for those in need. In addition to orthopedic surgery and post-operative care, WOGO maintains a relationship with surgeons in Guatemala to ensure that patients are followed over time. As a physician’s assistant to an orthopedic surgeon, James was one of over 50 volunteer medical professionals on the interdisciplinary team. The trip also included education initiatives that promoted health and physical fitness. Similar efforts occurred the year before when James participated in a WOGO/Operation Walk trip to Kathmandu, Nepal where 44 knee replacements were performed. His exemplary efforts provide a strong example for our students, since his outreach reflects elements of the College’s faith and values statement that encourages citizenship on a local level and involvement in global community service.
Brent Schaeffer (’70) and his wife serve USAID missions Brent Schaeffer’s (’70) career embodies the values a Lutheran education imparts to future alumni. Following graduation, Brent desired to be a part of something greater than he was. “I came from a long line of Lutheran ministers,” he said. “There was some tradition of service of some kind.” For Brent, that meant the Peace Corps. As a Peace Corps volunteer, he taught mathematics in Kenya for three years and also managed Peace Corps volunteer pre-service training. Brent later had a 20-year career with the U.S. Agency for International Development, providing administrative and logistical support to areas struggling with poverty, natural disasters and issues of social injustice. During Gulf War I, he oversaw the evacuation of USAID staff and family members from Pakistan. He later established USAID missions in Eastern European capitals and managed support operations in Cairo, Egypt. Now retired, Brent continues to work short-term assignments for USAID, having served in Sudan, India, Central Asia, Haiti and Bangladesh. NOTE: Special thanks to Brent Schaeffer (’70) for using Skype to communicate from the region where he and his wife serve in Bangladesh.
On May 28, 2011, Grace Ellenberg (’44) celebrated her 90th birthday by going on a Harley Davidson ride. She was presented with a “doo rag,” Harley t-shirt and helmet to prepare her for the excursion. Ms. Ellenberg has been described as always being adventurous. She obtained her master’s degree in French after graduating from Newberry College and spent 20 years in Paris, France teaching French. T
Anne Marie Suber Sandel (’54) is completing 20 years as a Meals on Wheels volunteer for Crooked Creek Park in Chapin, South Carolina.
Daniel (Dan) Sandel (’49) was presented the 2011 Distinguished Service Award by the South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission at their State Convention in February 2012. The award recognized Dan’s leadership in his local church, the South Carolina Synod and the community. An active member of St. Thomas Lutheran Church in Chapin, Dan is retired from the South Carolina State Department of Education where he served for 24 years as the supervisor of mathematics.
Miriam Fisher (’59) was elected president of Inner Wheel USA in May 2011. Inner Wheel is related to Rotary International and is one of the largest women’s service organizations in the world. She will represent the United States in Istanbul, Turkey this year.
1960’s Otis S. Culclasure (’61) has served as the director of the Newberry College Athletic Board of Advisors and is the operational manager of Farmer’s Cotton Gin in St. Matthews, SC.
Sandra Perkins Fennell (’65) and husband George were honored as Outstanding Individual Philanthropists by the Lowcountry Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals at a Charleston luncheon in November 2011.
1970’s The IGA grocery chain named Frank Shumpert (’73) the 2011 International Retailer of the Year. Owner of the Pelionbased Shumpert’s IGA, Frank carries on a tradition of 100+ years of retail service to that community. He is a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Pelion, South Carolina. Angie Baker Shuler (’74) was recently promoted from Educational Director for Kenneth Shuler Schools of Cosmetology to Director of ACE Academy. The Academy of Career Excellence is available for classes and event rentals. ACE also offers Dale Carnegie and other advancement classes.
Dr. James Ann (Holcombe) Lynch (’76) is director of elementary schools in Lexington School District One and resides in Lexington, South Carolina. Lenna Corley Young (’77) received her Ph.D. with a major in Curriculum and Instruction from Clemson University. Rick Frederick (’78) now serves as the executive director of Wesley Woods Camp in Western Pennsylvania.
Timothy J. Mahoney (’78) is the chief product and marketing officer for Volkswagen of America. He is responsible for the strategic direction of Volkswagen’s product plans and promotional efforts in the United States.
1960’s alumni and good friends reunited at Isle of Palms, SC.
Sarah Shealy Dowd (’81) has been elected president of the South Carolina Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (SCASFAA) for 2012-13. Kristin Berkey-Abbott (’87) has written a new chapbook of poems, “I Stand Here Shredding Documents.” She has a Ph.D. in British Literature from the University of South Carolina. Kristin has been published in many journals and published a chapbook, “Whistling Past the Graveyard”, in 2004. She resides in Florida where she teaches English and creative writing at the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale and serves as chair of the General Education Department.
1990’s Cynthia Salley Nicholson (’92) received her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in English Education from Arizona State University on May 11, 2011. She is currently employed as an English instructional specialist in Spalding County, Georgia. William Henry Knopf III (’94) and Mary Lee Ballentine Reeves (’05) were married on May 21, 2011 at Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Columbia, South Carolina. The newlyweds reside in Columbia. T
Robyn Danielle Brown (’98) married Jesse Mickens on October 30, 2010 at St. Andrew’s Church in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. The couple now resides in West Columbia, South Carolina. Enevelyn Davis Hyatt, Katrina L. Smith and TrVera G. Williams, also from the Class of 1998, were in the bridal party.
opportunity resulted from career foundations he laid while he was a student working with The Scarlet and Gray, writing for @Newberry, hosting a WNIR radio show, and helping in the sports information department. “Without the help of people like Dr. Jodie Peeler, Marshall Maddy, and Jennifer Lester, I would not have attained the skills needed to advance my journalism career. A major reason why I chose Newberry College was the journalism department, which I consider to be the crown jewel of Newberry College,” he said. About three years ago, Paul and his family moved to his wife Jennifer’s (’05) native state of Indiana. The couple has a four-year-old son, Brenden, who starts preschool in August at Triton Central Elementary.
Jay Ohsiek (’80) is currently the lead audio engineer at Stagefront Production Services in Savannah, Georgia. He is a certified technical specialist from InfoComm and a graduate of Yamaha Audio Advance Digital Console School. He is married with two children and is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Savannah.
Dena Lester Chatfield (’88) was recently named 2012 Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year by the South Carolina Association of School Administrators. She is the assistant principal at Myrtle Beach Middle School, having previously served in the Newberry County School District.
Leslie Mathis Echols (’99) welcomed the birth of Easton John Echols on March 9, 2012. Easton was welcomed home by Daddy, Jon and big sisters, Sydney (11), Emily (7) and Natalie (23 months).
2000’s As a staff writer for The Shelbyville News, a daily newspaper located 20 miles south of Indianapolis, Paul Gable (’04) was among an estimated 8,000 journalists taking part in Super Bowl XLVI Media Day 2012. The
Dr. Kaushik Sridhar (’05) recently completed his Ph.D. at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management in Sydney, Australia. He has published 18 papers in international peer reviewed academic journals and written two chapters in two management books. He has presented papers at academic conferences in Auckland, Bangkok and Paris. He is employed as a management
consultant with Net Balance in Sydney, Australia. Dr. Sridhar says Newberry College has done wonders for his career. He states that he has benefited significantly from the support, guidance, and positive reinforcement offered to him by the school’s academic and administrative community. Bryan Edward Dodgins (’08) has earned his Master of Business Administration degree from Winthrop University. Jayson Audette (’09) is an agent for the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services. He completed training in state law, defensive driving and self-defense to become Class-1 certified. He also completed three weeks of specialized training in offender supervisory policies and procedures. As one of the first graduates of the expanded 12-week program of basic law enforcement at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy, Jayson is one of 400 probation and parole agents throughout South Carolina.
Craig Wheatley (’09) was selected as one of thirty participants to attend the Supreme Court Street Law Institute in 2011. During the
Newberry Alumnus is 2012 Chairman of Spoleto Carlos Evans (‘73) is serving as the 2012 Chairman for the Spoleto Festival in Charleston, South Carolina. In his new role, Carlos will draw upon eight years of experience on the Board of Spoleto Festival USA, as well as prior experience with philanthropic work for Wachovia, as he performs his duties, which include helping raise over $100 million to replace Gaillard Auditorium in Charleston. He also plans to increase the use of social media and electronic marketing to draw new attendees to Spoleto. An Executive Vice President of Regional Commercial Banking with Wells Fargo, Carlos believes efforts to advance the arts through corporate outreach are crucial to the banking industry from a community relations and community development standpoint. In addition to promoting the arts, he advocates that corporate America philanthropically support health and human services programming as a means to elevate the surrounding community. He and his wife, Lisa, attend First Presbyterian Church in Charlotte.
event, educators used the Georgetown University School of Law to study the Supreme Court. They heard speakers, including lawyers who delivered arguments in Supreme Court cases. The educators also observed Supreme Court hearings and had the opportunity to meet several justices. Furthermore, they had the opportunity to teach classes about the Supreme Court. Craig is thankful for the learning experience; he has applied it to teaching his U.S. history students at White Knoll High School.
Samantha Baird (’10) is a historical interpreter for the Charleston Museum. She leads tours for two of the historical homes owned by the museum. Jennifer Neblo (’10)was married on March 18th, 2012. She is now Mrs. Jennifer Gossett. Kevin Boozer (’10) was hired as a reporter for the Newberry Observer where he will cover the Whitmire and the Newberry College beats. He continues to write for The Little Lutheran magazine and
his first children’s book will be published in October. Todd Moon (’12) received the February 2012 Employee of the Month Award for the Emergency Department at Gwinnet Medical Center (Atlanta). Though he has worked as a nurse for less than a year, Todd was chosen from all the employees in the ED. He credited his College nursing professors for his success and said his Newberry experience prepared him well for the high stress, fast-paced ED work environment.
In Memoriam
Jesse David Ward Sr. 1/28/2011
1931 William Sidney Gnann 2/25/2012
These are notices received by the Alumni Relations Office of Newberry College by April 16, 2012.
1932 Dezma Monroe Birchmore 3/11/2011 Retha Wessinger Green 12/3/2011
Rev. John Gerald Hipp 9/19/2011 Ruth Pitts Welch 8/13/2011
Faye Taylor Cato 8/8/2011 Edna Beacham Hipp 5/25/2011
Frances Baxter Prince 3/28/2012
Ruth Senn Bradley 7/8/2011 Lula Mae Epting 10/20/2011 Rev. Clarence Richardson 11/18/2010
Margaret Pritchard Eargle 1/22/2012 Alice Riser Estes 8/6/2011 James W. Henderson 5/4/2011 Helen Parrot Whitaker 10/15/2011
Willie Lake Dominick Pinson 1/5/2011
Charlotte S. Kohn 8/6/2011 Conrad Ballentine Park 11/27/2010 Mary Lou Haigler Pushkar 12/28/2010
1936 Henry Gardner Hendrix 1/26/2012 Harriett Hutchinson Tindal 10/15/2011
1937 Ruth Carol Tompkins Ballew 12/3/2010 Ruth Oxner Lilienthal 1/20/2010
1938 Emily Aull Edwards 1/11/2012
1942 Harold M. Forrest 1/20/2010 Mary Hardin Keitt Hinton 4/22/2011 Harold Jacob Saine 9/24/2011 Sadie Elizabeth Kibler Slice 1/8/2011 Clara Danielsen Wertz 11/22/2010 Marjorie Jessen Wilmarth 1/12/2011
Louise Ezell Dawkins 1/18/2012 Elma Gault Edens 12/25/2010 Gaynelle Annette Jumper 10/13/2010 Mary Hall Kirby 9/10/2011 Mabel Hiller Slaton 2/24/2012 Elizabeth O’Dell Sligh 12/6/2011 Inez Donahue Stuckey 4/23/2010
Mary H. Byrd 7/27/2010 Pauline Gnann Seckinger 1/18/2012
Jacob Carroll Arant 10/13/2011 T. Sam Rawls Jr. 8/31/2011 Rev. Houston David Taylor, Sr. 11/2/2011
Elizabeth Workman Arant 7/24/2011 Charles T. Caudle 7/20/2010 Mary Nancy Robertson 3/1/2011 Bruce Rhodes Sigmon 5/4/2010
1945 Herman S. Barbrey 8/17/2011 James Henry Bledsoe 3/6/2011 Bennie Lee Glenn Catalano 3/6/2012 William Stillwell Vincent 12/5/2010
1946 James B. Peery 2/15/2012 Susie C. Stringfield 3/4/2011
1948 Betty Jo Counts 2/13/2011 Louis A. Givens 6/26/2011 Mary Ellen Lindler Wilson 5/29/2011
1950 Ralph S. Boazman 3/31/2012 John Calvin Brigman 3/31/2012 Evelyn Wood Leavell Davis 3/8/2012 James H. Locke Sr. 6/30/2011 Helen Sanford Luther 1/9/2012 Samuel Drafts Schofield 6/19/2011 Troy A. Shealy 12/17/2010 Miller Hugh Summer 1/6/2011
1951 Sidney Broadus Cooper Jr. 1/8/2011 Paul J. Drafts 4/9/2012 Clarice Lucille von der Heyde Epting 12/23/2010 Ralph Thomas Haile Jr. 7/9/2011 Robert Henry Rihm 2/16/2011
1952 Jean Simonsen Andrews 4/29/2011 Richard P. Foster 10/11/2011 Paula Frances Layne Gantz 12/2/2011 Barbara Schwarz Rau 2/10/2012 Bonnard Ernest Roache 3/21/2012
1953 Mary Frances Bannister Danielsen 11/30/2011 David Earl Jenkins 4/15/2012 Lucille Smith Price 3/23/2012 Barbara Taylor Stuck 7/12/2011
1954 Winona Mills Blackburn 9/10/2011 Colleen Stewart Garrett 7/9/2010 Donald Layton 5/19/2011
1955 Samuel A. Tilson 10/15/2010 Frankie Ann Henderson Webb 10/18/2011 Ward H. Yarborough 2/26/2010
College holds memorial service for Dr. Sally Cherrington Beggs Students, faculty, staff, and alumni gathered this spring in Wiles Chapel to honor and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Sally Cherrington Beggs, Chair of the Department of Music and College Organist. “Dr. Sally,” as she was affectionately called by her students, passed away this spring following a three-year battle with cancer. She began teaching at Newberry in 2000 and served as department chair during her entire tenure. Under her guidance the Department of Music doubled in size and became one of the strongest private college music programs in South Carolina. As she worked to elevate the College, Dr. Cherrington Beggs drew upon her rich musical background. She presented workshops for professional groups such as the American Guild of Organists, the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, and the Music Teachers’ Association. In addition, Dr. Cherrington Beggs had articles published in The Diapason, Your Church, Grace Notes, and Cross-Accent magazines; her article on “Organ Pedagogy” appears in the new International Organ Encyclopedia published by Routledge. She performed extensively in major churches throughout the eastern seaboard and midwest and made several concert tours of Europe as a soloist or accompanist, including a performance for Pope John Paul II. Programs included concerts with the Chicago Brass Quintet (Nov 2011) and solo recitals at two national conventions of the Organ Historical Society. She was also the organist/choir director for the 2005 National Triennial Convention of the Women of the ELCA. Dr. Cherrington Beggs also shared her musical gifts as a substitute organist throughout the Columbia area, including regular appearances at Aveleigh Presbyterian in Newberry where she attended with her family until 2010 and St. Francis of Assisi Episcopalian Church in Chapin. She also served St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Lexington as a part-time organist from 2010-2011 while she battled cancer. Dr. Cherrington Beggs completed her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in organ from Yale University, where she also received her M. M. A. and Master of Music degrees. She was an Instructor in Organ at Yale and performed with the Yale Concert Band in Carnegie Hall, New York City. She received her undergraduate education at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, graduating first in her class. Prior to attending Yale, Dr. Cherrington Beggs was the staff organist and teacher at the International Headquarters of the Allen Organ Company. She performed extensively, ran their active teaching program and wrote instructional materials including Allen Organ’s series of three educational videos for church organists that sold internationally. A beloved wife and mother, she is survived by her husband of 19 years, Newberry Professor of Religion, Philosophy and Church Leadership Dr. Mike Beggs, and two sons, Zachary, age 16 and Nathan, age 12. The Newberry community has been blessed to call Dr. Cherrington Beggs a teacher, mentor, and friend. Its members treasure the legacy she provided to music and arts instruction throughout South Carolina.
Erlene S. Bethea 1/31/2012 Joseph Edward Jones 7/28/2010 Thomas L. Varner, Jr. 4/8/2012
Teddy P. Dominick 1/25/2011
Ronnie E. Koon 7/9/2011
Edward Wheeler “”Buddy”” Counts Jr. 4/14/2011 Harry Wayne Floyd Sr. 12/19/2010 Laura Gnann Runy 5/12/2011
John Stanley Boozer 2/26/2011 Ann McClellan Gilliam 9/23/2011 Della Horton Williams 1/3/2012
Joseph Dantzler Rast 3/5/2011
Joseph H. Belger Jr. 1/18/2011 Everette Ray Bickley 10/18/2011 Rufus Henry Brown 11/18/2011 Joel Thomas Cassidy 7/17/2011 Virginia B. Crawford 8/26/2011 Eddie Cromer 12/8/2011 Michael Paul Gardner 1/16/2011 Hazel E. Gregory 8/25/2011 Margaret Davis Hawkins 4/11/2011 Robert Martin Hicks 2/23/2011 James Hodge Jr. 12/28/2010 Robert Mayes Long 2/17/2011 Robert Homer Monts 2/15/2012 Olin S. Pugh 6/18/2011 Vernon Barcus Randall 3/24/2012 Jimmy Don Sheriff 6/30/2011 Ben P. Stewart 2/28/2012 James Osborne Vaughn 4/15/2011 Shelton Dubose Whittle 4/4/2011 William G. Winn Jr. 4/2/2011
Naval Trainee
Bryan Bennett Wrigley 4/13/2011
Dr. Edward W. Burke Jr. 6/15/2011 Richard Greening 4/3/2011 Donald G. Kubler 5/26/2011 Herbert F. Reddick 4/13/2010
1957 Edwin T. Graham Jr. 11/20/2011 Major Van McCarty 7/20/2011 John E. O’Cain Jr. 2/13/2011 James D. Seymour 11/19/2010 Dennis Lee Smith 2/11/2012 Edward Homer Steel 11/14/2010
1958 Charles Herbert Brown 11/27/2011 Jack L. Harmon 9/19/2011 Wayne Coker Spearman 8/16/2011
1959 James D. Coleman 5/21/2011 Suzanne Medlock 4/10/2010
1960 Thomas R. Brigman 10/15/2011 Joseph Heyward Eddy 11/29/2010 James Carlyle Grainger 2/19/2012 Harold Fredrick Kirkland 7/14/2011
1961 Dana Little Sawyer 7/10/2011
1964 Jackson Corbett Bundy Jr. 9/9/2011 Dr. Gerald V. Long 3/20/2011
1965 George W. Dominick 7/15/2011
1966 George Drayton Sons Jr. 3/16/2012
1968 James Arnold Dennis 2/26/2010
1969 Sylvia Coleman Blitch 3/9/2011 William Donald Burton 5/23/2011 Charlotte McMillion Goodling 6/26/2009 Emily Katherine Ashley Graham 3/14/2012 Gerald Wayne Peeler 3/3/2011 Alton Winston Williams Jr. 1/19/2011
1973 John Hampton Bolt 8/18/2011 James Douglas Seigler 5/4/2011
1975 Marcia Truesdale Blackman 3/2/2012
1979 Grover Monroe Davis Jr. 10/31/2010
1983 Everette A. Davis 11/30/2011
1988 Brian Allen Cook 7/3/2011
Faculty Dr. Sally Cherrington Beggs 3/17/2012
Former Faculty & Staff Dr. Robert K. Carley 8/28/2011 Annie Elizabeth Kaminer 12/31/2011 Jean McWhorter 2/12/2011 Dr. David Edwin Thomas 3/10/2011 Thomas Wade Bryant 6/3/2010 Shirley Jane Durance 5/15/2011 Sophie Way Long 12/24/2011
Former Board of Trustees Herman H. Kleinsteuber 1/13/2011 A. Hart Kohn Jr. 11/8/2011
Former President of the Newberry College Women’s League Ruth Bundrick Jenkins 12/23/2011
We would like to express our sympathy to the family and friends of the Newberry College alumni, former faculty, and former staff listed here. If you know of those we have not recorded, or if you hear of others during the coming months, please notify the Alumni Relations Office. Whenever possible, please provide a copy of the obituary or funeral bulletin for our records.
Please send to: Nellie Morris Dimensions Magazine/Alumni Relations 2100 College Street Newberry, SC 29108 or email to: (803) 321-5676
Classroom dedicated in honor of alumnus, Bryan Wrigley Faculty, students, alumni, and family members gathered in April to celebrate Bryan Wrigley Day at the Grant Homes Apartment Complex in Newberry. A classroom at Grant Homes was re-named in honor of the young alumnus who passed away in a cycling accident in 2011. During his Newberry College career, Bryan Wrigley (’09) was a faithful supporter of our Values Based Learning Program through his volunteer work at Grant Homes, serving as a mentor and tutor there for over two years. He volunteered four days per week and served as lead tutor for the Grant Homes program. Thanks to donations from friends and the generous support of the Newberry Housing Authority, the classroom was revitalized prior to the ceremony. Improvements included painting the classroom, installing a bulletin board, and ordering the plaque that was hung there in Bryan’s honor. The crowd heard speeches from students Bryan had tutored, as well as from classmates Katie Justice, Amanda Mason, and Craig Wheatley. Professor Carol Black also read a poem about Bryan. Bryan’s grandparents attended and were appreciative of the ceremony and the love shown their late grandson. Bryan graduated summa cum laude from Newberry College in December 2009. In addition to his work with VBL, Bryan also received the Echo Award for his activities in Newberry College campus ministry. He attended the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences and was working toward his doctorate in physical therapy at the time of his death. Although Bryan no longer is with us, his spirit of service lives on through the spiritual formation and civic participation that occurs at the College and in its Values Based Learning Program. His memory helps elevate the College through the endowed scholarship his parents established in his honor to ensure that the legacy of their son continues to serve the College he so faithfully supported.
V I S I T N E W B E R R Y, S O U T H C A R O L I N A
The City of Friendly Folks!
Downtown Newberry Great Restaurants, Specialty Shopping, and Annual Festivals The City of Newberry offers small town charm with big city amenities, like great restaurants, plenty of specialty shopping and host to many downtown festivals, highlighted by the annual Newberry Oktoberfest which occurs annually on the first Saturday in October. While in town make plans to visit the local orchard farm, winery and City parks. The Wells Japanese Garden is on the National Historic Register and is a short walk from Newberry College, behind City Hall. The Newberry Opera House is the City’s signature icon. The Opera House is host to world class entertainment as well as local music and theatre productions. Downtown walking tour brochures, visitor guides, and other area attraction information are available at the Parks, Recreation and Tourism office located across from City Hall.
For more on your visit and what Newberry has to offer check out the City’s website at:
visit newberrysc .com
City of Newberry Parks, Recreation & Tourism P.O. Box 538 1223 College Street, Newberry, SC 29108 (803) 321-3681
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr. William “Wick” Ashburn Ms. Cindee Bailey Dr. Laura N. Black The Rev. Kirk P. Bridgers Mr. Willard O. Brodie III Mr. Joel M. Carter Mr. John Woody Cornwell Mr. R. Jonathan “Shot” Hart Mr. Robert (Bob) Franklin James II Mr. Fred B. Johnston II Dr. Kristi Pope Key Dr. J. Wade Nichols Mr. Hugo A. “Hap” Pearce - Secretary
Mr. L. Wayne Pearson - Treasurer Mr. Marshall Prince Mr. Michael Reid Mr. Frank S. Snyder Mr. John Michael “Mike” Surles Mr. Joseph A. “Joe” Trainor III Mr. David L. Vorpagel - Vice Chairman Mr. William P. Walker - Chairman Mr. Eric Wells Mr. Billye West The Rev. Mark Wilhelm The Rev. Dr. Herman R. Yoos III Mr. Eugene Chin Yu
DEVELOPMENT STAFF Jason Boice, Director of Annual Giving and Scholarships Manager (803) 321-5694
John Derrick, Director of Alumni Relations and Major Gifts (803) 321-5692
Jim Hale, Director of Planned Giving (803) 321-5141
Nellie Morris, Institutional Advancement Coordinator/Alumni Relations (803) 321-5676
Susan Walker, Research (803) 321-5651
MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS STAFF Sharon McCallum Lackey, Director of Marketing Communications (803) 321-5136
Brie Logue, Electronic Media Coordinator (803) 321-5113 Kevin Boozer, Freelance Writer/Editor Additional Writing/Editing by College Faculty and Staff Photos by Larry Cameron Additional Photos by College Staff Please send correspondence to the Office of Institutional Advancement 2100 College Street, Newberry, SC 29108 Phone: 1-800-845-4955 Newberry College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award Bachelor’s Degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia, 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Newberry College. The Commission is to be contacted only if there is evidence to support an institution’s significant non-compliance with a requirement or standard. Newberry College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, gender, veteran status, genetic characteristic, or disability in employment or the provision of services. Newberry College encourages a diversity of applicants. Foreign Nationals should indicate current United States immigration status when submitting application materials.
C 1856
I S C A R . AU
2100 College Street Newberry, SC 29108-9975
Visit Newberry College’s New Website! WWW.NEWBERRY.EDU Newberry College is always looking for new ways to keep our alumni and friends connected to the College. With all the new forms of technology and social media available, not only is it easy for us to reach our alumni and friends, it is also easy for you to reach us! Through e-mails, web streaming videos, the Newberry College pages on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, we are able to bring your College to you and you can interact with us. If you are not receiving e-mails from the College and would like to be added to our e-mail list, please visit the Newberry College home page and join our e-mail list today.
ATTENTION ALUMNI: STAY CONNECTED AT LIVE.NEWBERRY.EDU We are pleased to inform you that through special arrangements with Microsoft, Newberry College is able to provide free access to the most current Microsoft Office products. This means that you can have access to a wide range of Office products including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. Better yet, you can sign in to access these and other web-based programs from any web-enabled device anywhere at any time because Live.Newberry.Edu is a cloud-based system. For those of you who currently use an active email address, there is even more exciting news. Your email account will soon be accessible through the same cloud-based system. You will receive a separate mailing instructing you how to prepare for the switch to the new and improved cloud version. Your email address will stay the same as your current one.