MODULE: Implementation of social initiatives SUBJECT TITLE: Project management Alena Dzinman
Subject title
Purpose of the activity
Project management
To acquaint participants with project management methods.
From 2 hours to a month (there may be a longer period of time required to complete the practical task).
Location and tools
Computers or telephones, writing tools, projectors, whiteboard, sticky notes, chairs, tables.
Number of participants
5–20 participants
Acquaintance/ team building methods
The training leader creates a tasks’ performance process board (mentioned in the theoretical part), on which in the section “To Do List” he/she affixes sticky notes with several different tasks, for example, to talk to three passers-by, to water flowers, to wash dishes, to find information on the Internet, to make sure there is water in the space, to take care of a coffee break and so on. Participants are invited to introduce themselves and choose which of the tasks mentioned in the sticky notes they would like to focus on, and to write their name on the appropriate sticky note. While the tasks are being completed, the sticky notes are moved to the “In progress” and “Completed” sections.
Practical tasks
This visual presentation of the task completion process has many advantages: at any moment it is possible to see what is going on, what is being done, what has been done and how many tasks remain to be completed. The approximate number of hours required to complete each task is written down, but only an experienced project manager knows how many hours should be provided for each task. The task of the project manager is to select enough tasks for the first sprint so that the team can complete them, calculate and distribute the tasks so that the participants have enough time to complete this sprint on time. So the work of the project manager is quite complicated as there are still force majeur circumstances. Someone can get sick, the computer can fail and all work can be lost. And in general, there are other similar things that can happen during a project, and the project manager needs to take that into account. Project manager takes into account the risks and, as far as possible, everything that can happen to the project.
End of session reflection methods
Participants are invited to choose one of the project management methods – “Flexible” or “Waterfall”, and, based on it, to plan and implement a group initiative or project. Full creative freedom is given – it can be a project to improve services at a school, university or youth centre, an educational program, a social initiative, a product and anything else. It would be great if participants could devote at least a week, and perhaps even more time, to the task. They could then experience all parts of the chosen project management method. Participants are also invited to create and use in the team the tasks’ performance board mentioned in the theoretical information section.