5 minute read
ArtGlass•VinylLPs•VintageMerchandise gbemporiumllc@gmail.com
FOR SALE: Yamaha #80 classical guitar plus case and capo. $175 or b.o. (413) 528-0831.
FOR SALE: Brand spanking new Weber Genesis E-325S/S-325S fully assembled propane grill. Asking $800. Please call and leave message. (413)-854-8520.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.
FOR SALE: CASH ONLY. Rowing machine, $25. Gas week wacker wit brush cutter and saw, $75. Back pack leaf blower, $50. Gas powered washer, $50. Large shop vac, $30. 413-528-4421.
NO SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century!
FOR SALE: Raleigh Technium bike, $75. XC skis, $75. 413-429-5989.
INCA RADIAL ARM SAW for sale with stand, $150. 845-444-0015.
IS FOOD A PROBLEM for you? Try Overeaters Anonymous. For information on phone, online, and virtual meetings, go to www.oa.org
ITEMS FOR SALE: full-size hardwood futon frame with memory foam mattress, $100.00. Vizio 42" HDTV, $50.00. Hardwood dining table with butcher block style top seats upto ten, $80.00. 'Gunter' floor loom, 48" ca. 1920, disassembled, $100.00. 1970 Nikon Nikkormat 35mm SLR with 3 lenses, $40.00. 518-929-3993.
KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.
Cornuskousachinensis CHINESEDOGWOOD
Thisisthemostbeautifulsummer-bloomingdogwoodthatweoffer —hardy,long-livedanddiseaseresistant.ThisAsianintroduction givesusmultiseasonalinterestwithbloomstypicallystartinginmidtolateJuneandsometimesextendingintolateAugust,followedby large,redstrawberry-shapedfruitforfalldisplay.Asthiswonderful treematures,italsoexhibitsgreatexfoliatingbark.Itwouldbehard tofindamorebeautifulfloweringtree.
Weofferover20outstandingselections,eachwithitsownunique characteristics,including‘BlueShadow’,‘Brotzman’sCompact Joyce’,‘ChampionGold’,‘Galilean’,‘Greensleeves’,‘Lustgarten Weeping’,‘Madison’,‘Maiden’sBlush’,‘MandarinJewel’‘Scarlet Spire’,‘SnowTower’,‘SquareDance’,‘Tichnor’sChoice’, Venushybrid’andWeaver’sWeepers’.andthepink-flowering ‘Heartthrob’,‘RadiantRose’,‘RosyTeacups’,‘Satomi’,‘Scarlet Fire’.Availableinseveralsizes,treeformandmultistem,including WindyHillFarmfield-grownplants.
Jumboannuals•tropicals•herbs•vegetableplants succulents•hangingbaskets•treefruits•smallfruits shade&floweringtrees•espalieredapples,pears&Asianpears floweringshrubs•dwarf&unusualevergreens•rare&hardy mountainlaurel&rhododendron•vines•groundcovers choiceperennials&ornamentalgrasses gardenbenches•pottery landscapedesign,consultation&installation wellstockedgardenshop
WWW WINDYHILLFARMINC COM (413)298-3217• office@windyhillfarminc.com optionstofitanybudget!
Residential,commercial& industrialdoors,electric operators,radiocontrols, sales&service.
NORDIC TRACK elliptical and adjustable free weights for sale, can text pictures if interested. Will consider trades or will donate to non-profit. $350 or obo gets them both 860-626-9487 calls or texts
STOLEN FROM Bridge Street, GB- 36 foot Werner aluminum ladder. Reward for capture $500. 413-528-1597.
NEWLY REUPHOLSTERED Victorian style 6 ft couch (mahogany legs). Paid $1200 asking $75 or BO. New black massage recliner chair, light weight & small. Paid $350, asking $125. Must go! Contact 413-841-2324.
SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730.
NO SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century!
PAINT SHAVER: Makita, strips paint quickly $400.00. Bostich cap stapler, new $100.00. Ryobi circular saw $20.00. Dewalt drywall/deck screw gun $75.00. 413-429-7548.
SILVERTONE/ SEARS and Roebuck guitar amp. Model 1472. This is an early 60s amp. I had my amp guy go through it from top to bottom. New Jupiter speaker, new pre amp tubes,new filter caps, new power tube sockets and retainer clips,new 3 prong power cord. It's ready to rock!!! $700 obo. Call Steve 413-528-4637.
THE ULTIMATE Smartphone/Tablet Workshop Friday July 7, Friday, July 14, Friday, July 21, 2023.
10:00am to Noon. Join Sheffield based professional photographer and educator, Thad Kubis at CTSB in Lee for these highly interactive and personalized Smartphone/Tablet workshops. Each session limited to 6 attendees. For additional information, fees contact thad @tbkphotos.comwww.tbkph otos.com
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
LiveMusicby: EliElkus
TOWNOFSANDISFIELD Noticeof SpecialPermitHearing
InaccordancewiththerequirementsofMassachusettsGeneralLawChapter40AandtheSandisfield ZoningBylaws,theSandisfieldSelectBoardwillhold apublichearingonMonday,July10,2023at6:30pm attheTownHall,66SandisfieldRd.,Sandisfield,MA, ontheapplicationofCreemFamilyNomineeTrust forzoningreliefintheformofaspecialpermitin accordancewithSection5oftheSandisfieldZoning Bylawsforanattachedgarageat158NewHartford Road,Sandisfield,MA,map417lot22.
Thespecialpermitapplication,includingplans,isposted ontheTown’swebsiteat www.sandisfield.gov
Saturday, June 24th, 12 noon
-1:30 pm, First Congregational Church, 251 Main St, Great Barrington. Bring the children. Everyone welcome. No cost. Estás invitado a almorzar! Sábado, 24 de Junio, de 12:00 a 1:30 p. m., First Congregational Church, 251 Main St, Great Barrington. Trae a los niños. Todos son bienvenidos. Todos están invitados. Gratis.
CLEANING SERVICE Do you need help cleaning your house? Let me help you!! I'm reliable, honest, experienced and thorough. I offer weekly, bi-weekly or monthly services. Text me at 413-717-0246 or send me an email casascleaning959 @gmail.com. References available upon request.
CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. (413)-645-2332, Text or call. Ramos72185@gmail.com
ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. (413)-429-7101.
ESCOBAR'S PAINTING: Professional painter, over 25 years experience, surrounding areas. Interior and exterior painting, pressure washing of houses, decks, and fences. Fully insured, references available. Free estimates. (413)-429-6333, (413)-429-1326, (413)-645-3237, (845)-518-8609.
EXPRESS HANDYMAN Services. Plumbing, drain pipe liquid cleaner, replacement pipes, install toilets, faucets, kitchen/bathroom sinks, cabinets, windows, doors, ceramic tiles, carpenter, floors, drywall, paint. Let us know what you need. Small jobs welcome. Call Jose 860-795-3606 or send email to ituango25 @gmail.com Great references, honestly jobs. 30 years experience.
FLOORING INSTALLATIONS and repairs on all types of flooring; refinishing. Interior / exterior painting / remodeling. All types of snow removal. Free estimates. Call Christian (413)-265-9006
FREE ESTIMATES: pressure-washing, raised garden bed installation, deck refinishing, and more. Call/text 413-854-1532.
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringto njunkremoval.com
TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver (413)-441-4893.
GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home in-
GOT DRAFTY WINDOWS? Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate, (413)-429-7101.
GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! (413)-644-5164.
HANDYMAN SERVICES: Interior & Exterior Painting, power washing, deck repair etc. 30+ years experience. 413-841-6268.
INTERIOR, EXTERIOR painting: Handyman services, Decks, staining, pressure washing, gutter cleaning. Fully insured. Free estimates. Jose Miranda (413)-212-2812, (413)-464-9848.
NORBERT'S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call (413)-528-2221.
PAINTING & STAINING. Decks, fences sheetrock repair, ceilings and walls. 44 years exp. Free estimates, fully insured. Steve Cohen 413-243-5795.
RESIDENTIAL/ COMMERCIAL Cleaning in all Southern Berkshire, Columbia County NY and Ct. Fully insured Cell (413)-854-3411 call or text. Email Berkshireclean023 @gmail.com
RIDE-N-SHINE MOBILE Detailing offering full interior/exterior detailing options. Also available: Carpet/seat cleaning, leather cleaning, under carriage wash, clay bar and wax, headlight restoration. Call Andrea 413-717-0820 or book online www.ride-n-sh inemobiledetailing.com
THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda (860)-671-0468. thefloorspecialist@ verizon.net
SUNDARI HAIR STUDIO is pleased to announce we have moved upstairs! Same great location, same building. We'd also like to extend a warm welcome to our downstairs neighbor Integrative Massage Therapy and look forward to their exciting offerings!
WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders (413)-429-7101.
ComeOne,ComeAll andCelebrate!
willtakeplaceunderthetentinafieldwithagreatviewat 58GuilderHollowRoad w Comehearaboutthelatestfamilypropertiesbeingconservedandthestartof thisnewphaseofourSheffield-EgremontCorridorconservationeffort! w
Music:Noonto1:30pm Lunch:12:30pm Meeting&Speakers:1pm w It’sback! Enjoyourtraditionalpotlucklunch.We’llprovidethedrinks. Youbringyourfavoritedish,toserve6.Pleasebringyourownplacesettings. w
Forinformation: shefland@bcn.net, www.sheffieldland.orgor seeourFacebookpage bostonearlymusic festivalpresents FRANCESCA CACCINI’S ALCINA frijun23at8pm satjun24at3pm PIRATE SCHOOL: SEADREAMS
DIRECTIONS: Directions:FROMROUTE7,headwestonBerkshire SchoolRd.TurnrightonRoute41.GuilderHollowRd.is1.5milesnorth.Turn leftandfollowsignstoparking.FROMROUTE23,headsouthonRoute41. GuilderHollow Rd.is2.3miles.Turnrightandfollowsignstoparking.
14CastleStreet,GreatBarrington•413.528.0100• mahaiwe.org
JAZZ GUITARIST available for your next event, cocktail party or soiree. Solo, duo, or trio ensembles performing traditional American jazz standards. Professional and easy to work with. Contact Mark Phillips at 484-459-4011.
VOICE LESSONS: Feeling muzzled, silenced, unheard?
Come find your voice again. For joy, health, and empowerment. Singing lessons. Ages 15+. Musical theater, folk, pop, specializing in classical/opera. 1/2 hr or 1 hr lessons. Maureen O'Flynn, Instr. Contact: corlynntry @gmail.com, (413)-441-2015. www.maureenoflynn.com
GUTHRIE CENTER EVENT, Housatonic, June 23, 24, 25, 12 to 6. Margaret's Originals (one of the outdoor vendors), paintings.Margaret-Buchte. fineartamerica.com
READ THE PAPER ONLINE! www.shoppersguideinc.com
LEARN TO PAINT IN OILS with Joan Griswold. All levels welcome. Downtown Great Barrington. Tuesdays afternoons. Call 646-853-0462.
THE RICK CURTISS Perennial Flower Ranch, 635 Clayton Rd, Ashley Falls Ma is now open for business. All perennial pots are still only $10 ea. No exclusions. Plus much more. Open Tues thru Fri, 2pm-5 pm, Sat+ Sun 10 am-5 pm.
Find Your New Best Friend
From cats and dogs to small mammals and birds, Berkshire Humane Society is the place in Berkshire County to adopt your next companion animal.
1stPlace,2ndPlacePeoplesChoice, Commander’sChoiceandMembersChoice.