MODULE: Idea positioning, sales SUBJECT TITLE: Commercial offer Gintarė Joteikaitė
Subject title
Purpose of the activity
Location and tools Number of participants
Acquaintance/ team building methods
Commercial offer To provide participants with information on the basic rules of commercial offer development, relevant to both commercial, individual and social activities.
2–3 hours.
Paper, writing tools, projector, computers, presentation creation programs (PowerPoint, Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva).
10–20 participants.
Each participant is invited to choose one item he/she has with him/her that he/she considers to be vital and to think about how to present that item in such a way that all listeners would like to acquire it. A few minutes are given to reflections. Then each participant introduces himself/herself and presents the chosen item to the whole group in 2–3 minutes.
Practical tasks
Participants are divided into groups of 3–4 people. The task can also be performed by one person independently. Each group is asked to create a commercial offer that represents the specified service or goods. The groups can choose services or goods independently, or the session leader can invite them to draw lots by picking slips of papers with pre-prepared described services or goods and presentation tasks. 1 hour is given for preparation of the commercial offer (content and graphic design). At the end of the preparation period, all groups present their commercial offers, and all other groups, together with the leader, provide feedback: identify strengths, areas for improvement and give advice for the future.
End of session reflection methods
At the end of the session, each participant shares what they received in person from this session and what will come in handy in the future.
Notes to the leader
During the presentation of the theoretical part, it is worth showing and presenting several different variants of commercial offers and to devote time and space to discussions about the strengths and weaknesses of the presented examples.