MODULE: Idea positioning, sales SUBJECT TITLE: Sales Gintarė Joteikaitė
Subject title
Purpose of the activity
Location and tools Number of participants
Acquaintance/ team building methods
Practical tasks
Sales To develop young people‘s effective sales skills, to help them see the aspect of the sales process in every life situation, and also to introduce them the rules of commercial sales.
2–4 hours.
Writing tools, paper sheets, paper clips
10–25 participants Participants are grouped in pairs. Each group of two people is given the task of communicating for 10 minutes and during that time refining the greatest needs of both people as well as the challenges that arise in their daily lives. At the end of the task time, each pair introduces themselves to a group of all participants. The leader emphasizes that this task perfectly introduced the topic of the session itself and one of the key parts of the selling process – the practice how to examine the client. Participants are divided into groups of 3–4 people. Each group is given a paper clip and participants are invited to prepare to spend 1 hour on the street. Groups of participants are invited to exchange the given paperclip for as useful thing as possible on the street. Then exchange the new acquired thing for an even more valuable one. In this way, participants have to exchange items with passers-by for the entire hour devoted to the task. Participants are invited to use all the knowledge acquired during the theoretical part. For the safety of the participants, the leader should write down the telephone numbers of all participants so that he/she could keep in touch with them.
End of session reflection methods
Notes to the leader
When returning after the task and one hour spent on the street, all groups of participants put all their collected items on one table. Each group shares their impressions about performance of the task. After the general group impressions, each participant shares what skills they strengthened during the session and what they learned during it.
In order to achieve maximum effectiveness, it is also recommended to conduct sessions on the topics covered in this module about presentation and commercial offer.