18 July 2019

Page 1

thursday 18 july 2019

Health Feature P19 JUDY SHARPE

Mid-winter blues Your go-to trades & services guide P57


Real estate P34 FASHION

Day 2 Night TASTE

Berry delicious


Flood clean-up



TV guide P51


Newcastle Weekly contents

thursday 18 july 2018

This week... From the editor The more I talk to artists, the better I understand that art is a learned skill, to which there are no prerequisites. This total novice had a crack at resin art last weekend, thanks to the talented Effie of Artalicious Studios, who invited me to attend a four-hour workshop with a fabulous bunch of ladies. The process involved mixing epoxy resin, colouring it with pastes, glitters and inks, and pouring to our hearts’ content while manipulating the patterns that emerged with a heat gun. The whole thing was very cathartic. Despite all being beginners, I think everyone walked away with two pieces of wall art they were proud of – myself included. It just goes to show that, even though you might not think you’re creative, you can still produce art. Just like any other skill, however, there is always room for improvement. I think it would take some serious finessing to replicate the lunar-looking artwork I had my eye on in Effie’s studio (especially if we apply the 10,000 hours of practice rule to master a skill), but don’t let that put you off – shoot for the stars! Speaking of, a special shoutout goes to my dad this week, who celebrates his 50th birthday on Sunday 21 July – the same day man landed on the moon (AEST). - Georgia Osland

04 06 12 16

More logging journeys digitally

Driverless revolution Next step for smart city

Festive fun to start toy run Bikers support kids

Gymnasts fly high Country championships at Glendale

Regulars 04 News 18 Socials & Have You Heard 19 Health Feature 24 Taste 25 Time Out 30 The Look 31 Home 32 Judy Sharpe gardening 34 Real Estate 51 TV Guide 55 Puzzles & Stars 57 Trades and Services 62 My Favourite Things

www.newcastleweekly.com.au Since September 2015


on the cover

Guide Dog puppy Boyd helps promote Guide Dogs NSW/ACT’s expansion of its puppy raising program to the Hunter Region. See cover story, page 14.


24 34

Competitions 25 Tim McGraw at Hope Estate double pass 61 Professional Bull Riders tickets 61 Harvest Garden skincare pack 61 Newcastle Weekly competition winners

Editor Georgia Osland 19 Pearson Street Charlestown NSW 2290


Boaties by the numbers


Photographer Peter Stoop


Editorial & Advertising Enquiries T 02 4037 4000 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Nick Samaras

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news Lake boaties go digital The number of boaties logging journeys with Marine Rescue Lake Macquarie via radio or phone call has dropped. From January to June, 1,867 calls were made to the Swansea Heads base, which was lower than usual, according to unit commander Mal Wardrop. During one particularly busy June weekend, Mr Wardrop said about half of all trips were registered digitally via the Marine Rescue smartphone app. “On a busy day, there could be three or four boats waiting to give their details,” he said. “This way, they don’t have to wait for [volunteers] to ask the colour, length of their vessel and how many people are on board, tying up the radio channel. “Of course, we still love to talk to the boaties.” In the same six-month period, 8,537 radio calls were made from the radio base at Swansea. This number was also down year-on-year, and that trend looks set to continue, if the first half of 2019 is anything to go by. The base usually clocks about 30,000 calls a year on average.

Of those 8,537 calls, 202 prompted vessel dispatches from the Pelican Boat Base. Mr Wardrop said newly-commissioned vessel, Neil Grieves, attended the majority of those, primarily in “outside” (open ocean) conditions. Volunteers attend all types of rescues, from basic tows and jump starts to emergencies. Rescues are categorised into three levels: assist (flat batteries), code two (boat about to be washed ashore), and code one (people in the water or vessel on fire). Most recently, volunteers assisted in the search for a 62-year-old fisherman who was swept from Snapper Rocks. His body was recovered last Thursday. That same day, their Newcastle and Port Stephens comrades were called out to a catamaran capsize incident off the coast of Newcastle, in which three people died and two were rescued. “Marine Rescue is not for everybody; every now and then it is not a pleasant duty, but our volunteers are prepared for that,” Mr Wardrop added.

Marine Rescue Lake Macquarie volunteers assist people on the lake. Photo: Marine Rescue Lake Macquarie

“My guys – all 150 of them – are pretty special, and that’s not taking anything away from our brothers and sisters in the RFS [Rural Fire Service] and SES [State Emergency Service].” There are roles for everyone in Marine Rescue, from fundraising and administration to logistics, training and event coordination. The Lake Macquarie unit will hold an information night at the Pelican base on Wednesday 24 July from 7pm for anyone who would like to find out more. Phone 0427 952 432. - Georgia Osland

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news Driverless shuttle bus arrives in city Newcastle council has ushered in the future of automated transport with the arrival of a brandnew driverless shuttle bus. The 11-seater vehicle was unveiled for the first time at private operator Keolis Downer’s Hamilton depot last week. The bus will undergo safety testing before passengers can enjoy the unique service along the harbour foreshore as part of a 12-month trial. The trial is set to gauge demand for driverless vehicle operations and assess their suitability in mixed traffic and transport scenarios in Newcastle. Lord mayor Nuatali Nelmes said it was a major milestone in the smart city journey. “The city’s vision for a smart, integrated transport network begins in earnest with the arrival of this new driverless vehicle, which we propose connecting with Newcastle’s integrated public transport network,” she said. “We are planning for passengers to be able to take in views of the city’s harbour along the proposed two-kilometre loop service from Watt Street along Wharf Road to Nobbys and back, making it very appealing to tourists.

“A larger circuit will include some of Newcastle’s other beachside destinations after a couple of months.” Keolis Downer’s new mobilities manager, Sue Wiblin, said the trial was being developed in accordance with national and state legislation to ensure it met all safety standards. “In-built computers and sensing systems capable of detecting obstacles, anticipating movement and evaluating risk of collision are what sets this vehicle apart from the risks associated with human-controlled cars,” she said. “These systems are capable of detecting vehicle movement and are also able to determine the travel route, make decisions to slow down, brake, and alternate the vehicle’s path if required.” A chaperone will be on board to stop the vehicle via an override system if necessary. In March, Newcastle Weekly spoke to University of Newcastle professor Kristen Pammer, who studied attentional allocation in driving, reading and dyslexia. She said the introduction of fully autonomous vehicles could lead to an increase in safety.

The new driverless vehicle at Keolis Downer’s Hamilton bus depot.

“It will save billions of dollars in terms of car crashes and injuries,” Professor Pammer said at the time. “Then there’s the smart city development – it will reduce congestion, emissions, and make transport more efficient. “But these [advantages] are really only going to become apparent once we have full autonomy and a connected system. “Therein lies the problem – to get to that point.” Professor Pammer argued potential issues could include hijackings of the computer system; legal implications if there was an injury or crash; and moral decision-making dilemmas when a human could not take control. - Ben Murphy

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news Pedestrian safety works at Redhead

Thousands raised for homelessness

Mobile counselling launches in region

Works to improve pedestrian safety around Redhead Beach are under way. The works include the construction of 165 metres of new footpath, pedestrian refuge and other upgrades on the southern side of Beach Road, where kerb and channel, guardrail and pedestrian fencing will also be installed. Drainage improvements will also be made to the footpath at the northeast corner of Beach Road and Steel Street. Lake Macquarie council’s asset manager Helen Plummer says the new footpath will create a continuous link between existing footpaths along Collier, Steel and Cowlishaw streets, connecting the retail hub of Redhead to the much-loved beach. “With traffic and pedestrian volumes in the area continually increasing, it is essential for enhancements to be undertaken in this area to improve accessibility and safety for the community,” she says. Works are expected to wrap up later this year.

The 2019 Vinnies CEO Sleepout Newcastle raised more than $181,000 for homelessness services. Fifty-three CEOs and eight executive teams camped out in the cold on makeshift cardboard beds at McDonald Jones Stadium. The top five fundraisers were John Kell, Hicksons Lawyers ($15,421); Will Wright, Douglas Partners ($11,916); Adam Boyle, Pegasus ($11,899); Simon Linge, Bradken ($9,333); and Trish Sellars, Think Solutions Cleaning ($8,612). The top 10 CEOs raised a staggering $90,409 collectively. More than 116,000 people in Australia are currently experiencing homelessness – 14% of whom are aged under 12 and 39% under 25. Over a third of Australians experiencing homelessness are based in NSW. Donations are still being accepted until 31 July, while registrations for the June 2020 sleepout kick off on 1 August. Go to ceosleepout.org.au for more.

Reflex Social Services has launched a mobile counselling service for people living in the Newcastle region. The charity, founded in 2015, is using all proceeds from its services to create a rapid response trauma counselling service for those in need. “Current mental health support services are often overstretched, with long wait times, which leave people by themselves in the vital first few days after a traumatic event,” director of operations, Damien Southam, says. “We hope to change that, so people can get the help that they need, when and where they need it.” At-home counselling services are now available. The services include one-on-one, family, skill building and mentoring, and trauma aftermath response. Visit reflex.org.au to make a booking or to find more information on the charity.


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news Check-ups to close the gap A five-year research project has been awarded a $745,000 grant to close the gap by increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who receive an annual health check by their GP. Renowned population health researcher, Laureate professor Rob Sanson-Fisher, from the University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI), will lead a team of expert Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Indigenous people have a life expectancy of about eight years less than nonIndigenous Australians. Professor Sanson-Fisher said timely diagnosis and appropriate management was vital to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. “Aboriginal people often receive

a diagnosis at a more advanced stage of chronic disease, which means there’s less opportunity to prevent their condition and health deteriorating,” he said. Chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, mental and substance use disorders, and cancer were listed as major contributors to unhealthy ageing. “The prevalence of most chronic diseases increases with age and affects not only physical health, but also the broader contributors to the wellbeing of older Aboriginal people, including participation in family, community and cultural leadership roles and connection with community networks,” professor Sanson-Fisher said. The project will comprise of strategies like medical education, recall and reminder systems, and mailed invitations to patients.

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news Festive fun to start toy run It will be an afternoon of mates, motorcycles, and goodwill. Bikers for Kids’ Newcastle Toy Run is set to kickstart its annual fundraising drive for children in need during the festive season. The toy run, which enters its 42nd year, will launch with a Christmas in July celebration at Friday Bar Eats ‘n Beats at The Station, on the corner of Scott and Watt streets, tomorrow (Friday 19 July). Every December, more than 10,000 motorcycles from Newcastle and beyond roar into action for a vibrant fundraiser unlike any other. In 2018, a Superheroes edition raised an estimated $36,000 in cash and about $60,000 worth of gifts, while around 4,000 families were assisted with toys and presents from the Salvation Army. This year’s theme – Costume for Kids – has been inspired by the

Superheroes’ success, as well as the community’s ongoing commitment to help one another. Bikers for Kids treasurer Stephen Meek said he hoped the 2019 edition would be even better. “The Superheroes thing last year went off like a frog in a sock, it was amazing actually,” he told Newcastle Weekly. “There was a good turnout of locals and that’s really what we want to do in the long run – shift it away from the potbellied old guys and get more community involvement. “Bottom line is that’s what it’s all about – the kids and marginalised families in the community, always has been.” The launch will include a special appearance from Santa Ray and his sleigh, as well as the Salvation Army and Hunter Heroes. Celebrations kick off under the

Bikers for Kids Newcastle Toy Run treasurer Stephen Meek and president Daryn Young at The Station. Photo: Peter Stoop

Christmas Tree at 4pm and will continue into the evening. Mr Meek said The Station was an ideal location for the launch of a brand-new campaign. “This is the first time we’ve been here, it’s a fantastic site for this kind of thing,” he said. “It is probably almost big enough to bring the toy run to, but not quite. “That’s our problem – we used to go to the foreshore before the

Supercars – they finish a week before us, but the bump-out is two or three weeks. “We’re very happy with Wickham Park though, it’s a great venue as well – there is lots of room, lots of shade.” The Newcastle Toy Run will take place on Sunday 1 December, with the ride starting at Stockton and ending at Wickham Park. - Ben Murphy

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Survey on youth skills





Hunter businesses have been encouraged to raise awareness about the importance of youth skills development and help tackle unemployment amongst young people. “Globally, the United Nations estimates that youth unemployment is almost three times higher than the rest of the population and that imbalance is also represented here in the Hunter, where youth unemployment is more than double the general unemployment rate,” Hunter Business Chamber chief executive, Bob Hawes, said. “The latest figures show youth unemployment at 10.4% in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie and 11.8% in the Hunter Valley, compared with general unemployment rates of 4.7% and 5.4% respectively.” Mr Hawes’ comments came amid World Youth Skills Day, which took place on Monday. He said it was vital for the future of the economy that young people connect with work, and that businesses were able to source skills locally. The NSW Business Chamber released its 2019 Workforce Skills Survey this week, which will gather information on the skills needs of the state’s businesses. Mr Hawes called on local employers to participate in the survey, stating it gave them a chance to discuss their “skill challenges, experiences with the training system and, importantly, the challenges and benefits of developing young people in the workplace”. Go to surveymonkey.com/r/2019workforce to complete the survey. It will be open until Monday 29 July.


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cover story to expand its highly popular volunteer puppy raising program to the Hunter Region. This is the first time the charity will have a Puppy Development Adviser and program based out of its Newcastle office on Wharf Road. Up to 30 puppies must be placed in Newcastle, Maitland and Lake Macquarie, with the young pups requiring a warm, loving home for their first year. Guide Dogs NSW/ACT’s Puppy Liaison Coordinator, Kristie Lee, says there has been a great response so far. “We’re looking to get about 30 puppies [homed] by Christmas time,” she tells Newcastle Weekly. “A lot of people apply and not everyone is suitable. “Obviously, you’ve got to love dogs and know that puppies are a lot of work in the beginning. “The main thing is spending enough time with One of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT’s puppies. them and having enough time to take them to training and to put the effort in. “If you don’t think you can commit for the As demand for Guide Dogs grows due to an whole year, then we’re also looking for temporary ageing population, so too does the need to raise carers as well.” and train more puppies that will make a difference Puppy raisers are responsible for everyday to the life of someone with sight loss. activities such as grooming, house training and To that end, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT has worked exercising their pups. 190401_CG_NWeekly_HALF_01.qxp_Newcastle Weekly 1/04/2019 3:41 PM Page 1

Paws to the fore

Volunteers will need to have access to a car, a fully fenced yard, not be away from home for more than four hours at a time, and be able to attend training days in their local area. They must also be available for information sessions, vet checks and puppy pre-school when required. Guide Dogs NSW/ACT will provide a strong support network. Ms Lee says the role of Puppy Development Adviser, which has been filled by Novocastrian Page Power, will be of benefit. “[Page] will take over the weekly and fortnightly classes and will be on hand for any questions,” she says. “She’ll do all the necessary checks and have the relationships with the puppy raisers.” In Australia, 28 people are diagnosed with sight loss that cannot be corrected every day, including nine who become blind. An estimated 122,000 people in NSW and the ACT have a vision impairment serious enough to affect their everyday lives. Puppy raiser applications in Newcastle and the Hunter are now open. Visit guidedogs.com.au or phone 4579 7555. - Ben Murphy

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Parking boost for motorists New technology that has helped revolutionise parking in European cities is now available for motorists within Newcastle’s CBD. Find & Park is the latest addition to Newcastle council’s EasyPark app, which allows users to pay for parking and top-up any additional time needed, remotely, using their smartphone. Deputy lord mayor Declan Clausen believed it would be a gamechanger for parking in the city. “Find & Park takes the stress out of driving by providing motorists with clear, concise information on where best to find a park,” he said. “It is an incredibly intelligent form of technology that has been adopted by some of the world’s smartest and most technologically savvy cities, such as Stockholm, Copenhagen, Berlin, Rome, Milan, and Barcelona.” To use Find & Park, motorists can open the EasyPark app and click ‘Find’, then enter their destination. An in-built map then guides them to the best parking area closest to their destination. Cr Clausen added it would play a major role in easing congestion caused by motorists searching for parks. “Information provided by EasyPark shows about 30% of traffic in congested European cities, where the technology originates, is caused by people searching for parking,” he said. The Find & Park service is currently only available within the Newcastle CBD, however, the council will work to expand the footprint.

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Nicholas Marsh on the pommel horse at Hunter Sports Centre. Photo: Peter Stoop

Gymnasts’ balancing act at country championships Some of the state’s best and brightest gymnasts have hit the Hunter Sports Centre for the annual Gymnastics NSW Country Championships. About 3,000 athletes, officials and

spectators are expected to arrive at the Glendale-based facility this week. Women’s gymnastics kicked off the five days of competition on Wednesday, while men swing into

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action on Saturday morning. One of the male competitors, Cameron Jeanes, has been a gymnast for five years. The 13-year-old is set to take on all six apparatus – floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars and horizontal bar – and can’t wait to perform on home turf. “We’re used to the bars and all the apparatus here,” Jeanes says. “When we go down to Sydney to do a competition it can feel a bit weird, so that’s the advantage we have in the country championships.” Hunter Sport Centre programs manager Rohan Kennedy believes the event is important to strengthen gymnastics in regional areas. “We are one of the very few programs or gymnastics centres around the Hunter Region that offers men’s gymnastics,” he says. “So, it’s important for the sport that we provide a competitive outlet for these young athletes and they’re

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all doing extremely well at the moment.” Kennedy says plans for a $35 million expansion of the centre will be a major boost. Lake Macquarie council lodged a development application last month, with proposed upgrades set to include a three-storey extension, an athletics warm-up and testing area, and a $10 million trampolining centre of excellence. “Hunter Sports Centre was always designed to be a regional hub for gymnastics and athletics and, 20 years on, that is still the vision,” Kennedy says. “Expanding into trampolining, specifically, will allow that vision to continue – it’s an area of gymnastics where we already have strength in the region. “So, having a dedicated facility for that purpose would really benefit trampolining in Australia.” The event wraps up this Sunday. - Ben Murphy

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Canterbury’s Brandon Wakeham is tackled by Shaun Kenny-Dowall during the round 17 clash at McDonald Jones Stadium on Friday night. Photo: Getty Images

Key clash looms for Knights A run of one win in its last four matches has pushed the Newcastle Knights to the edge of the NRL’s top eight. Newcastle slid to seventh on the ladder after a 20-14 loss to the

Canterbury Bulldogs in round 17 at McDonald Jones Stadium on Friday night. This weekend’s assignment does not get much tougher as the premiers await at the Sydney




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who raced 70 metres downfield. Canterbury spread the ball wide from the play-the-ball and Will Hopoate stormed through to score. Just past the hour mark, Newcastle forward James Gavet was sin-binned for a late hit on Chris Smith and former Knight Nick Meaney slotted the penalty kick to lock it up at 8-all. The Bulldogs then took full advantage of the extra man to score two quick tries for a 20-8 lead. Kenny-Dowall responded in the 73rd minute with his second try of the night, but the visitors held on for a gritty win. Newcastle’s round 18 clash with the Sydney Roosters will kick off at 3pm on Saturday 20 July. Star fullback Kalyn Ponga is expected to return from a calf injury, which kept him out of the State of Origin decider. - Ben Murphy




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Cricket Ground. Sydney went on a streak of eight wins in a row earlier in the season but has since been inconsistent during a stretch of five defeats in its past seven matches, which included a 15-12 loss to North Queensland on Sunday. For Newcastle, the clash with the Roosters is a chance to get its playoff push back on track. In the loss to Canterbury, the Knights took an early lead when Mitchell Pearce, fresh off his first Origin series win, floated a brilliant long ball to Shaun KennyDowall, who strolled across to score untouched. It remained 6-0 until the 47th minute when Knights half Mason Lino booted a penalty goal after a high tackle on Josh King. The Bulldogs finally hit back 10 minutes later. Lino’s grubber kick was picked up by centre Marcelo Montoya,


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Offer 1: 50% off your second item* off the recommended retail price on selected range of sofas and furniture & homewares. Offer available between 02/07/19 till 22/07/19 (inclusive). *50% off the recommended retail price of the second item to be of equal or lesser value only. OR Offer 2: Up to 50% off* the recommended retail price on a selected range of sofas displayed as Season special* sofas. Sale prices on these sofas are as marked in-store and online. *Both 1 and 2 offers exclude Introductory new offers, Hot Buys*, clearance, Guardsman warranties, purchases of gift cards, Glasshouse and Cira candles. OR Offer 3: Clearance* up to 50% off* the recommended retail price on a select range of furniture and homewares. Sale prices on these products are as marked in-store and online. Clearance* is discontinued products and run-out lines which are sold at a reduced price. Clearance* products are not available with any other offer or promotion. Clearance* products may not be available at all stores and are available whilst stock lasts. Warranty and Consumer Guarantees apply in accordance with the Australian Consumer Law.* All offers are not available in conjunction with any other offer. * ZIP Finance available for purchases with all offers on 6 months and 12 months (minimum spend of $1999 applies) plans with 0% interest free. Available in-store and online to approved applicants. Additional conditions apply*. Latitude finance not accepted on either offer. *See www.ozdesignfurniture.com.au/promotions for more information. 25% off almost everything* available on homewares. Offer available between 13-07-19 till 14-07-2019 (inclusive). Sale prices for homewares are as marked on-line. Sales prices for homewares are not displayed in-store but 25% discount off the recommended retail price will be applied at time of purchase. Offer excludes Introductory new offers*, clearance, Glasshouse and Circa candles. Offer not available in conjunction with any other offer. ZIP finance available for purchases under this offer on 6-month plans with 0% interest free. Available in-store and online to approved applicants only. Additional conditions apply*. Latitude finance not accepted on this offer. *See www.ozdesignfurniture.com.au/promotions for more information.


KOTARA Ph: 8834 4690, Shop 13 Kotara Home, 150 Park Ave RUTHERFORD Ph: 8834 4733, Primewest Rutherford, Shop 10/11,343 New England Hwy GOSFORD 8834 4700 TUGGERAH 8834 4750


social scene

Bianca Marshall, Imy Sutton, Tash Lewis

Diane Acedilla, Tom Randle, Adrienne Drisk

Sofia Pauley, Madeline Pauley

Beth Lotoanui, Suli Jon Lotoanui

Jenny Brimble, Lynda Reeves

Jon Chin, Leng Chin, Steve Maddenson

Ruby Allen, Lilly Allen

Tara Dever, Todd Heard

Pink Race Day for the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation, Newcastle Racecourse. Photos: AJM Photography ABOVE RIGHT: NAIDOC Family Fun Day at Maitland Park. Photos: Peter Stoop ABOVE LEFT:

Probus club welcomes new members into the fold Charlestown Probus Club always welcomes new members. The club meets on the first Monday of the month (next meeting 5 August) from 10.15am at Central Leagues Club (Bula Street, Charlestown).

Enjoy friendship, guest speakers, bowls, walks and a variety of activities throughout the year. Phone or text John on 0400 445 748 for further information.

Share your community event. Email editorial@newcastleweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.


The Australian Red Cross is holding its annual 2019 Winter Donation Drive. Your preloved clothing could help the organisation provide disaster relief or help others in need. Donate your items in store and the money raised from the sale will provide

valuable funds to Red Cross. Anyone who donates goods from 22 July to 30 August will go into the draw to win one of 13, $50 Red Cross Shops vouchers. Drop into the Hamilton or Junction stores and speak to the friendly staff to participate.

HAVE YOU HEARD? what's on

Learn about Learning for Life Bel Air View Club holds monthly luncheon meetings on the third Monday of the month (next meeting 19 August) at South Leagues Club, Merewether. Guests are welcome to learn about View Clubs and their support of Learning for Life students, a

Declutter, donate and transform lives

program, run by The Smith Family, which sponsors disadvantaged students. VIEW stands for the Voice, Interests and Education of Women. Phone 4957 4464 for all enquiries and bookings with Bel Air View Club.

must do

must see

Join the Newcastle Autoimmune Café Conversation Join the Newcastle Autoimmune Café Conversation, Friday 26 July at 11:30am. Meetings take place at the Wests New Lambton bistro (Hobart Road, New Lambton). Come along to find out more

about the Autoimmune Resource & Research Centre’s work in the Hunter Region. If you would like to attend, RSVP to Carolyn on 0409 566 889. Visit autoimmune.org.au for more information.

Health feature

MAYFIELD DENTAL CARE & THORNTON DENTAL Mayfield Dental Care & Thornton Dental practices in Mayfield and Thornton boast state-of-the-art technologies and techniques with old fashioned, family-friendly service to deliver holistic dental care. Dr Sri and Dr Sherwin Li, with their experienced staff, focus on consultation and engagement with patients to ensure the experience is pain-free in every way. Specialising in all aspects of dentistry for all your dental needs. A: 181 Maitland Road, Mayfield | 9/1 Taylor Avenue, Thornton T: 4023 3885 | 4966 2996 W: mayfielddentalcare.com.au | thorntondental.com.au

HOME CARE ASSISTANCE NEWCASTLE Home Care Assistance Newcastle is a locally owned and operated company that provides in-home care to older adults. It is an approved provider of government Home Care Packages. Client-directed care is the pride of Home Care Assistance Newcastle, with clients able to guide their support workers according to their needs. Whether the client needs help with cooking dinner, showering, or someone to drive them to the shops or the weekly bingo down at the club, the qualified support worker is there to meet those needs. Consistency of care and value for money is also a key priority at Home Care Assistance Newcastle. There are low case management fees, which means more money for direct care services. There are also no exit fees if in-home care is no longer suitable. T: 4089 3000 W: homecareassistancenewcastle.com.au

Need support to stay home? Approved Provider of Home Care Packages 24/7 Live-in and Hourly Care in Newcastle, Maitland & Port Stephens • Consistency of care with carefully matched Carers • Personalised care so you can thrive • Zero exit fees, low case management fees – so more care hours for you •

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Changing the Way the World Ages 19

nw advertising feature ZOE T YLEE HYPNOTHER APY If you have a fear or phobia that’s stopping you from doing things, hypnosis can help. Sessions are pleasantly relaxing, and you’ll quickly get back in control. A: 48 Smith Street, Charlestown W: zoetyleehypnotherapy.com.au T: 0432 800 168

LAKE MACQUARIE PRIVATE HOSPITAL With over 30 years’ experience in cardiac catheterisation and over 8,000 cardiac bypass procedures, Lake Macquarie Private Hospital is cardiac care. A: 3 Sydney Street, Gateshead T: 4943 3122 W: lakemacquarieprivate.com

Are you getting the most out of your private health insurance? Experience you can trust • Over 30 years experience in cardiac catheterization • Almost 25 years of coronary bypass surgery Surgical and Acute Services • Seven operating theatres and a vascular laboratory • Broad range of surgical procedures performed • 12 bed intensive care unit • 10 bed coronary care unit • Over 1,400 joint replacement procedures performed per year • 39 bed orthopaedic ward • Oncology Services



Lake Macquarie Private Hospital is a 187 bed acute Medical and advanced Surgical hospital situated on the Pacific Highway at Gateshead, 15 kms south of the Newcastle CBD. It provides specialised private health care services in a number of specialties as well as the only private Emergency Department in regional NSW. The ED has minimal wait times and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. Lake Macquarie Private is also home to the Hunter Cancer Centre, the Region’s only fully comprehensive private cancer care service. If you have private health insurance and are admitted to a public hospital, you can request to continue your treatment and recovery at Lake Macquarie Private Hospital. Speak to your Doctor to arrange a referral, or contact us directly on 02 4943 3122

3 Sydney Street, Gateshead, NSW 2290 Ph: 02 4943 3122

nw advertising feature


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nw advertising feature NOVOCASTRIAN EAR CLINIC Ear cleaning with microsuction at Novocastrian Ear Clinic: • Safe; • Convenient location; • Recommended by audiologist; • Phone today for an appointment on 4927 6451. A: Level 1, 88 Park Avenue, Kotara T: 4927 6451

MINDSET MAKEOVER Are you suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Researchers at Monash University have found gut-directed hypnotherapy to be just as effective in treating IBS as the FODMAP diet and participants showed long-term improvements*. Contact me to discover how I can help you relieve symptoms and enjoy life again. *monash.edu/news/articles/gut-reaction-right-on-hypnotherapy A: Suite 6, Level 1, 744 Hunter Street, Newcastle West W: mindsetmakeover.site E: rebekahmking@gmail.com

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nw advertising feature IAN EMSLIE OPTOMETRIST Ian Emslie Optometrist is an independent, family-owned business. Providing quality eyecare to the local area for more than 35 years. Ian welcomes new and existing clients. A: Shop 22, Warners Bay Village, Warners Bay T: 4947 4577

HUNTER CPAP We offer personalised, quality service and expert advice for all your CPAP needs. See us in-store for the top range of machines, masks and accessories. A: Shop 43, 334 Charlestown Road, Charlestown (parking in Hilltop Plaza) T: 4077 3889 W: huntercpap.com.au

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Berry delicious

Thought berries were only a summer fruit? Think again! July is the start of blueberry season in Australia. NW shows you two ways to incorporate blueberries into winter comfort food. Recipes courtesy of Australian Blueberries [australianblueberries.com.au]

soft brown sugar, for sprinkling vanilla ice cream or cream, to serve For the filling 2 pears, peeled, cored & coarsely grated 4x 125g punnets fresh blueberries 2 Tbsp caster sugar finely grated zest & juice of ½ lemon ¼ cup (60ml) water 3 tsp cornflour For the topping 1¼ cups (185g) plain flour ¼ cup (55g) castor sugar 3 tsp baking powder pinch sea salt 80g chilled & diced unsalted butter ¾ cup (180ml) cream, plus extra for brushing 24

Serves 4 4 duck breasts olive oil, for drizzling sea salt

Blueberry cobbler Serves 6

Duck breast with Chinese-spiced blueberry sauce

For the sauce Preheat the oven to 180°C. To prepare the filling, place the grated pear, fresh blueberries, sugar, lemon zest and juice into a 23cm round ovenproof casserole dish. Blend the water and cornflour together in a small bowl, pour over the berry mixture and stir to combine. To prepare the topping, place the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together in a food processor and pulse to combine. Add the butter and blend, until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Add the cream and blend until it begins to come together. Turn out into a bowl and mix to form a rough, lumpy dough. Divide the dough into six even pieces. Shape into rough balls and flatten slightly. Arrange five of the balls around the outside of the filling and place one in the centre. Brush the tops with a little cream and sprinkle with soft brown sugar. Bake for 40–45 minutes, until dumplings are golden brown and the filling is bubbling up around the sides. Allow to cool slightly for 10 minutes, before serving. Serve with vanilla ice cream or cream.

3x 125g punnets fresh blueberries 1 medium onion, finely chopped ¼ cup (60ml) chicken stock 1/3 cup (75g) brown sugar 2 Tbsp white vinegar 2 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped 1 star anise 1 dried red chilli ½ cinnamon stick 1 tsp Szechuan pepper 3 whole cloves Preheat an oven to 180°C. Score the duck skin using a sharp knife to make a crisscross pattern. Drizzle the duck with oil and season with salt, rubbing to coat. Preheat a large frying pan over low heat. Cook the breasts skin side down for 5–10 minutes, until the fat has rendered, and the skin is crisp and golden. Drain the fat into a heatproof bowl. Turn the duck breasts over and cook for 1–2 minutes, until

browned. Transfer the duck into a roasting dish and cook in the oven for 10 minutes, for medium. Meanwhile, to make the Chinesespiced blueberry sauce, combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to the simmer over lowmedium heat. Cook for 10 minutes, until the blueberries have softened, and the sauce has thickened slightly. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool slightly. Strain the sauce through and fine mesh sieve, rubbing with the back of a spoon, to push the pulp through. Discard the remaining solids. Return to the pan and keep warm. Remove the duck from the oven, cover with foil and set aside to rest for 10 minutes. Slice and serve with sauce. Tips • Duck fat can be stored in the refrigerator and used for roasting potatoes later. • Chicken breast can be substituted for the duck. Preheat a large frying pan over medium heat. Cook the chicken breasts skin side down for 6–7 minutes, until crispy and golden brown, turn and cook for 5 minutes, or until cooked through. Transfer onto a tray, cover with foil and rest for 10 minutes.

Aussie energy unmatched From singing in church as a kid to releasing 15 studio albums in the country music capital of the world, Tim McGraw has seen it all. But nothing compares to the energy from his Australian fanbase. “The thing about Aussies that has impressed me every time I’ve played there is certainly their knowledge of the music,” McGraw says. Hunter punters will get the chance to rock out to McGraw’s music when he performs a headline show at Hope Estate, Pokolbin on Friday 4 October off the back of the Country 2 Country festivals in Sydney and Brisbane in September. Fans can expect to hear some new material, such as the hit single Thought About You, as well as others from McGraw’s discography. “When I walk on stage, I’m sort of entering a contract with the audience to release reality for a little while,”

he adds. It’s a far cry from his origins in Louisiana, where he remembers vividly riding in his stepdad’s truck when he was five or six years old, hauling cotton feed through Louisiana and Texas. “Driving down the highway and listening to 8-tracks of Merle Haggard and George Jones, Charlie Rich and Charlie Pride – five or six years later I could sing you every song on those 8-tracks,” he recalls. McGraw picked up a guitar and started playing in restaurants and bars. Before too long, his family encouraged him to move to Nashville. “One day I talked to my mum and she said, ‘I don’t know why you haven’t done it already’,” he says. Tickets to McGraw’s Hope Estate show are available via ticketek.com.au

time out

Enter to WIN One lucky Newcastle Weekly reader will win a double pass to see Tim McGraw at Hope Estate. To enter, email competitions@newcastleweekly.com.au with Tim McGraw in the subject line. Tell us your name, full contact details and how many albums McGraw has released. Entries close and winners drawn at 9am on Friday 26 July. One entry per person. Permit No. LTPM-16-00488.

Opera Hunter and Lake Macquarie City Council Present

G I L B E R T & S U L L I VA N ’ S

A hilarious romp with a stunning cast and the Opera Hunter Orchestra Lake Mac Centre, Warners Bay

Preview July 24th | Opening Night July 26th July 27th, July 31st, August 2nd, August 3rd, all 7:30pm Matinees July 27th, July 28th, August 3rd & August 4th at 1:30pm



Adults $40, Concession $35, Children $20 at stickytickets.com.au operahunter.org.au | mbuck@exemail.com.au



Gilbert & Sullivan


time out

Now showing

Spider-Man: Far From Home (M)

Waste matters

In Ixtenco, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) encounter an Elemental creature, which attracts a mysterious super-powered hero, Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal). Eight months later, Peter Parker (Tom Holland) and his classmates embark on a trip to Europe, and soon run into another Elemental. The movie serves as an epilogue to Avengers: Endgame, wrapping up the loose ends while positioning the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s new focal point for a younger audience. Where the previous solo entry Spider-Man: Homecoming had Spidey longing to be accepted into the adult world and the accompanying responsibilities of being an Avenger, Far From Home has Spidey regressing, wanting to be nothing more than a teenager; to

You Youcan candrop dropoff: off:

Drop off your household problem waste for recycling at Lake Mac Libraries: Belmont, Charlestown, Cardiff, Morisset, Swansea and Toronto branches, or at our Customer Service Centre or Council Works Depot, Speers Point.

Household batteries

Mobile phones

Fluoro globes and tubes

Smoke detectors

CDs and DVDs (no cases)



For more information, call Council on 4921 0333 or visit lakemac.com.au

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Newcastle City Farmers Market

Every Sunday from 7.00am @ Newcastle Showground Please check our websites for details

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E: 0427 586 079 • www.nswfarmersmarket.com.au • Newcastle Showground - Griffiths Road, BROADMEADOW

go on a class trip, and kiss the girl of his dreams. Like Homecoming, a lot of baggage comes along to join our hero: Iron-Man again casts a huge shadow, not only serving as a crushing legacy to live up to, but also bringing personified consequences to his previous poor behavior. Unlike Sam Raimi’s original trilogy, the MCU’s take is quite inconsequential, lessening our hero’s burden and character study, choosing instead to share the landscape with secondary characters and take a much lighter tone (think John Hughes comedies). Here’s hoping the next entry in the fourth phase of the MCU can shake up its mythology and make our new Spidey shine. Verdict: Beautiful looking and breezy fun, which lacks the grit, angst and weight of previous outings. 3 stars. - Luke McWilliams

Challenges from life on the land From water scarcity to food security, Patrice Newell is at the frontline of enormous challenges. Mrs Newell left her job in 1987 to become an organic farmer in the Hunter Valley. Based at Elmswood Farm in Gundy, she grows garlic, makes olive oil, and keeps bees. It is from this vantage point she sees many unsustainable processes. “This extraordinarily diverse agricultural sector of ours is also the third biggest carbon emitter behind electricity and transport,” she tells Newcastle Weekly. “Most of NSW is in drought and yet there’s this massive overgrazing and production of greenhouse gases. “In this time of climate change, managing the land has never been more important.”

Mrs Newell examines some of the problems for Australian farming in her new book Who’s Minding the Farm? In this climate emergency. Her love song to a life on the farm and part-passionate appeal aims to make people think differently about food consumption and the damage it reaps on the land. Some of the issues she points to include the neglect and abuse of land by farmers; a shrinking, unskilled labour force of short-term workers; depressive illnesses and isolation; and the chemical industry’s stranglehold on farmers. She believed the agricultural sector needed to “rise up” and address greenhouse gas emissions head-on. “There’s this, ‘Oh, the poor farmers are struggling’ [mentality],

Beat the Holiday rush!

Organic farmer Patrice Newell will discuss her new book at Cessnock City Library.

but that’s not the story we should be constantly telling,” she says. “When people have sympathy for you as a farmer, psychologically it can be confronting and not helpful. “A farmer is a businessperson; nimble, creative, adaptive – that’s what I’d like to think I am as a businesswoman. “The ag sector is not the only

one that has an issue adapting to change.” Mrs Newell will discuss her book during a free Meet the Author event at Cessnock City Library on Thursday 25 July from 5pm to 6.30pm. Bookings essential. Visit libraries. cessnock.nsw.gov.au for more. - Ben Murphy

ComputerPals - Newcastle Where Seniors master technology

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time out

Take the art taste test



Photo Peter Stoop

www.artmaniastudio.com.au 02 4955 0509 hello@artmaniastudio.com.au


12 Council Street Wallsend NSW 2287



Back by popular demand, Art Mania Studio’s Cheers to Art creative taster workshops invite you to try your hand at a range of mediums. Grab your friends, a bottle of wine if you desire, and join these taster workshops to sample different creative experiences. There’s something for everyone, from print making to acrylic pouring, and all workshops are suitable for beginners, so you don’t need to have any artistic flair. “If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, ‘I don’t have a creative bone in my body,” studio owner Fee Madigan says. “Art and creativity is a learned experience, just like driving a car.” The studio’s skilled teachers

will walk you through the process, step by step. All materials are provided, along with a delicious assortment of cheeses, nibbles and fruit platters for you to enjoy while you work. BYO drinks. The following workshops are scheduled for these dates: leather workshop, Friday 19 July; paint class, Tuesday 6 August; acrylic pour, Tuesday 20 August; alcohol inks taster, Friday 16 August; leather belt, Friday 23 August; print making, Tuesday 10 September and Sunday 29 September. Prices start at $60. Visit the website, artmaniastudio.com.au, or phone 4955 0509 for more information or to book your Cheers to Art workshop.




Spaces available for hire: gallery, hot desk, workshop/ performance space.


Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with all things TCI



Robyn Werkhoven – Eric & Robyn & the Mythical Beasts Portia Geach Art Award Finalist 2019


Ph: 4940 8794 Monique WerkhovenMata Mask Man

Shed 15A, 50 Clyde St Hamilton North. Down the driveway and around the back.

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Newcastle Art Gallery, Laman Street, Cooks Hill

Plus Last Fridays: Art Fair Party

Friday 26 July, 5pm-8pm Newcastle Art Gallery, Laman Street, Cooks Hill

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Are you a COMPLETE beginner? Learn a new skill…

time out

What’s on TRIVIA NIGHT: Friday 19 July, 7pm at the Senior Citizen’s Hall (Irrawang Street, Raymond Terrace). Every round has a prize. $10 pays for a fun night, including supper. All proceeds to Sketchley Pioneer Cottage. Phone 4983 1918 to book in advance. FEMALE OF THE SPECIES – A CONFESSIONS OF A SERIEL KILLER EPISODE: Dark Stories presents this interactive mystery theatre piece, showing for three nights from Friday 19 to Sunday 21 July at a top-secret location within Newcastle suburbia. Limited sessions. Tickets $45 each – visit darkstories.com.au/theatre WARNERS BAY MARKETS: Fashion and accessories, arts and crafts, gifts, gourmet delights, flowers, entertainment and more. Saturday 20 July, 8am to 2pm at Warners Bay foreshore (The Esplanade, Warners Bay). Held monthly. HOMEGROWN MARKET: Handmade and ecofocused market at The Station (corner Scott and Watt streets, Newcastle). Join us Saturday 20 July to celebrate local makers, creatives and talent whilst enjoying live music, kids workshops, pop up yoga, kids scooter track, local foodies and more. BAYWAY VILLAGE MARKET DAY: Saturday 20 July from 8.30am at Bayway Village (Nelson Bay Road, Fern Bay). Something for everyone – handmade goods, cooking, crafts, artwork, jewellery, plants and more. Barbecue and Devonshire teas available. LAKE MACQUARIE FAMILY HISTORY GROUP MEETING: The next meeting of the Lake Macquarie Family History Group will take place on Saturday 20 July from 10am to 4pm at Marmong Point Community Hall (George Street, Marmong Point). The guest speaker at 2pm is Heather Ling, who assisted in researching a book recording lost burials and the gold rush

Dawes from Services New South Wales will be the guest speaker this month. Contact Stan on 4934 1125.

Winery Run – Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 July – Pokolbin

years in Copeland, NSW. Free event. OLIVE TREE WINTER MARKET: Saturday 20 July, 9am to 2pm at Maitland Regional Art Gallery (High Street, Maitland). Meet the makers, learn their stories and take home beautiful handmade goods. WINERY RUN: The 14th annual Winery Run at The Vintage Pokolbin has created a special night marathon event on Saturday 20 July, plus a 2km kids marathon, 6.2km winery wander, 10km vineyard run and 21.1km half marathon on Sunday 21 July. Go to wineryrun.com for more information or to register. TORONTO LIONS MARKETS: Sunday 21 July, 8.30am to 1.30pm at Lions Park (Main Road, Toronto). Great variety of up to 200 stalls selling fresh fruit and vegetables, garden plants and ornaments, household items, tools and bric-abrac. Plenty of free parking and the day benefits Lions’ charities. ADAMSTOWN MARKETS: Sunday 21 July, 7am to 1pm, corner Glebe and Brunker roads, Adamstown. Browse lots of bargains, tools, plants, fruit and vegetables, toys, games, jams and more. Held weekly. NATIONAL SENIORS AUSTRALIA BRANCH MEETING: The Hunter Valley Branch of National Seniors Australia will meet on Tuesday 23 July at East Maitland Bowling Club (Banks Street, East Maitland), 9.30am for a 10am start. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Nicholas

Windale Gateshead Bowling Club MONDAY MEMBERS DRAW! 5.00-6.00pm


JOKER DRAW Friday & Sunday After the Raffles


TEL TALK: Institute of Managers and Leaders – TEL Talk with Alexandria Joy; Wednesday 24 July, 7.30am-9am at Souths Merewether (Llewelyn Street, Merewether). AJ will show you and your leaders how to master connection, contribution, community and compassion. To book, visit managersandleaders.com.au/events/ tel-talk-newcastle CIRCUMFERENCE OF A SQUIRREL: Knock and Run Theatre circles back to the stage with a moving one-man show, Circumference of a Squirrel. The original play by John Walch follows a young man named Chester who, in the aftermath of a series of lifechanging events, reflects on his relationship with his father and tries to come to terms with what kind of man he is. Wednesday 24 to Sunday 28 July at The Royal Exchange (Bolton Street, Newcastle). Tickets via knockandruntheatre.com or at the box office. CHRISTMAS IN JULY AT THE CINEMA: Join your favourite meadow friends on Thursday 25 July for a Christmas cinematic adventure with Guess How Much I Love You – The Adventures of Little Nutbrown Hare; screening at Event Cinemas Kotara (corner Northcott Drive and Park Avenue, Kotara). Check local cinema guide for time. Tickets $10 per person. See eventcinemas.com.au OVERWINTERING: Hunter Sculptors join members of the Newcastle Printmakers Workshop to present this unique exhibition capturing migratory shorebirds at the new art space at Hunter Wetlands Centre (Wetlands Place, Shortland); until Friday 26 July. SEND YOUR FREE ENTERTAINMENT LISTINGS FOR WHAT’S ON TO: editorial@newcastleweekly.com.au

Deadline is 10 days prior to publication.

Good on the outside, great on the inside!



FRIDAY Tickets on sale 5.30pm, drawn 6pm SUNDAY Tickets on sale 12 noon, drawn 1pm MONDAY Tickets on sale 5.30pm, drawn 6pm

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Friday 26th July – from 7pm Ryan Hemsworth Solo Live in the Lounge


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Visit our website wgbc.com.au for our latest entertainment news and restaurant menu download


the look

Day 2 Night

Antoinette mini sling bag $39.95 Sportsgirl

Need to be at the office by 9am and after-hours drinks at 6pm? The key to transitioning effortlessly from day to night is choosing pieces you can dress up or down at a moment’s notice. The beauty is in the detail. WITH FASHION & BEAUTY EDITOR, GEORGIA OSLAND

Kai animal earring $12.99 Rubi Soft blouse $159 Country Road

Love It Again SATURDAY 27 JULY 2019


Mara Milano check top $199 SABA

Wrap jacket $399 Country Road

SALE Last Saturday of Every Month Pre-loved High-end Designer Brands Bargain Clothes • Shoes Fun Bags • Accessories



Georgie wrap blouse $29.99 Cotton On


Ormiston skirt $159.99 Sportscraft

Open Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm Sat 9.30am-2.30pm Sun Closed



566 Pacific Hwy, Belmont (next to Reject shop)

Twin zip boots $15 Kmart

Lulu & Rose Bobbi spot pants $89.95 Glue Store


Flood emergency Flooding can cause serious damage to your property, affecting walls, ceilings, floors and furniture. You might think it will never happen to you, but burst pipes are one of the most common household emergencies in Australia. The Kennards Hire team shares its top tips for cleaning up the aftermath. Turn off your water main If a pipe has burst on your property, you will most likely hear water dripping or spraying. Locate the pipe, assess the area and then completely switch off your water supply. Then, head back over to open your taps to drain the remaining water from the system.

time to deal with the watery mess. Drying out your property is the first step in any clean-up operation. Depending on the extent of the flooding, you may require pumps to help remove trapped water and clear pools that may have formed. A high performance, portable pump makes it easy for you to suck the water out of multiple rooms quickly and efficiently.

Pump it

Turn up the blower dryer

Now that you’ve prevented the flooding from getting worse, it’s

After the water has been pumped out, a blower dryer should be used

to remove any excess moisture. To achieve the best possible result for your space, and more importantly, save yourself time and energy, hire a blower dryer. These generate large volumes of air, rapidly drying flooring, walls and ceilings and preventing mildew from setting in. Used in conjunction with a dehumidifier, a high-power blower dryer will efficiently remove moisture content in any room and save your home from potential mould and bacteria growth.

Dehumidify to sap the dampness Say goodbye to any remaining moisture by using a dehumidifier. These handy machines will prevent your wallpaper from peeling, protect home electronics, preserve documents and keep any odours at bay. Expert tip: Dehumidifiers work best in enclosed areas, so, if the moisture is confined to a certain area, such as a bedroom or bathroom, place the dehumidifier inside and close doors and windows.



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in the garden

Don’t be tempted to prune roses now.

Mid-winter blues

Sadly, being out of action for two weeks due to illness has led to total neglect of my garden. This is something that happens in most gardens during winter, especially during July, when we see little end of it in sight. The feature of my garden is a bed of standard ‘Elina’ roses, as they are such a highlight when the depth of winter arrives. Elina is a beautiful cream hybrid tea rose, which bears large, full blooms, backdropped by a fence covered in climbers. Pity it is too early to prune the climbers, which shouldn’t be touched

until after the spring/summer flush, if at all. I must admit this winter they are lifeless, almost dead with not much foliage remaining until the new spring shoots appear. It is tempting to prune roses early in winter, but it will create a stronger plant if they are allowed to go dormant. Rose pruning is an art, perfected by watching experienced gardeners, or simply by trial and error. Firstly, remove any deadwood from the plant, bagging any diseased leaves for the bin, then cut back at least one-third of the growth, leaving strong stems to bear new growth. It is wise to keep any strong, healthy growth while removing spindly shoots. Prune 6mm above a new bud, cutting cleanly on the same angle, cleaning up the rose as you go. An important job after pruning is to spray with lime sulphur, then feed with a full bucketful of poultry manure (not pelleted), followed three weeks later by a handful of rose food. My hint for pruning standards – that is, a rose grafted on a tall stem – is to keep in mind the shape and size of a soccer ball when pruning. Don’t apply poultry manure to roses grown in pots; feed instead with Sudden Impact.

Newcastle Carpet & Flooring Call or come in for amazing specials on high quality flooring now.

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newcastleflooring.com.au 32


THIS WEEK • Winter grass is overtaking lawns damaged in summer – it appears as fine, green tufts and it should be sprayed with a winter grass killer. • There is still time to plant pansies and primula for a pretty spring garden. • Time to pot up hippeastrum bulbs, which look great in a large shallow bowl. • Dissolve a tablespoon of sulphate of ammonia in water and apply around for parsley for instant greening.

Local | Trusted | Professional

Inside & out

The latest in news, trends and happenings for the home. Safety first Australia’s peak furnishing body, the Australasian Furnishing Association, has supported ACCC recommendations for a law banning the sale of unsafe goods. Recent ACCC data estimates the annual cost of injury and death caused by unsafe consumer products, including furnishings, is at least $5 billion. There are around 780 deaths and around 52,000 injuries per year from consumer products. Families are urged to check the safety of a product before purchase.

Keep your clutter The tidying up mania sparked by Marie Kondo could be destroying valuable history for future generations. A paper

published by Australian Catholic University historian Associate Professor Noah Riseman has identified personal archives as a key resource for historians. Assoc Prof Riseman said while historians traditionally depended on official archives or oral histories, the private papers, notes and cuttings in an individual’s shoebox could fill in important gaps – particularly when official sources were hidden or redacted. Personal archives can also corroborate – and sometimes challenge – the recollections of oral histories, which are essential when historians try to recover the voices of people who were forced to be silent.

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property of the week

Real Estate

Cardiff 21 Norfolk Street


First time offered to the market. This immaculate home is set on a huge 950-square-metre block and is made up of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, formal living, large rumpus room, study, eat-in kitchen and internal laundry. The in-ground swimming pool is fully enclosed, leaving it easy to maintain and features solar heating so you can enjoy all year round. Extra-large single garage with workshop and


drive through access. Garden shed and chicken coop which could be utilised however you see fit. The grounds are well-kept and planted with plenty of seasonal fruit trees, plants and flowers.

Coal Point 32 Coal Point Road


Strong architectural appeal sets the stage for this superb lifestyle address that is beautifully crafted to provide modern family living. On a landscaped block and set over a four-level split design, this fabulous residence offers a contemporary interior layout crowned by raked ceilings with exposed timber beams plus creative design elements that add a touch of style and interest to every room. A saltwater in-ground pool with spa tops it all off.

Price $690,000 - $710,000 View Saturday 12-12.30pm Agent David Westerman Mob 0428 482 767 Agent Samuel Parbery Mob 0434 627 080



First National Altitude Ph 4903 8228



Price On request View Private viewings Agent Jacob McFarlane McFarlane Real Estate Ph 4954 0399

New Lambton 8/13 Hobart Road


Fabulously located on the New LambtonBroadmeadow border, this attractive brick villa answers the call for a carefree lifestyle. Modern in presentation, its open-plan living space is effortlessly extended by a private and secure rear courtyard and single garage. This is an excellent buying opportunity for downsizers or investors as it’s placed a few short blocks from the main shopping and cafÊ hub of New Lambton.

Price $430,000 - $450,000 View Saturday 11-11.30am Agent Troy Reeves Mob 0409 849 278 Agent Alison Bratby Mob 0411 295 991



First National Altitude Ph 4903 8228

48B Rose Street, Blackalls Park Subdivide Into 3 Blocks or Enjoy As Is Wonderfully private and immersed in natural surrounds, this homes’ family design and generous dual level layout delivers an environment of complete comfort for all occupants. It provides a perfect base for those who love the idea of a tree change while still wanting the convenience of having all your daily needs nearby. With no shortage of formal and informal living areas.

5 For Sale Guide Inspect

$1,500,000 By Appointment

For instant access to more photos, video and floor plan text ‘Rose’ to 0488 884 516


02 4903 8228 | sales@fnaltitude.com.au | fnaltitude.com.au


Sell with



David Westerman 0428 482 767 Samuel Parbery 0434 627 080

2 Redgum Road, Paxton Unique Sandstone Design Filled with Rare Materials Resting on a beautiful 10,200m2 landholding and boasting an internal floor size of 236m2, this home could easily be a contender for the ‘Grand Designs’ TV series. A superb entertainer that provides a unique sanctuary to accommodate those who demand exceptional quality and space, it’s been built to an exacting standard with abundant reclaimed and recycled materials and is a showpiece of design brilliance.



For Sale Guide Inspect

$820,000 - $890,000 By Appointment

For instant access to more photos, video and floor plan text ‘Redgum’ to 0488 884 516


02 4903 8228 | sales@fnaltitude.com.au | fnaltitude.com.au

Sell with


10,200m2 Lucy Vetrano 0410 577 237

With over 9 years experience, matching people with properties is what I do best. Lucy Vetrano Experience the Difference

0410 577 237 | lucy@fnaltitude.com.au | altitudefn.com.au

3 Davies Street, Cardiff A Contemporary Retreat Guaranteed to Please A two-storey layout with ultra-stylish finishes combine to deliver the ultimate lifestyle in this wonderfully private home. Its fully renovated modern design catches sweeping district views from its elevated position and prime setting toward the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. Entertainers will love the home’s natural in-outdoor flow, and your family will enjoy its open, light-washed interiors appointed with premium details.

3 For Sale Guide

$575,000 - $630,000

Inspect Saturday 10 -10.30am

For instant access to more photos, video and floor plan text ‘Gretel’ to 0488 884 516


02 4903 8228 | sales@fnaltitude.com.au | fnaltitude.com.au


Sell with



Paul McAllister 0447 122 113 Alison Bratby 0411 295 991

We founded our business with one goal in mind “to leave an extraordinary mark on the hearts of everyone we connect with�. This becomes embedded into the fabric of everything we do with you to create more than just an amazing sale price. We want to create a journey where our clients want to work with us time and time again - we look forward to partnering with you on your property journey.

Paul McAllister Experience the Difference

0422 133 066 | paul@fnaltitude.com.au | fnaltitude.com.au

18A Tenille Close, Cameron Park A Quality Built Duplex Designed for Fuss-Free Living Showcasing easycare finishes, a practical floorplan and a sought-after backyard, this quality built duplex has been created to provide a modern, low maintenance residence for first homebuyers, downsizers and investors alike. Answering the call for a carefree lifestyle, well-kept interiors boast a large living space and a gas-equipped kitchen with adjoining dining room, while two bedrooms rest quietly to the rear of the home.

2 For Sale Guide

$350,000 - $385,000

Inspect Saturday 10 -10:30am

For instant access to more photos, video and floor plan text ‘18ATenille’ to 0488 884 516


02 4903 8228 | sales@fnaltitude.com.au | fnaltitude.com.au

Sell with



Paul McAllister 0447 122 113 Alison Bratby 0411 295 991

Are you considering selling? Don’t wait till spring has sprung.

With a shortage of properties on the market during the cooler months, there is certainly more competition in the buyer market. So, don’t wait until spring has sprung... call Altitude today!

4903 8228 | sales@fnaltitude.com.au | altitudefn.com.au

Real Estate

17 Rosebery Avenue, Macquarie Hills Cleverly Designed Layout for Modern Family Living Fresh and bright throughout, brimming with creature comforts and set on a low maintenance block, this dual-level residence combines a leafy outlook and classic family living with ease. A free-flowing layout with view-swept entertainer’s deck sets the tone for complete comfort, complemented by five bedrooms, one located on the ground floor alongside the second bathroom for lifestyle flexibility.

5 For Sale Guide

$595,000 - $650,000

Inspect Saturday 11 - 11.30am

For instant access to more photos, video and floor plan text ‘17Rosebery’ to 0488 884 516


02 4903 8228 | sales@fnaltitude.com.au | fnaltitude.com.au


Sell with



Brigitte Audet 0450 800 860 Alison Bratby 0411 295 991

The difference between selling & celebrating

Selling your home is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll ever make. The difference the right agent can bring to your property can be between $25,000 and $100,000 when it’s sold.

Our approach will deliver more buyers to your door, present your home in the best possible light and create more competition for a better end result. It leaves nothing to chance and everything to gain. We’d love you to experience the McGrath advantage, just call us today. McGrath Lake Macquarie 4949 4801


13/4 Cromarty Road Soldiers Point

The Lifestyle You Deserve with a Jetty Berth This is an exciting opportunity to secure this is light filled luxury townhouse- your own tropical oasis. Offering a creative refreshing design, this amazing home spans four levels with direct access to Sunset Beach and your own marina berth, three spacious bedrooms, an ensuite off the main. Multiple living areas, including a huge multipurpose loft room. State of the art gourmet kitchen and renovated bathrooms. The striking high ceilings and internal courtyard fill the entire home with beautiful natural light. There is a tropical, private outdoor entertaining area with the backdrop of water views - across the pool to the waterfront. The grounds are manicured, and the pool inviting. All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.





For Sale $895,000 View Saturday 10am-10:30am Agent Jason Brennan 0419 691 377 Sally Edwards 0411 129 278 nelsonbay.ljhooker.com.au LJ Hooker Nelson Bay 02 4984 2400



Downsizing with space and style



Owner says SELL!




This villa is the last one available in a neat and tidy complex. After a once over by the current owner.....freshly painted, new carpet and kitchen appliances, he wants this SOLD now. This villa ticks the boxes. It is positioned with street frontage in a small, immaculate complex. Offering a low maintenance lifestyle with all the modern conveniences we have come to expect. Floating floor boards and 9’ceilings just to mentioned a few of the added extras that set this property apart from the competition.

Ph: W:



Situated in McKeachie’s Run in close proximity to daycare centres, sporting fields and Woolworths shopping complex.

8/88 Alexandra Street, Kurri Kurri




$310,000 - $320,000

All the boxes will be ticked whether you are looking to invest, downsize or a first home buyer. A free standing villa sitting at the back of the complex in a quiet position. This property is spacious and light filled, providing low maintenance living close. Close to shops, schools, Kurri Kurri Aquatic Centre and with easy access to The Hunterlink Express Way, all the Hunter Valley has on offer is at your door.

4934 1901 valleyestateagents.com.au

If you want a job done, give it to a busy mum!


This developer is known for producing quality over quantity and assures that each and every home is unique and finished to a level he oversees himself. Nothing is missed and everything is included.... high ceilings, reverse cycle a/c, dishwasher, quality flooring and blinds, remote garaging, covered alfresco area and great size enclose courtyard.

$400,000 - $420,000 Stop, Look, Buy

Jody Morrissey 0428 280 972 Sophie Abela 0417 047 553


$428,500 Downsize without compromise

Have you been looking to downsize but keep walking into properties that don’t tick all the boxes ? Search no more. ... step inside this spacious and light filled villa to be wowed by the design and exceptional use of floorspace. Again this developer has not fallen short on providing quality fixtures and fittings through out. This home is made to impress and provide the new owner with luxury living...high ceilings, ducted air conditioning, dishwasher and remote garaging.

2/17-19 Pumphouse Crescent, Rutherford

2/44 Dunnart Street, Aberglasslyn


1/44 Dunnart Street, Aberglasslyn




This blank canvas is waiting for your style.


Handy to schools, shopping centre and parks, 3 bedroom home, freshly painted, new polished timber floors, new carpet, front and rear access to yard, carports and workshop.

Great opportunity for 1st home buyers, investor or small renovation to flip. Approximately 579 sqm.



579 m²

Reduced to $290,000 - $310,000 By Appointment

Bill Quirk 0402 957 055 4961 5566 billquirk@bqnre.com.au





May be leased separately or together at $675/week, each are approximately 592m2 with 195 m2 internal and 400 m2 heavy duty hardstand external areas.

Easy location to main arterial delivery roadways, north /south/west distributors, central Newcastle position.

PRICE $675 p/w each, +GST, +1/4 outgoing VIEW Phone for details Bill Quirk 0402 957 055

Each have three high clearance Rolla Door access, pedestrian access, split level workshop areas, office and staff amenity’s, surrounding drive through vehicle access if both are taken.

Base rent + ¼ outgoings each. Talk to us about rent and lease terms. Bill Quirk 0402 957 055 4961 5566 billquirk@bqnre.com.au


Terms negotiable

02 4961 5566 | www.bqnre.com.au


3 years young, modern brick veneer home with colorbond roof, 3 good sized bedrooms, ensuite off main bedroom, extra large lounge room, dining area, beautiful modern kitchen, large laundry with lots of cupboards. air conditioning, interior access to double garage, tiled patio with pergola and court yard off living area. Rent return $470 per week.

Bed 3

Macquarie Hills 4 Delasala Drive |

Bath 2


Car 2

Price $580,000 - $615,000 View Private Inspections


Bed 4


Bath 1


Car 3

Positioned on the high side of the street on a 720m2 block, the home comprises 4 bedrooms, renovated Price $499,000 - $545,000 bathroom with internal laundry. Separate kitchen, View Private Inspections living and dining with a large enclosed sun-room off the rear which could be utilised as a second living room and a lovely outdoor gazebo area which is perfect for entertaining.

Jacob McFarlane mcfarlanerealestate.com.au

Jacob McFarlane mcfarlanerealestate.com.au

Cardiff 21 Norfolk Street

Warners Bay 1- 6 / 47-49 Seaman Avenue


Bed 3


Bath 2


Car 2

This immaculate home is made up of 3 bedrooms, Price $495,000 - $535,000 2 bathrooms, formal living, large rumpus room, study, eat-in kitchen and internal laundry. The inView Private Inspections ground swimming pool has solar heating and is fully enclosed. Extra-large single garage with workshop and drive through access. The grounds are wellkept, planted with plenty of seasonal fruit trees.

Jacob McFarlane mcfarlanerealestate.com.au

276 Main Road Cardiff NSW 2285 02 4954 0399 Follow us @mcfarlanerealestate


Just six luxurious townhouses within this boutique complex, exquisitely designed for the aim to deliver low maintenance living without compromising on space and luxury. Inclusions have been exceptionally appointed throughout with a high standard of quality.

Jacob McFarlane mcfarlanerealestate.com.au

Bed 4


Bath 3


Car 2

Price Contact Agent View Private Inspections


THINKING OF BUYING, WHY NOT BUILD? LAND FROM $245,000–$312,000* This is the last chance to build your dream home at Wirraway Thornton. We’ve saved the best for last, with perfect starter blocks for first home buyers, low-maintenance lots for downsizers, or spacious sites with room for the whole family.

• Lots from 535m² – 969m²

• 25 minutes to Newcastle

• $1,000 deposit, exchange on $5,000

• Located in Hunter Valley growth capital1

• Close to major employment and health hubs

• Level, fully serviced lots (inc NBN ready)

• Easy access to childcare, schools, retail, dining and entertainment

• Choose your own builder • First home buyers save up to $19,472²


Disclaimer: Robinson Property and Defence Housing Australia (DHA) do not guarantee, warrant or represent that the information contained in this advertising and marketing material is correct. Any interested parties should make their own enquiries as to the accuracy of the information. *Price subject to change. Conditions apply. 1. According to HIA’s 2019 Housing Hotspot Report https://hia.com.au/-/media/HIA-Website/Files/Media-Centre/Media-Releases/2019/hunter/sixth-in-the-housing-hotspots-hunter.ashx 2. https://stampduty.calculatorsaustralia.com.au/stamp-duty-nsw

Land from $159,000* Home & Land from $399,900* Huge range of lot sizes from 600m2 to 3000m2 +

Bring this copy of the Newcastle Weekly to our Land Sales Office to receive

$10k* OFF any lot for the month of July!

Just moments from the Hunter Expressway, 20mins from Maitland and 45mins to Newcastle

Serviced with natural gas, water, sewer, power and NBN

Follow the signs from the corner of West Street (Greta) and the New England Highway

Your choice of builder, with land registered and ready to build on Location awarded Housing Industry Association (HIA) Hunter Hotspot

Call Katrina 0412 434 695

*Prices correct as at 10/07/2019. To be eligible for the $10,000 price reduction, purchasers must pay a $1,000 holding deposit and complete a Wyndham Ridge Sales Advice form by midnight July 31, 2019. $10,000 price reduction by way of rebate on the list price. Please call or visit the sales office for more information. All care has been taken to ensure information provided in this publication is true and correct at the time of distribution, however no liability accepted for any errors or omissions made. Purchasers must rely on their own investigations and are advised to seek independent legal advice. Any representation or condition of sale must be included in the sales advice and approved by the vendor and form part of the contract of sale to be valid.

352 Park Avenue, Kotara 1 |


Renovate & Create a Bespoke Beauty For sale

Nestled high on the block, away from the street and at the end of a sweeping driveway, is this weatherboard and tile home. The home features high ceilings, large windows and is bathed in natural light. An elevated front verandah offers the perfect spot to enjoy breakfast or a family barbeque.

Price Viewing Website


$500,000 to $550,000 By Appointment http://oneagency.com. au/listing?sales_listing_ id=48557 Annette Pinkerton 0418 447 856

If this property sounds intriguing, book your private inspection today!


3 |



Unit 211/3 Violet Town Road, Mount Hutton



Assisted Care Living This centrally located 1 bedroom villa is waiting for its new owner. Recently refurbished with new carpet and freshly painted throughout with no maintenance to be done in the yard. For sale: $125,000 - $132,000 Open Home: By appointment John Armstrong 0498 441 160


Now Selling house land packages



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JUST SOLD 103 Ocean Street, Dudley $490,000 17 Windarra Close, Wallsend $740,000 62A Victory Parade, Wallsend $420,000 NW0368

M: 0498 441 160

July 19 – 25

PICK OF THE WEEK Alien Sunday, 7MATE, 8.30pm, M (1979) Ridley Scott’s horror in the stars is still the Citizen Kane of its kind. This yarn about a drooling, insidious extraterrestrial stowaway (designed by H.R. Giger) that terrorises a spaceship crew is a white-knuckle ripper. Aboard the Nostromo are mining employees (including Sigourney Weaver, pictured) who are interrupted by an SOS call which they politely heed, only to encounter a mass of disturbing remnants. What follows is a fine display of pest removal from Weaver as the brassy Ripley.


The Hitman’s Bodyguard

Hot Fuzz Thursday, GO!, 9pm, MA15+ (2007) From the warped minds that brought you hilarious horror spoof Shaun of the Dead comes this criminally funny copmovie parody which plays like Bad Boys meets Midsomer Murders. London bobby Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg, pictured), a PC with an arrest record 400 per cent higher than any other, is sent off to a sleepy Somerset village because he’s making the rest of the force look bad. It’s supposed to be an easy gig, but pretty soon he’s up to his eyeballs in murder.

Tuesday, NBN, 9.15pm, MA15+ (2017) Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson (pictured) are undoubtedly enjoying themselves in this action-comedy directed by Australian Patrick Hughes (The Expendables 3). Despite its over-the-top action sequences, profanity and violence, it is clearly aiming to be a fun experience, almost pushing it into the “spoof” category. Reynolds and Jackson evidently have an onscreen chemistry that is hard to deny, making this overblown pastiche a minor success.

July 19

12pm ABC News At Noon. 1.00 One Plus One. 1.30 Ask The Doctor. 2.00 Humans. (PG) 3.00 Poh’s Kitchen. 3.30 Hard Quiz. (PG) 4.00 Think Tank. 5.10 The Repair Shop. 6.00 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Gardening Aust. 8.30 The Heights. (PG) 9.25 Loch Ness. (M) 10.15 ABC Late News. 10.45 The Business. 11.00 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M) 11.30 Planet America. 12.15am Rage. (MA15+)

12pm MOVIE: Britney Ever After. (2017, PG) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 MOVIE: Hidden Figures. (2017, PG) Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer. 11.10 Britain’s Got Talent. (PG) 12.30am Shopping.

12pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Undercover Blues. (1993, PG) 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 18. Penrith Panthers v St George Illawarra Dragons. 9.45 Friday Night Knock Off. 10.45 MOVIE: Daylight. (1996, M)

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Living Room. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 8.00 The Living Room. 9.00 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 10.00 Lawrence Mooney: Moonman. (MA15+) 11.30 WIN News. 12.30am The Project.

12pm Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 12. Replay. 2.00 The Point. 3.00 NITV News: Nula. 3.30 One Last Step: The Honeysuckle Legacy. 3.45 Expedition Mars. 5.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 12. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Unsung Heroes of Apollo 11. 9.10 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 13. Pau to Pau. 27.2 km individual time-trial. From France.

12pm Children’s Programs. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M) 9.00 Community. (PG) 9.25 The Office. (PG) 9.45 This Time With Alan Partridge. (M) 10.15 Archer. (M) 10.55 30 Rock. (M) 11.15 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 11.40 Reno 911! (M) 12am Community. (M) 12.25 The Office. (PG)

12pm House Of Wellness. 1.00 My Greek Odyssey. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Mighty Ships. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. 5.30 Building The Dream. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Border Security: Int. (PG) 8.00 Border Security USA. (PG) 8.30 Australia’s Amazing Homes. (PG) 9.30 Escape To The Continent. 10.45 Charlie Luxton’s Homes By The Sea. 11.45 Mighty Ships.

12pm Mad About You. 1.00 Real, Fake Or Unknown. (PG) 2.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Justice League Unlimited. (PG) 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 MOVIE: Bedknobs And Broomsticks. (1971, G) 9.00 MOVIE: First Daughter. (2004, PG) 11.10 Borderline. 11.40 Friends. 12.10am WWE Smackdown.

12pm Star Trek. (PG) 1.00 WIN’s All Australian News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 11.30 Hawaii Five-O. (M)

12pm MOVIE: King Curling. (2011, M) 1.30 The Marngrook Footy Show. 3.00 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 12. Replay. 5.00 VICE World Of Sports. (PG) 6.00 Cycling. La Course By Le Tour De France. 8.50 Great Minds With Dan Harmon. (PG) 9.00 The Last Man On Earth. 9.55 MOVIE: Kim Dotcom: Caught In The Web. (2017) 12am News. 12.25 You’re The Worst. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.25 BTN Newsbreak. 6.30 Officially Amazing. 7.05 Get It Together! 7.30 Danger Mouse. (PG) 7.40 Shaun The Sheep. 7.50 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. 8.00 The Fairly Odd Parents. 8.25 Good Game Spawn Point. 8.55 Voltron: Legendary Defender. (PG) 9.15 Dragon Ball Super. (PG) 9.40 Sword Art Online. (PG) 10.05 Stacked! The Pack Down. 10.35 Close.

12.30pm Pawn Stars. (PG) 1.00 Doomsday Preppers. (PG) 2.00 Gold Fever. (PG) 3.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 4.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.00 Desert Collectors. (PG) 6.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.00 Friday Night Countdown. 7.30 Football. AFL. Round 18. Adelaide v Essendon. 10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. 11.30 World’s Most Amazing Videos. (M) 12.30am Storage Wars. (PG)

12.05pm MOVIE: Champions. (1984) 2.25 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. 3.25 Ultimate Airport Dubai. 4.25 Heartbeat. 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Women’s Ashes Pre-Match Show. 8.00 Cricket. Women’s Ashes. Test Match. England v Aust. Day 2. Morning session. 10.00 Women’s Ashes Lunch Break. 10.40 Cricket. Women’s Ashes. Test Match. England v Aust. Day 2. Afternoon session.

1pm Charmed. (PG) 2.00 Malcolm. (PG) 3.00 Becker. (PG) 3.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 4.30 Seinfeld. 5.00 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Raymond. 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (M) 8.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG) 9.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 11.00 Brides Of Beverly Hills. (PG) 11.30 James Corden. (M) 12.30am Shopping.

12pm ABC News At Noon. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 5.00 ABC National News. 6.00 ABC News Hour. 7.00 The Drum. 8.00 Friday Fix. 9.00 Planet America. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News.

ABC (ch 2)

ABC CO (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

NBN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 82)

WIN (ch 5)

BOLD (ch 51)

PEACH (ch 52)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 31)

ABC NEWS (ch 24)

Peek into the Past


Classifications: (P) Pre-school (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.

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July 20

12pm ABC News At Noon. 12.30 (ch 2) No Offence. (M) 1.20 Shakespeare And Hathaway. (M) 2.05 Loch Ness. (M) 2.50 Silvia’s Italian Table. (PG) 3.30 The Planets. 4.30 Landline. 5.00 Escape From The City. 6.00 The Heights. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Shakespeare And Hathaway. (PG) 8.15 Father Brown. (PG) 9.05 Harrow. (M) 9.55 Inspector George Gently. (M) 11.25 Poldark. (M) 12.30am Rage. (MA15+)

12pm World’s Deadliest Weather: Caught On Camera. (PG) 1.00 To Be Advised. 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 MOVIE: The Jungle Book. (2016, PG) 9.00 MOVIE: Fast Five. (2011, M) 11.40 S.W.A.T. (2017) (M)

12pm Secrets Of The Money Masters. (PG) 1.00 Surfing Australia TV. 1.30 Running. Gold Coast Marathon. Highlights. 2.45 Sea Changing: 60 Years Of The Gold Coast. 3.15 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG) 5.00 News: First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. (PG) 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 MOVIE: The Lion King. (1994, G) 8.45 MOVIE: Forrest Gump. (1994, M) 11.30 MOVIE: Fargo. (1996, MA15+)

12pm Luxury Escapes. 12.30 GCBC. 1.00 My Market Kitchen. 1.30 Everyday Gourmet. 2.00 Pooches At Play. 2.30 Cook’s Pantry. 3.00 Foodie Adventures With Ash Pollard. (PG) 3.30 What’s Up Down Under. 4.00 The Living Room. 5.00 News. 6.00 Luxury Escapes. (PG) 6.30 15-Min Meals. 7.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 The Moon Landing: 50th Anniversary. 8.30 MOVIE: The Dish. (2000) 10.30 Late Programs.

12pm Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 13. Replay. 2.00 Gymnastics. FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Challenge Cup. Round 1. 4.20 Neil Armstrong: First Man On The Moon. 5.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 13. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.35 Inside Windsor Castle. (PG) 8.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 14. Tarbes to Tourmalet Barèges. 117.5 km mountain stage. From France.

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Safari Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Live At The Apollo. (M) 9.15 The Stand Up Sketch Show. (M) 9.40 Comedy Next Gen. (MA15+) 10.40 Catfish: The TV Show. (M) 11.20 Josh Widdicombe: What Do I Do Now? (M) 12.10am The Good Place. (PG)

12.30pm Charlie Luxton’s Homes By The Sea. (PG) 1.30 Australia’s Best Backyards. 2.00 SA Weekender. 2.30 Sydney Weekender. 3.00 Rugby Union. Shute Shield. 5.00 The House That £100K Built: Tricks Of The Trade. 6.30 The Yorkshire Vet. (PG) 7.30 Mighty Cruise Ships. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 11.30 Mighty Cruise Ships. 12.30am SA Weekender.

12pm Afternoon Programs. 2.00 Power Rangers Beast Morphers. 2.30 Tom And Jerry. 3.00 Bakugan: Battle Planet. 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS. 4.00 Beyblade Burst Turbo. 4.30 WWE Slam City. 4.35 Making Of SpiderMan: Far From Home. 4.45 Uncle Grandpa. 5.15 Clarence. 6.15 MOVIE: Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. (2011) 8.00 Netball. INF World Cup. Sessions 17 and 18. Semi-finals. 9.50 Late Programs.

12.30pm Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 1.30 Mission: Impossible. (PG) 2.30 Building Invincible. 3.30 David Attenborough And The Giant Egg. 4.30 Mighty Machines. 5.00 Reel Action. 5.30 Escape Fishing With ET. 6.00 Cops. (PG) 6.30 Scorpion. (PG) 7.30 MacGyver. (M) 8.30 NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 10.20 SEAL Team. (M) 11.15 NCIS: LA. (M)

12pm RuPaul’s Drag Race. (M) 12.55 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 13. Replay. 2.55 Front Up. 3.30 The Feed. 4.35 PBS News. 5.35 VICE. (PG) 6.10 News. 6.35 If You Are The One. 7.35 MythBusters: The Search. 8.35 RocKwiz. (PG) 9.15 Soccer. International Champions Cup. Manchester United v Inter Milan. 11.45 Great Minds. (M) 11.55 News. 12.25am MOVIE: Colonia. (2015, MA15+)

12.10pm Children’s Programs. 5.40 Miraculous. (PG) 6.00 TMNT. (PG) 6.25 The Extraordinaries. 6.30 Officially Amazing. 7.00 Fierce. (PG) 7.45 Shaun The Sheep. 7.55 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. (PG) 8.05 The Fairly Odd Parents. 8.30 TMNT. (PG) 8.50 Numb Chucks. 9.05 Detentionaire. 9.25 SheZow. 9.40 Jamie’s Got Tentacles! 9.50 Move It Mob Style. 10.15 Close.

12pm Rodeo. Coonamble Rodeo. H’lights. 12.30 Timbersports. STIHL Timbersports Series. 1.00 Blokesworld. (PG) 1.30 Bottom Feeders. (PG) 2.30 Fishing And Adventure. (PG) 3.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 4.00 Fight To Survive. (PG) 4.30 Football. AFL. Round 18. GWS Giants v Collingwood. 7.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 8.00 Football. AFL. Round 18. Fremantle v Sydney. 11.00 World’s Most Amazing Videos. 12.05am Blokesworld.

12.20pm MOVIE: Seven Days To Noon. (1950, PG) 2.20 MOVIE: The Passionate Stranger. (1957, PG) 4.20 MOVIE: It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. (1963, PG) 7.30 Women’s Ashes Pre-Match Show. 8.00 Cricket. Women’s Ashes. Test Match. England v Aust. Day 3. Morning session. 10.00 Women’s Ashes Lunch Break. 10.40 Cricket. Women’s Ashes. Test Match. England v Aust. Day 3. Afternoon session.

12.30pm Charmed. (PG) 1.30 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 2.30 Becker. (PG) 3.00 The King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 4.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG) 8.00 Kojak. (M) 9.05 Columbo. (M) 10.40 Robotech: Macross Saga. (M) 12am The Loop. (PG)

12pm ABC News. 12.30 Running Dry. 1.00 ABC News. 1.15 Planet America. 2.00 ABC News. 2.30 Close Of Business. 3.00 ABC News. 3.30 The Mix. 4.00 ABC News. 4.30 The Drum Weekly. 5.00 Fly Me To The Moon. 6.00 ABC News Weekend. 6.30 Running Dry. 7.00 ABC News Weekend. 7.30 Back Roads. 8.00 ABC News Weekend. 8.15 Four Corners. 9.00 Late Programs.

12pm ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Aust. 2.30 The Divorce. (M) 3.00 Don’t Stop The Music. 4.00 The Mix. 4.30 Everyone’s A Critic. (PG) 5.00 Back Roads. 5.30 Brush With Fame. 6.00 The Repair Shop. 6.30 Compass. 7.00 ABC News Sunday. 7.40 The Planets. 8.40 Midsomer Murders. (M) 10.10 Helpmann Awards 2019. (PG) 11.45 Shetland. (M)

12pm House Of Wellness. (PG) 1.00 Bricks & Clicks. 1.30 World’s Deadliest Weather: Caught On Camera. (PG) 2.30 To Be Advised. 4.00 Better Homes. 5.00 News. 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 House Rules. (PG) 8.45 Sunday Night. 9.45 The Day We Walked On The Moon. (M) 10.45 Criminal Confessions. (M) 11.45 Autopsy USA. (MA15+)

1pm Rugby League. Canterbury Cup NSW. Round 18. Western Suburbs Magpies v St George Illawarra Dragons. 3.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 18. Manly Sea Eagles v Parramatta Eels. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG) 8.45 60 Minutes. 9.45 Apollo 11: A Step That Changed The World. (PG) 10.45 To Be Advised. 11.15 Netball. INF World Cup. Bronze medal match.

12pm Photo Number 6. 1.00 Everyday Gourmet. 1.20 Cook’s Pantry. 1.50 The Moon Landing: 50th Anniversary. 2.50 MasterChef Australia. 4.00 RPM. 5.00 10 News First. 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 6.30 The Sunday Project. 7.30 MasterChef Australia. 9.30 FBI. (M) 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 The Sunday Project. 12.30am Shopping.

12pm Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Speedweek. 3.00 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 14. Replay. 5.00 The Bowls Show. 6.00 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 14. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 8.30 Planet of Volcanoes. 9.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 15. Limoux to Prat d’Albis. 185 km mountain stage. From France.

12pm Children’s Programs. 5.50 Kiri And Lou. 6.00 Go Jetters. 6.15 Floogals. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Safari Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (PG) 9.10 Dave Gorman Live. (M) 10.35 Live At The Apollo. (M) 11.25 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 12.05am Detectorists. (M)

12pm My Greek Odyssey. (PG) 1.00 The Yorkshire Vet. (PG) 2.00 Escape To The Country. 3.00 Vasili’s Garden. (PG) 4.00 Escape To The Country. 6.00 Mighty Ships. (PG) 7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 8.30 Mighty Trains. (PG) 9.30 Mighty Planes. 10.30 Border Security. (PG) 11.30 Cop Squad. (M) 12.30am Border Security. (PG)

12pm Ninjago. (PG) 1.00 Transformers: Cyberverse. (PG) 1.30 My Little Pony. 2.00 Tom And Jerry. 2.30 Bakugan: Battle Planet. (PG) 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS. (PG) 4.00 Beyblade Burst Turbo. (PG) 4.30 Power Rangers Beast Morphers. (PG) 5.00 MOVIE: The Princess And The Frog. (2009, G) 7.00 MOVIE: Hairspray. (2007, PG) 9.15 MOVIE: Step Up 3. (2010, PG) 11.30 Borderline. (M) 12.30am Adult Swim. (MA15+)

12.20pm Escape Fishing With ET. 12.50 Mighty Machines. 1.20 Healthy Homes Australia. 1.50 The Doctors. (PG) 2.50 Mission: Impossible. (PG) 4.00 Pooches At Play. 4.30 What’s Up Down Under. 5.00 iFish. 5.30 Attenborough: Clever Monkeys. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 9.30 To Be Advised. 10.30 48 Hours. (M) 11.30 CSI: Miami. (M)

Expensivest. 1.05 Tour de France. Stage 14. Replay. 3.05 PopAsia TV. 4.05 Great Minds. 4.20 United Shades Of America. 5.10 The Feed. 6.10 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG) 7.30 Speed With Guy Martin. (PG) 8.35 RocKwiz. (PG) 9.15 Soccer. International Champions Cup. Juventus v Tottenham Hotspur. 11.45 Great Minds. 12.05am MOVIE: Early One Morning. (2011)

12.25pm Children’s Programs. 5.25 Total DramaRama. 5.40 Miraculous. (PG) 6.00 TMNT. (PG) 6.25 In Tune. 6.30 Officially Amazing. 7.00 Fierce. (PG) 7.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.55 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. 8.05 The Fairly Odd Parents. 8.30 TMNT. (PG) 8.55 Numb Chucks. (PG) 9.05 Detentionaire. 9.25 SheZow. 9.40 Jamie’s Got Tentacles! 9.50 Move It Mob Style. 10.15 Rage. (PG)

3pm Football. AFL. Round 18. Melbourne v West Coast. From TIO Traeger Park, Northern Territory. 6.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 6.30 MOVIE: Men In Black. (1997, PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Alien. (1979, M) Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Tom Skerritt. 11.00 MOVIE: The Abyss. (1989, M)

12pm My Favorite Martian. 12.30 Getaway. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Last Holiday. (1950, G) 2.50 MOVIE: Our Miss Fred. (1972, PG) 4.50 MOVIE: A League Of Their Own. (1992, PG) 7.30 Women’s Ashes Pre-Match Show. 8.00 Cricket. Women’s Ashes. Test Match. England v Aust. Day 4. Morning session. 10.00 Women’s Ashes Lunch Break. 10.40 Cricket. Women’s Ashes. Test Match. England v Aust. Day 4. Afternoon session.

12.25pm Charmed. (PG) 1.30 Family Ties. (PG) 2.30 Frasier. (PG) 3.00 The King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Becker. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. 8.30 MOVIE: Dead Poets Society. (1989, PG) Robin Williams, Robert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke. 11.10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer. (M) 12.05am Frasier. (PG) 12.30 Shopping.

12pm ABC News: Moon Landing 50 Years On. 1.00 ABC News. 1.30 The Mix. 2.00 ABC News. 2.30 Running Dry. 3.00 ABC News. 3.30 Offsiders. 4.00 Landline. 5.00 ABC News. 5.30 World This Week. 6.00 ABC News Weekend. 6.15 Planet America. 7.00 Fly Me To The Moon. 8.00 Insiders. 9.00 ABC News Weekend. 9.30 Running Dry. 10.00 ABC News. 10.30 Late Programs.


ABC CO (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)


PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

NBN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 82)

WIN (ch 5)

BOLD (ch 51)

PEACH (ch 52)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 31)

ABC NEWS (ch 24)

July 21

ABC (ch 2)

ABC CO (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

NBN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 82)

WIN (ch 5)

BOLD (ch 51)

PEACH (ch 52)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 31)

12.15pm Most

ABC NEWS (ch 24)

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July 22

12pm ABC News At Noon. 1.00 (ch 2) Landline. 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Cook And The Chef. 3.30 Hard Quiz. (PG) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG) 5.10 The Repair Shop. 6.00 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Back Roads. 8.30 Four Corners. 9.15 Media Watch. (PG) 9.35 Q&A. 10.40 ABC Late News. 11.10 The Business. 11.30 Stargazing: Moon And Beyond. (PG) 12.25am Parliament.

12pm MOVIE: The Hunt For The Labyrinth Killer. (2013, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 House Rules. (PG) 9.10 S.W.A.T. (M) 10.10 S.W.A.T. (M) 11.10 The Latest: Seven News. 11.40 Me, Myself & I. (PG) 12.10am Talking Footy.

12pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG) 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG) 9.15 Murder, Lies And Alibis. (MA15+) 10.30 100% Footy. (M) 11.30 Cold Case. (M) 12.30am World’s Funniest Videos Top 10 Countdown. (PG)

12pm Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 MasterChef Aust. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 MasterChef Australia. 9.00 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 10.00 Akmal: Transparent. (MA15+) 11.30 WIN News. 12.30am The Project.

12pm Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 15. Replay. 2.00 Simon Reeve’s Big Life Fix. (M) 3.00 Spice Girls: Girl Power! Live In Istanbul. 4.05 Railways Of The Great War. (PG) 4.35 The Supervet. (PG) 5.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 15. Highlights. 6.30 News. 7.30 Spending Secrets Of The Royals. 8.30 24 Hours In Emergency. 9.30 World’s Best Diet. 10.25 SBS News. 10.55 8 Days. (M) 11.50 Medici: Masters Of Florence. (MA15+)

12pm Children’s Programs. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Blackadder The Third. (PG) 8.30 Extras. (M) 9.00 Community. (PG) 9.25 The Office. (PG) 9.45 The Inbetweeners. (MA15+) 10.15 Peep Show. (M) 10.40 Plebs. (M) 11.05 Flowers. (MA15+) 11.30 30 Rock. (M) 11.50 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.15am Reno 911! (M)

12pm Vasili’s Garden. (PG) 1.00 The Chase. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Mighty Ships. (PG) 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Building The Dream. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Vicar Of Dibley. (PG) 8.30 Foyle’s War. (M) 10.30 Secrets Of Scotland Yard. (M) 11.30 Mighty Ships. (PG) 12.30am Medical Emergency. (PG)

12pm Mad About You. (PG) 1.00 Real, Fake Or Unknown. (PG) 2.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! (M) 3.00 Pokémon. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Justice League Unlimited. (PG) 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: The Sum Of All Fears. (2002, M) 11.00 Big Bang. (PG) 11.30 Police Ten 7. (M) 12am Friends. (PG)

12pm Star Trek. (PG) 1.00 WIN’s All Australian News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M) 10.30 48 Hours. (M) 11.30 CSI: Miami. (M)

12pm Noisey. 12.50 Noisey. 1.40 Epicly Later’d. 2.30 Adam Ruins Everything. 2.55 Tour de France. Stage 15. Replay. 4.55 Adam Ruins Everything. 5.20 This Week With George Stephanopoulos. 6.20 Monty Python’s Flying Circus. 6.55 RocKwiz. 7.40 The X-Files. 8.35 The Curse Of Oak Island. 9.30 Student Sex Workers. 10.25 The New York Times Presents: The Weekly.

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.00 TMNT. (PG) 6.25 BTN Newsbreak. 6.30 Officially Amazing. 7.00 Horrible Histories. (PG) 7.30 Danger Mouse. 7.40 Shaun The Sheep. 7.50 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. 8.00 The Fairly Odd Parents. 8.25 TMNT. (PG) 8.45 Numb Chucks. 9.00 Detentionaire. 9.20 SheZow. 9.35 Jamie’s Got Tentacles! 9.45 Move It Mob Style. 10.10 Rage. (PG) 11.10 Close.

12pm Prospectors. (PG) 1.00 Gold Fever. (PG) 2.00 Storage Wars. (PG) 2.30 Fight To Survive. (PG) 3.00 Blokesworld. (PG) 3.30 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 4.30 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.30 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 Storage Wars. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 American Pickers. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Dirty Harry. (1971, M) 10.40 MOVIE: Volcano. (1997, M)

12pm Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: The Sound Barrier. (1952, PG) 3.25 Mary: Queen Of The High Street. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 New Tricks. (M) 8.40 Midsomer Murders. (M) 10.50 Unforgettable. (M) 11.50 Footy Classified. (M)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Charmed. (PG) 2.00 Malcolm In The Middle. (PG) 3.00 Becker. (PG) 3.30 The King Of Queens. (PG) 4.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (M) 9.00 Frasier. (PG) 11.00 The Flash. (M) 12am James Corden. (M)

12pm ABC News At Noon. 2.00 Parliament Question Time. 3.15 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 Afternoon Briefing. 5.00 ABC National News. 6.00 ABC News Hour. 7.00 The Drum. 8.00 ABC News Tonight. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC Nightly News.

12pm ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Four (ch 2) Corners. 1.45 Media Watch. (PG) 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Poh’s Kitchen. 3.30 Hard Quiz. (PG) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG) 5.15 The Repair Shop. 6.00 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Ask The Doctor. 8.30 To Be Advised. 9.30 Brian Cox: The 21st Century Race For Space. 10.30 ABC Late News. 11.00 The Business. 11.15 Q&A. 12.25am Parliament.

12pm MOVIE: A Mother’s Nightmare. (2012, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 House Rules. (PG) 9.15 Andrew Denton’s Interview. (M) 10.15 True Stories. (M) 11.00 The Latest: Seven News. 11.30 The Goldbergs. (PG) 12am Deception. (M)

12pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG) 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG) 9.15 MOVIE: The Hitman’s Bodyguard. (2017, MA15+) 11.30 The Closer. (M) 12.20am Harry. (PG)

12pm Dr Phil. (M) 1.00 MasterChef Australia. 2.30 Entertainment Tonight. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 News First. 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 MasterChef Australia. 9.30 NCIS. (M) 11.30 WIN News. 12.30am The Project.

12pm Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 1.55 Simon Reeve’s Big Life Fix. (M) 3.00 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 4.00 Railways Of The Great War. (PG) 4.35 The Supervet. (PG) 5.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stages 11 to 15. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 8.30 Insight. 9.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 16.

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Safari Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (M) 8.40 The IT Crowd. (M) 9.05 Community. (PG) 9.25 The Office. (PG) 9.50 Back. (M) 10.15 The Thick Of It. (M) 10.45 Peep Show. (M) 11.10 30 Rock. (M) 11.35 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 11.55 Reno 911! (M) 12.20am Archer. (M)

12pm The Vicar Of Dibley. (PG) 1.00 The Chase. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Mighty Ships. 4.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Building The Dream. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. (PG) 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. (M) 10.30 Citizen Khan. (PG) 11.15 Mighty Ships. 12.15am Medical Emergency. (PG)

12pm Mad About You. (PG) 1.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (M) 2.00 Sliders. (M) 3.00 Pokémon. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Justice League Unlimited. (PG) 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 7.30 Young Sheldon. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Year One. (2009, M) 10.30 Big Bang. (PG) 11.00 Young Sheldon. (PG) 12am Friends. (PG)

12pm Matlock. (M) 1.00 WIN’s All Australian News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 CSI: Miami. (MA15+) 9.25 To Be Advised. 10.20 The Mentalist. (M)

12pm Noisey. (M) 1.40 Crazy For Party Drugs. (M) 2.50 Great Minds. (M) 3.00 Soccer. International Champions Cup. Arsenal v Bayern Munich. Replay. 5.20 PBS News. 6.20 Monty Python’s Flying Circus. (PG) 6.55 RocKwiz Rewind. (PG) 7.35 The X-Files. (M) 8.30 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 9.25 Travel Man. 10.30 The Wrestlers. (M) 11.25 The Good Doctor: Korea. (M)

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.25 BTN Newsbreak. 6.30 Officially Amazing. 7.00 Horrible Histories. (PG) 7.30 Danger Mouse. 7.40 Shaun The Sheep. 7.50 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. 8.00 The Fairly Odd Parents. 8.25 TMNT. (PG) 8.50 Numb Chucks. 9.00 Detentionaire. 9.20 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts. 9.35 Jamie’s Got Tentacles! 9.50 Move It Mob Style. 10.15 Rage. (PG) 11.15 Close.

12pm Ax Men. (M) 1.00 Gold Fever. (PG) 2.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 2.30 Fight To Survive. (PG) 3.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 4.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.05 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 Storage Wars. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Outback Truckers. (PG) 9.30 Supertruckers. (PG) 10.30 Car Crash TV. (PG) 11.00 Highway Thru Hell. (PG) 12am Inside West Coast Customs. (PG)

12pm ER. (M) 1.00 MOVIE: Wonderful Life. (1964, G) 3.25 Mary: Queen Of The High Street. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (M) 8.40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 11.00 Law & Order: S.V.U. (MA15+) 12am Vet On The Hill. (PG)

12pm WIN News. 1.00 Medium. (M) 3.00 Becker. (PG) 3.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 5.00 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG) 8.30 Two And A Half Men. (M) 9.00 2017 Montreal Comedy Festival. (M) 10.00 Stand Up: Dave Eastgate. (MA15+) 11.10 The Cleveland Show. (M) 11.40 James Corden. (M)

12pm ABC News At Noon. 2.00 Parliament Question Time. 3.15 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 Afternoon Briefing. 5.00 ABC National News. 6.00 ABC News Hour. 7.00 The Drum. 8.00 ABC News Tonight. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC Nightly News.


ABC CO (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)


PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

NBN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 82)

WIN (ch 5)

BOLD (ch 51)

PEACH (ch 52)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 31)

ABC NEWS (ch 24)

July 23


ABC CO (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

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July 24

12pm ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Press (ch 2) Club. 1.30 Compass. 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Cook And The Chef. 3.30 Hard Quiz. 4.00 Think Tank. 5.10 The Repair Shop. 6.00 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Brush With Fame. (M) 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M) 9.00 Squinters. (M) 9.25 Insert Name Here. (M) 9.55 QI. (M) 10.25 ABC Late News. 10.55 The Business. 11.15 Four Corners. 12am Media Watch. 12.20 Parliament.

12pm MOVIE: Layover. (2012, M) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Britain’s Got Talent. (PG) 10.00 The Latest: Seven News. 10.30 The Day We Walked On The Moon. (M) 11.30 Blindspot. (M) 12.30am Shopping.

12pm Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG) 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Young Sheldon. (PG) 8.00 Young Sheldon. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Fast & Furious 7. (2015, M) 11.15 The Real Story Of… (MA15+) 12.10am Secrets Of The Money Masters. (PG)

12pm To Be Advised. 1.00 MasterChef Aust. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 News First. 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Australian Survivor. 9.00 My Life Is Murder. (M) 10.00 Bull. (M) 11.00 Sports Tonight. 11.30 WIN News. 12.30am The Project.

12pm Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 16. Replay. 1.55 Simon Reeve’s Big Life Fix. (PG) 3.00 Insight. 4.00 Railways Of The Great War. (PG) 4.30 The Supervet. (PG) 5.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 16. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. 8.00 Great British Railway Journeys. 8.35 24 Hours In Emergency. 9.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 17.

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Safari Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 The Good Place. (PG) 8.45 Detectorists. (M) 9.15 Community. (PG) 9.35 The Office. (PG) 10.00 Crashing. (MA15+) 10.25 An Idiot Abroad. (M) 11.10 30 Rock. (M) 11.35 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 11.55 Reno 911! (M) 12.20am Community. (PG)

12pm Auction Squad. 1.00 The Chase. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Mighty Ships. 4.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Building The Dream. (PG) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 10.30 Saved. (M) 11.30 Mighty Ships. 12.30am Medical Emergency. (PG)

12pm Mad About You. (PG) 1.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (M) 2.00 Sliders. (M) 3.00 Pokémon. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Justice League Unlimited. (PG) 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 7.30 20 To One. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Trainwreck. (2015, M) 11.00 Big Bang. (PG) 11.30 Friends. (PG) 12am Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away. (M)

12pm Matlock. (M) 1.00 WIN’s All Australian News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 10.20 NCIS. (M)

1.15pm Noisey. 1.40 MythBusters. 2.35 Adam Ruins Everything. 3.00 Tour de France. Stage 16. Replay. 5.00 Adam Ruins Everything. 5.25 PBS News. 6.25 Monty Python’s Flying Circus. 7.00 RocKwiz. 7.40 The X-Files. 8.35 Slutever. 9.00 Great Minds. 9.15 International Champions Cup. Juventus v Inter Milan. 11.45 Great Minds. 11.55 News. 12.25am MOVIE: The Lookout. (2012)

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.30 Officially Amazing. 7.00 Horrible Histories. (PG) 7.30 Danger Mouse. 7.40 Shaun The Sheep. 7.50 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. (PG) 8.00 The Fairly Odd Parents. 8.25 TMNT. (PG) 8.45 Numb Chucks. 9.00 Detentionaire. 9.20 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts. 9.35 Jamie’s Got Tentacles! 9.45 Move It Mob Style. 10.10 Rage. (PG) 11.15 Close.

12pm Ax Men. (M) 1.00 Gold Fever. (PG) 2.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 2.30 Fight To Survive. (PG) 3.15 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 4.15 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.15 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 Storage Wars. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Futurama. (PG) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.00 Rostered On. (MA15+) 9.30 Family Guy. (M) 10.30 American Dad! (M) 11.30 Swift And Shift Couriers. 12am Inside West Coast Customs.

12pm ER. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: The Lady With A Lamp. (1951, G) 3.15 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 David Attenborough’s The Hunt. (PG) 8.40 Extreme Planes. (M) 9.40 Aircrash Confidential. (M) 12am Rizzoli & Isles. (MA15+)

12pm WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Medium. (M) 3.00 Becker. (PG) 3.30 The King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 5.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (M) 9.00 MOVIE: The Dish. (2000, PG) 11.05 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG) 11.35 James Corden. (M) 12.30am Shopping.

12pm ABC News At Noon. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.30 ABC News. 2.00 Parliament Question Time. 3.15 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 Afternoon Briefing. 5.00 ABC National News. 6.00 ABC News Hour. 7.00 The Drum. 8.00 ABC News Tonight. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC Nightly News.

12pm ABC News At Noon. 1.00 The (ch 2) Repair Shop. 1.30 Insert Name Here. (M) 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Cook And The Chef. 3.30 Hard Quiz. (PG) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG) 5.15 The Repair Shop. 6.00 The Drum. 6.55 Sammy J. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Escape From The City. 9.00 No Offence. (M) 9.45 Humans. (M) 10.35 ABC Late News. 11.05 The Business. 11.20 Wentworth. (M) 12.15am Father Brown. (PG)

12pm MOVIE: Murder In Mexico: The Bruce Beresford-Redman Story. (2015, M) 2.00 Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Aust. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 8.30 Martin Clunes: Islands Of America. (PG) 9.30 The Latest: Seven News. 10.00 The Front Bar. (M) 11.00 Autopsy USA. (M) 12am Hannibal. (MA15+)

12pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Stolen. (2012, M) 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 19. Cronulla Sharks v North Queensland Cowboys. 9.45 Golden Point. 10.45 Lethal Weapon. (MA15+) 11.40 Cold Case. (M) 12.30am Underbelly: Squizzy. (M)

12pm Dr Phil. (M) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.30 Entertainment Tonight. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 News First. 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Australian Survivor. 9.00 Law & Order: SVU. (M) 11.00 WIN News. 12am The Project.

12pm Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 17. Replay. 2.00 Over The Black Dot. 3.05 The Eighties. (PG) 4.00 Railways Of The Great War. (PG) 4.30 The Supervet. (PG) 5.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 17. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Great House Revival. 8.30 The Handmaid’s Tale. (MA15+) 9.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 18. Embrun to Valloire. 208 km mountain stage. From France.

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.50 Andy’s Safari Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 QI. (PG) 8.30 Squinters. (M) 8.55 Community. (PG) 9.15 The Office. (PG) 9.40 Women On The Verge. (MA15+) 10.10 Famalam. (M) 10.35 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 11.20 30 Rock. (M) 11.40 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.05am Reno 911! (M) 12.25 Community. (PG)

12pm Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 1.00 The Chase. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Mighty Ships. (PG) 4.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Building The Dream. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Father Brown. (M) 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. (M) 10.45 Mighty Ships. (PG) 11.45 Medical Emergency. (PG) 12.15am Animal Rescue.

12pm Mad About You. 12.30 Mad About You. (PG) 1.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (M) 2.00 Sliders. (M) 3.00 Pokémon. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Justice League Unlimited. (PG) 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Regular Show. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 7.30 Top Gear. (PG) 9.00 MOVIE: Hot Fuzz. (2007, MA15+) 11.30 Big Bang. (PG) 12am WWE Raw. (MA15+)

12pm Matlock. (M) 1.00 WIN’s All Australian News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 9.30 SEAL Team. (M) 10.30 NCIS. (M) 11.30 NCIS: LA. (M)

12.15pm Noisey. 1.30 The Great Australian Race Riot. 2.30 Adam Ruins Everything. 2.55 Tour de France. Stage 17. Replay. 5.00 Great Minds. 5.10 WorldWatch. 6.10 Monty Python’s Flying Circus. 6.50 RocKwiz. 7.30 The X-Files. 8.30 The Feed. 9.25 International Champions Cup. Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United. 11.45 Full Frontal. 12.10am Great Minds.

12pm Children’s Programs. 6.25 BTN Newsbreak. 6.30 Officially Amazing. 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.30 Danger Mouse. 7.40 Shaun The Sheep. 7.50 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. 8.00 The Fairly Odd Parents. 8.25 TMNT. (PG) 8.45 Numb Chucks. 9.00 Detentionaire. 9.20 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts. 9.35 Jamie’s Got Tentacles! 9.45 Move It Mob Style. 10.10 Rage. (PG) 11.10 Close.

12pm Ax Men. (M) 1.00 Gold Fever. (PG) 2.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 2.30 Fight To Survive. (PG) 3.15 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 4.15 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.15 American Pickers. (PG) 6.30 Storage Wars. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: I, Robot. (2004, M) Will Smith, Alan Tudyk, Bridget Moynahan. 10.50 MOVIE: Street Fighter. (1994, M)

12pm WIN News. 1.00 Medium. (M) 3.00 Becker. (PG) 3.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 5.00 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (M) 8.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG) 9.00 Will & Grace. (PG) 10.30 Funny Girls. (MA15+) 11.00 New Girl. (PG) 11.30 James Corden. (M) 12.30am Shopping.

12pm ABC News At Noon. 2.00 Parliament Question Time. 3.15 ABC News Afternoons. 4.00 Afternoon Briefing. 5.00 ABC National News. 6.00 ABC News Hour. 7.00 The Drum. 7.55 Heywire. 8.00 ABC News Tonight. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC Nightly News.


ABC CO (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)


7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

NBN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 82)

WIN (ch 5)

BOLD (ch 51)

PEACH (ch 52)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 31)

ABC NEWS (ch 24)

July 25


ABC CO (ch 22)

ABC ME (ch 23)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

PRIME7 (ch 6)

7TWO (ch 62)

7MATE (ch 63)

NBN (ch 8)

GO! (ch 88)

GEM (ch 82)

12pm ER. (M) 1.00 MOVIE: Kind Hearts And

Coronets. (1949, PG) 3.15 David Attenborough’s The Hunt. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 MOVIE: Airport. (1970, PG) 10.20 Unforgettable. (M) 12.20am My Favorite Martian.

WIN (ch 5)

BOLD (ch 51)

PEACH (ch 52)

SBS (ch 3)

SBS VLND (ch 31)

ABC NEWS (ch 24)

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Brain Busters 1.

What kind of spectrum does a spectrometer measure?


The quote “First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the woman” comes from which movie?


Which alcohol is traditionally used to make a custard or cream to go with plum pudding?


What term means to administer a draught of medicine to an animal?


What was the title of Norah Jones’ 2002 debut album?


The premiere of which composer’s The Rite of Spring famously erupted into a riot in 1913?


Which planet is the second closest to the sun?


Which Scottish actor got his big break in the 1993 BBC miniseries Lipstick On Your Collar?


In the 2004 film Van Helsing, who provides the voice of Mr Hyde?

super sudoku To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.

10. It was once believed that people suffering from what medical condition saw everything as yellow?


7 6 8 4 2 3 9 5 1

4 1 5 7 6 9 2 3 8

5 7 6 3 8 1 4 2 9

2 8 1 9 4 5 3 7 6

9 3 4 2 7 6 8 1 5

No. 1246


Solve a sudoku, crack a crossword, test your trivia


Your pets home away from home!

3 9 2 1 5 8 7 6 4

Lochinvar Pet Motel

6 5 3 8 9 2 1 4 7


No. 1245

1 4 9 6 3 7 5 8 2

DOWN 1 Hospitable (8) 2 Initiates (8) 3 Alarm bell (6) 4 Compile (9) 5 Noisy (4) 7 Game played on a court (6) 8 Dragnet (6) 9 Reasons (7) 16 Bridge (9) 17 Steal (7) 18 Middling (8) 19 Ban (8) 22 Highest point (6) 23 Dogma (6) 24 Rich dessert (6) 27 Figure (4)

8 2 7 5 1 4 6 9 3

ACROSS 1 Relating to government (9) 6 Fastener (4) 10 Large flightless bird (3) 11 Agreement (11) 12 Room where vestments and articles of worship are kept (8) 13 Purchasing (6) 14 Want (4) 15 Killing oneself (7) 20 Warning (7) 21 Close (4) 25 Pizazz (6) 26 Amaze (8) 28 Ideas; strategies (11) 29 Hack (3) 30 Relating to audio equipment (2-2) 31 Win a sporting event three times (9)

4 6 7 8 3 9 2 5 1

Crossword No. 3661

3 5 2 4 6 1 8 9 7

No. 1246

1 8 9 2 7 5 3 4 6


1 2 8 6 5 1 9 3 4 8 4 1 7 6 7 6 5 7 3 8 7 6 4 5 5

6 7 1 3 9 8 4 2 5

No. 1245


5 2 8 7 1 4 9 6 3

1 3 2 5 6 1 4 3 1 2 7 2 3 5 1 7 2 4 9 6 3 7 1 9 5


9 3 4 5 2 6 7 1 8

9 3

8 1 5 9 4 3 6 7 2


2 9 6 1 8 7 5 3 4


7 4 3 6 5 2 1 8 9


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Neptune is Rose’s governing planet during the year ahead and her ideals seem to be clearer and more spiritually orientated than ever before. Her desire to evolve and understand her inner self will be a doubleedged sword. Any past emotional hurts and deep emotional issues will be dealt with and removed for good. Rose needs to spend a little more time caring for herself as it’s likely some friends will drain her of energy with their own personal problems.

ARIES: 21 MAR – 20 APR




Neptune retrograde could make you feel a bit strange and tense and it could bring you some sort of unexpected expenses. The best thing to do is to stick to your usual routine and not start anything new or important until Neptune goes direct in November.

Think before you act! That’s the astral message until Neptune goes direct in November. Any impulsive actions made at this time might be regretted, so take care! Breathe deeply before you commit yourself to anything. Everything from international affairs to religious questions will tax your mind.

Neptune retrograde concentrates on your working life, indicating that it may be time to call a halt to any activity that isn’t giving you sufficient reward or satisfaction. If your health’s been troubling you then it’s time to get the problem sorted once and for all.

Your mind is racing so fast you could cause misunderstandings, especially with Neptune retrograde until 28 November. You may receive some wounding criticism, although you’re probably being a touch sensitive. If these hurtful words were meant to be constructive, consider addressing the issues they raise.

TAURUS: 21 APR – 21 MAY Don’t take anyone or anything too seriously until Neptune goes direct in November. If you’re single and have recently met someone new, be very careful of anyone who professes undying love. So they say you have lovely eyes and an amazing body. This doesn’t mean it’s lasting love.

LEO: 23 JULY – 23 AUG



Am I doing the right thing? That’s the question buzzing inside your head at the moment as confusion or doubt sets in. It’s all the fault of Neptune being retrograde until November, which has you questioning ideas you’ve taken for granted. Time and determination will solve this problem.

With Neptune retrograde, you may find someone close to you acting in a particularly awkward manner, or that it’s near impossible for you to get through to them. Nothing is going to be easily resolved in your personal relationships until Neptune turns direct in November.

Your mind seems to be full of quite inspired ideas, but are they really practical? It may be better to leave anything that is detailed, difficult or terribly important until your brain is a little less full of fluff – or until Neptune goes direct again on 28 November!

SCORPIO: 24 OCT – 22 NOV Your life needs some kind of rearranging as you’re shouldering too many burdens both at work and home. You’ll need to deal with this soon before you feel too pressurised. You may need more assistance from those around you or to take on extra staff.

SAGITTARIUS: 23 NOV – 21 DEC With Neptune retrograde until 28 November, you’ll be keeping a lot of unexpressed frustration under control. However, internal pressure is building. Don’t keep negative feelings bottled up, but exploding in all directions isn’t good either. Resolve the root cause of the problem rather than taking it out on others.

AQUARIUS: 21 JAN – 19 FEB With Neptune retrograde, financial matters will benefit from some forethought between now and 28 November. You’d be wise to turn your shrewd mind to encouraging your bank balance. Chances are you can make savings on unnecessary expenses and relieve yourself of unwanted debts.

PISCES: 20 FEB – 20 MAR Vague is the best word to describe you, especially since your ruling planet Neptune is running retrograde until 28 November, which makes you slightly scatter-brained. However, before you start blaming others for not understanding your intentions, be sure to explain yourself clearly.

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24 July 1979

Trades & Services Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


57 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 61



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Trades & Services Guide COMPUTER REPAIRS



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Trades & Services Guide HOT WATER

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Trades & Services Guide PLUMBING

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Contact 02 4037 4031 E admin@newcastleweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide TREE SERVICES




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The PBR’s (Professional Bull Riders) Monster Energy Tour will bring its thrilling, adrenaline-filled, edge-of-your-seat excitement back to Newcastle Entertainment Centre on Saturday 3 August. For one night only, Australia’s best bull riders will battle the sport’s toughest bovine athletes. The thrilling eight-second rides and heart-stopping wrecks make the PBR the toughest sport on dirt and one huge night that you won’t want to miss. Choreographed with pyrotechnics, lasers, concert sound system and mega screen replays, with

Enter to WIN One lucky Newcastle Weekly reader will win a Harvest Garden skincare pack, valued at more than $220. To enter, email competitions@newcastleweekly.com.au with Harvest Garden in the subject line. Tell us your name, full contact details and your favourite self-care indulgence. Entries close and winners drawn at 9am on Friday 26 July. One entry per person. Permit No. LTPM-16-00488.

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multiple camera angles that will take you behind the scenes and inside the bucking chutes. It’s the ultimate entertainment package delivering exciting, nail-biting moments from start to finish, eight seconds at time. This is the one and only PBR. Expect the unexpected.

Enter to WIN Newcastle Weekly has 2x double passes (Silver Tickets) to the PBR Invitational at Newcastle Entertainment Centre to give away. To enter, email competitions@newcastleweekly.com.au with PBR in the subject line. Tell us your name, full contact details and how many seconds riders compete for. Entries close and winners drawn at 9am on Friday 26 July. One entry per person. Permit No. LTPM-16-00488.



Photo AJM Photography

I just love walking the foreshore; where else can you see a working harbour up close? Newcastle – why would you want to live anywhere else?

FAMILY/HOME TIME I really enjoy just relaxing at home, pottering in the garden and, after a long day on the mower, a quiet ale or two with Sue and, occasionally, the kids.


Originally from South Australia, Mike arrived in Newcastle in 1980 and “fell” into television in 1981, which kickstarted a love affair with the media and the city. After three decades in television and 17 years on radio, Mike has witnessed the sporting landscape in Newcastle change dramatically, as well as the city itself. A massive highlight was the Newcastle Knights’ victory in the 1997 grand final – the build-up, the win, the party that night but, most of all, the amazing parade on the Tuesday and the live telecast on NBN – something special. Newcastle has been very good to Mike and he hopes over the years he has been able to put something back through community work to say thanks. He is married to his best mate, Susan, with three boys and five grandkids to keep them busy. 62

I have fallen in love with snow skiing, especially Canada, and travelling overseas, as well as in Australia with our “caravan of courage”.

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES I am the world’s worst fisherman but the serenity of sitting in a quiet spot dangling a line is a real pleasure. Add to that a poor attempt at being a golfer, which provides some physical activity.

Photo AJM Photography

Mike Rabbitt


COMMUNITY WORK I continue to assist with compering charity events across Australia but more so here in the Hunter. I get a great deal of satisfaction from being able to assist others.

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