5 minute read
(413)243-4111 www.meadowfarmorganics.com
Berkshires for26Years
FullyInsured Freesitevisit andestimate
BUSH HOG 2103 9" & 4" Augers orig. owner, Lightly used. 91 8' x 4" PT Posts. Auger $1,600 Posts $1,200 Andy 518-325-3527.
DEERE TRACTOR MOWER: purchased new for $2800 in 2018; excellent condition; oil and filter change 2 weeks ago; fully serviced last year. $1500. Pick up in West Stockbridge. Call Michael 413-429-6255.
DR FIELD MOWING and brush hogging service. Call 860 671 9998 leave message.
FOR SALE: Frontier rake LR2060L $795 and Rotomec PHD 200 $745 both fit John Deere 1026R tractor. Like new. 518-329-1033.
GARDEN DESIGN, Maintenance, Restoration serving Berkshire and Litchfield County over 30 years. Experienced, reliable and reasonable. Specializing in smallscale fine gardening, pruning, and restoration of perennial and shrub borders (413)-717-1306
GARDENING ASSISTANT wanted 4-5 days per week thru Nov. Mainly fine gardens in Sheffield, Copake. Small ecological company. Sincere interest, conscientious, detailed, dependable, physically able, own car. Voicemail (860)-601-1751.
IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a hard worker, occasionally, to help maintain your property for a reasonable price, call Tim. I will help with gardening, weed-whipping, brush cutting, tree work, pruning, power washing, raking, and more. Just ask! (413)-717-7372. References.
KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating, and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.
MOWING: Now Scheduling Weekly & Bi-Weekly Mows. Free Estimates. Owens Services. 518-521-7787 or oliverowensservices @gmail.com.
1. Understand intuitively
5. Two of something
9. Not involving computer tech
11. Acclaimed
13. Undermine
15. The condition of being concealed or hidden
16. Irritate
17. The process of developing a theory
19. Ceramic jar
21. Not fresh
22. Dad’s fashion accessory
23. Popular review site 25. New Mexico county 26. ’ death do us part
27. Fees
29. Takes with force
31. One-time Yankees rookie sensation
33. Gordon and Snider are two 34. Body parts 36. Arranges 38. Fiddler crabs 39. Mimics 41. Witnesses 43. They
Lasso 46. Runs down
In response to
Bird-like dinosaur 53. Metamorphic stages 54. Conditions of incapacity 56. Sodas are sold in these units 57. Break away from 58. Ethereal 59. Boggy
1. Mangled
2. Ruffled some feathers
3. Not young
4. Lakers legend
5. Nocturnal S. American rodent
6. Direction (Scottish)
7. Intestinal inflammation
8. Spring back in fear
9. Owl genus
10. Girls
11. Unbeliefs
12. Force unit
14. Expired trade agreement
15. Went alone
18. Animal noises
20. Woman who graduated from a specific school
24. The very top
Organs in males 28. Earnings
Z Z Z 32. Reddish browns
A salt or ester of acetic acid
A place to get off your feet 37. More disreputable 38. Kidney condition 40. Cease moving
Forallyour landscaping needs!
(413)298-5112 www.pillinglandscaping.com
Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
SPRING CLEANUPS & weekly & bi-weekly mowingscheduling now- Mulching, Garden Maintenance & Tree Work. Call for All Your Outdoor Needs. Professional Work for Reasonable Rates. Owens Services. 518-521-7787 or oliverowensservices @gmail.com
TREE SERVICE: Residential Tree Work. Professional and safe, very skilled and efficient climbers. Busch Tree Service, (860)-307-7254. Free Estimates.
THE RICK CURTISS Perennial Flower Ranch, 635 Clayton Rd, Ashley Falls Ma is now open for business. All perennial pots are still only $10 ea. No exclusions. Plus much more. Open Tues thru Fri, 2pm-5 pm, Sat+ Sun 10 am-5 pm.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
TROY-BILT ROTOTILLER. 8 HP Horse model. Good condition, one owner since 1988. Call or text 413-441-7613.
CARPENTER /BUILDERDavid Valyou serving MA CT NY for 20+ years .Renovations & Repairs Kitchens, Baths, Studios .Old Houses & Barns my specialty (917)-538-1617 davidvalyou @yahoo.com Based in Canaan Ct.
EXPRESS HANDYMAN Services. Plumbing- faucets, showers, sinks. Kitchen and bathroom cabinets, install windows, doors, paint, tiles. Carpenter. Let us know what you need. Small jobs no problem. Call Jose 860-795-3606 or send email to ituango25@gmail.com Great references, honestly.
BATHROOM SINK: vintage marble $200.00. 32" Swan sa-3232, acrylic 3 sided shower enclosure, brand new $300.00. Shower base, new 60x32, $150.00. 413-429-7548.
I MAKE: Cabinets, cabinet doors, vanities, desks, resin tables, doors, barn doors, bar tops, outdoor furniture.... what can I make for you? Cranky Yankee Woodworking, (413)-822-1407.
NEED PAINTING DONE? Vanasse Quality Painting is accepting clients for the 2023 summer season. Fully insured and plenty of references. Call or text 413-429-7119 or email asavanasse@yahoo.com
BLOCK-BRICK-STONE-CONCRETE-STUCCO SPECIALIZINGIN:Steps-Sidewalks-PatiosGranite-Slate-Fireplaces-BlueStone-Cement StampColoredConcrete-CustomPoolDeckDesign Flagstone-RetainingStoneWalls-Driveways-StoneWork “CompleteMasonryWorkforOver37Years”
ByGerRonan YankeeHomeFounder DearAmerica,
Therearecertaindayswhenwefeelourlives changeprofoundly,dayswerememberfora lifetime.Thedayyouholdyourfirst-bornchild inyourarms(thismonth29yearsago).Theday youwalkyourdaughterdowntheaisle,(only3 monthsagoandwhatagloriousdayitwas).The dayyousetfootonAmericansoilforthefirst time(thismonth43yearsago).
Theyearsmayhaveflownby,butmygratit udehasn’t.Thosepro-founddays happened because youopened yourdoorsto a humble Ir ish im migrantwith a d ream, aworkvisaand $80 inhis pocket
UnderstandI’mnotcomplain-ingwhena contractorranoffwitha$2,500depositfora newroof.ThatgavemetheideatostartYankeeHome, a companywherepeoplewould n’t havetowor r y aboutthathappeningtothem Now 15years later,with84team members and
9,472satisfiedcustomers,themostamazing partofthejourneyisthatwehavebecomea multi-generationalcompany.Morethanhalfthe compa-nyemploysfamilymembersandfriends, includingmydaughterMollywhohelpsrunthe shownowthatIamsemi-retired.
Thankyouforhavinginspira-tionalindividualslikeOfficerJimBarrett,BobCharland andRuthWillemaincrossmypath.Towitness thesesamazingselflesscitizens,goaboveand beyondtoservetheircommunitiesisawe-inspiring.JimadvocatingforHartford’shomelesspopulation,“BobtheBikeGuy”sending bikesaroundtheworldforunderprivilegedand specialneedschildren.Ruthwhohadadream tobuildahomewhereterminallyillpeople couldliveoutthelastfewdaysoftheirlives withdignity.Ourteamhelpedmakeherdream areali-ty.IwasluckyenoughtopresentRuth withanAARPcitizenoftheyearawardbefore shepassed.Iknowsheislookingdownproud ofallthevolunteersthatmadeherdreamcome trueastheone-of-a-kindHarmonyHousewill openthisfall.
Iknowyouarenotperfect;nocountryis.This yearIwatchedasanotherwell-knownlocal contractorwentoutofbusinesstakingplentyof hard-earneddepositswiththem.ENOUGHIS ENOUGH.Idecidedtodosomethingaboutit.If anyonegoogleshowmanycontractorsmakeitto the10-yearmark,theywilldiscoverit’sonly4%. Itpainsmetoseepeoplegettingtakenadvantage ofoverandover.IcreatedaFREEwebsitecalled askGer.comtoem-powerAmericanstoaskthe rightquestionsbeforeanyworkstarts.Iknow whatit’sliketoloseadepositandIwanttodo everythingIcantomakesureitdoesn’thappen again.Nowpeoplehaveanexactblueprinton howtohireANYONEforANY-THING,so folkscangetthejobtheydeservefromthe4%of contractorsthatstickaround.BOOM.
G Ronan
Wednesday free of charge! The Shopper’s Guide weekly edition is direct mailed to 18,000 readers in the tri-state area. Available at 60+ locations. Read us online, too! www.shoppersguideinc.com
(518) 325-1423
ScottWodecki (413)528-3344
175PixleyRd. GreatBarrington,MA01230
CommunityCatProgram Trap/Neuter/Return 413-447-7878x143 214BarkerRd.,Pittsfield,MA www.berkshirehumane.org
Tovolunteer,donateor reportferalcatspleasecall 413-447-7878x143 facebook.com/ BerkshireAnimalDreams/ www.instagram.com/ communitycatberkshirehumane/
Find Your New Best Friend
2008 NISSAN ALTIMA. 142,000 miles, great mpg, always garaged, well maintained. Just serviced and inspected, very clean grey cloth interior. $4,900 obo. 413-743-7757.
2009 DODGE RAM 2500
Mega cab, 6" lift, 37" tires.
$30k invested, too much to list. $19k obo. Call/text Al 518-428-2618, Housatonic.
FOR SALE: 1995 Toyota Celica convertible. White/ black top, 15,0000 miles. $17,500. Call 518 325-5252.
SIDE BY SIDE! Kawasaki
TERYX-4 with only 450 miles.
4 seater, 4WD. Call or text text Al at 518-428-2618, Housatonic.
TIRES: 4 New 195x50x15, $175.Call 413-258-2847.
IF YOU WANT TO FEEL THE wind in your face and you like taking sharp curves while pretending you are driving in Sussex County, England then this is the car for you. Why pretend any further, after all, Berkshire county will fit quite nicely in that dream. This is a 1953 M.G. td. with only 67 k miles on the odometer, in mostly all original condition. People look at this car as it buzzes by. It turns heads. The sound is spectacular. Get some goggles and put the windshield down and call yourself Barney Oldfield. Everyone in this crazy world needs to fantasize now and then just to stay sane. Valued at $22k my price is $19,500.00. 413-229-2510. tapart70@gmail.com
FOR SALE: 2018 Ford EcoSport SUV, 4wd, 44,000 miles, 5 years old but like new. Asking $23,000. (413)-243-2076, Tyringham.
ALLTYPESOFSERVICE c ompanion’s c ompanion
BLACK SQUIRRELS mmunted on wall hanging wood plaques. Excellent condition, $275.00 each. 512-660-2733.
HAIR OF THE DOG Pet Grooming is here to help you get your pet ready for the hot weather ahead. Appointments available Monday through Friday. 413-243-0100.
From cats and dogs to small mammals and birds, Berkshire Humane Society is the place in Berkshire County to adopt your next companion animal.
At Berkshire Humane Society, our adoption counselors love to be match makers and adoption center, in Great Barrington. Berkshire Humane Society
413-447-7878 • berkshirehumane.org
ORTHOFLEX WESTERN saddle. 16". Fittings. Pads. Stand. Cover. Silver trim. $650. 413-684-2227 evenings.
RESCUE KITTENS! Adorable! To adopt please call 518-303-2910. Ancramdale, NY
Lost & Found and Free pet ads are no charge for 20 words and can be placed for 2 weeks. Place your ad online at shoppersguideinc.com or stop by the office at 271 Main St., Suite 4, Gt. Barrington.
Susan&GeorgeClark,ABCDT 88CountyRte.21•Hillsdale,NY12529 518.764.1320