Newsletter issue 38 - June 2014

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The Newsletter for your Community Issue 38: June 2014 See our website Our classic vehicle event last August was so popular that we are doing it again, but this time it will be bigger with more attractions on Saturday 12th July, 10am till 3pm – (see poster opposite). As well as more classic vehicles, vintage buses, Green Goddess fire engine, jeeps and an Antar Tank Carrier, we will also be erecting a temporary stage in Bebington Road outside Lloyds Bank where there will be a variety of music, songs, dance and demonstrations for all the family to enjoy. Amongst them will be:

• Grove Street School Choir • Taiko Dragons Japanese drummers

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Bebington Sovereign Majorettes Complete Works (dance & songs) Vintage Rockers Folk singers Herringbone John and the Kipper Doctors – skiffle

• Allan Finnigan (local based songs) and other attractions including

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Taekwondo demonstrations Bouncy castle Sea cadets / jousting castle Army cadets “living in the field” Face painting Bebington Photographic Society Vintage Radio Club Taiko Dragons Home Watch help & advice Health-check clinic

Published by New Ferry Residents Association, c/o New Ferry Village Hall, Longfellow Drive, New Ferry, Wirral, Merseyside CH62 5JS. Printed by Merseyside Business Forms, Unit 5, Royal Standard Way, Expressway Business Park, New Chester Road, Wirral CH42 1NB

NeFRA Newsletter: Issue 38, June 2014 – Page 2

WHAT SORT OF PLACE DO YOU WANT NEW FERRY TO BE? Despite our repeated warnings, anti-social behaviour is still affecting some parts of our community. And the problem is getting worse as the nights lengthen.


In recent weeks, car wing mirrors have been smashed off in certain streets, the bus shelters have been attacked, and a few weeks ago teenagers pulled some stolen bins into the teen-shelter in New Ferry Park and set fire to it all (see aftermath photo below).

The long-awaited new park on the former landfill site will be opening on Tuesday 12th August at around 2pm. Following cutting of the ribbon, there will be a guided walk with additional entertainment. In the meantime, residents in the local area are being asked to consider joining a “Friends” group for the new park. More details on their website or ring Alison McGovern’s office on 0151 645 6590 to be put in touch with the organisers.

SHOREFIELDS NATURE PARK – PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO START Although New Ferry Residents Association were unsuccessful in winning Heritage Lottery Funding for Shorefields Nature Park, they have managed to secure £20,000 from a variety of other sources to proceed with a scheme that will see the existing path in and gates to the woodland area repaired, new heritage signage and hopefully some new seating. The work will be undertaken this summer. Residents of Oakworth Drive should be aware that (as reported in our newsletter last year) the gap in the fence to the woodland area is to be closed as part of this plan.

COMMUNITY MEETING and NeFRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING New Ferry Residents Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 17th July, 6.30pm till 8pm, at St Marks Church Hall. The meeting will include elections of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. If you would like to nominate anyone who is willing to undertake any of these important roles, please let us know in writing to our address before the meeting. MP Alison McGovern and our local Police Community support Officer Dave Evans will also be present to host a debate about the perennial problem of anti-social behaviour afflicting New Ferry. All residents are welcome to come along and voice their opinions on what is happening, and to listen to work currently being undertaken by the police to tackle it.

We are baffled as to why some young people are doing this. New Ferry is privileged to have a wealth of activities on offer through the Youth Club, Village Hall and St Marks Church Hall, many of which young people partake in and enjoy. We have the cadets, sea scouts, football teams and other physical activities which help young people to keep fit. The majority are well behaved. So why is there a hardcore element of individuals and gangs causing so much distress for everyone else? Low level vandalism may seem like nothing. A silly joke not to be taken seriously. Kids will be kids, after all. Kicking the bus stop, slamming a football into a fence, running through private gardens and laughing as they go with a tirade of foul-mouthed abuse. It seems that some parents don’t seem to care what their children are up to. Vandalised bus stops, wrecked signboards in the parks, smashed litter bins all need to be replaced – and someone has to pay. The trouble is that if these things keep happening, the Council, bus companies or others will get tired of constantly repairing/replacing things and whatever is broken, smashed or vandalised gets left, abandoned or taken away altogether. Do we really want New Ferry to look like this? Do we really want outsiders thinking New Ferry is no longer a decent place to live in? Do we want a bad reputation? We appeal to everyone to take a ZERO TOLERANCE APPROACH to anti-social behaviour. If you feel as we do and you witness anything, please ring the Council’s Community Patrol on 0151 666 5265 and report what

NeFRA Newsletter: Issue 38, June 2014 – Page 3 USEFUL INFORMATION & NOTICES:

Recycle unwanted furniture Items of furniture can be recycled by Wirral Independent Recycling Enterprise (WIRE) and they even collect free of charge. Ring them on 0151 638 6691

Wirral Farmers’ Market Dates The next markets will be held on: th Saturday 12 July 2014 th Saturday 9 August 2014 th Saturday 13 September 2014 Find out more at

Anti-social behaviour

NEW FERRY BUTTERFLY PARK WINS GREEN FLAG AWARD New Ferry Butterfly Park has won its first prestigious Green Flag award. This is the benchmark national standard for parks and green spaces in the UK. The scheme was set up in 1996 to recognise and reward green spaces in England and Wales that have met the highest of standards. The award comes shortly after the park benefitted from a week-long facelift carried out by nine young people from the Prince’s Trust. The trust runs as 12-week programme where 16-25 year olds get involved in personal development activities to help them achieve and improve their teamwork, community and employability skills. The Butterfly Park also recently held one of its most successful Open Days. On 4th May, over 550 people attended the event which marked the park’s summer opening. Guests were particularly looking out for Brimstone butterflies which have already been out in force this season. Further events at the Butterfly Park this year include: • “Celebrating National Insect Week”, Sunday 29th June, 2pm till 4pm. Will include a guided walk around New Ferry Butterfly Park, looking at bumble bees, moths and butterflies and other invertebrates. FREE ENTRY. th

• “Scything to Success”, Sunday 27 July and Sunday 14th September, 9.30am till 4pm. Learn about scything techniques. Lunch time BBQ, bring along a contribution. FREE ENTRY. • “An Industrial Legacy to Butterfly Haven”, Sunday 14th July, 2pm till 4pm. Heritage walk concentrating on the industrial history and heritage of the Park how this has contributed to wildlife diversity of the Park. FREE ENTRY Contact: Paul Loughnane on 0151 645 8937 or

Having problems with anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood? Ring “It’s Your Call” on 0151 606 2020. The line is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, with an answerphone for out-of-hours advice. All calls treated in confidence. You can also ring Wirral Community Patrol on 0151 666 5265. They have mobile officers who can respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Community Speedwatch Campaign Do your bit to help drivers slow down. Merseyside Police is calling on local people to help reduce speeding on the roads. The Community Speedwatch scheme recruits volunteers to monitor motorists' speed using state of the art radar guns. Motorists found to be speeding by the volunteers are sent warning letters that also explain the problems that speeding causes. Anyone can get involved as long as they are over 18. They will be vetted and approved by Merseyside Police and will always be supported by a police officer or a Police Community and Traffic Support Officer (PCTSO). Training is provided by local police officers and usually takes a couple of hours. Volunteers are accompanied by police officers at all times . If you'd like to find out more about becoming a Community Speedwatch volunteer, go to the Merseyside police website at or contact Carolyne Hankey on 0151 606 5491.

NeFRA Newsletter: Issue 38, June 2014 – Page 4

PERIOD PHOTO COLLECTION: NEW FERRY ROAD, ROAD, 1911 Bunting may be out and about at the moment with the World Cup underway, but here is a photo from 1911 with bunting up for a different reason. This photo is of New Ferry Road, approximately at its junction with

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP DELIVER NEWSLETTERS We urgently need more people to help deliver our newsletters like this one. We print about 3 per year, and 100 newsletters can be delivered in less than half an hour. Can you help? If you can, please fill in, then cut out this section and post it to us at our address shown below.

YES, I would like to volunteer to deliver newsletters.

Brownlow Road and looking westwards towards the Toll Bar crossroads. On the right hand of the street, just behind the three


ladies, is the former Traveller’s Rest pub and the row of cottages next to it. The pub is now gone, converted into new homes whilst new terraced homes have been built on the site of the terrace shown here. The picture is dated 22nd June 1911, and the


New Ferry Residents Association consists of local residents and business people. We work together with officers from Wirral Borough Council, local councillors and our Member of Parliament in order to improve New Ferry. We are a non-political organisation. If you have any community based problem which you think we can help you with, please contact us by writing to:

New Ferry Residents Association, c/o New Ferry Village Hall, Longfellow Drive, New Ferry, Wirral, Merseyside CH62 5JS Website: Published by New Ferry Residents Association, c/o New Ferry Village Hall, Longfellow Drive, New Ferry, Wirral, Merseyside CH62 5JS. Printed by Merseyside Business Forms, Unit 5, Royal Standard Way, Expressway Business Park, New Chester Road, Wirral CH42 1NB

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