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An important topic to discuss which is off interest to every woman is the gut and estrogen interconnection.

The body is a complicated system, especially for women who are the bearers of life. Some women at a certain point in life experience hormonal which can influence the gut and reproductive system. Estrogen is metabolized by a big group of bacteria called estrobolome. Estrobolome is a large group bacteria genes which are responsible for keeping estrogen levels balanced and maintained. In addition, if the estrobolome is out of balanced in can produce too much estrogen which can lead to estrogen dominance. Having a healthy gut bacteria can help to maintain good levels of estrogen and avoid imbalances. On the other hand, stress, poor food and extreme use of antibiotic can have a negative effect on the gut which lead to gut dysbiosis especially in women with excessive use of birth control pills.

Gut and reproductive health are intertwined. It is important to have a balanced clean diet. Maintaining a healthy liver is thus essential, and here are some healthy tips to support your liver:

● Eat more cruciferous vegetables.

● Decrease excess body fat.

● Improve the health microbiome.

● Get regular physical activity.

Maintaining a healthy liver enables healthier estrogen metabolites. The estrogen travels through the liver twice, which makes it crucial for women to maintain a healthy liver in order to produce a steady amount of estrogen. When the estrogen passes through the liver and enters the gut, the estrogen with be rendered inactive due to the presence of the estrobolome and will then get eliminated via the urine.

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