MODULE: Emotions and Inner Comfort SUBJECT TITLE: Emotion management Gintarė Joteikaitė
Subject title
Purpose of the activity
Location and tools Number of participants
Acquaintance/ team building methods
Emotion management To introduce participants with the concept of emotions, the reasons and course of their formation and to teach them to consciously manage this process.
2 hours.
The presentation requires a projector, writing board, paper and writing tools for participants as well as tables and chairs.
10-20 participants.
Each participant is invited to introduce himself/herself and tell about a film and this film’s character who best reflects his/her personality, and to answer the question of why he/she chose this particular film and this particular character.
A creative task that encourages participants to learn to look at their lives from a global perspective. Participants are asked to see their lives as a film in which they play key roles. The following questions are asked: 1. What genre is this film and why? Practical tasks
2. Who are the antagonists (negative characters) in your life according to this film? 3. What do these antagonists teach us? What qualities do they strengthen and what do they serve us on our path to personal improvement? 4. What is the main character’s goal, mission, dream? How does he/she achieve all that? Participants are asked to describe in detail the plot of the film of their life by answering all the questions. At the end, the participants are divided into pairs and tell each other what they wrote.
End of session reflection methods
At the end of the session, each participant is asked to compare his/her favourite film mentioned at the beginning and his/her personal life film plot he/she described. What similarities does he/she notice and what did he/she understand about himself/herself during the session?