SwimAmerica Lessons
School-Age (5-12 years)
until Nov. 16
4:00 – 4:30 p.m. and 4:40 – 5:10 p.m.
6-10: 5:20 – 6:00 p.m.
Parent/Infant (7 to 23 months) and Terrific Twos Classes
Starting Saturday, October 15
Private Lessons available.
FOR SALE: Stannah Stairlift in very good working condition, holds 300-350 lbs., easy to install. Will fit a staircase of 12 to 14 steps. Asking $800. Call (413)-528-4660 in the evening. (P)
YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT you might find! Read us at www.shoppersguideinc.com.
VANDERFORD ELECTRIC fireplace for sale. In good con dition, rarely used. $100. (860)824-0643.
YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call (413)-528-8227, email us at yh. book@verizon.net or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.
FOR SALE: Baseball cards. Griffey Jr, R. Johnson rookie cards. Many more. Serious inquiry only. (413)-698-2576.
LET’S EAT OUT! Advertise your restaurant specials with us! ads@shoppersguideinc.com or call (413)-528-0095.
TOOT!! TOOT!! Truck Day is coming!! October 16 at Ski Butternut. Be there!!
UPHOLSTERY: Full service. Chairs, settees, cushions slip covers. (413)-243-6188.
DOUBLE YOUR AD DOLLARS with Co-op! We offer the area’s most advanced and successful co-op advertising service! We’ll research your co-op oppor tunities and work to cut your advertising costs in half. Call to find out how the Shopper’s Guide can help your business. (413)-528-0095. ads@shop persguideinc.com
AL ANON CAN HELP. You can see what alcohol is doing to your loved one; can you see what it’s doing to you? For more information call (888)-4252666. www.berkshirealanon. org
BUSINESS SERVICES Help is on the way!
HOUSE CLEANING: Week ly, bi-weekly, weekenders welcome. Excellent atten tion to detail. Honest and reliable. Excellent referenc es. (413)-644-5803.
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR paint ing, power washing, deck refinishing, fully insured. Please call (413)-8224648.
EXPERIENCED CHEF/ housekeeper. Meal prep per day or week. $40 hr. Local, very efficient. Senior/Veteran discount. Contact bizzybeebarn@ gmail.com or (413)-6446770.
INTERIOR, EXTERIOR paint ing: Handyman services, Decks, staining, pressure washing, gutter clean ing. Fully insured. Free estimates. Jose Miranda (413)-212-2812, (413)464-9848.
NORBERT’S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call (413)-528-2221.
ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Ser vices, Inc (family owned). Specializing in oil painting restoration and conserva tion for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/ Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio (203)-255-1555, Mobile (203)-856-1337. www. TroyFineArt.com (P)
ENCLOSE YOUR DECK: with a screen and glass enclo sure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Build ers. Fully insured. (413)429-7101.
HANDY HELPER: Over whelmed or don’t have time for a project or task? Need an occasional per sonal assistant or a sea sonal property manager? Call me. I can help! I am versatile and conscien tious with a very broad set of skills and attention to detail. I will do it right! Services include (but not limited to): organization, office help, technology assistance, detail cleaning, light carpentry, painting, furniture assembly and errands. I am even a no tary! Available for onetime or ongoing projects. References available. Call or text (413)-398-9227 or email: berkshiregalfriday@ gmail.com
Saturday, October 15
Rock School house Community Day 25 Mygatt Rd, Amenia, NY
Saturday, October 22 2:30pm-4:30pm (Berkshire Busk! Roadside) Berkshire Mountain Distillers
TAX PREPARATION Ser vices: Local service, rea sonable rates. Nadine Hawver (413)-441-4893.
PERSONAL DRIVER want ed. 1-2x week for NY/ Hudson. Sedan for travel for supplied. $25 per hour cash. Must have clean driving record. Ex law enforcement a plus. Email BerkshiresDriver@gmail. com
ARTISTIC TILE installations. Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years experience. (413)-2290260.
CAPABLE, MOTIVATEDLooking for work in Dec thru Apr. Looking for any daytime hours. In early 20s, great references, lots of exp. Ask for my resume. Job resumes Apr 1. Email onablawa@gmail.com
WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berk shire Builders (413)-4297101.
HAPPY TO HELP: As a pro fessional organizer and problem solver, I can or ganize your papers, your tax records, even your home, handle computer projects and customer ser vice calls and do the tasks you haven’t had the time, the patience or the heart to do yourself. Call (413)551-7313, text (617)-6800640, or send an email to judy.turtz@gmail.com
FIREWOOD!!!!! Call Hils Lawn Care for seasoned firewood. We have a mix ture of Ash, Maple and Oak, all ready to keep you warm this winter. Give us a call/text to get on the list. $300/cord, $50 extra to stack. Tyler Hils (413)854-3230.
LAMP REPAIR & REWIRING. Pick up and delivery avail able. Call Mike at (413)717-2494.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Cut, is not split. Call (413)-2292101.
FOR SALE: Leg/squat ma chine, loose weights, several dumbbells. Asking $600. (518)567-1697.
AL ANON CAN HELP. You can see what alcohol is doing to your loved one; can you see what it’s doing to you? For more information call (888)-4252666. www.berkshirealanon. org
FREE: Queen Posturpedic foam mattress with box spring. Very good condition. Single use, no stains, non smoker. Head and footboard. In Lenox. Al (518)567-3647. Too big.
7 TO 7.5 CORDS OF MIXED hardwood, various diameters and lengths, for $750. If you are willing to take larger diameter logs, greater than 24”, $300 per load. (413)-229-8565.
CO-OP ADVERTISING CUTS your costs in half! Call the Shopper’s Guide for information on how he can research co-op opportunities for your business. We offer the area’s most suc cessful and advanced co-op advertising service. Start saving today! (413)-528-0095. ads@ shoppersguideinc.com
Blushing Golden, Empire, Evercrisp, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, Macoun, Northern Spy and Roxbury Russet
Our own fresh-pressed all-natural sweet cider blend
Apple pies and cider donuts on weekends
Our extensive selection of trees, shrubs and premium Holland bulbs
We have an excellent selection of daffodils, tulips and specialty bulbs, with many new and unusual varieties, including a wide choice of other deer-resistant bulbs. Plant now to add spectacular color and form to your garden from spring through early summer.
We offer our own Windy Hill Farm grown fruit trees in superb condition for fall planting. Extensive selection of apples, pears, plums, peaches, cherries, apricots and nectarines, as well as the small fruits
blueberries, raspberries, currants and grapes.
specimen apple and pear trees available.
fall perennials
fruit trees
shade & flowering trees
ornamental grasses
WE CLEAN HOMES in Great Barrington and surround ing towns. “A clean house makes angels dance!” Call Cony (413)-429-7018. GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, greatbarringtonjunk removal.com. Jeff Becker.
AVAILABLE FOR ANY house and office cleaning. 12 years experience, fully bonded and insured. Berk shires, anywhere in CT and NY. Call/ text (413)645-2332. Ramos72185@ gmail.com
GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! (413)-644-5164.
GOT DRAFTY WINDOWS? Save energy! Get new vi nyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call South ern Berkshire Builders for estimate, (413)-429-7101.
GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berk shire Builders. (413)-4297101.
NOW SCHEDULING: Fall & Winter work for reno vation and remodeling of any kind. Fully insured. Call Southern Berkshire Builders, (413)-429-7101.
HOUSE CLEANING in Southern Berkshire, Co lumbia County NY and CT. Fully insured. (413)-8543411. Berkshireclean023@ gmail.com
ESCOBAR’S PAINTING: Pro fessional painter, over 25 years experience, sur rounding areas. Interi or and exterior painting, pressure washing of hous es, decks, and fences. Fully insured, references available. Free estimates. (413)-429-6333, (413)429-1326, (413)-6453237.
THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing resto ration of old floors, bleach ing/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda (860)-671-0468. thefloorspecialist@verizon. net
ECUAMEX SERVICES: Interi or/ exterior painting, deck staining, wall repairs, power washing, gutter cleaning, floor installation, property maintenance, handyman; land care, lawn mowing, chainsaw work, Spring/Fall clean ups, house cleaning, junk removal and more. Fully insured, excellent referenc es. Free estimates. (413)464-4423. You’ll save money with us!!
STONE WORK, decks, sid ing, kitchens, bathrooms, landscaping, roofing, painting, garden instal lation and maintenance. (845)-616-5327.
TRAILER MOUNTED pig roast er with stainless steel rack and side shelves. Propane operated. $600. (413)-229-7979.
DO YOU HAVE MASS Health? Let us help. Pregnant, postpar tum, children up to age 5. Call WIC (413)-528-0457.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by As plundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
DO YOU RIDE motorcycles? Want to be part of a newly forming club? Southern Berkshire Motorcycle Club will be an op portunity to meet and ride with other people who enjoy motorcy cling. We are open to all types of bikes and ages. Text/ call (518)-428-2618, Housatonic.
NOW ACCEPTING BIDS for winter snow plowing/ summer maintenance of private common road in Egremont. Send contact info to davidjmacneill@yahoo. com
HONK!! HONK!! Don’t miss Truck Day at Ski Butternut!! October 16. (413)-441-5119.
ADVERTISE WHERE PEOPLE look to buy and sell: The Shopper’s Guide! Visit shoppers guideinc.com
UPHOLSTERY: Full service. Chairs, settees, cushions, slip covers. (413)-243-6188.
SCULPTORS/ Contractors 5” stainless steel heavy wall con duit, five 6’+ lengths. Also aluminum I beams 10’ (2) sq. stock, flat and angle pieces. Sold as package. $1,400. (518)325-3527.
ALADDIN Quadra-Fire wood stove with 2 sections of 6” stove pipes. Asking $1000. (518)789-3728. (P)
VOICE LESSONS with Mau reen O’Flynn, in person and on line: teaching classical, opera, musical theatre, and pop, ages 16+, all voice types: students, amateurs, working pros: 45 years of performing experience, and 15 years teaching interna tionally. Half hour and one hour lessons available. Contact www. maureenoflynn.com corlynntry@ gmail.com or (413)-441-2015.
Any personal item For Sale, Wanted or Free, is FREE OF CHARGE! Visit www.shoppers guideinc.com/placeaclassified or stop in the office at 271 Main Street, downtown GB. (Located in the atrium between Barn brook Realty and TD Bank.) The Shopper’s Guide is direct mailed in the tri-state area to 18,000+ and 1,200+ are available for pickup at key locations.
KAREN SHREEFTER Land scape Design, creating and maintaining captivating land scapes and gardens with my clients. Call (413)-528-1387.
YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND tomorrow! Serving the Tri-State area for over half a centu ry! (413)-528-0095, www. shoppersguideinc.com
with JILL GAITENBY ELDREDGEMedical Intuitive, Certified Energy Healer Detox w/Light Energy, Intuitive Guidance Relieve Stress, Cleanse/Repair Organs + Systems Past Life Readings, Distance Healing, Est. 2004 413-667-5794 healingspirit-jilleldredge.com Giving Tree Healing Arts Center 218 Pleasant Street, Housatonic, MA 01236
SOFA: Double reclining, mo cha color, very good condition. $200. (413)-429-7548.
HOLISTIC REFLEXOLOGY. Foot, hand, face, ear& inspired life coaching with Laura Nor man. Release your stress, pain, anxiety... feel healthier, happier & at peace. Great Barrington, NYC. lauranorman.com (917)331-0428. (P)
NEED IDEAS FOR DATE night? View our Arts/Entertainment sec tion: www.shoppersguideinc.com
SHAKE YOUR SOUL, the yoga of dance. Taught by Made line Despres-Chen, Registered Somatic Movement Therapist. All levels and ages 18+ welcome! Thursdays 5:40-6:45 pm. Regis ter at Berkshire Pulse: berkshire. pulse@gmail.com (413)-2746624.
MULTI-FAMILY TAG SALE: October 15, 10-4 and October 16, 10-2. At the Farm, 343 New Marlborough Southfield Rd. Antiques, clothing, jewelry, housewares, adult/baby, etc
PICKUP YOUR FREE COPY of the Shopper’s Guide every Wednesday! If you’re one of the few that do not receive our print edition in the mail, there’s 2,100+ available for pickup at key locations in the tri-state area! Visit www.shoppersguideinc. com or call 413-528-0095 for the location nearest to you.
The Shopper's Guide will make every effort to see that all advertising copy is neatly presented and is correctly printed. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertising, but will gladly reprint, without charge, that part of any advertisement in which an error may occur. Also the publisher takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in any advertisement. The publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish an advertisement for any reason.
Across the Berkshires, green leaves have begun to fade to copper and gold; the nights arrive sooner, bringing a chill; the smell of pumpkin spice seems totally inescapable. Without a doubt, fall is here.
For most plants, autumn is a time for winding down, getting ready for a long winter’s sleep. But for the people who keep them, fall is a chance to ready gardens for the cold months to come and sow the seeds (literally and figuratively) for hearty, healthy growth when spring returns.
The winter season is also a chance to focus on bringing live flora indoors, be it in the form of an ornamental houseplant, a baby herb garden, or a bit of festive greenery.
Ward’s Nursery and Garden Center, in Great Barrington, is abuzz with preparations for the changing season: replacing summer stock with an array of bulbs for cold weather planting, laying out their famous selection of holiday housewares and decor, and offering up expert advice on all things growing for gardeners at every level of experience.
Berkshire winters are hard on everyone, and plants are no exception. Harsh temperatures, heavy snow and hungry wildlife all pose a risk.
Fortunately, while there’s no controlling New England weather, there are plenty of tools available to mitigate those dangers.
Co-owner Sam Ward, grandson of Ward’s founder Donald Ward, Jr., manages the incoming trees and shrubs for the nursery. He notes that evergreen plants like rhododendron and azaleas aren’t immune to winter conditions, even if they keep their leaves year-round.
“Over the winter, with dry air and cold wind, evergreen trees and shrubs can actually start to dry out and wilt a bit,” he said. Wearing his other hat as the hard-goods buyer for the store, Sam recommends a product called Wilt-Pruf to keep plants vibrant and fresh.
“Basically, it helps pre-
vent excessive moisture loss from cold and wind,” he said. “Anything like rhododendron, azalea, or any evergreen trees would benefit from that being sprayed on them before the winter.”
Backyard deer, while lovely to look at, can be a menace to greenery during the winter. With most of their usual food sources unavailable, normally shy animals will venture much closer than normal to human homes — and their plants.
“Over the winter and early spring, we get a lot of pictures and emails from customers dealing with deer browsing,” Sam said. “When the deer don’t have as many choices in the forest, like they do in the growing season, they start to move closer to people’s homes, and they can eat a lot of ornamental evergreens that people are really fond of.”
“Something like garlic clips, which you can actually clip near the plants, will help keep them away,” he suggested. “And there’s definitely no better way to stop deer from coming in than using deer fencing.”
Co-owner Eva Ward, another third-generation member of the Ward’s leadership team, agreed.
“The fence doesn’t have to be very tall,” she advised.
“Four feet would be fine, or wrapping with burlap individually. Just be sure a deer can’t reach over or through your fence to get a snack.”
Evergreens aren’t the only potential target for foraging deer, she added. “In the same vein, fence in your fruit trees, so the deer can’t nibble and rub on the bark of the young trees, which can end up killing them.”
Not all animal visitors are unwelcome however.
“One thing you might want to consider is leaving some things up,” Eva said. “If you have coneflower [Latin name Echinacea], they produce pretty flowers with this really spiky center, and that center is actually producing seeds. Right now, the petals are falling off, and they have these brown ‘bobbles’ at the top. It’s tempting to cut those back, but if you have a space and you don’t mind, you could leave those up and then migrating birds and the birds that over-winter here would love that as a snack.
Sam added, “To encourage the wild birds and bring them close, set up bird feeders near your windows. You will draw cardinals, finches, chickadees and more from December through February. One trick is to set up the post or hanger while the temperatures are still mild but wait to fill the feeder until our hard freeze in December. By preparing now and then waiting, you’ll avoid visits from bears and be ready for birds. We found Black Oil Sunflower seed to be a bird favorite but we also have special mixes that attract specific birds.”
Spring may seem a long way off now, but steps taken in the fall can make a huge difference in what comes up when winter ends.
Bulbs are a popular concern this time of year. Ward’s, as always, has a vast selection of bulbs for fall planting, including exciting varieties of classic favorites like daffodils and tulips.
“Daffodils are a tried and true option, and one of the reasons is that they don’t have any critters eating them,” Eva said. “There’s a lot of fun ones out there: doubles, and whites and yellows, and ones with creamy orange centers. So there’s a lot to choose from.”
“Tulips are really popular because they basically come in all colors,” Sam said. “One variety I think is really cool is called Columbus. It has pink and white flowers, but it’s actually a double flower and it’s super hardy for the Berkshires.”
“A personal favorite, if you have a small garden, maybe near your front steps, is to plant smaller bulbs like hyacinth, crocus and snowdrops,” Eva said. “Grape hyacinth [Latin name Muscari] is a favorite of mine. I have little pink ones that come up every year that are just really cute in the springtime.”
Sam’s favorites include alliums, for their impressive size, and hyacinth for their pink and purple coloring. “One I really like is called Pink Frosting,” he said.
Whatever your fancy, Sam recommends shopping early for the best selection, even if it’s not quite time for planting.
“It’s ideal to come in late September and pick them out as
soon as they are available for a full range of choices,” he said. “You’ll want to store the bulbs until the nighttime temperatures are in the 50-degree range consistently before you plant them, so a lot of times you’ll end up buying them and keeping them in a cooler spot while the weather is still warm.”
Fall is also the perfect time to consider plans for spring planting.
“It’s a great time to see where maybe there are some holes in your garden,” Eva said. “Whether you decide to purchase something this fall or think about something that you want for the spring, make that list now rather than in the spring, when everything isn’t visible anymore because you’ve cut it back.”
She recommends taking pictures of your garden before autumn trimming, so it’s easier to remember where you’d like to make changes come spring. For help planning, she suggests spending some time with the Plant Finder tool, available at wardsnursery. com, which lists what plants are available and in season.
While outdoor gardens rest for the winter, plant enthusiasts can bring some greenery indoors with houseplants of all shapes, sizes and colors. For someone looking for an alternative to the typical pothos and philodendrons, Eva suggests cyclamen. “They’re easy, flowering plants that will flower pretty much all winter long if you keep them in a cooler room – about 65 degrees - and water when dry,” she said. “Then there’s the tried and true amaryllis. Those are really fun, because they’re pretty spectacular to watch them come out and shoot out their giant flowers.”
Sam offered another unconventional pick: “Something that we always have a good stock of that I find to be pretty fun to take care of are all the different citrus trees that we have,” he said. “They really are not that difficult to take care of overall. They need bright light, and they don’t want the temperatures to go below 55 or 60 degrees in the home. And then once the chance of frost is gone in the spring, they do really well outside.”
Late winter can be a good time to start some outdoor plants in a climate-controlled environment. “We have lots of seeds that you could sow early, so that when you get to the end of May, you have a more substantial plant to put in the ground,” Eva said. Many herbs and vegetable plants will appreciate the head start on growth before spring planting.
To say the winter holidays are a pretty big deal at Ward’s Nursery would be a spectacular understatement.
Each November, the nursery’s famous holiday showroom fills with seasonal decor and gifts, alongside festive ornamental greenery.
“As we move into the holidays, we start bringing in a lot of housewares,” Eva said. “Beautiful cotton towels, bowls, table runners and tablecloths that are sometimes a bit more festive and holiday driven, sometimes just beautiful in their own right.”
They also offer seasonal and general note cards, jigsaw puzzles, and Melissa + Doug toys.
In recent years, Ward’s started selling gift cards online- an option that has proven wildly popular with both gifters and recipients. If you’re looking for something extra to give your plant-loving loved
ones, both Eva and Sam recommended a pair of high-quality Felco pruners. “It’s a highend pruner that will last you a lifetime,” Eva said. “If you end up losing it in the compost pile, when you uncover it a year later it’ll still be just fine.”
Another safe bet? “Gardeners pretty much always need gloves,” Sam said.
Ward’s decor options over a wide range of tastes and complexity. Across the spectrum, Eva noted a renewed interest in real, fresh plants. “We have everything from fresh to faux, and we’ve seen a definite increase in the fresh department over the years,” Eva said. “Sometimes people will mix the two. They might pick up some faux berries, but have the real greenery, so they have that lovely scent of an evergreen. But the berries they can pop away and bring out again next year.”
Fresh greenery can be an easy way to dress up a home for the holidays. “Grabbing a fresh wreath for your door is a great addition,” Eva said. “We always have those pre-made, so it’s pretty easy for anyone to pick one up that they like.”
“Kissing balls are always popular,” she continued. “We make them in-house, the boxwood kissing balls. If you have a spot where you always hang a hanging basket, you could refresh that spot with a kissing ball.” The ambitious can even pick up supplies to make their own kissing balls, using a tutorial on wardsnursery.com.
Of course, it’s important not to get so wrapped up in winter planning that we skip right over the fall. “We have a lovely selection now and for the next few weeks of pumpkins and gourds,” Eva said, “as well as annual mums to brighten any space for fall.”
For Sam, fall represents a pleasant transition between the busy growing season and year-end holidays.
“Doing things differently, like getting ready to sell more gifts, it definitely brings a lot of cheer to the faces of our staff,” he said. “It’s nice to see a change of pace around this time of year. It’s a lot of fun.”
Shopper’s Guide
professional writing, editing, design, web presence and social media services to businesses
help them tell their stories with the broadest reach possible.
AVOID SCAMS! Deal local ly, face-to-face. Don’t extend payment to anyone you haven’t met; and never wire funds (ie Western Union); and never give out financial information. That “amazing” deal may not exist!
WOOD PELLETS: Cubex Super Premium hardwood pellets, 9,000 BTU, $350/ton, avail able in Ashley Falls. Frog Farm Pellets (860)-689-3305.
POLISH FEST: Wednesday, October 12 from 11:15 am12:15 pm. Join us for our very own Polish Fest with a 4 piece Oompah Band at the Claire Teague Senior Center, 917 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA. $3 per person, for ages 60 and older. Reservations are required, please call 413-5281881. Menu: Chuckwagon Stew, Mashed Potatoes and Dessert.
CIDER PRESS: New, used once, beautiful wood and heavy duty steel. “Homesteader” model from simplyciderpresses.com Comes with all accessories such as wooden fruit hopper and wheel kit for easy moving. Cost $1,500. Asking $1,000 or best offer. Call (413)-429-1510.
BP CLINIC : Sheffield Senior Center on Thursday, October 13, 10 am - 11am. Blood pres sure assessment and wellness check-in offered on a walk-in basis. Offered by Southern Berk shire Public Health Collaborative Public Health Nurses. 25 Cook Road, Sheffield, MA.
SET OF 4 NOKIAN snow tires on steel rims. 215/55 R16. $500. Call (413)-243-2047.
THE PEOPLE’S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, protein as, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Proto colos Covid.
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THE PEOPLE’S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, op posite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
CALENDAR POSTINGS: www. shoppersguideinc.com
USED APPLIANCES wanted, in working order for the Habitat for Humanity store in Canaan. Please call the store during working hours to arrange pick up. (860)-824-9839.
It’s Sign Up Time Again!!
In Pittsfield Salvation Army
298 West Street, Pittsfield
Every year, manufacturers make available over $33 billion for merchants to use in cobranded advertising initiatives. Most of this money is unused.
Every year, manufacturers make available over $33 billion for merchants to use in cobranded advertising initiatives. Most of this money is unused.
Call the Shopper’s Guide, we offer the area’s most advanced and successful co-op advertising service. We will research your co-op opportunities and help cut your advertising costs in half!
Call the Shopper’s Guide, we offer the area’s most advanced and successful co-op advertising service. We will research your co-op opportunities and help cut your advertising costs in half!
South County Berkshire South
1st - Nov. 10th
Eagle Santa Fund
TREE SERVICE: Residential Tree Work. Professional and safe, very skilled and efficient climbers. Busch Tree Service, (860)-307-7254. Free Estimates.
FOR SALE: Tractor, David Brown 990 diesel, 55hp, $2500. Running condition. (413)-539-3393. Text only.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by As plundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
FOR SALE: 1971 John Deere 110 garden tractor, $500. Cub Cadet 1045 lawn mower, $250. Ditch pump, $75. Two 3x8 wooden shop tables, make offer. Please call Jerry at (203)410-5044 for details.
Prepare now for 2023. We provide: education, setup, main tenance, orchard pollination, swarm capture cutouts. Old Drone Apiaries at Frog Cottage. Ski Del Vaglio, Master Beekeep er. (413)-528-2308.
SPRING & FALL CLEANUPS: Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-6445164.
DISCOUNTED PRICES on stone. Lost our lease must sell. More than an acre of antique, reclaimed granite sills, steps, etc. including spectacular 1880’s large, fluted Barre granite col umns. Large grindstones. Call or text Leon at (860)-483-0202.
FIREWOOD!!!!! Call Hils Lawn Care for seasoned firewood. We have a mixture of Ash, Maple and Oak, all ready to keep you warm this winter. Give us a call/ text to get on the list. $300/ cord, $50 extra to stack. Tyler Hils (413)-854-3230.
DIG IN TO A NEW Shopper’s Guide edition every Wednes day! (413)-528-0095. www. shoppersguideinc.com
KAREN SHREEFTER Land scape Design, creating, renovat ing, and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients. Gift certificates avail able. Call (413)-528-1387.
PINE & SPRUCE TREES: $100. Nice trees for screening, view, blocks property lines. Planted, guaranteed. (860)485-4330.
SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. $300 cord. Steve’s Lawn & Tractor. (413)-229-3587.
Fall is here.
trees ready
FOR SALE: Heavy duty 6 horse power Craftsman rototiller with Briggs and Stratton engine. 17 inch tine width. Rear tine with counter rotating tines. Seldom used. Asking $400. Call (518)325-7173.
FALL CLEAN UPS: Schedul ing now. Gutter cleaning, tree work, and garden maintenance. Professional work for reason able rates. Owens Services (518)-521-7787 or oliverowens services@gmail.com
VOICE LESSONS with Mau reen O’Flynn, in person and on line: teaching classical, opera, musical theatre, and pop, ages 16+, all voice types: students, amateurs, working pros: 45 years of performing experience, and 15 years teaching interna tionally. Half hour and one hour lessons available. Contact www. maureenoflynn.com corlynntry@ gmail.com or (413)-441-2015.
VIDEO/ AUDIO: Aerial work: the arts: corporate: exotic auto motive: Johannes Nightingale: Digital Producer. (413)-3472952.
CRAFT AND VINTAGE FAIR: Sat., Oct. 15 at 10 am. Come and Join us at the Claire Teague Senior Center for our Craft and Vintage Fair. Rain or shine, at 917 Main Street, Great Bar rington MA Over 20 vendors to include: Jewelry, woodcrafts, honey, flowers, pottery, etc
PIANO LESSONS (all lev els and ages). Music Theory/ composition/ arranging. Bring the job of music into your life. Classical, Pop, Folk, Broadway. Graduate of Eastman, Oberlin, Manhattan School of Music. (914)-960-1947, Jonathan.
PIANO FOR ADULTS: special izing in adult students, my home or yours. Call Deborah Harris, (413)-528-9027.
CALENDAR POSTINGS : shoppersguideinc.com/calendar
FREE FRIDAY CLASSIFIEDS!! Any personal item For Sale, Wanted or Free, is Free of charge! (Ex: Car For Sale? FREE! Winter Tires Wanted? FREE!) Place your ad online at www.shoppers guideinc.com/placeaclassified.
TAKING RESERVATIONS for display and/or classified advertisements. Reach out to over 57,000 weekly readers! www.shoppersguideinc.com
THE PEOPLE’S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, op posite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce,
and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
SIX DEPOT CAFE is looking for baristas! Individuals must love coffee, people, and hospitality, must be high energy and mo tivated. Experience welcomed but not necessary, will train the right people. Full or part-time. Please contact Flavio at: flavio@ sixdepot.com
CATERING TO ALL OF YOUR advertising needs! For informa tion visit shoppersguideinc.com
In the battle against breast cancer, early detection is a woman’s most powerful weapon. In fact, according to the National Cancer Institute, when breast cancer is detected in an early, localized stage, the five-year survival rate is 98 percent. That’s why it is so important for all women to make breast health awareness a regular part of their healthcare routine.
Growing Awareness to Save Lives
A mammogram can detect breast cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages, and many major health organizations recommend annual mammogram screenings for women beginning at age 40. Experts also recommend clinical breast exams and breast self-exams to check for breast abnormalities on a regular basis. Any woman noticing unusual changes in her breasts should contact her healthcare provider immediately. Women of all ages should speak to their doctor about his or her personalized recommendations for breast cancer screening.
more information about breast cancer prevention, early detection and support for a cure, please visit the National Breast Cancer Foundation online at www.nationalbreastcancer.org.
Medical Office & Infecon Control Nurse, (full-me, 40 hrs/wk). $1000 Sign-on bonus: The Medical Nurse Coordinator is responsible for the integraon of paent care ulizing various processes to coordinate the medical and psychopharmacological issues of psychiatric paents. Collaborates with clinical staff and other team personnel in educaon, infecon control and performance improvement issues. In addion to the primary Medical Nurse Coordinator role, the Infecon Control Nurse role is responsible for the monitoring, surveillance, prevenon and control of infecon for paents and staff at the Center. The Infecon Control Nurse will maintain a Centerwide Infecon Control Program that meets naonal regulatory and clinical standards effecng paent and employee health care needs. Qualificaons: Graduate of an accredited school of nursing. B.S.N. or in progress required. Current license as a Registered Nurse in Massachuses. APIC cerfied within 1 year of appointment to posion. 1 year of psychiatric nursing experience required. Current CPR and CPI training/cerficaon. Pay range: Depends on experience (DOE), excellent health benefits on day 1, free meals, work life balance. Pay range: $42 - $44/hr DOE, plus excellent benefits.
Medical Office Assistant, Full-me (40 hrs/wk), $500 Sign-on bonus: Under the supervision of the medical office nurse, the medical assistant supports the nurse and medical praconers with several administrave tasks and clinical dues. Dues: Taking paent medical histories if needed; preparing paents for examinaon, taking and recording vital signs, assisng the physician during exams, collecng and preparing laboratory specimens, drawing blood, administering inoculaons as requested. Sets up in-person and Zoom consultaons, schedules drivers for paent appointments as indicated, answering telephone and greeng paents, updang and filing paent medical records, verifying insurance coverage for prior authorizaons for outgoing appointments, scheduling paent internal and external medical appointments, medical transcripon, handling general office correspondence and filing, tracks PPE burn rates and orders supplies as needed, retrieves diagnosc procedure results and submits to RN for review, sists with onboarding of new hires (i.e., collecng COVID Vaccine cards, reading PPD). Qualificaons: Graduate of an accredited medical assistant program or equivalent work experience; 1-2 year of medical office experience required. Current cerficaon or aainment of cerficaon. Current CPR and CPI training/ cerficaon (will train when hired). Pay range: $23 - $24/hr DOE, plus excellent benefits.
Housekeeper, full-me (40 hrs/wk), $500 Sign-on bonus: This posion is responsible for maintaining a clean and safe environment for paents and staff in various buildings of the Austen Riggs Center. This posion has two vacancies. Qualificaons: High school graduate or equivalent. Minimum of one-year professional cleaning experience; previous experience in a healthcare seng preferred. Ability to work independently, as well as part of a team. Current driver’s license with good driving record. Pay: $18/hour plus excellent benefits.
Woodworking Instructor, full-me (32 hrs/wk): The Woodworking Instructor is responsible for teaching paents/ students and direcng parcipaon in all aspects of woodworking: funconal and sculptural. The instructor will also oversee the expansion of our current Wood Shop to include a digital interface (e.g., laser cuers, 3D printers, CNC routers and/or design soware.) The person in this role works collaboravely with staff and students to bring the resources of the woodshop to the other studios, including working closely with the visual arts instructor around shows in our gallery. Qualificaons: Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, Educaon, or related field. Advanced/ Connuing Educaon in related specialty. Equivalent experience considered. Mastery in woodworking as demonstrated by porolio, work experience and/or exhibion record. Teaching experience at public or private school (Secondary, College or University level) strongly preferred. Pay: $25-26/hour, DOE, plus excellent benefits.
Kitchen Assistant, part-me (18 hrs/wk): The Kitchen Assistant ensures that the dining room and serving counters are clean and set up for meal service. Stocks pantry, cabinets and refrigerators according to par levels. Delivers hot and cold foods for meal service, displays and restocks food items. Performs roune cleaning tasks according to workflow requirements and cleaning schedule. Pracces safe food handling techniques. Assists kitchen producon staff as needed. The kitchen Assistant may assist in the kitchen with meal preparaon and cooking as needed. Qualificaons: High School diploma or equivalent. Waitstaff or professional kitchen experience. Instuonal experience (strongly preferred). Serve Safe Food Service Sanitaon Cerficate strongly preferred. Schedule: Saturday through Monday
resume and cover leer to: Jobs@austenriggs.net.
Austen Riggs Center is a naonally known vital therapeuc community, open psychiatric hospital, and instute for educaon and research. Our mission is to promote resilience and self-direcon in those with complex psychiatric problems. If you’re good at what you do, you can work anywhere. If you’re the best at what you do, come work at Austen Riggs Center! We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes our organizaon stronger.
October 15, 10-4 and October 16, 10-2. At the Farm, 343 New Marlborough Southfield Rd. Antiques, clothing, jewelry, housewares, adult/baby, etc
Antiques, unusual collectibles.
Bonus: womens size medium long suede/shearling coat, $50. Faux Tiffany lamp shade, $125. Fri and Sat Oct 14 and 15, 145 Maple Ave, Great Barrington.
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, October 15 and 16, 10 to 4. 400 Rt 7 North, Falls Village, CT. All sorts of items to clear out at reasonable prices so stop by and browse!
Textiles- Waverly, Cyrus Clark, Coventry. Vintage lamps, tables, collectibles, art, rugs, mirrors, carved eagles, owls, and bears, Oh My! 133 Front St., Housa tonic. Thurs, Fri 10-4, Sat 11-5.
MULTI-PARTICIPANT Art/ Tag Sale with a fall flair at Heaton Court, 5 Pine St., Stockbridge, MA. October 14 and 15, 10am until 2 pm. No early birds please.
2 PC SLIPPER CHAIR: Arm less, w/ottoman, solid construc tion, contemporary, designed by decorator, professionally reupholstered. $360 cash firm (paid $1,200). P/U Sheffield. Leave v/m for call back and images. (413)-229-0070.
MULTI FAMILY TAG SALE: Electrical supplies, wiring, dish es, household items, vintage items, jewelry making supplies, books on CD and much more. 8am to 2pm, Saturday, Oct 15. 2783 Cold Spring Road, Otis.
SIX LIFE LONG Collectors need help to make room at home before they have to buy bigger houses! Help! One day sale! Saturday, October 15 from 9am to 4pm. Great clearance prices for vintage jewelry, paintings, vintage glassware, tools, useful objects and weird old things. North Egremont, MA. Address signs up Friday morning.
TAG SALE: One day only! Sat, October 15. Finally parting with some of my vintage dresses, and miscellaneous other clothing, jewelry, scarves, some art, and more. A few neighbors will join the sale. 51 Hollenbeck Ave., GB. 9:30-3pm, Saturday, October 15. Rain date Oct 16.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM. ads@shoppersguideinc.com
WONDERFUL TAG SALE: Sat., Oct 15. This will be a big sale with so many interesting items. Many antiques and new items which would make great Christmas gifts. We keep finding new treasures which are interest ing and unusual. Remember best is last!! Starting time is 11. We will be out until exhausted. In Al ford, corner of Boice and Green River Roads. See you then.
tag sales
AD Deadline: fridays at 11:00 am
Submit your ad online at shoppersguideinc.com or stop by the Shopper’s Guide office.
271 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 413.528.0095 • ads@shoppersguideinc.com
ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc (family owned). Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years.
All styles and value levels. Shef field/ Ashley Falls by appoint ment. Studio (203)-255-1555, Mobile (203)-856-1337. www. TroyFineArt.com (P)
CO-OP ADVERTISING CUTS your costs in half! Call the Shopper’s Guide for information on how he can research co-op opportunities for your business. We offer the area’s most suc cessful and advanced co-op advertising service. Start saving today! (413)-528-0095. ads@ shoppersguideinc.com
MULTI-FAMILY TAG SALE: October 15, 10-4 and October 16, 10-2. At the Farm, 343 New Marlborough Southfield Road. Antiques, clothing, jewelry, housewares, adult/ baby, etc
FLOWER SHOP STAFF: Part time position 2-3 days a week, including some Saturdays. Duties include unpacking and processing flowers, floral de sign, retail shop, and phone order sales, delivering floral arrangements and plants, work area clean up, etc. Inquire at Wildflowers Florist, 620 Main St., Great Barrington MA.
GROWING MASONRY com pany looking to hire motivated person to join our construction team. Experience not necessary but a plus. Lots of opportunity for advancement. Competitive pay, paid vacation, IRA, bonus es. Call Sam (508)-560-7844.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM. ads@shoppersguideinc.com
COOKS, DISHWASHERS, and food service workers want ed. Lakeville, CT. Email: info@ toryhilldining.com
ANTIQUES WANTED: berk shirepicker buying furniture, workbenches, folk art, adver tising, weathervanes, garden items, stoneware crocks, toys, baskets, and more. Fair & friend ly. Mike (413)-717-2561.
NO SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century! Visit www.shoppersguideinc.com.
Hiring an experienced facilities professional. hands-on position. Must have 1-2 yrs. experience in facilities work. This is a part-time position and must be flexible for on-call support as needed. General knowledge in grounds care, custodial services, operating lawn care machinery, other basic small tools, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, light carpentry, events set-up, and knockdowns. Please go to www. berkshiresouth.org for more information.
Seeking a temporary Childcare Coordinator for MA EEC Licensed programs. Timeframe of position is immediate to approximately March 2023, 25-40 hours per week, based on candidate availability. Individual will help manage administration, planning and operations of EEC programs. Experience in childcare administration preferred. Must pass all background record checks for the state of MA
Seeking both a Program Leader ($20/hour) and an Assistant Leader ($17/hour) to develop and implement programming that promotes the growth of life skills for middle school-aged students in an after-school drop in program. Applicants must have experience working with children ages 10-14 years old and be able to develop lessons that foster the students’ involvement within the community.
Applicants must have a passion for working with children ages 5–14. In this part time position (weekday afternoons and full days when school is closed), you will be engaging and leading children in physical activities, arts & crafts, unstructured time, as well as homework. A High School Diploma or GED required. Please visit our website to apply, email us at hr berkshiresouth.org, or simply stop over and fill out an application.
Candidates must have a passion for providing exceptional care to children ages 2 years 9 months to 5 years. We are looking for EEC certified teachers for our preschool program and although prior experience is desired (required for Lead Teacher candidates), we will help less experienced teachers grow. This is a full time position. Please visit our website to apply or send us your resume, cover letter, and a copy of your EEC certification.
Part Time (or Full Time) positions are open for multiple shifts within the Membership Department. The successful candidate will be hard-working, engaging, professional, and an adept teamcentered person.
See full position listings at berkshiresouth.org/employment
All employees get a free membership! EOE.
STOCKBRIDGE/NYC based executive search firm focused on the placement of attorneys at large law firms, seeks an experienced PT/FT executive as sistant, to work with the firm prin cipal. Responsibilities include: scheduling, tracking emails/ texts, database maintenance, bookkeeping, providing general administrative and organization al support. The ideal candidate will have significant experience as an executive assistant, be a demonstrated self-starter, tech nologically savvy, personable, energetic and smart. Familiarity with large “AMLAW 200” tier law firms, as well as experience in sales/ marketing-based envi ronments is a huge plus. Hours flexible. Offering a competitive hourly salary, plus success and performance-based bonuses, as well as health insurance. (212)933-9330.
BROWSE THE CLASSIFIEDS on our website: www.shoppers guideinc.com
PERSONAL DRIVER wanted. 1-2x week for NY/Hudson. Sedan for travel for supplied. $25 per hour cash. Must have clean driving record. Ex law enforcement a plus. Email: BerkshiresDriver@gmail.com
NEED A NEW JOB? Take a look at our extensive Help Wanted Section for exciting em ployment opportunities. www. shoppersguideinc.com
LOOKING FOR A RELIABLE worker to do two days of office and management work. Strong organizational skills and own transportation required. Please email info@mamiebrougitte.com
SIX DEPOT CAFE is looking for baristas! Individuals must love coffee, people, and hospitality, must be high energy and mo tivated. Experience welcomed but not necessary, will train the right people. Full or part-time. Please contact Flavio at: flavio@ sixdepot.com
Salisbury School
Nurse - Part Time
HELP WANTED: Sheffield Pottery is looking for full-time workers in our ceramic supply business. We have an opening in the production department. We offer competitive salary and full benefits, Holidays, Vacation, Sick Time, Health Insurance and a Monday thru Friday schedule with great hours year round. We have been in business for over 75 years and we are still growing. We are a very stable business with employees with over 30 years experience. If you’re interested in learning more about what we have to of fer, please contact John Benedict at sheffieldpottery@gmail.com to request an application and schedule an interview.
LOOKING FOR job security?
Generator sales have soared over the past few years and has become one of the fastest growing industries! Generator Technicians are in high demand. Andrus Power Solutions, Inc. has immediate openings and with paid training and certification. Knowledge of small engines is a plus and a valid driver’s license is a must. Email resume to office@ andruspowersolutions.com
FOR HIRE: Well established Help Wanted section connecting readers with employers for over half a century! The Shopper’s Guide, serving the tri-state area every week. (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com
Great first job! Safe work environment, shorter shifts, weekends a must. Ability to multitask and interact with customers in a fast paced environment.
As few as 1 shift/week. Great job to grow with you. 14+ for day shifts / 16+ for night shifts.
Email chelsea@barringtonbrewery.net or apply in person
Jenifer House Commons, 420 Stockbridge Rd, Route 7 Great Barrington, MA
HELP WANTED for home renovations. Will train. (413)429-7101.
LOOKING FOR WORK? View our extensive Help Wanted listings: www.shoppersguideinc.com
305 Stockbridge Road, Suite 2, Great Barrington, MA 01230 Phone: (413) 644-8988
We are dedicated to providing customers with comfort, reliability & energy savings through its HVAC and plumbing products and services.
To meet our growth we are seeking experienced and talented people for the following positions.
HVAC Service Technicians
solve and/or
have excellent
HVAC Installers
Mount Everett Sanitation, a local Berkshires company, is celebrating 50 years in business and is looking to expand their already growing workforce by adding Heavy Equipment Operators (min. $28/hr), Commercial Truck Drivers (min. $24/hr), Laborers.
The Town of Otis seeks applicants for a full-time Working Foreman position with the Highway Department. Experience must include five years minimum in a municipal highway department or construction setting with oversight of a crew. CDL Class B, with 2B hoisting license required. Compensation TBD. The ideal candidate would live close enough to be within a 30 minute response time. A full job description and application are available by contacting the Administrator’s Office at townadmin@townofotisma.com. Benefits include health insurance, retirement and paid leave time.
Please submit an employment application to the Town of Otis, ATTN: Town Administrator, P.O. Box 237, 1 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253. For more information contact the Highway Superintendent at (413) 269-0106. Position will remain open until filled.
IRVING FARM is hiring for ful fillment positions at our roasting facility in Millerton, NY. Our production team members do an impressive job of preparing and packaging all the delicious coffee delivered to our whole sale and digital customers. The fulfillment position supports daily fulfillment targets by prepping bags, bagging coffee, packing, moving or grinding orders. Must be able to lift 50 lbs, stand for long periods of time and have reliable transportation. Please email hr@irvingfarm.com for inquiries. (P)
We are looking for a Veterinary Technician Assistant with previous veterinary reception and assistant experience 30-40 hours per week (8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.) and would appreciate having you on our team! The role of a Veterinary Assistant is extremely important. Veterinary Assistants are cross-trained and can work in either Reception or Veterinary Technician Assistant roles. Receptionists are the face of Millerton Veterinary Practice. They have a deep compassion for animals and strive to provide the best service to pets and their people. The exceptional customer service that the VR provides to our clients plays a key role in our mission to provide Gold-Standard Medical Care to our patients. Along with providing extraordinary customer service VRs possess above average telephone and in-person communication skills, are familiar with sales, have strong organizational and interpersonal skills, understanding and solid skills in technology, and bring compassion and a positive attitude to work to enhance our current practice culture.
The role of a Veterinary Technician Assistant is the primary support person to the Veterinarian and Licensed Veterinary Technician (LVT). They assist the veterinarian and LVT throughout the examination, diagnosis, and treatment phases. As support staff, they aide the Veterinarian and LVT in achieving greater efficiency by relieving them of technical work and administrative detail. They have a deep compassion for animals and strive to provide the best service to pets and their people. They effectively leverage our veterinarians and technicians to provide gold-standard medical care to our patients.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Possess a warm and welcoming attitude while continually greeting our clients throughout the day
Check-In incoming patients/Check-Out outgoing patients with ability to handle financial transactions and explaining medical treatment plans/costs in a variety of scenarios
Answering phone calls, including scheduling, answering general questions, processing prescription refills, receiving payments and assisting in over-the-counter purchases such as pet food or pet related items in a very busy atmosphere
Maintaining cleanliness withing assigned areas and the whole hospital
daily transactions and discussions in the electronic medical record (EMR) as
and clients when appropriate
HELP WANTED: Andrus Power Solutions, Inc is looking for full time Electrical Apprentice. A clean driving record is a must. Please email resume to: office@ andruspowersolutions.com
IRVING FARM IS HIRING for Front of House and Back of House positions at our cafe, 44 Main St., Millerton, NY. Please send resume or inquiries to hr@ irvingfarm.com (P)
BERKSHIRE PULSE is seeking an enthusiastic part-time staff member to assist with opera tions and student services for a vibrant dance education center in Housatonic, MA. Front Desk Staff assume the responsibility for phone, email, and regis tration/payment systems. They will be tasked with facilities maintenance as well as daily in teraction with clients and studio artists. The ideal candidate will be available to work afternoons, evenings, and some weekends, at least 2 shifts per week. To ap ply, email a resume to Benjamin Court, Operations Manager: benjamin@berkshirepulse.org You may also email with any questions, to request an accom modation, or for questions about accessibility. (P)
HUME NEW ENGLAND Christian Camps in the Berk shires of Massachusetts, is look ing for a full-time Maintenance Manager. Duties for this position include managing work order system and workflows, manage department budget, equipment and facility maintenance, as well as use of hand tools, power tools, and heavy equipment. For more information, please contact us. (413)-528-3604. (P)
HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter’s helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., (413)-441-3320.
STANTON HOME is hiring a Weaving Instructor in Great Barrington, MA. This position includes working with diverse groups of individuals with in tellectual/ developmental dis abilities, staff and volunteers. Experience and confidence in all steps of weaving on floor looms, and sewing by machine and had is required. If interested please contact radvile@stanton home.org
going over medical plans (general) as directed by doctor
clients with financials
Above average typing skills
Patient care including diagnostic procedures and treatments
Triage and effectively obtaining patient history
Laboratory, surgical, radiology and dental procedures
Prescription preparation assistance
for success in the
Friendly, polite, sociable, and empathetic
to have control over emotions
average bedside manner that creates and contributes to a successful visit for
and human client
fax: 413-528-4805
271 Main Street
Great Barrington, MA 01230
Earn a competitive wage while providing a much needed service to the children in our community. A part-time job driving school bus or van is the ideal job for parents who want the same schedule as their children or the retiree who needs to supplement their income. Free CDL training program available. CDL School bus drivers earn $22.00 to $28.00 per hour, 7D van drivers earn $19.00 to $24.00 per hour, Bus/Van Aides earn $16.00 to $20.00 per hour. Positions available for Berkshire Hills Regional School District. Ask about our new benefit package!
For more info call: Massini Bus Co. 413-229-7962, M-F, 8:30-4:00.
CARPENTERS AND Carpenter helpers wanted. Building new homes in Southern Berkshire County. Great Barrington and surrounding towns. Good clean full time work. 40 hours per week. $15 to $30 depending on experience. Includes health insurance, dental, vacation and sick time. Call Michael at (413)329-1025.
The Town of Otis seeks applicants for a fulltime laborer/equipment operator position with the Highway Department. CDL Class B, with 2B hoisting license required. Compensation $25.17 per hour. The ideal candidate would live close enough to be within a 30 minute response time. A full job description and application are available by contacting the Administrator’s Office at townadmin@townofotisma.com
Please submit an employment application to the Town of Otis, ATTN: Town Administrator, P.O. Box 237, 1 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253. For more information contact the Highway Superintendent at (413) 269-0106. Position will remain open until filled.
TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. (413)-822-0985.
years old
who are
RECORD: It is illegal for an employer to ask certain questions about a job applicant's or employee's criminal record. The
Reform Act prevents employers from seeking disclosure of job applicants' criminal record information prior to the interview stage of the hiring process.
GENDER IDENTITY: It is illegal for an employer to publish a job advertisement that shows a preference for or discourages someone from applying for a job because of his/her race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.
Also, Discrimination Laws refer to Art in Employment ads as well as copy ie: no white male under the age of 40 can be depicted in an employment ad all by himself.
See Mass.gov for more information
THE PEOPLE’S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, protein as, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Proto colos Covid.
PERSONAL CARE AID for elderly man. One day a week, sleep over (day to be deter mined). Located near Copake Lake. Must be fully vaccinated. $200 per day. Call (518)-3290024.
HELP WANTED: Experienced carpenter. Must have own trans portation and valid driver’s license. Experience in bathroom and kitchens a plus. Please email resume to johnnymcreations@ gmail.com
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM. ads@shoppersguideinc.com
EGREMONT MARKET has immediate opening for full and part time team members!! Look ing for Deli Clerks and Manage ment position. Ages 18+ are encouraged to apply. Fantastic hours for families with school aged children. Please contact us at (413)-854-5603.
CAT CARE GIVER for The Last Post in Falls Village. Part-time or full-time. Must have good trans portation. The position requires daily cleaning of cat rooms. Please contact the Sanctuary at richard@thelastpost.org
NEED A NEW JOB? Look in our Help Wanted Section for job opportunities. The Shop per’s Guide ... Your Anywhere, Anytime Link to the Community. www.shoppersguideinc.com
ENTRY LEVEL POSITION available at Berkshire House works. No experience necessary (but great if you have it!). Come be a part of a dynamic team that works from sitework through fin ish carpentry- remodeling to new construction. Must have reliable transporation and a willingness to learn! (401)-935-4464. (P)
The Town of Monterey (pop 957. $4.8million budget) seeks a re sponsible and experienced law enforcement professional for the full time position of Police Chief. Applicants must be certified as a police officer by the MA Municipal Police Training Council. This is a working Chief position with both patrol and administrative du ties. The successful candidate must possess a proven record of community and organizational leadership; outstanding executive management skills; have thorough knowledge of police admin istration; support 21st century policing principles; successful experience implementing community policing programs and; expertise in effective community relations and customer service programs. The preferred candidate will have a minimum of ten years of progressively responsible experience as a certified po lice officer with a minimum of five years command or supervisory experience. Military experience is a plus. The candidate must be 21 years of age or older; a U.S. Citizen; possess a valid opera tor’s license and possess a Mass firearms license, possess a high school diploma , and maintain current CPR/1st Responder certi fication. The applicant must be a graduate of the Massachusetts Municipal Police Training Committee Basic Recruit Officer and he/ she must satisfy all requirements set forth by the Massachusetts Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission for certifica tion as a Police Officer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Relocation to within fifteen (15) miles of the town center within one year of appointment will be required. Interested applicants should forward a cover letter and resume, and application to: Town Ad ministrator, 435 Main Road, P.O. Box 308, Monterey, MA 01245 or via email to: admin@montereyma.gov. Monterey is an equal op portunity employer. Position will remain open until filled.
Salisbury School
Administrative Assistant / Events Request Coordinator
Salisbury School is seeking an Administrative Assistant who will provide overall administrative support to the Facilities Department. is individual will also act as event coordinator for on-campus events and special projects. Excellent communication, organization and interpersonal skills required. Strong computer skills and knowledge of MS O ce a must. Interested candidates should send a letter of application and resume to: Director of Human Resources
Salisbury School, 251 Canaan Road, Salisbury, CT 06068 mdonecker@salisburyschool.org
Salisbury School is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, age, national origin, disability status, genetic information, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Southern Berkshire
eld, MA
Regional School District
Sex, Gender
National Origin,
Housing Status, Actual or
Marital Status or Parental Status, or Sexual Orientation.
Sportster 883. Only 2100 miles!
Upgraded Amber Whiskey/ silver paint, Vance and Hynes pipes, 2 person saddle with back rest. A real nice looking ride! $6795.00. Call or text (413)-822-4674.
FULLY LOADED! Cars, truck, vans, motorcycles, campers, boats, snowmobiles, etc. Check us out online at www.shoppers guideinc.com
FOR SALE: 2007 Honda Ac cord. Mileage 175,000 +. Teeny tiny bit of rust, car starter added. $4,200. Will take best offer. Call (no text) (413)-2432349.
CIDER PRESS: New, used once, beautiful wood and heavy duty steel. “Homesteader” model from simplyciderpresses.com Comes with all accessories such as wooden fruit hopper and wheel kit for easy moving. Cost $1,500. Asking $1,000 or best offer. Call (413)-429-1510.
AVOID SCAMS! Deal local ly, face-to-face. Don’t extend payment to anyone you haven’t met; and never wire funds (ie Western Union); and never give out financial information. That “amazing” deal may not exist!
AIRSTREAM, 1970, Interna tional LandYacht. $9999.00. Call (413)-243-6188.
Boundaries For Pets
a variety of pet sitting services. From over nights at your home, to dog walking, drop ins and much more. For all kinds of pets, not just dogs and cats. Servicing Southern & Central Berkshire, with over 12 years of experience and refer ences. Please call or email for availability and pricing. (413)302-1609. allkindpetservices@ gmail.com Terry Cook-Visser, owner.
HAY FOR SALE: Round and square bales. Call (413)-4462446.
TWO BONDED, four year old tabby cats have lost their home due to owner’s illness. So sad! It’s best if they stay together, please. For info call (518)-3032910. Ancramdale, NY
HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday morning. Check your mailbox or www.shoppers guideinc.com
RESCUE KITTENS ARE lov ingly cared for and waiting for their permanent homes. For info regarding adoption please call (518)-303-2910. Ancramdale NY
Pet of the Week!
If you’re interesting in meeting Beau, please call the Berkshire Humane Society shelter today!
This is Beau, a 2-year-old, male parakeet who is here because his owner had no time for him. He would love a new home with someone who shares a love of birds.
BERKSHIRE HUMANE SOCIETY 214 Barker Rd, Pittsfield, MA • 413-447-7878 Ext. 124
DO YOU RIDE motorcycles?
Want to be part of a newly forming club? Southern Berkshire Motorcycle Club will be an op portunity to meet and ride with other people who enjoy motorcy cling. We are open to all types of bikes and ages. Text/ call (518)-428-2618, Housatonic.
SNOW TIRES, studded, Nokian, Hakkapeliitta, SUV, 245/55R19. SUV or LT, barely used, Asking $350 for set. (413)-429-1510.
SET OF 4 NOKIAN snow tires on steel rims. 215/55 R16. $500. Call (413)-243-2047.
2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING convertible, needs ragtop, in good condition. Well main tained. Serious inquires only. (413)-637-9796. (P)
2004 FLEETWOOD Redwood RV pop-up. Excellent condition high wall pop-up by Fleetwood. Sleeps six. Fold down table converts to double bed. Two king size beds. Roof mount AC unit, propane furnace, stove and oven. Microwave, 3-way refrigerator with freezer com partment. Double sink. 6 gallon propane/electric water heater. Built in toilet with pull out tank for easy dumping. External shower. Outdoor side mount & gas connection for stove or grill. Upgraded sound system with DC/DVD player. Cable connection. 12’ awning. New marine battery. New breaks, new power converter. Asking $4,000. Make an offer. (413)329-0278.
VINTAGE Gilbert & Barker gas station pump, model 65, $3,200. Unrestored original. (518)-325-3527.
KENWORTH 100 GAL. sad dle tank with aluminum floor stand, $600. (518)-325-3527.
WE PAY CASH FOR JUNK cars and trucks. Call (518)-9652236.
MOTORCYCLE RIDING group! I ride solo but sometimes it’s fun to ride with a group. I have been looking for riding group in Southern Berkshire County but have not found one yet. If you have any information on an existing group, or any in terest in joining one, text/call Al, (518)-428-2618 (Housatonic).
WANT TO ADD A PHOTO to your classified advertisement? You can place your ad right on our website by clicking on Place a Classified, then upload the accompanying image for free. www.shoppersguideinc.com (P)
NEW COOPER Grand Touring all weather tires. Less than 100 miles on them. $375! Paid $800. 235/65 R17. Fits mini van/suv. (413)-644-6770.
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR paint ing, power washing, deck refin ishing, fully insured. Please call (413)-822-4648.
STONE WORK, decks, siding, kitchens, bathrooms, landscap ing, roofing, painting, garden installation and maintenance. (845)-616-5327.
PAINTING SERVICE by Tim Connelly. (203)-600-1000. Insured in Great Barrington and CT, NY as well. (P)
BROWSE THE CLASSIFIEDS Visit www.shoppersguideinc.com
DESIGNER, BUILDER, con tractor David Allard. Licensed, insured, skilled, responsive. (413)-504-3663.
YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT you might find! Read us at www.shoppersguideinc.com.
ARTISTIC TILE installations. Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years expe rience. (413)-229-0260.
ALADDIN Quadra-Fire wood stove with 2 sections of 6” stove pipes. Asking $1000. (518)789-3728. (P)
SOLAR ENERGY. Installation, licensed, insured, warranteed, guaranteed, 24/7 monitoring.
No upfront costs necessary. Smart Home included. Peter A. Wenk, (518)-391-9847. PeterWenkSolar@gmail.com
YOUR NUMBER ONE choice for advertising throughout the tri-state area is Shopper’s Guide. Over 57,000 weekly readers! No one else can compare to that! www.shoppersguideinc. com (413)-528-0095.
WINDOW AND DOOR weatherstripping, refitting, re pair in shop, restoration, new fabrication of windows and doors. Wayne Olivieri Carpen try. (413)-854-1048. CSFA059711 HIC-183099.
Louis E. Allyn
Sons, Inc.
Established 1917 East Canaan, Conn.
your costs in half! Call the Shopper’s Guide for information on how he can research co-op opportunities for your business. We offer the area’s most suc cessful and advanced co-op advertising service. Start saving today! (413)-528-0095. ads@ shoppersguideinc.com
Henry A. Kirchdorfer III
Prime Office Space
Street, Great Barrington
FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigera tor, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)329-1175.
2 BR APARTMENT: West Stockbridge, AC, washer, dryer. $1500+ utilities. (413)-4297548.
ONE BEDROOM APT., fur nished, no junk, fully equipped kitchen, 3 miles south of Tangle wood. Sept. 1st. Utilities incl. $1,400. (877)-500-4030.
FOR RENT: Commercial/ re tail/ office/ storage. $500 month plus utilities. Busy Rt. 44, Canaan, CT area. (413)446-1979.
2 BEDROOM, 1 bathroom, Sheffield, MA. Electric heat. No smoking, no pets. First, last, se curity deposit required. $1900 plus utilities. (413)-429-1840.
2ND FLOOR OFFICE SPACE in GB village, available imme diately, off-street parking and utilities included. $425/mo. Not residential. Email: Housatonic Home@gmail.com or call (413)298-7233. (P)
WEEK 52 TIMESHARE, Fox Hollow, Lenox, MA. Get ready to ski the Berks: Butter nut, Catamount, Bousquet and more. Family & friends vacation never been so easy and fun! Week 52, perfect for holiday vaca! Sleeps 4-8. 2 full baths, 2 bdrms, full kitchen, dining area, living area w/a double sleeper sofa, a private deck overlooking pond, fireplace, cable TV and WiFi, loft sitting room, a second bedroom on 2nd flr. Pool, tennis and more. Clubhouse at no charge. Deed ed Wk 52. $4500 obo. Email troyamuso@snet.net or call (203)-255-1555, leave mes sage. (P)
1 BDRM: Egremont, in town, cozy! $1150 plus utilities. Snow plowing included. Showings weekday evenings or weekend. Available 10/15 or 11/1. Email only: rentalsgbma@gmail. com
PROFESSIONAL SPACE: Two room office space for lease in beautifully furnished small office building in Housatonic. Free high-speed internet, a fully equipped conference room, kitchen, reception area, and restored hardwood floors. Text/ call (413)-329-9161.
SEEKING RENTAL: Yearly rental, furnished house or quiet apt: 2 bedrooms + office space or 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2+ baths, in Southern Berkshire County or Northern Litchfield County, CT. For 2 mature, reliable adults, good references. (413)-4296147.
HOUSE FOR RENT: Fully fur nished, 6 mos. rental. Available Nov 1. Recently renovated. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. All utilities incl. (413)-281-4871.
HOUSESHARE/ Housemate wanted for the larger bedroom in my sweet house on Brett Rd, Monterey. 5.5 miles from Great Barrington, 14 acres, on wetland pond, deadend road. House just professionally cleaned from top to bottom.
Pets welcome! I have a dog & cat. All kitchen privileges, shar ing cooking would be lovely. Woodstove plus propane heat. Garden space available with raspberries, asparagus, etc. Benedict Pond, Lake Garfield just a couple miles away. Rea sonable rent. Please call Nancy, (413)-379-3655.
HOUSE FOR SALE in Sheffield. Two story, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on one acre. If interested please call (413)-717-0553 for details.
All real estate advertised
is subject to state and federal antidiscrimination law, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information, ancestry, children, marital status, public assistance recipiency or handicap. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringtonjunk removal.com
WANTED: 5 month rental June 2023 to October 2023. 2 bed room, 2 bathroom apartment or house; need master bedroom and bath on first floor. Mature adults. Lois and Miles Friedman, (561)-271-9330; (561)-6676951.
FOR RENT: Unfurnished three bedroom house in Great Bar rington. Available for six months or longer. New appliances, new gas heat and hot water system. No smoking, no pets. Refer ences and background checks. $2,800 a month plus you pay gas, electric, and garbage pick up. Available immediately. First and security. Text or call (413)854-1003 between 9am-5pm.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM. ads@shoppersguideinc.com
CAMEL MOVING & Storage: (413)-822-0985. Find us on Angie’s List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMovingStorage. com
WANT TO ADD A PHOTO to your classified advertisement? You can place your ad right on our website by clicking on Place a Classified, then upload the
Exciting Retail Opportunity in Downtown Great Barrington
Ground Floor With Large Display Windows
Rally to Save Sharon Hospital
Hear from our public officials, doctors, and fellow community members on how you can help save Maternity at Sharon Hospital.
Oct 16 at 2pm
the Sharon Town Green
Testify at the Public Hearing
Nuvance’s application to close Maternity.
Written Testimony: Email OHS@ct.gov by Monday, Oct. 17.
Oral Testimony: Sign up via Zoom on Tuesday, Oct 18 at 2pm.
Testimony starts at 3pm. For the Zoom login and further information, please visit our website.
Oct 18 via Zoom
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FIRST ALERT 1039734/ CO605 Carbon Monoxide Alarm, 85 dB, Electrochemical Sensor
The First Alert CO605 carbon monoxide plug-in alarm features an electrochemical CO sensor to alert you to dangerous carbon monoxide. This personal carbon monoxide detector plugs into any standard electrical socket to monitor CO levels in your home, office or other space. The simple, user-friendly design features battery backup to allow for continuous monitoring, even in the event of a power outage. 3222023
Carbon Monoxide Alarm, 85 dB, Alarm: Audible Beep, Electrochemical Sensor
The FIRST ALERT CO600 plug-in carbon monoxide alarm utilizes an electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor that lasts for up to five years to detect carbon monoxide. This carbon monoxide detector plugs into any wall outlet. When carbon monoxide levels become elevated, a loud 85 dB alarm alerts you to the threat. 8577272