Financial Support at New College

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Financial Support at New College


We understand that the cost of attending University can be a worrying prospect for applicants and their families.

At New College, we are in the fortunate position of being able to offer generous financialsupporttoourstudents.

We do not want anyone to disregard applying to New College because they are worried about the cost of attending University.

In the academic year 2022/23, we gave £175,000 as student financial aid to our undergraduatecommunity.

Of course, the central University also has extremely generous financial support. To qualify for an 'Oxford Bursary', you must come from a household where the income is less than £50,000. This criteria is used when awarding many of New College's scholarships and bursaries.

If, after reading this booklet, you have any further questions about financial matters, please do get in touch with our Admissions Administrator on who will be able to help you.



We like to treat everyone equally at New College so you won't get a better room by paying more money. We operate a fair ballot system so if you have a lowerranked room in your first year, you'll have a better one in your second year.

The daily average room rate, including all utilities and services, is £30.11 with the most common length of contract being 181 days.


If they wish to, all undergraduates can eat three meals in the College Hall every day. On average, breakfast costs between £2.50 and £5.00, lunch is £4.95 and an evening meal is £6.04.


We have an on-site laundry. A wash cycle costs £2.40 whilst a tumble dryer cycle is £1.30.

Scholarships & Bursaries

RobertAllen Perkins Scholarship

This is open to successful applicants to New College who meet the threshold to qualifyfora UniversityCrankstartScholarship.

For 2024 entry, this was a household income of £32,500 or less.

The successful student will receive a non-repayable bursary of roughly £5,250 eachacademicyear from New College.

This will significantlylowerthefinancialburden ofattending University.

The next available scholarship will be for those applicants entering University in October2025.


New College participates in the Reach Oxford scheme which allows students from developing countries to study for undergraduate degrees at Oxford. Three awards from across the University are made each year.


All students can apply to the College's Student Financial Aid Fund by completing the appropriate form when it is issued in Hilary Term (Spring Term). Grants from the fund, of between £100 and £1,500, are awarded on an annual basis by the end of February.



An award of £1,000 per academic year for an Engineering or Economics & Management undergraduate already in receipt of an Oxford Bursary. Three students can be supported each year.


An award of £1,500 per academic year for any undergraduate studying a Science degree. Recipients must already be in receipt of an Oxford Bursary. Two students can be supported each year.


An award of £1,500 per academic year for any undergraduate not studying a Sciencedegree. Recipients must already be in receipt of an Oxford Bursary. Two students can be supported each year.


Funded by the 1998 year group, this award of £1,500 per academic year is available for anyundergraduate who is in receipt of an Oxford Bursary. Two students from any subject can be supported each year.


An award of up to £3,500 each year for any Humanities, Social Sciences or Mathematicsstudent.

DonaldGrayModernLanguagesStudy-AbroadFund: Awards of up to £300 to assist Modern Languages undergraduates with the cost of formally taught languages courses abroad.



An award of up to £5,000 per academic year, available to any successful applicant to Oxford University who attends a state-school in South Oxfordshire. Eligible schools are Lord Williams's, Henley College, and Wheatley Park School.


An award of up to £5,000 per academic year, available to successful applicants in a STEM subject in either Oxford or Cambridge Universities. Recipients must identify as a woman and attend a state-school in South Oxfordshire. Eligible schools are Lord Williams's, Henley College, Didcot Sixth Form, and Wheatley Park School.


This award of £1,500 per academic year is available to any undergraduate in receipt of an Oxford Bursary who either attended a secondary school in Lancaster or who comes from the Lancaster area.

Supporting musical and sporting excellence


These are awarded to talented singers who wish to develop their choral singing in New College Choir. Benefits include a bursary of £600 each academic year, free singing lessons, and guaranteed accommodation on the main college site. Applicants must be either an alto, tenor or bass and receive an offer from New College.


An organ scholarship at New College provides invaluable training for players considering a career in music. Applicants must be Grade 8 and diploma standard organists. The bursary is currently £750 per academic year, plus professional fees from choir concerts and tours. Organ scholars will also receive a room with a piano for all three years in College. The next available organ award will be for those applicants entering New College in October 2026.


This award of £300 each academic year is issued to support a talented instrumentalist's musical study. The recipient will receive the award for each year of their undergraduate degree. The minimum level of attainment is Grade 8 (ABRS) with any instrument encountered in conventional orchestras or chamber groups being acceptable. The holder of the award is expected to play a leading role in the College's musical life.


£35,000 is available each year to the student community of New College. Each student can apply for up to £300 per term to help their pursuit of an extra-curricular activity.

Supporting foreign travel

As Oxford terms are short (8 weeks), there is plenty of time for students to travel abroad. To support these ventures, there are a variety of travel funds that our undergraduates can draw upon.


This award of £500 can help to fund foreign travel during the vacation period. This travel does not have to relate to the academic study of a subject but a written report of the recipient's experiences must be submitted. One award will be made each year.




This award of £500 can help to fund foreign travel during the summer vacation. The conditions are the same as the Nick Roth Travel Award.


A maximum of £300 will be issued to any Modern Languages undergraduate to assist their travel to a country where a language that they are studying is the vernacular. Preference is given to students who are in receipt of an Oxford Bursary.


This award of £750 can help fund travel during the summer vacation and is only open to students who are in receipt of an Oxford Bursary. Two awards are available each year.



The China Travel Awards (worth up to £1,000) support New College students who are planning to travel to mainland China during their vacations. Usually, up to five awards are made each year.


This award of £750 supports travel which must have a cultural objective.



This award of up to £1,500 is issued to enable Modern Languages students to attend intensive language learning courses either just before starting their course or whilst oncourse.

Rewarding academic achievement

To recognise academic achievement, the following awards are made to eligible New College undergraduates:

'Scholarships' and 'Exhibitions' are presented in recognition of outstanding academic achievement and are normally made at the end of the first year of a student's course. These examinations are known as 'Prelims' or 'Mods'. In addition, each term, undergraduates sit mock examinations in College. ('Collections').


An annual payment of £400.


An annual payment of £275.


An award of £50 to the student who performs the best from their College cohort.


This £400 book prize is awarded to up to five undergraduates who achieve a distinction in Prelims. Recipients must be on a University Bursary and the funds must be spent in Blackwell's Bookshop.


This is an annual prize for an essay on a designated scientific topic. The competition is available to all undergraduate and postgraduate members of the College. The prize of £250 will be awarded to the successful applicant.


An award of £750 for the student with the best performance in HistoryPrelims.


An award of £750 for the student with the best performance in PPEPrelims.


An award of £100 given to the undergraduate with the best performance in Mathematics'Prelims'.


An award of £130 given to the student with the best performance in second yearMathematics.


An award of £700 given to the student with the best performance in third yearMathematicsexams.


An award of £500 given to an undergraduate, eligible for an Oxford Bursary, who has achieved excellence in either English, Classics or Modern Languages.


A grant of £50 in each year of study is available for each undergraduate studying Fine Art. An additional award of £300 is made to Fine Art students in their final year of study.

Supporting welfare:

At New College, we pride ourselves on the extensive welfare support that we offer to our students.

Students are able to apply for to the WelfareSupportFund to assist with covering the costs of (amongst other things):


CBT sessions

Private ADHD and ASD assessments.

The costs of NHS prescriptions and over the counter medication not provided by NHS.

Accommodation (if required) for medical appointments outside of term-time or for other social reasons.

Support for LGBTQ+ students

Adaptive IT equipment

Amounts contributed will vary according to the individual requests, with most students receiving amaximumofaround£1,000.

Paid work during term-time:

Due to the short terms and associated workload, students are discouraged from taking paid employment during term-time. However, there are opportunities to work for the College: on outreach projects as communications ambassadors in the College bar

Payment will be made for the above roles and students are, of course, welcome to find employment during the vacation periods.

Further support:


Students can also apply for Development Office awards, Undergraduate Study Grants, and Undergraduate Vacation Residence Grants. The application process for this is outlined to students when at New College.


If a New College student encounters a sudden financial problem eg a late arrival of a student loan payment, New College will make a short-term, interest-free loan and, where appropriate, allow for a no-penalty delay in the payment of room rent or tuition fees.

Suchsupportwillhopefullymeanthatourstudentsneverhavetoworry aboutfinancialissueswhenstudyingatNewCollege.

All data included in this booklet is correct at the time of going to press (May 2024) but is subject to change. Please note that the qualifying criteriamaychange.

If you have any further queries, please contact


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