Port Sunlight Riverside Park - Delivery Plan

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PORT SUNLIGHT WATERFRONT PARK DELIVERY PLAN This Delivery Plan has been put together at the request of the Forestry Commission and North West Regional Development Agency as the lead body and primary funders for the Newlands 2 Programme. It seeks to ensure that:1.

Biffa undertake their required restoration works and align these with the Woodland Trust’s EWGS grant scheme


Biffa fully contribute towards the future maintenance costs of the site at a level which allows the Land Trust to secure an in perpetuity management arrangement for the site


The NWDA investment is maximised to secure the objectives of the Newlands 2 Programme in terms of economic, social and environmental outcomes and that the site is maintained in perpetuity for the benefit of future generations


the site is developed to become a key feature of the Mersey Coastal Park Strategy and contributes to the wider Atlantic Gateway Initiative


a framework is provided for the attraction of other funding sources (not secured at this time but intimated in this document) to provide art features on and adjacent to the site, and linkages to other areas of interest in the immediate area thereby creating a visitor destination.


an effective partnership is in place to deliver this transformational project.

The Newlands Programme is a major funding programme which was initially set up to negate the effects of industrial heritage and inherited environmental degradation, often located disproportionately alongside deprived communities. Newlands remit was to remediate derelict sites through soft-end use and high quality, recreational green infrastructure. The former Bromborough Landfill site has been allocated a ring fenced maximum sum of £2.204 million from the Newlands 2 Programme between 2011/2015. The approved investment will bring a transformational economic, social and environmental change to a key waterfront location which has been derelict for a number of years and strategically it will complement the regional work being undertaken as part of the Atlantic Gateway Initiative and locally it will help to achieve the objectives of the Mersey Coastal Park Strategy which is built upon the successful Mersey Waterfront Regional Park Initiative. It is intended that the Newlands fixed maximum allocation of £2.204 million will, alongside other funding, act as a catalyst for other economic, art, heritage and green infrastructure funding both for the site and the immediate surrounding areas. These include places such as Port Sunlight, Bromborough Pool Village, the Bromborough Courthouse and the Rock Park Conservation Area and Esplanade.

Wirral Borough Council – Lead Partner and Delivery Team With the demise of the NWDA and the changes that have taken place within the delivery teams of the Forestry Commission, Wirral Council has agreed to take on the responsibility of coordinating the on-site delivery of the Bromborough Project. FC will retain its Newlands Accountable Body and project steering roles. The Council has identified significant internal resources to deliver this project. The core team with comprise of David Ball, Head of Strategic Development and Regeneration, James Hurley, Senior Economic Projects Manager and Caroline Platt, Project Manager. This team will be supported by an inter-departmental project team comprising of Engineers and Financial Managers. The Council cannot deliver this project without the support of other partners and the governance arrangements below give details of who those other partners are. The Council will provide an annual performance plan for this project to the Forestry Commission and HCA . It is proposed that the HCA Project Manager (when known) will be invited to join the delivery team. Governance of the project will be managed through the following two groups:

Partnership Strategy Group

Partnership Delivery Group

The Strategy Group will be chaired by Alison McGovern MP. The membership of this group will comprise of:-

The Delivery Group will be chaired by David Ball, Head of Strategic Development and Regeneration Membership of the group will include the following representatives:

• Alison McGovern, MP for Wirral South • Councillors Steve Niblock, Joe Walsh, Irene Williams, Bromborough Ward Members • David Ball, Wirral Borough Council • Keith Jones, Forestry Commission • Euan Hall, The Land Trust • Mick Davis, Biffa • Ian Pollitt, Peel Holdings • the Homes and Communities Agency. Others will be added in due course.

• Economic Team: David Ball, James Hurley/Caroline Platt, • Economic Team: Laurie Peake. • The Land Trust: Alison Whitehead • The Woodland Trust: Doug Edmondson. , • Biffa: John Devine • The Forestry Commission. Others will be added to this group as required.

STRATEGIC CONTEXT The Mersey Coastal Park Strategy was launched on 4 December 2009. The Mersey Coastal Park Strategy is promoting a regeneration vision for East Wirral, built upon the principle of opening up access to the coast and harnessing the economic potential of the waterfront. It covers some 6.5km of coastline between Rock Ferry and Eastham Country Park and will include the following ‘signature’ projects which, once linked, will create a unique visitor and tourist attraction: • Signature Project 1 - Rock Ferry Waterfront • Signature Project 2 - Rock Park Conservation Area and Esplanade • Signature Project 3 - Shorefields Community Nature Park • Signature Project 4 - Port Sunlight River Park (formerly Bromborough Landfill) • Signature Project 5 - Wirral International Business Park • Signature Project 6 - Eastham Country Park. The delivery of these projects will be phased over a number of years but when taken together they will result in a transformational change to this part of the Wirral coastline. The opportunity to implement the first phase of the vision through the delivery of the Bromborough Dock will result in the development of a high quality recreational space which will become a key visitor attraction and will be seen from many vantage points up and down the Estuary. Cass Associates and Liverpool Biennial produced an aspirational document in April 2011, outlining the

vision to redevelop the former Bromborough Dock into a major tourist destination under the banner of ‘Port Sunlight River Park’. Port Sunlight River Park will contribute to the following strategic objectives: • Providing a Window on the Waterfront Port Sunlight River Park will be the flagship project of the Mersey Coastal Park ‘Green Corridor’, offering some 28ha of strategic greenspace and stunning views over the entire estuary of the River Mersey and World Heritage Coastline making it a major attraction for visitors beyond the city boundaries. The Landfill site is of prominent height and visible from all parts of Liverpool, particularly the Garden Festival Site, offering significant economic/social/cultural tourism opportunities and reciprocal footfall of two key vantage points which effectively ‘frame’ the River Mersey. • Adding value to the Bromborough Site by ‘Plugging Access Gaps’ Building on the Marine and Coastal Access Bill (2009). An Audit undertaken by Natural England identified a lack of access to over 56% of North West coastline; Bromborough Dock is indicative of this having acted as a barrier

between local communities and the waterfront over the last 20 years. The project will help to reconnect the communities of Port Sunlight, Bromborough and New Ferry with the River Mersey creating a magical space where nature and art can be experienced together. • City Region Visitor Economy as a driver for growth Port Sunlight River Park will become a key strategic link in Wirral’s coastal offering and tourism portfolio and will play a major part in the rebranding of this part of East Wirral. It will deliver a high quality experience for visitors by investing in ‘gateways’ and strategic approaches, public realm, road infrastructure and transport, visitor information and high quality, destination welcome. Integral to this will be the installation of public art, helping to draw visitors not only from the Borough but also from the wider City Region and beyond. Ambitions are high and the Park aspires to similar success stories across the region with Another Place at Crosby and Dream at St. Helens. St.Helens Council figures show that approx. 24,000 people visited the Dream site between February and May this year.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Delivery – Landfill site The landfill site is bordered by the neighbouring communities of Bromborough and New Ferry with nationally significant levels of economic and social deprivation. The physical landscape surrounding the landfill site is undergoing significant transformation, moving away from primarily industrial uses to residential. This will increase the housing stock and catchment area to the site from neighbouring communities. Some 150k has already been spent by the FC design team and partners on preliminaries and basic site investigation (stage 1 survey and ground conditions). This work is being used to inform the next stage of the implementation process. It is proposed to further develop the project in two phases encompassing off site works and on site works over the next four years. An indicative spend profile based upon the information currently available is outlined under funding management below.

PHASE 1 (2011-2012): OFF SITE WORKS Connection Projects – Gateways and Strategic Approaches The partnership recognises that in order for visitors and new and existing residents to fully benefit from the proposed attraction then the site must be easy to access which will require work to improve pedestrian and vehicular access to the site. These works are key to getting the maximum functionality, impact and outcomes (social, economic and environmental) for the site.

Phase 1 will concentrate on connection projects including a mixture of road/access improvements, public realm, bridging and strategic approaches and any associated legal, design and technical feasibility fees. Gateway 1 – Bolton Road East and Dock Road North The Cass Associates report identified Bolton Road and Bolton Road East as a major gateway opportunity to the Landfill site with its’ axial relationship to Port Sunlight village across the A41 to the proposed waterfront destination. Following surveys carried out by the Council’s Technical services Department works have been identified to upgrade to adoption standards the final stretch of Dock Road North to allow direct, unencumbered access from the A41 into the south west corner of the site. To further complement this new gateway it is proposed to also incorporate as part of the works a new car park at the entrance to the site. These works are capable of implementation within the agreed timescales subject to detailed survey at an estimated cost of £244, 445.70. To this end discussions have commenced in regards to the Dock Road North element of the works and early indications are that an agreement can be reached within the timescales. Gateway 2 – Shorefields Community Nature Park It is proposed to create pedestrian/cycle access to the surrounding communities where possible. The Shorefields community to the North will benefit from a new approach and access works that will link the Port Sunlight River Park to the enhanced Shorefields Community Park.

Introduction of artwork Phase 1 will also include for all preliminaries for the artwork including all necessary procurement and tendering procedures (inviting expressions of interest from an artist, interview and selection and, on appointment, introducing artist to the site etc.). It is planned to deliver all these enabling works in 2011/2012. However it should be recognised that plan assumptions will require further clarification and modification which will be influenced by key factors such as land ownership. It will also be dependent on the chosen procurement method for the artist. If an agreement for any of the capital works outlined fails to materialise it is proposed to design to implementation stage elements of the on-site landscaping and infrastructure works. These can either be delivered alongside or instead of the identified off-site infrastructure works thereby ensuring the draw down and spend of the full funding allocation for 2011/12.

PHASE 2 (2012-2015): COMBINATION OFF SITE/ON SITE WORKS Running in tandem with these first phase works a dedicated Project Manager will commence the detailed design of the other approved elements of the project in anticipation of implementation from 2012 onwards. Specifically the on site works will combine together to create a destination feature: ‘the Port Sunlight River Park’. Creating a Destination – Port Sunlight River Park Implementation works will include:• Further infrastructure/access works identified • River walkway and water features • Public realm works within the Park and key

entrances e.g. boulevard effect • Detailed design for the artwork – creating the River Park ‘experience’ and incorporate the feature or set of features into the topography of the site • Viewing areas, bridging structures • Signage, interpretation boards • Picnic areas • Landscape and planting – community woodland, play areas, fun with habitat • Trails, walkways, cycle paths. Consolidation of the Coastal/Heritage Offer Funding over the next 3 years to 2014/2015 will also look to position the River Park as a major cultural asset, establishing the Mersey Coastal Park brand and people’s knowledge/perception of Bromborough at the centre of the Coastal Park. There are opportunities to:• affirm the physical and aesthetic links between the River Park, Port Sunlight and other heritage features like Bromborough Pool and the Bromborough Court Moathouse • target art enthusiasts – Lady Lever Art Gallery and artwork • celebrate the heritage story – future events through Port Sunlight Museum/education links with schools • maximise on future events (Wirral’s Year of Coast and Countryside) • future designation as a Diamond Wood site.

PROJECT ORGANISATION & MANAGEMENT Biffa Exit Strategy, Planning Conditions and Restoration Scheme

arrangement and this is currently being negotiated with them.

We are now some five years on since tipping ceased on the site and capping has been completed by Biffa. Further to a meeting in June 2011 led by Alison McGovern, MP for Wirral South, Biffa are open to working in partnership and are supportive of the use of the landfill site for an enhanced use as a destination (subject to all liabilities being covered).

The works that Biffa need to undertake will be aligned with the Woodland Trust’s EWGS grant application and these will be coordinated through the Partnership Delivery Group.

There is a basic restoration scheme in situ (developed by ADAS circa 1990). Over the past six months Biffa has commissioned a landscape architect to develop a restoration scheme for the site that will meet planning conditions. Over the coming weeks the scheme will require final sign off from Wirral Council’s Development Control team to see if the proposal meets the statutory obligations that Biffa are required to fulfill as part of their planning conditions. The total financial contribution from Biffa towards a restoration programme and destination management scheme is yet to be agreed. Discussions are continuing with Biffa about their financial contribution towards the future maintenance of the site. At present they have offered their minimum contribution towards the costs of maintaining a closed site but this will be insufficient to secure an in perpetuity maintenance arrangement for the site. Therefore, the Council and Land Trust have calculated a financial sum that is required from Biffa based on the enhanced EWGS on an annual or lump sum basis to achieve the in perpetuity

Discussions are progressing with Biffa, the site owner, for an early access agreement to enable works to be commenced on the project.

Successor Body - The Land Trust In February 2011 the Land Trust provided a letter of support confirming their interest in managing the Bromborough Landfill site within their portfolio. Legal discussions have commenced for the Land Trust to enter into an in perpetuity (99 year) pie-crust lease arrangement with Biffa. Biffa will be contributing a sum towards the endowment sum, and, the final ‘commuted sum’ is currently under discussion (see above) The Land Trust has been party to the 2011 restoration design plan from concept development. Their protocol is to be involved from the early stages in the design phase so that they have a firm idea of the scheme and long-term liabilities and maintenance costs associated with any land transfer.


Total Plan Expenditure Items 2011/12




£20,000 £15,000

£20,000 £25,000 £2,700 £55,000 £50,000

£20,000 £25,000 £32,000 £25,000







Development This draft costed plan is made on the basis of the following assumptions: -


the need to spend the financially profiled 500k by end March 2012 using the EWGS application (developed by Biffa’s landscape architect) as the baseline for delivery costs projected expenditure from Wirral MBC Highway Engineers on enabling works.

These costs are for indicative purposes only and will be subject to tender. They are our starting point in future delivery implementation and illustrate how Wirral Council plan to spend the Newlands 2 £2.204 million and other known income streams over the next four years to 2014/2015. There are contingency arrangements in place to allow for as yet undetermined factors such as land ownership which could affect the phasing of works and timing.

Community Engagement Consultation – Artwork and Restoration Programme Project Management - Artwork Project Management – Restoration (Architect) Wirral Programme Management Fees - Legal, Tech Feasibility etc 6% Fees – Other Design Fees (Architect) Fees – Planning Application Artwork Contingency 5% (*Total Each Year)

£55,000 £50,000 £7,500 £20,000 £30,080

£60,000 £65,000 £2,700 £163,813 £125,000 £7,500 £20,000 £200,014

£644,027 Implementation Dock Road North Access and Gateway Dock Road North – Barratt Homes S106 Additional Vehicular Car Park – 30 spaces * Wirral BC owned land Off Site Access Links Footpath Construction 1.8m Footpath Construction 2.5m (top-up existing) Footpath Construction 3m Disabled Route to Top of Mound Steps and Boardwalks Woodland Planting Wildflower Grass Seeding Fencing - Timber Post and Rail, Gates etc Seats, Benching, Waymarker Posts etc Interpretation - Information Boards, Leaflets General Site Clearance - remove litter etc Management of Existing Woodland Riverside Viewing Area and Parking Dock Road South Car Parking & Entrance Landscaping Art Preliminaries (Engage artist/procurement) Artwork Design – Initial/Detailed/Final Artwork – Enabling Works/Fabrication Artwork – Construction and Installation

£192,044 £52,412

£192,044 £52,412 £90,813 £22,528


£298,966 £53,600 £16,500 £50,160 £65,400 £8,400 £8,150 £3,750 £13,883 £5,820 £2,700

£90,813 £321,494 £93,600 £16,500 £50,160 £65,400 £8,400 £16,150 £3,750 £13,883 £5,820 £2,700 £6,115 £11,185 £38,090


£6,115 £11,185 £38,090 £16,820 £1000 £50,000


£10,000 £600,000 340,000

£16,820 £1000 £75,000 £600,000 £340,000






Establishment Site Biffa Contribution to Long Term Management – Basic Closed Site Site Management * Dowry to cover Year 1 to Year 20 Biffa Long Term Management Into Perpetuity • Dowry to cover Year 21 to Year 99 • Estimated Shortfall



£136,903 £660,839

£ 480,000*

Maintenance of Artwork * Dowry Grand Total

2014/2015 £ 207,185








INCOME GENERATION PACKAGE The table below has top end loaded FC/NWDA and Biffa contributions in Years 1 and 2 of the project. Other grant schemes WIG, EGWS, Arts Lottery etc. has been pushed back to Years 3 and 4 to allow for full maximisation of spend in line with funding streams and statutory obligations under the planning conditions. Where the funding is known it is set out in the table. Other sums are indicative at this stage and these are indicated with a star.


FC/NWDA – Restoration/Artwork/Dowry

Grand Total 1/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

1/04/2012 to

1/04/2013 to

1/04/2014 to
















Years 1 to 20 Biffa- Restoration (Accrued Sum - Planning Conditions) Woodland Improvement Grant and EWGS Biffa – Basic Closed Site



*£ 480,000

*£ 480,000



Dowry (to be paid to Land Trust) BIFFA additional sum to secure in perpetuity management arrangement Year 21 to Year 99 * Estimated shortfall Wirral Council




In Kind Project Management Barratt Homes S106



Arts Council/Heritage Lottery Fund – to cover Public Art Elements TOTALS





*£ 880,856




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