MODULE: Idea positioning, sales SUBJECT TITLE: Presentation Yauheni Luferchyk
Subject title
Purpose of the activity
Location and tools Number of participants
Presentation To introduce the participants with the features of effective presentation and preparation for it.
(together with presentation workshop): 3-4 hours.
Paper, writing tools, projector, computers, presentation creation programs (PowerPoint, Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva).
10–20 participants.
Acquaintance/ team building methods
Each participant is asked to create a slide about himself/herself. You are encouraged to use creativity for this: the slide can be on paper, on the phone, on a computer or in any other format. After 10 minutes of preparation, each participant introduces himself/herself briefly using this slide he/she has created.
Practical tasks
Participants are divided into groups of 3–4 people. The task can also be performed by one person independently. Each group is asked to create a 10 minutes presentation on an indicated topic. The groups can choose the topics independently, or the leader can invite them to draw leaflets with pre-prepared topics and presentation tasks. The presentation should consist of a presentation and a speech. All participants must be involved in all parts of the preparation of the presentation as well as the public presentation itself. 1 hour is given for preparation. At the end of the preparation period, all groups deliver their presentations, and all other groups, together with the leader, provide feedback: identify strengths, areas for improvement and give advice for the future.
End of session reflection methods
At the end of the session, each participant shares what they received in person from this session and what will come in handy in the future.
Notes to the leader
During the session, it is important for the leader to present the topic in an exemplary manner, using well-designed slides, providing examples of various presentations, inviting the listeners to discuss which presentation variants are good, which are not very suitable and why?