MODULE: Effective leadership methods SUBJECT TITLE: Critical thinking Gintarė Joteikaitė
Subject title
Purpose of the activity
Location and tools Number of participants
Critical thinking
To acquaint participants with the concept and theory of critical thinking and during the practical task to strengthen the ability to understand, accept and analyse one‘s own and other people‘s decision-making systems and models of world perception.
2–4 hours.
Chairs, projector, writing tools, printer
10–30 participants
Participants are divided into groups of 4-5 people. Each group is invited to choose the topic of the study they would like to conduct in order to find out opinions on a particular situation or topic. Later, the groups are invited to go outside and speak to people about the topic. Key moments they need to figure out: Acquaintance/ team building methods
the position of the survey participants on a particular issue,
why people have precisely such an opinion.
The survey takes about 20 minutes. When they return to the training space, the participants create a system for demonstrating the results (they have another 15 minutes for that), which they present to all participants.
The method “Abigail” 4.3.3 “Abigail” 59 4 Intercultural learning “T-kit No. 4” It is a discussion about a sad love story: who is the worst and who is the best? Resources required: Each participant is given one copy of this story. Practical tasks
Abigail loves Tom, who lives on the other side of the river. The flood destroyed all the nearby bridges across the river, leaving only one boat in the water. Abigail asks Sinbad, the owner of the boat, to take her to the other side of the river. Sinbad agrees, but demands that Abigail make love with him in return. Abigail doesn’t know what to do and runs to her mother for her advice. The mother replies that she does not want to interfere in Abigail’s affairs. Confused, Abigail makes love with Sinbad, who then takes her across the river. Abigail runs to Tom, hugs him happily, and tells him everything that happened. Tom rejects her harshly and Abigail escapes. Not far from Tom’s home, Abigail meets John, who is Tom’s best friend. She also tells him everything that happened. John beats Tom for what he did to Abigail and goes out together with her.