u .a m o .c p u o r g ic t www.endodon
winter newsletter 2011
e n d od o n ti c
g ro u p
New online referral desktop icon Making referring easier for you and your patients. Read inside for further details
more inside...
practice news
The endodontic group is
We are always looking at ways
journal review
committed to working with its
that we can improve our service
referring practitioners in
to your practice and patients.
Genetic predisposition to apical
supporting them to improve
periodontitis by Dr Ross Applegarth
and build their practices.
endodontic group 07 3837 0000
practice news The endodontic group has had an exciting year with babies, the opening of new branch practices and the launch of the new online referral desktop icon. In addition to this we are always looking at ways that we can improve our service to your practices and patients. Outlined below is more detail of what we have been up to.
HOW TO GET YOUR DESKTOP ICON Log onto Dentist Connect
New online referral desktop icon The endodontic group have developed an easy electronic referral option. We have
www.endodonticgroup.com.au/connect to
incorporated this into your own personalised online referral desktop icon. This new
download yours today! For further assistance
please contact Michelle Rafton on 07 3837 0000
double click on your icon and this automatically generates your practice details to an
or email MRafton@endodonticgroup.com.au
online patient referral form.
sits on your computer desktop as a shortcut. All you need to do is
Dentist Connect
Baby News
referring Professional Dentists. It allows you to gain access to:
Moore and Rhea on the birth of
Dentist connect has been created entirely for the benefit of our
. Download your personalised online referral desktop icon . Keep track of past CPD certificates - for educational courses
. Keep track of your online patient referrals . Download lecture notes . Read up on the latest case studies . Practice newsletters . Upcoming educational events . Past gallery of events
Congratulations to Dr Jonathan their son Ethan John Moore in October last year. Ethan is full of life and keeping both mum and dad busy.
Dr Margot Anderson and Dr Nick Shorten became proud parents to Louis Charles George Shorten. Welcomed with love on 4th of February 2011. All are doing very well.
Emergency patient management
GA/ IV sedation
If you have a patient emergency we will always endeavour to see
For patients that find it difficult to have their treatment under local
them on the same day. Please call our reception team directly on
anaesthetic alone treatment can be arranged under general
3837 0000 and the first available endodontist will accommodate
anaesthetic or intravenous sedation. For more details please
you. See a full list of our branch locations on the back.
contact our team on 3837 0000.
Veteran Affairs / EPC patients
CPD Certificates
The endodontic group are happy to treat your Veteran Affairs and
Keep track of your CPD certificates on Dentist Connect. View and
Enhanced Primary Care patients. Please contact our friendly
download all previous endodontic group educational event CPD
reception team on 3837 0000 for more details.
Certificates at your convenience.
events The endodontic group is committed to working with its referring practitioners in supporting them to improve and build their practices. For this reason we have embarked on several education and social opportunities this year.
Duck & Pinot social evening
Thank you to all those who attended the recent Duck and Pinot Evening at Restaurant II. It was a great opportunity to indulge in a fine selection of Pinot’s carefully selected by Dr Ross Applegarth. Complimented by a Duck inspired canapé degustation from renowned chef David Pugh. A wonderful evening thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Brisbane Practice Development Workshop “Generational diversity within the workplace” Practice managers, receptionists and dental assistants were invited along to a practice development workshop in Brisbane presented by Fiona Galloway. This interactive forum gave an insight into one of the biggest challenges facing our nation over the next four decades with our ageing population - generational diversity within the workplace! All who attended had a great afternoon and said they gained some valuable tips they could take back to their workplaces. We are looking forward to the next workshop.
Educational evening seminars for Dental Practitioners on “The medico-legal minefield – keeping out of trouble in endodontics” by Dr John McNamara, “Endodontic Odyssey” by Dr Applegarth and other topics will be presented throughout the year in various locations including Brisbane Southside, Westside, Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba.
Practice development evening workshops for practice managers, receptionists and dental assistants
Keep an eye on Dentist Connect “Upcoming Events”
are coming up on the 8th of June at the Gold Coast and later in the year in Toowoomba and the
for further details
Sunshine Coast. Please send expression of interests to Michelle Rafton at MRafton@endodonticgroup.com.au
A Leadership presentation
Q & A with the endodontic
for Dentists
Dr Chris Nicolosi a well renowned
The team at
speaker and dentist himself will give a
fresh approach on “5 Traps of a Leader”.
will be hosting
An invaluable afternoon for dentists with
an educational
advice on improving and growing their
afternoon on Friday 5th of August at
practices not to be missed!
the Twin Waters Resort.
In appreciation of your support throughout
Dr Ross Applegarth, Dr William Bowles, Dr
the year the endodontic group are hosting
Bayardo Martell and Dr Jonathan Moore
a social evening and movie screening at
will be on hand to answer all of your
the Palace Barracks Cinema in Paddington
questions throughout this interactive Q & A.
on Thursday 1st of December...remember
Gold Coast
Thursday 18th of August 5.30-8.30pm
Friday 19th of August 1.30pm-5.00pm
Brisbane Movie night
to mark this one in your diary!
periodontitis was defined by lack of healing determined by
response to a microbial challenge; resulting in cytokine production,
radiographic examination, and clinical signs and symptoms of
and ultimately, bone resorption. We have long known that genetic
periapical disease. A significant difference in the distribution of the
factors influence inflammatory and immune responses in general,
polymorphic genotype was found among PAP cases (70.6%) and
and there is a variation in responses according to the individual’s
healed cases (24.6%). The association between genetic
genetic profile. Furthermore, variants in genes (known as genetic
polymorphism and lack of healing was confirmed, with the results
polymorphisms) exist, and these can have a profound impact on a
demonstrating that subjects with the specific polymorphic allele 2 of
disease process.
IL-1 were seven times more likely to have PAP.
Previous researchers have demonstrated an association between
The goal of endodontic treatment is complete healing of periapical
polymorphisms in the genes encoding Interleukin (IL)-1 and an
pathology. However, despite adhering to strict principles and
increased severity of periodontal disease. This study examined the
techniques in debridement and obturation, failure does occur in as
same genetic polymorphism regulating excessive IL-1 production in
many of 15% of cases. This is the first report to describe a genetic
relation to the increased presence of persistent apical periodontitis
marker that might identify patients with an increased risk of PAP
prior to the commencement of endodontic treatment.
Interleukin (IL)-1 is a proinflammatory cytokine that is a key regulator
The clinical implication is that a simple cheek swab would allow us
of host response to microbial infection. It has a critical role in
to screen for the polymorphism in the gene encoding IL-1 in
enhancing inflammatory reactions through stimulation of
patients to undergo endodontic treatment. Susceptible patients
lymphocytes, and production of prostaglandins and proteolytic
could be counseled regarding the potential for healing difficulties in
enzymes. IL-1 also comprises significant osteoclast activating
their particular case, and the possible need for future apical surgery.
factor, resulting in bone resorption, in addition to inhibiting bone
Endodontic treatment modifications for those patients considered
formation in periapical lesions. A specific polymorphic allele of IL-1
higher risk might include a more thorough irrigation regime, longer
(known as allele 2) has been identified, and is associated with a
intervisit dressings, and closer monitoring during the review period.
four-fold increase in IL-1 production. The findings of this study demonstrate that a specific polymorphism This retrospective case controlled study involved the DNA analysis
in the gene encoding IL-1 is associated with an increased incidence
of 95 healthy patients with root canal treatment completed at least
of persistent apical periodontitis following root canal treatment.
one year earlier, recruited during regular recall visits. Included in the
Given the pace of innovation in science, particularly in the area of
study were 61 healed cases. The remaining 34 cases presented
genetics, it is possible that the concept of genetic screening to
with persistent apical periodontitis (PAP), in circumstances where
determine at risk patients will indeed become part of endodontic
there was no obvious reason for root canal failure. Persistent apical
practice in our lifetime.
Sunshine Coast Maroochydore
Aspley Medical Centre Unit 2/1311 Gympie Road Aspley QLD 4034 p: 07 3837 0055 f: 07 3862 8254 aspley@endodonticgroup.com.au
Plaza Central Suite 1, 31-33 Plaza Parade Maroochydore QLD 4558 p: 07 5458 9600 f: 07 5479 4377 sc@endodonticgroup.com.au
Gold Coast Robina
Watkins Medical Centre 9th Floor 225 Wickham Tce Brisbane QLD 4000 p: 07 3837 0000 f: 07 3839 0058 info@endodonticgroup.com.au
HQ @ Robina Suite 35, Level 3, 58 Riverwalk Ave Robina QLD 4226 p: 07 5501 8900 f: 07 5562 1055 gc@endodonticgroup.com.au
Ipswich Professional Centre 46 Limestone Street Ipswich QLD 4305 p: 07 3281 5899 f: 07 3812 0690 info@endodonticgroup.com.au
22a James Street Toowoomba QLD 4350 p: 07 4638 5000 f: 07 3839 0058 info@endodonticgroup.com.au