Help Wanted -
Are you Looking for a Career? You don’t have to travel far at the moment to come across a ‘Help Wanted’ sign in a fish and chip shop window or to see a vacancy being advertised via social media. But it’s still rare to see an “Apprentice Wanted” notice.
urrently, many businesses in the UK food industry
apprenticeship offer could make all the difference. If all
are struggling to grow and thrive or even to survive.
goes well you will hopefully have a pool of high calibre
Whilst there are many factors which impact upon the
candidates to choose from when it’s time to interview.
success or failure of a business, there is one resource
Now that you’ve found the ideal person for the job, they
across all businesses which is often undervalued -
need to be trained, supported and developed so that they
your people! If your employees are fully engaged with
can become part of your winning team that will drive your
your business and well-motivated, this could mean the
business forward.
difference between mere survival and profitability.
Having an apprentice onboard can make a big
“The job is not all about money. It’s also about feeling
difference. It can help to motivate other members of
part of a winning team. I am a team leader and I help
staff to get involved in training or even to become an
to make everyone feel good about themselves and to
apprentice themselves. But it doesn’t just end there.
have a sense of pride in their work and in the business.”
Motivating and leading your staff is how you keep your
Employee at award-winning fish and chip shop.
team winning year after year.
If you are unable to recruit and retain the right people,
If this seems a bit daunting then don’t despair as we
it doesn’t matter how good your fish and chips are, your
are working with three UK apprenticeship providers to
business is still going to struggle.
help make this possible. Working together, and with other
How do you go about creating a winning team and what
like-minded organisations, we will make guidance and
role can apprenticeships play in this? If you are struggling
tools available, to help you build, develop and keep that
to recruit staff then offering a suitable apprenticeship
winning team.
alongside the vacancy might tip the balance for you.
If you want to get involved then please contact us, the
Getting the job advert right is essential if you are to sell
National Federation of Fish Friers team: or
your vacancy to the best candidates.
the Seafish Onshore Training team:
The right kind of job advert coupled with an appropriate 8
Fastfood Professional • February and March 2022
or one of three apprenticeship providers we are working with. February and March 2022 • Fastfood Professional