MODULE: Lifestyle SUBJECT TITLE: Time and energy management Alena Dzinman
Subject title
Purpose of the activity
Location and tools Number of participants
Time and energy management Introduce participants to time and internal energy resources management tools which would help them to become more effective in their daily lives.
2 hours.
The presentation requires a projector, writing board, paper and writing tools for participants, tables, chairs, sticky notes, adhesive tape for gluing posters in space.
Unlimited, but the most effective number – 16–20 participants. A method for focus of attention
Acquaintance/ team building methods
Participants are invited to pair up, to become acquainted with each other, sit down in front of each other and make eye contact. In the first part of the method, participants are asked to maintain eye contact, but at the same time to think about the tasks of concern, the existing daily worries, the things they need to do. They have one minute for that. In the second part participants are asked to focus completely on the person they are looking at and pay full attention to him/her alone. They have one minute for that as well. In the third part participants are asked to explore what is going on around them without turning their eyes away from their partner. They have one minute for that. Finally, the last fourth minute is dedicated to share experiences in couples. In the next few minutes, the whole group needs to reunite and share their experiences and emotions with everyone in the circle thus changing the focus of attention. The leader asks questions about what was the easiest to focus on and what was the hardest to focus on, thus drawing attention to the topic of the session. Task no. 1 Participants are asked to close their eyes and focus on breathing. Monitor inhalations and exhalations, air temperature, continuity and intensity of inhalations and exhalations. At the end of the task participants open their eyes and share their experiences and observations. Task completion time including discussion. Task no. 2
Practical tasks
Dalyvių prašoma užmerkti akis ir sutelkti dėmesį į kvėpavimą. Stebėti įkvėpimus ir iškvėpimus, oro temperatūrą, įkvėpimų ir iškvėpimų tęstinumą, intensyvumą. Pasibaigus užduočiai, dalyviai atmerkia akis ir dalijasi patyrimais, pastebėjimais. Time to complete the task: 3 minutes; discussion: 3 minutes. Task no. 3 Participants need to divide their sheet of paper into two parts: write a plus sign on one side of the sheet and a minus sign on the other side of the sheet. They are then asked to make two lists: on the side with the plus sign, list all the things, activities, people, topics of conversation, jobs and etc., which provide energy, and on the other side, where there is a minus sign, list all things, activities, people, topics of conversation, jobs and etc., which drain energy, cause apathy, despair, and after which one needs time to recover. Time to complete the task: 15 minutes.