MODULE: Lifestyle SUBJECT TITLE: Financial management Gintarė Joteikaitė
Subject title
Purpose of the activity
Location and tools Number of participants
Financial management To provide participants with information on personal finance management and its distribution into segments, savings, as well as to prepare for salary discussion situations in the first jobs.
2 hours.
The presentation requires a projector, writing board, paper and writing tools for participants, tables, chairs, sticky notes, adhesive tape for gluing posters in space.
Unlimited, but the most effective number – 16–20 participants.
The method: „How does this thing describe me?“
Acquaintance/ team building methods
Each participant is asked to choose one of the items he/she has with him/her during the session and to explain why he/she chose that particular item, why it is important for him/her and what it says about the participant himself/herself. When everyone introduces themselves, participants are invited to divide into groups somehow (according to the significance, value, price, purpose, etc. of the items). At the end, all the groups briefly explain according to what criteria they gathered in precisely such groups. This method leads us to the topic of money and in-kind exchanges.
Task no. 1
Practical tasks
Participants are asked to divide the sheet of paper into two parts. On one side you need to list all your activities and hobbies – both those which generate funds and those which do not. Participants have 10 minutes to complete the task. Then on the other side of the page participants are asked to write down ideas on how each of these activities could become a financial source. Next to these activities that already generate income, participants are invited to write down ideas on what should be done so that the aforementioned activities would start generating even more income. Participants have 15 minutes to complete this part of the task. Task no. 2 According to the part „Distribution of funds into segments“, participants are asked to describe their last month‘s expenses for each of the above columns. Participants have 10– 15 minutes to complete the task. At the end, participants are allowed to share their insights.
End of session reflection methods
The Gift Method At the end of the session, participants are asked to choose again one of the items they have, but this time to choose one item that they would like to give to someone in the group. Ask them to name why they chose this particular item and what they want to pass on or wish for another person when giving this particular gift.