Shopper's Guide 08-21-2024

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Adsneedingcustomerapproval(AD PROOF) mustbesubmittedby11am,Wednesday, August28.ProofApprovalsmustbereceived by10am,Friday,August30orthead willbepublishedasis.

MichaelTyler 55HuldahsLane,AshleyFalls,MA01222 413.717.2494


24 FT EXTENSION aluminum ladder. Pick up in Otis. Good condition. Asking $75. 413-531-0881.

6-7 CORDS OF Log Length mixed hardwood, 18-30 inch diameter for $350. Larger Diameter logs, 30-50 inch diameter, for $250. 413-229-8565.

BOGO 1/2 PRICE SALE! Buy any Miele or Sebo vacuum cleaner and get our best selling IDEALair purifier at half price. Reg. $649, on sale $324.50. Covers 800 sq ft. Keep your indoor air clean with healthy air purifiers by IDEAL. Made in Germany. 3 year warranty. Kent's Vacuum Center, 2 Stillwell St., GB. 413-528-0690. Supplies limited.

CUSHIONS CUSHIONS. The Upholstery Shop makes cushions and cushion covers, slipcovers, and reupholstery on furniture. 413-243-6188. FOR

DISCOVER YOUR ROOTS. Need help building your family tree? Experienced family history researcher, based in Lenox, can help you knock down those brick walls and find answers to your long asked questions. Reasonable and flexible rates. Free consultation. Member NGS, NEHGS, NYG&BS, and BFHA. Call Robert at 914-260-2120.

FOR SALE: Golf Carts. Hillbilly Scout /battery & charger, excellent. $300. Bat Caddy/battery & charger, very good. $150. Sun Mountain, pushcart, very good. $75. Call 201-321-1325.

SALE: Bike rack. Thule Raceway Pro 2. Excellent condition. $150. Call 201321-1325.

COME MEET THE NEW addition to the Kent's Vacuum Center family! We are proud to introduce the new line of valued priced vacuums. Kent's is now the distributor of Simplicity vacuum cleaners. Simplicity is a full-line vacuum cleaning company featuring hand-held, compact, bagless, mid-size and full size cleaning equipment. Come in and see the new line featured special Simplicity S65P premium cordless, multi-use

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. Lawn care, spring/fall cleanups, brush clearing/removal, general landscaping. Free estimates. Fully insured. Busch Property Management, LLC. 413-854-1943.

FOR SALE: Contents of home including dresser, rugs, lamps, art, chairs, grand father clock, vintage wicker bar and computer desk, dollhouse, rattan dining set, 3 piece cement fountain and more. 413-446-7529 for details.

IS FOOD A PROBLEM for you? Try Overeaters Anonymous. For information on phone, online, and virtual meetings, go to

KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.

CAREGIVERS. Experienced married couple. Hire together or separately. Highly reliable. Call Chrissie: 413-854-3968.

Local Advertising for Local Businesses

When it comes to marketing your business to local consumers, nobody does it better than your tri-state community paper.

KITCHENAID gas 30" stainless range. Model KS66700ESS. Bought new January 2024. No longer can use gas after lightning strike. $750. 860-916-0759.

PEWTER CHANDELIER for Dining room or kitchen. 6 glass sconces and 22" in diameter. Excellent condition & photo available. Pick up Otis. Ask $50. 413-531-0881.


SALE. $700. Purebred. Reputable breeder. Registered. Saratoga. 518-596-8781,

RARELY USED Electrolux.

Mint condition. Includes manual and a case of bags. $300 or best offer. 413-243-4975.

HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday. Check your mailbox.

How Can We Help Your Business

Find out with a Multi-Media Sales Consultation!

Call (413) 528-0095 or email to set up an appointment with a member of our sales team.

Doesnotendorse productsorservices advertisednordoes itinvestigatewhether servicestobeprovided requirespeciallicensing orinsurance.Consumers wouldbewisetoinvestigateserviceproviders.

271MainStreet GreatBarrington,MA01230



OfficeHours: MondaythruFriday 8:30amto4:30pm

SEEKING IN-HOME caregiver position in south county. Day or night. Experienced, skilled, personable. Call Danny: 413-528-4600.

SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730.

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30-pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.


Freshproduce,meat,eggs,preparedfoods, bakedgoods,maplesyrup,flowers,artisangoods &more+livemusic.Rainorshine! wedoublesnap SeeyouontheFoundryGreen!

VillagesoftheBerkshires coordinatesvolunteerhelp tosupportaging-in-place usinganeighborhelping-neighbormodel. Servicesinclude householdtasks,errands, basictechhelpandmore.

VillagesoftheBerkshires (413) 409-6400



Studentsareassignedtoabusbasedontheirresidential address.Allwindowswillbepartiallyopenedbeforethe startoftherouteandwillremainopenregardlessof weather.Studentsshouldnottouchthewindows.

ACCORDINGtotheDirectorofVehicleSafetyand ComplianceoftheRegistryofMotorVehicles,students shouldNOTcarryanythingonthebustheycannothold intheirlap.FOREXAMPLE:Skateboards,Suitcases, LargeInstrumentsandAthleticEquipment,willnotbe allowedonthebuses.

Pleasetakethetimetoreviewthebussafetyruleswith yourchildren.Studentbehaviorthatdistractsthedriver willbereportedtoschooladministration.

CooperatewiththeDriver–RemainSeated–Feeton Floor–FacingForward-TalkQuietly–BeConsiderate andRespectfulofOthers-RespectProperty–NoEating orDrinking–NoGum–KeepBusClean-PutYourTrash inTrashCan


SB1- StartatPriceChopperPlazaat7:35a.m.ProceedSouth onRoute7makingstopsatHillsideAve,Walgreens,Chamber ofCommercebuildingandBigY,910MainSt.South(Windrush Apts.)onRoute7toBerkshireSchoolRoadandschool.

SB2- StartinNorthEgremontonBoiceRoadat7:20a.m.turn ontoGreenRiverRoadtoCrookedHillRoadandreturntoRoute 71.FollowProspectLakeRdtoLakesideDriveturnaround.Turn rightontoRoute71toCreameryRoad.MergeontoRoute23travel thruthecenterofSouthEgremonttoRoute41southtoBerkshire SchoolRoadandschool.

SB3- StartatMountWashingtonTownGarageat7:18a.m. proceeddowntheMountaintoJugEndRoadtoBluntRoadto Route23.ContinuetoBaldwinHillEastandWestturnaround. FollowRoute23thruSouthEgremonttoSheffield/Egremont RoadtoRoute7South.TakeBerkshireSchoolRoadtoschool.

SB4- Startat7:25a.m.atGlenannaWayandRoute41.Proceed northtoBerkshireSchool.ReturntoRoute41southtoBerkshire SchoolRoad.TurnontoGibersonRoadtoBowWowRoad,Miller AveandturnaroundatTownPark.ProceedtoBearsDento BerkshireSchoolRoadandschool.

SB5- Startat7:30a.m.attheSheffieldlineonHomesRd.Proceed toCrossRoadandCountyRoad.TurnrightontoBoardman StreettoKelloggRoad.CrossRoute7toLimeKilnRoadandturn aroundatWestRoad.ReturntoRoute7SouthtoBerkshire SchoolRoad.

SB6- Startat7:20a.m.ShunpikeRoadtoHewinsStreettoHulett HillRoadturnaround.TurnleftontoPolikoffRoad,toBunceRoad toEastStahlRoad.TurnnorthontoRoute7toBerkshireSchool Roadandschool.

SB7- Startat7:20a.m.atCanaanSouthfieldRoadtoLumbert CrossRoadtoNorfolkRoad.FollowNorfolkRoadthruthecenter ofSouthfield.TurnleftontoMillRiverSouthfieldRoadand continuetothecenterofMillRiverandtheNMCschool.Turn ontoHayesHill,BrewerHilltoSissonHillturnaround.Continue toHulettHill.TurnrightontoHewinsStreettoCountyRoadand Route7.TurnrightontoBerkshireSchoolRoadandschool.

SB8- Startat7:00a.m.atTyringhamRoadturnaroundatArt SchoolRoad.MakeallstopsonRoute23toRoute57(Pixley Rd.)FollowRoute57tothecenterofHartsvilleturnrightonto HartsvilleMillRiverRoad,AdsitCrosbyRoadtoMillRiverGreat BarringtonRoad.TurnontoMillRiverSheffieldRoad(County Rd)toRoute7.FollowRoute7southtoBerkshireSchoolRoad andschool.

SB9- Startat7:20a.m.attheIdleHourRoad.FollowNew MarlboroSandisfieldRoadtoRoute183.ContinuetoAdsit CrosbyRoadtoMillRiverGreatBarringtonRoad.Proceedto CountyRoadtoRoute7toBerkshireSchoolRoadandschool.

SB10- Startat7:20a.m.atClaytonMillRiverRoadandRood Lane.ProceedtoKonkapotRoadtoCanaanSouthfieldRoad returntoClaytonMillRiverRoad.FollowAlumHilltoHewins StreetcrossRoute7toWestStahlRoad.FollowRoute7ANorth toRoute7NorthtoBerkshireSchoolRoadandschool.

SB11- Startat7:20a.m.onClaytonRoadtoPolikoffRoad. ProceedtoCanaan/ClaytonRoadtoRoute7North.Turnonto ClaytonRoadtoEastManiStandWestStahlRoad.Proceedto RannapoRoadviaRoute7A.FollowRoute7NorthtoBerkshire SchoolRoadandschool.

SB12- Startat7:25a.m.atSilverStreetandRoute7.Follow SilverStreettoLegeytRoadturnrightontoBarnumStreetto SalisburyRoad.ContinueonSalisburyRoadtoFoleyRoadand turnaround.ReturntoSalisburyRoadtoRootLaneandCobble Road.ReturntoSalisburyRoadturnleftontoBerkshireSchool Roadtoschool.

SB13- Startat7:20a.m.onCanaanValleyRoadtoSouthfield Store,NorfolkRoadtoSouthSandisfieldRoadtoIdleHourRdto MillRiverSouthfieldRoadproceedtoNMCschool.

SB14- Startat7:30a.m.onCanaanValleyRoadtoClaytonMill RiverRoadtoAlumHillandShunpike.ReturntoClayton MillRiverRoadtoBrewerHilltofurthestpoint.Returnto ClaytonMillRivercontinuetoMillRiverandNMCschool.

SB15- Startingat7:20a.m.atRhoadesandBaileythento NorfolkRdproceedtoCanaanValleyRdtoLeffingwellRoad. TurnontoCanaanSouthfieldRoad.ContinuetoClaytonRoad turnontoRoute7NorthtoBerkshireSchoolRoad.

SB16- Thisroutestartsat7:30a.m.onTyringhamRoadturn aroundatMtHunger.ReturnonRoute23TownParktomeet shuttlevan.ReturntoRoute23toRoute57.ProceedtoMillRiver GreatBarringtonRoadtoNMCschool.

SB17- Montereyfeedervan.Thisvanservesasafeederrun forUMEandMtEverettstudentsandtransferstoSB8at7:15 a.m.attheMontereyTownHall.Itthencontinuesasafeeder routeforNMCandmeetsSB16attheMontereyTownHallat approximately7:30a.m.ThisroutecoversChestnutHill,Cronk Road,SandisfieldRoadandTyringhamRoad.

SB18- ThisrouteisafeederrouteforAlford.ItcoversEast Road,WestRoadandthecenterofAlfordthencontinuesto school.

WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit

THURSDAY 8/29 11AM is our EARLY DEADLINE for the Sept 4th edition. We will be closed on Mon, Sept 2.

TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.

“Curated,EclecticFashionatAffordablePrices” 325StockbridgeRoad,GreatBarrington,MA 51ChurchStreet,Lenox,MA SummerClearanceSale SAVE50%OFF yourentirepurchase*


*someexclusionsapply We’re NOWACCEPTINGDONATIONS of pre-loved,designer FALL&WINTERCLOTHING!


TheTownofOtiswillreceivebidsforMassDOT approvedapplicationsforthe FullDepthReclamation &ResurfacingofaSectionofAlgerie&LeeWestfield Roads until2:00PMonTuesday,September10,2024. Bidsaretobesubmittedinsealedenvelopesplainly marked:INVITATIONTOBID–2025-01OHDROAD PAVINGtotheBoardofSelectmen’sOffice,OtisTown Hall,1NorthMainRoad,P.O.Box237,Otis,MA01253 onorbeforetheabovedateandtime.Thebidswillbe publiclyopenedandreadaloudonTuesday,September 10,2024at2:00PM.Bidpricesshallincludealllabor, equipmentandmaterialforacompleteinplaceproduct atAlgerie&LeeWestfieldRoads.Bidpricesaretobe basedonFDRwithcalcium,applicationofHMABinder& Topmix,TackcoatinbetweenHMAcoursesandshoulder widening.Completebidpacketcanberequestedby emailing prequalificationofcontractorswiththeclassofworkas, Pavement-Surfacing,fortheprojectwithanestimated valueof$686,374.50willberequired.Projecttobe completedpercurrentMassDOTspecifications.Project istobebidasonepackage.Prevailingwageapplies asperM.G.L.Chapter149,Section26to27Fanda wagescheduleisincludedinthespecifications.A100% performancebondisrequiredofsuccessfulbidder,5% bondrequiredwithbid.

VERMONT CASTINGS Propane Stove. Cream color with remote and piping. Please text 845-656-8159 for photos. $1100.00.

YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call (413)-528-8227, email us at or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.

$20! GALVANIZED TUB. New condition, 24" dia. Great for planter, wash the dog, etc. 413-528-0263.

GT. BARRINGTON Bicentennial book. 1761-1961. Excellent condition. $50. 413-528-0263.

WANT TO KNOW MORE about our Digital Advertising Package? For more information call Cheryl at the Shopper’s Guide today. (413)-528-0095.


TheTownofOtiswillreceivebidsforMassDOT approvedapplicationsforthe Culvert/Headwall ReplacementonAlgerieRoad until1:00PMon Tuesday,September10,2024.Bidsaretobesubmitted insealedenvelopesplainlymarked:INVITATION TOBID–2025-02OHDCulvertReplacementtothe BoardofSelectmen’sOffice,OtisTownHall,1 NorthMainRoad,P.O.Box237,Otis,MA01253on orbeforetheabovedateandtime.Thebidswill bepubliclyopenedandreadaloudonTuesday, September10,2024at1:00PM.Completebidpacket canberequestedbyemailing townadmin@townof estimatedvalueof$50,000.Projecttobecompleted percurrentMassDOTspecifications.Projectistobe bidasonepackage.Prevailingwageappliesasper M.G.L.Chapter149,Section26to27Fandawage scheduleisincludedinthespecifications.A100% performancebondisrequiredofsuccessfulbidder, 5%depositrequiredwithbid.

CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. (413)-645-2332, Text or call.

COMPUTER SERVICES: Windows PC tune-ups, repairs, upgrades, Wi-Fi networking, tech support. (413) 528-1141 or https://

ECUAMEX SERVICES: Property management, painting-interior/ exterior, handyman, home improvement, home repairs, power washing, flooring installati on/refinishing, gutter cleaning, lawn mowing, land care and more. Residential, commercial, fully insured. 413-464-4423. You'll save money with u$$.

ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. (413)-429-7101.

EXPRESS HANDYMAN Services. Plumbing: install toilets, sinks, faucets, drain connections. Bathroom renovations. Kitchen: sinks, faucets, counter base, counter tops. Kitchen renovations. Windows, doors, ceramic tiles. Carpenterporch renovations, repairs, floors, drywall, paint. Electrical services. Small jobs welcome. 30 years experience, great references. Call Jose 860-795-3606 or send email to josehandyexpress

GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. (413)-429-7101. GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringto


Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate, (413)-429-7101.

GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! (413)-644-5164.

THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda (860)-671-0468.

HOUSE CLEANING! I'm now taking on new houses to clean and would love to hear from you. Weekly, biweekly, monthly cleaning available. Honest, reliable and insured call or text 413-329-1618 for a free estimate.

HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE: Apartment, house, office, Airbnb. Weekly, biweekly. Reliable, efficient, honest and kind. Excellent References. Call or text 860-491-6076.

INTERIOR, EXTERIOR painting: Handyman service, decks, staining, pressure washing, gutter cleaning. Fully insured. Free estimates. Jose Miranda (413)-212-2812. bZr7KAT7p4QQ4Vrk8

KIND, RELIABLE housekeeper. Vacation properties, large/small properties, Air BnBs. Weekly, bi-weekly. Also, deep cleaning restaurants and residential homes. Serving clients for many years. References available. Call 413-7170791.

NORBERT'S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call (413)-528-2221.

OVERWHELMED BY paperwork? Tired of holding for customer service reps? Can't get a ride to an appointment? Why not let me do the things that you haven't the time nor the heart to do yourself. Offload those chores and many others to me. I'm Happy to Help! Email me at or call me at 413-551-7313 or text me at 617-680-0640.

RESIDENTIAL, commercial cleaning service in Southern Berkshires, CT, Columbia County NY. Fully insured. Call/text 413-8543411. Email berkshireclean

TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver (413)-441-4893.

WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders (413)-429-7101.

THE SHOPPER’S GUIDE has everything you need for the season. Seeking work? Check the Help Wanted section. Looking to hire a landscaper? Check the Lawn & Garden pages. We have it all here at The Shopper’s Guide.

SALE! Buy any Miele or Sebo vacuum cleaner and get our best selling IDEALair purifier at half price. Reg. $649, on sale $324.50. Covers 800 sq ft. Keep

WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! We’ll handle all of your advertising needs! Call or email us today. The Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095.

Strengthen your business with advertising in the HEALTH & WELLNESS WEEKLY SECTION

Weekly Ad Deadline: Fridays at 11AM PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, IN PRINT & ONLINE 271 Main Street, Suite 4, Great Barrington, MA 413-528-0095

Judy Collins performs at Tanglewood on Friday, Aug. 30 at 7p.m. with Rufus Wainwright and the Indigo Girls as part of the Popular Artists Series. Read an interview about her love of the Berkshires and long career at



‘Reflective’ dance to close out Jacob’s Pillow season

The summer of outdoor dance performances at Jacob’s Pillow ends for the season with an appearance by the innovative ballet company, Dance Theatre of Harlem. This is the first time the groundbreaking company has been to the Pillow since 2019. There is much to celebrate. It’s the 55th anniversary of the Company and would have been the 90th birthday of Arthur Mitchell, the company’s founder.

New works are on the program, to be mixed with old favorites from the Company’s repertoire. The program includes Robert Garland’s “Higher Ground” (set to music by Stevie Wonder), Robert Bondara’s “Take Me With You” (set to music by Radiohead), George Balanchine’s “Allegro Brillante” (set to music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky), and William Forsythe’s “Blake Works IV (The Barre Project),” set to music by James Blake. Their appearance begins Wednesday, August 21 through Sunday, August 25.

We caught up with company dancer Micah Bullard, who will be performing during Dance Theatre of Harlem’s run. It’s his fourth season with the company. He’s never been to the Pillow, but in an interview, he said he took online classes offered by the Pillow during the pandemic and got to see a little of the beauty of the area.

dance theatre of harlem

Jacob’s Pillow, 358 George Carter Road, Becket Aug. 21-25

He says the venue in which dancers perform affect them “a lot more than audiences would expect.” Outdoor venues inspire him. “I get very reflective. I place my character in that environment.” He described that if he’s dancing with a forest behind him, for instance, and his character is running across the stage, he thinks of his character as running through the forest.

Bullard has also noticed that working outside “makes me dance more full out,” which he explains as striving to fill the larger space that nature affords in which to perform. He extends through his limbs and attempts to fit with the expansiveness of the natural world.

Bullard notes that Dance Theatre of Harlem’s founder, Arthur Mitchell’s “mantra” was that the company’s work and dancers “represent something greater than ourselves. Every time we do a movement it’s about representing a vision of the Company,” which Bullard says he fully realizes every time he is in front of an audience.

The Company performs a wide

range of repertory, but with new works, Bullard says he approaches them with an open mind and says that it usually isn’t until a new work’s premiere, when he’s in front of an audience, that it feels to him that a work has been transformed into a Dance Theatre of Harlem piece.

Along with the main event, the Pillow is presenting several onenight-only performances on their outdoor stage. On Wednesday, August 21, Christopher Unpezverde Núñez, a visually-impaired choreographer makes his debut with works entitled, “Yo Obsolete” and “The Circle, or Prophetic Dreamt.”

On Thursday, August 22, South Chicago Dance Theatre blends classical and contemporary styles. On Friday, August 23, DaEun Jung, a choreographer and dancer based in Los Angeles, will perform NORRI, a work inspired by Korean folk dance performed to an electronic score.

On Saturday, August 24, the festival concludes with a performance by Princess Lockerooo & The Fabulous Waack Dancers performing “The Big Show,” a work that journeys through the evolution of waacking alongside jazz, disco, soul, R&B, pop music and the blues.

For the one-night-only performances, ticket buyers may choose what they pay.

Ellen Spear can be reached at espear@ or 413-496-6227.

The Berkshire Eagle

In its ninth season, Berkshire Opera Festival will present Charles Gounod’s 1859 Mephistophelian tour-de-force “Faust,” which chronicles its title character’s deal with the devil for youth and love.

Tenor Duke Kim stars in the title role. He won the Met’s prestigious National Council auditions in 2021 and will make his debut there this season as Tamino in “The Magic Flute.” Soprano Raquel González, who recently sang at BOF’s annual gala, will play Marguerite, fresh off her own Met run in “Florencia en el Amazonas.”

Bass-baritone Justin Hopkins as Méphistophélès and baritone Jarrett Porter as Marguerite’s brother, Valentin, have performed in Europe of late, and both have sung at Glimmerglass in Cooperstown, N.Y. Porter is also an Opera Saratoga alumnus.

Tenor Kyle Dunn, singing Wagner, also has Saratoga experience, most recently in its world premiere of “mad scramble for crumbs” by inti figgis-vizueta. Mezzo-soprano Abbegael Greene, as Marthe Schwerlein, sang in BOF’s family concert in May and is a Bard College alumna.

The trouser role of Siébel, a boy harboring a youthful crush on Marguerite, will see a familiar face in mezzo-soprano Sun-Ly Pierce, who starred as Bertarido in Hudson Hall’s “Rodelinda” last year, and alongside superstar BOF alumnus Jonathan Tetelman in “La Rondine” at the Met.

Music by Charles Gounod, libretto by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, 14 Castle St., Great Barrington When: 1p.m. Aug. 24 and 7:30p.m. Aug. 27 and 30 Make


berkshireoperafestival faust

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100yearsofmovies amadeus (1984) frisep13at7pm

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EVERY SUNDAY: Worship Service 10:30. First Congregational Church UCC, 251 Main Street, Great Barrington. ONA

AUCTION AUCTION Auction: Stylish Lenox estate. www.T Saturday, SEPT.7 TH 11am-4pm Sheffield TownPark

MAUREEN O'FLYNN Voice Studio. Voice Lessons: classical, opera, musical theatre, American Songbook, pop. 1/2 hr or 1 hr lessons. Consults: "Tune-ups" for working pros, voice teachers, choral singers. 1 hr. Find your voice, for health, joy, empowerment. 413-441-2015. www.

PIANO FOR ADULTS: specializing in adult students, my home or yours. Call Deborah Harris, (413)-528-9027.

OffRoute7& MillerAvenue

August 24






EricFonerandKerriGreenidge EricFoner,oneofthecountry’smostprominent historiansoftheCivilWarandReconstruction, willbejoinedbyacclaimedauthorand finalistfortheNationalBookCircleAward KerriGreenidge,todiscussherlatestbook AliceKessler-Harriswillmoderate.

Tickets:NMMeetingHouse.org413.229.5045 Rte183/57onthegreen,NewMarlborough

SoCo DISC GOLF CLUB invites you to The Rocks at Sheffield Town Park on Saturdays from 11am-3pm starting Aug. 24. Free lessons with discs (frisbees) provided. Fun for all! All are welcome. Contact Andy Brooks 860-626-3234 for more details. Let's throw!

VENDORS WANTED: St Mary's School Holiday Bazaar, November 24, 2024. 115 Orchard St, Lee MA Please contact for info and a registration forms. msbazaar1 413-243-1079.


A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit

Saturday,Aug17,2024-4-6pm Hours:Thelast3Saturdays&SundaysinAugust. 11-4pmorbyappointment 292MainStreet,3rdFloor GreatBarrington,MA 646-853-0462 WE’RE THE ONE FOR ALL! Whether you’re a Real Estate Agency, a Salon, a Restaurant, a New Business, or anything in between, we have the coverage you need with prices you can afford! Find out more at www. or give us a call at (413)-528-0095.

small town. BIG FUN.

ForsixdaysoverLaborDay weekend,thesmalltownof ChathamgetsBIG.

TheColumbiaCountyFairopensitsgates August28withmidwayridesandgames, demolition derbies,livestockshows, deliciousfood,exhibits,contests,magic, monstertractorpull,rodeoandmany musicalguests.ThisyearontheMain Stage countrystarSammyKershaw performsonSeptember1. Nowthat’salottabigfun, foronesmalltown.

Havinga tagsale?


Beforeyougiveawayanythingofvalue,itmaybe worthyourtimetobringallyourjewelryandletus professionallyinspectit .Ifsomeofitisreal,wewill makeyouafairoffer,andimmediatepayment. Thereisabsolutelynochargeforthisservice.

Wealsopurchasesilverandgoldbullion, sterlingflatware,certifiedcoins,coincollections, goldandsilverscrap,andUSpapermoney.

BerkshireHillsCoins&EstateJewelry 222ElmStreet,Pittsfield•(413)499-1400


FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing.


9:00-3:30-CommunityBarnSale, Tag Sale,Antiques, Crafts,Books CommunityBarnSaleContinueson Sunday,September1-9:00-3:30 Museumopenbothdays9:00-3:00

ANTIQUES WANTED: berkshirepicker buying furniture, workbenches, folk art, advertising, weathervanes, garden items, stoneware crocks, toys, baskets, and more. Fair and friendly. Mike (413)-717-2561.

FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. Shaker, taping, and veneer

antiques, collectibles, linens, blankets and some new items. There is also jewelry, and many books. Come and browse at 16 Green River Road and find a treasure. Rain cancels.

much to list.

MASSIVE NON-FUNCTION book and framed art collection liquidation at Kolburne School Admin Bldg. Aug. 24-25 and Aug 31-Sept 1 from 9:00am-3:00pm. Follow signs at 343 New Marlborough Southfield Rd (off Rt.57 in New Marlborough). Vintage clothing, high-end collectibles, 19C Swedish country furniture, 1,500 silk ties and much more. Cross reference with photos in Great Barrington FB Marketplace after August 15. Serious pickers, don't miss it!


29 Woodruff Rd West Stockbridge, MA Fri 8/23 and Sat. 8/24 9am to 4pm. Tools, signs, old lanterns, antiques, and much more.


Aug. 24, 8-2 pm, Raindate Aug. 25. South Canaan Meetinghouse, 12 Rte. 63, Falls Village, CT. Vendors Wanted! $25 for 12 x 12 space. Antiques, books, tag sale items, something for everyone. Bake sale and light refreshments. Sponsored by the Falls Village-Canaan Historical Society. Call 860824-5607 for more info or to reserve a vendor spot.

TAG SALE: 131 Appleton Ave, Pittsfield. Sat, August 24 9-4, Sun, August 25 9-1. Oriental rugs, Mexican and other tiles, many tools, framed art, some furniture.

TAG SALE: Aug 23-26, 34 Sheffield Rd., So. Egremont, 9-4. Tools, farm items, antqiues, Granny's china and glassware, pony carts, anvil, lumber, yarn, Llama fleece, rugs.

TAG SALE: Aug 24, 9 to 4. Four 600-19 Lester tires, Maytag washer, gas eng, Hoosier kitchen cabinet, trunks, and much more. 11 East ST., Gt Barrington MA.

THURSDAY 8/29 11AM is our EARLY DEADLINE for the Sept 4th edition. We will be closed on Mon, Sept 2.


HUGE BARN SALE, 401 Hulett Hill, Sheffield, MA 8/22, 8/23, 8/24 9AM to 3PM. Tools, dishes, furniture, too


MountEverettSanitation,alocalBerkshires company,iscelebrating50yearsinbusiness andislookingtoexpandtheiralready growingworkforcebyaddingHeavyEquipment Operators(min.$28/hr),CommercialTruck Drivers(min.$24/hr),Laborers.







420StockbridgeRd, GreatBarrington,MA 413-528-7786

$30 PER HOUR for a cheerful, hardworking carpenter's helper. Part time, very flexible hours. 413-504-3663.

COOKS, DISHWASHERS , and food service workers wanted. Lakeville, CT. Email:

Learnaboutavailable opportunitiestoday. Call413.528.3364 askforKoreyorTravis


BerkshireSchoolhasafull-timeopeningforan EquipmentRoomManagerinourathleticfacility. Thispositionrequiressomeheavylifting,initiative, organization,andtheabilitytoworkinahighschool setting.Saturdayhoursarerequired,andholiday hoursaremandatory.Thisyear-roundpositionhas excellentbenefits.Interestedpartiesshouldcontact CherylGeerholdat; 413-229-1201.


GARDENING ASSISTANT wanted 3 days per week thru Nov for fine gardens in Sheffield & Copake. Small ecological company. Sincere interest, conscientious, detailed, dependable, physically able, own car. Voicemail 860-601-1751.


HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., (413)-441-3320.

Mechanic: Maintaintownvehicles/equipment.Requires2yearsofdieseltruckrepairor relatedschooling,CDL,andHoistingEngineer License(orabilitytoobtainwithin120days). Pay:$31.47/hrafter120-daytrial.

Laborer/TruckDriver: Maintainroadways, bridges,andgrounds.Musthaveahighschool diploma,cleanCDLrecordwithairbrake andtankerendorsements.Pay:$27.38/hrafter 120-dayprobation.

BUSHNELL-SAGE LIBRARY in Sheffield is looking for a friendly, customer serviceoriented person to join our team as part-time circulation clerk (11.5 hrs/wk). Shifts are Wed 1-5pm, Fri 3-7pm and Sun 1:30-5pm; ability to cover shifts as needed a plus. Qualifications: detail-oriented; computer literate; able to stand, bend, kneel; able to lift/push library materials and equipment up to 35 pounds. Knowledge of Evergreen or previous library experience a plus. Starting pay $17.50/hr. Applications available in the library at 48 Main St. or online at Please mail completed application to the library or email bushnellsagedirector@

CAREGIVER IS NEEDED. 5 Days in a week, 5 hours/day. Salary is $30/hr. Do you have a caring heart, love to help others, you're dependable, and want to make a difference in the life of my mother? For more details. Send an Email to Peter peiterkarpp

DUE TO OUR CONTINUED growth, Wheeler & Taylor, Inc. seeks an energetic and detailed oriented person to join our team as Account Processor and Receptionist. In this entry level position, you will support agency personnel by answering phones, opening mail, verifying insurance renewals and change activities on various insurance products. You will identify and correct errors and scan relevant documents into our agency management system. This is a great opportunity to start building a rewarding career. We offer an excellent benefit package and above average compensation. If interested please contact Tom Blauvelt on 413-528-1004 or email at: tblauvelt@

HELP WANTED for home renovations. Will train. (413)-429-7101.

SHEFFIELD POTTERY is looking for a full time worker in our ceramic supply business. We have an openings in the clay production department. You will be trained to run industrial equipment such as mixers, extruders and forklifts. Good record keeping skills and some lifting is required. We offer competitive salary and full benefits, Holidays, Vacation, Sick time, Health Insurance and a Monday thru Friday schedule with great hours year round. We have been in business for over 75 years and we are still growing. Please contact John Benedict at jbenedict to request an application to join our team.

LOGGER WANTED: Must be capable of working independently and have experience with log skidders. Work primarily in South Berkshire. Call 413-329-3906.




Fire/EMTAdminisadualrolememberofthe departmenthavingbothemergencymedicalcare responsibilitiesandadministrativeduties.Positionis part-time,non-benefited:Sun,Mon,Tues10am-4pm. Days/hourssubjecttochange.

TheEMTportionofthispositionistechnicalin nature,andrequirestheabilitytointeractwiththe public,assessandtreatmedicalemergencies,follow treatmentprotocols,andproperlydocumentfindings andeventsonmedicalrecords.Admindutiesinclude, butarenotlimitedto,submittingallFire/Ambulance reportstotheState,allvendorwarrants/invoicesto theTownAccountant,andmonthlycalllogstothe TownManager.

Requirementsinclude,HighSchoolgraduateorGED, CORIbackground,motorvehicledriver’slicense, MassachusettsDPH/OEMSEMTcertification,BLS/EMT card,andCPRcard.

Pleasesubmitresumeandletterofinterestto filled.TheTownofSandisfieldisanEEOemployer.

PK-6thgradeforthis3-day-per-week position. Theabilitytoplaypianoaccompaniment whileleadingthechorusisnecessary. ApplicantsmustbeMA-certifiedinGeneral Music.


Thescheduleisasplit-shiftof7-9amand/or 2-4pm(fewerhoursduringthesummer) TheDistrictwillhelpyouwith7Dlicensing requirements. Therateisdependentonexperience.





atTheHotchkissSchool nLakeville,CT

Wearecurrentlylookingforeveningshiftsonly: Dishwashers FoodServiceWorkers LineCooks

Full& Par


I NTERESTED ? CallBecky860-435-3238 ToryHillLLCisanEEO/AA/Minority/Female/Disability/VeteranEmployer


TheTownofOtisisseekingqualifiedapplicantsfor theparttimepositionofCouncilonAgingDirector. Fulljobdescriptionandapplicationavailableat validmotorvehicleoperator’slicenseandmust passaCORIcheck.Hoursare16hoursaweekand includeMondaysandWednesdaymorningswhen theSeniorRoomisopen.Compensationis$22.00 perhour.Otisisanequalopportunityemployer. InterestedapplicantsshouldsubmitaCover Letter&TownofOtisEmploymentApplicationto: BrandiPage,TownAdministrator,at townadmin@



BerkshireSchoolhasanopeningforanindividual toperformroutineseasonaloutsidemaintenanceand groundswork,andeventset-upsandbreakdowns. Thispositionrequiresheavyliftingandtheability toworkasaneffectivememberofateam.Some weekendandholidayhoursaremandatory.Thisisa full-time,yearroundpositionwithexcellentbenefits. InterestedpartiesshouldcontactGabeStarczewski,,413-229-1211.


Pleaseemailresumeand/orcoverletterto: greatbarringtonvfw@gmail.comor calltheManagerat4135289701

THETOWNOFSALISBURY AssistanttotheWPCASuperintendent

TheTownofSalisburyisseekingapplicantsforanAssistanttothe WPCASuperintendent.Thisisafull-time(40-hrs)position.ACT ClassIWastewatertreatmentlicenseispreferred,butwillconsider trainingtherightcandidate.Dutiesincludeday-to-daymonitoring andoperationofourwastewatertreatmentplant,pumpstations andcollectionnetwork.Pleaseemailcoverletterandresumeto orbymailto:TownofSalisburyWPCA, Attn:HiringCommittee,POBox548,Salisbury,CT06068by August 30th,2024.Formoreinformation,pleasecall860-435-5170. TheTownofSalisburyisanEqualOpportunityEmployer.


*DISABILITY:physicalormental.Qualifiedhandicappedpersonsareentitledtoreasonableaccommodations,unlessthataccommodationpresents anunduehardshiptotheemployer.AGE:(40and older)FederallawandMassachusettslawboth prohibitemployersfromdiscriminatingagainst theiremployeeswhoare40+yearsoldbased ontheirage.ARRESTRECORD:Itisillegalforan employertoaskcertainquestionsaboutajobapplicant'soremployee'scriminalrecord.TheCORI ReformActpreventsemployersfromseeking disclosureofjobapplicants'criminalrecordinformationpriortotheinterviewstageofthehiring process.GENDERIDENTITY:Itisillegalforanemployertopublishajobadvertisementthatshows apreferenceforordiscouragessomeonefrom applyingforajobbecauseofhis/herrace,color, religion,sex(includinggenderidentity,sexual orientation,andpregnancy),nationalorigin,age (40orolder),disabilityorgeneticinformation. Also,DiscriminationLawsrefertoArtinEmploymentadsaswellascopyie:nowhitemaleunder theageof40canbedepictedinanemployment adallbyhimself.



Currently looking for a Fulltime licensed electrician candidate. Should have a CT-E-2 and/or a Mass Electrician license. Candidate should be able to read schematic and blueprints. Be able to troubleshoot issues with electrical systems and repair. Experience in residential and generator wiring a plus. Valid driver's license required. Send resume to or call 860-435-9683.

WelcometoGouldFarm,wherecareersarebothdiverseanddeeplyfulilling!Joinadynamicteamdedicatedtohealing,recoveryandreimagining mentalhealthtreatment!Ourtight-knitcommunityismadeupofguests, staff,andtheirfamilieswhoshareacommongoalofhealingandhope. LocatedinthepicturesqueBerkshires,our700-acreworkingfarmoffersa beautifulandexpansiveoutdoorenvironmentthatisperfectforcandidates wholovetoconnectwithnature.Ifyou’relookingforacareerthatoffers auniqueblendofmeaningfulwork,communityspirit,andnaturalbeauty, looknofurtherthanGouldFarm.





Forfulldescriptions,moreinformationaboutGouldFarmandother opportunities,pleasevisit

Toapply,pleasesendacoverletter and resumetoMichaelJ.Covell,Human ResourcesDirectorat



LIBRARY DIRECTOR. The Trustees of the Otis Library seek applicants for a Library Director Position. The position pays $21-$25 per hour commensurate with experience. The Director can expect to work between 25-30 hours per week. An application packet is available by emailing or for pick up at the Otis Library at 48 North Main Road, Otis, MA (413) 269-0109. The application deadline is September 13, 2024. The Otis Library Board of Trustees is an equal opportunity employer.

HOUSEKEEPER for frequent but irregular cleaning and bed making, averaging at least 4 hours per week. Must have excellent references and be available in central Great Barrington all year. Se habla español. Email prudncegb

ROGER TRUCKING has positions available for NON CDL Drivers/Laborers. Contact 413-528-8128.

SEEKING CHILDCARE after school and/or weekends for our delightful, healthy 12 year old son with Down Syndrome. 10-15 hours a week. $20$25 an hour, depending on experience. Ability to drive a plus. Text 347-570-3022 if interested.

EMPLOYMENT Opportunities: Wyantenuck Country Club is seeking daytime lunch hour shifts for: Line Cooks/ Dishwashers. Want to work in a beautiful setting with a great team? Full and Part-Time Employment positions available immediately. Sign on bonus offered for line cook. Please email: brandon or stop by our club or call 413-528-0350.

WANT TO WORK WITH A great team? Positions Available: Waitstaff/Server for daytime lunch shifts. Please email: brandon@wyanten or call 413- 528-0350 or stop by Wyantenuck County Club.

THE NORTH EAST Community Center is looking for Part Time as well as Per Diem Assistants for our Early Learning Program. Up to 30 hours per week. Delivers programming to children ages 12-48 months in support of the daily planning of the Youth Program Management staff and ELP Lead Teacher. Email resume and/or questions to Full position descriptions available at

FOR HIRE: Well established Help Wanted section connecting readers with employers for over half a century! The Shopper’s Guide, serving the tri-state area every week. (413)-528-0095.

TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. (413)-822-0985.

HAVE YOU GONE DIGITAL with your advertising? We can help with that, too! For more about digital advertising call Cheryl at the Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095.

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.


SALE: 2002

FOR SALE: BMW 325i sedan. Very good condition, well maintained. Only 120k miles. Great car. Blue. $4,500. 413-528-6492.

FOR SALE: 2007 Cam Superline dump trailer, 4000 lbs. Good condition. $6,250. Call 413-344-3543.

FOR SALE: 2009 Pontiac G-6. 104,000 miles. Maintained. $4000. 413-429-5128.

INDUSTRIAL ART. Custom steel work bench. Snap-On, lights, one of one. Artist sale $12K. Andy, Hillsdale NY


HAY FOR SALE: Round hay bales. Stored inside. No waste. $45. Square bales $6. 413-446-2446.

RESCUE KITTENS! Rescue kittens! Rescue kittens! We have many adorable, happy, healthy babies! To adopt please call 518-303-2910. Ancramdale, NY

BLACK KITTENS! Please consider adopting a black kitten. It is a bumper crop this year! Thank you! 518303-2910 Ancramdale, NY

HAY FOR SALE: Round hay bales. Stored inside. No waste. $45. 413-446-2446.

all donationsgodirectlyforthecareoftheanimals.

CONNECT – It’s what we do! In print and online.

BerkshireHumaneSociety CommunityCatProgram Trap/Neuter/Return 413-447-7878x143


WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? Lost & Found and Free pet ads are no charge for 20 words and can be placed for 2 weeks. Place your ad online at

Tovolunteer,donateor reportferalcatspleasecall 413-447-7878x143 BerkshireAnimalDreams/ communitycatberkshirehumane/

Another Day In

The event will feature adoptable cats sheltered at Purradise and adoptable dogs brought in for the day from the Dr. John Reynolds Adoption and Education Center (main shelter) in Pittsfield. Pet owners needing assistance in feeding their dog or cats will have the opportunity to sign

KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating, and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.




Unique. Artist sale. $7,500. Andy, Hillsdale NY


ScottWodecki (413)528-3344

30yearsexperience 175PixleyRd. GreatBarrington,MA01230

ARTISTIC TILE installations. Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years experience. (413)-229-0260.

DAVID ALLARD- Designer, Builder, Contractor. Licensed, Insured, Responsive. (413)504-3663.

EXPRESS HANDYMAN Services. Plumbing: install toilets, sinks, faucets, drain connections. Bathroom renovations. Kitchen: sinks, faucets, counter base, counter tops. Kitchen renovations. Windows, doors, ceramic tiles. Carpenter- porch renovations, repairs, floors, drywall, paint. Electrical services. Small jobs welcome. 30 years experience, great references. Call Jose 860-795-3606 or send email to josehandy

SKILLED, RELIABLE, friendly local handyman available now. Let me improve your life by fixing all those problems in your home. I specialize in installing safety features for seniors, siding, windows, vanities, weatherproofing, and caulking. I can power wash decks and driveways. I can organize closets, garage or any place in your home that's cluttered, plus hang art. No job too small. Call or text Adrian at 203-559-5303 for a free consultation today.

WINDOW AND DOOR repair, refitting, weather-stripping, problem solving, door installation. 413-854-1048. CSFA059711HIC 183099. Wayne Olivieri Carpentry.

Drivewaysbuiltandrepaired Sand•Stone•GravelandTopsoil Subdivisions•Sewage&SepticSystems

PROFESSIONAL PAINTER with 25+ year experience looking for small/medium size projects for nights and weekends. I also hang and tape drywall, and wallpaper. 413-854-7516.

THOMSON ROOFING LLC. Strong, durable metal roofs that last. Call us today for a free quote! 413-854-3663




Mowing, cleanups, tree-work, gardens, mulching, power washing, gutter clean outs. Insured. Free estimates. Professional work at reasonable rates. Owens Services, 518-521-7787 or oliver

WINDOW and DOOR restoration, repair, refitting, weather stripping, new fabrication of old style windows, storm sash and doors. 413-8541048. HIC18309. CSFA059711. Wayne Olivieri Carpentry.

305StockbridgeRoad,Suite2,Gt.Barrington,MA01230 Phone:413-644-8988

CamelMoving&Storageisafull-service,owner-operated, referral-basedmovingcompanywith30yearsofexperience. CentrallylocatedinBerkshireCounty,weprovideboth localandlongdistancerelocationservicesinwestern Massachusetts,NewYorkCity,Boston,Philadelphia,Portland andothercitiesthroughouttheNortheast.



Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.

(413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringtonj


ForrentonMainStinSheffield.Beautifullyfinished spacesfeaturingmarblefireplacehardwoodfloors lotsoflight.Plentyofparkingaccessibleramputilities included.Pricesstartingat$490permonth. Call413.429.7477


MainStreet,GreatBarrington 3DifferentSizes-120sq.ft.,170sq.ft.,305sq.ft. 2ndFloor-HardwoodFloors SeparateWaitingRoom–IncludesHeat&Electric 413-528-9841ext.1

LOCAL, MATURE, wellreferenced, professional landscape designer looking for peaceful, private, and safe home/ studio apartment for rent--freestanding. I do not have children or pets, do not smoke. Respect for privacy is a must, and should have room for bike, kayak, and storage for hand tools and small area for my plants. Prefer Monterey, will consider Egremont , outskirts of GB or Sheffield. Must be quiet and away from traffic and loud noises. Please text or call 413-717-1306. Longterm- no Airbnb please, looking for a nice, little home where I can do my work in peace and private.

FOR RENT: Captivating home overlooking Stevens Lake! Private and only a short distance from Great Barrington. 3br/2bath. $5,500/mo. Call or text: 413-329-0182.

FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.

GREAT BARRINGTON House for rent: Newly renovated 2 story, 2 bedroom. 1600+ Sq ft., 1 1/2 bath, laundry, 2 off-street parking spots. $2800/month plus utilities. Security deposit & lease required. No Pets. No Smoking. Contact Greg: gwardwn

85MainStreet,2ndFloor GreatBarrington,MA Approximately4000sq.feet GREATLOCATION! CallDianeat413-528-4334forinformation

3 BEDROOM available September 14 to December 14. Fully furnished duplex apartment in Housatonic, est: 1200 square feet located in the heart of Housatonic. Apartment includes: fully equipped kitchen, separate dining room, living room w/ smart tv, 1 1/2 bath, 2 parking spots, W/D in unit, dishwasher. All utilities included. Shared back deck and bbq. Two bedrooms- queen beds, one bedroom - 2 twin beds. No pets/no smoking. References and credit check required. $3500/month. 203-856-2447.

MAIN STREET GB village office or retail space. Sun or shade? 1st floor is NW facing, 2nd floor is SE facing. 2 parking spaces included with each, shared amenities, $1,000 to 1,200/mo includes heat/electric. Flexible terms or 2 yr lease, your choice.If interested text: 917-6239866.

$1,150 Great Barrington 917-727-0052. Charming studio apartment for rent! Includes utilities, one parking space, kitchenette (not full kitchen), private entrance, and walking distance to town. No smoking, no pets. Peaceful and cozy living awaits!

CAMEL MOVING & Storage: (413)-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving

GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!

HOUSATONIC FOR RENT: 3 bedroom side by side owner-occupied duplex. 2 floors, off street parking, 1.5 bath, laundry on site. No pets, no smoking. Tenant responsible for utilities. $2000 monthly. Call for appointment (413)-429-5771.

SHEFFIELD MA: Apartment for rent, 2nd floor, 1 bedroom, living room, bathroom and screened in porch. Includes heat, hot water and electric. $1700 per month. 1st month + security deposit required. No pets. Contact Paul 413-329-5259.

MATURE, EMPLOYED woman looking for a room or efficiency apartment to rent. 413-854-1777.

LOCAL, MATURE, wellreferenced, professional landscape designer looking for peaceful, private, and safe home/ studio apartment for rent--freestanding. I do not have children or pets, do not smoke. Respect for privacy is a must, and should have room for bike, kayak, and storage for hand tools and small area for my plants. Prefer Monterey, will consider Egremont , outskirts of GB or Sheffield. Must be quiet and away from traffic and loud noises. Please text or call 413-717-1306. Longterm- no Airbnb please, looking for a nice, little home where I can do my work in peace and private.

READY TO RENT YOUR HOME, but don't want to deal with the hassle of running it? Hire Key & Beyond Property Management to manage your rental and make it an effortless experience. Check out my website at keyandbeyond for more details and what services I offer. I look forward to working with you.

STOCKBRIDGE: One bedroom duplex furnished apt, equipped kitchen. Laundry, huge walk in closet, country setting. Aug 21- June 5. $1,200 plus utilities. 413446-3161.


QuietDeadEndStreet-GreatBarrington Walktotown/NearBigY

SpaciousLivingRoom,Porch,ThirdFloor $1,600/month,Heat&HotWaterincluded 413-528-9841option1


TRAIN STATION FOR RENT: Great Barrington Train Station at 46 Castle Street. Short term and events preferred. Rent dependent on duration of occupancy. close to downtown. Parking adjacent. 413-329-7350.


Stunningcommercial/professionalspaceonMainStreet inSheffield.1500sqftonmainfloor.Hardwoodfloors, fullbath,marblefireplace,accessibleramp,reardeck allutilitiesincluded.$1865permonth. 413-429-7477 GreatBarrington,MA Lenox,MA|Pittsfield,MA 413-528-4423

WANTED: Two bedroom home or condo in or near GB for winter rental. Furnished, Dec 1 to April 1. Call Chris 845-270-2071.

YOUNG MAN SEEKS room to rent. Full time employed, good credit, non-smoking, no pets. Call Bob 413-329-4941.

-ClassicColonial,4bedroom,3.5bath withindoorpool,barn&3cargarage. $899,000 TextorcallMaureenWhiteKirkby 413.446.5634

SaveBIGonSummer andFallSupplies

WEOFFER: CompleteWildBirdDepartmentwithSeedsandFeeders•CompletefeedlinesofNutrena, Purina,BlueSeal,PoulinandTripleCrown•CarryingHay,Straw,PineShavingsandotheranimalbedding WecarrymostmajorbrandsofPetFood•ManyFrequentBuyersClubs•PropaneTankRefills. Mustpresentormentioncouponattimeofpurchase•Whilesupplieslast•Somequantitiesmaybelimited•Notresponsibleforprintererrors.

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