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Because care begins at home
or reviewed by an attorney, but you can seek guidance if you feel the need. A POA document can be found online or through an attorney.
A Living Will defines medical treatments you may or may not want to be used at the end of life along with your preferences regarding medical treatment, pain management and organ donation. An example of this is the Five Wishes. The Five Wishes is a document used to define your personal wishes, emotional and spiritual needs. Within this document you can define a HCP and allows for you to say how you exactly wish to be treated in the event that you become seriously ill. Examples of such wishes include what you want your caregiver to know, do you wish to receive tube feedings or be on a ventilator, how comfortable do you want to be, how you want people to treat you and what you want your loved ones to know. Visit www.fivewishes.org. Be thoughtful and mindful when choosing someone you wish to make important health care decisions for you. Choose someone you trust and will keep your best interest in mind. It’s important to make your wishes known to your family and friends, so they are comfortable and aware of what matters to you when it comes to end of life decisions.