Theloop june2015 for web

Page 1 // Encounter God.


Be equipped by His Word.


Be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Celebrate with us Sundays at 10:30 am


Welcome to New Covenant! We believe God is good all the time and we gather on Sundays to celebrate His goodness. We are really glad you have decided to join us today! If you are new to New Covenant be sure to visit our Welcome Centre in the lobby to receive a special gift and a brochure designed to answer some of the questions you are probably asking and to help you get the most out of your first few visits. This handout is our monthly communications brochure and is designed to make you aware of everything that is happening at NC. Feel free to participate in as much or as little as you are ready for. Our hope is that as you take the next step into the New Covenant community and get more involved, you will begin to see that NC is more than just a Sunday Morning celebration; it is a family of everyday people following Jesus together to bring hope and change to the world - one life at a time.

Do you believe all of God’s promises? Do you really believe them? Is your faith without hesitation? That’s where we get tripped up isn’t? We believe ... but we hesitate to believe. We believe … but some doubt creeps in. We believe He can … but we wonder if He will. We believe but often our belief is not without hesitation. Can we really call this kind of quasi-belief ‘faith’? James 1:6-7 says no. “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.” (NIV) True faith is belief without doubt, without pause, without hesitation.

True faith is belief without doubt, without pause, without hesitation.

Faith and doubt cannot coexist. Doubt nullifies our faith. Doubt might be keeping you from experiencing and receiving all that God has for you. In our ‘Good Enough’ series, which begins on Sunday, June 7, we will be dealing with two common causes of doubt and teaching two truths that will help you believe and not doubt so you can receive and experience all that God has made available to you through Jesus.

Our Purpose: Celebrating God’s goodness!

Our Mission: Helping one another to Encounter God, be Equipped by His Word, and Empowered by His Spirit to live a life that celebrates God.

Sundays at NC! God has more for you. Actually, everything God has promised you is yours through Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 1:20 it says, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.” Everything God has promised is yours because of Jesus. However, our beliefs affect our ability to receive all that God has for us. In this series you will learn two essential truths you must believe before you can experience all that God has for you.

Sunday, June 7 God is Good Enough!

Sunday, June 14 You are Good Enough!

Father’s Day - Sunday, June 21 Wear your favourite tie. Win a prize for the most ‘one-of-a-kind’ tie.

The Life of David:

Every Sunday at 9:45 am Everyone is welcome!

Weight loss/management encouragement and accountability group and Bible study. Mondays at 7:00. Ends June 22. Call the office for more info.

Attention: We are now meeting upstairs in the Prayer Room.

Friday, June 26 See Clare Tweedie for more information. $50/person

Wednesdays at 7:00 PM at NC.


with Blazing Fiddles

Discover a biblical battle plan that helps men replace specific temptations and struggles with God’s better promises. It deals head-on with issues like sexual lust, the need for control, unfounded fear and the pursuit of significance.

Boat Cruise and Dinner

Men’s Group

Thursdays at 7:00 PM 66 Hillier Crescent, Home of Shirley Bruines) Women’s Study

North of 50

Leadership Lessons and the Pursuit of Intimacy

REVOLUTION is a fast-paced, highoctane evening of food, fun, friends, and faith.

Interested in changing the world or just yourself? How about exploring the deep things of life?

Join with other Jr. Highs as they learn what it means to explore faith on their own terms.

Hang out with us as we journey through life. On Friday nights we drink copious amounts of liquid and participate in epic games. Then join us for worship and challenging teaching from the Bible that makes sense.

Legendary games, food, music, and engaging discussions. REVOLUTION (grades 6-8) /REVOLUTIONbrantford


Come be a part of ELEVATE! Each week is designed to inspire you to grow in your faith and experience real life with Jesus. Sound too good to be true? Check it out for yourself.

Wednesday, June 3 + Friday, June 5

Ninja Game, Ninja Message, Ninja Food

ELEVATE (grades 9-12) Fridays 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Wireless Bonfire (Elevate & Revolution)

Friday, June 12


at Grand Valley Church (379 Golf Rd.)


(No Revolution Jr. Youth on June 10)

Attention Youth and Parents

Revolution and Elevate weekly programs end the last week of June.

THRIVE: grow or develop well or vigorously. To flourish, prosper, bloom, blossom and succeed. Mission Thrive exists to awaken or re-awaken the spiritual hunger in young adults.

Watch facebook for more information about Summer Events and about our exciting September Kick-off!

Thrive Year End Bash Monday, June 1 at 7:00 pm at New Covenant

Open to all ages See Pastor Greg for more info.

Happen to be between the ages of 18-35(ish)? If you’re a student, young professional, or someone who is simply trying to figure it all out, then we absolutely have a place for you. Join us each Monday @ 7 PM(ish) at various coffee shops in Brantford where we have great discussions about our God-shaped lives over beverages. Come be a part of the thrive community! THRIVE OC (off campus) Mondays at 7:00 PM Check facebook for location and details.

/THRIVEbrantford @new_cov_yaya

Mark your calendars. DIVINE WOMEN’S CONFERENCE

MEN’S Men’s Breakfast

BREAKFAST For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Eph. 2:10 At DIVINE Conference 2015, we are excited to gather together as women, celebrating and learning from one another, affirming each person’s unique design and discovering how we fit together in the mosaic that is God’s beautiful masterpiece. For more info: Visit the information table in the lobby, speak to Teri Easton, or go to:

Men’s Steak and Eggs Breakfast. (Yes! There will also be bacon.) Saturday, June 27 at 8:00 am 198 St. George St.


Any funds beyond cost recovery will be donated to Nova Vita

You must sign-up by Sunday, June 21.

Sunday, June 28 Immediately following the celebration.

BBQ Provided Every Friday in June 5 - 8:00 pm Raise support for some of our missionaries!

Please bring: A salad and a dessert to share. Lawn Chairs, Drinks, Sunscreen, Towels Fun, Games, and Fellowship for all ages!




VBS Vacation Bible School

July 6-10 $20/child Register in the lobby TODAY!

VROOM continues for all Kingdom Kids classes through the month of June! Come and learn what real love looks like!

STAY IN theloop We do our best to include as much information in this publication as possible but additions, subtractions and changes take place.

New 2NC


If you are new to New Covenant, you are invited to stay for lunch and meet the pastors. Watch the video announcements for the next date. 519-753-4549 or


Do you have questions about or are you interested in baptism? Pick up a baptism info guide from the Information Table in the lobby or speak to one of the pastors.

Community Groups

Meet friends, study the Bible, ask questions. New groups are starting all the time. Speak to Pastor Lance for more information and times and locations.

Sign-up for ‘theloop’ our weekly e-zine to insure you are always have the most accurate and up-to-date information and you stay ‘in the loop’. It is sent directly to your inbox once-a-week with reminders and updates about what is happening at New Covenant. Email to be added to the list.

CONTACT US New Covenant Christian Fellowship 22 Holiday Dr. Brantford, ON N3R 7J4 /1NewCovenant @new_cov 519.753.4549

Office Hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:30 - 12:30 8:30 - 12:30 8:30 - 4:30 8:30 - 4:30 8:30 - 12:30


MONDAY Thrive Ult. Bad. at 7:00 Fit for Life at 7:00

1 Prayer 9:45 am Food Cart Donations


Fit for Life at 7:00





Zumba at 7:00 pm

Zap, REVOLUTION, Men’s Study 7:00 PM

MMT Practice 7 pm

Elevate 7:00 pm FTF at 5:00 pm




Wireless Youth Gathering at 7:00 pm FTF at 5:00 pm

Zumba 9:30 am Zumbathon 12-4 pm



Elevate 7:00 PM FTF at 5:00 pm

Zumba 9:30 am Wonderjam



Zumba at 7:00 pm

Nof50 Coffee Hr. 1:00pm MMT Practice 7 pm Zap at 7:00 pm Men’s Study 7:00 pm



Prayer 9:45 am Fit for Life at 7:00 CELEBRATION 10:30 am

Zumba at 7:00 pm

OB Sorting at 9:30 am Zap, REVOLUTION, Men’s Study 7:00 PM




Prayer 9 :45 am Fit for Life at 7:00 CELEBRATION 10:30 am



Prayer 9 am CELEBRATION 10:30 am Summer Party



11 MMT Practice 7 pm


Zumba 9:30 am





OB Give out 11:00 am MMT Practice 7 PM

Elevate 7:00 PM FTF at 5:00 pm

Men’s Bfast at 8:00 am Zumba 9:30 am






Live a life that celebrates God! Men’s Event


Zap,REVOLUTION, Men’s Study at 7:00 pm

Zumba at 7:00 pm



Women’s Event

Invite a Friend!

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