


"POWERHOUSE" 7 TON electric/hydraulic portable log splitter with steel wedge. $150. 413-446-7218.
ForAdReservationsandAdCopy fortheWednesdayPublication.
Adsneedingcustomerapproval(AD PROOF)mustbe submittedby11:00AMTHURSDAY.ProofApprovalsmustbe receivedby10:00amMondayortheadwillbepublishedasis. 271MainStreet,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230-1749 Call413-528-0095Fax413-528-4805 ads@shoppersguideinc.comwww.shoppersguideinc.com OfficeHours:MondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm CommittedToBuildingCommunitySince1968!
FOUND GLASSES: Mens prescription, south of Dugway/Pixley Hill intersection in West Stockbridge. Call 413-232-4395.
HAVE YOU GONE DIGITAL with your advertising? We can help with that, too! For more about digital advertising call Cheryl at the Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095.
CARPENTER/BUILDER -David Valyou serving MA, CT, NY for 20+ years. Renovations & Repairs Kitchens, Baths, Studios. Old Houses & Barns my specialty (917)-538-1617 davidvalyou @yahoo.com Based in Canaan, CT.
Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE: 18" to 20", $225 per cord. Will deliver up to 15 miles for $50 with a 2 cord minimum. Call (413)-446-2446.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com
Abilingualpresentationledby JoyceBrewer, ProgramManageroftheBerkshireArea HealthEducation(AHEC) willprovide anopportunityto:
•Haveanopenconversationabout youthvaping
•Learnmoreaboutcurrentdataregarding vapeuse,marketing,andavailability
Needhelpfortheholidays? Children,Adults,Seniors Thisyear,youmustapply INPERSON atCHP-WIC, 442StockbridgeRoad, GreatBarrington. Noapplicationswillbetaken overthephoneorbyemail. Please call413-528-0457 formoreinformation
ApplicationDeadline: November1,2024
Applicantsmustprovideproofofresidency&income eligibility,(WICcard,MassHealthcard,SNAPcard, FuelAssistance,paystubs,etc.)andmaybeaskedto senddocumentstoWIC@CHPBerkshires.org.
ParticipantswillreceiveaPriceChopper/Market32 foodvoucherperfamilyunitandaCarter’s/OshKosh orGAPclothinggiftcardforchildren(0-16yrs).
DO YOU WORRY ABOUT the way you eat? Overeaters Anonymous may have the answer for you. No weigh-ins, dues, or fees. Call Emily 413-329-7224 for information or oa.org New meeting: Fridays 1-2pm, Ambulance Garage, Fairview Hospital parking lot, Gt Barrington. FOR SALE: Morso 2110 wood burning stove with stainless steel chimney liner and cap. Photos available. $800. 413-446-7218.
Doesnotendorse productsorservices advertisednordoes itinvestigatewhether servicestobeprovided requirespeciallicensing orinsurance.Consumers wouldbewisetoinvestigateserviceproviders.
271MainStreet GreatBarrington,MA01230
Office:413-528-0095 Fax:413-528-4805 ads@shoppersguideinc.com www.shoppersguideinc.com
OfficeHours: MondaythruFriday 8:30amto4:30pm
FREE: 10 ft tennis court chain link fence. Very good condition. You take down and haul. Posts just pounded in, no cement. In GB. Call 208-270-9730.
MadsenOverheadDoors offersnumerousdoor optionstofitanybudget! Residential,commercial& industrialdoors,electric operators,radiocontrols, sales&service.
OVERHEADDOORS Fast,friendlyservicesince1954
THURSDAY *Somerestrictionsapply.Seeinstorefordetails.
DISCOVER YOUR ROOTS. Need help building your family tree? Experienced family history researcher, based in Lenox, can help you knock down those brick walls and find answers to your long asked questions. Reasonable and flexible rates. Free consultation. Member NGS, NEHGS, NYG&BS, and BFHA. Call Robert at 914-260-2120.
IS FOOD A PROBLEM for you? Try Overeaters Anonymous. For information on phone, online, and virtual meetings, go to www.oa.org
JOIN A BOARD! Nonprofits need your time, talent and treasure. Make a difference and make friends. Do good work. 413-441-9542 or npc berkshires.org/join-a-board/
KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.
LAMP REPAIRS and Rewiring. Michael Cleary, Former Owner, The Lamplighter. akacleary@aol.com 413-822-4542.
LARGE VICTORIAN dollhouse, 45 inches tall, good for all ages 10 to 100. Minor repairs needed but quite beautiful as is. $200. obo Call for pics 413-229-2510.
NO QUESTIONS ASKED: Please return my blue 10 speed bike (50 yrs). 1978 Motobecane, new tires and chain rusty rm. Removed Sun 10/20/24 from my back yard on Everett St (corner house East & Everett). I am over 70. My bike is my only transportation yr round. binghamldeb orah@gmail.com
Bu FOR SALE: Space saver power recliner, like new, grey fabric, adjustable lumbar support, movable head support. $400 obo. 413-854-3369.
(518)3923883 673Route203,Spencertown,NY www.MadsenOverheadDoors.com
STANLEY FURNITURE bedroom set. 6-drawer bureau and 9-drawer dresser with mirror. $975. Excellent used condition. GB. 413-528-2333.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
The Shopper's Guide will make every effort to see that all advertising copy is neatly presented and is correctly printed. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertising, but will gladly reprint, without charge, that part of any advertisement in which an error may occur. Also the pub lish er takes no responsibility for state ments or claims made in any ad ver tise ment. The publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish an advertisement for any reason.
OLHAUSEN SEVEN FOOT pool table, excellent condition, comes with cover, balls, six cue's, one bridge, chalk and wall rack. $2000 obo. Call for pics 413-229-2510.
THE 403 GROUP SHOP has over forty vendors under one roof! In Canaan CT opposite Decker Beebe. If you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere.
SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730.
CLEANING SERVICE. Do you need help cleaning your house? Let me help you!! I'm reliable, honest, experienced and thorough. I offer weekly, bi-weekly or monthly services. Call/ Text me at 413-717-0557 or send me an email at casascleaning959 @gmail.com. References available upon request.
CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. (413)-645-2332, Text or call. Ramos72185@gmail.com
COMMERCIAL/Residential cleaning in Berkshire County, Columbia County NY. Call/text 413-854-3411. Email-Berkshireclean023 @gmail.com Fully insured.
Windows PC tune-ups, repairs, upgrades, Wi-Fi networking, tech support. (413) 528-1141 or https:// dellea.biz
ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. (413)-429-7101.
ERIK'S FURNITURE SHOP. Antique to modern repairs and finishes in shop or onsite. Rt 7, Sheffield, 413-429-6892.
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringto njunkremoval.com
TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver (413)-441-4893.
GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. (413)-429-7101.
Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate, (413)-429-7101.
GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! (413)-644-5164.
HOUSE CLEANING: Weekly, bi-weekly, weekenders welcome. Excellent attention to detail. Honest and reliable. Within 10 mile radius of GB. Excellent references. 413-644-5803.
HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE: Apartment, house, Airbnb. Weekly, biweekly, monthly. Reliable, efficient and kind. Excellent references. Call or text 860-491-6076. Sandra.
INTERIOR, EXTERIOR painting: Handyman service, decks, staining, pressure washing, gutter cleaning. Fully insured. Free estimates. Jose Miranda (413)-212-2812.
LeBEAU APPRAISAL Service since 1973. Antique furniture, ceramics, silver, weapons. 413-229-3445 voice & text.
WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders (413)-429-7101.
is on
NEED PAINT/SPACKLE work done which is too small for most contractors? Two semi-retired, exceptionally experienced painters available for small interior/exterior jobs. Working in the Great Barrington area for over 20 years. Perfection is always our goal! Call Eric: 484-947-9797 or David: 413-717-8101./
NORBERT'S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call (413)-528-2221.
ORIENTAL OR AREA RUGS in need of cleaning or repair? Our high-quality craftsmen have served the tri-state area for over a decade. Located in Lakeville, CT, we offer pick-up/ delivery within 20 miles. 860-318-5457.
OVERWHELMED BY paperwork? Tired of holding for customer service reps? Can't get a ride to an appointment? Why not let me do the things that you haven't the time nor the heart to do yourself. Offload those chores and many others to me. I'm Happy to Help! Email me at judy.turtz@gmail.com or call me at 413-551-7313 or text me at 617-680-0640.
THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda (860)-671-0468. thefloorspecialist@verizon.net
$400, Vermont Castings Vigilant good condition with rear exit pipe, top load & front fireplace view w/screen. Call 413-717-0099.
YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call (413)-528-8227, email us at yh.book @verizon.net or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.
CELTIC CHRISTMAS FAIR: The Christian Community, 10 Green River Lane, Hillsdale, December 8th 12:00pm to 4:00pm. Crafts, Soup and Beverages, Baked Goods, Storytelling, Music.
FREE: 3 exterior doors in great shape; 1 comoster, green, bundle of asphalt shingles; 1 portable gas grill. 413-528-3830.
TODDLER YOUTH BED. Simmons mattress, very good condition. For child up to 5yrs, 50 lbs. $40. 413-528-3474
•OutsideHD AntennaInstallation
We’veMoved! Ournewaddressis
279SmithfieldRd.,Millerton,NY12546 Callforappointment 518-789-3881
Onepersonperfamily October15,16,22,23,30,10:30amto2:00pm. October21and28,4:00pmto6:00pm PleasebringIDforparent/guardian,birthcertificatefor allchildren,proofofaddress,andproofofincome. Email: marsha.barter@use.salvationarmy.org
Pleasecallforinformationonhowtoapply. 413-528-0457Hours9-4
Youmustapplyinperson;noapplicationswill betakenoverthephoneorbye-mail.Ifyouare notontheCHP-WICprogramspleasebring, incomeandresidencyinformation.
Contest Sponsor
UnoccupiedPropertySpecialists LICENSED•BONDED•INSURED 617-816-6152 crmhomewatch.com ChrisMaccarini,PMP-Owner
Participateinthe “Winner,Winner Turkey Dinner Contest” whereyoucountthenumber ofturkeysonthepagesoftheShopper’sGuidefor achancetowinadelicious,home-cookedturkey dinnerfrom TAFTFARMS inGreatBarrington,MA.
Toparticipate,simplycountthenumberoftimes youfindtheturkey,shownatright,onthepages oftheShopper’sGuide,Wednesday,11/13edition. Onceyouhavecountedalltheturkeys,goto shoppersguideinc.com/thanksgiving and enteryourtotalnumber.
Theluckywinnerwillbechosenatrandomfrom allcorrectentriesandthewinner’snamewillbe publishedinthe11/20edition,justintimefor Thanksgiving.
ContestRules: Limitoneentryperperson.Thewinnerwillbenotifiedby emailorphone,priortotheWinner’sAnnouncementadintheWednesday, November20editionoftheShopper’sGuide.Prizecertificatecanbeclaimed attheShopper’sGuideofficeat271MainStreet,Suite4,DowntownGreat Barrington,MA01230,413-528-0095.EmployeesandrelativesofNew EnglandNewspapers,Inc.areineligibletoenter. Areyoureadyto
Why Volunteer?
Are you looking for a meaningful way to give back to your community? We need passionate individuals like you to help us make a real impact. Volunteer with us and be part of something special! Join Us in Making a Difference!
• Make an Impact: Your time and skills can help change lives and drive positive change in our community.
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How You Can Help:
• Lunch Volunteers, Guest Chefs, Art, Music, History….. Whether you’re interested in cooking for a crowd, instructing an art class, a craft or cooking...we have a spot for you! The possibilities are endless.
• Flexible Hours: We offer various shifts and opportunities to it your schedule.
• Training Provided: Don’t worry if you’re new to volunteering; we provide all the training you need.
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Sign up today and become a vital part of our team. To learn more about how you can contribute, reach out to Joan Peters (jpeters@townofgb.org), stop by to see us or call us at (413) 528-1881.
Together, we can make a difference—one volunteer at a time. Join us in creating more opportunities for the seniors in our community!
Volunteer with Us Today!
HAY: First and second cutting square bales. $6 delivered. $4 at barn. Also mulch hay $3 at barn. 413-229-2523.
HAY FOR SALE: Round hay bales. Stored inside. No waste. $45. Square bales $6. 413-446-2446.
HAY FOR SALE ALFORD. Round bales, 1st and 2nd cut square bales. Text or call 413-717-1735.
WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit www.litnetsb.org
WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? Lost & Found and Free pet ads are no charge for 20 words and can be placed for 2 weeks. Place your ad online at shoppersguideinc.com or stop by the office at 271 Main St., Suite 4, Gt. Barrington.
LOOKING FOR Youngish laying chickens. 413-2292523.
POMERANIANS. Chocolate or black, all ages. Starting at $350. Purebred. Reputable breeder. Registered. Located in Saratoga. 518-596-8781 call or text.
WEATOGUE STABLES, in Salisbury, CT has an opening for an experienced weekend person. Duties include feeding, turnout/in, horse, stable and pasture care. Come join our fun team! Contact Bobbi at 860-307-8531.
We have adorable and healthy kittens! To adopt please call 518-303-2910. Ancramdale, NY
PetPartnerswascreatedtohelppetownerscarefortheir companionanimalsduringtimesofeconomicstress, sotheirpetscanremainintheirhomeandnotbe surrenderedtosheltersorrescuegroups.
PETPARTNERSPROVIDES: FoodforNeedyDogsandCats ReducedRateSpay/Neuter AssistancewithBasicVeterinaryCareCosts Donationscanbemadeonline throughourdonationpageat www.petpartnersberkshires.org or bymail: PetPartners,POBox67, WestStockbridge,MA01266 Yourdonationistaxdeductibleand all donationsgodirectlyforthecareoftheanimals.
• Pupperoni and other soft treats
• New dog toys, all types
• Gallon & quart Ziploc bags
• Laundry detergent
• Scented floor cleaner
• Paper towels
• Heavy duty garbage bags
• Iams dry dog kibble
• Dryer sheets
• Liquid hand soap FOR CATS & SMALL ANIMALS: • Rabbit and guinea pig toys and chews • CareFresh absorbent bedding • Hand sanitizer • Windex & Lysol spray
Disinfectant wipes • S.O.S. or Brillo pads • Any dry cat food • Fancy Feast cat food
Clay cat
FOR CATS: • Kitten Food: Iams ProActive Health Kitten, Purina One Kitten, & Purina Kitten Chow
Adult Cat Food: Fancy Feast dry and canned, Iams ProActive
New Berkshire Museum exhibition chronicles climate change through painting and sculpture
BY ELLEN SPEAR BerkshiresWeek
“A context that really matters but with a focus on beauty” is the way glass sculptor Peter Bremers describes a new exhibition at the Berkshire Museum, “Homage to the Glacier.” Bremers and painter Jim Schantz want to bring the sense of fragility and splendor of the natural world to us along with an important message.
The pair were inspired to create a series of new pastels, paintings and glass sculptures that will be featured in the exhibition, which was born after the two returned and had a long phone conversation to discuss the experience they had together.
The two talked about the trip, the conversation they had when they returned, and the resulting exhibition in a recent interview.
In May of 2023, Bremers, who has been to Iceland many times, and who has explored glaciers in his work before, created an itinerary to share with Schantz. They explored Vatnajökull, which is the second largest glacier in Europe. Ice from the glacier falls regularly into a lagoon called Jökulsarlón.
public to care about the effects of climate change is, rather than preaching, to take the approach of highlighting the beauty that will disappear if we don’t recognize and attempt to slow or stop what is happening.
Schantz noted in the exhibition catalog that the Glacial Lagoon was his “greatest inspiration.” He said that the experience allowed him “to dream bigger and go beyond what I’ve done as an artist.” He says the 6 paintings and pastels in the exhibition have provided him a platform to sound an alarm and show how important our natural resources are and what would be at stake if they were lost.
land where, he says, chunks of ice from the glaciers fall onto the beach, into the bay, travel through a river and into the ocean. Icebergs are thrown onto a black lava beach there and look like diamonds.
The artists were interested to see how each interpreted the sights on the trip. Bremers says it was informative for him to see how Schantz saw the glaciers and experienced Iceland. He says that people think ice is blue and white, but that it is actually a reflector.
“If the sky changes color, ice does, too.” Bremers points to Schantz’ work, “Jökulsarlón Dusk” to illustrate the phenomenon.
Where: Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield
When: Nov. 2 to Jan. 5, 2025
For 18 months, they “worked separately but with the same memory,” says Bremers. He says that the work is important because it is “such a political topic — it shouldn’t be. It should be beyond political” because of the effects a changing climate will have for generations to come.
The artists point out that they believe the way to motivate the
Schantz likens the work to the output of the Hudson River School painters. They knew, he says, that their majestic landscape was changing due to industrialization. Schantz says the two artists are “evolving from the same experience” both artistically and environmentally” — expanding their knowledge of what is occurring as glaciers in Iceland melt and the bays, rivers and oceans change, while pushing their artistic boundaries in a way that will connect with audiences and cause them to care because of the attraction of this unique beauty.
Bremers expands, noting that by using the optical effects of glass, he is trying to show the structure and changes in ice — trying to achieve the look of a melting and changing piece of ice in a static sculpture. He recalls visiting Diamond Beach in Ice-
Schantz says Bremers’ pieces “go beyond three dimensions. The color is so much like the clarity of the ice and the magic of what the ice can do.”
Bremers’ work in glass began by accident when he happened into a glassblowing workshop in the Netherlands. His works are in major public collections including the Art Museum of the Hague and the Glasmuseet Ebeltoft in Denmark.
Schantz ‘ work can be found in the collection of The Art Complex in Duxbury, the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University, and here at the Berkshire Museum and others.
The two say they are already talking about when they might make another trip to Iceland. Bremers says journeying there and seeing the glaciers is a “spiritual approach — it’s talking to your soul.”
Curiousaboutthat 1884ParishHouseattachedto FirstCongregationalChurch ofGreatBarrington?
MAUREEN O'FLYNN Voice Studio. Voice Lessons: classical, opera, musical theatre, American Songbook, pop. 1/2 hr or 1 hr lessons. Consults: "Tune-ups" for working pros, voice teachers, choral singers. 1 hr. Find your voice, for health, joy, empowerment. 413-441-2015. www. maureenoflynn.com
TheMansehasbeenlistedintheNational RegisterofHistoricPlacessince1992. Saturday, November2,2024 1-3pm 241MainSt.,GreatBarrington,MA Roomtoursandachancetocheckoutthe newlyrenovatedexteriorstonework.
MAUREEN O'FLYNN Voice Studio. Voice Lessons: classical, opera, musical theatre, American Songbook, pop. 1/2 hr or 1 hr lessons. Consults: "Tune-ups" for working pros, voice teachers, choral singers. 1 hr. Find your voice, for health, joy, empowerment. 413-441-2015. www. maureenoflynn.com
EVERY SUNDAY: Worship Service 10:30. First Congregational Church UCC, 251 Main Street, Great Barrington. ONA
FOR ADULTS: specializing in adult students, my home or yours. Call Deborah Harris, (413)-528-9027.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com
Saint Joseph Church Bingo, every Friday, 2 Daisy Hill Rd. Canaan, Ct. Doors open at 5:15. Bonanza begins at 6:15. Jackpots range from $50-$960. Minimum to play $14 for 14 games. 3 specials available for $1 ea. Food and soda available for purchase.
WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit www.litnetsb.org
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
Shopper’s Guide is available for pick up at over 90+ locations throughout the tri-state area. Don’t miss an issue! www.shoppersguideinc.com
GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for! HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday. Check your mailbox.
OurAngusBeefBurgerwithany toppingsofchoiceoffriesand apintofourfreshcraftedbeer. Chef’sVeggieBurger+$2, Grass-FedBurger+$2.
Roastporkwithapplechutney, mashedsweetpotatoand roastedvegetables.
THURSDAY (AllDay): $1WINGS (DINE-INONLY) ChoosefromBuffalo,Mango Habanero,GarlicParmesan, Oaxacan(SmokedChipotle) orSweetThaiChili.
Beerbatteredbayscallops, shrimpandcodserved withcoleslawandbeer batteredfries.
Choiceprimeribservedwith aujus,horseradishsourcream, mashedandvegetables.
Roastedturkeybreastserved withstuffing,gravy,mashed potatoes,vegetablesand cranberrysauce.
FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. All types chair seating. 40 years experience. Free estimates. 845444-0015.
FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. Shaker, taping, and veneer repair. Pickup and delivery. 413-822-1407.
LeBEAU APPRAISAL Service since 1973. Antique furniture, ceramics, silver, weapons. 413-229-3445 voice & text.
THE 403 GROUP SHOP has over forty vendors under one roof! In Canaan CT opposite Decker Beebe. If you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere.
ALFORD BARN SALE: 67 Crooked Hill Rd., Friday & Saturday Nov 1 and 2, 9-3. Barbours to buttons, polos to Pyrex. Rain or shine.
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A Home Health Aide? I am experienced, trustworthy, knowledgeable, reliable, available, and happy to help. Excellent references. Please call Denise at 518-331-2414.
COOKS, DISHWASHERS , and food service workers wanted. Lakeville, CT. Email: info@toryhilldining.com
ROGER TRUCKING has positions available for CDL and non CDL Drivers/Laborers. Contact 413-528-8128.
EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Needed. Salisbury, CT 860-248-9605.
TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. (413)-822-0985.
Lookingforamotivatedgeneratortechnician toworkintheBerkshiresandsurrounding areas.Knowledgeofenginerepairand troubleshootingisaplus,butwillingtotrain therightperson.Paybaseduponexperience. Avaliddriver’slicenseisamust. Call AndrusPowerSolutions,Inctodayfor interviewat413-243-0043oremailresume tooffice@andruspowersolutions.com.
SalisburySchool,aprivateall-boysschool locatedinSalisbury,CT,isseekingdedicatedand responsibleindividualstojoinourCampusSafety teamtoensurethesecurityandwell-beingofour schoolcommunity.TheCampusSafetyOfficer willberesponsibleformaintainingavisibleand proactivesecuritypresenceoncampus,assisting withemergencyresponseprocedures,andfostering asenseofsafetyandsecurityamongstudents, faculty,staff,andvisitors.
ShiftsincludeM,T,W3:00pm–11:00pmand Sat/Sun7:00am–3:00pm.Competitivepayand benefitsavailable.
Highschooldiploma,validdriver’slicense,and cleandrivingrecordrequired;priorexperiencein campussecurity,orrelatedfieldpreferred.
Foranapplication,pleasevisit www.salisburyschool.org/careers or contact mdonecker@salisburyschool.org.
Earnacompetitivewagewhileprovidinga muchneededservicetothechildreninour community.Apart-timejobdrivingschool busorAideistheidealjobforparentswho wantthesamescheduleastheirchildren ortheretireewhoneedstosupplement theirincome.FreeCDLtrainingprogram available.PositionsavailableforBerkshire HillsRegionalSchoolDistrict.
Formoreinfocall: MassiniBusCo.413-229-7962 M-F,8:30-4:00
E. C ali g ari& S onin G reatBarrin g ton, M A hasapositionopenintheirpaint department. N oexperienceisnecessary, willtraintheri g htperson. M ustbeableto li f t50lbsandenjoyawidevarietyo f tas k s. G oodcustomerservices k illsamust.
atTheHotchkissSchool nLakeville,CT
Wearecurrentlylookingforeveningshiftsonly: Dishwashers FoodServiceWorkers LineCooks
Full&Part-TimePositionsAvailable Full-timepositionsareeligibleforbenefits
I NTERESTED ? CallBecky860-435-3238 orvisitourwebsitetoryhilldining.com/careers ToryHillLLCisanEEO/AA/Minority/Female/Disability/VeteranEmployer
Iscurrentlyseekingan EXPERIENCEDSALESPERSON inourGeneratorDivision
Thisisatechnicalsalespositionandwill requireanindividualwhocancompletely workthroughthetechnicalsalesprocess proficiently.Thisisanoutsidesalesposition withtheindividualspendingaportionofhisor hertimeinthefield,makingcallsoncustomers andprospecting.Dutiesincludegenerating quotations,conductingjobsitewalk-throughs, andalldutiesrelatedsalesofourgenerator productlines.Thisisafull-timeposition withabasesalarypluscommission.
Contact AndrusPowerSolutions todayfor aninterview413-243-0043oremailresume tooffice@andruspowersolutions.com
SalisburySchool,Inc.hasanimmediateopeningforafull-timecustodianinitsHousekeeping Department.TheworkscheduleisMondayFriday,6:00am–2:30pm.Experiencepreferred butwillingtoprovideon-the-jobtraining.Full timepositionincludesacomprehensivebenefitpackage(healthinsurance,retirementand paidtimeoff).Pleasecontact pstevens@ salisburyschool.org orcall 860-435-5724 for moreinformationandanapplication.
Approx.Pay: $900Bi-Weekly
DaltonSouthSt/MainStarea PaperDraw: 180+DailythruSunday Time: 3.5hours Approx.Pay: $590
FARM COUNTRY SOUP seeks PT driver for local soup deliveries. Are you reliable, courteous, organized with own vehicle and good communication skills? These are small deliveries but generally all day, ideally every Thursday, but Wednesday or Friday possible. And if you wear several hats Saturday is also available for help packing orders, labeling and other light kitchen tasks. Come work in a friendly, nourishing environment. $20/ hr. Email us at info@farmcountrysoup. com
EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper Needed. Salisbury, CT 860-248-9605.
HELP WANTED for home renovations. Will train. (413)-429-7101.
SHEFFIELD POTTERY is looking for a full time production worker in the clay production factory. You will be trained to run industrial equipment such as mixers, extruders and forklifts. Good record keeping skills and some lifting is required. The hours are 7:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday. We offer full benefits. Salary will be based on experience. Please contact John Benedict at sheffieldpottery@gmail.com to request an application.
HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., (413)-441-3320.
CaligariHardware, Lenox,MA01240
CaligariHardwareinLenox,MAhasanopening foraparttimesalesclerk.Wearelookingfor acustomerorientedperson,noexperienceis necessary,willtraintherightperson.Mustbe abletolift50lbs.andhavebasiccomputer knowledge.Retailsalesexperienceisaplus. OccasionalSundays.
ApplyinpersontoColleenFoisy,StoreManager ormailresumeto:CaligariHardware,224 HousatonicStreet,Lenox,MA01240
BOTH LABORER AND Heavy Equipment Operator wanted. Laborer: shoveling, raking, pipe fitting, moving equipment. Equipment Operator: operating excavator, other equipment. Full time, benefits. cwe2007@outlook.com 413-232-7966. Chris Williams Excavating, Inc. P.O. Box 339, West Stockbridge, MA 01266.
GINO FURIO LLC is looking for a Senior Carpenter (min ten years exp) and a Junior Carpenter (min 5 years) with truck, tools and a proactive attitude. 413-854-1940 or Contact@ginofurio.com
JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER wanted. Excellent pay & benefits. Must be licensed in MA. Pioneer Plumbing 413623-5911 or pioneerincoffice @gmail.com.
CentralandWesternMass DIRECTCAREWORKERS (Startingrate$21.44/hr.) and LPNs (Startingrate$34.16/hr.)
DirectCareWorkers: NoExperienceRequired
Trainingwillbeprovided (Mustbeatleast18yearsoldorolderand possesscurrentandvalidClassDMotorVehicleOperator’sLicense) FullandPart-timepositions
WeOffer: ShiftDifferential,HealthInsurance,BasicLifeInsurance, OptionalLifeInsurance,DentalandVision,12PaidHolidays,Tuition Benefit,ExceptionalRetirementSavingsPlan,Vacation,SickTime AccrualandPersonalDays,LongandShort-TermDisabilityInsurances, ProfessionalDevelopmentandContinuingEducation,Educationaland Bilingualincentives,EmployeeAssistanceProgram(EAP)
MoreThanJustAJob,WeOfferAnOpportunityToGrow Applytodayat: https://www.mass.gov/dds-careers
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
VACCINATED, Non-smoking driver with own car wanted for local appointments. If interested, please call (413)-232-7875 9am-7pm. Don't call on Sundays.
Acleandrivingrecordisamust.Pleaseemail resumetooffice@andruspowersolutions.com orcall413-243-0043
STANFORD Refrigeration LLC looking to urgently hire a serious, experienced individual for refrigeration repairs and service. Experience in the refrigeration repair field required. Experience with electrical wiring preferred. This position is full time- MondayFriday, 8am-4:30pm with rotating weekends on call (overtime pay for on call weekends), health benefits, paid time off and retirement account are available after a 90 day probation period. Major holidays off. Candidate must possess: valid drivers license, clean driving record, clean background, reliable transportation to and from work, ability to lift 50lbs., experience in refrigeration/HVAC field. Pay is negotiable based on experience. If interested call 845-868-2272.
WEATOGUE STABLES, in Salisbury, CT has an opening for an experienced weekend person. Duties include feeding, turnout/in, horse, stable and pasture care. Come join our fun team! Contact Bobbi at 860-307-8531.
*DISABILITY:physicalormental.Qualifiedhandicappedpersonsareentitledtoreasonableaccommodations,unlessthataccommodationpresents anunduehardshiptotheemployer.AGE:(40and older)FederallawandMassachusettslawboth prohibitemployersfromdiscriminatingagainst theiremployeeswhoare40+yearsoldbased ontheirage.ARRESTRECORD:Itisillegalforan employertoaskcertainquestionsaboutajobapplicant'soremployee'scriminalrecord.TheCORI ReformActpreventsemployersfromseeking disclosureofjobapplicants'criminalrecordinformationpriortotheinterviewstageofthehiring process.GENDERIDENTITY:Itisillegalforanem-
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FIREWOOD. Ready to burn 16 -18". Mixed hardwood, cut last winter, $290. 413-329-3906.
& FALL CLEANUPS Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
VINTAGE CAR PARTS from the 1920s to the 1980s. Six tables worth. Hood ornaments, fog lights, rear luggage trunks, fan belts and much more. $1000 takes all. Call 413-229-2510
2004 HONDA ELEMENT. Runs well. $1000. CT registration.Call 860-435-2638.
HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday. Check your mailbox. 1966 OLDSMOBILE 98 Convertible, runs well, new paint, new tires, good chrome, rare, color white, red interior is still good but does need some repair to make it perfect. $11,500 obo. Call for pics 413-229-2510. PRICE REDUCTION! 2000 INTERNATIONAL 4900 Automatic — 33k GVW, 67K miles, 15-yard chip dump body, cross & under body tool boxes. Nice unit. $30,000. Emailsupport @racemttree.com or call 413-229-2728.
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ARTISTIC TILE installations. Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years experience. (413)-229-0260.
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WINDOW AND DOOR problem solving. Repair, refitting, weather-stripping, door instal lation.413-854-1048. CSFA059711. HIC183099. Wayne Olivieri Carpentry. TRAVERTINE TILE. 200+ sq.ft. Excellent quality. $1000. or best offer. Steve 860-435-2638.
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271 Main Street Great Barrington, MA 01230 ads@shoppersguideinc.com www.shoppersguideinc.com 413.528.0095
85MainStreet,2ndFloor GreatBarrington,MA Approximately4000sq.feet GREATLOCATION! CallDianeat413-528-4334forinformation DISCRIMINATION INADVERTISING
1270 CAPE ST. LEE, MA: 1 bedroom apartment available Nov.1. $850/ month, plus utilities. First, last, security required. Contact Martin @ 413 281-1112.
READ THE PAPER ONLINE! www.shoppersguideinc.com
BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE for rent in West Stockbridge. 413-717-5249
BEAUTIFUL HOME for rent. 3 BR, 2 Bath, 2.1 mi to Butternut. Lake view. $5, 500/mo all inclusive. Call 413-329-0182.
Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.
CAMEL MOVING & Storage: (413)-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving Storage.com
FOR RENT: 1 Bedroom apartment.$1800 - designer owned, meticulously created 1 Bedroom apartment - Utilities included. Pets considered. Possibility of furnished - if furnished rent is $2300/ month. Short term considered minimum of 3 months. Please call 917-499-3533. A GEM IN QUIET Housatonic, 3 bedroom, 2 car parking, sunny, available now, no smoking, no pets, washer and dryer, trash removal, included. Utilities not included but not too expensive. $1795 monthly. Renovated. 413-429- 5771 Kathryn.
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringtonj unkremoval.com
YOUNG MAN SEEKS room to rent. Full time employed, good credit, non-smoking, no pets. Call Bob 413-329-4941.
referral-basedmovingcompanywith30yearsofexperience. CentrallylocatedinBerkshireCounty,weprovideboth localandlongdistancerelocationservicesinwestern Massachusetts,NewYorkCity,Boston,Philadelphia,Portland andothercitiesthroughouttheNortheast.
Gorgeouslightfilled2bedroomapartment.Highendfinishes, cherryandgranitecook’skitchen,masterbathwithfloorto ceilingmarbleandjacuzzitub.Cherryandoakhardwoodfloors, vaultedceilings,powerskylights,reardeckandfrontporch. $2400permonth,allutilitiesincluded.Call413.429.7477
GREATBARRINGTON$799,000 4bed,2½bath.Closetotown.Chef’skitchen withbrandnewappliances.MLS#244616 TextorcallMaureenWhiteKirkby413.446.5634
GreatBarrington,MA Lenox,MA|Pittsfield,MA 413-528-4423 www.barnbrookrealty.com
3DifferentSizes-120sq.ft.,170sq.ft.,305sq.ft. 2ndFloor-HardwoodFloors
SeparateWaitingRoom–IncludesHeat&Electric 413-528-9841ext.1
FOR RENT: Large studio apartment in Canaan, CT with bathroom and kitchen. Large deck and yard. $1100 per month plus utilities and heat. No pets, no smokers. Ideal space and location. Call 860-248-1410.
FOR SALE: 2 story house in Canaan, CT. 4 bedrooms, 1 bath. Residential and commercially zoned, oil heat needs complettion for updating. Asking $310,000. 860-248-9244.
FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.
Extra large garage. Recent renovation, new kitchen, bathroom, flooring and more. Very quiet, private on big lot. Great view of Butternut Mountain. $2700/month. Call Jeff for more information 954-609-3648
SHEFFIELD: 125 So Main, 2BR, 1B 1245 sq ft building, parking 2-3 cars. Great room: dining area, living room, fully equipped kitchen with new stove, new dishwasher. Bedrooms, laundry hook up. Landlord lives on site. First & one month security deposited in our bank. Rent due last day of the previous month. Required: proof of employment, bank ID, copy of driver's license. Utilities: landlord pays heat, hot water, electricity, snow removal. Tenant pays: trash removal at Transfer station or local trucking company, installed Spectrum internet, mobile phone. $2700 per month. David J LeBeau voice or text 413-229-3445.
THERAPIST LOOKING for quiet office space in Great Barrington area. Full-time or part-time (M-Th). 914-564-9461
AVOID SCAMS! Deal locally, face-to-face. Never give out financial info. That “amazing” deal may not exist!
4/2furnishedanddecorated,fiberoptic available.$2500/monthplusutilities. 917-861-3855
INSERT ADVERTISING: We can handle that for you. www.shoppersguideinc.com
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RailroadStreet-GreatBarrington 1,100sqft,withlargedisplaywindow 413528-9841option1 Available10/1/2024 Getapprovednow–SeriousInquiriesONLY
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