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Bodices belonging to members of the Park McCullough family line the grand entranceway at the Park-McCullough House in North Bennington. BEST BED AND BREAKFAST South Shire Inn
Built in 1887 as the estate of Louis A. Graves, the South Shire Inn has retained plenty of historic Victorian charm, with each of its nine rooms featuring its own mix of period details like ornately carved fireplaces and elegant antique furniture. 124 Elm St., Bennington 802-447-3839 • southshire.com
BEST BINGO Bennington Elks Lodge
Nobody does bingo quite like the Bennington Elks Lodge, a great place to meet new friends, serve a good cause or two and have a few drinks. 125 Washington Ave., Bennington 802-442-2736 • elks.org/lodges, search Lodge No. 0567
Clean, cozy and friendly, the Knotty Pine o ers a fine place to rest a weary head. 130 Northside Drive, Bennington 802-442-5487 • knottypinemotel.com
BEST LOCAL BAND The Julie Shea Band
This four-piece band has earned a dedicated following. Their ear-pleasing blend of classic rock, pop and blues makes them the community choice for best band once again. facebook.com/thejuliesheaband
The historic Park-McCullough mansion was constructed in the 1860s for successful entrepreneur Trenor Park, but today it serves as a community and cultural hub. Visitors can enjoy a full calendar of events, including a farmers and artisans market, yoga in the garden, a croquet league, theatrical and musical performances, wine tastings and outdoor movie screenings, or simply take in the carefully preserved home and grounds. 1 Park St., North Bennington 802-442-5441 • parkmccullough.org
BEST SKI RESORT Bromley Mountain Ski Resort
Nicknamed “sun mountain” for its southern exposure, Bromley Mountain features 47 trails o ering skiing terrain for all skill levels. 3984 Vermont Route 11, Peru 802-824-5522 • bromley.com
l a n r J o u e r s t n c h e a M | n e r n B a o n t n g i n e n B