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BEST ANIMAL SHELTER/ RESCUE Second Chance Animal Center

For decades, Second Chance has served animals across the community, in and out of the shelter. Along with adoption services, Second Chance provides spay/neuter assistance, community education, advocacy and humane investigative assistance to local law enforcement. 1779 Vermont Route 7A, Arlington 802-375-2898 2ndchanceanimalcenter.org

BEST CHARITY EVENT Cancer Center Community Crusaders

Through fundraising e orts and community events such as the Cupcake Challenge and Cabin Fever, the Cancer Crusaders provide financial and emotional support for

local families impacted by cancer, and contribute to local and regional research e orts. cancercrusadersvt.com


The Arlington Lions Club is a busy group, hosting community events and volunteer e orts all year long. This year, the Club was named Lions Club of the Year for its district, which encompasses the entire state of Vermont and part of New York. 802-375-6037 facebook.com/arlingtonvtlions

BEST LOCAL EVENT Southern Vermont Garlic & Herb Festival

Garlic Fest stinks — and that’ s why we love it. This adoring celebration of all things garlic brings together hundreds of vendors serving up everything from garlic plants to garlic ice cream. bennington.com/garlicfest

BEST PLACE TO WORK Southwestern Vermont Health Care

120 Hospital Drive, Bennington 802-447-5140 svhealthcare.org/careers

BEST SCHOOL SPORTS COACH Rob Short, Mount Anthony Union High School Skiing

BEST TEACHER (PRE K-12) Kathleen Backus, Village School of North Bennington


Kitty Kitty, a 5-7 year old calico tabby, looks through the glass door of her cat suite at Second Chance Animal Shelter in Arlington.

R e a d e r s C h o i c e 2 0 2 1

| F r i d a y , J u l y 1 6 , 2 0 2 1

B e n n i n g t o n B a n n e r | M a n c h e s t e r J o u r n a l


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