Enjoy Stevie, exclusively launches a BOGOF promotion with Papa John’s
ewly released platform Enjoy Stevie seems to be creeping through the discount scene, what once was just a restaurant platform before lockdown
to now supporting a wide range of nationwide brands, from cheaper experiences to getaways, cinemas to retail and eating at home with the heavyweights of the pizza world, Pizza Hut Delivery and newly joined Papa John’s with a buy one get one free pizza promotion when using Stevie Monday to Thursdays, across their 423 UK locations. Stevie is also gearing up to help the restaurant industry with its reopening, a spokesperson from Enjoy Stevie says,
pre lockdown, we have proven that there is still a way to
”The Eat Out To Help Out scheme was so successful in
drive these customers through doors long after the EOTHO
2020 with 64 million vouchers used over a 4-week period,
scheme is gone. To give you an idea, Stevie has linked up
which demonstrates the power of offering discounts and
with one of the nation’s favourites, Turtle Bay on their
also proves people are willing to get out more if the price
return to offer customers an exclusive £10 free gift card.
is right, which makes It a no brainer to support restaurants
This type of promotion works effectively.”
on their return.
Enjoy Stevie is also making its entrance into Europe
It’s not easy for customers to part with their hard-
with its first stop in Ireland this April and releasing in a
earned cash these days, especially after a long stretch
handful of other countries in 2021 with a real focus on the
through lockdown you start to learn the value of money a
hospitality sector.
little more, so if the EOTHO scheme is reintroduced after
Stevie could actually become your new best friend,
lockdown 3.0 for only a short period of time, numbers will
‘Take Stevie With You’, ‘Eat With Stevie’, ‘It’s Cheaper With
naturally drop thereafter.
Stevie’.. you get the gist.
We’ve found with recent Enjoy Stevie stats that there is
Media Contact Details
something about offering physical money off rather than
Jessie Kaur, Creative Stevie Ltd
a percentage off, a percentage off sometimes doesn’t
London, United Kingdom
feel real to some customers but money off does. After
020 7183 3205
experiencing large footfall through our partner’s doors
JJ Supplies 22% More Foodservice Customers in 2020
Foodservice has reported a 22% increase in
with great deals ¬– our low prices and fast service helped
foodservice accounts for the year ending 31
to attract many new businesses,” said Mehmet.
December 2020, following a surge in sales to takeaways. “It’s been a challenging twelve months for the eating out sector, with many businesses forced to close or make cutbacks”, said Senior Category Manager, Mehmet Can Nohutcu. “But many restaurants and takeaways have adapted quickly, moving online and modifying menus,” he added. JJ worked together with manufacturers early on in the lockdown to secure good availability and prices on takeaway essentials, including pizza cheese, burgers and packaging products.
Savings were shared with customers through exclusive ‘pay online offers’, marketed through
weekly emails,
digital brochures and social media advertising. Sales of biodegradable and compostable packaging increased by 61% while pizza boxes were up 54% and fish and chip boxes increased by 41%. Thousands of takeaways used JJ for the first time last year, contributing towards record sales of £225M in the year to 31 December 2020, up 1.3% on the previous year. The pay online offers resulted in 85% of customers ordering online, versus 70% in 2019.
“Not only did we support our existing takeaway customers 48
Fastfood Professional • April and May 2021
April and May 2021 • Fastfood Professional