New Frontier Publication 3109

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The Salvation Army will be there immediately, on the spot, at a time of need.

The Western Territory’s news source


—Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin

for 31 years

May 24, 2013 Vol. 31, No. 9

Commissioning weekend plans detailed n The celebration for the Proclaimers of the Resurrection Session is set. BY MARTIN HUNT Commissioning weekend, June 14-16, at the Pasadena (Calif.) Civic Auditorium, will be a time of celebration, renewal and Salvation Army fellowship. The centerpiece of the weekend is the commissioning, ordination and appointments of the Western Territory’s newest Salvation Army officers. The “Proclaimers of the Resurrection,” having completed two years of intense training, are ready to take the field as ministry leaders. Every Salvationist should commit to pray for these new leaders. During the Sunday morning meeting, they will receive their commission as Salvation Army officers from the West’s territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs. In the afternoon they obtain their first appointment. On that Sunday, family, friends, officers and soldiers will praise God together and hear words of spiritual challenge from Knaggs. Award-winning artist Israel Houghton will perform on Friday night. This worship concert will feature some of his well-known songs, such as “Lord You Are Good” and “I’m a Friend of God”—songs that have been widely used in Salvation Army meetings during the past several years. Houghton and his band, New Breed, will create an atmosphere of worship, energy and reflection in the auditorium. Bible Bowl playoff rounds, including the Championship round, take place on Saturday, along with seminars on Spiritual Life Development, Army Doctrine (in Spanish) and the return of Encore! Launched last year at The Gathering Congress, Encore! is a showcase for young people to demonstrate artistic talents. Three rooms in the convention center will buzz with activity throughout the day, and visitors can drop in to any room to hear the youth perform. Saturday concludes with the first-ever Hall Of Faith and Army Of Stars Banquet. The Hall of Faith will feature 12 “exhibits,” which offer the opportunity to hear and share stories of how God used Army programming to grow saints. The exhibits include: iconic photos from New Frontier and the stories behind them, camp memories, and a chance to share your story in two minutes or less. This interactive Hall

Destructive tornado rips through Oklahoma n Army is on the scene to provide needed relief and support. Estimated at over two miles wide, a devastating tornado with winds up to 200 mph struck just south of Oklahoma City on May 20 ripping apart homes and other buildings in populated areas. Officials said 24 people were killed and more than 200 injured as a result of the EF-5 tornado, which flattened entire neighborhoods and set buildings on fire. Coordinating with local and state emergency management, The Salvation Army was quickly on the ground in Moore, Okla., with multiple canteens and personnel serving survivors and first responders with food, beverages and spiritual support. Oklahoma’s State Governor, Mary Fallin, expressed gratitude to Salvation Army officers, volunteers and donors for their effective response. She remarked, “The Salvation Army will be there immediately, on the spot, at a time of need.” In Pottawatomie, Lincoln and Cleveland County, Okla., the Army provided breakfast, lunch and dinner to those who had been impacted by the storm. “The devastation is far reaching in both human life, property and livestock loss.

Lt. John Autry surveys destruction left by the tornado. Photo courtesy of The Salvation Army Arkansas & Oklahoma Division

The Salvation Army is honored to serve and provide sustenance to first responders involved in search and rescue, coordination efforts and more,” said Major Steve Morris, Arkansas-Oklahoma divisional com-

First Territorial Latino Bible Conference held n More than 700 people attend the conference at Pine Summit Camp. BY ERICK RODRIGUEZ More than 700 Spanish-speaking Salvationists from all over the Western Territory assembled at Pine Summit Camp in Big Bear Lake, Calif., May 17-19, for the first-ever Conferencia Biblica del Territorio Oeste (Territorial Latino Bible Conference) to worship God, receive his word, and make new commitments. “It’s important to have events like these to remind us of our commitment,” said Lt. Colonel Zoilo Pardo, territorial multicultural ministries secretary. “This weekend had a real impact on people’s lives and I believe that it will have lasting effects on families in their walk with Christ.” The welcome meeting focused on the legacy and the growth in the Latino ministry throughout the Western Territory. Guest speakers for the weekend were Commissioners Torben and Deise Eliasen, who serve at International Headquarters as international secretary for the Americas and Caribbean and as zonal secretary for women’s ministries—Americas and Caribbean, respectively. They brought a message that both satisfied and challenged the delegates to live lives committed to God and his Word. Along with activities for the entire family, Saturday’s offerings included spiritual enrichment workshops led by Dr. Enrique Tor-

Photo by Erick Rodriguez

res, pastor of the Hispanic Baptist Church of Los Angeles, and a youth track led by Captains Sergio and Stephanie Garcia, Southern California divisional youth and candidates’ secretaries. The Pine Summit staff provided childcare. The whole camp came alive with BIBLE CONFERENCE, page 5

n Proposed site in Paraiso to provide safer environment


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Lt. Colonel Zoilo Pardo prays over an altar call.

Local corps raising funds for new Panama girls’ home


Frontlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Prayer Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sharper Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 From the Desk of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Spice Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 On the Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

mander. “And, of course, all survivors will be provided spiritual and emotional care to help them through this tragic time.” Canteens were deployed from Central OKLAHOMA TORNADO, page 4

Pasadena Tabernacle Corps delegation with Panama girls’ home residents Back row, l-r: Richard Brown, Steve Allen, Major Elsy Mosquera (girls’ home director), Major Darren Norton, Josh Cowing Photo by David Harmon

BY VIVIAN GATICA A delegation from The Salvation Army Pasadena Tabernacle Corps (Calif.) traveled to the Dr. Eno Home for Girls in Colon, Panama, in January to film the site. The corps is raising funds to support future reconstruction at a new site. “The home is in very poor condition, and has been for many years,” said Pasadena Corps officer Major Darren Norton, who is leading the fundraising effort at the corps.

“This was definitely the project we wanted to get involved in.” The home, built in 1967, has been a sanctuary for girls in Panama, offering protection, education, psychological and spiritual support, and nutritional and hygienic necessities. However, Norton said that the current building has drywall and foundational problems and cannot house more girls because many rooms are unlivable. “The current home does not allow us to reach as many girls as we should be able to, and PANAMA GIRLS’ HOME, page 5

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