MODULE: Job Search Methods and Employment SUBJECT TITLE: Job search methods and work practice Gintarė Joteikaitė
Subject title
Purpose of the activity
Location and tools Number of participants
Job search methods and work practice The aim of the session is to acquaint the participants with various methods of job search and to encourage them to enter the labour market boldly and confidently.
2 hours.
Writing tools, projector, sheets of paper.
10–20 participants. Participants are divided into groups of 4–5 people. Each group receives 2 sheets of paper with two written questions: 1. What forms of work practice are you familiar with?
Acquaintance/ team building methods
2. What are the job search methods you know? Participants answer these questions in groups and write down key moments. At the end of the task, all groups share what they wrote, the youth worker summarizes and writes the most important aspects on one single sheet. .
Practical tasks
Participants are invited to creatively portray all types of activities of interest to them. One can simply describe the activities or use a creative solution by sticking stickers on the poster, drawing, drawing schematic drawings, etc. Participants have 20–30 minutes to complete the task. In the second part of the task, next to each area, participants are invited to develop and describe a strategy for how they intend to apply, look for a job or internship in those areas.
End of session reflection methods
At the end of the session, each participant shares what they take out of the session and one commitment they intend to make when they return home.
Notes to the leader
Participants who express a serious intention to apply for a particular job or internship should be accompanied.