Outback Teen Center Catalog

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OUTBACK TEEN CENTER Helping teens to find their niche!

Mission: The Outback, New Canaan Teen Center, Inc., is dedicated to providing a positive and enriching environment in New Canaan where teens are able to relax, socialize, participate in self-directed activities, and have the opportunity to contribute to the community.



Organization Commitment: Provide a safe, comfortable, well-supervised facility where a diverse group of teens may socialize in a positive, alcohol-free and drug-free environment. Foster and encourage teen-managed activities through which teens can develop leadership qualities and interpersonal skills within the Teen Center, as well as the broader community. Deliver the highest-quality programs, activities, and events while maintaining affordability, balance, and equity across grades, genders, and interests.

Organization Goals: Establish outside funding sources, including partial funding and support for sponsored activities; organize and run external fundraising events; supplement funding through revenue generated at the facility; and manage the annual operating and programming expenses of the Teen Center. Recruit, train, develop, and retain a staff of knowledgeable, creative, and responsive people to interact with and supervise Outback users. Explore opportunities to maximize usage of the facility by the community when not in use by the teens. Ensure that the directors and staff are responsible for managerial and operational duties, and that the Student Governing Board is actively engaged in the development and promotion of Outback events and activities.


The Outback is wholly committed to all New Canaan

teenagers but serves them in specific and age-appropriate ways. The Teen Center is also a resource for the New Canaan community when usage beyond its primary purpose allows. To maintain a positive atmosphere, Outback activities are geared toward students in grades 9 through 12. Additional programs and activities are dedicated to students in grades 7 and 8. On occasion, special programs are provided for students in grade 6.



MEET THE DIRECTORS Lacey Arndt, Outback Director Lacey holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theater from the University of Hartford. Lacey previously worked for the Town of Stonington as their Youth & Family Services Administrator and most recently was the Program Director at the New Canaan YMCA, where she worked closely with youth, teen and family programs, such as Y-Guides & Y-Princesses, Middle School Madness, Project Adventure and taught theater to middle school aged youth. On January 1, 2009, Lacey was given the opportunity to serve as the Outback Teen Center Director as a YMCA employee. Lacey is a certified Red Cross Instructor. She is a member of the Youth Adult Partnership Board and the CHOICES committee.

Sarah Rivers, Outback Asst. Director A member of the Outback staff since 2007, Sarah earned her Master’s Degree in Community Counseling from the University of Bridgeport. Prior to working at the Outback, Sarah worked as a special education aide in Darien. Sarah enjoys working with the Student Governing Board (SGB) and is excited to see what the new middle school SGB has in store for the school year. Sarah is looking forward to the new programs that will be held at the Outback during the year as well as the events that are being planned.



BENEFITS TO BEING A MEMBER STILL NOT A MEMBER? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR MIDYEAR MEMBERSHIP FOR $60 AND HAVE COMPLETE ACCESS TO THE OUTBACK TEEN CENTER. OPEN RECREATION HOURS from 2:30-5:00 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday beginning fall 2009. VIDEO GAMES, POOL, AIR HOCKEY, FOOSBALL, AND PING PONG in the lower-level teen lounge. COOL FLICKS on the big screen and free popcorn on MOVIE AFTERNOONS. The LATEST SPORTING EVENTS & DVDs on one of our many TVs. OUTBACK CAFÉ run by the Apple Cart Food Company with Teen friendly food and prices! BACKPACK STORAGE inside the Outback after school, so you don’t have to worry about lugging it around town. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS available to you at a discount price. CLUB 78 ALL ACCESS PASS every Friday during the school year from 3:00-5:00 p.m. with themed events and activities. LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY to serve on our Middle School Student Governing Board (MSSGB) to work on fundraisers, community service projects, and plan Outback events for your peers. COOL EVENING EVENTS like Girls’ or Guys’ Nights In, Band Nights, etc. DANCES with DJ’s spinning today’s favorite music. MUSIC ROOM to jam out on your guitar or practice with your band. Registering your child not only ensures that he or she may attend dances and select events free of charge, but gives your child priority attendance.



7th/8th GRADE FALL PROGRAMS Winter/Spring classes will run for two-eight week sessions. Session one runs from February 22-April 23. Session two runs from April 26 through June 25. Please stop by the Outback Teen Center, or call to register for our classes by Friday, February 19. Please contact the Outback Teen Center at the First County Bank Sponsored hotline at 594-3074.


Have you ever wanted to try Yoga? Then this is the class for you and your friends. Led by a Yoga-certified YMCA staff instructor. Mats provided, or bring you own. This 8-week class will meet on Mondays from 3pm-4pm or 4pm-5pm. Fee: Members $60; Non-members $85

Beginner’s Photography Great class for those creative students interested in honing in on their photography skills. Participants will learn camera use and photography basics to create their very own portfolio of work. This 8 week class will take place on Tuesdays from 4pm-5pm. Fee: Members $60; Non-members $85

Boot Camp Led by a certified YMCA personal trainer, this class is sure to get you in great physical shape. Class will include a variety of strengthbuilding and fat-burning activities. This 8-week class will meet on Tuesdays from 5pm-6pm. Fee: Members $60; Non-members $85.

Film Making Lights! Camera! Action! Our young filmmakers will develop a story and learn to use Special FX to film it. They will work as a team as they write, shoot and edit their movies. The final day will end with the World Premiere for family and friends. Students are encouraged to bring their own camera digital tape and tripod \ class. More info on www.Filmmakers-Ink.com. Enrollment will be limited. Class taught by Filmmakers Ink staff. Please Register Early! This 8-week class will meet on Wednesdays from 3pm-4:30pm. Fee: Members $165; Non-members $190.



7th/8th GRADE FALL PROGRAMS Film Acting Prepare forathe frenetic pace a working set. Our young actors *Indicates class is taught byof a high schoolfilm professional.. will perform professional acting exercises designed to help them learn to live truthfully within their scenes, sharpen their listening skills, and work improvisationally. They will learn the concentration necessary for good work in film acting, and how to work as a team. This course, like all Filmmakers Ink courses, is designed to be effective for our more experienced students as well. This is a preparatory course for the Filmmakers Ink Summer Intensive. There is a $10 materials fee due to instructor at the first class. More info on www.Filmmakers-Ink.com. Classes will be taught by Filmmakers Ink instructors. Enrollment will be limited. Please Register Early! This 8-week class will meet on Wednesdays from 4:35pm-6:05pm. Fee: Members $165; Non-members $190. This class is only available for

session two.

Ju Jitsu Learn basic self-defense techniques from a certified Ju Jitsu trainer. Students will learn this ancient martial art used by Samurai warriors of war-torn Japan. The art itself consists of punches, kicks, throws, and ground-grappling. This 8-week class will meet on Wednesdays 5:15pm-6:15pm. Fee: Members $60; Non-members $85

*Billiards Instruction Become the best pool player you can be. Learn the tricks of the trade in this beginner billiards instruction class. This 8-week class will take place on Thursdays from 3pm-4pm. Fee: Members $60; Non -members $85

*Hip Hop So you think you can dance? This class is for the movers and shakers of the middle school world. Learn hip hop to your favorite dance songs. This 8-week class will meet on Thursdays from 4pm-5pm. Fee: Members $60, Non-members $85

* Class will be taught by a High School Teen.



7th/8th GRADE FALL PROGRAMS Cheerleading—High Flyers Students will quickly learn and review beginner and intermediate cheer/gymnastics skills. Emphasis will be placed on perfecting these skills as well as learning more advanced skills appropriate for this age level. Beginning tumbling skills will be reviewed and strengthened through various drills, and exercises and new skills will include running tumbling and more advanced skills, such as back handsprings and back tucks. Lesson plans will incorporate lots of strength training and conditioning as well as fun team-building exercises. All of these skills will be incorporated into an entertaining, skill packed performance routine at the end of the session! This class will truly prepare any High Flyer for high-school cheerleading. This 8-week class will meet on Tuesdays from 3pm-4:15pm. Fee: Members $200; Non-members $225.

Middle School Student Governing Board (MSSGB) The Outback is looking for teens interested in planning teen events, developing a community service project from beginning to end, working with a team of peers, and who are interested in leadership opportunities while having the support of Adult mentors. The MSSGB will meet every other Tuesday from 6pm-7pm. Please check out our calendar for a schedule.

Other afterschool activities Every Friday afternoon the Outback will offer Club 78. This is a program dedicated only to 7th/8th graders. We will have special themed events from 3:00-5:00 pm. Club 78 will begin on Friday, Sept. 18 and run throughout the school year. Members FREE; Non-members $3.

Can’t jam out on your instrument at home? Need a place for your band to practice? Use the Outback Music room. Must be signed out in advance and is for members only! Musicians need to bring their own instruments.



WHAT KIDS NEED: THRIVING AND SPARKS WHAT IS THRIVING? Thriving is a new way to define and understand the dynamics of healthy development. The term ―thriving‖ is used to complement the litany of negative outcomes, such as ―avoiding alcohol and other drug abuse‖ and ―avoiding teen pregnancy,‖ that have dominated federal, state, and foundation approaches to documenting the health of U.S. teenagers for decades. As the conversation around thriving matures, it is expected that youth will begin to hear a new vocabulary about why they matter and why their healthy development is crucial for growing the health and vibrancy of the society in which they live. What Makes the Idea of Thriving Unique? Thriving is focused both on how an individual is ―doing‖ at any given point in time as well as the path that he or she is taking into the future, and effectively takes into account both the current status of a young person and a process that unfolds over time. Markers and Indicators of Thriving The development of sound indicators of thriving has three purposes: To provide U.S. communities with a more balanced view of adolescents and their capabilities and contributions. To provide programs and agencies with an alternative set of metrics for evaluating program success (indeed, many youth development programs are designed with positive outcome intentions but forced to make their case by documenting their impact on risk behaviors).



WHAT KIDS NEED: THRIVING AND SPARKS To posit a set of positive indicators that could begin a national and international conversation about the kinds of constructive behavior, postures and commitments societies value and need in youth. What are Sparks? The idea of a ―spark‖ is one of the central metaphors in understanding thriving. A spark is an interest, talent, skill, asset, or dream that truly excites a young person and helps them discover their true passions, whether they be academic, relational, athletic, artistic, or intellectual—anything that inspires and motivates. Sparks ―light a fire‖ in a person. But sparks, by themselves, go can out if they are not nurtured with enough ongoing fuel to keep them alive and strengthen them. This fuel comes in the form of supportive peers and adults who help celebrate, affirm, and grow a young person’s sparks and are essential if those sparks are to help the young person truly thrive. Why are Sparks Important? Sparks help give young people joy and energy, meaning, purpose, and direction. Pursuing one’s sparks helps young people make positive choices about their activities and use of time, helps them develop their potential to the fullest, and helps them contribute to their families, schools, and communities right now, as young people. Young people with sparks lead more caring, responsible, healthy, and productive lives than those who do not have sparks provided for students in grade 6. For more information on Thriving and Sparks or on the 40 Developmental Assets, please check out http://www.search -institute.org/.



FEBRUARY 2010 2/5 – CLUB 78, DDR Tournament, 3-5 PM 2/6 – 8th Grade Dance, 7-10 PM 2/9 – MSSGB Meeting, 6-7 PM 2/11 – 7th/8th Grade Pre-Vacation Party, 2:30-5 PM 2/23 – MSSGB Meeting, 6-7 PM 2/26 – CLUB 78, Olympic Style, 3-5 PM 2/26 – 7th Grade Dance, 7-10 PM 2/27 – 7th/8th Grade Boys Night Out, Video Game Tournament, 6-8 PM

MARCH 2010 3/5 – CLUB 78, 3-5 PM 3/5 – 8th Grade Special Event, 7-10 PM 3/12 – CLUB 78, 3-5 PM 3/12 – 7th Grade Special Event, 7-10 PM 3/13 – 7th/8th Grade Girls Night Out, Jam Out in your jammies! Learn Hip Hop Routine, 6-8 PM 3/16 - SGB Meeting, 6-7 PM 3/19 – CLUB 78, 3-5 PM 3/19 - 6th Grade Movie Night, 6pm-9pm 3/30 - SGB Meeting, 6-7 PM Event dates may change please check out our website for the most up to date information at www.ncoutbacktc.com.



APRIL 2010 4/13 4/16 4/16 4/23 4/23 4/27 4/30 4/30

- SGB Meeting, 6-7 PM – CLUB 78, 3-5 PM – 8th Grade Special Event, 7-10 PM – CLUB 78, 3-5 PM – 7th Grade Special Event, 7-10 PM - SGB Meeting, 6-7 PM – CLUB 78, 3-5 PM – 7th/8th Grade Boys Night Out, 6-8 PM

MAY 2010 5/4 - SGB Meeting, 6-7 PM 5/7 – CLUB 78, 3-5 PM 5/7 – 8th Grade Special Event, 7-10 PM 5/13 – 7th/8th Grade Girls Night Out, 5-7 PM 5/18 - SGB Meeting, 6-7 PM 5/21 – CLUB 78, 3-5 PM 5/21 – 7th Grade Special Event, 7-10 PM 5/28 – CLUB 78, 3-5 PM Event dates may change please check out our website for the most up to date information at www.ncoutbacktc.com.

WINTER/SPRING PROGRAMS 2010 71 Main Street PO Box 1255 New Canaan, CT 06840 Phone: 203-594-3074 Fax: 203-594-3131 E-mail: outbackteencenter@gmail.com www.ncoutbacktc.com

Questions? Please contact Lacey Arndt, Outback Director, or Sarah Rivers, Assistant Director, or at the First County Bank- Sponsored Hotline at 594-3074 or email us at outbackteencenter@gmail.com. Check us out! Outback Website www.ncoutbacktc.com or on Facebook.

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