Author, Illustrator Jerry Craft Wins Newberry Gold Medal for New Kid Author, illustrator and former Country School parent Jerry
Medal, the first graphic novel to receive the prize for the most
Craft (Aren ’15, Jaylen ’13) returned to campus to speak with
outstanding contribution to children’s literature.
Middle School students and faculty about his graphic novel
“His messages echoed those that Country School shares with
New Kid. Created specifically for children in the middle grades,
children — to stick with things that may seem hard, find and
the story follows seventh-grader Jordan Banks’ struggle to
explore your interests and passions, and to remain open to new
adjust to a school with little diversity and, as a light-skinned
connections,” said Head of Middle School Kirsten Rosolen.
African-American, within his home community. Widely praised for its honest portrayal of what it means to be “other,” New Kid was recently awarded the 2020 Newberry
(Above) Front row: Matt Silver, Capone Andrade, Consuelo Bowman, Marcus Ortiz and Ben Cali; back row: Sydni Francis, the author, Jerry Craft, and Kayla Mouzon.
Faculty v. Ninth Graders: A Tradition of Friendly Competition A long-standing school tradition, this good-natured rivalry sees the ninth grade class challenge the faculty-staff in various contests throughout the year, most notably in soccer, basketball and softball, followed typically by a springtime cookout. Regardless of the outcome, a strong sense of camaraderie between students and adults prevails. Some of the faculty and staff who participated in this year’s soccer game included Assistant Athletic Director Stefan Borowski, Maintenance Assistant Michael McGovern, Physical Education Coordinator, Teacher and Coach Chantal Angelis, Director of Alumni Affairs Holly Donaldson Casella ’04, Upper School Teacher Matthew McDonald, Technical Systems Analyst Freddy Gavidia, Maintenance Assistant Jimmy Torres, Physical Education Teacher and Coach Meegan Horn, Physical Education Apprentice Abigail Cerone, Middle School Apprentice Ian Coupe, Physical Education Teacher and Coach Steve Willson, Upper School Teacher Charles Khuen, Head of School Aaron Cooper, Facilities Supervisor John Neill, World Language Teacher Sean Robb, Maintenance Assistant Marc Keneally, Upper School Teacher Scott Lilley and Head of Middle School Kirsten Rosolen.
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