" We asked the comp any t o do a major exp ansion o f our screened porch so that it more than doubled in size and functioned as a three-season room. The final product came out e v en be t t er than w e ha d anticip at ed.
Our thanks t o St e v e Morrison and e v ery one inv olv ed in bringing this project t o comple tion. This three-season room will giv e our family many y ear s o f pleasure and has a dded value t o our home."
Berkshires • Hudson Valley • NW Connecticut 57,000 READERS WEEKLY GENERAL 2-6 • ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 7 • DINING 8 • antiques 8 • help wanted 9-10 • ANIMALS 10 Lawn & garden 11 • home improvement 11-13 • transportation 14 • real estate 15 271 Main Street, Suite 4 Downtown Great Barrington, MA 01230 413-528-0095 or Fax 413-528-4805 Monday-Friday
Locally Owned & Operated Since 1968 ads@shoppersguideinc.com www.shoppersguideinc.com ISSUE OF JANUARY 18 thru 24, 2023 271 Main Stree Direct Mailed to 18,000+ in the Tri-State Area VIEW MORE TESTIMONIALS ONLINE AT: WWW. MORRISO NSHOMEIMPRO VEMENT.COM Let Morris on's Build Your Ne w 3 or 4-Season Room oom
Sunrooms Locally Owned, Operated and at Home in The Berkshires since 1992 OFFERING A FULL ARRAY OF INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR REMODELING SERV ICES FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED: MA HIC. #131832 / MA CSL #CS-051405 Visit Our Showroom in The Heart of The Berkshires! 25 PITTSFIELD ROAD, (ROUTE 7) LENOX, MA • (413) 442-3001 MHIS Proudly Supports BEST CONTRACTOR BEST CONTRA C T OR CONTRA C OR 7 YEARS IN A ROW ! VOTED BEST OF THE BERKSHIRES Family Owned & Operated Since 1961 Proud Members of CRBRA & NAHB A+ Rating Better Business Bureau
A1 HOUSE CLEAN-OUTS: Items removed and trucked away from homes, garages, barns, etc. Call Bill 860-364-4653. Sharon, CT
ARTISTIC TILE installations. Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years experience. (413)-229-0260.
AVAILABLE FOR ANY house and office cleaning. 12 years experience, fully bonded and insured. Berkshires, anywhere in CT and NY. Call/ text (413)-645-2332. Ramos72185@gmail.com
Housekeeping- PCA- Personal Chef. Daily or weekly meal preparations. Elderly and Veteran discount 413-644-6770 bizzybeebarn @gmailc.om
DOWN TREES? Call Owen Services. Professional Work at Reasonable Rates. 518-521-7787 or email oliverowensservices @gmail.com
DRY, SEASONED hard wood ready to burn now. Green wood available also Cut, split, delivered. Senior, veteran, bulk discounts Please call (413)-530-4820
ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. (413)-429-7101.
FLOORING Installations and repairs on all types of flooring; refinishing. Interior/ exterior painting/ remodeling. All types of snow removal. Free estimates. Call Christian (413)265-9006
SEASONED FIREWOOD: 16"-20" length. $250-$350 per cord delivered/dumped. Pricing dependent on delivery address. Scott Amstead (413)-644-0169.
GOOD STUFF 4 SALE: (photos available): King Cobra used golf clubs, $395. Rocking chair, $150. Portable thermostat heater, $75. Portable fire pit, $65. Loveseat, $50. Towel warmer, $25. Portable propane tank gauge, $20. Hospital chair, $25. full propane refillable tank, $30. New Bissell vacuum cleaner, $50. Water sport life preserver vests, $30 each. fireplace log hold, $35. Designer vase, $25. Call (917)-861-3844.
HANDYMAN CARPENTRY work. Also fence repair and junk removal. Please call for free estimates (413)-717-5376.
Afterworkingwithourfamilyforalmostadecade,achange inourfamilycircumstancesnecessitateslosingamost trustworthyhomemanager/companion.Ifyou’relooking forsomeonewhodoesitall,withdiscretionandefficiency, pleaseletmeknow.Fromsupervisingpropertyworkers, addressingbothurgentandregularhomemaintenance, managingdeliveries,housekeeping,laundry,assistingat parties,andmore,thisindividualcandoit.Sheisoneofthose rareindividualswhomanagestoanticipatewhatneedstobe done,jugglesmultipleballs,andconsistentlydemonstrates greatjudgment. Kindlycall860-453-4462 ifhiringthis individualisofinterest.Sheisseekingasalarycommensurate withherskillsandexperience,andwillconsideropportunities inbothLitchfieldandBerkshirecounties.Kindlyshare thiswithsomeonewhomaybeinneedofanexceptional candidate.Thankyou!
Weprovidefriendly,prompt&reliableserviceforallyourpropaneneeds LowPricesBudgetPlansBulk&CylinderDeliveries YourLocalFamilyOwnedPropaneCo.forover65years 839MillRiver-SouthfieldRoad NewMarlborough,MA 413-229-2800 Pleasecalltojoinourfamilyofsatisfiedcustomers! ORMSBEE GASCO. Timetostartyourbusinessplanningfor2023! BERKSHIREMERCHANTSERVICES DonRaiche•www.BerkshireMerchantServices.com•413-637-2100 Areyouworkingonyour NewYearFinancialPlanning? Nowisagoodtimetoreviewyourexpensesaswestart2023 toseewhereyoucanfinetuneyourmonthlyexpenditures tokeepmoremoneyinyourbankaccount. Ihavebeenverysuccessfulinhelpingautorepairshopssavebetween14%to 20%ontheircreditcardprocessing.Interestedinseeingwhatyoucouldsave in2023?GivemeacallandIcanhaveyourcurrentrateplananalyzedand giveyouaquoteatnocostorobligationtoyou! ReferencesAvailable. MEMBEROF1BERKSHIRE,DOWNTOWNPITTSFIELD,INC., &LEECHAMBEROFCOMMERCE FOR SALE: Men's Snowboard Boots Twenty-Two Brand 9.5; Women's Burton Snowboard Boots 8.5; $25 each OBO (413)229-8529 FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Mixed of seasoned Cherry, Ash, and Oak. $250 per cord. $150 per half cord. Additional delivery available. Call Windy Hill Farm (413)-298-3217 or email Office @windyhillfarm.com ADVERTISINGDEADLINE FRIDAY 11:00AM ForAdReservationsandAdCopy fortheWednesdayPublication. Adsneedingcustomerapproval(AD PROOF) mustbe submittedby11:00AMTHURSDAY.ProofApprovalsmustbe receivedby10:00amMondayortheadwillbepublishedasis. 271MainStreet,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230-1749 Call413-528-0095Fax413-528-4805 ads@shoppersguideinc.comwww.shoppersguideinc.com OfficeHours:MondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm CommittedToBuildingCommunitySince1968! Published52weeksayearintheTri-StateArea 57,000 WEEKLYREADERS| 18,000+ DIRECTMAILEDINTRI-STATEAREA 2,100+ATKEYLOCATIONSFORPICKUP|1,200+ E-DELIVEREDWEEKLY
CUSHIONS, CUSHIONS! Any type of cushion custom made. All shapes and sizes. Foam and fabric available. Upholstery.
KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients. Call
LG DOOR-IN-DOOR 30 cu. ft. French Door Refrigerator for sale. LG Model Number LMXS30776S.ASTCNA0. Stainless Steel. Good condition. Asking $900. Call (914) 439-2308. FIREWOOD FOR SALE: 18" to 20", $225 per cord. Will deliver up to 15 miles for $50 with a 2 cord minimum. Call (413)-446-2446. 7 TO 7.5 CORDS OF MIXED hardwood, various diameters and lengths, for $750. If you are willing to take larger diameter logs, greater than 24", $300 per load. (413)-229-8565. astyleforeverypointofview CustomWindowTreatments tofityourstyle WEWILLNOTBE UNDERSOLD! bpoulin@budgetblinds.com 413-243-6633 www.budgetblinds.com 35%OFF CarryingallmajorbrandsincludingHunterDouglas,Alta,NormanShutters,etc. 35%OFF BUSINESS SERVICES Help is onthe way! HaveMAHealth ConnectorInsurance? OpenEnrollmentis now-January23. CHPcanhelpyou review/updateyour healthplanandmaybe abletohelpyouqualify fornewpremium subsidies.
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringto njunkremoval.com
GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. (413)-429-7101.
GOT DRAFTY WINDOWS? Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate, (413)-429-7101.
GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! (413)-644-5164.
HANDYMAN SERVICES: No job too small. Reliable and punctual. References available. $40/hour. burnsbrosbuilders @gmail.com (413)-854-3541.
LAMP REPAIR & REWIRING. Pick up and delivery available. Call Mike at (413)-717-2494.
TAX PREPARATION Services. Personal income tax returns, authorized IRS efile provider. I.T.I.N. (413)-717-1096, (413)-243-3961. Liliana Ortiz-Bermudez. Habla Espanol.
NORBERT'S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call (413)-528-2221.
RESIDENTIAL/ COMMERCIAL Cleaning in all Southern Berkshire, Columbia County NY and Ct. Fully insured Cell (413)-854-3411 call or text. Email Berkshireclean023 @gmail.com
SANTA MAY HAVE LEFT you with a ton of things to be assembled, but shortchanged you on who to contact as to putting it all together. We are here to help. Elf Enterprises. Underpaid until xmas arrives, we survive by assembling all the stuff the big guy delivers. Text us, (860)-671-7071, tell us what you need. We assemble, our specialty, we repair, maybe, nevertheless we love to chat elfishness We can be bought. Elf Master Wayne Farrington.
TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver (413)-441-4893.
THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda (860)-671-0468. thefloorspecialist@ verizon.net
WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders (413)-429-7101.
Ifyourchildwillbe3,4or5onorbeforeSeptember1,2023, pleasecontactKortneyShimmonintheMuddyBrookoffice (kortney.shimmon@bhrsd.orgor413-644-2350)toreceive aregistrationpacketforPK/EK(lottery)andKDG.
SchoolChoiceapplicationsareacceptedonarollingbasisfor Kindergartenonly.Screeningsandorientationswillbeheldat laterdatestobedetermined.
Situhijoestáapuntodecumplir3,4o5añosantesdel1rode Septiembredel2023.PorfavorponteencontactoconKortneyShimmon (kortney.shimmon@bhrsd.orgo413-644-2350)delaescuelaprimaria MuddyBrookpararecibirunpaquetederegistro paraPK/EK(loteria)yKDG.
LasaplicacionesparaparaschoolchoiceseranaceptadassoloparaestudiantesdeKDG.Loschequeosylasorientacionessellevaran acabohastanuevoaviso.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.
FOR SALE: 4 year old therma tru exterior door. No hardware. Bordeaux outside/white inside. Asking $500. 4 year old white Larson storm door with retractable screen. Asking $250.
SpecialKids,SpecialDiet Wednesday,January26at11AM ACHPNutritionistLeadWorkshoptoExploreIdeasaroundDietfor ChildrenwithSpecialNeeds Traducciónespañol disponible.
From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak
VACUUMCENTER KENTSVACUUM.COM 413-528-0690 JEFFSVAC@OUTLOOK.COM 2STILLWELLSTREET,SUITE2, GREATBARRINGTON,MA SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730. KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients. Call (413)-528-1387.
(518)3923883 673Route203,Spencertown,NY www.MadsenOverheadDoors.com MADSEN OVERHEADDOORS Fast,friendlyservicesince1954 Servingthe areaforover 65Years! MadsenOverheadDoors offersnumerousdoor optionstofitanybudget! Residential,commercial& industrialdoors,electric operators,radiocontrols, sales&service. FURNITURE couch mocha tan double reclining $200.00, Ikea dresser gray 63x 19.5 $200.00, pine corner desk 35x19x24, (413)-429-7548 UGG BOOTS, short, size 8, many pairs, great condition. Also, vintage Crispina sweaters for sale. Call (413)-528-4512.
HeatingSystemsandRepairs,OilTanks, ChimneyLiners,andAirConditioning License#BU056967MA License#31674MA James“Jesse”Lane Southfield,MA01259 413-229-2370 Independentheating@gmail.com “Wedon’tselloil,Wesaveoil!” BUSINESS SERVICES Help is onthe way! WeLightTheWay H App E C g G M ub h Sp S A C d “TheApplianceandGrillSpecialist ofBerkshireCounty” Celebrating77YearsinBusiness 252MainStreet,Lee,MA01238 413.243.0690 HenrysElectricInc.com• Familyowned,operated,andcommittedtoserving BerkshireCountyandbeyondsince1946. EST.1946 2023-2024SchoolYear
BERKSHIREHILLSREGIONALSCHOOLDISTRICT GreatBarringtonStockbridgeWestStockbridge (518)325-4679 HILLSDALE,NY•info@eswps.com www.easternstateswellandpumpservices.com Mass.Lic.#101,704&949•NY.Lic.#10061•Conn.Lic.#85&364
Bond Cambridge Firm. Too firm for me. $75. 413-717-9398.
LG TOP CONTROL Dishwasher w/ Height Adjustable 3rd Rack. LG Model Number: LDF7774ST. Stainless Steel. Good condition. Asking $600. Call (914)-439-2308.
SEASONED FIREWOOD: 16"-20" length. $250-$350 per cord delivered/dumped. Pricing dependent on delivery address. Scott Amstead (413)-644-0169.
THERAPIST LOOKING for a furnished office space to rent or sublet on Thursdays. Please call/text 914-564-9461.
SEGURO MA Health Connector? La inscripción abierta es ahora: 23 de enero de 2023.Los navegadores de seguros de Community
darlo a revisar/actualizar su plan de salud y
ayudarlo a calificar
Health Program
para nuevos
IS FOOD A PROBLEM for you? Try Overeaters Anonymous. For information
Timetostartyourbusinessplanningfor2023! BERKSHIREMERCHANTSERVICES DonRaiche•www.BerkshireMerchantServices.com•413-637-2100 Areyouworkingonyour NewYearFinancialPlanning? Nowisagoodtimetoreviewyourexpensesaswestart2023 toseewhereyoucanfinetuneyourmonthlyexpenditures tokeepmoremoneyinyourbankaccount. Ihavebeenverysuccessfulinhelpingmedicalofficessavebetween17%to 36%ontheircreditcardprocessing.Interestedinseeingwhatyoucouldsave in2023?GivemeacallandIcanhaveyourcurrentrateplananalyzedand giveyouaquoteatnocostorobligationtoyou! ReferencesAvailable. MEMBEROF1BERKSHIRE,DOWNTOWNPITTSFIELD,INC., &LEEBERKSHIRECHAMBEROFCOMMERCE Doesnotendorse productsorservices advertisednordoes
JET DC-650 Dust collector for wood shop. Like newnever used. Retail $549.99 will sell for $450. KENMORE REFRIGERATOR: Model 253 70543414. Good condition. Selling due to kitchen remodel which enables a larger size refrigerator. 4 years old.
SoberCurious? RethinkingDrinking&Building HealthierHabits AnOnlineDiscussion,January26atnoon
on phone, online, and virtual meetings, go to www.oa.org
itinvestigatewhether servicestobeprovided requirespeciallicensing orinsurance.Consumers wouldbewisetoinvestigateserviceproviders. 271MainStreet GreatBarrington,MA01230 Office:413-528-0095 Fax:413-528-4805 ads@shoppersguideinc.com www.shoppersguideinc.com OfficeHours: MondaythruFriday 8:30amto4:30pm
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
OSTER FRENCH DOOR convection counter toaster oven. Stainless steel finish, used twice. $150. Call (413)-528-4674.
YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call (413)-528-8227, email us at yh.book @verizon.net or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.
HAVE MA HEALTH Connector Insurance? Open Enrollment is now- January 23, 2023. Community Health Program insurance navigators can help you review/update your health plan and may be able to help you qualify for new premium subsidies. chp berkshires.org/insurance
tylerhomeprop@yahoo.com 55HuldahsLane,AshleyFalls,MA01222 413.717.2494 PickUp&DeliveryAvailable
HOME OFFICE furniture: two drawer 26" file cabinet, $20; black mesh office chair, $50; two work tables, 63w x31d x29h and 47w x31d x29h, $35each. All in very nice condition. Call (413)-281-6378
SAMSUNG 2.1 CU. FT. Over The Range Microwave with Multi-Sensor Cooking. Samsung Model number: ME21H706MQS. Stainless Steel. Good condition. Asking $300. Call (914) 439-2308.
SEARCHING FOR HOPE IN the storms and challenges of life? Facing loss, divorce, health issues? Trying to find meaning? Facing stress and anxiety? Come and join us as we meet to share our burdens and encourage one another to find a path for healing. All are welcome 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 7pm, Calvary Chapel, North Plain Rd., Great Barrington. Questions? Gene (413)-429-1990 or Sherry (413)-429-5603.
MECHANICALLY SOUND and motor excellent. Troybilt model #2410, 24 in 208 cc two stage gas snowblower with electric start and self propelled electric starter, but starts with one pull, no headlamp - retails for $999.00 at home depot. Used oncemoving to electric snowblower asking $550.00. (413)-637-8025.
FREE: Large amount of new fabric for people who like to sew. Several types. Good for church groups or other organizations that like to sew. Call (518)-325-3771 after 5pm.
FR PROV. DINING ROOM table with custom pad, $75. Very large dog crate, $50. Two 3 speed bikes (one needs a new seat), $10 each. (518)-329-0159.
77-99SouthCanaanRoad|NorthCanaanCT06018 www.geercares.org|860.824.2600 LearnaboutthebenefitsofAssistedLivingvs.HomeCare at www.geercares.org/luxurious-senior-living orcallDeb at 860.824.2625 toscheduleyourin-personorvirtualtour. Experience luxuriousSenior Livingwitha fullcontinuum ofcare! Don’tstrugglewithagingathomeandtheisolationandchallengesit canbring.LifeatTheLodgemeanslessstressonyouandyourfamily andmorechancestolivelifewithrenewedenergyandpurpose! TheLodgeoffers: •Maintenance-freelivingincharmingandspaciousresidences •Healthy,deliciouschef-prepareddining •24-hourRNlicensedon-campuscare •ComprehensiveWellnessProgramming •Afullcalendarofengagingdailyactivities
ANSWERS IN NEXT WEEK’S ISSUE CLUES ACROSS 1. Not invited 6. Whale ship captain 10. One point south of southwest 14. Small cavity in a rock 15. Recidivists 17. City of Angels hoopster 19. A way to mark with one’s signature 20. OJ trial judge 21. Rice cooked in broth 22. One point east of due south 23. One point east of southeast 24. Complements an entree 26. Grouped by twos 29. Disfigure 31. Woods 32. Political action committee 34. Longer of 2 bones in the forearm 35. Kin groups 37. Philippine Island 38. Contrary to 39. Bluish-gray fur 40. Comprehend the written word 41. Natural depressions 43. Felines 45. Breathe noisily 46. Taxi 47. Pancake made from buckwheat flour 49. Swiss river 50. Foot (Latin) 53. Have surgery 57. Formal withdrawal 58. Monetary units of Peru 59. Greek war god 60. 2,000 lbs. 61. High points CLUES DOWN 1. Green and yellow citrus fruit 2. A bright color 3. Thicket 4. Journalist Tarbell 5. A place to work or relax 6. Sharp mountain ridge 7. Helicopter 8. Mimic 9. Suggests 10. More musty 11. Large, flightless rail 12. Make beer 13. Soviet Socialist Republic 16. People who can account for you 18. Taunt 22. South Dakota 23. Cover the entirety of 24. Kids’ favorite visitor 25. A way to save for retirement 27. Fencing swords 28. C. China mountain range 29. Type of sandwich 30. Team 31. Paddle 33. Partly digested food 35. Most cagey 36. Shoppers make one 37. Cathode-ray tube 39. Food supplies 42. Backbones 43. Concern 44. Blood group 46. Broadway songwriter Sammy 47. Dutch colonist 48. Full-grown pike fish 49. Deity of a monotheistic cult 50. Type of bread 51. S. Nigerian people 52. Scottish tax 53. Young women’s association 54. Brazilian city 55. Hide of a young animal 56. Midway between north and northeast 2022–2023 HOUSYDOME • 1064MAINST • HOUSATONIC,MA berkshiregrown.org Winter THISSATURDAY JANUARY21 10AM–2PM O’ConnorandAgar,LLC Tax&AccountingServices NancyJ.O’Connor,EA,MBA 860-734-5821 nancy@oconnorandagar.com KristieA.Agar,EA 413-206-6551 kristie@oconnorandagar.com Callforanappointment www.oconnorandagar.com 690PleasantStreet,Lee,MA01238 Phone:413-243-0043 Email:dianne@andruspowersolutions.com NEEDGENERATORSERVICE? www.andruspowersolutions.com GENERATORSERVICE,SALES&RENTALS Justlikeyourcar,yourGeneracHomeStandby Generatorrequiresmaintenance.Ensureyour generatorisalwaysoperatingatpeakperformance withusatAndrusPowerSolutions. 24HourEmergencyService FactoryTrainedTechnicians AnnualMaintenanceAgreements ServiceAllMajorBrands Residential,Commercial,Industrial GeneracAutomaticStandbyGenerators
JAN 18 - Dewey Drop-in: Show & Tell, 7:00 pm. 413-429-1322. www.deweyhall.org. Dewey Drop-In: Show & Tell, a unique event where open mic meets a variety show. 3rd Wednesdays: Jan 18, Feb 15, Mar 15, April 19, May 17, June 21, July 19, Aug 16, Sept 20, Oct 18, Nov 15, Dec 20. Dewey Hall, 91 Main Street, Sheffield, MA 01257. Doors at 6:30, Event at 7pm. $5 at the door. Contact: deweymemorialhall@gmail. com or 413-429-1322 or www. deweyhall.org for info
JAN 18 - Drawing Classes: series of 6: Ways of Seeing All levels, 10:00 am. 413-645-4114. WAYS OF SEEING. Drawing class series This course offers people in all levels to learn to draw using techniques in various mediums. To Register and more info: cpccommunity.org/ events
JAN 19 - SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE CLASS, 7:00 pm. 413-822-0539. rscdsboston. org/class-massachusetts.html. Try something new! You don’t have to be Scottish to enjoy Scottish Country Dancing. A cousin to English Country dancing and Contra dancing, Scottish is done to lively jigs and reels. No partner needed; beginners always welcome. For questions, or to confirm that you are coming, please get in touch with Ted: tedfr4@gmail. com or 413.822.0539.
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF JANUARY 18, 2023 • ONE SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 7 RESULTS Get the results you're looking for! Schedule your ad today for Print & Digital advertising. 271 Main Street, Suite 4, Downtown Great Barrington, MA 01230 413.528.0095 • ads@shoppersguideinc.com • shoppersguideinc.com Sponsoredby GREATBARRINGTONFISH&GAME Saturday,Feb11th,2023 (AlternateDate:Saturday,February25th,2023) 7amto1pmatMercer’sPond PRIZESFOREVERYCHILD! GrandDoorPrize(adult)-ICEAUGER GrandDoorPrize(child)-BICYCLE OTHERPRIZESINCLUDE: LargestFish(adult&child)•HeaviestFishOverall Plus...MANYRAFFLEPRIZES! ENTRYFEE:Adult$15/Children(12&under)$5 AllMAregulationsapply.TicketsmustbepurchasedattheclubhousepriortoDerby.NoExceptions. Spaghetti&MeatballDinnerfollowingtheDerby! SCANHEREFOR SHOWTIMES&TICKETS 48MAINSTREET,MILLERTON,NY FRI01/20>THURS01/26518.789.0022themoviehouse.net BOOKAPRIVATEEVENTemail: info@themoviehouse.net GIFTCARDS&MEMBERSHIPSattheboxofficeoronline PORTRAITOF THEQUEEN Sat.Jan21@1PM 45 Main St, South Egremont, MA onlyinmydreamsevents.com PLATINUM SPONSOR ENTER YOUR PHOTO E N T E R YO U R P H O T O O N L I N E T O W I N ! ! ! PRIZE PACKAGES awarded to First, Second & Third Place Winners!! 271 Main Street, Downtown Great Barrington, MA • 413-528-0095 ads@shoppersguideinc.com • www.shoppersguideinc.com PHOTO SUBMISSIONS: Upload your Cutest Couple photo at www.shoppersguideinc.com/sweetheart All entries must be received by noon on Friday, 2/3. See www.shoppersguideinc.com/sweetheart for details and contest rules. onlyinmydreamsevents com Sweetheart S P E C T A C U L A R ! COMMUNITYTELEVISIONFORTHESOUTHERNBERKSHIRES ONCABLE PUBLIC 1301 EDUCATION 1302 GOVERNMENT 1303 ONLINE ctsbtv.org
It’syourcommunity. watch
(3Dsurchargeapplies,somefilmsnoteligiblefordiscount) BeerandWineAvailable BeerandWineAvailable 70RailroadStreet GreatBarrington,MA 413-528-8885 www.thetriplex.com FRIDAY,JANUARY20 - THURSDAY,JANUARY26 THEWHALE (R) AMANCALLEDOTTO (PG-13) PUSSINBOOTS:THELASTWISH (PG) AVATAR:THEWAYOFWATER (PG-13) 14CastleStreet,GreatBarrington•413.528.0100• mahaiwe.org SeasonSponsor CheckonlineforcurrentCOVID-19precautions BREAKINGAWAY (1979) satjan21at7pm SHAKESPEARE INLOVE (1998) tuefeb14at7pm MYNEIGHBOR TOTORO (1988) satfeb25at7pm BEASTSOFTHE SOUTHERNWILD (2012) satfeb4at7pm SATURDAY! MAHAIWEMOVIES Sponsoredby p y
SOMA CATERING in West Stockbridge looking for a part time dish washer and cleaner at kitchen commissary. 9am-3pm Monday-Friday to start. Pay $17.00-$18.00 per hour. There is some flexibility in schedule. Please contact
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
READ THE PAPER ONLINE! www.shoppersguideinc.com
Heavy duty Christmas tree stand, $35. Support wheels to move a snowmobile around, $20. Weed sprayers, $20 for two. Pick ax, $10. Bicycle pump, $10. Small desk table on wheels, $25. Backpack chair, $10. Call (917)-861-3855.
I BUY OLD GUITARS, electric or acoustic. Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Guild, and Martin. Also amps, drums, saxophones, ukes. Search attics, basements, closets. (413)-528-3321.
GREAT ITEMS FOR SALE: (photos available): two antique, perfect condition, Waterford hurricane lamps, $1000/ each. Oriental (38"x16') hallway rug runner, $800. Probable antique portable radios, $20/each. Possible antique doll house, $35. Call (917)-861-3855.
WANT TO KNOW MORE about our Digital Advertising Package? Call Cheryl at the Shopper’s Guide today. (413)528-0095.
Last Week’s Puzzle Answers (1/11/22) PUZZLE SOLUTION
You never
find! You never know what you might find! 271 MainStreet, Suite 4, Great Barrington, MA (p) 413-528-0095 (f) 413-528-4805 www.ShoppersGuideInc.com ANTIQUES WANTED: berkshirepicker buying furniture, workbenches, folk art, advertising, weathervanes, garden items, stoneware crocks, toys, baskets, and more. Fair and friendly.
RALPH FONTAINE ANTIQUES TOPCASHPAID OLDFURNITURE ANYCONDITION POCKETWATCHES OLDPOTTERY PAINTINGS CLOCKS CROCKS LAMPS RUGS DOLLS CHINA GLASS QUILTS JUGS Nothingtoolargeorsmall,wewillbuyoutrightorwewillauctionitforyou. 413-442-2537 ScottWilton Restoration&Conservation FineFurniture&Interiors P.O.Box338 WestStockbridge,MA01266 Restore&revitalizeoldfinishes Repairs,re-gluing,veneers,replacements varnishes,shellacs,Japancolors (413)232-4349 GOLD & SILVERITEMS JEWELRY & COINS Seniorowned,Seniorfriendly BUYING&SELLING OwnerPeterS.Karpenski 222ElmStreet,Pittsfield (cornerofHolmes&Elm) Hours:Mon.-Fri.9:30-5:30;Sat.9:30-4 413-499-1400 www.berkshirehillscoins.net BERKSHIREHILLSCOINS &EstateJewelry,Inc. PITTSFIELD PRECIOUSMETALS CA$H foryour Gold,Silver, Diamonds,Jewelry, Coins&Estates 93FirstSt.,Pittsfield,MA 413-443-3613 Mon-Fri10-5:30;Sat11-3 43YEARSATSAMELOCATION INDOORDINING TAKEOUT/CURBSIDEPICKUP MONDAY,THURSDAYTHROUGHSUNDAY AlwaysPrimeBeef& DailyFishSpecials Open7Days 10CastleStreet,GreatBarrington 413.528.5244 www.numbertengb.com SpecialLambMenu Jan6th toFeb3rd To advertise email: ads@shoppersguideinc.com AD DEADLINE: FRIDAYS 11 AM www.shoppersguideinc.com 413-528-0095 Whether it’s for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner, order your next meal from one of these great local eateries! 271 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 01230 413.528.0095
know what
Mike (413)-717-2561.
• www.shoppersguideinc.com 999SMainStreet,Route7 GreatBarrington,MA01230 RESERVATIONSSUGGESTED413.644.2999
OPENFORINDOORSEATINGWITH PLENTYOFSPACEFORSOCIALDISTANCING Thursday-Saturday12-8,Sunday12-4 GreatSteaks,Seafood, Barbecue&Burgers
Restaurant&Bar Route23 POBox348 SouthEgremont,MA01258 413-528-1421 oldmillberkshires.com ServingDinner and Takeout Pleaseseewebsite fordetails Open WednesdaytoSundayfordinnerat 4 PM LunchSat / Sunat 11:30.ClosedMonday& Tuesday www morganhouseinn com 413.243 3661 Buy 1 - Get1 Free Burgers&Sandwiches Every Wednesday Dine InOnly SOLAR B R E W ED BEER BARRINGTON BREWERY &RESTAURANT Open6DaysAWeekforLunch&Dinner-ClosedTuesdays Visitusonline:barringtonbrewery.net•413-528-8282 420StockbridgeRoad,(Rte7),GreatBarrington,MA ONTHE1/2SHELL!FRI&SAT-$2.50EA Oysters MONDAY (AllDay): BURGER&BEER$16 OurBlackAngusBeerBurgerwithtoppingsofyourchoice, friesofyourchoice&apintofourfreshcraftedbeer. Chef'sVeggieBurger+$2,Grass-FedBurger+$2. FRIDAY (After5pm): FRIEDSEAFOODDINNER$24 Beerbatteredbayscallops,shrimpandcodserved withcoleslawandfries,tartarsauce&lemon. SATURDAY (After5pm): RICKY'SSHEPHERD'SPIE$18 WithNodine'sApplewoodSmokedBacon. SUNDAY (AllDay): ROASTTURKEYDINNER$18 Slicedroastturkeybreastwithstuffing,gravy, mashedpotatoes,vegetables&cranberrysauce. WEDNESDAY&THURSDAY: IntroducingGreatBarrington's NEW...ITALIANDININGOption! FromRedCheckeredTableclothstoEntrees &Wine! Entrees$15-$20,servedwithsaladandgarlicbread. Checkourwebsiteforweeklymenus. n! BREWPLATE SPECIALS BREWPLATE B Winter Winter
Loretta at 413-232-0007.
TheBerkshireEaglehasadriver positionopenonourdayshift. Thisisafull-timepositionwith benefits.Drivingcargovansand boxtrucksfordeliveries,aswell assomeinsidedutiesinour bindery.
Applicantmusthaveaclean drivingrecord,theabilityto obtainandmaintainaDOT medicalcardandpassastandard drugscreen.
Toapplygoto Berkshireeagle.com/apply andcompletethe simpleonlineapplication
CAT CARE GIVER for the Last Post in Falls Village. Must have good transportation. The position requres daily cleaning of cat rooms. Please contact "richard @thelastpost.org".
COOKS, DISHWASHERS , and food service workers wanted. Lakeville, CT. Email: info@toryhilldining.com
PART TIME BOOK Packer/Warehouse Manager needed to ship and receive books from my Pittsfield warehouse. You will work alone without direct supervision; Instructions will be sent by email. You should live very near Pittsfield. You will need your own computer to maintain the book inventory and car to transport boxes to the P.O. You will need to know how to use Excel software or be willing to learn. You will need to carry 50 lb boxes. Compensation will be based upon the number of books packed and received. Please contact Ted Andrews at edandrews@earthlink.net telling me about your work experience and with any questions.
HELP WANTED: Andrus Power Solutions, Inc is looking for full time Electrical Apprentice. A clean driving record is a must. Please email resume to: office @andruspowersolutions.com
Nowhiringfulltimepositionstojoinour growingteam.Customhomesandrenovations inBerkshireCounty.Experiencepreferred. SubContractorswelcome.Submitinquiriesto shielsbuilders@gmail.comorcall413-441-5367
Seekingpunctual,dependableanddetail-oriented individualstojoinourteam.Weareawell-established companywitha40hour/4-dayworkweekandanemphasis oncareerdevelopment.Excellentpayandbenefitsavailable. Pleasecallusat413-298-5156oremailresumeto assistant@michaelwhitecontractors.com
HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., (413)-441-3320.
OFFICE MANAGER/ Bookkeeper: Full time, responsible for daily operation of all office functions for a New Marlborough propane company. Must have strong attention to detail, QuickBooks experience and excellent Customer Service skills. Call John for more information. (413)-229-2800 or (413)-446-2446.
HUME NEW ENGLAND Christian Camps in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, is looking for a part-times Maintenence Assistant. Duties for this position include general indoor maintenance, groundskeeping, equipment and facility maintenance, guest quarters prep, as well as use of hand tools, power tools, and heavy equipment. On ground housing may be provided. For more information, please contact us.
HELP WANTED for home renovations. Will train. (413)-429-7101.
*DISABILITY:physicalormental.Qualifiedhandicappedpersonsareentitledtoreasonableaccommodations,unlessthataccommodationpresents anunduehardshiptotheemployer.AGE:(40and older)FederallawandMassachusettslawboth prohibitemployersfromdiscriminatingagainst theiremployeeswhoare40+yearsoldbased ontheirage.ARRESTRECORD:Itisillegalforan employertoaskcertainquestionsaboutajobapplicant'soremployee'scriminalrecord.TheCORI ReformActpreventsemployersfromseeking disclosureofjobapplicants'criminalrecordinformationpriortotheinterviewstageofthehiring process.GENDERIDENTITY:Itisillegalforanemployertopublishajobadvertisementthatshows apreferenceforordiscouragessomeonefrom applyingforajobbecauseofhis/herrace,color, religion,sex(includinggenderidentity,sexual orientation,andpregnancy),nationalorigin,age (40orolder),disabilityorgeneticinformation. Also,DiscriminationLawsrefertoArtinEmploymentadsaswellascopyie:nowhitemaleunder theageof40canbedepictedinanemployment adallbyhimself.
GreatBarrington,NewMarlboro, Sheffield,MillRiverArea
PaperDraw: 107-120DailyThruSunday Time: 3-3.5Hours
Approx.Pay: $900Bi-Weekly DaltonSouthSt/MainStarea PaperDraw: 180+DailythruSunday Time: 3.5hours Approx.Pay: $590
PleasecontactEricShuman, CirculationManager 413-496-6343
Constructseeksdetailorientedperson tojoinitsgrowingpropertymanagementteam.Maybefullorparttime. MustcareaboutsolvingsouthBerkshirespermanenthousingcrisisin creativeways.$16-19/hr+paidleaveand401K.See www.constructinc.org fordetails.Emailresumeand coverletterto Kwiggins@constructberkshires.org
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF JANUARY 18, 2023 • ONE SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 9 WearelookingforaDigitalAdOpsSpecialisttojoinourCreativeDepartmentatNewEngland Newspapers,Inc.Thepositionwillfocusoncreating,managing,optimizing,andreporting digitaladvertisingcampaignsandprovidecoveragefortheCreativeteam.Thispositionwill requireinteractionwithotherinternalteamssuchasSales,Marketing,andCirculation,aswell asexternalvendorstoensureconsistentandsmoothdeliveryofalladvertisingcampaigns.We offeracompetitivecompensationpackage,includinghealth,dental,vision,andlifeinsurances anda401k.AbasicdrugscreenandproofofCOVIDvaccinationarerequested REQUIREMENTS •Detail-oriented,organized,managestime efficiently,andstrongcommunicationskills. •ProficiencywithAdobeCreativeSuite (specificallyPhotoshopandInDesign). •SomeknowledgeofHTMLandCSS. RESPONSIBILITIES •Scheduleandmonitordigitaladcampaigns throughGoogleAdManager. •Generateandanalyzereportsforad campaignsusingGoogleDataStudio. •Designdigitalandprintcreativesand collateralforadvertisingandmarketing campaigns. •InteractwithCreative,Sales,Marketing, Circulation,andthird-partyvendorson variousprojects. NEWENGLANDNEWSPAPERS,INC. DIGITALADOPSSPECIALIST
DIGITALMARKETING&COMMUNICATIONSMANAGER PositionSummary TheDigitalMarketing&CommunicationsManageratNormanRockwellMuseumplaysalargerolein raisingtheorganization’svisibility,promotingvisitationtotheMuseum,andotherorganizationalgoals, includingretail,programmatic,fundraising,eventrentals,education,andscholarship.Responsibilities includeemailcommunications,socialanddigitalmedia,digitalpressmaterialsandoutreach,content continuityacrossNRMchannels,andadditionalmarketingandpaidadvertisingandmediatasks.Reports directlytotheChiefMarketingOfficer.Full-time,benefitedposition,hybrideligible. KeyRequirements: •Minimumof5yearsofformaleducationorexperienceincommunications,marketing, advertisingand/orsocialmediaisrequired •Minimumof2yearsofexperiencemanagingbothpaidandunpaidsocialmediastrategies forabrandororganization •Demonstratedexperienceincontentcreationanddistributionacrossavarietyofowned channels,includingsocialmedia,email,web,etc. •Creative,withastrongsenseofinitiativeandabilitytoworkwellwithafast-movingteam; resultsoriented,highlyorganized,andabletomeetdeadlines •Excellentskillsinwrittenandverbalcommunication,projectmanagement,andcollaboration AvailableBenefits •Competitivepay •Health,dental,andvisioninsurance •Employerpaidlong-termdisability,basiclifeinsurance •Retirementsavingsplanwithemployermatch •Pre-taxoptionsforhealth&visionspending,dependentcare •Freefamilyadmissiontomuseum •DiscountstoMuseumcaféandstore Forfullpositiondetailsandeligibilityrequirements:https://www.nrm.org/about/employment/ Compensation: ExemptStatus:$55,000-$65,000 Application:SendresumeandcoverlettertoEmployment@nrm.org. Pleaseincludeexamples (linksorattachments)ofsocialmediacampaignsand/orchannelsyouhaveledorsupported.
NormanRockwellMuseumisanequalopportunityemployerthatiscommittedtoequityandinclusion. Wemakeeveryefforttoensureequalopportunityforallapplicantswithoutregardtorace,color,religion, sex,sexualorientation,genderidentityorexpression,age,disability,maritalstatus,citizenship,national origin,geneticinformation,veteranstatusorotherlegallyprotectedcharacteristics.NormanRockwell
Toapply,visit: berkshireeagle.com/apply andcompletetheonlineapplication.
CARPENTERSAPPRENTICE &LABORERS BerkshireCounty's LEADINGANDFASTESTGROWING HomeRenovationandRemodelingCompany iscurrentlyhiringforallcarpentrypositions. ExcellentPaybasedonexperience/licensing NoLayoffs CompanyMatchedIRA Educational&LicensingBenefits PaidHolidays PaidVacation/Personal/SickTime RegularlyPaidBonuses Touploadyourresumelogonto www.morrisonshomeimprovement.com orEmailyourresumeto morrisonsimprove@yahoo.com BESTOFTHEBERKSHIRES7YEARSINAROW! 25PittsfieldRoad,Routes7&20,Lenox,MA MorrisonsHomeImprovement.com
Needextramoney? Wanttobeyourownboss?
ApplyOnline! www.CatamountSki.com hrmanager@catamountski.com 413-528-1262ext.1070 GreatBenefits: •FreeSummitPassat3Mountains •Food/MerchandiseDiscounts •AndMore! •NEW-TubingAttendants •LiftAttendants •Snowmakers •MountainAmbassadors •ParkingAttendants •FoodandBeverage •ViewMoreOnline! PositionsInclude:
Seekingaprofessionalwith5ormoreyearsofbroadbusiness andfinancemanagementexperiencefortemporarypostfrom January-May2023.Individualwillleadallfinancialadministrationandbusinessmanagementof$2.6Mbudget.Ideallythis isafull-timepost,howeverthoseinterestedinpart-timework of25-30hoursperweekareencouragedtoapply.Temporary positionwithanhourlywageof$28-$30/hr.
Seekingacreative,pragmaticmanagerwhohasexperienceinand apassionforaquatics.Youwillneedtobeanexpertplannerand exceptionalatmanagingalargeteamoflifeguards,instructors, andtrainers.MustbecertifiedinCPRFirstAidandacertified lifeguard(BSRCCwilltrainyou!)
Seekingfull-timeexperiencedfacilitiesprofessionaltohelp supportbuildingoperations.SchedulewillbegenerallyTuesFriday12:00-8:30p.m.andSaturday6:30a.m.-3p.m.,with variedhoursoccasionally.Dutiesincludeset-upsandbreakdownsofequipmentandspaces,groundscare,andprojectbased workincludingpainting,cleaningandstaffoversight.
Wehaveopeningsforresponsible,nurturingchildcarestaff inSunshinePreschool,ourActionAdventuresOutofSchool program,andtheStepUpmiddleschooldrop-inprogram. Pleasevisitourwebsiteforcompletejobdescriptionsand applicationinformation.
Thisindividualwillprovideprofessionallevelsupporttothe FrontdeskteamandTheDirectorofCommunityOutreachand Operations.Positionrequiresstrongcustomerserviceskills, keenattentiontodetail,superiortimemanagement,aflexible Seefullpositionlistingsat berkshiresouth.org/employment Allemployeesgetafreemembership!EOE.
at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. (413)-822-0985.
LOOKING FOR job security? Generator sales have soared over the past few years and has become one of the fastest growing industries! Generator Technicians are in high demand. Andrus Power Solutions, Inc. has immediate openings and with paid training and certification. Knowledge of small engines is a plus and a valid driver's license is a must. Email resume to office @andruspowersolutions.com
YOUNG MAN SEEKS housing. In need of a bedroom with private bath for affordable price. Dream spot would have a place for me to practice the drums and store tools but not a deal breaker without. Have carpentry experience and can help with repairs/maintenance. I am polite, caring, and helpful. Have references. Make my dreams come true and have a new friend/helper in exchange? Call 413-717-9929
THE HOUSATONIC Railroad is seeking motivated individuals for full-time employent as track workers. Typical work week is Monday-Thursday with occasional weekend work required. Safetysensitive work involves the use of hand and hydraulic tools and the ability to lift 75 pounds. Vacation and sick time, paid holidays, optional IRA, railroad retirement, and medical insurance with optional vision and dental are some of the benefits offered. Must be able to pass preemployment and random DOT drug and alcohol tests and be able to obtain a DOT medical card (paid by the railroad) prior to start date. Contact Ethan Boardmanm (413)-854-5818
AVOID SCAMS! Deal locally, face-to-face. Don’t extend payment to anyone you haven’t met; and never wire funds; and never give out financial info. That “amazing” deal may not exist!
Hiring Gardeners/Nursery Workers
Falls VillageFlowerFarm isaperennialplantnursery withagardening / landscapeservice
Wepropagateandgrowherbaceousperennialsalongwitha fewshrubssellingonly what isgrownatthenurser y • Also,atthenurser y thereareextensiveperennial and annual cut flowergardens • Ourgardening/landscapeservicemanagesnumerousgardenson privatepropertiesintheNorthwestcornerofCT. • Full/ParttimeSeasonalwithFlexible hours.Occasionally workingmorethan8hoursperday andmorethan5daysper week • Thereistheprospecto assumingmanagement/ownership
Gardening / Landscapeposition
Carr y outthetasksof caring forperennial/annualgardensoncustomersprivateproperty aswellasatthenurser y • Organizeandplantheworkthatisrequired Workwithsubcontractorsontheplanningandexecutionof projects
Propagate,andcarr y outthetasksof caring forpottedperennialsandkeepingthenurser y cleanandorganized • Interactwithcustomersansweringgardeningquestionsand conductingsales • Organizeandplantheworkthatisrequired
GERMAN SHEPHERD/ Belgian Malinois mix. Located in Sheffield. Males and females. 12 weeks first two rounds of shots given. Text 917-833-0743 or email mmccainberkshire @gmail.com best offer takes them.
HAY FOR SALE: Round and square bales. Call (413)-446-2446.
BerkshireHumaneSociety CommunityCatProgram Trap/Neuter/Return 413-447-7878x143
214BarkerRd.,Pittsfield,MA www.berkshirehumane.org
TWIN TABBIES are homeless after owner's illness. Sadly, they wait for a new home. To adopt- (518)-303-2910. Ancramdale, NY
Pet of the Week!
Tovolunteer,donateor reportferalcatspleasecall 413-447-7878x143
facebook.com/ BerkshireAnimalDreams/ www.instagram.com/ communitycatberkshirehumane/
This rambunctious young pup is looking for an active home to call his own. He loves to romp, roam and play! If you’re looking for a hiking partner, then he would be basic manners such as walking on a leash and not jumping when meeting new people but consistency. Since he is a bit of a rowdy guy, he would do best in a home without young children. Husky has many dog friends at the shelter but his play style is an acquired taste and any canine siblings would need to be ok with rough wrestling.
and can
WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? Lost & Found and Free
no charge for 20 words
be placed for 2 weeks. Place your ad online at shoppersguideinc.com or stop by the office at 271 Main St., Suite 4, Gt. Barrington. BERKSHIRE HUMANE SOCIETY 214 Bark 413-447-7878 EXT. 126 www.berkshirehumane.org
PetPartners oftheTri-StateBerkshires Thankyouforhelpingtheanimals. ForhelporinformationcallthePetPartnersOffice: Faith(518)781-0362 www.petpartnersberkshires.org PLEASEHELPUSHELPAREA PETSANDTHEIROWNERS. PetPartnerswascreatedtohelppetownerscarefortheir companionanimalsduringtimesofeconomicstress, sotheirpetscanremainintheirhomeandnotbe surrenderedtosheltersorrescuegroups. PETPARTNERSPROVIDES: FoodforNeedyDogsandCats ReducedRateSpay/Neuter AssistancewithBasicVeterinaryCareCosts Donationscanbemadeonline throughourdonationpageat www.petpartnersberkshires.org or bymail: PetPartners,POBox67, WestStockbridge,MA01266 Yourdonationistaxdeductibleand all donationsgodirectlyforthecareoftheanimals. RESCUE KITTENS for forever homes! Please call
NY FREE: ZEBRA FINCH Healthy, cheerful. Comes with cage, toys, perches. Also free: large cage on wheels. (413)-854-8626. c ompanion’s c ompanion Dog&CatSittinginyourhome! INCLUDINGOVERNIGHT FEEDING•WALKING•PETTAXI CALLORTEXT508-728-2234/AEDWYER66@GMAIL.COM SERVING THE TRI-STATE AREA NewYear Resolution? It’sSimple,Darling: Pampering! 120HubbardAve., Pittsfield,MA (413)442-3472 animalinnoftheberkshires.com Offering awardwinning Boarding,Daycare &Grooming It P AnimalInn oftheBerkshires Feral&CommunityCat T-N-ROrganization (413)997-2287(CATS) P.O.Box1073,Pittsfield,MA01202 www.BerkshireAnimalDREAMS.org ToVolunteer,Donateor ReportFeralCatspleasecall usat413-997-CATS(2287) 940MAINSTREET,GREATBARRINGTON QualityFoods,Equipment,andSupplies convenientlocation-ampleparking onRoute7lessthataminutesouthofGuido’s BensDotter’sPet VACCINATED, Non-smoking driver with own car wanted for local appointments. If interested, please call (413)-232-7875 9am-7pm. Don't call on Sundays. 271 Main St., Great Barrington, MA • 413-528-0095 • shoppersguideinc.com THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm,
518-303-2910. Ancramdale,
FOURBROTHERSPIZZAINN WAITSTAFF,BUSPERSON Startimmediately,flexiblehours. ApplyinpersonatGreatBarringtonlocation100StockbridgeRd.,Gt.Barrington WAITSTAFFWANTED Startimmediately. Fastpace,busyandgreat environment.Havefunand eatlotsoffabulouspizza. CallPaul413-329-5634
DOWN TREES? Call Owen Services. Professional Work at a Reasonable Rate. 518-521-7787 or email oliverowensservices @gmail.com
KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating, renovating, and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients. Gift certificates available. Call (413)-528-1387.
SPRING & FALL CLEANUPS: Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
TREE SERVICE: Residential Tree Work. Professional and safe, very skilled and efficient climbers. Busch Tree Service, (860)-307-7254. Free Estimates.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF JANUARY 18, 2023 • ONE SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 11 i n g remodel KITCHEN fromdesigntoinstallation Visitourshowroom forour curatedselectionof CABINETS TILE FLOORING COUNTERTOPS &MORE! 34BridgeStreet.GreatBarringtonjrcremodel.com413353-1110 ROCKSOLID MarbleandGranite LLC Sheffield,MA 413-229-9001 Hours: *NewShowroomHours: Saturday:1stand3rdofthemonth10-3* WeeklyTuesday-Friday10am-5pm *Showroomopenbyappointmentonly* Locatedat1719N.MainSt.Sheffield,MA CustomStoneCountertopFabrication EngineeredQuartzandSolidSurface BeautifulSelectionofStoneSlabs INSTOCK 413-298-1029bgrco.net MikeLinde~MasterInstallerforOwensCorning&CertainTeed RESIDENTIALROOFINGSPECIALIST WrittenEstimates FullyInsured Berkshire Roofing SHINGLES METAL The Business Services listings in The Shopper’s Guide have everything you need to be prepared this winter. www.shoppersguideinc.com READY FOR WINTER? 413.429.7850DuncanStafford YourCompleteTreeServiceCompany STAFFORD TREESERVICE TreeRemoval•Vistas&LandClearing BrushClearing•ExcavatorServices Cabling•Pruning•StumpGrinding ReferencesUponRequest—FreeEstimates—FullyInsured GENERALLY SPEAKING.... we have what you’re looking for! www.shoppersguideinc.com Forallyour landscaping needs! PILLINGLANDSCAPING (413)298-5112 Since1981 www.pillinglandscaping.com
Visitusonlineat www.haupttree.com foracompletedetailedlistofourservices. TheHauptTreeCompany,Inc. Dedicatedtothepreservationoftreessince1957 ServingMA,NYandCT 413-229-8565800-874-TREEwww.haupttree.com Areyourtrees readyfor thestormy winterweather?
PAGE 12 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF JANUARY 18, 2023 • ONE SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON Expires1/31/23.Notvalidonprevioussalesorestimates.Maynotbecombinedwithanyotheroffer.Somerestrictionsapply,Someproductsmaynotqualityforspecialoffers.50%offinstallationequals7.5%offretail.Maximum discount10%offretailprice.Subjecttocreditapproval.FixedAPRof0.00%for60months.60monthsbeginuponprojectcompletion.Interestfreeloanswillbechargedinterestfromthepurchasedateifthepurchasebalanceisnot paidwithintheterm.Otherprogramsavailable.MA#160584CT#HIC.0673924 413�409�6815 Offerexpires1/31/23.Thesetwooffersmaynotbecombinedwitheachotherorwithanyotheroffer.Somerestrictionsapply.Someproductsmaynotqualify forspecialoffers.50%offinstallationequals 7.5%offretailprice.Maximumdiscountmaynotexceed10%offretailprice.Financingissubjecttothirdpartyapproval.FixedAPRof0.00%for60months.60monthsbeginuponprojectcompletion.Interest freeloanswillbechargedinterestfromthepurchasedateifthepurchasebalanceisnotpaidwithintheterm.Otherprogramsavailable.MA#160584CT#HIC.0673924.
WINDOW AND DOOR weatherstripping, refitting, repair, restoration in shop or on site, new fabrication of windows and doors. Wayne Olivieri Carpentry (413)-854-1048. CSFA-059711 HIC-183099.
CARPENTER /BUILDERDavid Valyou serving MA CT NY for 20+ years .Renovations & Repairs Kitchens, Baths, Studios .Old Houses & Barns my specialty (917)-538-1617 davidvalyou @yahoo.com Based in Canaan Ct.
Main St., GB. Serving tri state area.
PAINTING SERVICE by Tim Connelly at (203)-600-1000. Insured, Main St., GB. Serving tri state area.
TREE SERVICE: Residential Tree Work. Professional and safe, very skilled and efficient climbers. Busch Tree Service, (860)-307-7254. Free Estimates.
BUILDING MATERIAL cobra vents 2 rolls $60.00, roofing shovel $10.00, shower walls 32" Swan acryllic $300.00, Shower base 60" $150.00, (413)-429-7548
BUILDER/CONTRACTOR 413-854-8552 www.habuilder.com
AdditionsM.C.S.L.#019855/H.I.C.L.#117473 RemodelingP.O.115,Stockbridge,MA
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF JANUARY 18, 2023 • ONE SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 13 LouisE.Allyn &Sons,Inc. WELLDRILLING WaterSystems Established1917 EastCanaan,Conn. (860)824-5600 MASS.LIC.#29 •PowerwashingDecks&Houses •GutterCleaning •Remodeling •QualityPainting CALLTODAY! 518-325-1423 MANNY'SCLEARVIEW ProfessionalWindowCleaningLLC FREEESTIMATES INSURED Drivewaysbuiltandrepaired Sand•Stone•GravelandTopsoil Subdivisions•Sewage&SepticSystems SpecializinginResidential&Commercial FullyInsured HatcheryRoad Hartsville,MA Phone (413)528-3364 MountEverett LANDSCAPING AllTypesofExcavation R NCONSTRUCTION RonLove FULLSERVICECONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY WEDOITALL! FULLYINSURED-FREEESTIMATES LIC.CS-073284 •Roofing •Carpentry •Interior& ExteriorPainting •MasonryRepair •Buildings •Renovations •Decks/ScreenedPorches Bus.Cell 413-441-3320 Office 413-258-4103 MANNINGBUILDING&RESTORATION FullServiceResidentialConstruction NewConstruction,Restorations,TimberFraming, Interior&ExteriorCarpentry Licensed&Insured,(413)239-7166Estimates manningbuildingandrestoration@gmail.com ResidentialDesign Kitchen/BathDesign DESIGNANDPLANNINGChristopherBlair ConstructionManagement ProjectRepresentation 413.528.4960623MainStreet,GreatBarrington,MA01230 ARTISTIC TILE installations. Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years experience. (413)-229-0260. PAINTING SERVICE by Tim Connelly at (203)-600-1000. Insured,
Custom Furniture Fine-MillworkDesignBuild+Services 14GlendaleMiddleRoad Stockbridge,MA-01229 Tel:413-207-1126 Email:John@portnerandphillips.com
QualityFinishWorkNewHomes HistoricHouseRestorationsRestorations TimberFramingShakerStyle
Chimneyfireseasonishere. (413)717-2065bottomsupchimneyservice@gmail.com Needasweep? EXPERTMASONRY CUSTOMDESIGN
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PAGE 14 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF JANUARY 18, 2023 • ONE SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON it’s almost time to vote for your local favorites! 271 Main Street, Suite 4, Great Barrington, MA 01230 • 413-528-0095 Fax 413-528-4805 www.shoppersguideinc.com ads@shoppersguideinc.com Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 4:30 Please be advised that the Shopper’s Guide does not accept get rich quick schemes or multi-level marketing ads. Issue Dates To Run (Published Every Wednesday) Base Rate (General or Business) $_______________________ + ___________ additional words @ ________________________________¢ = $ _______________________________/wk. Ad Cost Per Week $ ____________________________ x _____________________ Issues Total Enclosed $ ____________________________________________________________ Rate Used (General or Business) ___________________ Section Placement _______________ PAYMENT: Cash Check #____________ Credit Card (See Below) Card Holder __________________________________________Zip __________________ CC #______________________________________ Exp. ______________ CSC_________ Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address City/State _____________________________________________________ Zip ____________ Phone _________________________ Email _________________________________________ classified AD FORM FAIR HOUSING ACT NOTICE DISCRIMINATION IN ADVERTISING All real estate advertised herein is subject to state and federal anti-discrimination law, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information, ancestry, children, marital status, public assistance recipiency or handicap. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. CLASSIFIED AD RATES GENERAL 20 Words - $3.00 Additional words 10¢ each Personal item for sale/ wanted, free items. BUSINESS/SERVICE (Help Wanted, Tag, Barn, Garage or Estate Sales, Real Estate) 15 Words - $5.00 Additional words 25¢ each Advertising a product or service; help wanted,* buying or collecting items; selling multiple vehicles; seminars, classes, counseling; business opportunities; animals etc. Individuals with property for sale, for rent or to share.** * Limited to 100 words. ** Please read notice at bottom LOST & FOUND AND FREE PETS 20 Word Limit / 2 Weeks FREE If you represent a shelter, use the SECTIONS AVAILABLE: Antiques & Auctions, Animals, Arts & Entertainment, Business Services, Dining, General, Health & Fitness, Help Wanted, Home Improvement, Lawn & Garden, Summer Camps, Real Estate, Tag Sales, Transportation, Wanted over the phone. We do accept them online at shoppersguideinc.com or by mailing this form to the address at bottom. Thank you! DEADLINE FRIDAY, 11 AM SELLINGPRICE=$5,250FIRM CALL917-861-3855 formoreinformation LIKENEW HAULMARK 6'X12'TRAILER FORSALE •ImpeccableCondition •V-NosedDesign •DropDownRearRampDoor •2InchBallHitch •InteriorHeight=6'3" •LocatedinWestStockbridge •Lessthan200milesofusage •Excellentfor: •Snowmobile •Motorcycle •LawnMower •RearStabilizers
PAY CASH FOR JUNK cars and trucks. Call
SALE 7.5 Foot Fisher Snow Plow.
MECHANIC WANTED: full time position, please call 518-789-3669 to set up an interview. Thank You.. The Shopper's Guide will make every effort to see that all advertising copy is neatly presented and is correctly printed. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertising, but will gladly reprint, without charge, that part of any advertisement in which an error may occur. Also the publisher takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in any advertisement. The publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish an advertisement for any reason. ALLTYPESOFSERVICE FOREIGNANDDOMESTIC CARSANDTRUCKS ORMSBEE’SGARAGE 839MillRiverSouthfieldRd. MillRiver413-229-2515 •Tires•Oil •Brakes•Exhaust •MassVehicleInspection •CommercialInspection 446StockbridgeRoad,GreatBarrington,MA•413-528-6996 NEWHOURS!OpenTuesdaythruFriday8:30to5,Saturday8to1 Whereourcustomers sendtheirfriends! DempseyAutoSales 17CHEVYSILVERADO Crewcab,LTZ,lthr,1owner,NADA $35,400,#3873........................................................ $ 26,995 16HONDACRVEXL AWD,lthr,sunroof,86Kmi.,#3892 $ 20,995 13FORDESCAPESEL AWD,4cyl.,lthr,sunrf,likenew, #3893....................................................................... $14,995 11SUBARUFORESTER 2.5premium,#3898............ $ 9,995 11HONDACRVEX 4cyl.,AWD,#3883.................... $11,995 11TOYOTARAV4LTD #3884................................... $12,995 06GMCSIERRA ext.cab,2WD,5.3L,8’bed,87Kmi., #3888......................................................................... $ 9,995 Lookingtosellyourcar?Comeinandseeusfirst-$FINANCINGAVAILABLE CallDaveDempseyandcheckusoutat dadempsey.com 14’MOVINGTRUCKSANDCARGOVANS (HalfDayRateavailableMondaythroughFriday) 1/2DAYRATE ONBOXTRUCKS&VANS taylorrentalgb@yahoo.com GREATBARRINGTON,MA 413-528-1770 TRUSTEDAUTOREPAIR &AUTOBODYSERVICE FamilyRunBusinessfor48years LocatedinHousatonic,Massachusetts GulfGasDiesel Fuel CERTIFIEDMASSACHUSETTS STATEINSPECTIONSTATION ALSOCOMMERCIALINSPECTIONS JOHN'SGARAGE FrontStreet(413)274-3328 AllMajorRepairs•Transmissions•Stateofthe ArtComputerDiagnostic&WheelAlignment Brakes•Exhaust•Tires•ACService ForEstimates AskforDave JOHN'S AUTO BODY MainStreet (413)274-6078 BodyShop CarWash ALLMAJOR BODY&GLASS REPAIRS & 24 HOUR ROADSERVICE ForEstimates-AskforJason
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APARTMENT FOR RENT, Great Barrington on "the hill." 3-month minimum, fully furnished, pet friendly, 2-floor duplex, 2-1/2 bedrooms, fireplace, spacious and light. Business internet included, $1950 plus heat/electricity. References required. Photos, details: bit.ly/3GYDiEB, email castlestreet@gmail.com.
APARTMENT FOR RENT: Quiet country charm 3 miles from Great Barrington center. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, washer/dryer, deck, lawn and tenant private driveway and entry. No smokers please. $1,200 plus utilities. For details and photos claustheile @gmail.com
CAMEL MOVING & Storage: (413)-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving Storage.com
ONE BEDROOM APT. furnished, no junk, fully equipped kitchen, 3 miles south of Tanglewood. Utilities incl. $1,400. (877)-500-4030.
SEEKING RENTAL: Reliable couple with excellent references needs a furnished, longterm house or quiet apt. with 2 bedrooms, office space, 1-2 bathrooms in Southern Berkshire County or Salisbury, CT. Airbnb, Vrbo home owners, if you are tired of dealing with many guests, please consider the steadiness and ease of renting to us. (413)-429-6147
SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE: in town--3 bedrooms on one third acre price 100k. (518)-325-6600.
STUDIO FOR RENT in West Stockbridge. Partially furnished, utilities included, off street parking. No smoking. No pets. Call (413)-441-3933.
YOUNG MAN SEEKS housing. In need of a bedroom with private bath for affordable price. Dream spot would have a place for me to practice the drums and store tools but not a deal breaker without. Have carpentry experience and can help with repairs/maintenance. I am polite, caring, and helpful. Have references. Make my dreams come true and have a new friend/helper in exchange? Call 413-717-9929
EGREMONT. 1 BR apartment in owner occupied home. Private entrance. Large deck, expansive views. Quiet setting. All utilities, internet, W/D included. No smoking. No pets. Available Jan 15. (413)-528-3732.
FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.
HOUSE SHARE on quiet, pleasant Westover Street, Pittsfield. Sunny, cozy, furnished bedroom; shared kitchen, living room, bath, basement. $800/mo. Call Esther at 413-329-3429.
PROFESSIONAL SPACEtwo-room office space and a one-room space with separate entrance for lease in beautifully furnished small office building in Housatonic. Free high-speed Internet, a fully equipped conference room, kitchen, reception area, and restored hardwood floors. Text/Call (413) 329-916
ThePondHouse YearRoundRental–CopakeFalls www.highvalleyfarm.info Spacious,light-filled,freshlyrenovatedhomeon800 protectedacresinCopakeFalls,NewYorkavailable foryear-roundrental.AvailableFebruary1,2023.
room,office,wetbarandlaundryroom (approximately2,000squarefeet)plus deck,terraceandstorage.
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LOOKING for a furnished office space to rent or sublet on Thursdays. Pleaes call/tex 914-564-9461.
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PleasecallMaryWhite,Broker(413)329-6342 PRIMEOFFICESPACES MainStreet,GreatBarrington Separatewaitingroom-hardwoodfloors 2ndFloor-includesheat&electric
Partitionseparatesspaceinto2offices 413-528-9841option1
4BR STOCKBRIDGE contemporary home available weekly for March 2023. Near all major Berkshire ski areas. Lloyd (310)-919-9127. WarmWishesfora Bright&HappyNewYear fromallofusat 413.528.1000|wheelerandtaylor.com|SINCE1871 FORSALEORRENT 414PARKSTREET,HOUSATONIC,MA SUZANNWARD 413.329.3031 suzannward@gmail.com SAMANTHAHOMEYER 413.717.1291 samanthahomeyer@gmail.com www.housatonicrealestate.com PRIMEREALESTATE POTENTIALUSESAGRICULTURAL,BAKERY,BREWERY, MANUFACTURING,MIXEDUSE,RESIDENTIAL, RETAIL,STUDIO,WATERFRONT/INDUSTRIAL 6,000sq.ft.buildingonover 6acres,insulated,heated, newconcretefloorandplumbingrough-in,plentyof parking.$849,000 (Bypermittingasrequired.)
n SOUTHFIELD: Great3acrebuildinglotonEast Hill. $70,000 n NEWMARLBOROUGH: 20fabulousacreswith views.Longroadfrontagesocanbedividedinto atleast3lots. $199,000 n NEWMARLBOROUGH: 105acreswithlogging roadsthroughit. $395,000
PAGE 16 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF JANUARY 18, 2023 • ONE SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON Millerton Agway ROUTE22 MILLERTON,NY 518-789-4471 StoreHours:Mon-Fri8amto5pm; Sat8amto4pm;ClosedSun Claverack Agway ROUTE9H CLAVERACK,NY 518-851-5391 StoreHours:Mon-Sat8amto5pm; ClosedSun Chatham Agway ROUTE66 CHATHAM,NY 518-392-3241 StoreHours:Mon-Fri8amto5pm; Sat8amto4pm;ClosedSun GreatBarrington Agway 30MAPLEAVE. (ROUTE23) GREATBARRINGTON,MA 413-528-2390 StoreHours:Mon-Fri8amto5pm; Sat8amto4pm;ClosedSun Malta Farm+Garden 2712STATERT9•MALTA,NY http://maltafarmandgarden.com 518-348-6374 StoreHours:Mon-Fri9amto6pm; Sat8amto4pm;Sun10amto3pm ShopLocal! GREATVALUE,VARIETY ANDEXTRAORDINARYSERVICE BabyChicks! Manufacturedby D&DCommodities Doyouhave eggsticker shock?Make yourown! ORDERFORMSAREREADY! WildDelight BirdSeed Didyouknowwehavea virtualpunchcardtouse towardsextrasavings? FOREVERY10BAGS YOUBUY,YOU GETONEFREE! Propane TankRefills Didyouknowmost exchangesgiveyou 15lbsofpropane? WEFILLYOUR EMPTYTANK WITH20LBS! PetFood MAJORBRANDS Nutrena Feed Doyouknowabout PLAIDPERKS? Submityourreceipts forallNutrena productsfor CASHBACK! We’rehere tohelp! Wehavethe answerstoallof yourfeed,nutrition &gardening questionsand willalwaysload anypurchases. Didyouknowwehavea virtualpunchcardtouse towardsextrasavingson selectnationalbrands? Askusabouttherequirementsofyourbrandof petfoodtoreceive AFREEBAG! Orderformsareavailableatanyof ourstorelocationsshownbelow. MUSTPRESENTCOUPONATTIMEOFPURCHASE-EXP1/24/23 $ 5.00 OFF! ANYPURCHASETOTALING $40.00ORMORE. * Nolimitations.Allinstockitemsapply. *Itemsmaybecombined.Purchasepriceisbeforetax. 1couponpercustomer,perday. LikeUs onFacebook andreceiveour MID-WEEKSPECIALS! PricesarevalidTuesdaythruThursday. Justmentionmid-weekFacebookspecial tosave.Differentitemseachweek! “ NEW ” Way ToSave! KNOWLEDGEABLESALESSTAFF•DELIVERYAVAILABLE•WEWILLALWAYSLOADYOURPURCHASE WEOFFER: CompleteWildBirdDepartmentwithSeedsandFeeders•CompletefeedlinesofNutrena, Purina,BlueSeal,PoulinandTripleCrown•CarryingHay,Straw,PineShavingsandotheranimalbedding WecarrymostmajorbrandsofPetFood•ManyFrequentBuyersClubs•PropaneTankRefills. Mustpresentcouponattimeofpurchase•Whilesupplieslast•Somequantitiesmaybelimited•Notresponsibleforprintererrors. STOPIN TODAY! ForMoreSpecialsVisit www.agwayny.com
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