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Published52weeksayearintheTri-StateArea 57,000WeeklyReaders|18,000+DirectMailedinTri-StateArea 2,100+AtKeyLocationsforPickup|1,500+E-DeliveredWeekly
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STARTSthisTHURSDAY2/6 forthe2/12edition.
ADPROOFS: Adsrequiringcustomerapprovalbefore publicationmustbesubmittedbyTUESDAYSat11:00AM.
ADPROOFAPPROVALS: MustbereceivedbyFRIDAYSat 12:00NOON;otherwise,theadwillbepublishedasis.
We’recurrentlymakingsomeexcitingimprovementstoourpress,andasaresult,ournewdeadlineisnow Thursdaysat11:00AM,effectiveimmediately.Thiswillbeapermanentchangetoourproductionschedule. Weappreciateyourunderstandingandcontinuedsupportasweworktoenhancethequalityofourpublication. Wevalueourrelationshipwithyouandlookforwardtocontinuingtoworktogether.
271MainStreet,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230 413-528-0095 x ads@shoppersguideinc.com x www.shoppersguideinc.com OfficeHours:MondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm CommittedtoBuildingCommunitySince1968!
9:00am-12:00pm,TownHall,334MainStreet DALTON,MONDAY,FEB.10
1:00pm-3:00pm,SeniorCenter,40FieldStreet LEE,WEDNESDAY,FEB.12
9:00am-12:00pm,TownHall,6WalkerStreet OTIS,COFFEEBREAKw/LEIGH,FRIDAY,FEB.28
CONTACTUS: (413)854-4623, Leigh.Davis@mahouse.gov leighdavis.org
tylerhomeprop@yahoo.com 55HuldahsLane,AshleyFalls,MA01222 413.717.2494 PickUp&DeliveryAvailable
FIREWOOD PROCESSED at your location:I will cut up logs, split wood, and stack wood if you need it. I bring my chainsaws and splitter to your home. You may remember me, I'm John. Call 518-929-4805. First, I will come and assess the job with you. If your wood is in a swamp, please call a competitor.
Need help building your family tree? Experienced family history researcher, based in Lenox, can help you knock down those brick walls and find answers to your long asked questions. Reasonable and flexible rates. Free consultation. Member NGS, NEHGS, NYG&BS, and BFHA. Call Robert at 914-260-2120.
Meeting, for those affected by someone else's drinking. Wednesdays, 9:30-10:15am. Stockbridge Library, upstairs, Ruth Krauss room.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30-pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call 413-528-8227. Email us at yh.book @verizon.net or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.
BIKE FOR SALE: Men's Reigh, Techium 420, needs new tires, otherwise excellent condition. $95 obo. Please call 413-429-5989.
EZ-DUMP ENT. Available for home clean outs & disposal. We'll load & haul away. Firewood sale too. Call, text or email us 24/7. 802-3761168. ezdump.bl@gmail.com
StockbridgeArtisans’Gallery 3ElmStreet(behindLeeBank),Stockbridge,MA
lightrefreshments,allmaterialsprovided $75.00registrationfee/perperson TORESERVEASPACE: Call413-298-7070
FOR SALE: Homedics Body Flex air comp stretching mat. $100. 959-202-1151.
EATING DISORDER Anonymous meeting starting Tues, Feb 11 at 12:30-1:30. Location: 67 State Road, Gt Barrington, MA. South County Recovery Center.
LAMP REPAIRS and Rewiring. Michael Cleary, Former Owner, The Lamplighter. akacleary@aol.com 413-822-4542.
SEASONED FIREWOOD: 16-18 inch cut, split, delivered. 3/4 of a cord. $210. 860-248- 9580.
KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE: 16-18 inches full seasoned $275 per cord delivered. Call 413-717-0281.
SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping 413-644-5164.
Doesnotendorse productsorservices advertisednordoes itinvestigatewhether servicestobeprovided requirespeciallicensing orinsurance.Consumers wouldbewisetoinvestigateserviceproviders.
271MainStreet GreatBarrington,MA01230
Office:413-528-0095 Fax:413-528-4805 ads@shoppersguideinc.com www.shoppersguideinc.com
OfficeHours: MondaythruFriday 8:30amto4:30pm
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.
4" PAINT BRUSHES, bristle & poly-nylon, 10 per lot for $50 (not used, quality), cash/carry, p/u Sheffield. 413-229-0070.
MadsenOverheadDoors offersnumerousdoor optionstofitanybudget! Residential,commercial&
BATHROOM SINK pedestal by American Standard, town square model, white, new in box, $50, p/u Sheffield. 413-229-0070. Cash/carry.
LEGOS- Large bin of mixed Legos, all shapes and sizes. Great for hours of creativityjust what the kiddos need! $50- Stockbridge 413717-2475. (518)3923883 673Route203,Spencertown,NY www.MadsenOverheadDoors.com
THE ONLY ONE IN TOWN for all of your advertising needs is The Shopper’s Guide! Tri-State coverage and great prices, too. Find out more at www. shoppersguideinc.com
Ifyourchildwillbe3,4or5onorbeforeSeptember1,2025, pleasecontactLoriStockwellintheMuddyBrookoffice (lori.stockwell@bhrsd.orgor413-644-2350)toreceive aregistrationpacketforPK/EK(lottery)andKDG. SchoolChoiceapplicationsareacceptedona rollingbasisforKindergartenonly. Screeningsandorientationswillbeheldat laterdatestobedetermined.
InformacionImportanteparaFamiliasNuevas Situhijoestáapuntodecumplir3,4o5añosantesdel 1rodeSeptiembredel2025.Porfavorponteencontactocon LoriStockwell(413-644-2350olori.stockwell@bhrsd.org) delaescuelaprimariaMuddyBrookpararecibirunpaquete deregistroparaPK/EK(loteria)yKDG. Lasaplicacionesparaparaschoolchoiceseranaceptadassolopara estudiantesdeKDG.Loschequeosylasorientacionessellevaran acabohastanuevoaviso.
ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio 413-248-1309. Mobile 203856-1337. www.TroyFineAr t.com
CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. Text or call 413-645-2332. diamondteam723@ gmail.com
ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. 413-4297101.
HOUSE CLEANING: Weekly, bi-weekly, weekenders welcome. Excellent attention to detail. Honest and reliable. Within 10 mile radius of GB. 4 hour jobs preferred. Excellent references. 413-6445803.
GB JUNK. 413-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarrington junkremoval.com
GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. 413-4297101.
GOT DRAFTY WINDOWS? Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate 413-429-7101.
GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! 413-644-5164.
HOFF JUNK REMOVAL & Moving. Reliable, efficient, and fully insured! We specialize in junk removal and moving services, handling everything from small yard cleanups to full estate clear-outs. Our hardworking team ensures every job is done quickly, thoroughly, and with care. Rates: Junk Removal: $150 base fee + $60/hour per worker. Moving Services: $150 base fee + $80/hour per worker (rates may vary). Call or text Trevor Hoff 413-429-1839 to book your appointment today!
NORBERT'S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call 413-528-2221.
RESIDENTIAL/Commercial Cleaning Service LLC. 413-854-3411. Berkshire clean023@gmail.com Free estimate. Reach out anytime.
TAX PREPARATION Services. Personal income tax returns, authorized IRS efile provider. I.T.I.N. 413717-1096, 413-243-3961. Liliana Ortiz-Bermudez. Habla Espanol.
TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver 413-441-4893.
THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda 860-671-0468. thefloorspecialist@verizon.net
WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders 413-429-7101.
adoption counselors love to be match makers and help you find the best new addition for your family and lifestyle – at our main shelter in Pittsfield or at Purradise, our satellite feline adoption center, in Great Barrington. Berkshire Humane Society HELPING ANIMALS
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thursday thursday thursday
fromthesixteenfinialistshownhereat: shoppersguideinc.com/sweetheart Thethreecoupleswiththemostvoteswin! Prizepackagesawardedto1st,2ndand3rdplace winners.Winnerswillbeannouncedinour Wednesday,2/12/25printeditionandonline.
fromthesixteenfinialistshownhereat: shoppersguideinc.com/sweetheart Thethreecoupleswiththemostvoteswin! Prizepackagesawardedto1st,2ndand3rdplace winners.Winnerswillbeannouncedinour Wednesday,2/12/25printeditionandonline.
TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE! Shopper’s Guide is available for pick up at over 90+ locations throughout the tri-state area. Don’t miss an issue! www.shoppersguideinc.com
free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
Advertise weekly in Shopper’s Guide Dining Section! ads@shoppersguideinc.com 413-528-0095
Ad Deadline: Thursdays at 11 am
271 Main Street, Suite 4 Downtown Great Barrington, MA www.shoppersguideinc.com
ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services,
FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. All types chair seating. 40 years experience. Free estimates. 845444-0015.
FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. Shaker, taping, and veneer repair. Pickup and delivery. 413-822-1407.
OurAngusBeefBurgerwithany toppingsofchoiceoffriesand apintofourfreshcraftedbeer. Chef’sVeggieBurger+$2, Grass-FedBurger+$2.
Groundbeefinasavorybrown gravywithonion&corntopped withgarlicmashedpotatoes.
ChoosefromBuffalo,Mango Habanero,GarlicParmesan, Oaxacan(SmokedChipotle) orSweetThaiChili.
FRIDAY (After5pm):
Beerbatteredbayscallops, shrimpandcodserved withcoleslawandbeer batteredfries.
Choiceprimeribservedwith aujus,horseradishsourcream, mashedandvegetables.
Roastedturkeybreastserved withstuffing,gravy,mashed potatoes,vegetablesand cranberrysauce.
30Years& 3,500BrewDays! Stillgoingstrong! onthe
Wheeler&Taylor,theregionspremierindependent insuranceagency,seeksqualifiedcandidatestojoin ourrapidlygrowingagencyasPersonalLinesAccount Managers.Thesefulltime,clientfacingpositions requireenergeticanddetailedorientedindividuals.AccountManagersareprimarilyresponsiblefor managingclientaccounts,maintainingstrongrelationshipsandprovidingexcellentcustomerservice. TheAccountManagerwillalsoberesponsibleforreviewinginsurancepolicies,identifyingclientneeds, andrecommendingappropriatecoverageoptions. Wheeler&Tayloroffersanexcellentcompensation packagecommensuratewithexperiencealongwith opportunitiesforannualprofitsharingandbonus potential.Wealsoprovideasuperiorbenefitprogram forouremployees.Ifinterestedpleasecontact TomBlauveltat 413-528-1004 oremailat: tblavuelt@ wheelerandtaylor.com
TheTownofNewMarlboroughHighwayDepartmentisacceptingapplicationsfortwofull-timeHighwayTruckDrivers/ EquipmentOperators/Laborers.Idealcandidatewillpossessa CDLA,Mass2A,and4Glicenses.Motivatedcandidateswithoutfulllicensingareencouragedtoapplyasopportunitiesfor licensingmaybeprovided.CurrentDOTmedicalcertificate required.Musthaveexperiencedrivingtruck,operatingheavy equipment,preferablyoperatingagraderandaplowwithwing, repairingandmaintainingheavyequipment,andsnowplowoperationsalongwithallotherdutiesassociatedwithhighway work.Highwayworkersarerequiredtobeoncall24/7during wintermonthsforsnowandiceremoval.Mustbewillingtosubmittopre-employmentandrandomdrugtesting,pre-employmentandannualphysicalsaswellasaCORIcheck.Hourlypay rangeis$22.00-$27.00commensuratewithlicensing.Competitivebenefitpackages.SubmitapplicationstotheTownofNew Marlboroughat nmbos@newmarlboroughma.gov orPOBox 99,MillRiver,MA01244.Ajobdescriptionandapplicationare availableat www.newmarlboroughma.gov.(413)229-8116. Positionsopenuntilfilled.EEO/AA
*DISABILITY:physicalormental.Qualifiedhandicappedpersonsareentitledtoreasonableaccommodations,unlessthataccommodationpresents anunduehardshiptotheemployer.AGE:(40and older)FederallawandMassachusettslawboth prohibitemployersfromdiscriminatingagainst theiremployeeswhoare40+yearsoldbased ontheirage.ARRESTRECORD:Itisillegalforan employertoaskcertainquestionsaboutajobapplicant'soremployee'scriminalrecord.TheCORI ReformActpreventsemployersfromseeking disclosureofjobapplicants'criminalrecordinformationpriortotheinterviewstageofthehiring process.GENDERIDENTITY:Itisillegalforanemployertopublishajobadvertisementthatshows apreferenceforordiscouragessomeonefrom applyingforajobbecauseofhis/herrace,color, religion,sex(includinggenderidentity,sexual orientation,andpregnancy),nationalorigin,age (40orolder),disabilityorgeneticinformation. Also,DiscriminationLawsrefertoArtinEmploymentadsaswellascopyie:nowhitemaleunder theageof40canbedepictedinanemployment adallbyhimself.
and food service workers wanted. Lakeville, CT. Email: info@toryhilldining.com
HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., 413-441-3320.
MountEverettSanitation,alocalBerkshires company,iscelebrating50yearsinbusiness andislookingtoexpandtheiralready growingworkforcebyaddingHeavyEquipment Operators(min.$28/hr),CommercialTruck Drivers(min.$24/hr),Laborers.
TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. 413-822-0985.
NORTH CANAAN: Local business looking to hire fulltime Heavy Equipment Operators. Must have 3+ years experience. Benefits: paid sick and vacation time, 80% health insurance paid, dental insurance, 401-K. Also, looking for a part-time Office Assistant. Must have scheduling and QB experience, and willing to learn. Benefits: paid sick time. Please email resume and three professional references to ssgproducts@ gmail.com
ImmediateopeningsforExperiencedCarpenters (Minimum4yearsofExperience)
Seekingdependable,motivatedanddetail-orientedindividualstojoin ourteam!Weareawell-establishedcompanywitha40hour/4-day workweekandanemphasisoncareerdevelopment.Excellentpay (commensuratewithexperience)andbenefitspackageavailable. AbilitytocommutetoStockbridge,MAand SouthCountyMAlocations. Pleasecall(413)298-5156oremailresumeto office@michaelwhitecontractors.com
thursday thursday thursday
STARTS this THURSDAY 2/6 for the 2/12 edition. We apologize for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause.
AD PROOFS: Ads requiring customer approval before publication must be submitted by TUESDAYS at 11:00 AM.
AD PROOF APPROVALS: Must be received by FRIDAYS at 12:00 NOON; otherwise, the ad will be published as is.
Wearecurrentlylookingforeveningshiftsonly: Dishwashers FoodServiceWorkers LineCooks Full&Part-TimePositionsAvailable Full-timepositionsareeligibleforbenefits
I NTERESTED ? CallBecky860-435-3238 orvisitourwebsitetoryhilldining.com/careers ToryHillLLCisanEEO/AA/Minority/Female/Disability/VeteranEmployer
GARDENING ASSISTANT wanted 3 days per week Apr-Nov for fine gardens in Sheffield & Copake. Small ecological company. Sincere interest, conscientious, detailed, dependable, physically able, own car. Voicemail 860-601-1751.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
LOCAL FAMILY OWNED Propane company is looking for a full time versatile employee. We offer 401k plan and insurance, paid vacation and sick time. Along with bonuses. Job would include deliveries, hookups and tank maintenance. Applicant should have CDL license and be willing to acquire Hazmat & Tanker endorsements. Applicant should be young, strong, reliable, and drugfree. Drivers have random drug testing. Would train the right applicant. Great pay and benefits. The more credentials,the better the starting pay. Serious applicants only please! Call 413-446-2446.
GeneralRequirements: Experiencerequiredforforemanposition.
• Someexperienceispreferredforlaborers,but willingtotrain.
• DOTMedicalCard(withinfirst3monthsofhire)
• Transportationorreliabletransportationtomeet inStockbridgeorLeeby6:30AMSpring/Summer and7:30AMFall/Winter.
• W-2Job,HourlyPay,OvertimeEligible
• Foreman
• GeneralLaborers(FT&PTAvailable)
• MachineOperator
• Call413-717-7159andaskforSpencer
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without charge, that part of any advertisement in which an error may occur. Also the pub lish er takes no responsibility for state ments or claims made in any ad ver tise ment. The publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish an advertisement for any reason.
CustomCabinets&Doors FurnitureRepair&Refinishing
BobHogencamp413-822-1407 CrankyYankeeWoodwork.com
Committedtoquality craftsmanshipandoutstanding customerserviceforover30years.
Reclaimed Barn Wood! 8x8 hand-hewn beams, 4x6 chestnut beams 8-10' lengths and 7/8" chestnut planking various lengths and widths. Other various barn wood and slabs- Serious inquiries onlyselling the entire batch, not piecing out. Come look and make an offer. $2000 obo. Call 413-717-0905. Located in Stockbridge.
Valyou serving MA, CT, NY for 20+ years. Renovations & Repairs Kitchens, Baths, Studios. Old Houses & Barns my specialty (917)-538-1617 davidvalyou @yahoo.com Based in Canaan, CT.
NEW MARLBOROUGH: Southfield. Preference to long term renters, short term considered. 3 bedroom 1 bath, fully remodeled. Hardwood floors throughout, Granite counters, new cabinets, stainless appliances. Large eat in kitchen. 1 bedroom on 1st floor, 2 upstairs. Laundry in unit, off street private parking for 2 cars, possibly more. Beautiful outdoor space. Lawn care, trash pick up, snow removal taken care of by landlord. Tenant pays electric and
STOCKBRIDGE Apartment: No pets. Parking, yard and patio. $1000 plus utilities. (860)-248-9644.
APARTMENT FOR RENT in Great Barrington, MA. One bedroom, one bath. $1200/ mo. 860-248-9644.
1FORESTSTREET,HOUSATONIC,MA. In-towncharmerwithviewsofFlag Rock,offeringauniqueblendofcharacterandpotentialwith4BDs/1BA,a retrokitchenwithpantry,largerooms boastinghighceilings.WithalittleTLC, thispropertyrepresentsafantastic opportunity.
Please call or text 781-608-9556.
FULLY FURNISHED STUDIO in Egremont. Pet-friendly and High-Speed Internet Spacious unit on a 5-acre property on the Green River. The suite comes fully furnished, with a queen-sized bed, a private bathroom, a pull-out couch, a kitchenette, and a dining area. Well-behaved pets are welcome and the studio has a doggie door to a fenced outside area. Guests have full access to our inground pool and outdoor dining area as well as access to the Green River. Available now by the month for short or medium-term rental. $1950 Feb-May. Negotiable JunSep. Available now. References and security. Call or text 207-831-3389
LEE, RENTAL: 1/2 Duplex. Quiet, well maintained, walk to town, 2 bedroom, small home office space, 1 1/2 baths. $1,600 monthly, utilities not included, oil heat, month to month lease. Landlord on premises, First and last month's rents plus security deposit required. References. No pets, smoking, vaping or illegal drugs on premises. Send inquires to LM, PO Box, 27, Lee, Ma. 012381106.
1 BR APARTMENT Egremont. Recently renovated in separate building on owneroccupied property. No animals. No smoking. Year lease. Includes all utilities, high speed internet. $1500. 413-528-3732.
GB JUNK. 413-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarrington junkremoval.com
Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.
NEW MARLBOROUGH: 2BR, 1 bath Southfield. Preference to long term renters, short term considered. Fully remodeled, hardwood floors throughout, Granite counters, new cabinets, stainless appliances. Large eat-in kitchen. 1 bedroom on 1st floor, 1 upstairs. Laundry in unit, off street private parking for 2 cars, possibly more. Garage space for storage, cars likely won't fit, bikes, motorcycles will. Beautiful outdoor space. Lawn care, trash pick up, snow removal taken care of by landlord, tenant pays electric, cable, Spectrum fiber. Great location, 16 min to Guidos, 10 min to Stop & Shop, Canaan on Google maps. Pets negotiable. Asking $2300/month. Please call/text 781-608-9556.
SHEFFIELD, FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment surrounded by spacious grounds, 3 exposures, beautiful views, lg deck, private entrance and parking. No pets, no smoking. $1100 plus utilities. First month's rent, security and references. Call 413-229-3457. Please leave message.
TWO BEDROOM APT available in quiet private house in Ashley Falls. Heat, electric, w/d, parking included. References and financials required. 347-604-2097.
3DifferentSizes-120sq.ft.,170sq.ft.,305sq.ft. 2ndFloor-HardwoodFloors
SeparateWaitingRoom–IncludesHeat&Electric 413-528-9841ext.1
ForRent:4RailroadSt.,GB.1616sqfeetof spacewithdrybasementincluded.2year lease.Storebeingpaintedandfloorssanded. First,last,andsecurityrequired.Available January1,2025. Call413-329-7950fordetails.
85MainStreet,2ndFloor GreatBarrington,MA Approximately4000sq.feet GREATLOCATION! CallDianeat413-528-4334forinformation
CAMEL MOVING & Storage: 413-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving Storage.com
ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Monterey. $1450/month, heat included. Call 413-258-1495 for details.
Valentine's Day ™ Friday 2/14 Remember
165 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA (413) 717-4239 Monday thru Friday 10am-5: 30pm l Saturday 10am-4pm WWW.LENNOXJEW E LERS.COM * Voted Best Jeweler 2022-2023 *