Windham County Meet Your Realtor 2024

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Windham County

Meet Your Realtor

My success as the owner of Brattleboro Area Realt y has been earned through decades of hard work . I know and love real estate sales and it would be my pleasure to par tner with you to discuss selling your home , business or land.

Let me put my e xper tise to work for you!

• Voted 2018 Remarkable Womens Entrepreneur Leader

• Brattleboro A rea Realt y has been voted Greater Brattleboro’s Best Real Estate office 2 1 years running.

• Voted Brattleboro Reformers Best of Brattleboro Real Estate office for 5 years running

Kristen Ziter Taylor Owner/Broker, Ser ving V T & NH 802-380-6632

Remarkable Women Entrepreneur 2018

BR AT TLEBORO ARE A RE ALT Y 402 Canal St, Brattleboro VT 05301 802-257-1335 www.real t yvermont .com • info@real t yvermont .com
A special publication of the Brattleboro Reformer Thursday, March 21, 2024

3 valuable tips for first-time home buyers

Real estate has garnered considerable attention since 2020, and for good reason. Though speculators and real estate professionals may point to a number of variables that have affected the market for homes in recent years, the pandemic certainly was among those factors. Real estate prices and mortgage interest rates increased significantly during the pandemic and have remained well above prepandemic levels ever since.

The spike in home prices and interest rates has had a significant impact on young home buyers, some of whom feel as though their dream of home ownership may never be realized. And data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) indicates the median age of home buyers is now significantly higher than it was two decades ago. In 2023, the median age of buyers was 49, which marked an increase of 10 years compared to the average buyer age 20 years ago.

First-time home buyers may face a more challenging real estate market than they would have encountered just a half decade ago. The following three tips can help such buyers successfully navigate the market as

they look to purchase their first home.


Inventory remains very low, which means buyers are in heated competition for the few homes that are on the market. In late 2023, NAR data indicated the

rate of home sales were the lowest they had been in 13 years, so buyers will likely need to move quickly and make an offer if they see a home they like, as chances are the property won’t be on the market too long before it’s sold. In fact, the NAR

noted that homes spent an average of just 23 days on the market in October 2023.


The competitive nature of the market for buyers means it’s in their best interests to arrange financ-

ing prior to beginning their home search. A mortgage preapproval can be a competitive advantage, as it indicates to sellers that buyers won’t be denied a mortgage or lack financing after making an offer. The financial experts at Nerd-

2 Thursday, March 21, 2024 | Windham County Meet Your Realtor The Brattleboro Reformer | Let’s find your path home together Local mortgage expertise tailored to meet your needs. Federally Insured by NCUA. NMLS #409405

Wallet note that buyers will be asked to provide details about their employment, income, debt, and financial accounts when applying for mortgage preapproval. Gather this information and clear up any issues, such as credit disputes or delinquent accounts, prior to applying for preapproval.


A financial planner or real estate professional can help first-time buyers determine how much they should be spending on a home. In the current market, buyers should know that they will likely need to pay more than asking price for a home. For example, the NAR reports that 28 percent of homes sold for above list price in October 2023. With that in mind, first-time buyers may do well to look for homes that are under budget in anticipation of offering more than list price after seeing a property.

The real estate market remains competitive for buyers. First-time buyers can utilize three strategies to increase their chances of realizing their dream of home ownership.

Did You Know?

Interest rates have been headline news for well over a year. In an effort to tame inflation, the Federal Reserve has increased mortgage interest rates with regularity over the last year-plus. While the cost to borrow money has increased, individuals likely noticed that the reward for saving money has not increased along with it, as interest rates for savings accounts have remained low. In fact, the annual percentage yield (APY) as of February 2023 was 0.24 percent, while the average fixed mortgage rate in September 2023 remained well north of 6 percent. An assortment of variables have combined to lower savings account interest rates, but numerous analysts point to banks having more deposits than they require to issue loans. When that happens, banks do not need to attract additional deposits, which they typically do by offering higher savings account


interest rates. Without that incentive, savings account interest rates have remained low, meaning account holders will continue to pay considerably more to borrow money than they will earn when they save it.

3 | Thursday, March 21, 2024 Windham County Meet Your Realtor The Brattleboro Reformer | T hink ing about selling your proper t y? We ’ re ready to help! Brattleboro : 802-254-6400 • www.berk • Dover : 802-464-8900 Laura D’Angelo Contac t L aura at Berkley & Veller Greenwood Countr y Realtors O ff ice: 802-25 4 - 6 400 ex t 163 Cell: 802- 451- 6 4 85 O ff ice Fax: 802-25 4 - 6 403 • Email: laura dangelo@berkley veller com Berkley & Veller Greenwood Countr y Realtors I am thrilled to be par t of the BV team! Real Estate is a new career path for me. I love challenging, demanding work and I also love working with people. I bring a varied skill set to the table honed over the years in my work as an educator, projec t manager and facilitator. I am grateful to be a member of such a great team of seasoned professionals Recently, I marked my 20 th year in Vermont. This is my home, my hear t is here. I have three dynamic dogs that get me out walking and hiking and one fluff y cat. I love cooking, especially for friends and family, baking bread, quilting, dancing and cross-countr y skiing. Call or e-mail us today to schedule a free estimate on your new roof needs or to schedule a free evaluation on your existing roof or siding S P ECI A L IZ IN G I N S H IN G L E, M E TA L, SL AT E A N D RUBBE R R OOF IN G. WW W FI NN ELL R OOFI N G.CO M
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How sellers get top dollar for their homes

The process of buying and selling a home includes many movable parts. North America has experienced historic trends in the housing market in recent years. Most notably, record-high prices have dominated the real estate market over the last several years.

High prices are good news for sellers, who can probably anticipate receiving offers above listing price.

In New Jersey, inventory is so low that 12.5 percent of homes in the Garden State sold above list price, according to data from RedFin. This is good news for sellers currently looking to make an excellent profit on their properties. Sellers who don’t want to rely on the market alone to earn more for their homes can take various steps to get top dollar.


According to the 2023 Profile of Home Staging

conducted by the National Association of Realtors®, 81 percent of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for the buyer to visualize the property as a future home. Focus your attention on the living room, owner’s suite and kitchen. Hiring a staging professional can be an investment that turns a sizable profit.


A good way to price your home and gauge if it will sell quickly is to look at the average “days on the market” for similar homes nearby. If homes are selling faster than the average DOM, that suggests high demand, which can work in your favor.


Focus renovation dollars on the types of projects that will reap the highest return on investment. Remodeling magazine annually reports

Peggy Winchester


Peggy was a cer tif ed Paralegal for 12 year s focusing on real es tate n a ver y busy Brattleboro off ice She also has an ex tensive bank ing career in all areas including proces sing under writing and mor tgage loans

A Native of Brat tleboro, V T she has a ple thora of indus tr y leads and connec tions

“First time buying a property and Peggy couldn’ t have made it any easier! She s very responsive, knowledgeable and helped make sure I understood everything. G ad she had the patience to exp ain everything thoroughly Even af ter the sale she has been able to point me in the right direction Wou d 100% use her aga n! Thanks Peggy ” Jas on M “ B eing a realtor s not by any means a cake walk Thank you for being so p rofess onal

Your clients are luck y to have you working for them ” L is a H

Contac t Peggy at Brattleboro Area Realt y L icensed in V T and NH 802-258-8500 peggy@realt yvermont .com

the projects that offer the best ROI. In 2023, the project that reaped the highest ROI was an HVAC Conversion/Electrification, which involved converting a fossilfuel-burning furnace into an electric heat pump. The cost recouped was 103.5 percent.


Fewer people are shopping for homes in the dead of winter or during the middle of the school year, so putting your home on the market in spring typically brings out the largest number of interested parties, according to Opendoor.

Emily Zak Webb


Buying or selling a home can be an emotional and stressful experience By listening and making my clients’ needs my number one priorit y, I can help make the process a satisf ying and rewarding one too. I’m a Vermont native, and have been happy to call Brat tleboro my home for the past 7 years. Whether you are considering buying or selling, I would love to hear what your real estate goals are, and work together to achieve them!

Contac t Emily at Brattleboro Area Realt y L icensed in V T and NH 802-246-7 110 emilywebb@realt yvermont .com

But this isn’t the only timerelated factor to consider. To sell for the most money, you want to list your home when you have enough equity to pay off your current mortgage, the costs of selling, and the costs of moving, says Bankrate.


Make sure that buyers see your home in a positive light from the first moment they pull up for a walkthrough showing. According to Home & Garden, improving the landscaping can result in a value increase of up to 12 percent. Additional projects can include investing in a new front door and garage doors. Be sure that hedges are trimmed, there are fresh flowers growing, and that walkways and the driveway are clean and tidy.

A few simple strategies can help sellers get more money for their homes. Try employing the aforementioned tips to increase your revenue!

Thursday, March 21, 2024 | Windham County Meet Your Realtor The Brattleboro Reformer |

How to find the right real estate agent

Working with a real estate agent can give both buyers and sellers an edge in what continues to be a challenging real estate market. Agents, brokers and realtors are professionals who have distinct expertise and knowledge of the process of buying and selling homes. That expertise is evidenced by how many people rely on real estate professionals each year. A 2022 Zillow Group Consumer Housing Trends report found 88 percent of homeowners choose to list their homes with a real estate agent when it comes time to sell.

Individuals understand that it can be in their best interests to work with real estate professionals, but they may not know where to look as they seek to work with one. Here are some tips for finding the right match.


Real estate agents are required by the state in which they operate to pass a real estate license exam. Real estate brokers take it a step further and undergo additional training, which could bring additional experience to the table. Realtors® are members of the National Association of Realtors® and beholden to its strict code of ethics. These individuals also may

have undergone additional training that qualifies them to work with certain types of clients, such as seniors.


Generally speaking, real estate agents either work with buyers or sellers in the transaction. Many will do both, but some specialize in buying or selling. Find a professional who either does both or specializes in your position.


Friends or family members, or even others in the community, can put people in touch with real estate professionals. When asking for referrals, individuals can inquire about certain professionals and how they handled buying or selling a home.


Use the internet to see if the agent has a website, a particular philosophy or a special-

ty. This also may be a place to check online reviews. Don’t be dissuaded by one or two poor reviews. However, if there are many, it may be best to look elsewhere.


Individuals should speak with a couple of real estate professionals to see what they offer. This is a good way to determine if there is a connection there, and whether the agent will get the results needed. A well-prepared agent will come with data,

including “comps” of properties in the area. Professionals typically have information about the current market trends and a portfolio of the homes they have brokered recently.


If it’s between two people of equal qualification, select the person with whom you have a stronger rapport. This person will be guiding you through a sizable financial transaction, so comfort level is important.

5 | Thursday, March 21, 2024 Windham County Meet Your Realtor The Brattleboro Reformer |
06 * Based on clo sed units from MLS Statistical Repor ting for 2023 for all towns in Windham C ount y, V T & Cheshire C ount y, NH L ist with the L eader! Just look at our CLOSED TR ANSACTIONS for 2023 compared to our closest competition!* B H&G T H E MA SI E LL O GRO U P 4 2 1 Berkley & Veller 363 Brattleboro Area Realt y 207 Four Seasons Sotheby ’s 213 Re/Max Town & Count y 203 I love real es tate and the communit y we live in and how it has suppor ted me for over 35 years . Christine Lewis, Broker 802-3 80 -208 8 chris@brat t lebor oar ear eal t Broker in Vermon t & New Hamp shire 4 0 2 C anal S t , Bra t tleb oro V T 05 3 0 1 ww w. r eal t y vermon t .com I prac tic e wi th pas sion and repre sen t my buyer s and seller s wi th unma tched dedic a tion En thusias tic , loyal cus tomer and clien t suppor t keeps me # 1 in loc al s ale s mo s t year s . My per sonal goal is to help buyer s and seller s f ul f ill their dreams . I would love to have you c all me when you are ready to make your nex t move in real e s ta te Vo ted Bes t Real E s tate Agent 2019, 2020, 202 1 & 2023 by Brat tleboro Reformers Readers Choice

Renovations that help sell homes

The adage “there’s a lid for every pot” suggests that, even in relation to the real estate market, there’s bound to be a buyer for every home on the market. Price is a significant variable in the minds of potential buyers, but there are additional factors that can affect the impression people get of a given home.

Certain home features can dramatically tip the scales in favor of sellers. In fact, various renovations can help sell homes more readily. And these renovations need not cost a fortune. Putting a home on the market can be stressful, but these renovations may help it sell fast.


Although painting is relatively inexpensive and a job that some do-it-yourselfers can tackle, it is not a task relished by many. Painting is messy, it takes time and requires moving

furniture. In fact, prepping a room for painting often is the toughest component of any painting job. But fresh coats of paint can create a strong first impression. Choose a neutral color and get painting. Jennie Norris, chairwoman for the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, says gray is a “safe” color that has been trending in recent years.


Remove dated wall coverings, replace fixtures, consider re-glazing or replacing an old tub and swap old shower doors for fast fixes in a bathroom. If there’s more room in the budget, replacing a tub, tile surround, floor, toilet, sink, vanity and fixtures can cost roughly $10,500, says HGTV. You will recoup an average of $10,700 at resale, making a minor bathroom remodel a potentially worthy investment.

Megan Q uinn

Hi! I’m Megan, I’m a Realtor with Southern Vermont Realt y Group I ve been managing vacation rentals in the Deer field Valley for over a decade and added sales to my skill set four years ago Over my career I’ve developed an ex tensive knowledge of Southern Vermont and have bu t a net work of local connections that benefit sellers and purchasers alike.

I take pride in assisting my c ents in meeting their goals in this market and am not afraid to hustle I’m an Accredited Buyer’s Representative as well as a cer tified Resor t and Second Home Proper t y Specialist Helping sellers and purchasers navigate the sale and purchase process, even from afar, is where I excel.

Give me a call, I’d love to connect!

Megan Quinn, ABR, RSPS

Sales Associate

Southern Vermont Realty Group 802-430-4552 cell 802-464-2585 main office


The kitchen tends to be the hub of a home. This room gets the most usage and attention of any space and it’s a great place to focus your remodeling attention. The National Association of the Remodeling Industry estimates that homeowners can recover up to 52 percent of the cost of a kitchen upgrade upon selling a home. Buyers want a functional and updated kitchen. Trending features include drawer-style microwaves and dishwashers, commercial ranges, hidden outlets and even wine refrigerators.


Better Homes and Gardens reports that homeowners may be able to recoup 85 percent of the cost of new HVAC systems when they sell their homes. Heating, cooling and ventilation components are vital to

maintain. You don’t want buyers to be taken aback by an older system and many

millennial buyers are not willing to overlook old mechanical systems.


A home’s exterior is the first thing buyers will see. If they pull up to a home with eye-catching landscaping and outdoor areas that are attractive yet functional, they’re more likely to be intrigued. Often buyers will equate a home that features an impressive exterior with upkeep inside as well. The American Nursery Landscape Association says the average homeowner may spend $3,500 for landscaping.

Improving a home’s chances to sell quickly and at a higher price often comes down to making smart improvements that catch the eyes of buyers.

Thursday, March 21, 2024 | Windham County Meet Your Realtor
The Brattleboro Reformer

Did You Know?

Home renovations can improve a home in many different ways. Modifications to kitchens and bathrooms have long been popular projects, but are they the most popular renovations? According to data from Realm, which analyzed the top 10 most popular projects from roughly 2.8 million listings and permit filings in the United States in 2022, certain projects are more popular than others. Nationally, the most common home renovations include interior painting, exterior painting, finishing a basement, installing or replacing windows, and bathroom remodeling. Houzz polls have unveiled that renovating kitchens and bathrooms, new windows and porches, balcony and deck projects are among the most popular in America.

Jim Bellville

Bellville Realty

Jim pr de s h mself on being the rea e s tate agent that really c are s and pu t s the needs of h s c ient s f ir s t He also under s tands the power of online marke ting by using dozens of real e s tate por tals and launch si te s to marke t his is tings

Jim prides himself on being the real estateagent that really cares and puts the needsof his clientsfirst .He alsounderstands the power of online marketing, driving him to have apersonal real estate website in additionto using dozensofrealestatepor tals and launch sitesto market his listings

AJ Bellville

A native of the Brat tleboro area Jim grew up in Guilf ord Vermont wandering the woods and ex plor ng the hi ls surround ng h s home A s he got older his natural wander-lus t kep t him travel ing the roads o Windham and Che sh re C ountie s ex p or ng p ace s he hadn t been and mak ng new f riends along the way

Anativeof the Brattleboroarea, Jimgrewupin Guilford, Vermont wandering the woods and exploring the hills surrounding his home. As he got older, his natural wander-lustkept him travelling the roadsofWindham and CheshireCounties,exploring places he hadn’t been and making newfriends along the way.

JimattendedLehighUniversity before transferring to the University of Vermont to double major in English and Technical Theatre. While at UVM, Jimwas proudtoser ve with severalvolunteerorganizations, including The Vermont Children’s Magazine and Volunteers in Action as well as ser ving in severalleadership positionsin the UVMchapter of AlphaPhi Omega,acoedcommunity ser vicefraternity.

Aftercollege, Jim ser vedasSalesManager and SalesTrainerfor severalnational companies, including super vising eleven satellite stores throughoutVermont,New York and Massachusettsduring the holiday season.

Jim at tended L ehigh Univer s t y be f ore trans f erring to the Univer s t y of Vermont to double ma or in English and Techn c al T heatre While at U V M Jim was proud to ser ve w th several volunteer organ z at ons , including T he Vermont Children’s Magaz ne and Volunteer s n Ac tion as well as ser ving in several eader ship posi t ons in the U V M chap ter o Alpha Phi Omega a coed communi t y ser vice f raterni t y Af ter college Jim ser ved as S a e s Manager and S ale s Trainer f or severa national companie s ncluding super v s ng eleven satell te s tore s throughou t Vermont New York and Mas sachuse t t s during the holiday season

A J s the first e-PRO RE ALTOR® in the area and prides himself in the use of technology to not only improve the marketing of proper ties, but also in assisting buyers to find their nex t home as soon as t hits the market

He also prides himself on fur thering his education by earning the CRS (Cer tified Residential Specialist), ABR® (Accredited Buyer Representative) e-PRO®, EcoBroker ® , RSPS (Resor t and Second Home) and SFR (Shor t Sale and Foreclosure) designations

A J earned national sales awards with inclusion in the International Diamond Society, as well as the International Sterling Society

Jim’s whole approach to realestateistoprovide the best and most complete possible information to his clients and to allow them to make the decision best for them.

Jim s whole approach to real e s tate is to provide the be s t and mos t comple te pos sible inf ormation to his client s and to a low them to make the dec s on be s t f or them

Born and raised in Vermont A J took a seven year sabbatical from the area to attend college and work in the Washington D C area. While there he earned a double degree in Finance and Economics from the University of Mar yland (“Fear the Tur tle”), while also managing to return to his roots

He is notafraid to work on his client’s timeline, sometimes workingwith themfor years before the perfect home wasfound.

He is not af raid to work on h s c ient s t mel ne some t me s work ing w th them f or year s be f ore the per f ec t home was f ound

Contac tJim at Bellville Realty

Cell: 802-380-0684 Website: bellvillerealt

Contac t A J at Bellville Realt y

7 | Thursday, March 21, 2024 Windham County Meet Your Realtor The Brattleboro Reformer | 255 Western Ave., Brattleboro, Vt • 802-257-7979 • Bellville Realty is proud to ser ve the real estate needs of Brattleboro, Vermont, and the surrounding area. A full ser vice real estate agency, we provide ser vices throughout Vermont and New Hampshire. Whether you are planning to sell or buy a home, land or commercial property we can help.

Discover the K ate Barr y Team: Ser vicing All your Real Estate Ne e ds!

Are you searching for your per fe c t home or ideal commercial space in Vermont , New Hampshire, or Massachuse tt s?

Look no fur ther than the K ate Barr y Team wi th e Xp R eal t y. Wi th a de dication to excellence and a passion for matching client s wi th their dream proper ties, we are your truste d guides in the world of real estate.

Le d by K ate Barr y, a seasone d exper t in commercial real estate, our team brings a weal th of knowle dge and experience to ever y transac tion. Whe ther you’re se eking a commercial proper t y to expand your business or a coz y residential home to call your own, we are here to help you ever y step of the way.

Le t us introduce you to the remark able agent s who make up the K ate Barr y Team:

Marie Elena Potter : Wi th over a de cade of experience in the real estate industr y, Marie Elena is a seasone d professional wi th a de ep understanding of the marke t . Holding licenses in both Vermont and Massachuse tt s, she offers comprehensive exper tise to client s across the region, ensuring they f ind the per fe c t proper t y to sui t their ne e ds .

Cour tney Doubleday: A true local exper t , C our tney brings a weal th of knowle dge abou t the landscape and cul ture of Vermont to his role as a residential spe cialist . Born and raise d in Pu tney, Vermont , his intimate familiari t y wi th the area gives him a unique advantage in helping client s f ind their ideal home in the pic turesque countr yside.

Craig Ruggless: Hailing from Grafton, Vermont , Craig specializes in luxur y real estate and historic farmhouses. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for preser ving the charm of New England’s architec tural heritage, he is dedicated to helping clients find their dream proper t y, whether it ’s a luxurious estate or a charming farmhouse steeped in histor y.

At the K ate Barr y Team, we understand that buying or selling a proper t y is one of life’s most signif icant de cisions . That ’s why we are commi tte d to providing unparallele d ser vice, personalize d attention, and exper t advice to ensure that your real estate journey is smooth and successful.

Whe ther you’re a f irst-time homebuyer, an experience d investor, or a business owner looking for the per fe c t commercial space, the K ate Barr y Team is here to help you achieve your goals . C ontac t us today to star t your real estate journey wi th conf idence and peace of mind.

8 Thursday, March 21, 2024 | Windham County Meet Your Realtor The Brattleboro Reformer |

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