RED Fashion School Catalog 25-26

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School Catalog

School Catalog

24B Monroe Street, Norwalk CT 06854 Classrooms

350 Main Avenue

Norwalk CT 06851

Ph.203 690-4496

We are offering classes Monday through Saturday from 9am-9:30pm All schedules are subject to change if needed according to the availability of students and teachers

Parking for 24B Monroe Street is on Monroe Street hourly parking and Chestnut Street free parking

Parking for 350 Main Avenue is next to the building and on the street.

School Catalog

Located in critically acclaimed South Norwalk, CT, a team of professors from the best colleges in NYC collaborate to create a curriculum that draws on both the rich traditions perfected in European Couture Houses and contemporary design techniques.

Our facility is equipped with all the sewing machines, computer programs, and an extensive fashion library currently used in the industry.

Our teachers and guest lecturers, all established professionals, provide students with a revolutionized and trendy understanding of the fashion industry, and create an environment where all kinds of design ideas can come to life.


The Red Fashion School (referred to hereafter as RED) is an institution that brings together contemporary style design education and the insights of working designers to educate the next generation of cultural leaders and innovators. RED will offer a uniquely vertical model of education and professional practice, a co-operative enterprise where the students are educated through the process and practice of working with professional international designers:

Research ●

Create exceptional design research that provides educational offerings inspired by thorough analyses and predictions of trends within the worldwide design sector, aiming for world-class recognition.

Education ●

Nurture upcoming cultural trailblazers and pioneers by delivering a comprehensive and harmonious combination of hands-on design expertise and a well-structured liberal arts education. Tailor this blend to cater to the distinct requirements of a globally connected fashion and design community, fostering creativity and innovation without limitations.

Design ●

Utilize your creative tools to shape a better future. Think independently and immerse yourself in your customers' world.

Create a dynamic, research-driven community with visiting scholars and practitioners. This environment highlights how design intersects with psychology, sociology, history, aesthetics, global design traditions, and an ever-evolving, open-ended atmosphere that

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appreciates the best from the past, present, and future.

Involve students in various design traditions and historical periods through cultural exchange, travel, and exposure to human evolution and culture.

Community ●

Sustain governance frameworks with the capacity to thoughtfully reassess and readjust RED in response to evolving educational, technological, market, and demographic trends. Maintain a physical infrastructure that caters to both educational and industry requirements, fortified by cutting-edge information technology and advanced design and production tools.


Foster a union between modern-style design education and the perspectives of active designers worldwide. Cultivate an atmosphere that nurtures the business and entrepreneurial instincts, inclinations, and abilities of both students and faculty members.

RED Vision

Employment Oriented Education.

To date, potential students and their potential employers have embraced our unique cooperative learning structure, which pairs students with working professionals (who are also qualified academically) and/or which places students in a real-world working environment – we provide an employment-oriented education.

Our School offers curricula designed to teach fashion and design knowledge and skills desired by many employers for everything from entry-level to advanced positions. We have designed our curriculum, after consultation with employers, to help our graduates begin to prepare for careers in various fields involving fashion and design.

We believe that our unique cooperative learning structure will support high graduate employment rates and thus show the strength of our program and career services.

RED Values

Respect: We personify a culture of professionalism with respect for the dignity of all students, staff, and instructors; honoring their perspectives and cultures.

Excellence: We are dedicated to enhancing and promoting excellence in teaching and

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learning by continually changing, improving, and ensuring the effectiveness of the school’s program in preparing students for successful careers in the field of fashion design and fashion management.

Student Success: We strive to provide the quality education and training necessary for students to be successful in their academic and work environments.

Commitment: We are committed to providing students with opportunities to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for successful employment in the business of design and management in fashion.

Teamwork: We seek to create an interdisciplinary, concerted, and harmonious academic environment, which is characterized by uniqueness, honesty, and collaboration.

Diversity: We are committed to the importance of diversity in faculty, staff, and students to provide an atmosphere of academic freedom and encourage an open exchange of ideas.


Red Fashion School operates year-round and offers a Certificate Program in Fashion Design in semesters of 15 weeks. This means that the students will have a map of successful completion in 4 semesters.

This year-round format allows students to complete their program of study and to enter/or reenter the workforce more rapidly than students attending traditional Schools. This format also allows prospective students and newly enrolled students to begin their studies immediately rather than having to wait a year to begin their program of study.

Located in critically acclaimed South Norwalk, CT, a team of professors from the best colleges in NYC collaborate to create a curriculum that draws on both the rich traditions perfected in European Couture Houses and contemporary design techniques.

Our facility is equipped with all currently used in the industry sewing machines, computer programs and extensive fashion library. We have classrooms and workrooms. The idea of community and collaboration is our core belief, so the school is created as a co-op space.

Our teachers and guest lecturers, all of which are established professionals, provide students with a revolutionized and trendy understanding of the fashion industry, and give a place for all kinds of design ideas to come to life.

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Our teachers are from Parsons School of Design, FIT and Pratt. They have vast knowledge in the field of their specialty. Our President was featured on Fashion Week NYC under her own label. Kiril Hristov worked with Alexander McQueen team members, Yayoi Goble who is one of the instructors for pattern making was in the team of Ana Sui and interned for Yohji Yamamoto in Japan.

OUR Affiliations

RED Fashion School has a relationship with CFDA {Council of Fashion Designers of America} to ensure exposure and open possibilities for its student body to participate in student competitions with other schools and win scholarships to continue their education.

Norwalk Public Library and Westport Public Library will accommodate the needs of our students for research and lab time with instructor’s supervision.

RED Ownership

RED Fashion School was formed as a Nonprofit Corporation under the laws in Connecticut since September 2021. Full ownership of Red Fashion School Corp. is currently held by Irina Simeonova and the Board members are nominated by the CEO, and they had complete freedom to accept the nomination or not. The Board of Directors code of conduct spells out all duties and responsibilities and signing the Board Member’s Code of Conduct the nominees become Directors of the Board for two years with annual reviews for continuation. They can be re-appointed after one term is over by election on the board. The Board met via Zoom and chose its Chair, Treasury and Secretary. The CEO is a reporter to the board on all academic, financial, and social activities and problems/solutions.

Policy Regarding Persons with Disability

RED promotes educational equity for students with disabilities. Persons with a known disability are encouraged to meet with the President prior to enrollment to discuss suitable facilities and accommodations, the school has two floors and there is no disability access to the second floor currently.

RED Alcohol and Drug Policies

RED recognizes the serious threat to the physical and mental health of its students because of the misuse of alcohol or the use of illegal drugs. Therefore, our goal is to provide all students with a drug free environment to provide categorical intellectual growth. Each student also holds an individual responsibility to respect the school’s policy and abide by it.

The possession, distribution and/or consumption of alcohol, alcoholic beverages, and illegal drugs are strictly prohibited by RED. Any student violating these policies will be

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subject to consequences including termination or suspension. Students at RED are also subject to federal, state, and local laws for the possession and distribution of illegal drugs.

Please visit for more details on illicit drugs and other illegal drugs. And refer to table III-3 for CT penalties on drug possession.

RED recommends students to seek necessary help if there is a need. Please refer to to look for available drug information and prevention services. Also, please refer to our website under consumer info for more details.

Admission Policies/Requirements

Prospective students need to contact the school by phone or email to schedule an interview and after that they will be considered for admission if the following requirements are fulfilled. Students must have the following before the first day of the class:

High School Diploma or a General Education Development Certificate (G.E.D) A signed enrollment agreement 500 words essay why the student wants to study fashion design. Recommended but not mandatory a small portfolio of art or fashion design. Government issued Copy of the Photo Non-refundable registration fee of $40

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Academic Policy

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Students are expected to attend all classes as scheduled. Regular attendance is essential for comprehensive learning and to successfully pass the course.

Students must maintain a minimum of 85% attendance to successfully complete the course(s) and graduate from the program.

Excused and Unexcused Absences

The absences, whether excused or unexcused, will be marked as absent on the attendance record. Excused absences are defined as documented absences in the event of an emergency, illness or family emergencies or other emergency situations. The students must submit the appropriate document of the excused absence to the school administration.

RED expects that the students schedule any non-emergent appointments on your day(s) off or before or after school hours. Please be mindful that any time off for anything other than an emergency will result in an unexcused absence. If a student takes personal vacation(s), or schedules other personal appointments during the regular school hours including routine medical, dental and or eye appointments; the absence(s) will be considered unexcused absence(s) and will not be allowed.

Similarly, if the student services office finds the documentation submitted by the student for an excused absence ‘illegitimate’, ‘forged', or ‘fake’, the school holds the right to confirm the document’s validity with the appropriate issuing authority or directly reject the document and not grant the excused absence. Additionally, if the school finds illegitimate documents from a student, then the student may face serious consequences leading to dismissal from the program.

Attendance Warning

At any point of the course, if it is determined that the student’s attendance is less than 90% but greater than or equal to 85%, he/she will be given a written warning. If a student’s attendance is less than 85 % of the total course clock hours/contact hours because of the excused absence, then the excused absences with valid documents will be added to the attendance.

Cap on Excused Hours

There is a cap on the excused absences.

Automatic Withdrawal based on Absences.

Student will be automatically considered withdrawn if:

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● The student that is enrolled in the Fashion Design program is absent for seven or more consecutive class days without any prior notice.

● At the end of each Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) interval, students will be informed about their progress in meeting the standards of attendance. Please refer to SAP for more details on SAP intervals.


The following recording system will be used for tardiness or early departure and the student will miss the hours according to the below mentioned information:

Minutes/Hours – Late or Early

Minutes/Hours –

1 to15 minutes


Loss in Attendance


16 to 30 minutes 30 minutes

31 to 60 minutes


61 to 90 minutes 1.5 hours

91 to 120 minutes 2 hours

120 to 150 minutes 2.5 hours

150 to 180 minutes 3 hours

181 to 210 minutes 3.5 hours

More than 211 minutes Full Day

Please note: Tardiness and early departures can add up to or equal an absence.

Since tardiness or early departure is recorded as an unexcused absence, it is the responsibility of the student to make up the classroom instructions. RED encourages students to plan to arrive at school at least 15 minutes before the start of class.

Leave of Absence

If a student needs to take some time off from their school because of some personal situation with the intention of returning to school, they must do so by filling out the ‘Leave of Absence’ form. Students will be granted a leave of absence upon request. In any case the leave of absence cannot exceed 180 calendar days in any 12-month period or one half the published program length, whichever is shorter. The student is required to provide the school with exact dates of leave of absence.

The leave of absence will be effective upon the receipt of the form or as indicated by the student if completing the class.

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The student may request extension of leave of absence provided that the extension request does not exceed the specified limit. If the student does not return to the school as per the leave of absence arrangement, he/she will be automatically terminated from the program. The student is required to re-apply for admissions if planning to return to school at any later time.

Zero Tolerance of Cheating & Plagiarism Policy

RED rebukes any form of cheating or plagiarism. During the study, if it is determined that a student was trying to cheat or has cheated to pass any exam; the student will immediately earn a Failing Grade (F) for the entire module by the instructor. The instructor will later forward the incident report to the Administration which may take disciplinary actions against the student including suspension or termination.

Grading System

Grades and Grade points represent the final measure of a student’s performance in a course. A Grade is issued for each course attempted. The following Grades are used at RED:

Failed Course

A student who receives an ‘F’ Grade in the module will be required to repeat the class. The highest Grade will be taken into consideration for calculation of cumulative Grade;

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however, the transcript will mention that the student repeated the class.

For All Programs at RED Education: The students will not be allowed to repeat more than one core class during the whole program. If the student fails more than three core classes, he/she/they will be terminated from the program.

Incomplete Grades

Incomplete Grades will be given only to those who fail to meet the minimum requirements to pass the module due to medical emergencies and other unforeseen circumstances. Students will be given a period of two weeks to meet the requirements to complete the module, failing which will result in ‘F’ Grade.

Withdrawal from School

If a student wishes to withdraw from their program, they should notify the school director and provide as much notice as possible. This notification should be made in person or in writing. All financial obligations must be met, by the student, in order to receive a School Transcript.

The student that withdraws after two weeks of starting the module will be given a Grade of W in the module. Any unexcused long absence, not informing the administration or responding to phone calls or emails will result in termination from the course. It is mandatory for the students to inform any revised address or telephone number of contact immediately to the administration.

Academic Grade Appeal

Students may appeal the assignment of Grades by the instructor if they feel that the Grade was not determined by an appropriate evaluation. Grade appeals must be initiated on an individual basis. A student must submit a written and signed rationale to the instructor (no electronic submissions permitted) stating the reason for the Grade appeal and the Grade s/he/they feels should have received. The Grade appeal should be done any time until the end of 2nd week following the date on which the initial Grade was awarded.

First, the student and the instructor shall attempt to settle the matter in good faith. If the student and instructor cannot reach an agreement, then the student must submit the appeal to the President within a week of the Grade issued by the instructor the second time.

The President will review the information and will take inputs from both the student and the instructor. After reviewing all the information, a written copy of the final decision will be provided to both the student and the instructor by the President within 10 days of the written request. In any case, the decision of the President will be final.

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Re-enrollment process/policy could apply when a student in the past:

- Withdrew from the program.

- Was terminated.

- Went beyond the permitted leave of absence.

In case of re-enrollment, a student must complete and return a new signed enrollment form to the admissions office with the non-refundable registration fees. If the student is re-entering in less than a year, then the registration fee will be waived.

To waive any relevant course credits, the school will review the transcript of the student. The school will waive the already attended courses successfully completed within the last three years except the core course(s). In case the student completed the core course(s) 6 months ago, the school reserves the right to waive the course credit(s).

The students that were dismissed from school for any reason and are requesting reentry must also provide a written explanation of what led to failing a class in the past and a remedial plan to avoid the same type of circumstances in the future.

After the student submits a plan and new signed enrollment, the school will review the application and make its decision. In any case, the decision of the school will be final, and the student will receive a letter from the President stating the decision.

After successful re-entry, if the student is found to violate any code of conduct as before, the school will directly terminate the student and in that case, there will be no option of another re- enrollment or new admission into any of the RED’s offered program.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Students are required to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of a program. All programs are divided into multiple terms that are equal to or shorter than 25% of the total program. Academic progress will be evaluated at the end of each term based on the following criteria:

Minimum Qualitative Requirements: Students must maintain a minimum cumulative Grade as well as a module Grade point of at least 2.0 at the end of each evaluation period, i.e., at the end of each term.

Minimum Quantitative Requirements: Students will be evaluated with the Maximum Time Frame (MTF) allowed as well as the Minimum Completion Rate or Pace of Progression at specified evaluation periods, i.e., at the end of each term.

Maximum Time Frame (MTF) Allowed: Students are expected to complete all program requirements by their scheduled end (graduation) date. However, an extension may be

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granted, not to exceed 150% of the standard program hours.

- For example, if a program requires successful completion of 100 clock / credit hours, the student may not attempt more than 150 clock / credit hours in the completion of his/her program.

- Students must successfully complete 100% of the required courses within the maximum time frame allowed.

- Minimum Pace of Completion: RED will evaluate the successful course completion percentages for all enrolled students at the end of each term. The pace of completion is calculated by dividing cumulative hours/credits that have been successfully completed by the cumulative hours/credits attempted.

At 50% or less of MTF allowed, the student must have successfully completed 60% of the total clock / credit hours attempted.

At more than 50% of the MTF allowed, the student must have successfully completed 67% of the total clock / credit hours attempted.


SAP Standards: Percentage of Program Attempted Minimum Grade Minimum Pace of Completion 50% or less of MTF C

The specified completion rates at identified intervals i.e., at the end of each term, maintain a pace of progression that ensures completion of the academic credential within the maximum time frame allowed.

If it becomes apparent at any time that the student cannot complete the program within the maximum time frame, the student will not be allowed to continue.

SAP is monitored by the Student Services Office. All students are made aware of their Academic Progress at the end of each term.

Additional Considerations for Quantitative and/or Qualitative Standards

Transfer Credits (TR): will count as clock / credit hours attempted and earned. It will count towards the maximum timeframe and pace of completion, but not in the Grade calculation.

Pass (P) - Externship and/or Pre-clinical Modules: will count as clock / credit hours attempted and earned. It will count towards the maximum timeframe and pace of completion, but not in the Grade calculation.

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Incomplete Grades (I): will count as clock / credit hours attempted but not earned. It will not count towards cumulative Grade until the final Grade has been posted. Students will be given a period of two weeks to meet the requirements in order to complete the module, failing which will result in ‘F’ Grade.

Failed Grades (F)*: will count as clock / credit hours attempted but not earned. It will count towards maximum time frame, completion rate and GRADE.

* Failed Grade (F) received in externship and pre-clinical module(s) will not count towards cumulative Grade.

Withdrawal Grades (W): will count as clock/ credit hours attempted but not earned. It will count towards maximum time frame and completion rate but not towards their Grade.

Repeat Modules (one course CRN) (R): will enable the student to achieve a higher cumulative Grade point average. The student can repeat a module only once and the higher Grade will count towards Grade calculations. Repeating modules will adversely affect the student’s completion rate requirements and maximum time frame.

SAP Warning

Students failing to meet SAP minimum standards at the end of each term will be placed on SAP Warning. Students on SAP Warning will receive academic advice upon request to assist them in improving their academic progress. Students may only remain on SAP Warning for one academic term. Students who meet SAP minimum standards at the end of the academic term will be placed back in good standing. Students who do not meet SAP minimum standards at the end of the academic term may appeal to be placed on SAP Probation; otherwise, they will be terminated.

SAP Appeals

Students who are placed on SAP Warning but could not meet SAP minimum standards and have mitigating circumstances may appeal to be placed on SAP Probation. Students should begin the appeal process prior to or at the end of the academic term. Students must submit the appeal in writing and must state the reasons why they failed to make satisfactory academic progress along with the plan they have made or will be making to be academically successful. Students who wish to avoid a disruption of their enrollment status must submit a complete appeal request, including all supporting documentation. Appeal forms are available with the Student Services Office.

Examples of mitigating circumstances for appeal may include death in the immediate family, serious medical illness or injury, or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. Students should submit documentation from a third party such as a doctor's note, an obituary for a deceased family member, or other relevant information to support their appeal, if necessary. The documentation must align with the time frame in which the student struggled academically. The appeal will also be reviewed by the

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President based on the student’s past performance and the mathematical possibility for the student to meet the necessary evaluation period benchmarks to be in good standing in the required amount of time. The student will be notified in writing of the final decision within ten business days of the appeal request. Students with granted appeal will be informed when it is possible for them to return to school based on scheduling and course availability along with an academic plan which may require more frequent SAP evaluations than by the next academic plan.

SAP Probation

Students who are granted an SAP appeal will be placed on SAP Probation for one academic term. Students on SAP Probation may receive academic advice to assist them in improving their academic progress upon request. After the probationary period, students must meet the minimum SAP standards. Failure to meet these standards will result in termination from the program.

SAP Watch-list

One academic term may comprise more than one module. If the term has more than one module, then the student cannot fail two modules consecutively. After a student fails one module, the student will be put on SAP Watch List for the next module. The student must pass the next module to get back to good standing or get removed from the SAP Watch List. Students who fail to get back to good standing at the end of the module for which the student was placed on Watch List, the student may appeal to be placed on SAP Probation; otherwise, they will be terminated. Please refer to SAP appeal proceedings for more detail. Remember, not all students may qualify for SAP probation.

Re-establishing SAP

At the end of the next evaluation period, i.e., academic term, the student must meet minimum SAP standards i.e., both quantitative and qualitative to re-establish SAP. Re-establishing SAP must be requested and addressed to the President in writing with either the evidence of corrected deficiencies or a plan to correct the deficiencies. The President and Instructor(s) will review the evidence or plan and decide to reinstate the student.

Graduation Requirements

1. Successful competition of all courses with a minimum cumulative Grade average of C.

2. Successful completion of all internships with 100% of clinical hours completed.

3. On-campus attendance rate of at least 85% in individual modules.

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4. Fulfillment of financial obligations to the school as per the Enrollment Agreement.

Students will be awarded a program completion certificate after he/she meets all graduation requirements. Students should fill out the certificate request form to receive the certificate of completion. Certificates can be either mailed to the students or can be picked up in person.

Please Note: The school does not guarantee that successful completion by the student of the programs will result in the student obtaining employment in any field or profession, criminal background may prohibit employment.


We reserve the right to terminate any student for the following:

● Failure to make contractually agreed upon tuition payments.

● Violation of the school’s Conduct Policy outlined in the School Catalog

● Violation of the school’s Attendance Policy outline in the School Catalog

● Failure to meet Sufficient Academic Progress outline in the School Catalog.

RED Regulations and Other Policies

Semester Credit Hour Calculation

All academic modules are calculated in terms of semester credit hours. Semester credit hours are derived through method shown below:

● Semester credit hour is equal to 15 hours lecture, 30 hours lab, 45 hours internship.

● A minimum of 50 minutes of instruction is delivered for every 60 minutes of scheduled class time.

● Students Code of Conduct

RED expects all students, admitted to the school, to abide by the terms of school policies mentioned in the catalog and act professionally. Unwillingness to abide by the rules and policies of the school can lead to disciplinary action against the student. The following are unacceptable and will not be tolerated:

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● Physical or verbal abuse, intimidation or harassment of another person or group of persons, including any harassment based on race, religion, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, gender, or any other protected status.

● All forms of sexual harassment, including, without limitation, creating a hostile environment and quid pro quo (forcing an individual to perform sexual favors in return for something).

● All types of dishonesty, including, without limitation, cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the institution, forgery and/or alteration. Fabrication of any information on his or her Enrollment Agreement or any other documentation that the student provides to the school, including, without limitation, his or her educational status. The use of institution documents for identification with intent to defraud is strictly prohibited.

● Any forms of cell phone and laptop use causing disruption to the class can lead to suspension and then termination from the program.

● Physical, mental, or emotional abuse of any person on school premises or at functions sponsored or supervised by the school.

● Theft, abuse or unauthorized use of school property, the personal property of others or public property, including, without limitation, unauthorized entrance into the school facilities or information technology systems, possession of stolen property and littering.

● Violation of the law on school premises in a way that affects the school community’s pursuit of its proper educational objectives, including, without limitation, the illegal use, distribution or possession of stimulants, intoxicants, or drugs and/or the use, distribution, or possession of alcoholic beverages on school premises or at organized school activities or events.

● Deliberate or careless endangerment of others; tampering with safety alarms or equipment; violation of safety regulations; failure to render reasonable cooperation in any emergency; possession or use on school premises or at organized school activities of any firearm (except for law enforcement officers who are required to carry a firearm at all times and who have notified the President of, and documented, that requirement), knifes other weapon, explosive or fireworks. No weapons of any type are allowed on campus.

● Obscene, indecent, or inconsiderate behavior, insubordinate behavior towards their fellow student, any faculty member or school official; exposure of others to offensive conditions; disregard for the privacy of self and others.

● Gambling on school premises or at organized school events.

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● Failure to comply with the lawful directions of any school official, staff member or student employee who is acting in performance of duties of position or is explicitly assuming responsibility on behalf of the school in the absence of a particular official (Emergency orders may supersede some written regulations. Any student who receives orders which he or she considers unreasonable although not illegal must obey the orders).

● Violation of any federal, state, or local law.

● Intentional or careless destruction, damage, or defacement of any school property. The school may, in addition to imposing discipline, hold any student who is responsible for any such destruction, damage or defacement liable for the repair or replacement of the property.

● Failure to strictly adhere to any term, provision, requirement, policy, or procedure stated in this Student Handbook or the student’s Enrollment Agreement.

● Breach of any term of the student’s Enrollment Agreement or any other agreement between the student and the school.

● Hazing, defined as any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, as determined by the school, for the purpose of initiation or admission into an affiliation with any organization within the school.

● Incitement of others to commit any of the acts prohibited above; providing assistance or encouragement to others to engage or engage in prohibited acts above; or failure to separate oneself clearly from a group which others are so engaged.

● Documentation that the student provides to the school, including, without limitation, his or her educational status. The use of institution documents for identification with intent to defraud is strictly prohibited.

Disciplinary Actions Imposed

The school can impose the following disciplinary actions on a student, although the student has the right to appeal against the action.

● Violation of the law on school premises in a way that affects the school community’s pursuit of its proper educational objectives, including, without limitation, the illegal use, distribution or possession of stimulants, intoxicants, or drugs and/or the use, distribution, or possession of alcoholic beverages on school premises or at organized school activities or events.

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● Reprimand: The student will be given an oral and/ or written warning. The student is expected to immediately comply with the policy in question. Failure to comply with the action can result in probation or dismissal from the program/school.

● Probation: The student will be imposed with special conditions for a specified amount of time after determining behavioral misconduct or policy violation.

The student is expected to immediately comply with the policy in question. Failure to comply with the action can result in suspension or dismissal from the program/school. The student may or may not be considered for Probation depending on the validity of the explanation provided by the student.

Dismissal: The student will be dismissed or suspended from the school. This action will be taken against the student if the school after carefully considering the evidence produced against the student.

Student Discipline Procedure

Improper conduct by any student is strictly prohibited. Based upon the severity of the offense, (which could require immediate staff intervention), the following procedures are followed:


Verbal Warning: If the offense is considered minor, the staff/faculty will issue verbal warning. The warning will advise the student of the reasons for the warning, of the seriousness of the issue and the possible consequences if there is no improvement or if an offense is repeated.

Formal Written Warning: The formal warning will advise the student of the reasons for the warning, of the seriousness of the issue and the possible consequences if there is no improvement or if an offense is repeated. Failure to comply with the action can result in probation or dismissal from the program/school depending on the offense. Probation

If the offense is considered to be serious, or if there has been further failure to conform to the required standards following earlier warnings, the President will impose the student with special conditions for a specified amount of time after determining of behavioral misconduct or policy violation. Immediate compliance to policy is expected and failure to do so can result in dismissal or expulsion of the student from the program. The student may or may not be considered for Probation depending on the validity of the explanation provided by the student. The burden is on the students to provide a valid explanation of the behavior. Failure to provide a valid explanation can lead to direct dismissal from the program. However, to consider the explanation to be

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valid is at the President’s discretion.


If the student is guilty of a gross misconduct of such a nature that the institute is justified in no longer tolerating the continued presence of the student who commits an offense or has not conformed to the written warning, then the President will dismiss the student from the school.

In consideration of the gravity of the gross misconduct and the safety of the RED community, in some cases, RED might not issue any verbal or written warnings prior to taking critical disciplinary action, which may include suspension and/or expulsion.

Examples of offenses of gross misconduct which may lead to the expulsion of students and which, if committed by students, will be regarded as breaches of disciplinary rules, include:

● Stealing from the school, members of staff or the public, and other offenses of dishonesty.

● Sexual offences, sexual misconduct and/or sexual harassment

● Fighting or physical assault

● Use of any kind of force, or threatening statements of any sort against the fellow students, the instructor, or any school official

● Malicious damage to the school’s property

● Serious breaches of safety regulations endangering other people, including deliberate damage to, neglect of, or misappropriation of fire and other safety equipment.

● Serious drug related offenses

● Criminal behavior adversely affecting the Institute’s reputation.

This list is neither exclusive nor exhaustive, and in addition there may be other offenses of a similar gravity that would constitute gross misconduct.

Condition for Dismissal

Students may be dismissed from the school for the following reasons.

● Misconduct or not adhering to school’s rules, regulations, policies, and code of conduct as set forth herein, or as amended.

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● Non-adherence to attendance policy of school.

● Failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress.

● Inability to meet with the financial obligations.

RED reserves the right to terminate any student whose behavior or attitude is completely intolerable towards the institution, the faculty, staff, and students. The school will notify the student in writing, should it become necessary to dismiss the student. The dismissal letter will contain the date and the reason for dismissal; however, students may appeal to the school management if the student wants to refute it.

Note: Students deferring fee payment for three consecutive months could be subjected to suspension from RED for a period of time which the school finance department considers fit or until further payment.

After a period of nine to twelve months of non-payment, the suspended student is automatically considered dismissed or terminated on financial grounds. However, in all cases of non-payment, the student would be notified of such, and issued verbal and written warnings before a decision to terminate the student’s enrollment is made.

Students Grievance Procedure

Student grievance procedure is provided to examine the grievances within the structure of school. The student has the right to pursue a grievance through regular administrative channels. The term will not apply to any legal matter beyond the school administration level in which school is the not deciding authority.

Level One: Between Parties

The student will try to resolve the matter with the party in question.

Level Two: President’s Office

If the student does not agree or is dissatisfied with the solution of Level One, then she/ he/they can take the matter to the President’s office. The President will meet with the student and try to resolve the matter. The student must submit the grievance to the President in writing. Upon the receipt of the written grievance, the President will meet with the student within 10 business days of receipt of the written complaint. The President will provide a written answer to the grievance within the next 10 business days of the receipt of the application.

Level Three: State and or the Accrediting Agency

If the student is dissatisfied by the school’s resolution, he or she may contact the Office

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of Higher Education at 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 707 in Hartford, Connecticut. Ph: (860) 947-1816


Copyright and infringement policy.

Misuse of computing, networking, or information resources such as textbooks or other written materials may result in the loss of computing and/or network access. Additionally, the school may consider prosecution under applicable statutes. Illegal production of software and other intellectual property protected by U.S. copyright law is subject to civil damages and criminal punishment including fines and imprisonment.

Sexual Harassment and/or Solicitation

It is against the policy of RED for any member of the RED community, of any pronounce, to sexually harass any employee, student or other person having dealings with RED.

RED is committed to providing a working, living, and learning environment that is free from all forms of sexually abusive, harassing, or coercive conduct. This policy seeks to protect the rights of all members of the educational community (faculty, administrators, staff, and students) and other person(s) having dealings with the RED, to be treated with respect and dignity.

Sexual Harassment is a form of behavior, which fundamentally undermines the integrity of academic relationships. It is a particular concern within the educational framework of RED where all members of the community, but especially students, instructors, administrators, and staff, are connected by strong bonds of intellectual interdependence and trust.

Both the Federal and State Courts and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have ruled that sexual harassment constitutes sex discrimination as defined under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


The following definition applies to any individual of either sex who participates in the educational community as a student, faculty member, administrator, staff member or other person having dealings with RED.

Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome verbal, nonverbal and/or physical behavior of a sexual nature which has the effect of interfering with student, employment, academic, or other status, or of creating a sexually intimidating environment. Sexual

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harassment incidents can involve a male/female harasser and a female/male victim, or same gender harassment.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment.

Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or education.

Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for academic or employment decisions affecting that individual.

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic or professional performance or creating a sexually intimidating, hostile or offensive employment, educational or living environment.

Examples of sexual harassment may include, but not limited to:

Verbal harassment; or abuse

Subtle pressure for sexual activity

Sexual remarks about an individual’s or group’s clothing, body, or sexual activities

Unnecessary touching, patting, or pinching

Demands for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats or offers concerning one’s job, Grades, letter of recommendation, etc.

Physical sexual assault

Consensual Relationships

Under this policy, consenting romantic and or sexual relationships between faculty and student, staff and student, or administrator and student, are deemed unprofessional. Because such relationships interfere with or impair required professional responsibilities and relationships, they are looked upon with disfavor and are strongly discouraged under this policy.

Codes of ethics for most professional associations forbid professional sexual relationships. Many elements of the administrator/student, staff member/student, are similar to those of the Instructor/Student relationship because of a similar need for trust. For purposes of this policy, therefore, these relationships are also discouraged and looked upon with disfavor.

Measures to Confront Sexual Harassment

Whenever it has been properly determined that sexual harassment has occurred, RED administration will take prompt and corrective action including appropriate disciplinary action. In determining whether the alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, RED administration will look at the entire record and the circumstances, such as the nature of the sexual conduct and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred and will decide on a case -by-case basis. The administration is committed to promoting, to the

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greatest degree possible, an environment free from sexual harassment.

Complaint Procedures

RED complaint procedure will serve as a system of review and resolution for both informal claims and formal complaints of sexual harassment. Any member of the RED community who believes he/she has been a victim of sexual harassment may initiate the formal complaint procedure by contacting RED President.

Campus Security and Crime Prevention Policies

School encourages all its students and employees to immediately report any criminal incidents or other emergencies which occur on the campus to the administration. All instructors along with the President are responsible for investigation and taking legal or other actions were warranted according to the situation. The School will work with the local law enforcement authority if the need arises.

School strives to provide all its stakeholders a secured and safe environment. Building has surveillance cameras to record entry/exit and common areas of the building. All students and employees of the school are encouraged to keep the school authorities posted immediately of a possible criminal or a criminal activity that is likely to take place or has taken place. Statistical information of various criminal offenses will be distributed to the students and all employees on an annual basis. A copy of this report will be available with the administration to all students and employees and as well to the prospective students and employees.

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RED Student Services Career Services

Once the student graduates, he/she/they is eligible for career services. Preparing resumes and training if required for attending interviews would be done by the career services. The school may recommend employers for application, when the vacancies arise, to all its graduates based on their performance. Procuring a placement depends ultimately on the performance of the student and the will of the employer. Students cannot hold the school in any way responsible for employment opportunities. There is no guarantee that successful completion of the programs will result in the student obtaining employment in any field or profession.

The student needs to have a good standing in the society in order to obtain employment.

Student Records

The records that the school will maintain are as follows:

● The enrollment agreement.

● Attendance Records.

● Academic Records.

● Financial Records.

● Placement Data.

● Record of meetings, appeals, disciplinary actions and dismissals.

● A copy of the graduation certificate.

● Final transcripts (transcripts are kept for lifetime).

The final transcripts will be maintained on file upon completion/termination of enrollment. Student records are maintained by the Student Services and are available for review by the student by filing a request form and your request will be processed in one week. Students are encouraged to submit updates to their records, such as, address changes or changes in financial status, as soon as possible. All records are private and are handled with confidentiality.

Current students can access their academic records i.e., attendance and Grades by requesting to the President. Students can fill in a request form and submit it with the administration. School will not entertain these requests on the phone.

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RED provides a safe, confidential, and supportive environment where students can get the help they need to be successful in the program. Our advising services are designed to promote academic success. Academic advising is provided by the Program Directors and/or President. Please contact their offices to schedule an appointment.

Financial Information Tuition PROGRAM FASHION DESIGN

Enrollment fee $40


Total hours 1110h

Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Card Accepted Tuition may be paid in full prior to the start date. Students may also select from the following payment plans; weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Amount Due Payments Due

Every Tuesday until balance is paid

$877.50 Every other Tuesday until balance is paid

1,755.25 The first Tuesday of each month until balance is paid

$2,000Scholarshipsare offered by RED FASHION SCHOOL

Three types of scholarships will be granted based on talent, financial need or

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minority. Scholarship recipients will receive $2,000 over the course of 4 terms ($500 each term).

Talent-based scholarships: Reserved for students who exhibit exceptional talent in art and design

To be considered, applicants will need to demonstrate their talent(s) through the submission of a portfolio showcasing their best work. In addition, you’re encouraged to submit at least one or more of the following to help strengthen your application:

1.Demonstration of Skill: RED may ask the applicant to demonstrate their skills or talent through practical assessments or tests conducted by the scholarship committee.

2.Letters of Recommendation: Letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, coaches, or professionals in the field can provide additional support and insights into the applicant’s talent and potential.

3.Academic Performance: While talent-based scholarships primarily focus on the applicant’s talent or skill, for some programs we also consider the student’s academic achievements and potential.

4.Personal Statement or Essay: RED asks the applicant to write a short essay or personal statement explaining their passion for their talent, how they developed it, and their future aspirations.

5.Resume/Curriculum Vitae: A comprehensive resume highlighting the applicant’s achievements, awards, performances, and relevant experiences is very beneficial

6.Participation and Achievements: Active participation in competitions, exhibitions, performances, or other events related to the talent can strengthen the application.

7.Interviews or Demonstrations: RED program may conduct interviews or further evaluations of the applicant’s talent as part of the selection process.

8.Specialized Training or Programs: Scholarships for certain talents may require applicants to have participated in specialized training or programs related to their talent.

Need-based Scholarships:

Granted to students with demonstrated financial need Eligibility is determined throughout this application and your submission of one or more of the following documentations:

1.Financial Documents: You need to submit additional financial documents, such as tax returns, W-2 forms, or other proof of income for both the student and their parents or guardians.

2.Family Size: the size of the applicant’s family can also be a factor in determining financial need. RED scholarships take into account the number of dependents in the household.

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3.Household Expenses: We ask for information about the applicant’s household expenses, such as rent/mortgage, utilities, medical expenses, and other financial obligations.

4.Income Level: The scholarship has specific income thresholds or limits to determine eligibility. Typically, students from lower-income families have a higher chance of receiving need-based scholarships.

5.Academic performance: while need-based scholarships primarily focus on financial need, some programs at RED still consider the applicant’s academic achievements and potential.

6.Personal Statement or Essay: You need to provide an essay or personal statement explaining your financial situation, how the scholarship would benefit you, and your educational goals.

7.Letters of Recommendation: RED need-based scholarships may request letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or community leaders who can vouch for your character and financial need.

8.Other Special Circumstances: This RED scholarship program considers special circumstances that may affect a student’s financial situation, such as a sudden change in family income or unexpected expenses.

9.Citizenship of Residency Status: RED need-based scholarships are limited to U.S. citizens or permanent residents, while others may also consider DACA recipients or international students with financial need.

Minority Scholarships: Designed to support students from underrepresented minority groups, such as African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, or specific ethnic backgrounds.

Eligibility is determined through this application and your submission of one or more of the following documentations:

1.Proof of Citizenship or Residency: RED requires applicants to be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Some scholarships may also consider DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients or international students from specific minority groups.

2.Academic Records: You need to provide your high school or college academic transcripts as part of the application process.

3.Personal Statement or Essay: This scholarship application requires an essay or personal statement where you can share your background, experiences, career goals, and how receiving the scholarship will help you achieve those goals.

4. Letters of Recommendation: This scholarship calls for letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or community leaders who can attest to your achievements and character.

5.Financial information: Certain minority scholarships are need-based, so you might be required to provide financial information. We don’t offer FAFSA as we are not accredited yet.

6.Community Involvement and Extracurricular Activities: Highlight your involvement in community service, leadership roles, and extracurricular activities can strengthen your scholarship application.

7.Proof of membership: For scholarships specific to certain minority groups or ethnic backgrounds, you need to provide documentation proving your 32

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membership or affiliation with that community or organization. 8. Resume/Curriculum Vitae: Prepare a comprehensive resume or CV that outlines your achievements, work experience, and extracurricular activities.


Refunds prior to instruction

If you cancel for any reason, notifying the School Director prior to beginning classes, all monies paid will be refunded less the nonrefundable registration fee and the cost of any books or materials taken into possession by the student.

Refunds after instruction has begun.

If you cancel, withdraw, or are dismissed after you begin classes, but before you complete the program, we shall retain the stated cost of fees, textbooks and materials which you have accepted plus a percentage of the total program tuition as indicated below. Notice of withdrawal may be made in writing but the official date of withdrawal for the purpose of refund shall be the last date of verifiable attendance.

*Please note that refunds are based on the full cost of tuition. If a student is on a payment plan refunds or additional payments will be adjusted based on the amount owed at the student’s last date of verifiable attendance. *

If a student wishes to withdraw from their program, they should notify the school director and provide as much notice as possible. This notification should be made in person or in writing. All financial obligations must be met, by the student, in order to receive a School Transcript.

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Fashion Design Program


Fashion Design core program is designed to teach its students to research, design and make their creative ideas into real products. The students will be in a search to find their own creative voice as a fashion designer. The most important value is building understanding and skills and a portfolio that will open employment opportunities to the students.


Students will gain professional level experience in Fashion Design and Business. They will have a complete portfolio to apply to fashion jobs. They will have hours of experience throughout their participation in an internship in the company in the fashion industry. They will gain proficient skills in illustration, Photoshop, and Illustrator, they will have a digital portfolio with CLO-3D. They will have proficiency in Pattern Drafting, Draping and Tailoring. They will have developed presentation skills. They will have basic understanding in Marketing and Social Media. They will be equipped fully for gainful employment opportunities.

Days and Times

Classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm

Course Description

FD111 Pattern Drafting 1

1.5 Clock Hours

Students will be introduced to basic flat pattern making, create a set of 5 basic patterns (sloper) and get to make clothing patterns of skirts, shirts, dress variations applying dart manipulation and princess seams design principles.

FD 116 Fashion Illustration 1

1.5 Clock Hours

This course will introduce fashion students to the art and basic

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techniques of sketching and rendering. The in-depth study of human body proportions, movements, and types will be conducted. Students will be taught how to sketch a model from life (life model drawing) paying attention to proportions, balance, and clothing using diverse art tools like pencils, markers, ink, and watercolor.

FD118 Textile Design

1.5 Clock Hours

Fashion is rotating around the materials used for objects to be created. This course will introduce the students to the fashion textile design and its specifics and rules, on how and where fabrics are made, fabric vocabulary, and techniques. The students will be designing ideas for textile layouts, creating color ways, repeats and coordinated textiles projects.

FD119 CLO-3D

1.5 Clock Hours

Evolve students' understanding of E-commerce by using a natural simulation environment to display and merchandise your 3D garment collections as soon as you create them. This contemporary required skill is the new frontier of sustainable design and the new way of communicating between design house and buyers.

FD123 Sewing Studio

1.5 Clock Hours

Students will be introduced to basic sewing techniques and materials. Industrial and domestic sewing machines will be used in this class. Students will be learning seams and the applications of pockets, zippers, lining, plackets, collars, and hems. Sewing by hand and couture techniques will be introduced in class. Trips to museums and research on different historical sewing techniques in the form of an essay will be required in this course.

FD125 Computers in Fashion

1.5 Clock Hours

More than just a how-to class, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for Fashion Design introduces students to the Illustrator approach to design and ways to think about designing fashion apparel and textiles using the program. This course will provide a strong foundation in the commands and capabilities of the program while later sections offer application exercises that develop skills in fashion drawing, textile design, and presentation techniques. The Fashion Illustrator Course emphasizes the creative process and explores the capabilities of this powerful program as related to drawings of clothing, fashion poses, and textile prints.

FD211 Pattern Drafting 2

1.5 Clock Hours

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Students will be using an industrial pattern drafting technique, create 3 projects based on their design and develop patterns for their finished garment. They will learn the skill of creating designs, drafting flat patterns on paper, techniques which turn faster results and are widely used in the Fashion Industry. The projects areSheath Dress, Empire Waist Dress and Pants.

FD 217 Fashion Illustration 2

1.5 Clock Hours

Studio skills are taught in the course for the fashion drawing process with simple, step-by-step directions. The course concentrates on how to use color for fashion instructions and images, explains how to draw women, men, and children, pose the figure, develop the fashion head and face, sketch accessories, add garment details, and prepare flats and specs.

FD228 Fashion Business

1.5 Clock Hours

Introduction to the quickly evolving landscape of the fashion industry of this authoritative course offers updated information on the design, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of fashion products within a global context. Research-based content provides insight on the organization and operation of textiles, apparel, accessories, and home fashion companies, as well as the effect of technological, organizational, and global changes on every area of the business.

FD229 Draping

1.5 Clock Hours

Students will be using a classical Draping as a patternmaking technique, create 3 projects based on their design and develop patterns for their finished garment. They will learn the skill to create designs by folding and molding the fabric to the natural curves of the human body. This technique is more personal and artistic in comparison with the industrial flat pattern drafting. This technique is used in couture houses to create an immediate visual of the design creation. Projects are: The Body as a Shelter; The Body as a Concept; The Body as an Abstraction.

FD244 Fashion Design Collection 1

3 Clock Hours

Students will be developing and exercising Fashion Design Thinking. This is our visionary class where learning to visualize and express will be taught in the boundaries of fashion language. The course introduces in depth study of architectural and cultural influences in fashion as an abstract inspiration in relation to building a line. In this class the students will work on researching, developing, designing, and executing 5 look 37

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FD245 Tailoring

1.5 Clock Hours

Students will be using a classical Tailoring as the classic sewing class which will teach them all the required techniques. Step-by-step instructions and a series of sewing exercises will lead the students to professional results. Tailoring covers all three tailoring methods (custom or hand, machine, and fusible) and the complete process from fabric selection to finishing touches. There are detailed instructions on adjusting the pattern for proper fit, which is critical for good results. Tailoring is all about impeccable details. Tailoring shows how to achieve them from the roll of the collar to a perfect pocket .

FD303 Sample Room Management

3 Clock Hours

Students will be developing and exercising Fashion Design Production and Sample room management. The class is structured as a production studio. The first part of the class the students will visit and meet industry specialists in production and manufacturing. They will be required to select a brand and create a case study and present in front of the class. Sourcing and familiarity with the fashion industry are very important when you are starting your own business.

FD322 Fashion Design Collection 2

3 Clock Hours

In this advanced class the students will work on researching, developing, designing, and executing a knitted garment collection. Choice of inspiration will be given such as vision, sound, motion, smell, and taste. Creativity and originality will be needed to achieve results. This class will conclude with a Fashion Show.

FD 323 Technical Design

1.5 Clock Hours

In today's global apparel industry, garments that are designed domestically are often manufactured overseas. Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package is essential for fashion students and professionals who want to understand this growing trend in production and gain the skills necessary for this new universe of apparel manufacturing. This advanced class the students will work on learning software and creating specs and translating them into technical packages, terminology, and ways to communicate with the factory. Creating cost sheets, calculating cost and planning for future seasons. Learning to research cost effective resources and establishing meaningful contacts.

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FD410 Fashion Marketing and Social Media

1.5 Clock Hours

This course provides an understanding of virtual communities associated with media, technology, sociality, and society. Use of social media is also included, with reference to both personal and business judgments as well as the different types of social media (including Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs, Twitter). The relationship between the face-to-face style of community and a mediated community in a virtual world is also part of the course information.

FD433 Sustainability

3 Clock Hours

In this class the students will work on researching, developing, designing, and executing a sustainable project based on healthcare, travel, urban life, country life, school system of proposed ideas from the student.

FD 450 Internship

3 Clock Hours

Students will work in the industry environment for 80% of the class and will attend 20% of the class in resume building workshops with recruiters.

FD475 Fashion Portfolio

3 Clock Hours

In this advanced class the students will work on researching, developing and designing a final portfolio. The student will be offered a specialization portfolio, and they will research and develop conceptual visionary inspirations. Creativity and originality will be needed to achieve results. All learned skills and techniques in trend forecasting, color choice, illustration, building and merchandising a collection will be used. The Collections are going to cover students’ interests, and they must include woven and knits. The students will be working in a design art studio to finish their work with in-depth knowledge in a portfolio and multimedia format that will give opportunity to the students to work closely with their teachers to design and finish their portfolio. The best portfolios will be presented at the end of the year exhibit where recruiters and companies will be invited to review.

Holiday Schedule 2025-2026

Wednesday, January 01

Monday, January 20

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New Year’s Day

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, January 20 * Inauguration Day

Monday, February 17 ** Washington’s Birthday

Monday, May 26 Memorial Day

Thursday, June 19 Juneteenth National Independence Day

Friday, July 04 Independence Day

Monday, September 01 Labor Day

Monday, October 13 Columbus Day

Tuesday, November 11 Veterans Day

Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Day

Thursday, December 25 Christmas Day

Thursday, January 01

Monday, January 19

Monday, February 16 *

New Year’s Day

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Washington’s Birthday

Monday, May 25 Memorial Day

Friday, June 19 Juneteenth National Independence Day

Friday, July 03 ** Independence Day

Monday, September 07 Labor Day

Monday, October 12 Columbus Day

Wednesday, November 11 Veterans Day

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Thursday, November 26 Thanksgiving Day

Friday, December 25 Christmas Day

Fall Semester 2024

August 26th - December 13th

Monday & Wednesday

<Break December 14th - January 7th>

Winter Semester 2025

January 6th - April 18th

<Break April 19th - April 29th>

*New Students Wed & Friday*

Spring Semester 2025

April 30th - July 31st

<Break August 1st - August 24th>

Fall Semester 2025

August 25th - December 12th

<Break December 13th - January 7th>

* The school reserves the right to modify the dates in the academic calendar as needed


Generalsupplies: Stylingtapeseam rippertracingwheel

School Catalog

Notebook sPen SarellTracingPaper red/blue/whiterollawlnotcher fabricscissorspaperscissors

Pencils tapemeasure

Laptop C-thruplasticruler 24”hipcurve FrenchcurveLsquare

ArtSupplies: Yardstick

2“Graphics360”markerpaperpads Eraser 14”X17” Scotchtape

Artsketchbook Stapler Tracingpaperpad Stapleremover

BoxofRegular#2pencils Eraser Exacto knife Fabric chalk

“Chartpak”setofmarkers. SetofIndustrialsewing machineneedles2bobbins

“Prismacolor”setofmarkers. 2bobbincases

“Prismacolor”setofcolor pencils2white“Prismacolor” pencils.



Regular machine foot Zipper machine foot Needlescrew

Sewingsupplies: Iron

10yardsofmuslin Bluedotpaper, red,blue,black, whitethreadssetofhand sewingneedles,boxofpins

Art Stores:

Jerry's Artarama Phone (203) 846-2279 Address: 360 Main Avenue Norwalk,

CT 06851-1510

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Jerry’s Artarama Phone (860) 232 0073

Address: 1109 New Britain Ave

West Hartford, CT 06110 Web:

Blick Art Materials Phone ( 860) 747 5551

Address: 341 Cooke Street, Plainville, CT Web:

Utrecht Phone (212) 675 8699 Address: 237 West 23rd Street, New York Web:

New York Central Art Supply Phone (212) 473 7705

Address: 130 E 12th St # 1, New York Web:

Lee’s Art Shop Phone (212) 247 0110

Address: 220 West 57th Street, New York Web:

Fabric Stores:

Banksville Designer Fabrics Phone (203) 846-1333

Address: 115 New Canaan Avenue Norwalk, CT 06850-2636 Web:

Discount Fabrics Phone (203) 373 1025 Address: 4490 Main St # A, Bridgeport, CT

Mood Fabric Inc. Phone (212) 730 5003

Address: 225 W 37th St Fl 3, New York, NY 10018 Web:

Steinlauf & Stoller Inc Phone (212) 869 0321

Address: 239 W 39th St, New York, NY 10018 Web:

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Spandex House Phone (212) 354 7432

Address: 263 W 38th St FL 3,New York, NY 10018 (Btw 7th and 8th Ave)


B & J Fabrics Phone (212) 354-8150 Address: 525 7th Ave, New York, NY 10018 Web:

N Y Elegant Fabric Inc Phone: (212) 302 4980 Address: 222 W 40th St, New York, NY 10018 (Btw 7th and 8th Ave) Web:

Metro Textile Corp. Phone# (212) 209-0004 Address: 265 W 37th St # 908 New York, NY 10018-5794 Web:

M & J Trimming Phone# (800) 965 8746

Address: 1008 6th Avenue New York, NY 10018 Web:

School Catalog


All course materials that are provided to the students at RED Fashion School are the property of Red Fashion School. Such course materials include lectures, hand-outs, electronic versions of learning materials, demos, material samples. Students are strictly prohibited making copies, video or audio recordings, taking pictures of any type of course materials. They also prohibited sharing such information online in neither private emails nor public networks such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, TikTok or any public sharing.


The classrooms of Red Fashion School are arranged so that it helps to improve the learning environment for the students. The classrooms' interiors are designed as art and fashion studios that help students feel more comfortable and freer to express their uniqueness and be more creative.

The Space Set-up of the main working studio is arranged in such a way that it can be used as a sewing room and an art studio. The space is clearly organized to allow students to access and comfortably use all equipment and materials. There also is a storage area for students to store their small items for a small period or in between classes.


Red Fashion School requires students and faculty follow the basic safety rules to prevent unnecessary health issues or physical damage. It is important to understand potential hazards that can be present while working in an art studio and sewing lab. Safety in the art studio:

Some of the art supplies used in the art studio can carry such qualities as being toxic, flammable, or reactive. Those materials include art markers, paint, ink, glue. It’s important to read and follow product safety regulations that can be found on their packaging or labels. The basic safety rules like not inhaling or ingesting marker fumes, paint, ink, glue or other art materials; not put the tools in the face, ears, mouth intentionally are to be obeyed on campus of the school. Some of the art supplies like exacto knife, scissors, stapler, hole punchers, etc. can cause minor physical injuries like cuts and scrapes. It’s important to be cautious when using such sharp objects. It’s also store those objects carefully, use protective caps, folders, or containers

Safety in sewing lab:

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Sewing is one of those activities that may involve opportunities for injury. Sharp objects, such as hand sewing and machine needles, cutting sheers, paper scissors, fabric cutters, pins, machine blades can cause physical damage. There are few safety rules that must be followed by students as well as faculty of DECO Institute:

• It’s imperative to keep sharp objects in their protective covers or containers if not in use.

• Such tools as well as all sewing equipment and machinery must be kept in top condition. Scissors must be sharp, sewing machines must be oiled and tuned.

• Students must attend sewing classes in fully functioning condition, awake, and rested. If students are not able to focus while operating their tools, they will be asked to stop working and leave the class.

• It is students’ responsibility to keep their working area clean. Food or drinks are not allowed in the sewing room, working tables, near sewing machines, and irons.

• All equipment must be switched off if not in use.

• Students should always wear shoes while in the sewing lab.

• It is necessary to dispose of sharp objects like broken needles, seam reapers safely.

• Keep the room and local working stations lights on when in use.

In case of any minor injury a student can use a first aid kit that is in school’s possession. In case of more serious damages students need to contact an emergency by dialing 911.


Red Fashion School offers use of its sewing machines on campus to work on sewing and design assignments and homework. It is students’ responsibility to keep sewing machines in working condition. Students must inform the instructor if the machines they use stop operating properly the most common sewing machine troubles that are described in the chart below can be fixed by students. If the chart does not include the solution for a problem with the sewing machine, please contact a sewing instructor.


Red Fashion School offers professional steam irons to its students to be used in a sewing lab. These steam irons are considered the property of the school. The irons can be used by students during classes and in free lab time to work on assignments and/or homework. Students at Red Fashion School are to obey the following safety iron use to be able to use them:

• Plug in the iron properly. If the plug will not fit into the outlet, check the position of the plug, and insert it correctly. DO NOT force the plug into the outlet.

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• Use the iron only for its intended use.

• DO NOT immerse, spill, or put water or any other liquids on or near the iron.

• DO NOT disconnect the iron by pulling its cord.

• Iron needs to be fully cooled before being put away.

• Make sure that the iron cord does not touch any hot or wet surfaces.

• Disconnect the iron if it needs to be filled with water.

• Disconnect the iron when not in use.

• If the cord is damaged DO NOT USE the iron.

• Use caution while using the iron to prevent burns.

• Rest the iron on a rubber mat; never leave it on the ironing board.


Red Fashion School offers professional dress forms to its students to be used in a sewing lab. The dress forms are considered the property of the school. They can be used by students during classes and in free lab time to work on assignments and/or homework. Students at Red Fashion School are to obey the following dress form safety use in order to be able to use them:

• Use the dress forms only for intended purposes.

• DO NOT tilt, drop dress forms.

• DO NOT make any marks on dress forms.

• DO NOT damage any parts of dress forms.

• DO NOT leave any unfinished work, style tape, pins on dress forms when not in use.

• DO NOT take dress forms out of the sewing lab.

School Catalog

RED Fashion Institute of New England library currently specializes in fashion and related fields 1500 print volumes and is also signed up to 20 yearly subscriptions for fashion, design, architecture, and business magazines. Arrangements have been made with the Norwalk Public Library for all students to use the facilities.

PHYSICAL RESOURCES The Library, part of the RED Information Services, is located on campus, occupying a shared space in our facility. The library is staffed with Librarian and student positions will be available as part of our library services. The library is open 6 days a week with both morning and evening hours. Students and faculty are offered a full range of reference and services for facilitate individual and collaborative study. Study Rooms may be reserved at the Advisory Desk. Computer workstations with Internet access is available, as well as wireless support for laptop users. Copy machines and printers are also available in the library.

PRINT COLLECTIONS The RED maintains a comprehensive print, media collection that reflects the School curriculum. Several special collections of archival and historical material are available for use by the University community as well as visiting scholars.

DIGITAL LIBRARY SERVICES The Library extends its services through its state-of- theart digital library. It is fully committed to building a rich collection of scholarly materials that are fully accessible anytime, anywhere through the Internet using a single School sign on. Employing the current growing trend, we are collecting information from the Internet and working closely with Norwalk Library and Norwalk Community School library.

Lost Library Items

Students at RED Fashion School are responsible to replace lost library items at their own expense. A lost item must be replaced by the item of the same condition, additional year, or better. If a lost item is no longer available for purchase a student must consult on- campus librarian to find out which item of the same value can be bought to compliment RED’s library

School Staff:


I study the visible in order to express and convey the invisible. I draw my surroundings in an effort to rebuild the structure, surpassing the visible skin of the object. Drawing is my own unique attempt at creating a new raily that exceeds the “mundane”. Teaching Fashion Illustration, Textile Design, Concept. Worked with team members from Alexander McQueen, Ralph Lauren Textile Design and with Gloria Palmer-the famous fashion illustrator from Vogue.

Chelsea Kostek

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference in your life. Teaching Pattern Making, Product design, Tech packs, Sample room, Concept. Rhode Island School of Design> Master of Industrial Design. Graduated 6/2006. Virginia Commonwealth University. BFA in fashion Design. Graduate 5/2000

Irina Simeonova

The first distinctive aspect is the professors. They are recognized in the fashion industry plus having the academic background to teach at the college level. The uniqueness of this school is in the student’s third and fourth term. In the third academic term he/she will develop a collection that the School will market and label under Red Fashion School. In the fourth academic term the student with the assistance of the school will market and sell their collection under their own label. She has MFA in Stage Design and Costume, had her own Fashion Show at NY Fashion week and was featured on French Fashion TV. She is teaching at Parsons School of Design, has experience teaching for FIT, AI of Pittsburgh PA, AI of New York, NY online. Irina is teaching Fashion Illustration, Pattern Making, Sewing, Concept, and Portfolio.

Kari Bley Admission

Kari will help you enter the world of creativity and fashion. You can ask her any question and she will guide you in the right direction. She is very passionate about people and very kind.

Stefan Jans

Stefan was born in the Netherlands and received his Bachelor degree from the Art College in Tilburg, The Netherlands. He moved to New York City in 1995 and worked several years as a freelance designer before starting his own design studio, Prints of Orange. He currently is the director of a textile design studio creating original hand painted and digital designs used for apparel, interior and paper goods. Stefan loves to experiment and his style can be described as “contemporary/eclectic”. He has the ability to combine a wide variety of styles in both watercolor, and digital,

School Catalog

to create distinctive work. He has an inquisitive mind and finds new ways to create wonderful imagery. He has worked with several in-house designers as well as freelance artists from all over the world. He has supervised students and enjoys inspiring them to conceptualize and develop original designs.

School Catalog


I am honored to be your teacher, instructor and just be part of your education. As a founder and president of our school I feel the need to share my experience in fashion design and as a businessperson. If I am going to teach you, my students need to know who I am and why you should trust your future to me. I started when I was 12 years old by finding a very old machine at home, I opened it, put oil in it and my journey began.

At this age I already questioned my destiny, and I decided I will be a fashion designer. What a lucky kid I was! To know what you want and to pursue it without losing a second, but I had no idea. At age 15 I sold my first product-I made a hat a day and for 30 days I had 30 hats and the next month I sold them all, second month I took the money and invested them in materials and I sold more hats this time made from felt with a lot of embellishment- somebody bought them all…and then I made clothes, sold and you guessed I invested again and this never stopped.

I graduated from Fashion High School in Sofia Bulgaria with honor and the state government offered to pay for my study in Germany. I didn’t take the offer and got a job in the biggest fashion corporation as a starting position. It was only three months after I won a national competition for your designers and from a beginner, I was promoted to a designer in charge of three factories around the country and the learning fun began. Meanwhile I was studying at the National Academy of Arts Stage Design (which I never practiced because of my love of fashion).

It was such a wonderful and rewarding time, awards for design for bestselling collections, travels and learning about mass production. Meeting and learning from international designers. But always in the background I had a private small business with clients. Until a big political change created an impossible situation for a free spirited and creative person like me and I left for the US.

I found my first job three days after I landed in NYC. Mary Mc Fadden opened her doors to me in more than one way. I had my first internship and two years later they introduced me to their company sponsor who put money in my first business. We sold in department stores and boutiques around the US and Canada. Few years later I had my own fashion show in NY Fashion week. I am sharing this story with you, so you understand that I was standing where you are today, and I know… I know you deep inside with your dreams and desires. I had support, then I didn’t,

School Catalog

but I never got discouraged. I ran, I fell and got myself up and kept going because I saw myself when I was 12. I went through this road, so I learn how to make things happen and give my knowledge to you. I really believe that the reason I did what I did is to stand today in front of you and give you all I know, make it easier for you, the only thing I need from you is love to your craft and work. Let's start our journey together.


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