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The Pitfalls of Working with White People In Response: Protesting Against The Kingdom of Barack Hussein Obama

The Barack Obama – Eric Holder - DOJ Department of Justice Funded

Pitfalls of Working with White People The Taxpayer Funded DOJ Department of Justice has once again funded the manufacturer, publishing and distribution of a theory of social evil report entitled Pitfalls of Working with White People in yet another radical attempt to divide the United States.

The Attorney General of the United States

Eric Holder in conjunction with the

President of the United States

Barack Hussein Obama Presents to the American People By Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg PA USA

The Pitfalls of Working with White People In Response: Protesting Against The Kingdom of Barack Hussein Obama

The Citizens attractively combined their votes to elect the first African American President of the United States after much debate and considerable controversy. The high thinking Barack Hussein Obama promised that all citizens would share in the hope and change enterprise and our generation would be the newness around the world making the world a better place. The Presidents inexperience demonstrated that his feast of new ideas and government programs would only be centered against the taxpayers and with the help of big government, big unions, big media, big business and his gathering of unbelievable corrupt and unchecked power millions have called for the pitchfork to once again free the people of the United States. The President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, has offered the American people no honest toil, has not promoted the free enterprise economy, has destroyed social and industrial relationships and has caused the dangerous collisions within race, income and now courtesy among the citizens. The DOJ government funded report “Pitfalls of Working with White People� is another government funded fantasy to promote the ruin of the United States and to manufacture one more reason for a violent, aggressive and brutal civil unrest between the citizens of the United States. Barack Hussein Obama has led a charming, taxpayer funded, welfare life from birth and now resides in the White House. This man has never labored in the fields, no chopping of wood and is fully addicted to moonlight corruption of other peoples money and progressive and cooperative socialism.

The Pitfalls of Working with White People In Response: Protesting Against The Kingdom of Barack Hussein Obama

The Citizens, young men and maidens, did in fact elect Barack Hussein Obama for a second term as the President of the United States as they had become addicted to the government picnic of free food stamps, free section eight housing, free cell phones, free health care, free internet connections, free urban transportation, free school and the walking around money was only the beginning of the intellectual wanderings of the President with good manners, scattered relationships but was willing to burn the United States down to the ground. Every town started to remember the poorhouse, the depression food lines and the millions of people without jobs, homeless, hungry and the Obama dream became the nightmare forced on the middle-class. The Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Maoist economics was the absurdity of the Progressive Democratic Socialist President Barack Hussein Obama and was the experiences unfolding in every home and business across America. The Harvard chapels and halls of education required so many black people to remain respectable so Barack Hussein Obama was allowed to roam the halls, allowed to criticize the establishment, whipping other pupils with black radical ideas, flogging the U.S. Constitution all while enjoying the solitude of illegal drugs, alcohol and philosophical introspection about the evils of slavery and the United States. His defects in character and his comments and grades would be hidden forever which would allow the weak man to become strengthened by passage of time and lies. His expenses for living and learning were paid by the taxpayers, mostly the white people that was obliged to dress, feed and educate him.

The Pitfalls of Working with White People In Response: Protesting Against The Kingdom of Barack Hussein Obama

The Citizens watched him through the summers and winters and wondered why the government was failing them over and over again. He would be considered ridiculous in policy and illogical in actions. His meaningless speeches were now directed to the minority of colored people and not the citizens that gave him the power. He wanted the colored man and women to believe that they were still slaves and in proportion the white people owned them everything they owned. He had no free and clear plan for anything so accordingly he pushed bizarre deals with the Soviet Style Russian leader Putin, whispering in his ear. He gave billions to wacky friends with solar ideas and off the wall plans that killed millions of jobs. The citizens discovered that Barack Hussein Obama was afraid of the world and could only walk the halls of power with other men holding his hand and these men were evil. The world is governed too much by evil men so resistance to Obama started to surface but it was not from the halls of government it was from main-street, solitary men and women combining, reserving their rights, pushing him back, talking out loud and the fearful man became afraid. The President used everything, the IRS Internal Revenue Service to attack the free citizens. The President used the NSA to spy on the citizens so he could hear their plans. He tried to make people believe he was a Christian and not a Muslim but the collision of facts, lies and more lies were starting to surface daily so his failure is intimate and he becomes dangerous.

The Pitfalls of Working with White People In Response: Protesting Against The Kingdom of Barack Hussein Obama

The Citizens did not have jobs but they were forced to buy the ACA Affordable Health Care proclaimed as ObamaCare. They tried to live by unemployment as income but the money stopped because the President was in his second term and started acting like he was untouchable. President Obama was the textbook on radical behavior and dimwitted economic plans even though he remained clever in deception. Millions of colored voters foolishly followed his thoughts, plans and ideas unhesitant into deeper poverty. Obama lived like he had several lives to live but the history of him, the facts of his plans, the results of his activities did not spare him as the truth was leaking from his White House. His administrative government moved thousands of high powered weapons to Mexican drug cartels in something called Fast and Furious. The DOJ and the White House could not explain their actions once an American border agent was killed by one of the DOJ White House weapons. Islamic Muslims Jihadists at Fort Hood killed over a dozen innocent people but the President wanted to call it work place violence to hide the fact that Islamic Terrorism was alive and well inside the borders of America. The President wanted to move the most vicious killers known to the world to U.S. Federal prisons and allow them a total constitutional legal defense inside U.S. borders. These were the terrorists that killed Americans on the battlefields and were being jailed at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

The Pitfalls of Working with White People In Response: Protesting Against The Kingdom of Barack Hussein Obama

The Citizens could not believe that he wanted to empty the jails and prisons and then allow them the right to vote. They seen the President trying his best to take away the citizens constitutional free speech and free press rights by spying on AP Associated Press journalists and FOX News reporters without authorization or court orders. They saw him try everything to remove their rights to keep and bear arms and make double sure the Keystone pipeline was never opened. The worn and dusty U.S. Constitution was the only thing keeping millions of Americans free as Obama was proved to be dishonest and disreputable. The middle-class tax paying people wanted a smaller government and less national debt with a strong military. The President wanted a super sized government, weaker currency, smaller military and wealth distribution with open borders and tens of millions of illegal aliens given full citizenship, welfare support and voting rights to make him even more powerful.

By Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg PA USA

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