Shopper's Guide 02-19-2025

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55HuldahsLane,AshleyFalls,MA01222 413.717.2494



THURSDAY 11:00AM ForAdReservationsandAdCopy fortheWednesdayPublication.

ADPROOF: Adsrequiringcustomerapprovalbefore publicationmustbesubmittedbyTUESDAYat11:00AM.

ADPROOFAPPROVALS: Approvalsmustbereceivedby FRIDAY12:00NOON;otherwisetheadwillbepublishedasis. 271MainSt.,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230•413-528-0095• OfficeHours:MondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm

A L-ANON NEWCOMER Meeting, for those affected by someone else's drinking.

Wednesdays, 9:30-10:15am.

Stockbridge Library, upstairs, Ruth Krauss room.

CONNECT – It’s what we do! In print and online.

BE A SWEETHEART to yourself as you explore your relationship with food. Overeaters Anonymous can help you. Come to a meeting any Friday at 1pm at the Ambulance Garage. For more info call Emily 413-329-7224 or go to

THE TOWN OF Great Barrington Summer Concert Series is a annual series of free concerts at the GB gazebo that appeal to people of all ages. Please consider making a donation to the Town of Great Barrington Summer Concert Series. We have a great season planned for this summer!! Checks may be made payable to the Town of Great Barrington - Bandstand Account, and sent or delivered to: Town of Great Barrington Select Board Office, Town Hall, 334 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 01230.

GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!

CelebrateBlackHistoryMonthby supportingBlack-ownedbusinesses!

HereareafewofthegreatBlack-ownedbusinessesyou’llfindonour shelves:

ADozenCousins: Ready-to-eatauthenticmealsandsidesinspiredby Creole,LatinAmerican,andCaribbeanrecipes.

VibrantHealth: MakersofGreenVibrance,oneofourfavorite plant-basedsuperfoodsupplementpowders.

AuntieElsie’sOatmealCrisps: Locallymadecookies–acustomer favoritewithtea!

SmokeyDivasBBQsauce: AfantasticsauceofBerkshireBBQfame.

NubianHeritage: Naturalbathandbodyproductscraftedusing culturalwisdomandIndigenousingredients.



THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.


InaccordancewithChapter71,Section38N,oftheGeneralLawsofthe CommonwealthofMassachusetts,thecitizensofthetownsofGreat Barrington,Stockbridge,andWestStockbridgeareherebynotifiedthat ahybridPublicHearingwillbeheldonThursday,February27,2025, at6:00p.m.,bymeansofin-personatW.E.B.DuBoisRegionalMiddle SchoolCafeteria,313MonumentValleyRoad,GreatBarrington,MA,and virtual,forthepurposeofgivingallinterestedpersonstheopportunityto beheardfororagainstthewholeoranypartoftheproposed2025-2026 BerkshireHillsRegionalSchoolDistrictBudget.TheSuperintendentof Schoolsshallhaveavailableforpublicviewing,onecopyoftheproposed 2025-26Budgetfortheforty-eight-hourperiodpriortotheFebruary 27,2025,PublicHearing,attheBHRSDDistrictOffice,50MainStreet, Stockbridge,Massachusetts,01262,andon-lineat


StephenBannon,Chairman BerkshireHillsRegionalSchoolDistrict

Doesnotendorse productsorservices advertisednordoes itinvestigatewhether servicestobeprovided requirespeciallicensing orinsurance.Consumers wouldbewisetoinvestigateserviceproviders.

271MainStreet GreatBarrington,MA01230


FIREWOOD PROCESSED at your location:I will cut up logs, split wood, and stack wood if you need it. I bring my chainsaws and splitter to your home. You may remember me, I'm John. Call 518-929-4805. First, I will come and assess the job with you. If your wood is in a swamp, please call a competitor.

FOR SALE: Log splitter, 7 ton electric/hydraulic Powerhouse LS7T-52. $150. Photo available. 413-446-7218

FOR SALE: Queen size sleighbed frame, 2 night stands with drawers, 68" dresser with mirror. Walnut finish. Excellent condition. $1000 or best offer. 413329-7528.

BUYING ALL OLD Sports cards: Pre-1980 single cards, Rookies, or entire collections. Also buying non-sports cards, old toys & advertising signs & old stuff. Call or text: 413418-5475.

KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.

LAMP REPAIRS and Rewiring. Michael Cleary, Former Owner, The Lamplighter. 413-822-4542.

NEW DEADLINE NOTICE: Our deadline is now Thursdays by 11am starting immediately. There is no longer a Friday 11am deadline. Please plan accordingly. Thank you!

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30-pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.

SAXOPHONES WANTED to buy. Vintage and antique; also clarinets and brass. Please call 310-694-1404.

271 Main St., Great Barrington, MA • 413-528-0095 •


OfficeHours: MondaythruFriday 8:30amto4:30pm


Our deadline is now Thursdays by 11am starting immediately. There is no longer a Friday 11am deadline. Please plan accordingly. Thank you!

SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730.


TREADMILL DESK. Adjustable desk height, good condition, 18 months old, hardly used. $100 or best offer. Sells on Amazon for $300 + $70 delivery. 516-477-4664, leave message. (Great Barrington).

TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping 413-644-5164.

NO SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century! Visit (413)528-9697 34BridgeStreet, GreatBarrington,MA @berkshirecoop

YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call 413-528-8227. Email us at or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.

CHAIN HUNG BRASS Chandelier, 5 pendants w/glass fixtures (bulbs not included), needs cleaning, $45 cash/ carry 413-229-0070, Sheffield p/u.

FREE: Dictionary of American Biography, 25 volumes. Heavy. 413-528-0246.

HAIR DRYERS, 2 Conair 1875, new inbox, $10 each. Can send pictures. 413822-8803.

MINI-FRIDGE for dorm or desk-side, $50 p/u Sheffield 413-429-7913. GE brand, works fine.

NEW DEADLINE NOTICE: Our deadline is now Thursdays by 11am starting immediately. There is no longer a Friday 11am deadline. Please plan accordingly. Thank you!

VINTAGE CUFF LINKS, tie bars, pins, 8 sets, $50. 860899-4578.

WearecurrentlyofferingaCLEANINGSPECIALonallElectricandGas residentialdryersthatwillimprovetheefficiencyandsafetyofyourdryer.




•Completeinspectionofthedryerandinternalventingsystem. Externalventingisnotcovered,butrecommendationswillbe madeastoanyissues.


•Installationofanewdryerkit,ifneeded,whichincludes: anewbelt,idlerpulley,anddrumrollers.

SMALL FRIDGE for office or dorm. Good condition, GE brand, rarely used, out from storage. $50 cash/carry, p.u Sheffield 413-229-0070. WANT TO KNOW MORE about our Digital Advertising Package? Call Cheryl at the Shopper’s Guide today. (413)528-0095.

VINTAGE VIOLIN and case: needs restoration, for decor only, p/u Sheffield, 413229-0070, $50 cash/carry.

INSERT ADVERTISING: We handle that, too! Circulars, restaurant menus, special events. More info on our website

WESTPOINT WOOD pellet stove, two tile floor protectors, external vent piping, and 12 40-lb bags wood pellets: Free and must be taken as package. No exceptions. Pickup in Sheffield. Stove is used and new ignitor (included) must be installed before use. 413-429-5361.





TheTownofOtis,MassachusettsisseekingbidsforPhase 3renovationstotheHistoricEastOtisSchoolhouse.All workmustcomplywiththeSecretaryoftheInterior’s StandardsfortheTreatmentofHistoricProperties. GeneralbiddersmustbeDCAMM-certified.Thereare thefollowingfiledsubbidsforthisproject:Roofingand Flashing;Painting.ARoofingsubcontractormayserve astheGeneralBidderifsoqualifiedbyDCAMM. GeneralBidsareduenolaterthan2:00PMonTuesday March11,2025 toBrandiPage,TownAdministrator, TownofOtis,1NorthMainRoad,P.O.Box237,Otis,MA 01253andwillbepubliclyopenedandreadatthattime. Sealedenvelopesshallbeclearlymarked“GeneralBid forHistoricSchoolhouse-Phase3.”FiledSub-Bidsfor thefollowingcategoriesaredueatthesamelocation nolaterthan2:00PMonTuesday,March4,2025:Bid documentscanberequestedbyemailingBrandiPage, Contractorsarerequiredtohaveexperiencewiththe SecretaryoftheInterior’sStandardsfortheTreatmentof HistoricPropertiesforthisphaseofrenovation.Statelaw andOtispolicyprohibitsdiscrimination.Theselection ofthecontractorwillbemadewithoutregardtorace, color,sex,age,religion,politicalaffiliation,nationalorigin orgenderidentity.TheTownencouragesdiversityand minority.TheTownreservestherighttorejectanyandall bids,towaiveanyinformalities,toadvertisefornewbids, andtoawardoneormorecontracts,whollyorinpart,as maybedeemedtobeinthebestinterestoftheTown. TheSelectboardaretheawardingauthority.

Thesuccessfulbidderwillprovideinsuranceasstatedin theagreement.Acertificateofinsuranceevidencingthe requiredinsuranceshallbesubmittedtothetownprior totheCommencementofworkandshallremaininforce duringthetermofthecontract.Biddepositintheamount of5%requiredwithsubmissionaswellaspaymentbond of100%andperformancebondof100%atexecution ofcontract.ThetimeforcompletionoftheWorkfrom NoticetoProceedtoSubstantialCompletionmustbeno laterthanJune30,2025.Liquidateddamagesforfailure tocompleteontimeare$500(fivehundreddollars)per calendarday.NoticetoProceedisexpectedtobeissued nolaterthanWednesday,March12,2025. BrandiPage,TownofOtisAdministrator


ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio 413-248-1309. Mobile 203856-1337. www.TroyFineAr

CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. Text or call 413-645-2332. diamondteam723@

CLEARING THE WAY: Organizing Services. Moving? Downsizing? Clutter- flustered? I can help you deal with your stuff. Reclaim your space & take control of your life. 5+ years experience. References available. 917-974-4353.

ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. 413-4297101.

GB JUNK. 413-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarrington

GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. 413-4297101.

GOT DRAFTY WINDOWS? Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate 413-429-7101.

GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! 413-644-5164.

HOUSE PAINTER. Interior, exterior, twenty years of experience, fully insured. Call Ernest Kemp at 413-717-7043.

NORBERT'S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call 413-528-2221.

HOFF JUNK REMOVAL & Moving. Reliable, efficient, and fully insured! We specialize in junk removal and moving services, handling everything from small yard cleanups to full estate clear-outs. Our hardworking team ensures every job is done quickly, thoroughly, and with care. Call or text Trevor Hoff 413-429-1839 to book your appointment today!

KIND, RELIABLE housekeeper. Great at multitasking. Cleaning, deep cleaning, houses, AirBnB, restaurants. Serving clients for many years in the Berkshires. All seasons. 413-717-0791.

ORIENTAL OR AREA RUGS in need of cleaning or repair? Our high-quality craftsmen have served the tri-state area for over a decade. Located in Lakeville, CT, we offer pick-up/delivery within 20 miles. 860-318-5457.

RELIABLE HANDYMAN. Small projects. Puncuality, guarantee of good work. Fair prices. Available for emergencies! Excellent references. Text 413-717-7448.

RESIDENTIAL/Commercial Cleaning Service LLC. 413-854-3411. Berkshire Free estimate. Reach out anytime.

TAX PREPARATION Services. Personal income tax returns, authorized IRS efile provider. I.T.I.N. 413717-1096, 413-243-3961. Liliana Ortiz-Bermudez. Habla Espanol.

TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver 413-441-4893.

THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda 860-671-0468.

WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders 413-429-7101.

MadsenOverheadDoors offersnumerousdoor optionstofitanybudget! Residential,commercial& industrialdoors,electric operators,radiocontrols, sales&service.

321MainStreet,Suite203,GreatBarrington,MA (2ndFloor,BerkshireBlock) orcalltoschedule(413)3294518

Health & Wellness

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs notes that laughter has physiological effects on the body that lead to changes in body chemistry and brain function. For example, laughter increases heart and respiratory rates and oxygen consumption over a short period. These changes ultimately move individuals into a state of relaxation. Additional research has found that laughter can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, supporting the suggestion that laughter is an effective and even multi-faceted “medicine.”


7pass.,#3923............................. $9,995

extendedcab,115Kmi,#3973....... $11,995

10NISSANALTIMAS 4cyl.,#3950.......................................... $4,995

AlthoughIhave trulyenjoyedsharing timewithyourpets, Iamnolonger offeringmyservices tocomfortand careforthem. Iwillmissthemand theirhumanstoo.

Thankyou, DebDodge

1500 ROUND BALES wrapped 1st & 2nd cutting. 4'x4'6". Must sell. Offers welcome for some or all. 413229-2820, cell 413-717-2135.

NEW DEADLINE NOTICE: Our deadline is now Thursdays by 11am starting immediately. There is no longer a Friday 11am deadline. Please plan accordingly. Thank you! VISIT THE PUPPIES at BridleWoof in GB today! You can meet their moms and dads as well as their older siblings that are in training. Text or call Susan at 413-717-9317.

MAUREEN O'FLYNN Voice Studio. Voice Lessons: classical, opera, musical theatre, American Songbook, pop. 1/2 hr or 1 hr lessons. Consults: "Tune-ups" for working pros, voice teachers, choral singers. 1 hr. Find your voice, for health, joy, empowerment. 413-441-2015. www.

PIANO FOR ADULTS: specializing in adult students, my home or yours. Call Deborah Harris, 413-528-9027.

WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! If you need us now or when you’re ready to get back to business, we’ll handle all of your advertising needs! Call or email us today. The Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095.



340 Lasagna Dinner, Saturday, Feb. 22, 4:30-6:30. $15.00d onation per dinner.

Eat in or take out. To benefit: American Legion Boys & Girls State Program and other Post activities. 619 Sheffield Plain Road Sheffield, MA 01257. To pre-order contact Jack O'Donnell 229-2739. Email:

NEW DEADLINE NOTICE: Our deadline is now Thursdays by 11am starting immediately. There is no longer a Friday 11am deadline. Please plan accordingly. Thank you!

WANT TO KNOW MORE about our Digital Advertising Package? Call the Shopper’s Guide today. (413)-528-0095.

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.

BREATHE EASY. Supporting the tri-state area for over half a century! (413)-528-0095. www.shoppers

TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE! Shopper’s Guide is available for pick up at over 90+ locations throughout the tri-state area. Don’t miss an issue!




Alifetimecollectionfeaturing: GeorgJensenCactusSterling,GioPontiArtBowl, SignedArt:Koniyoshi,Lozowick,Halpert, EnidBellPWAP,WWIIMemorabilia, AntiqueandMCMFurniture. BIDNOW!

The Shopper's Guide will make every effort to see that all advertising copy is neatly presented and is correctly printed. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for ty po graph i cal errors in advertising, but will gladly reprint, without charge, that part of any advertisement in which an error may occur. Also the publisher takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in any advertisement. The publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish an ad for any reason.

ANTIQUES WANTED: berkshirepicker buying furniture, workbenches, folk art, advertising, weathervanes, garden items, stoneware crocks, toys, baskets, and more. Fair and friendly. Mike 413717-2561.

ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio 413-248-1309. Mobile 203-856-1337. www.




EstatesfromNewYork,Massachusetts&Connecticut Wewillbesellingover600lotsofcoins,papermoney,silver,gold, watches,instruments,lamps,lotsofpaintings,toys,quilts,bronzes,books &ephemera,earlies&country,glass&china,Mid-CenturyModern,military, blackmemorabilia,trains,advertising,comicbooks&baseballs. Terms–Cash,goodcheck,creditcards,Buyer’sPremium:20%forcashorgoodchecks,23%forcreditcards,25%onlinebidding.


Lessthan3milesnorthoftheMassPikeandNYThruway(ExitB-3) (1milesouthofRoute295)•6milessouthofRoute20•Ralph413-441-7641•Gallery518-781-3650

FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. Shaker, taping, and veneer repair. Pickup and delivery. 413-822-1407.

IN SEARCH OF old rugs! Call Sandy 518-322-1894.

NEW DEADLINE NOTICE: Our deadline is now Thursdays by 11am starting immediately. There is no longer a Friday 11am deadline. Please plan accordingly. Thank you!



BerkshireCountyExcavation &LandscapingCompany.



• Someexperienceispreferredforlaborers,but willingtotrain.

• DOTMedicalCard(withinfirst3monthsofhire)

• Transportationorreliabletransportationtomeet inStockbridgeorLeeby6:30AMSpring/Summer and7:30AMFall/Winter.


• W-2Job,HourlyPay,OvertimeEligible OpenPositionsHiringforthe2025Season:

• Foreman

• GeneralLaborers(FT&PTAvailable)

• MachineOperator


• Call413-717-7159andaskforSpencer



atTheHotchkissSchool nLakeville,CT

Wearecurrentlylookingforeveningshiftsonly: Dishwashers FoodServiceWorkers




I NTERESTED ? CallBecky860-435-3238


MassachusettsEmployment DiscriminationGuidelines


*DISABILITY:physicalormental.Qualifiedhandicappedpersonsareentitledtoreasonableaccommodations,unlessthataccommodationpresents anunduehardshiptotheemployer.AGE:(40and older)FederallawandMassachusettslawboth prohibitemployersfromdiscriminatingagainst theiremployeeswhoare40+yearsoldbased ontheirage.ARRESTRECORD:Itisillegalforan employertoaskcertainquestionsaboutajobapplicant'soremployee'scriminalrecord.TheCORI ReformActpreventsemployersfromseeking disclosureofjobapplicants'criminalrecordinformationpriortotheinterviewstageofthehiring process.GENDERIDENTITY:Itisillegalforanemployertopublishajobadvertisementthatshows apreferenceforordiscouragessomeonefrom applyingforajobbecauseofhis/herrace,color, religion,sex(includinggenderidentity,sexual orientation,andpregnancy),nationalorigin,age (40orolder),disabilityorgeneticinformation. Also,DiscriminationLawsrefertoArtinEmploymentadsaswellascopyie:nowhitemaleunder theageof40canbedepictedinanemployment adallbyhimself.


BUSHNELL-SAGE LIBRARY in Sheffield is looking for a friendly, customer serviceoriented person to join our team as part-time circulation clerk (approx. 8-10 hrs/wk). Must be available to work weekends. Qualifications: detail-oriented; computer literate; able to stand, bend, kneel; able to lift/push library materials and equipment up to 35 pounds. Knowledge of Evergreen or previous library experience a plus. Starting pay $17.50/hr. Applications available in the library at 48 Main St. or online at sheffield Please mail completed application to the library or email bushnell Preference given to applications received by Friday, February 21.

HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., 413-441-3320.

DRIVERS: Part-time, seasonal & year-round. Jacobs Pillow seeks reliable drivers to transport artists, staff, guests between nearby cities (Boston/NYC/Albany), airports, train stations, local vendors. Year-round, flexible position with more hours available during summer festival (MayAugust) and lighter but steady work in winter. Pay range: $18- $21/hour. Hours vary based on availability (up to 30 hrs/week in summer). Perks: free access to performances, classes, 3 free meals a day during festival season. Requirements: Must be at least 21 years old, valid driver's license, clean driving record, strong communication skills, comfort driving long distances, including in a 12-passenger van. Interested? Apply at or emailhr@jacobs

ImmediateopeningsforExperiencedCarpenters (Minimum4yearsofExperience)

Seekingdependable,motivatedanddetail-orientedindividualstojoin ourteam!Weareawell-establishedcompanywitha40hour/4-day workweekandanemphasisoncareerdevelopment.Excellentpay (commensuratewithexperience)andbenefitspackageavailable. AbilitytocommutetoStockbridge,MAand SouthCountyMAlocations. Pleasecall(413)298-5156oremailresumeto

FOR HIRE: Well established Help Wanted section connecting readers with employers for over half a century! The Shopper’s Guide, serving the tri-state area every week. (413)-528-0095.


Our deadline is now Thursdays by 11am starting immediately. There is no longer a Friday 11am deadline. Please plan accordingly. Thank you!

MountEverettSanitation,alocalBerkshires company,iscelebrating50yearsinbusiness andislookingtoexpandtheiralready growingworkforcebyaddingHeavyEquipment Operators(min.$28/hr),CommercialTruck Drivers(min.$24/hr),Laborers.

AtMountEverettSanitation,youcanexpect: •CompetitivePay •AnnualBonuses •PaidVacation,SickandPersonalDays •70%ofHealthInsuranceCovered

GARDENING ASSISTANT wanted 3 days per week Apr-Nov for fine gardens in Sheffield & Copake. Small ecological company. Sincere interest, conscientious, detailed, dependable, physically able, own car. Voicemail 860-601-1751.

TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. 413-822-0985.


Thursdays at 11:00 am ormailto:ETCServices,Attention:EileenCarroll, P.O.Box856,GreatBarrington,MA01230 thursday




ETCServices,Inc. isabookkeepingbusinessthatdoesworkfor smallbusinessesandsomepersonalclients.Wearecurrently seekingahighlyskilledanddetail-orientedACEBookkeeperto joinourteamandcontributetoourcontinuedsuccess.

AsanACEBookkeeperat ETCServices,Inc. youwillplayavitalrole inmaintainingaccuratefinancialrecords,managingaccountspayable andreceivableandmore.




•MusthaveexceptionalknowledgeofQuickBooksandother computerskills.







COOKS, DISHWASHERS and food service workers wanted. Lakeville, CT. Email:


BerkshireGrownishiring! ProgramManager

BerkshireMobileFarmersMarket (40hrs/week)

CommunicationsManager (32hours/week)

Interested?Emailcurrentresume andcoverletterto: NoPHONECALLSplease

CARPENTER'S WANTED. Minimum 1 year experience. Building homes in Southern Berkshire County. Great Barrington and surrounding towns. Good clean full time work 40 hours per week. $15 to $40 depending upon experience. Health, dental, vacation and sick time. Call Mike 413-329-1025.

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.



Comeworkwithwinners!Wehave2025seasonalopeningsfrom MarchtoNovemberandeventonlyopeningsinthefollowing divisions:Maintenance,landscaping,generalmaintenance, GuestServices,customerservice,personalinteraction,giving directions.Housekeepingforcleaningofourbuildingsand hospitalities.Wearelookingforsmart,reliable,hardworking peoplethattakeownershipoftheirwork!Hoursvary,andyou shouldbeavailableforallmajorevents.Sendyourresumeto jocko@limerock.comorcall;860-435-5012.Avaliddriver’s licenseisrequired.Weareanequalopportunityemployer.


North Canaan, CT is looking to hire skilled/licensed Plumbing/Heating Technicians and Appliance Installers with strong mechanical aptitude, problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Our team values expertise, dedication and craftsmanship. We offer competitive hourly wages with overtime opportunities, bonuses, health insurance, paid time off, and 401(k) with company matching after a probationary period. Email resumes or call Steph for an interview now: sgrant 860-824-5467.

NORTH CANAAN: Local business looking to hire fulltime Heavy Equipment Operators. Must have 3+ years experience. Benefits: paid sick and vacation time, 80% health insurance paid, dental insurance, 401-K. Also, looking for a part-time Office Assistant. Must have scheduling and QB experience, and willing to learn. Benefits: paid sick time. Please email resume and three professional references to ssgproducts@

PersonalLines AccountManagers

Wheeler&Taylor,theregionspremierindependent insuranceagency,seeksqualifiedcandidatestojoin ourrapidlygrowingagencyasPersonalLinesAccount Managers.Thesefulltime,clientfacingpositions requireenergeticanddetailedorientedindividuals.AccountManagersareprimarilyresponsiblefor managingclientaccounts,maintainingstrongrelationshipsandprovidingexcellentcustomerservice. TheAccountManagerwillalsoberesponsibleforreviewinginsurancepolicies,identifyingclientneeds, andrecommendingappropriatecoverageoptions. Wheeler&Tayloroffersanexcellentcompensation packagecommensuratewithexperiencealongwith opportunitiesforannualprofitsharingandbonus potential.Wealsoprovideasuperiorbenefitprogram forouremployees.Ifinterestedpleasecontact TomBlauveltat 413-528-1004 oremailat: tblavuelt@

FIREWOOD. Ready to burn 16 -18". Mixed hardwood, cut last winter, $290. 413-3293906.

SEASONED FIREWOOD 16"-18" All hardwood. Delivered. Ready to burn. $290. Call/text 413-329-3906.

FIRST CUT HAY FOR SALE. 5 dollars per square bale. Delivery available for extra charge. Located in Canaan, CT 06018. Contact Pat at 860-307-4096 or email

NO SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century!

INNOVATIVE DESIGN and timeless craftsmanship of dry laid stone walls, terraces, patios and walkways. Booking 2025 Design, Builds Fine Stone, Timber & Trails LLC34. Rosseter St Gt Barrington MA 01230. 413-717-1540. fine stonetimberandtrails www.finestoneti


Finn Tree Service offers affordable prices you won't find anywhere else. Fully insured with over 10 years of experience. Contact us today for any of your tree work needs. We work all four seasons. Call/text Mitchell at413- 8541565.

Our deadline is now Thursdays by 11am starting immediately. There is no longer a Friday 11am deadline. Please plan accordingly. Thank you!

ARTISTIC TILE installations. Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years experience. 413-229-0260.

DAVID ALLARD- Designer, Builder, Contractor. Licensed, Insured, Responsive. 413504-3663.


-David Valyou serving MA, CT, NY for 20+ years. Renovations & Repairs Kitchens, Baths, Studios. Old Houses & Barns my specialty (917)-538-1617 davidvalyou Based in Canaan, CT.

Thegrowthofourbusinessisnurtured onecustomeratatime. 305StockbridgeRoad,Suite2,Gt.Barrington,MA01230 Phone:413-644-8988

that last. Call us today for a free quote! 413-854-3663


CAMEL MOVING & Storage: 413-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving

LOCAL COUPLE SEEKING affordable first home in South County. Contact Clara and Harry at claracstickney@



3DifferentSizes-120sq.ft.,170sq.ft.,305sq.ft. 2ndFloor-HardwoodFloors SeparateWaitingRoom–IncludesHeat&Electric 413-528-9841ext.1

1 BR APARTMENT Egremont. Recently renovated in separate building on owneroccupied property. No animals. No smoking. Year lease. Includes all utilities, high speed internet. $1500. 413-528-3732.

GB JUNK. 413-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarrington

HOUSE FOR RENT: Stockbridge,3 bedrooms, 1 bath, furnished. Month to month. $2,475 + utilities. 413-3290182.



Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.

NEW MARLBOROUGH: 2BR, 1 bath Southfield. Preference to long term renters, short term considered. Fully remodeled, hardwood floors throughout, Granite counters, new cabinets, stainless appliances. Large eat-in kitchen. 1 bedroom on 1st floor, 1 upstairs. Laundry in unit, off street private parking for 2 cars, possibly more. Garage space for storage, cars likely won't fit, bikes, motorcycles will. Beautiful outdoor space. Lawn care, trash pick up, snow removal taken care of by landlord, tenant pays electric, cable, Spectrum fiber. Great location, 16 min to Guidos, 10 min to Stop & Shop, Canaan on Google maps. Pets negotiable. Asking $2300/month. Please call/text 781-608-9556.

LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Monterey. $1450/month, heat included. Call 413-258-1495 for details.




Studioapartment. Newlyrenovated,fully furnished.A/C.Perfectfor outoftownguests.Private entranceandprivatedeck, walktothevillage:Mom’s Cafeforbreakfast,TheOld Millfordinner,8minutes drivetoGreatBarrington. Kayaksavailableonsitefor guestuse. 3nightsminimum$175.00. Monthly$2200.00.Shortterm leaseoption. CallJennifer 203-253-3647.


Southfield. Preference to long term renters, short term considered. 3 bedroom 1 bath, fully remodeled. Hardwood floors throughout, Granite counters, new cabinets, stainless appliances. Large eat in kitchen. 1 bedroom on 1st floor, 2 upstairs. Laundry in unit, off street private parking for 2 cars, possibly more. Beautiful outdoor space. Lawn care, trash pick up, snow removal taken care of by landlord. Tenant pays electric and cable, Spectrum fiber. Great location, 16 min to Guidos, 10 min to Stop & Shop, Canaan according to Google maps. Pets negotiable. Asking $3200/month. Please call or text 781-608-9556.

NEW DEADLINE NOTICE: Our deadline is now Thursdays by 11am starting immediately. There is no longer a Friday 11am deadline. Please plan accordingly. Thank you!


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One bedroom apartment surrounded by spacious grounds, 3 exposures, beautiful views, lg deck, private entrance and parking. No pets, no smoking. $1100 plus utilities. First month's rent, security and references. Call 413-229-3457. Please leave message.

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