Catálogo Kikkerland

Page 1

catalog SPRING 2016





DECOR lighting




COOKING tabletop

party bar





accessories TRAVEL



accessories speakers



memo / photo desktop

reading writing

tools outdoor



Cool Tools


keychains FLASHLIGHTs



fun / games




POP Displays





It is a pleasure to once again celebrate talent and hard work

Es freut mich, mit der Fertigstellung des Katalogs Frühjahr 2016 erneut Talente feiern zu können. Wir können Ihnen neue Designer und viele neue Produkte von uns bereits bekannten Designern

with the completion of the Spring 2016 Catalog. We are excited for multiple reasons; we have new designers to introduce and many new products from designers we know. We also look forward to a new year of hard work exploring materials and methods that make our lives more interesting. As the saying goes: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”. Something we are very proud of is our first collaboration with designer Lotta Jansdotter. Lotta designed some very pretty colorful patterns that fit perfectly with our new reusable shopping bag that rolls up in a small ball and closes with a handmade knot. Chris Collicott designed three new items this fall. First is the Orange Pill Case, a pill case that is designed with thought and understanding. Chris also designed a Wooden Ewe that makes a very familiar sound. The third product is the Shadow Puppet Theater. All you need is your imagination and a flashlight to create any kind of story you like. Everyone loves pizza, says Steph Mantis, so she proposed everything pizza: coasters, hot cold packs, nightlights, luggage tags. She also created a new Scuba contact lenses case; and for social media lovers, a set of microphone shaped erasers for the tops of your pencils. Sebastian Errazuriz designed a very handy phone case and selfie-stick in one. Studio Giffin-Termeer the Cable for Two, a device that charges two phones at the same time. Long time compatriot David Dear made a wind-up Fluttering Heart. ZEC from Jeep Innovations came up with a wonderful Butterfly Drink Markers and Italian designer Paolo Lannetti designed an Honest Boy Bottle Stop. Our friends FormNation were especially busy with a new range called Stok, which includes a side table and coat rack. To accompany this, the Blok Lamp, a concrete desk lamp, cork flash lights that are water proof and float, and a complete set of colorful stackable ice trays for summer fun. Last but definitely not least we have a new WRITERSBLOK NEW YORK addition. We are proud to announce two double spiraled notebooks designed by Constantin Boym. Thanks again for your support and look forward to the future.

vorstellen. Außerdem freuen wir uns auf ein neues Jahr voller harter Arbeit. Wie sagt man doch so schön: „Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” („Harte Arbeit wird das Talent besiegen, wenn Talent nicht hart arbeitet.“). Sehr stolz sind wir auf unsere erste Zusammenarbeit mit der Designerin Lotta Jansdotter. Lotta hat einige schöne bunte Muster entworfen, die perfekt zu unserer neuen wiederverwendbaren Einkaufstasche passen. Diese lässt sich zu einem kleinen Ball aufrollen und per Hand mit einem Knoten schließen. Chris Collicott hat in diesem Herbst drei neue Stücke designt. An erster Stelle steht die „Orange Pill Case”, eine mit Sinn und Verstand konzipierte Pillenschachtel. Chris schuf darüber hinaus ein hölzernes Wooden Ewe (Mutterschaf), das einen sehr bekannten Klang von sich gibt. Das dritte Produkt ist das Shadow Puppet Theater, das mit Hilfe einer Taschenlampe zum Schattenpuppentheater wird. Alle lieben Pizza, sagte sich Steph Mantis, und erschuf alles in Pizza: Bierdeckel, Wärme- und Kältepackungen, Nachtlichter, Kofferanhänger. Außerdem konzipierte sie ein neues Kontaktlinsenetui in Taucherbrillenoptik und - für die Liebhaber sozialer Medien - einen Satz Radiergummis in Mikrofonform für Ihre Bleistiftspitzen. Sebastian Errazuriz entwickelte ein überaus nützliches Telefonetui und Selfie-Stick in einem. Studio Giffin-Termeer entwarf das Gadget „Cable for Two”, das zwei Mobiltelefone gleichzeitig auflädt. Unser langjähriger Partner David Dear entwickelte ein Fluttering Heart zum Aufziehen. ZEC von Jeep Innovations steht hinter wunderschönen „Butterfly Drink Markers“ in Schmetterlingsform, und der italienische Designer Paolo Lannetti erschuf einen „Honest Boy“- Flaschenverschluss. Unsere Freunde FormNation waren mit ihrer neuen Kollektion namens Stok, einschließlich eines Beistelltisches und einer Garderobe, besonders aktiv. Dazu gesellten sich die Blok Lamp, eine Schreibtischlampe aus Beton, Kork-Taschenlampen, die wasserfest sind und schwimmen, und ein gesamter Satz bunter stapelbarer Eiswürfelbehälter. Und last but not least haben wir eine neue „WRITERSBLOK NEW YORK”-Ergänzung. Wir sind stolz, zwei DoppelspiralenNotizbücher von Constantin Boym vorstellen zu dürfen. Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung! Wir freuen uns auf

Jan van der Lande

die Zukunft. Jan van der Lande




C'est avec plaisir que nous célébrons le talent et la persévérance avec cette collection printemps 2016. Nous avons bien des raisons d'être enthousiastes: de nouveaux designers et beaucoup de produits de créateurs que vous connaissez déjà. Nous avons expérimenté de nouveaux matériaux et méthodes pour améliorer votre quotidien. Comme dit l'expression : "le dur labeur dépasse le talent quand celui-ci ne tra-vaille pas assez”.

Vuelve a ser un placer celebrar el talento y el trabajo duro con la finalización del Catálogo Primavera 2016. Estamos muy ilusionados, tenemos nuevos diseñadores que presentarles y numerosos productos nuevos de diseñadores que ya conocemos. Deseamos recibir un año nuevo de trabajo duro, explorando materiales y métodos que hacen que nuestras vidas sean más interesantes. Como dice el refrán: "El trabajo duro vence al talento cuando el talento no trabaja duro".

Nous sommes très fiers de notre première collaboration avec la designer Lotta Jansdotter. Lotta a conçu de très jolis motifs colorés qui conviennent à la perfection à notre nouveau cabas réutilisable qui s'enroule en toute petite boule, fermée d'un nœud fait main. Chris Collicott nous propose trois designs pour le printemps. L'étui à pilule "Orange" est conçu avec détail pour une meilleure utilisation du produit. Puis, la brebis en bois, un jouet qui imite un son très familier. Enfin, le théâtre de marionnettes, qui avec un peu d'imagination et une lumière vous permet de créer toutes vos histoires. "Tout le monde adore la pizza" déclare Steph Mantis. Elle a donc créé un univers autour de ce plat com-prenant des dessous de verres, une poche réfrigérante et chauffante, une veilleuse et une étiquette de bagage. Elle a aussi conçu l'étui à lentilles de contact "masque de plongée" et pour les accros des ré-seaux sociaux, un ensemble de gommes "micro" faciles à installer sur vos crayons. Sebastian Errazuriz a conçu un étui de portable très pratique qui cache une perche à selfie. Studio Giffin-Termeer propose le câble pour deux, un câble qui charge deux appareils simultanément. Notre ami de longue date, David Dear a élaboré un cœur qui bat quand on le remonte. Zec de Jeep Innovations a inventé des magnifiques marque-verres "papillon" et le designer italien, Paolo Lanetti un bouchon de bouteille "garçon honnête". Nos amis FormNation ne sont pas en reste avec la nouvelle gamme Stok qui inclue une table basse et un porte-manteau. Elle s'accompagne d'une lampe de bureau en ciment, d'une torche en liège étanche et flottante et un ensemble complet de bac à glaçons empilables. Enfin et surtout, nous vous proposons une nouvelle addition à la marque WRITERSBLOK New York. Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer le carnet à double spirale conçu par Constantin Boym. Merci encore pour votre soutien,nous nous réjouissons de l'avenir qui nous attend.

Algo que nos enorgullece enormemente es nuestra primera colaboración con la diseñadora Lotta Jansdotter. Lotta diseñó unos coloridos patrones muy bonitos que combinan a la perfección con nuestra nueva bolsa para compras reutilizable, que se enrolla y se cierra con un nudo hecho a mano. Chris Collicott diseñó tres nuevos artículos este otoño. En primer lugar, está el Orange Pill Case, un pastillero naranja. Chris también diseño una una oveja de madera que emite un sonido muy familiar. El tercer producto es el Shadow Puppet Theater, un teatro de títeres de sombras. Todo lo que necesita es su imaginación y una linterna para crear cualquier tipo de historia. A todo el mundo le gusta la pizza, dice Steph Mantis, por lo que propuso todo con pizza: posavasos, compresas frías y calientes, lamparillas y etiquetas para el equipaje. También creó un estuche nuevo para lentillas Scuba; y, para los amantes de las redes sociales, un juego de gomas de borrar en forma de micrófono para colocar en la punta de sus lápices. Sebastian Errazuriz diseñó una practiquísima funda para el teléfono y palo selfie, todo en uno. Studio Giffin-Termeer diseñó el Cable for Two, un dispositivo que carga dos teléfonos al mismo tiempo. David Dear, creó un Fluttering Heart de cuerda. ZEC de Jeep Innovations diseñó unos maravillosos marcadores para vasos en forma de mariposa, y Paolo Lannetti diseñó un tapón para botella Honest Boy. Nuestros amigos de FormNation estuvieron especialmente atareados con una nueva gama llamada "Stok", que incluye una mesita auxiliar y un perchero. Para acompañamiento, la lámpara de concreto Blok, linternas de corcho que son resistentes al agua y flotan, y un juego de cubiteras apilables para divertirse en verano. Y por último, pero no menos importante, tenemos una nueva adición de WRITERSBLOK NEW YORK. Nos enorgullece anunciar dos cuadernos dobles en espiral diseñados por Constantin Boym. Gracias de nuevo por su apoyo y su mirada hacia el futuro.

Jan van der Lande Jan van der Lande




É um prazer celebrar novamente o talento e trabalho árduo com a conclusão do catálogo de primavera 2016. Estamos felizes por vários motivos; temos novos designers para apresentar e muitos produtos novos dos designers que já conhecemos. Esperamos também um novo ano de trabalho árduo a explorar materiais e métodos que tornam as nossas vidas mais interessantes. Como diz o ditado: "O trabalho árduo bate o talento quando o talento não trabalha arduamente".

Het is met veel genoegen dat we u onze voorjaarscatalogus 2016 introduceren, het resultaat van hard werk en talent. Naast het feit dat we nieuwe designers willen introduceren, hebben we ook nieuwe producten van onze bekende Kikkerland designers. Bovendien verheugen we ons op weer een jaar van hard werken in onze zoektocht naar nieuwe materialen en methodes die ons leven interessanter maken. Zoals het gezegde luidt: “Hard werken wint het van talent als talent niet hard werkt.”

Algo que nos deu bastante orgulho foi a nossa primeira colaboração com a designer Lotta Jansdotter. Lotta desenhou alguns padrões bastante bonitos que se adequam perfeitamente com o nosso novo saco de compras reutilizável que se enrola numa pequena bola e se fecha com um nó feito à mão.

Iets waar we heel trots op zijn, is onze eerste samenwerking met ontwerpster Lotta Jansdotter. Lotta heeft kleurrijke dessins ontworpen die perfect bij onze nieuwe herbruikbare boodschappentas passen. Deze tassen kunnen tot een klein balletje worden opgerold en kunnen tevens gemakkelijk dichtgeknoopt worden.

Chris Collicott desenhou três novos itens neste outono. O primeiro foi a Orange Pill Case, uma caixa para medicamentos desenhada com pensamento e compreensão. Chris também desenhou uma Wooden Ewe (uma ovelha em madeira) que faz um som muito familiar. O terceiro produto é o Shadow Puppet Theater (Teatro de sombras). Tudo o que precisa é da sua imaginação e de uma lanterna para criar qualquer tipo de história que quiser. Todos gostam de pizza, diz Steph Mantis, portanto ela propôs tudo com pizza: bases, pacotes de quente e frio, luzes de presença, etiquetas para bagagem. Ela também criou a uma nova caixa para lentes de contacto Scuba; e para os amantes dos meios sociais, um conjunto de borrachas em forma de microfone para o topo dos lápis. Sebastian Errazuriz desenhou uma bolsa para o telefone muito prática e selfie-stick, tudo em um. Studio Giffin-Termeer o Cable for Two, um dispositivo que carrega dois telefones ao mesmo tempo. O compatriota de vários anos David Dear fez um Fluttering Heart de corda. ZEC da Jeep Innovations apresentou um maravilhoso Butterfly Drink Markers, marcador para bebidas em forma de borboleta, e o designer italiano Paolo Lannetti desenhou uma tampa para garrafas Honest Boy. Os nossos amigos FormNation estiveram especialmente ocupados com uma nova gama, chamada Stok, que inclui uma mesa de apoio e um cabide para casacos. Para acompanhar, o Blok Lamp, um candeeiro de secretária em betão, lanternas em cortiça que são à prova de água e flutuam e um conjunto completo de tabuleiros de gelo coloridos e empilháveis para divertimento no verão. Por último, temos também a nova adição WRITERSBLOK NEW YORK. Temos orgulho em anunciar dois blocos de notas em espiral duplos, desenhados por Constantin Boym. Agradecemos novamente o seu apoio e esperamos ansiosamente pelo futuro.

Chris Collicott heeft dit najaar drie nieuwe items voor ons ontworpen. De Orange Pill Case, een pillen opbergdoos en een ook Houten Schaap (Wooden Ewe) ontworpen die een heel vertrouwd geluid maakt. Daarnaast een Shadow Puppet Theater, een schaduwpoppentheater. Je hebt alleen een zaklamp en je verbeelding welk verhaal dan ook te creëren. Iedereen houdt van pizza volgens ontwerpster Steph Mantis. Dit thema inspireerde haar voor al haar nieuwe ontwerpen: pizza onderzetters, hot & cold pack pizza’s, pizza nachtlampjes en pizza bagagelabels. Daarnaast creëerde Steph een Scuba Dive contactlenzen doosje en voor de social media liefhebbers microfoon gummen die bovenop je potloden passen. Sebastian Errazuriz heeft een heel handig telefoonhoesje en selfiestick in één ontworpen. Studio Giffin-Termeer kwam met de Cable for Two, een gadget dat twee telefoons tegelijk laat opladen. Onze oude en vertrouwde designer David Dear heeft een opwindbaar Fluttering Heart gemaakt. ZEC van Jeep Innovations bedacht de ‘Butterfly Drink Markers’: gekleurde vlinders om je glas te herkennen. En de Italiaanse designer Paolo Lannetti ontwierp een Honest Boy-flessenstop. Onze vrienden van FormNation hebben het druk gehad met de nieuwe “Stok” collectie, die een bijzettafel en kapstok bevat. Daarnaast hebben ze ook de betonnen Blok Lamp and Planter, een zaklamp van kurk die waterbestendig is en blijft drijven, en een complete set kleurrijke en stapelbare ijsblokjeshouders voor lente en zomer pret. Tenslotte zijn we trots om twee nieuwe speciale dubbelrings notitieboekjes te mogen introduceren aan het WRITERSBLOK NEW YORK assortiment. Ontworpen door Constantin Boym. Nogmaals bedankt voor uw steun en ik kijk uit naar de toekomst. Jan van der Lande

Jan van der Lande


Formnation Studio, New York, NY

PORTRAITS IN COLLABORATION: FORMNATION Words: Shonquis Moreno Photos: Lisa Klappe

In the Dutch language, the word for design is “vormgeving”, which literally means “form-giving”, a pragmatic notion profoundly embedded in the psyche of a people who have always lived on a flat crust of land below sea level. Bordered by a hungry sea, the entire country has had to be fringed with dykes in order to keep the waters at bay. Today, Dutch design emerges from this tradition, drawing this functional approach to merely surviving into improving quality of life with great conceptual richness: from currency and tax forms to birdhouses and levees, everything in the Netherlands is very particularly, deliberately designed. This history and quirk of geography inform the sensibility shared by Kikkerland with one of its most valuable, longtime collaborators: FormNation is a New York-based broadspectrum design studio founded in 2011 by Dutchman Jan Habraken. Along with nearly 150 other products, the studio’s furniture--Kikkerland’s first--graces this spring’s catalog with a sophistication that refuses to take itself too seriously. FormNation products invariably demonstrate a clever interpretation of function, sometimes in the form of a visual pun: an ice cube tray, for example, in the shape of an icebreaker ship. “From the very first furniture piece in the form of a side table to a smart set of stackable ice cube trays, our team puts a lot of effort into each product to make sure that we design something that people will keep for a long time,” Habraken says. But beyond the furniture and products, the collaboration has assumed extraordinary breadth: FormNation has designed everything from the Kikkerland flagship store to its visual merchandising, popup shops and trade fair booths, their first made entirely from cheerful stacks of red and white soup cans. From


the beginning, Habraken and the studio have served as the brand’s outsourced but in-house design consultants, too: “Kikkerland is constantly evolving by listening to both trends and clients,” says Habraken, whose team absorbs the currents and eddies of international design culture by traveling not just to Europe, but to the Far East, where they have recruited a plethora of new Kikkerland products and producers. Habraken, who serves as the studio’s lead designer, studied architectural engineering and then industrial design at the venerated Design Academy Eindhoven before cofounding WATdesign with Maarten Baptist and spending several years in Europe producing and exhibiting products and furniture. Habraken met Kikkerland founder Jan van der Lande 10 years ago after co-designing ZER00:00, “the most low tech clock in the world” and moved to New York in 2008 to hang his own shingle. Today, FormNation has grown to a staff of four with various backgrounds and specialities, a versatile company specializing in start-to-finish product design that extends from conceptualization to the product’s packaging, branding and the environment in which it will be presented. The exchange between Kikkerland and FormNation is unique because the two are simultaneously independent and proximate, literally and figuratively. For one thing, their offices are down the hall from each other, but as two teams directed by Dutchmen living in the United States, they also share that peculiar understanding of visual culture and they are both perennially seeking ways to create added value in every product and project they create. “That can be anything from good value,” Habraken says, “to a story that will simply make you smile.”

FormNation for Kikkerland

2-in-1 Magnifier (Stationery - MG47) by FormNation

Blok Lamp (Living - PL03 (EU)) by FormNation

Stok Side Table (Living - OR77) by FormNation


RISD x Kikkerland Design Challenge


Ice Dice by Joaquin Alverde (Sanborn x Kikkerland Design Workshop)

Emergency Battery by David Alberto Olivares Roman (Sanborn x Kikkerland Design Workshop)

USB Wrap Charger by Alex J. Woo (RISD)

PIÑATA PIGGY BANKS, MARACA MARTINIS AND LUNCH BOXES… Words: Shonquis Moreno Photos: Kikkerland Design Studio

Curiosity and friendship: These are two aspects of the extroverted Kikkerland business model that make the design label such a success. By continuously extending its hand to design students in the US and abroad, the brand is renewed and keeps its wealth of whip-smart products evergreen. It is a proven two-way formula that is too rarely exploited: Kikkerland gives young people real-world experience while they keep it young at heart--an exchange that has a way of cementing permanent bonds of friendship among those involved. This fall, Kikkerland sponsored two such projects, which will bear fruit in the year to come: the Mexico Design Workshop and the Rhode Island School of Design Challenge. During the RISD Challenge, the brand’s eighth, students in the university’s Master of Industrial Design Programone of the highest-ranked of its kind in the US--reimagined housewares in order to make life at home easier and more pleasant. Led by Matthew Bird, students were given three assignments based on current market trend themes: the connected home, healthy eating and the “celebrity” effect. The products—of which some will be available to customers in the fall 2016 and spring 2017--demonstrated a great clarity of function and ranged from a flat, transparent lunchbox, a hybrid USB charger cum cable anchor and a modular travel pouch for electronics to a Pez candy-like sock dispenser.

second Mexican workshop with Sanborns, a century-old family-run business that includes department and specialty stores, luxury shops and restaurants. Sanborns maintains deep roots in local tradition and has dedicated itself to the renewal of the country’s rich visual culture in forms more relevant to the next generation of consumer. The three-day workshop tasked 50 industrial design students from top Mexican universities with the design of functionally clever and witty products that appeal to Sanborns’ millennial clientele. Participants took a journey through the full design process from brief and concept through prototyping and production. Students were under the guidance of professors Ariel Rojo, a longtime Kikkerland friend, who led the 2011 Mexico Design Challenge, as well as Emiliano Godoy, Mauricio and Sebastian Lara. Resulting designs, true to the smiling Kikkerland spirit, include a vintage safety razor that slices and grates cheese, a handsome wooden perpetual calendar that doubles as a game of luck, a salt versus pepper Luchadores shaker set, a magnetic piñata piggy bank and a maraca-shaped cocktail shaker. The Mexico winners will be announced in the fall catalog and their products will be available through both Sanborns and Kikkerland at that time.

A bit to the south in Mexico, where creativity is at a boil these days, Kikkerland collaborated on its ninth design project and






Solar Pope

Napoleon Solar Figurine

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by Chris Collicott

Place the Pope near the sun to receive his holy blessings. A portion of sales from this solar powered ecclesiastical leader will be donated to World Childhood Foundation to help disadvantaged children worldwide. Material: polyresin, solar panel Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

The diminutive French Emperor strikes a stately stance. Napoleon’s bicorne hat conceals a solar panel— strategically place him in the sun and he’ll untuck his hand from his waistcoat. Material: polyresin Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Product: 21 x 5 x 8 cm Packaging: 17,5 x 7,5 x 7,5 cm



Product: 17,5 x 6,6 x 4,2 cm Packaging: 17,5 x 8 x 7,7 cm



Solar Einstein™

Swedish Solar Queen

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by Chris Collicott

When the sun is shining, the solar powered Einstein™ will gently remind you to think before you act by gesturing to his immense brain. Material: polyresin, solar panel Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Put the Queen in the sun and watch how she cheerfully greets you. Solar panel on purse makes her wave. 2% of sales will be donated to helping disadvantage children throught the World Childhood Foundation. Material: polyresin, solar panel Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Product: 18,5 x 5,2 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 20 x 7,7 x 7,7 cm ALBERT EINSTEIN and EINSTEIN are either trademarks or registered trademarks of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Represented exclusively by GreenLight. Official licensed merchandise.



Product: 18 x 6,7 x 5,7 cm Packaging: 19 x 7,7 x 5,2 cm



Solar Queen Designed by Chris Collicott Put the Queen in the sun and watch how she cheerfully greets you. Solar panel on purse makes her wave. Material: polyresin, solar panel Packaging: PET box Sold per 12, assorted Product: 16,8 x 3,8 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 17,5 x 7,5 x 6 cm


)12615-AEEFEi Solar Queen Derby Edition

Elroy Solar Corgi

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by Chris Collicott

Put the Queen in the sun and watch how she cheerfully greets you. Solar panel on purse makes her wave. Material: polyresin, solar panel Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

A corgi companion for the Solar Queen. Put Elroy in the sun and watch as he cheerfully greets you. Material: polyresin, solar panel Packaging: PET box Sold per 12, assorted

Product: 17,8 x 3,2 x 6,4 cm Packaging: 19 x 8 x 6 cm

Product: 7 x 7 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 9,5 x 9,5 x 5 cm




)12615-AFFIIj 11

Solar Mountie

Solar Mona Lisa

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by Chris Collicott

Place our miniature Canadian policeman near the sun and the solar panel at the base will power the Mountie to gently wave. A portion of all sales will go the Royal Canadian Mounted Police foundation to help fund community programs. Material: polyresin, solar panel Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Solar panel on base makes Mona Lisa’s hand wave. Material: polyresin, solar panel Packaging: PET box Sold per 6 Product: 10,2 x 5,1 x 5,1 cm Packaging: 12 x 7,5 x 7,5 cm

Product: 18,5 x 6,4 x 5,7 cm Packaging: 20 x 8 x 8 cm




)12615-AGFJIh RainbowMaker® Designed by David Dear Created with crystals from Swarovski®, our popular RainbowMaker® is a delight for all ages. A solar panel with clearhoused gears gently rotates the sparkling gem, scattering colorful light in all directions. Suction cup back allows for mounting on any window. Material: Swarovski crystal, solar panel, acrylic Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 6 Product: 14 x 5,1 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 17,5 x 7,5 x 5 cm 1588-EU

)12615-ABFBAe Heart RainbowMaker® Designed by David Dear Created with crystals from Swarovski®, our popular RainbowMaker® is a delight for all ages. A solar panel with clearhoused gears gently rotates the sparkling gem, scattering colorful light in all directions. Suction cup back allows for mounting on any window. Material: Swarovski crystal, solar panel, acrylic Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 6 Product: 14 x 5,1 x 3,2 cm Packaging: 17,5 x 7,5 x 5 cm 1588H-EU

)12615-ABJEAj Double RainbowMaker®

Standing RainbowMaker®

Designed by David Dear

Designed by David Dear

Created with crystals from Swarovski®, our popular RainbowMaker® is a delight for all ages. A solar panel with clearhoused gears gently rotates the sparkling gem, scattering colorful light in all directions. Suction cup back allows for mounting on any window. Material: Swarovski crystal, solar panel, acrylic Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 6

Set the RainbowMaker® in a sunny windowsill or on your desk for a dazzling display. This solar powered gem is created with crystals from Swarovski®, with exposed gears that rotating gently in perfect synchronicity by the power of the sun. Material: Swarovski crystal, solar panel, acrylic Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Product: 17,8 x 5,1 x 3,2 cm Packaging: 20 x 8 x 5 cm 1588-D-EU

)12615-ACAACd 12

Product: x 10,2 x 5,1 x 4,5 cm Packaging: 14 x 7,5 x 6 cm




home DECOR

Water from a Stone™, Set of 2

Brass Plant Mister

Designed by Casey Schneider

Water your flowers in classic style with this polished finish mist sprayer. Material: brass Packaging: sticker Sold per 4

These hand blown glass water receptacles with cork cap, are a great way to consistently water your plants. Place in your planter and water will drip into your plant's soil over the course of 3-4 days. Set of two. Material: hand blown glass, cork Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 14,3 x Dia 8,4 cm Packaging: 14,3 x Dia 8,4 cm

Product: 9,9 x 6,9 x 6,6 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 17,5 x 9 cm





Small Concrete Desktop Planter

Large Concrete Desktop Planter

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by Chris Collicott

Go green at the office! Ideal for succulents, this desk top planter is made of solid concrete. The terraced base holds pens, business cards, or other small supplies. Material: concrete Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Go green at the office! Ideal for succulents, this desk top planter is made of solid concrete. The terraced base holds pens, business cards, or other small supplies. Material: concrete Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Product: 9,6 x 9 x 8,1 cm Packaging: 13,3 x 13,3 x 11,8

Product: 16,3 x 9,1 x 8 cm Packaging: 20,8 x 13 x 11,8 cm


)12615-AHFFEc 14



Calendar Box

Wood Globe

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by FormNation

Place it on your desk or hang it on the wall. The top panel slides out to reveal a hidden compartment for mementos, and more. Can be used from year to year. Material: beech wood Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Travel the world with the all Wood Globe. A lovely additon to your desk or shelf. Ground down solid wood with pad print. Material: beech wood Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

Product: 16,5 x 15 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 16,5 x 15 x 3,5 cm



Product: Globe - Dia. 10cm Packaging: 16 x 12,7 x 11,2 cm



Storm Glass

Magnetic Hourglass

An invention of the captain of Darwin’s HMS Beagle, this updated barometer responds to atmospheric fluctuations to forecast the weather. Crystals within the sealed glass chamber cluster or disperse with changes in air pressure. Solid beechwood base. Material: glass Packaging: Sold per 6

Creates mesmerizing stalagmite formations before your very eyes! 1 minute timer. Material: glass, powdered iron, magnetic, beech wood Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 16,5 x 7 x 7 cm Packaging: 21 x 9 x 9 cm

Product: 14 x 6 x 6 cm Packaging: 24,1 x 7,6 x 7,6 cm





Snow Globes Designed by KDT With a little shake, this timeless decoration transforms into a blizzard of shimmering snow swirling around the figurines. Sold per 5 assorted animals (bear, eagle, rabbit, deer and dog). Material: glass, polyresin, PE, water Packaging: sticker Sold per 15, assorted Product: 6 x 4,5 x 4,5 cm


)12615-AHDCJg Woodland Diorama Scene

Elephant (Wall) Organizer

Designed by Derek Goldsmith

Our elephant wall mount or desktop organizer is the creative and classy way of storing files with elegance and ease. Mounting hardware is included. Material: baked enamel on steel Packaging: color box Sold per 4

This three dimensional interactive scene contains several very shy animals who, when activated by the motion sensor, will disappear out of sight. 4 AA batteries are required (not included). Material: printed card, ABS, electronic components Packaging: color box Sold per 2

Product: 20 x 15 x 8,5 cm Packaging: 20,3 x 16,5 x 9,5 cm

Product: 36 x 26 x 5 cm Packaging: 36,5 x 26,5 x 5 cm




)12615-AGADCg 15

Bear (Wall) Organizer Our bear wall mount or desktop organizer is the creative and classy way of storing files with elegance and ease. Mounting hardware is included. Material: baked enamel on steel Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 24,5 x 16 x 8,5 cm Packaging: 25 x 18 x 8,9 cm

Rosie Bookends, Set of 2 Designed by Chris Collicott “Rosie the Riveter” is an icon, representing the American women who worked in factories during World War II. The Rosie bookends carry on the image of feminine strength and perseverance as they hold up your books on a shelf. Material: stone resin Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 24 x 21,5 x 12,5 cm Packaging: 20 x 22,5 x 11 cm





Leaning Men Bookends, Set of 2

Pushing Men Bookends, Set of 2

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by Chris Collicott

Inspired by the art deco style of New York City’s Rockefeller Center, this pair of leaning male figure bookends reflect architectural strength and the American "can do" spirit. Material: stone resin Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Inspired by the art deco style of New York City’s Rockefeller Center, this pair of pushing male figure bookends reflect architectural strength and the American "can do" spirit. Material: stone resin Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Product: 20 x 9 x 10 cm Packaging: 20 x 22,5 x 11 cm

Product: 10 x 9 x 19 cm Packaging: 20 x 22,5 x 11 cm





Bamboo Accordian Collator Designed by KDT Keep files easily accessible & organized with this expandable Bamboo Accordion Collator. Material: bamboo Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: Closed: 29 x 16,5 x 13,1 cm Open: 43,2 x 26,2 x 13,2 cm Packaging: 28,5 x 17,5 x 16 cm


)12615-AHDIDi Large Copper Atomic Wall Hook

Small Copper Atomic Wall Hook

This fun and functional wall hook is in the shape of the classic atomic symbol. Material: steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

This fun and functional wall hook is in the shape of the classic atomic symbol. Material: steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 12,5 x 10 x 10 cm Packaging: 10,5 x 9,5 x 8 cm

Product: 10 x 6,3 x 6,3 cm Packaging: 7,5 x 7 x 7 cm


)12615-AHBGGh 16



Stok Coat Rack

Stok Side Table

This beechwood coat rack takes its inspiration from nature with a clean and modern treelike design. Easy to assemble and makes an elegant addition to any home or apartment. Material: beechwood Packaging: box Sold per 2

Designed by FormNation

Product: Assembled: 182,6 x Dia. 47,2 cm Packaging: 75 x 8,5 x 5 cm

With a clean and modern design inspired by nature, this simple and sturdy beechwood side table is easy to assemble and the perfect addition to any home or apartment. Material: beechwood Packaging: box Sold per 2 Product: Assembled: 50 x Dia. 45 cm Packaging: 48 x 48 x 6 cm

OR77 OR76



Wine Sticks, Set of 2

Wine Sticks Large, Set of 2

Designed by Chris Koens & Ramon Middelkoop Product Design

Designed by Chris Koens & Ramon Middelkoop Product Design

Perch your wine bottles atop this simple wooden wine rack. With three grooves each, these wood planks will anchor your wine, and can hold up to 6 stacked bottles. Material: pine wood Packaging: paper sleeve Sold per 4

Perch your wine bottles atop this simple wooden wine rack. With five grooves each, these wood planks will anchor your wine, and can hold up to 15 stacked bottles. Material: pine wood Packaging: paper sleeve Sold per 4

Product: 30,5 x 2,8 x 2,8 cm Packaging: 32,6 x 5,3 x 2,8 cm

Product: 48,3 x 2,8 x 2,8 cm Packaging: 50,3 x 5,3 x 2,8 cm





Umbrella Stand Designed by KDT Holds 4 standard long umbrellas Always know where your umbrellas stand with this ceramic wonder. Holds up to four umbrellas and its unique design keeps them standing upright for better storage, and to prevent messy water drainage when you're in out of the rain. Material: ceramic Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 19,5 x 17,5 x 11 cm Packaging: 20,4 x 20,3 x 11,4 cm UM14

)12615-AHIACe 17

Festive Storage Banner Designed by Alice Gong Practical decor for a college dorm or children’s playroom, each pennant on this banner contains a pocket for storing pens and pencils, small electronics, toys, or a paperback book. Velcro on the back allows for nail-free hanging. Six multicolored flags. Material: polyester Packaging: color box Sold per 12 Product: 182,9 x 25,2 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 28,5 x 23,5 x 2,6 cm OR70

)12615-AHFBEg Façade Hanging Storage

Large Woodblock Box

Designed by Brian Keyes

Designed by KDT

Create a city block in your closet for whatever you might need it to hold: clothes, shoes, and more. This closet organizer is a winner from the Student Design Project 2014. Material: polyester Packaging: PET bag Sold per 6

Printed with a photo-realistic wood grain, this sturdy large storage box, has a magnetic closure and can be flattened for easy storage when not in use. Perfect for shoes, toys, photos, keepsakes and more! Material: card stock Packaging: sticker Sold per 4

Product: 33,7 x 30,4 x 3 cm Packaging: 39,7 x 31,4 x 3,1 cm


)12615-AHGFGd Medium Woodblock Box

Product: 48 x 20 x 18 cm Packaging (flat): 65 x 48,3 x 1 cm


)12615-AGHFBg Small Woodblock Box

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Printed with a photo-realistic wood grain, this sturdy large storage box, has a magnetic closure and can be flattened for easy storage when not in use. Perfect for shoes, toys, photos, keepsakes and more! Material: card stock Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Printed with a photo-realistic wood grain, this sturdy large storage box, has a magnetic closure and can be flattened for easy storage when not in use. Perfect for shoes, toys, photos, keepsakes and more! Material: card stock Packaging: sticker Sold per 8

Product: 30 x 20 x 11,5 cm Packaging (flat): 42,3 x 32,3 x 1 cm


)12615-AGHGBf Wall Storage Pockets

Product: 24 x 15 x 9 cm Packaging (flat): 35 x 24 x 0,8 cm


)12615-AGHFCd Home Harbor Key Holder

Designed by Audrey Kirk

Designed by Tom Dissel

Ideal for dorms, these denim pockets offer mount to the wall with adhesive backing. Use for organizing school supplies, beauty products, and other small essentials. Set of 2. Material: denim Packaging: carded Sold per 12

The Netherlands has a rich history of tall ships and merchant fleets. After a long voyage, these ships dock safely in the harbor. The ships of our home harbor will anchor your keys so they are safe and sound. Set of 2 boat keyrings & wooden dock (includes 2 screws & 2 wall anchors). Winner of Dutch Design Challenge 2014. Material: beech wood, polyresin, steel Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Product: 13,7 x 12,7 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 25,8 x 13 x 2 cm

Product: Keyring: 13 x 9,5 x 5 cm / Dock: 10,2 x 8 x 5 cm Packaging: 10,5 x 8,5 x 5,5 cm OR71

)12615-AHGCFj 18



Large Folding Wire Basket

Small Folding Wire Basket

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

This galvanized stainless steel wire basket can be used as a basket, plate, fruit bowl and much more. Comes with inspiration guide. Material: galvanized stainless steel Packaging: hang tag Sold per 4

Let inspiration be your guide with our galvanized stainless steel folding wire basket. This durable lightweight piece can be used as a basket, plate, fruit bowl and much more. Material: galvanized stainless steel Packaging: hang tag Sold per 6

Product: Open: 39 x 25 x 25 cm Packaging: Flat: 47 x 47 x 1,4 cm

Product: 19 x 17 x 17 cm Packaging: 19,1 x 17 x 17 cm Flat: 31,8 x 31,8 x 1,3 cm BW01



)12615-AGJEJh Black Small Folding Wire Basket Designed by KDT This painted stainless steel wire basket can be used as a basket, plate, fruit bowl and much more. Comes with inspiration guide. Material: painted stainless steel Packaging: hang tag Sold per 6 Product: Open: 19 x 17 x 17 cm Packaging: 19,1 x 17 x 17 cm Flat: 31,8 x 31,8 x 1,3 cm


)12615-AHCIBh Bedside Pocket Designed by Drew Pettinga Convenient felt pocket for your beside. This soft and secure pocket is the perfect place to keep all your bedside essentials safe. Fits all couches and beds. Material: felt, polystyrine Packaging: paper wrap Sold per 6 Product: 28,2 x 22 x 11,5 cm Packaging: 31 x 25 x 3 cm


)12615-AHGJCb Pack Rack Jewelry Holder

Ladder Jewelry Holder

Designed by Steph Mantis

Designed by FormNation

A clever and "wild" way to hang your keys or store your jewelry. This wall mount ready pine rack has seven different animal heads attached to it. Requires two screws (not included). Material: pine wood & phthalate-free vinyl Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Store and display your jewelry and keepsakes in style with this Ladder Jewelry Holder. Simple assembly is required for this piece. Material: aluminum, beech wood Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Product: 25 x 5 x 5 cm Packaging: 25 x 5 x 5 cm



Product: 16 x Dia. 13 cm Packaging: 18 x 3,3 x 3,3 cm


)12615-AHCDDg 19

Ballerina Jewelry Holder

Bird Is The Word Jewelry Stand

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Store and display your jewelry in classic style with this elegant ballerina jewelry holder. Simple assembly is required for this piece. Material: steel, magnet Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Store and display your jewelry and keepsakes in classic style with this elegant bird jewelry holder. Simple assembly is required for this piece. Material: steel, magnet Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 17,5 x 16 x 10 cm Packaging: 17 x 16,5 x 2 cm

Product: 14,5 x 14,5 x 10 cm Packaging: 17 x 16,5 x 2 cm





Put a Ring on It Jewelry Holder

Miniature Martini Jewelry Holder

Designed by Northsquared

Designed by FormNation

Think outside the box for jewelry storage. Topped with an oversized engagement ring, this chrome-plated dish had ample room for all your bling. Material: chrome-plated zinc alloy Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Store and display your jewelry in style with this Miniature Martini Jewelry Holder. Material: chrome plated zinc, flocked Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Product: Dia. 10 x 4,2 cm Packaging: 10,1 x 10,1 x 4,2 cm



Product: 6,4 x 5 x 4,7 cm Packaging: 6,4 x 5 x 4,7 cm



Rabbit Money Bank Designed by Youngkyung Kim The rabbit is a symbol of wealth and wisdom in Korean fairy tales. As the coins fill the rabbit bank, its plush belly gets more plump. Material: plush, EVA foam, stuffing, zipper Packaging: paper tray with PET sleeve Sold per 4 Product: 22,1 x 13,2 x 10,9 cm Packaging: 23,1 x 12,7 x 9,1 cm


)12615-AGIJIi Gold Bar Money Bank

Skull Money Bank

Designed by Aleksandr Mukomelov

Skulls have long been associated with death and evil, and so has money. This bank is a combination of the two in a humorous, sometimes macabre yet totally useful way. Material: stoneware Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Finished to resemble an actual Gold bar this bank is a dead ringer for the real thing and a perfect reminder to "go for the gold" when saving money. Material: stoneware Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 19 x 8 x 5 cm Packaging: 19,8 x 8,5 x 5,4cm


)12615-AEICGd 20

Product: 17 x 12,7 x 12 cm Packaging: 17 x 12,7 x 12 cm



Money Can Not Buy My Love Bank Designed by Lev Zeitlin “Money can not buy my love” is written on the base of the bust in Chinese characters. Material: ceramic Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 17 x 13,5 x 9 cm Packaging: 17,3 x 13,5 x 9 cm


)12615-AHCFJg Karl Marx Money Bank

Einstein™ Money Bank

Designed by Lev Zeitlin

Designed by KDT

Karl Marx dreamed of a world where all resources could be equally shared. We don't live in that world, so you probably should save your coins in our Karl Marx Money bank. Material: stoneware Packaging: color box Sold per 6

This fun and functional coin bank proudly displays Einstein’s famous equation which would take too long to explain here. Material: stoneware Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 17,5 x 10 x 10 cm Packaging: 11 x 10,5 x 18 cm


)12615-AGFGDf Mail Box Money Bank Store your keepsakes or coins in classic American style mailbox shaped lockable safe. Includes 2 keys. Material: steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 15 x 8,5 x 7,5 cm Package: 16 x 10 x 9 cm


Product: 18 x 10 x 10 cm Packaging: 18 x 11 x 10,5 cm


)12615-AHAAIa Hippo Doorstop Designed by Yoo Miin Keep the door open with this adorable doorstop-potamus. Stops doors with clearance up to 7/8". Material: TPR Packaging: PET Box Sold per 12 Product: 17,7 x 6 x 3 cm Packaging: 17,7 x 6,3 x 6 cm




Anchor Doormat

Sailboat Doormat

Designed by Martijn Deurloo

Designed by FormNation

Make a nautical statement at your front door, whether you live on a boat or not with this indoor/ outdoor mat. Material: vinyl coil mat Packaging: tag Sold per 6

Welcome sailors (and other land-lubbing visitors)! Durable, easy-to-clean and suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Material: vinyl coil mat Packaging: U-Card Sold per 6

Product: 76,2 x 45,7 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 76,2 x 45,7 x 1,3 cm

Product: 76,2 x 45,7 x 1,3 cm




)12615-AHEHIb 21

Fox Doormat

Birch Doormat

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Great water retention and easy to clean. Perfect for indoor and outdoor use. Material: vinyl coil mat Packaging: U-Card Sold per 6

Great water retention and easy to clean. Perfect for indoor and outdoor use. Material: vinyl coil mat Packaging: U-Card Sold per 6

Product: 76,2 x 45,7 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 76,2 x 45,7 x 1,3 cm

Product: 76,2 x 45,7 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 76,2 x 45,7 x 1,3 cm




)12615-AHCHFg Rhino® II Step Stool Red Designed by KDT The new and improved Rhino® II Folding Step Stool, stores well, and easlily unfolds to a secure locking position. Material: PP Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 6 Product: (Open): 20 x 28,5 x 21,5 cm (Closed): 20 x 28,5 x 3,5 cm


)12615-AGEIDg Rhino® II Step Stool Green Designed by KDT The new and improved Rhino® II Folding Step Stool, stores well, and easlily unfolds to a secure locking position. Material: PP Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 6 Product: (Open): 20 x 28,5 x 21,5 cm (Closed): 20 x 28,5 x 3,5 cm

Kikkerland is proud to present the Rhino® II. This reinforced step stool designed by KDT, is improved in many ways. Reinforced construction includes: a stronger hinge and more durable anti-slip rubber feet. This popular stool has been completely redesigned from the ground up to be more stable and store flatter. Certified and tested to hold up to 400 lbs of weight, this is a must have for any home, and portable enough to go anywhere.

Rhino® II Step Stool White


)12615-AGEICj Rhino® II Step Stool Black

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

The new and improved Rhino® II Folding Step Stool, stores well, and easlily unfolds to a secure locking position. Material: PP Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 6

The new and improved Rhino® II Folding Step Stool, stores well, and easlily unfolds to a secure locking position. Material: PP Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 6

Product: (Open): 20 x 28,5 x 21,5 cm (Closed): 20 x 28,5 x 3,5 cm

Product: (Open): 20 x 28,5 x 21,5 cm (Closed): 20 x 28,5 x 3,5 cm


)12615-AGEIBc 22




Moon Lamp Designed by Soyoung Kim and Jonghwa Kim Work by the light of the moon, no matter what time of day it is. Created during the 1 + 1 = 3 Workshop in Korea, this USBpowered lamp casts a gentle, extraterrestrial glow. Great for the desk or nightstand. Material: PVC, PU, electrical components Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 19 x 14 x 14 cm Packaging: 20 x 13,5 x 13,5 cm LP55-EU

)12615-AHFDHf Blok Lamp Designed by FormNation LED concrete planter lamp with USB charger. Go green with this concrete desk lamp and mini planter. Material: concrete, cotton braided cord Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 14,6 x 14,1 x 7 cm Cord: 106 cm Packaging: 18 x 17 x 10 cm


)12615-AHJAGj 23

Cylinder Concrete Pendant Lamp

Cone Concrete Pendant Lamp

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

This concrete pendant lamp adds a smart and modern look to just about anywhere in your home or apartment. Features a durable cotton braided cable and silicone socket. Bulb not included. Material: concrete, cotton, PVC, electronic components Packaging: color box Sold per 6

This concrete pendant lamp adds a smart and modern look to just about anywhere in your home or apartment. Features a durable cotton braided cable and silicone socket. Bulb not included. Material: concrete, cotton, pvc, electronic components Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 9,8 x Dia. 5,9 cm Cord 4 m Packaging: 22 x 8,3 x 8,3 cm

Product: 8,9 x Dia. 7 cm Cord 4 m Packaging: 22 x 8,3 x 8,3 cm




)12615-AHIDFc Edison Bulb

Chevron Braided Pendant Cord Lamp

Pair this incandescent bulb with any one of our pendant lamps for a modern-retro look that's sure to make a bright statement. 40 Watt Material: glass Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Designed by KDT Customize with lightbulbs or pendant lamps. Add a touch of brilliance and style to just about anywhere in your home or apartment with this versatile pendant lamp. Features a durable cotton braided cable and silicone socket. Bulb not included. Cotton braided cable with silicone socket. Cord length: 3,7 m Material: cotton braided, silicone, electronic components Packaging: PET tube Sold per 6

Product: 13,4 x 9,3 x 9,3 cm Packaging: 17 x 10,9 x 10,9 cm


Product: 370 cm x Dia 4 cm Packaging: 20 cm x Dia 10 cm

)12615-AHHHEe Wood Closet Pull Light This battery-powered pull light can be hung anywhere around the house, in the garage, or taken outside to provide some extra light around the campfire. LED light. Requires 3 AAA batteries (included). Material: ABS, PS Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12 Product: 16 x 5,5 x 5,5 cm Packaging: 23,8 x 13,5 x 8 cm


)12615-AHEFCb Switch Light Designed by Ilmo Ahn Clever and convenient, this LED light is ideal for travel or home. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Material: ABS Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6 Product: 6 x 6 x 4 cm Packaging: 10 x 6,6 x 4,5 cm


)12615-AHHHBd 24







Peel ‘N Stick Night Light An anywhere solution for closets, the garage, the basement or the attic. Flip the switch for a little extra light. Wireless LED light. Stick and peel adhesive velcro backing. Material: PP, PS, electrical components Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12 Product: 11,4 x 7,6 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 20,4 x 13 x 3,5 cm


)12615-AHFHDd Pink Multicolor Pop String Lights

Blue Multicolor Pop String Lights

A whimsical way to light up the room, these string lights are powered with a battery pack, allowing them to be hung just about anywhere. Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included). 40 LED lights. Material: PP, LED Packaging: color box Sold per 12

A whimsical way to light up the room, these string lights are powered with a battery pack, allowing them to be hung just about anywhere. Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included). 40 LED lights. Material: PP, LED Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Product: 440,7 x 3,8 x 1,2 cm Packaging: 13 x 9,7 x 5 cm

Product: 440,7 x 3,8 x 1,2 cm Packaging: 13 x 9,7 x 5 cm





Silver Spiral String Lights A whimsical way to light up the room, these string lights are powered with a battery pack, allowing them to be hung just about anywhere. Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included). 10 LED lights. Material: iron, LED Packaging: color box Sold per 12 Product: 125,7 x 4,5 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 13 x 9,7 x 3 cm


)12615-AHFGGf Silver Globe String Lights

Moroccan Lantern String Lights

This sparkling strand adds a festive touch to any space. Mini globes. A battery pack allows it to be hung just about anywhere. Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included). 10 LED lights. Material: Iron, LED Packaging: color box Sold per 12

This sparkling strand adds a festive touch to any space. Souk-inspired silver lanterns. A battery pack allows it to be hung just about anywhere. 10 LED lights. Material: iron, LED Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Product: 125,7 x 3,8 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 13 x 9,7 x 3 cm



Product: 125,7 x 3,8 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 13 x 9,7 x 3 cm


)12615-AHFGBa 25

Silver String Lights Decorate anything with 6 feet (1,8 meter) of flexible thin silver wire that contains 20 battery powered white warm LED lights . Requires 2 AA batteries (not included). Material: LED lights, silver wire, electronic components Packaging: color box / CDU Sold per 18 Product: 1,82 m Packaging: 9 x 7 x 2,5 cm CDU: 22,5 x 18 x 16,7 cm


)12615-AHDECf Copper String Lights

Multicolor String Lights

Decorate anything with 6 feet of flexible thin copper wire that contains 20 battery powered super bright LED lights. Requires 2 AA batteries (not included). Material: LED lights, copper wire, electronic components Packaging: color box / CDU Sold per 18

Decorate anything with 6 feet (1,82 meter) of flexible thin copper wire that contains 10 battery powered super bright red, green and blue LED lights . Requires 2 AA batteries (not included). Material: LED lights, copper wire, electronic components Packaging: color box / CDU Sold per 18

Product: 235 x 3,4 x 1,7 cm Packaging: 13,1 x 9,3 x 2,1 cm



Product: 1,82 m Packaging: 9 x 7 x 2,5 cm CDU: 22,5 x 18 x 16,7 cm



Large Ball of Yarn Flameless Candle

Small Ball of Yarn Flameless Candle

This charming simulated ball of yarn is a beautiful flameless candle. Requires 1 lithium battery (included). Material: paraffin wax, PP, electronic components Packaging: color box with velvet paper Sold per 12

This charming simulated ball of yarn is a beautiful flameless candle. Requires 1 lithium battery (included). Material: paraffin wax, PP, electronic components Packaging: color box with velvet paper Sold per 12

Product: 9,7 x 9,5 x 8,5 cm Packaging: 10 x 10 x 8.7 cm

Product: 8,5 x 8 x 6,6 cm Packaging: 8,8 x 8,8 x 6,8 cm





Glass Votive Holder

Wood Candleholders, Set of 2

Designed by Larry Laske

Handcrafted from natural ash wood, designed to nestle together or on their own. Each candle holder has a stainless steel cup that supports a standard sized candlestick (not included). Material: ash wood Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Stylish and functional, this sturdy clear glass votive looks great indoors or out. Material: glass Packaging: sticker Sold per 12 Product: 7,7 x 5,9 x 5,9 cm Packaging: 7,7 x 5,9 x 5,9 cm


)12615-AHBEHg 26

Product: 5,8 x 12,9 x 5,8 cm Packaging: 13,2 x 10,7 x 6,4 cm




Zero Gravity Flat Clock

Moonlight Clock

Designed by i3lab studios

Designed by i3 Lab studios

Watch as the hands defy gravity and tell time. Ultra flat wall clock. Takes 1 CH2032 button cell battery (included). Material: ABS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Sweep hands technology which means no ticking sounds. 15 hours of daylight equals 4 hours of illumination. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: glass, glow in the dark paper, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: Dia. 27,5 x 4 cm Packaging: 27,5 x 27,5 x 4 cm


)12615-AGGJEg Geometric Wood Clock

Product: Dia. 36 x 6,5 cm Packaging: 38 x 36,5 x 7,5 cm


)12615-AFCFIb Time to Ride Wall Clock

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by FormNation

Material: beech wood, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 6

The 25 cm wall clock features fun and exciting discs that rotate every second. Bike wheels really roll. 1 AA battery required (not included). Material: ABS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

Product: 25,4 x 25,4 x 2,85 cm Packaging: 27 x 28 x 5,5 cm

Product: Dia. 25 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 26 x 26 x 4 cm




)12615-AGDEAc 27

Bike The World 20 cm Clock

Beach Ball 20 cm Wall Clock

Designed by KDT

Designed by FormNation

Bike around the world in 24 hrs with this 8" clock. Features accurate sweep step movement and takes 1 AA battery (not included). Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

Though slightly less buoyant than the real deal, this wall clock is just as colorful and fun as the classic beach toy. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

Product: Dia. 20,3 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 22,9 x 21,6 x 4,5 cm



Product: Dia. 20,3 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 22,9 x 21,6 x 4,5 cm



Port Hole 20 cm Wall Clock

Anchor 20 cm Wall Clock

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Your family is urging you to go on a cruise with them, point to the time on this clock for a great excuse not to go. We think the designer was channeling the Titanic when making this clock. Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

You run a tight ship, and that means keeping your household on nautical time. With its bold graphic appeal, this wall clock will certainly be appreciated by land lubbers as well. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

Product: Dia. 20,3 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 22,9 x 21,6 x 4,5 cm

Product: Dia. 20,3 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 22,9 x 21,6 x 4,5 cm


)12615-AHCEJh Early Bird 20cm Wall Clock


)12615-AHCEHd Ballerina 20cm Wall Clock

Designed by Martijn Deurloo

Designed by Martijn Deurloo

A sparrow’s silhouette embellishes the face of this otherwise minimalist black-and-white wall clock. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

The tiny dancer on this wall clock pirouettes and jetés as the hours slip by—an impressive performance (and display of stamina). Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

Product: Dia. 20 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 21,5 x 22,5 x 5 cm


)12615-AFCBCd Golfer 20cm Wall Clock

Product: Dia. 20 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 21,5 x 22,5 x 5 cm


)12615-AFJCGj Vinyl Record 20cm Wall Clock

Designed by Martijn Deurloo

Designed by Martijn Deurloo

Takes AA battery (not included). Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

Rock around the clock! This groovy timepiece modeled after your favorite 45. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

Product: Dia. 20 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 21,5 x 22,5 x 5 cm

Product: Dia. 20 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 21,5 x 22,5 x 5 cm


)12615-AFJCDi 28



Owl 20cm Wall Clock

Test Screen 20cm Wall Clock

Designed by Martijn Deurloo

Designed by Martijn Deurloo

The face of this friendly owl clock features glow in the dark eyes. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

A familiar site to anyone who remembers the days before satellite dishes and the 24-hour news cycle, this wall clock bears the old school test screen of televisions past. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: PS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color window box Sold per 6

Product: Dia. 20 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 21,5 x 22,5 x 5 cm



Product: Dia. 20 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 21,5 x 22,5 x 5 cm



Milton Glaser Presto Clock

Milton Glaser Sprocket Clock

Designed by Milton Glaser

Designed by Milton Glaser

When the hour hand turns, the large speckeled face rotates, revealing different dot patterns. It takes one button cell battery (included). Material: ABS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 2

The large disk turns to reveal the hour, while the minutes are indicated by the red hand. Takes 1 button cell battery (included). Material: ABS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 2

Product: Dia. 25 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 26,5 x 26,5 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AGCHBj Milton Glaser Reductous Clock

Product: Dia. 25 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 26,5 x 26,5 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AGCHAc Milton Glaser Presto Watch

Designed by Milton Glaser

Designed by Milton Glaser

The red minute and blue hour dots, circle around the yellow dot like planets around the sun. Takes 1 button cell battery (included). Material: ABS, glass, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 2

You won't be able to look away when this watch works its magic. When the hour hand turns, the large speckled face rotates, revealing different dot patterns. Material: aluminum face, clockworks, leather band Packaging: color box gift box with paper sleeve Sold per 2

Product: Dia. 25 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 26,5 x 26,5 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AGCGJg Milton Glaser Sprocket Watch

Product: 25,6 x 1,8 x 0,8 cm (Watch Face Dia 3,8 cm) Packaging: 29 x 6,5 x 1 cm


)12615-AGHCIi Milton Glaser Reductous Watch

Designed by Milton Glaser

Designed by Milton Glaser

The large disk turns to reveal the hour, while the red hand reveals the minutes. This Japanese movement, water resistant watch is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Material: aluminum face, clockworks, leather band Packaging: color box gift box with paper sleeve Sold per 2

The red minute and blue hour dots, circle around the yellow dot like planets around the sun. This water resistant piece of wearable art is sure to be a conversation starter. Material: aluminum face, clockworks, leather band Packaging: color box gift box with paper sleeve Sold per 2

Product: 25,6 x 1,8 x 0,8 cm (Watch Face Dia 3,8 cm) Packaging: 29 x 6,5 x 1 cm

Product: 25,6 x 1,8 x 0,8 cm (Watch Face Dia 3,8 cm) Packaging: 29 x 6,5 x 1 cm




)12615-AGHCGe 29

Flip Clock

Tweet Alarm Clock

Designed by Michael Daniel

Designed by Martin Smith

Steel with plastic flipping numbers, swinging legs and rubber feet. Requires 2 C batteries (included). Material: steel, plastic, rubber Packaging: color box Sold per 4

The chirps of an early rising bird provide a pleasant alternative to beeps and buzzing. A winding mechanism allows this alarm clock to operate without batteries or electricity. One wind last 3 days. Material: power coated steel, clockworks, faux feather Packaging: kraft box Sold per 2

Product: 20,3 x 20,3 x 7,6 cm Packaging: 25,4 x 25,4 x 9,5 cm

Product: 21,5 x 14 x 8 cm Packaging: 19 x 3,8 x 11 cm

1 74 5 -EU




Large Wooden Alarm Clock

Mini Wooden Alarm Clock

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Simple and elegant, this wooden alarm clock is the perfect home & desk accessory. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: beech wood, clockworks Packaging: kraft box Sold per 4

Simple and elegant, this mini wooden alarm clock is the perfect travel accessory. Battery and instructions included. Material: beechwood, clockworks Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

Product: 7,9 x 7,9 x 3,4 cm Packaging: 11,7 x 9,6 x 5 cm

Product: 4,7 x 4,7 x 2,1 cm Packaging: 10 x 9,6 x 3,7 cm





Darkwood Clap-On Cube Alarm Clock

Lightwood Clap-On Cube Alarm Clock

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Wood veneer with red LED digital time. Clap your hands to make the time appear. Beep alarm. Requires 2 AAA batteries (not included). Material: ABS, printed vinyl Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Wood veneer with red LED digital time. Clap your hands to make the time appear. Beep alarm. Requires 2 AAA batteries (not included). Material: ABS, printed vinyl Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Product: 6,5 x 6,5 x 6,5 cm Packaging: 7,5 x 7,5 x 7,5 cm

Product: 6,5 x 6,5 x 6,5 cm Packaging: 7,5 x 7,5 x 7,5 cm





Red Retro Alarm Clock

Blue Retro Alarm Clock

This red classic desk clock has a glow in the dark face and a beeping alarm. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: ABS, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 4

This blue classic desk clock has a glow in the dark face and a beeping alarm. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: ABS, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Product: 10,8 x 8,9 x 5,7 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 7,5 x 10 cm

Product: 10,8 x 8,9 x 5,7 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 7,5 x 10 cm


)12615-AGBADd 30



Green Retro Alarm Clock

Blue Square Alarm Clock

This green classic desk clock has a glow in the dark face and a beeping alarm. Requires 1 AA battery (not included). Material: ABS, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Perfect for traveling in style, or to add a classic accent to your bedroom. Features a retractable kickstand, uses 1 AA battery. Material: ABS, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 10,8 x 8,9 x 5,7 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 7,5 x 10 cm

Product: 8,1 x 8,1 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 10,3 x 8 x 3,7 cm





Red Square Alarm Clock Perfect for traveling in style, or to add a classic accent to your bedroom. Features a retractable kickstand, uses 1 AA battery. Material: ABS, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 8,1 x 8,1 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 10,3 x 8 x 3,7 cm


)12615-AHIFDg Grey Square Alarm Clock Perfect for traveling in style, or to add a classic accent to your bedroom. Features a retractable kickstand, uses 1 AA battery. Material: ABS, clockworks Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 8,1 x 8,1 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 10,3 x 8 x 3,7 cm

Mini Stopwatch Alarm Clock Designed by FormNation This Mini Alarm Clock features a keychain so you can carry your keys or hang it on your bag. (Does not function as an actual stopwatch) Material: metal, clockworks Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 24 Product: 5,7 x 4,4 x 1,6 cm Packaging: 5,9 x 4,4 x 1,8 cm CDU: 20 x 13 x 5,9 cm





Mini Classic Alarm Clock

Mini Bell Alarm Clock Key Chain

Designed by FormNation

This retro alarm clock with bells on top is small enough to take with you. Battery included. Sold in assorted colors. Material: enameled steel Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 24, assorted

This Mini Classic Alarm Clock features a keychain so you can carry your keys or hang it on your bag. Material: metal, clockworks Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 24 Product: 5,8 x 4,1 x 1,6 cm Packaging: 5,9 x 4,4 x 1,8 cm CDU: 20 x 13 x 5,9 cm



Product: 6,3 x 4,5 x 2 cm Packaging: 6,6 x 4,6 x 2 cm CDU: 28 x 11,3 x 9 cm


)12615-AEDIJd 31



Owlet Kitchen Timer

Penguin Timer

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

The Owlet kitchen timer brings fun and functionality into the kitchen. This 60 minute timer is as cute as it is handy. Material: ABS, steel Packaging: PET box/CDU Sold per 12, assorted

Pass the time with a friend—our playful Penguin Kitchen Timer is a delightful (and functional) addition to your countertop. No batteries required. Material: ABS, steel Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 12

Product: 7 x 7 x 6,3 cm Packaging: 10,8 x 6,4 x 6,4 cm CDU: 26,3 x 20 x 24 cm


)12615-AGFDDi Kitty Kitchen Timer

Product: 8,5 x 7,5 x 6 cm Packaging: 13,3 x 6,3 x 6,3 cm CDU: 24,6 x 18,7 x 20,9 cm


)12615-AFHACj Mouse Kitchen Timer

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

The Kitty Kitchen Timer brings fun and functionality into the kitchen. This 60 minute timer is as cute as it is handy. Material: ABS, steel Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 12

The Mouse Kitchen Timer brings fun and functionality into the kitchen. This 60 minute timer is as cute as it is handy. Material: ABS, steel Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 12

Product: Dia: 6 x 5 cm Packaging: 8,5 x 6 x 6 cm CDU: 25,5 x 19,2 x 18 cm

Product: Dia: 6 x 5,2 cm Packaging: 8,6 x 7,1 x 6,3 cm CDU: 28,8 x 20,6 x 18,4 cm




)12615-AHDIGj 33

Hedgehog Kitchen Timer Designed by FormNation This hedgehog 60 minute timer is great for the lover of functional kitsch. Material: ABS, steel Packaging: PET Box / CDU Sold per 12 Product: 6,5 x 6,5 x 4,5 cm Packaging: 6,3 x 9,6 x 4,4 cm CDU: 20,5 x 17,5 x 19 cm


)12615-AHACHb Ladybug Kitchen Timer

Homemade Kitchen Timer

Pass the time with a friend—our lovely Ladybug Kitchen Timer is a delightful (and functional) addition to your countertop. No batteries required. Material: ABS, steel Packaging: 1.75" Dia. 2.25" Packaging: 4,5 cm Dia. 6 cm Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 12

Designed by Annie Legroulx

Product: 5,7 x Dia. 4,5 cm Packaging: 10 x 6,5 x 4 cm CDU: 20,4 x 18,5 x 17cm


)12615-AEFBIh À Table Kitchen Timer

Our delightful “Homemade”kitchen timer is functional and fun. These stainless steel timers have non-slip feet. Material: stainless steel with power coating, decal Packaging: sticker Sold per 6 Product: Dia. 7,5 cm x 4,6 cm Packaging: Dia. 7,5 cm x 4,6 cm


)12615-AGHJCj Bon Appetite Kitchen Timer

Designed by Annie Legroulx

Designed by Annie Legroulx

Our delightful ”A Table” kitchen timer is functional and fun. These stainless steel timers have non-slip feet. Material: stainless steel with power coating, decal Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Our delightful “Bon Appetit” kitchen timer is functional and fun. These stainless steel timers have non-slip feet. Sold in assorted colors. Material: stainless steel with power coating, decal Packaging: sticker Sold per 6 assorted (3 per style)

Product: Dia. 7,5 cm x 4,6 cm Packaging: Dia. 7,5 cm x 4,6 cm

Product: Dia. 7,5 cm x 4,6 cm Packaging: Dia. 7,5 cm x 4,6 cm




)12615-AGHJDg Toasty Tongs Designed by Jule Witte You will appreciate the durable bamboo Toasty Tongs. Assembling the two separate pieces together provides natural spring action. Material: bamboo Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 16,5 x 6,7 x 3 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 9 x 4 cm


)12615-AHAFEh 34

Hot Grip Protect your fingers and your countertops with this dual-purpose mitt. Made with durable, easy-toclean silicone. Material: silicone Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: 24, 14,2 x 2 cm Packaging: 29,2 x 16,5 x 2 cm

Wood Spoon Set Designed by Josh Owen The unique rounded shape of these spoons not only make an elegant statement in your kitchen or at the dinner table, but highlight the all-natural beechwood grain. Use them for salads, sauces, soups and batters. Hand-wash only. Heat resistant and safe for non-stick cookware. Material: beechwood Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: 30,5 x 6 x 1,1 cm Packaging: 13 x 9 x 1,2 cm




)12615-AHHHGi Rockin’ BBQ Set Designed By Suzanne Chang Rock out at the grill with this guitar shaped BBQ set. Stainless steel with handsome pine wood handles. Material: pine wood, stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 4 Product: Spatula: 44 x 10,6 x 1,2 cm Tongs: 41 x 8,6 x 5,6 cm Fork: 44 x 3,9 x 1,2 cm Packaging: 55 x 20 x 5 cm


)12615-AHIIBj Animal Cutting Mats, Set of 4

Guitar Cutting Board

Designed by Tim Kennedy

Designed by Raffaele Gerardi

These flexible, non-skid cutting mats are a perfect way to prevent cross contamination in food prep. Includes fish, chicken, cow and vegetable shaped cutting mats. Material: ABS (food safe); non-skid backing Packaging: belly band Sold per 6

Add this bamboo cutting board as part of your kitchen instruments. The convenient guitar handle is great for serving, and the bottom lip collects food scraps and liquids. Material: bamboo Packaging: sticker Sold per 4

Product: 24,7 x 40,6 cm Packaging: 24,7 x 40,6 cm



Product: 49 x 22 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 49 x 22,1 x 1,5 cm



Rockin’ Pizza Cutter Designed by Raffaele Gerardi The sharp 2.5" stainless steel blade will let you ”slash" your way through that pizza pie with musical ease. Material: beechwood, stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 8 Product: 5,5 x 3,4 x 2 cm Packaging: 28 x 10 x 2,2 cm


)12615-AHAIIc 35

CafĂŠ Clip Easily scoop out your coffee & tea with the 2 tablespoon stainless steel measuring cup, then clip the bag closed to keep the grounds fresh. Hand wash only. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Packaging: 20 x 15 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AGHACi Toucan Kitchen Shears Designed by KDT Our stainless steel Toucan Kitchen Shears, feature a magnetic "bird beak" blade cover, soft grip handles and a bottle opener. Material: stainless steel, ABS, magnet Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12 Product: 22,9 x 8,4 x 1 cm Packaging: 28 x 10,2 x 1,5 cm


)12615-AGFCFd On-The-Go Peeler Designed by Reno For picnics or snacks on the go, this peeler is the perfect size for your bag or keyring. Compact stainless steel blade folds securely into the handle. Material: PP, stainless steel, nylon strap Packaging: sticker, PET tub Sold per 12 Product: 7,6 x 2,3 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 7,6 x 2,3 x 1,5 cm PET tub: Dia. 10 x 9 cm


)12615-AHEDHi Fish Magic Soap

Arctic Penguin Hot/Cold Pack

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Stainless steel "soap" works by binding the sulfur compounds in garlic, onions and fish, and removing them from your hands. It seems like magic, but it's science. Material: stainless steel Packaging: trap blister Sold per 6

Hot/Cold pack can be heated or frozen to keep food hot or cold. Great for lunch boxes. Material: non toxic gel, vinyl Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 10

Product: 12,5 x 3,7 x 2,7 cm Packaging: 20,9 x 10 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AGJAGa 36

Product: 10 x 8 x 1 cm Packaging: 15,2 x 10,2 x 1,5 cm CDU: 21,6 x 15,5 x 10,9 cm



Pizza Hot/Cold Pack

Fox Hot/Cold Pack

Designed by Steph Mantis

Designed by FormNation / Rachel Li

Pizza is great both hot and cold, and this hot/cold pack shaped like pizza is the same. Heat or freeze to sooth sore muscles, headaches, cramps, bruises and more. Or drop it in your lunchbox to keep food (pizza) cold and fresh. Material: non-toxic gel, vinyl Packaging: PET box Sold per 18 Product: 11,4 x 8,5 x 1 cm Packaging: 15,2 x 10,2 x 1,5 cm CDU: 21,6 x 15,5 x 10,9 cm HW39


Hot/Cold pack can be heated or frozen to keep food hot or cold. Great for lunch boxes. Material: non toxic gel, vinyl Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 10 Product: 10 x 8 x 1 cm Packaging: 15,2 x 10,2 x 1,5 cm CDU: 21,6 x 15,5 x 10,9 cm



Reusable Lunch Bag, Set of 4 Designed by KDT A reusable alternative to disposable zip-top baggies, these lunch bags are durable, dishwasher-safe, and environmentally friendly. BPA-, PVA- and phalate-free. Set of 4 includes two sizes for snacks and sandwiches. Material: PU Packaging: carded Sold per 12, assorted Product: Larger bag: 18,6 x 18,6 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 29,3 x 20,3 x ,2 cm CU142

)12615-AHGDGf Large Zipper Bags - Set of 2

Medium Zipper Bags - Set of 3

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

No need for heavy jars with these brilliant reusable zip-closed storage bags. Clever design allows bags to stand when filled. Dishwasher safe, durable and leak proof. Material: PE Packaging: OPP bag and card Sold per 24

No need for heavy jars with these brilliant reusable zip-closed storage bags. Clever design allows bags to stand when filled. Dishwasher safe, durable and leak proof. Material: PE Packaging: OPP bag and card Sold per 24

Product: 24,6 x 17,4 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 32,1 x 17,3 x 0,8 cm

Product: 19,9 x 13,8 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 26,2 x 14 x 0,8 cm




)12615-AHICEg Small Zipper Bags - Set of 4 Designed by KDT No need for heavy jars with these brilliant reusable zip-closed storage bags. Clever design allows bags to stand when filled. Dishwasher safe, durable and leak proof. Material: PE Packaging: OPP bag and card Sold per 24 Product: 15 x 10,8 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 20,5 x 11 x 0,8 cm


)12615-AHICDj 37

Radio Lunch Box Bring the past back to life during lunch or snack time with this fun vintage radio lunch box. Hand wash only. Food safe Material: tin Packaging: sticker Sold per 6 Product: 22 x 17,5 x 7 cm Packaging: 22 x 17,5 x 7 cm


)12615-AHIDHg TV Lunch Box

Bag Pins, Set of 8

Bring the past back to life during lunch or snack time with this fun vintage TV lunch box. Hand wash only. Food safe Material: tin Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Designed by KDT

Product: 22 x 17,5 x 7 cm Packaging: 22 x 17,5 x 7 cm



A homestyle alternative to the average chip clip, this set of clothespins fits most bags and is crafted from natural birch wood. Material: birch wood Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 10,9 cm x Dia. 1,3 cm Packaging: 18 x 14,8 x 2 cm


)12615-AHEDAj Retro Bag Clips - Set of 3 Keep snacks fresh and bags securely closed with this set of 3 stylish retro bag clips. Material: steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 7,7 x 5,9 x 3,2 cm Packaging: 19 x 10,2 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AHIHEb Alligator Bag Clips - Set of 3 Keep snacks fresh and bags securely closed with this set of 3 sturdy alligator clips. Material: steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 11,5 x 2,4 x 2 cm Packaging: 19 x 10,2 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AHIHFi 38

Rainbow Bag Clips Designed by FormNation Keep snacks fresh and bags securely closed with this set of 8 colorful bag clips. Material: PP Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 6,6 x 2,9 x 2,1 cm Packaging: 19 x 11,5 x 2,9 cm



Industrial Bag Clips All-purpose bag clips with retro flair and a galvanized finish. Set of 6. Material: galvanized steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 5,3 x 2,3 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 18,1 x 9,6 x 1,5 cm


)12615-AHGECg Ladybug Bag Clips

Stroopwafel Bag Clips

Designed by FormNation

Designed by Heloise Schep

A set of six lucky ladybugs to ensure your snacks stay fresh. Material: ABS Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Clip your chips with this sweet treat from The Netherlands. The Stroopwafel Bag Clip is a winner of the Dutch Design Challenge 2014. Set of 4. Material: ABS Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 4,1 x 4,1 x 3,3 cm Packaging: 19 x 10,2 x 3,2 cm

Product: 3,3 x Diameter: 6 cm Packaging: 17,6 x 13 x 6 cm




)12615-AHCIDb Tea Biscuit Bag Clip Clip your chips with this classic tea time treat. Set of 4. Material: ABS Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 6,3 x 4,6 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 20 x 12 x 4 cm


)12615-AHDIBe Zipper Bag Ties, Set of 9

Animal Bag Clips, Sets of 6

Designed by FormNation

Clips come in packages of Frogs, Cats and Bears. Keep food fresh with these cute sets of 6 bag clips. Material: ABS, steel spring Packaging: carded Sold per 24, assorted

This set of reusable silicone bag ties look like zippers. Tie off potato chip bags at a picnic or bundle all those loose computer wires together neatly. Material: silicone Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 4,3 x 4 x 3 cm Packaging: 19 x 10,2 x 3,2 cm

Product: 17,5 x 0,5 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 26,7 x 8,9 x 1,3 cm




)12615-AEFAJf 39

Woodlands Bag Clip, Set of 6 Designed by FormNation Let our Woodlands creature chip clips seal up your edibles and keep them fresh. Material: ABS, steel spring Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 5 x 4,2 x 3,3 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 9,5 x 3,3 cm


)12615-AHAEAa Monkey Bag Clips

Monster Bag Clips

Keep food fresh with this set of 6 monkey bag clips. Material: ABS, steel spring Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Designed by KDT

Product: 4,3 x 4 x 3 cm Packaging: 19 x 10,2 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AEJCGa Cat Talking Bag Clip

Keep food fresh with this set of 6 monster bag clips. Material: ABS, steel spring Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 4,3 x 4 x 3 cm Packaging: 19 x 10,2 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AFFJEa Bird Talking Bag Clip

Designed by FormNation / Martijn Deurloo

Designed by FormNation

Keep food fresh with this talking bag clip. Material: ABS, rubberized coating Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Keep food fresh with this talking bag clip. Material: ABS, rubberized coating Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 6,5 x 5,5 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 11,4 x 12 x 3,8 cm

Packaging: 12 x 12 x 3,8 cm


)12615-AGIIBa Pig Talking Bag Clip


)12615-AFCGAe Owl Talking Bag Clip

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Keep food fresh with this talking bag clip. Material: ABS, rubberized coating Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Keep food fresh with this talking bag clip. Material: ABS, rubberized coating Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 6,5 x 5,5 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 11,4 x 12 x 3,8 cm

Product: 6,5 x 5,5 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 11,4 x 12 x 3,8 cm


)12615-AFCGCi 40




Whale Tongs Designed by Billy Law White and blue assorted pack You'll have a firm grasp while serving food of all sizes--from Moby to minnow--with these clever and durable whale tongs. Perfect for ice, salads, and appetizers. Dishwasher safe. Material: ABS Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 20,3 x 5,8 x 3,2 cm Packaging: 23 x 14,1 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AHHJAe Innerlocking Salad Tongs

Rockin’ Spoons

Designed by Jule Witte

Designed by Bartjan de Bruijn

You will appreciate the durability of our bamboo Salad Tongs. Assembling the two separate pieces together provides natural spring action for easy one handed salad prep. Material: bamboo Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Shake, rattle and roll this beech wood acoustic and electric guitar spoon set. Safe to use on nonstick cookware. Handwash only Material: beech wood Packaging: carded Sold per 6

Product: 34,8 x 4,8 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 17,5 x 10 cm



Product: 27 x 8 x 0,9 cm Packaging: 33 x 13 x 2 cm


)12615-AGAIBe 41

Whale Spoon Rest Designed by FormNation Save the whales! Or at least let this whale spoon rest save you from any unnecessary kitchen mess. Helps keep sauce or mixing spoons off of your counter tops, is easy to clean, and is dishwasher and food safe. Material: ceramic Packaging: sticker, bulk Sold per 12 Product: 21,6 x 8,9 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 21,6 x 8,9 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AHIFCj White Whale Serving Bowl

Blue Whale Serving Bowl

This wayfaring whale welcomes culinary cargo—think snacks like popcorn and chips or even a small salad. Durable, cheerful, and easy to transport. Perfect for parties or kids. Material: melamine Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

This wayfaring whale welcomes culinary cargo—think snacks like popcorn and chips or even a small salad. Durable, cheerful, and easy to transport. Perfect for parties or kids. Material: melamine Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Product: 30,4 x 5,5 x 5 cm Packaging: 30,4 x 5,5 x 5 cm

Product: 30,4 x 5,5 x 5 cm Packaging: 30,4 x 5,5 x 5 cm


)12615-AHFJAa Sun Celestial Serving Bowl


)12615-AHFIJe Carrot Spoon & Fork

Designed by Sebastian Errazuriz

Designed by Billy Law

Throw an out of this world dinner party with this sun themed serving bowl. Made of sturdy food safe melamine. Material: melamine (food-safe) Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Promote healthy eating with this soft, dishwasher safe and kid friendly carrot spoon and fork set. Ages 4+ Material: nylon & silicone (PVC & BPA free) Packaging: kraft box Sold per 12

Product: Dia. 36 x 5 cm



Product: 4,5 x 1,8 x 1,8 cm Packaging: 20 x 9,5 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AHBAFg Kitty Spoon Rattle Designed by Vice Versa This ducky spoon rattle has a baby safe silicone spoon attached to a transparent rattle with little kitties in it. Material: silicone, PP (food safe) Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12 Product: 12,7 x 2,5 x 1,9 cm Packaging: 18,4 x 8,25 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AGIIEb 42

Ducky Spoon Rattle

Katana Chopsticks

Designed by Vice Versa

Master the art of swordsmanship one bite at a time. This pair of chopsticks takes the form of the classic Japanese katana. Material: ABS Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

This ducky spoon rattle has a baby safe silicone spoon attached to a transparent rattle with little duckies in it. Material: silicone, PP (food safe) Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12 Product: 12,7 x 2,5 x 1,9 cm Packaging: 18,4 x 8,25 x 3,2 cm



Product: 23 x 1,2 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 25,4 x 5,1 x 1,8 cm


)12615-AGCBJb Colored Steak Knives Finally, a good set of 4 steak knives as attractive as they are sharp. Assorted color handles. Material: stainless steel / birch wood Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6 Product: 21,3 x 1,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 21,5 x 12,3 x 2,6 cm


)12615-AHBEGj Little Red Salt & Pepper Shakers Designed by Yuk Wong Fairy tale inspired nesting salt and pepper shaker. Includes holder and 2 shakers. Material: porcelain Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 7,8 x Dia. 6,1 cm Packaging: 9 x 7,2 x 7 cm


)12615-AHCDJi Ming Dynasty Salt & Pepper Shakers

Mason Jar Salt & Pepper Shakers

Designed by Lin Ziwei & Guo Siqi

Designed by KDT

Season your dishes with this elegant set of salt & pepper shakers inspired by Ming vases. Made with porcelain, these shakers will be the perfect accent piece of any table. This product was part of the 2014 China Design Challenge. Material: porcelain Packaging: color box Sold per 6

A dash of homestead style for hip households. Set of two screw top shakers, each with 1oz capacity. Capacity: 1oz/30ml Material: glass, stainless steel Packaging: PET box with kraft paper tray Sold per 6

Product: Salt: 9,4 x Dia. 5,6 cm / Pepper: 8,9 x Dia. 5,1 cm Packaging: 11,7 x 10,2 x 7,4 cm SP18


Product: 6 cm (H) Packaging: 9,3 x 6,2 x 4,7 cm


)12615-AGIGBc 43

Mini Salt & Pepper Shakers, Set of 2 Set the table with individual shaker sets at your next dinner party. This petite pair provides a dash of seasoning, and a little something extra special at the table. An excellent gift for your favorite hostess. Material: glass, steel Packaging: PET box Sold per 18 Product: 4,2 x 2,5 x 2,1 cm Packaging: 9,2 x 4,6 x 2,3 cm


)12615-AHFIIh Nut Cracker A modern nutcracker crafted in beechwood and aluminum. Squeeze handle provides a satisfying crunch and easily breaks through shells. Pick your favorite nut and get cracking. Material: Beech wood, aluminum Packaging: carded Sold per 8 Product: 17 x 10,5 x 5,7 cm Packaging: 24 x 11 x 5,7 cm


)12615-AHGCGg Mouse Cheese Knives, Set of 3

Mouse Cheese Board Set

Designed by Tim Kennedy

Designed by Tim Kennedy

Cheese lovers unite with this set of 3 mouse cheese knives. Material: rubberwood; stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Cheese lovers unite with mouse cheese board. Comes with 3 cute mouse cheese knives. Material: rubberwood; stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Product: (largest knife) 12,7 x 4,7 x 3,7 cm Packaging: 15,4 x 15,4 x 5 cm



Product: 30 x 20 x 2 cm Packaging: 30,5 x 20,5 x 6 cm


)12615-AHBGAf Mini Serving Trays, Set of 6 Designed by KDT Elegantly display finger foods and hors d'oeuvres on these mini cutting boards. Made from stylish bamboo they make the perfect host gift. Material: bamboo Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 14 x 8,5 x 1,4 cm Packaging: 28,1 x 16,6 x 2,6 cm


)12615-AHIADb 44


Ora French Press

Ora Teapot

Designed by Paul Loebach

Designed by Paul Loebach

Slowly pour hot water over ground beans and luxuriate in the aroma of fresh coffee as it steeps in your Ora French Press. Features include double-walled glass body to keep in heat, cork stopper for an aromatic experience every time, and a convenient spout to pour a perfect cup. 14 oz capacity Material: borosilicate glass, stainless steel, cork Packaging: color box Sold per 4

This double walled glass tea pot has a removeable wire tea infuser to prevent leaves from pouring in your cup. Holds 14 oz (414ml). Not intended for stove top use. Material: glass, cork, steel spring Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 16,9 x 11,6 x 8,2 cm Packaging: 18,8 x 10,8 x 10,8 cm

Product: 21,4 x 11,4 x 8,2 cm Packaging: 18,8 x 10,8 x 10,8 cm TP05



)12615-AHCICe Ora Tea Cups Relax and enjoy your tea. These double walled glasses keep heat in your cup but not on your hand. Capacity 6 oz (177ml). Set of 2. Material: glass Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 10,2 x Dia: 6,9 cm Packaging: 15,6 x 11,1 x 7,8 cm


)12615-AHDBEc 45

Lotus Tea Pot Our 30oz. Lotus Tea Pot is an all in one tea party. The removable glass tea infuser ensures your tea will not oversteep, while the votive candle placed in the bamboo stand will keep it warm. (votive candle not included) Material: glass, bamboo Packaging: color box Sold per 2 Product: 23,7 x 20,7 x 16,5 cm Packaging: 24 x 20,8 x 16,5 cm


)12615-AGJAAi Gold Handle Coffee Mug

Silver Handle Coffee Mug

Add elegance to your morning routine. Prim and proper porcelain cup with metallic handle. Material: porcelain Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Add elegance to your morning routine. Prim and proper porcelain cup with metallic handle. Material: porcelain Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 12,2 x 10,4 x 8,9 cm Packaging: 11,6 x 10,5 x 8,8 cm

Product: 12,2 x 10,4 x 8,9 cm Packaging: 11,6 x 10,5 x 8,8 cm


)12615-AHFIBi Blossom Morph Mug


)12615-AHFICf Flowering Morph Mug

Designed by Somi Min

Designed by KDT

Feel the joy of the Korean spring with this mug. Fill the mug with your favorite hot beverage and enjoy the Apricot Flowers bloom before your eyes. Capacity: 11oz / 325ml Material: porcelain, thermographic ink Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Rise and shine! Add warm tea or coffee to your mug and watch as its black and white design blooms into colorful blossoms. Material: porcelain Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 12 x 9,5 x 8 cm Packaging: 12 x 10 x 9 cm

Product: 12,4 x 10,5 x 8,3 cm Packaging: 10,5 x 12,4 x 8,3 cm





Under the Sea Morph Mug

Woodlands Morph Mug

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Our whimsical morph mugs react to heat, revealing fun new graphics underneath. As your beverage cools the the graphics revert to their originial state. Capacity:11oz / 325ml Material: stoneware, thermographic ink Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Our whimsical morph mugs react to heat, revealing fun new graphics underneath. As your beverage cools the the graphics revert to their originial state. Capacity:11oz / 325ml Material: stoneware, thermographic ink Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 12 x 9,5 x 8 cm Packaging: 12 x 10 x 9 cm


)12615-AGGDIa 46

Product: 12 x 9,5 x 8 cm Packaging: 12 x 10 x 9 cm



Pixel Heart Morph Mug

Battery Morph Mug

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Our whimsical morph mugs react to heat, revealing fun new graphics underneath. As your beverage cools the the graphics revert to their originial state. Capacity:11oz / 325ml Material: stoneware, thermographic ink Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Our whimsical morph mugs react to heat, revealing fun new graphics underneath. As your beverage cools the the graphics revert to their originial state. Capacity:11oz / 325ml Material: stoneware, thermographic ink Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 12 x 9,5 x 8 cm Packaging: 12 x 10 x 9 cm

Product: 12 x 9,5 x 8 cm Packaging: 12 x 10 x 9 cm





Flower Pot Espresso Cups, Set of 2

Spell ‘n Sip Magnetic Mug

Designed by Vice Versa

Write your morning manifesto across your coffee cup. This enameled cup includes a 80 characters, as well as punctuation so that you can get your message across. Daily affirmation or a curse on the working day? The choice is yours. Material: tin, glaze, rubber magnet Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Nothing like a little espresso to perk you up when you're feeling wilted. Taking a cue from traditional terra-cotta flower pots, this set includes two cups with spoons. Material: porcelain Packaging: color box Sold per 8 Product: Pot: Dia. 7 x 6,6 cm / Spoon: 11,7 x 2,6 x 0,9 cm Packaging: 14,3 x 6,7 x 6,7 cm

Product: 13 x 10 x 9 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 10,5 x 10 cm NOT AVAILABLE IN UK




)12615-AHFIHa Nautical Flags Enamel Cup Designed by KDT Ahoy! Sip and sail with a durable drinking vessel. Enameled cup adorned with nautical flags. It will bounce—not break—if you drop it on deck. Just make sure it doesn’t go overboard! Material: tin, glaze Packaging: sticker Sold per 6 Product: 11,7 x 8,9 x 8,1 cm Packaging: 11,7 x 8,9 x 8,1 cm


)12615-AHGAJj Anchor Enamel Cup

Camo Enamel Cup

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

For outdoor adventures or your morning tea, this anchor-embellished cup is an excellent choice. Ideal for indoor or outdoor use, it’s made with durable enamel and will bounce back from drops without breaking. Material: tin, glaze Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

A camping companion clad in camouflage (and also an allround excellent everyday mug). Ideal for indoor or outdoor use, it’s made with durable enamel and will bounce back from drops without breaking. Material: tin, glaze Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Product: 11,7 x 8,9 x 8,1 cm Packaging: 11,7 x 8,9 x 8,1 cm

Product: 11,7 x 8,9 x 8,1 cm Packaging: 11,7 x 8,9 x 8,1 cm




)12615-AHGBBc 47

Small Camouflage Thermos

Large Camouflage Thermos

Double wall construction keeps hot drinks warm while keeping the exterior cool. The waterproof lock makes this thermos ideal for on the go. Capacity: 12 oz / 355 ml Material: 18/8 stainless steel Packaging: sticker Sold per 8

Double wall construction keeps hot drinks warm while keeping the exterior cool. The waterproof lock makes this thermos ideal for on the go. Capacity: 17 oz / 500 ml Material: 18/8 stainless steel Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Product: 19,6 x Dia 6,9 cm Packaging: 19,6 x Dia 6,9 cm

Product: 24,6 x Dia 6,9 cm Packaging: 24,6 x Dia 6,9 cm





Green Slim Thermos

Blue Slim Thermos

With a stylishly thin profile and leak-proof design this double wall vacuum flask keeps your drink hot for 12 hours or cold for 24 hours. Fits easily into your purse or briefcase for when you’re on the go. With white gasket. Capacity: 8 oz / 250 ml Material: stainless steel, EVA, PP Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

With a stylishly thin profile and leak-proof design this double wall vacuum flask keeps your drink hot for 12 hours or cold for 24 hours. Fits easily into your purse or briefcase for when you’re on the go. With purple gasket. Capacity: 8 oz / 250 ml Material: 18/8 stainless steel, EVA, PP Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Product: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm Packaging: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm

Product: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm Packaging: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm


)12615-AHJBAg White Slim Thermos With a stylishly thin profile and leak-proof design this double wall vacuum flask keeps your drink hot for 12 hours or cold for 24 hours. Fits easily into your purse or briefcase for when you’re on the go. With green gasket. Capacity: 8 oz / 250 ml Material: stainless steel, EVA, PP Packaging: sticker Sold per 6 Product: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm Packaging: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm




)12615-AHIGAe Jiang Taigong Tea Bag Holder Designed by Wang Lei This tea holders are based on old chinese story of Jiang Taigong. He uses a straight fishhook because he believed that the fish will come to him when they were ready to be fished. Now he can patiently hold your tea bag while it seeps. Set of 4 assorted designs. Each holder comes with it's own fishhook. Material: silicone, stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12 Product: Largest: 3,2 x Dia: 2,3 cm Fish Hook Length: 6,5 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 10 x 3 cm CU127

)12615-AHDHIe Leaf Tea Clip A simple solution for tea time. Add a loose leaf blend of your choice to a bag and slip it onto the clip, then steep to perfection. Includes 50 paper filters. Material: PP Packaging: color box Sold per 12 Product: 17,9 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 23,3 x 6,5 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AHFHIi 48

Snap Mesh Tea Infuser Designed by KDT This Snap Mesh Tea Infuser alllows you to scoop up your tea and seal the scoop and place it directly into your tea cup. Material: beech wood, stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 18,3 x 4,5 x 4,2 cm Packaging: 23,3 x 8 x 4,5 cm


)12615-AHBHAe Beaker Tea Infuser A perfect gift for the mad scientist tea lover, this Beaker tea infuser allows you to experiment with new teas and spices. Material: glass, silicone Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 11,4 x Dia. 4,1 cm Packaging: 15,5 x 5,6 x 5,6 cm


)12615-AGJCDh Tea Leaf Infuser This two in one leaf shaped tea infuser allows you to scoop up your tea, seal the scoop and place it directly into your tea cup. Material: bamboo, plant fiber (food safe) Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 20,5 x 6 x 3 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 6,1 x 3,1 cm



Floating Leaf Tea Infuser Designed by Hui-Yoe UI Simply fill the infuser with your favorite loose tea, replace the metal base and gently slide it into a mug of hot water until your tea is steeped. Material: stainless steel, silicone Packaging: color box Sold per 12 Product: 7,9 x 3,8 x 2,1 cm Packaging: 6,5 x 9 x 3 cm



Rockin’ Tea Infuser

Acorn Tea Infuser

Designed by Billy Law

Our food safe silicone acorn tea infuser is a beautiful and fun way to steep your tea. Material: silicone (food-safe) Packaging: paper tray and PET sleeve Sold per 12

You won’t be singing the blues with this Rockin’ Tea Infuser! No tea bags needed! Just add your favorite loose leaf tea, steep, and let the good times roll. Material: silicone Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Product: 10,2 x Dia: 4,5 cm Packaging: 10,5 x 5 x 5 cm

Product: 13,6 x 4,9 x 3,1 cm Packaging: 15,5 x 5,1 x 3 cm




)12615-AHBFFb 49

Fish Tea Infuser Drip tray included. Easy to clean Fill this cleverly shaped infuser with your favorite tea and add a spot of fishy fun to your usual tea ritual. Stainless steel, with drip tray included. Material: stainless steal Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 7,9 x 3,6 x 2,4 cm Packaging: 9 x 6,5 x 3 cm


)12615-AHHIJi Owl Tea Infuser

Fabled Axe Tea Infuser

Tea time can be a real “hoot” with our stainless steel owl tea infuser. Comes with drip tray that acts like a saucer when not in use. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Designed by Minkyu Hong

Product: 6,5 x 3,7 x 3 cm Packaging: 11 x 6,5 x 3 cm

You've got an axe to grind? Why don't you bury the hatchet and relax with our Tea Infuser. Inspired by a Korean folk tale in which a woodcutter dropped his axe into a lake. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12 Product: 9,7 x 6,5 x 3 cm Packaging: 9,7 x 6,5 x 3 cm





Queen Tea Infuser

Robot Tea Infuser

Designed by FormNation

Programmed for a perfect brew, our Robot Tea Infuser has adjustable arms for holding the sides of your cup. Includes drip tray. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Our Queen Tea Infuser has adjustable arms for clinging to the sides of your tea cup while she steeps your tea. This royal wonder comes with a drip tray. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Product: 8 x 6,5 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 11,5 x 6,5 x 3 cm

Product: 9 x 6,5 x 3 cm Packaging: 9,1 x 4,6 x 6,6 cm





Monkey Tea Infuser

Tea Buttons

They’ll be no monkeying around with this guy taking care of tea time. His long arms are adjustable, to grip the edge of your mug. Includes drip tray. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Set of 6 buttons. Keeps your tea bag from falling into your tea. Strong silicone button sticks to mug, wrap tea bag string around button. Material: silicone Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12

Product: 8 x 6 x 3 cm Packaging: 8,9 x 6,6 x 3 cm

Product: Dia. 2 x 1 cm Packaging: 10,9 x 6,6 x 1,5 cm


)12615-AFDIFe 50




Piano Toothpick Dispenser

Leaf Cocktail Picks, Set of 10

Designed by Mario Mazzanti

Designed by Jeep Innovation

You don’t need to be a virtuoso to master this piano. Simply press the ivory keys to dispense one toothpick at a time. Holds 40 toothpicks. Material: ABS Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Shaped like leaves, the doubled prong tips make picking and handling food a breeze. Material: ABS (food safe) Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Product: 10,4 x 6 x 4 cm Packaging: 10,6 x 8,2 x 6 cm


)12615-AHDBAe Narwhal Party Picks, Set of 24

Product: 11,4 x 0,8 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 14 x 4,1 x 4,1 cm


)12615-AGIJDd Unicorn Party Picks, Set of 24

Designed by Steph Mantis

Designed by FormNation

Narwhals dive deeper than most other marine mammals—they’re capable of making 1500 meter trips below the surface more than 15 times per day. How’s that for an ice breaker at your next cocktail party? Set of 24 picks. Material: paper, birch wood Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 24

If you have a thing for unicorns like we do, then you must add these unicorn party picks to your next cocktail party. Material: paper and wood Packaging: OPP bag with header card Sold per 24

Product: 12,7 x 3,9 x 0,1 cm Packaging: 15,5 x 15 x 0,5 cm



Product: 8,9 x 5,1 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 17 x 11,5 x 2 cm


)12615-AGHBGf 51

Honest Boy Party Picks, Set of 24

Ring Food Picks, Set of 20

Designed by FormNation

Designed by Minsun Kim / Ahrang Lee

Truthfully speaking, we love our hors d'oeuvres. So we can't lie when we tell you that these honest boy party picks, are the perfect cocktail party accessory. Material: paper and wood Packaging: OPP bag with header card Sold per 24

Playing with your food is no longer against the rules with these food safe ring picks. Simply skewer your cheese or chocolate covered strawberry and place it on your finger. Material: polystyrene (PS) Packaging: PET Box with paper insert Sold per 24

Product: 8,9 x 3 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 17 x 11,5 x 2 cm



Product: 6 x 6 x 0,6 cm Packaging: 15,2 x 6 x 2,5 cm



Worker Ant Party Picks, Set of 20

White Oak Bark Napkins, Set of 20

Designed by Hector Serrano

Designed by KDT

Live up your party with these Ant Party Picks. They’ll carry your food without carrying it away! Material: PP Packaging: color box Sold per 12

These 3 ply napkins are great for picnics, camping or a whimsical and classy indoor cocktail party. Material: paper Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 12

Product: 5,6 x 4,56 x 4 cm Packaging: 16 x 8 x 4,5 cm

Product: 11 x 11 x 0.1 cm Packaging: 11 x 11 x 2 cm


)12615-AHDHAi Pine Bark Napkins, Set of 20


)12615-AGHFJc Platanus Bark Napkins, Set of 20

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

These 3 ply napkins are great for picnics, camping or a whimsical and classy indoor cocktail party. Material: paper Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 12

These 3 ply napkins are great for picnics, camping or a whimsical and classy indoor cocktail party. Material: paper Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 12

Product: 11 x 11 x 0.1 cm Packaging: 11 x 11 x 2 cm

Product: 11 x 11 x 0.1 cm Packaging: 11 x 11 x 2 cm





White Birch Bark Napkins, Set of 20

Pinwheel Paper Straws, Set of 6

Designed by KDT These 3 ply napkins are great for picnics, camping or a whimsical and classy indoor cocktail party. Material: paper Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 12

Our straws serve as a green alternative to plastic straws, with a beautiful array of graphic designs printed with food safe ink. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: OPP bag with header card Sold per 18

Product: 11 x 11 x 0.1 cm Packaging: 11 x 11 x 2 cm

Product: 19,5 x 6,2 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 26,5 x 10 x 2 cm


)12615-AGHFGb 52



Silver Straws

Gold Straws

A festive touch to holiday parties or birthday celebrations. Coated metallic paper straws. Material: paper, foil Packaging: kraft box Sold per 12

A festive touch to holiday parties or birthday celebrations. Coated metallic paper straws. Material: paper, foil Packaging: kraft box Sold per 12

Product: 19,7 x 0,6 x 0,6 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm

Product: 19,7 x 0,6 x 0,6 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm




)12615-AHGCDf Party Stripes Paper Straws, Box of 144 Designed by KDT Our straws serve as a green alternative to plastic straws, with a beautiful array of graphic designs printed with food safe ink. Packaging: kraft window box Sold per 12 Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm


)12615-AGJADj Plaid Paper Straws, Box of 144 Designed by KDT Our straws serve as a green alternative to plastic straws, with a beautiful array of graphic designs printed with food safe ink. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: kraft window box Sold per 12 Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm


)12615-AGJABf Grey Chevron Paper Straws, Box of 144

Red Chevron Paper Straws, Box of 144

Our straws serve as a green alternative to plastic straws, with a beautiful array of graphic designs printed with food safe ink. Perfect for shakes & smoothies. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

Our straws serve as a green alternative to plastic straws, with a beautiful array of graphic designs printed with food safe ink. Perfect for shakes & smoothies. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm

Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm




)12615-AHDHJb 53

Black & White Paper Straws, Box of 144

Blue Stripe Paper Straws, Box of 144

Designed by KDT

A stylish alternative to plastic straws. Printed with food safe ink. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

Our straws serve as a green alternative to plastic straws, with a beautiful array of graphic designs printed with food safe ink. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: kraft window box Sold per 12

Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm

Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm





Red Stripe Paper Straws, Box of 144

Gray Stripe Paper Straws, Box of 144

A stylish alternative to plastic straws. Printed with food safe ink. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

A stylish alternative to plastic straws. Printed with food safe ink. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm

Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm





Stripe Assortment Paper Straws, Box of 144

Red Stripe Paper Straws, Box of 24

A stylish alternative to plastic straws. Printed with food safe ink. Set contains 48 straws of each color Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: kraft window box Sold per 12

Class up your bar with these eco-friendly paper straws. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 24

Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm



Product: Dia. 0,6 x 19,7 cm Packaging: 22,8 x 6 x 1,6 cm



Birch Paper Straws, Box of 144

Bamboo Paper Straws, Box of 144

A stylish alternative to plastic straws. Printed with food safe ink. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

A stylish alternative to plastic straws. Printed with food safe ink. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm

Product: 20 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 12,5 x 4 cm


)12615-AGBJDe 54



XL Red Stripes Paper Straws, Box of 36

XL Bamboo Paper Straws, Box of 36

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Our straws serve as a green alternative to plastic straws, with a beautiful array of graphic designs printed with food safe ink. Perfect for shakes & smoothies. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

Our straws serve as a green alternative to plastic straws, with a beautiful array of graphic designs printed with food safe ink. Perfect for shakes & smoothies. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

Product: 25,8 x Dia. 1 cm Packaging: 28,7 x 9,5 x 4 cm



Product: 25,8 x Dia. 1 cm Packaging: 28,7 x 9,5 x 4 cm



XL Birch Paper Straws, Box of 36

Divers Reusable Ice Cubes, Set of 8

Designed by KDT

Designed by FormNation

Our straws serve as a green alternative to plastic straws, with a beautiful array of graphic designs printed with food safe ink. Perfect for shakes & smoothies. Material: FSC paper, food-safe ink Packaging: window kraft box Sold per 12

Material: PE (food-safe), distilled water Packaging: PET pillowbox Sold per 12 Packaging: 18,8 x 8 x 2,5 cm

Product: 25,8 x Dia. 1 cm Packaging: 28,7 x 9,5 x 4 cm





Diamonds Reusable Ice Cubes, Set of 10

Sub Zero Reusable Ice Cubes, Set of 6

Designed by KDT

Designed by FormNation

No more watered down drinks when you toss these little charmers into your cocktail. Just rinse them when you're done and toss them back in the freezer. Material: PE (food-safe), distilled water Packaging: PET pillowbox Sold per 12

Material: PE (food-safe), distilled water Packaging: PET pillowbox Sold per 12 Product: 7 x 3,5 x 2 cm Packaging: 18,8 x 8 x 2,5 cm

Product: 3,5 x 3,5 x 3cm Packaging: 18,8 x 8 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AFGJGb Moon Ice Ball Mold


)12615-AEJCIe Whale Ice Ball Mold

Designed by Billy Law

Designed by Billy Law

Make sure your cocktails are out of this world with this silicone moon ice ball mold. The unique spherical shape melts ice slower and ensures perfectly chilled spirits. Dishwasher safe. Material: silicon Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Create the perfect ice balls to keep your drink cold. The shape of a perfect sphere melts ice slower. Dishwasher safe & food safe. Material: silicone Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Product: 6 x 5,2 x 5,2 cm Packaging: 8,7 x 5,7 x 5,7 cm



Product: 8,5 x 8 x 5,5 cm Packaging: 9 x 8 x 8 cm


)12615-AHDEBi 55

Medium & Large Cube Stackable Ice Tray Set Designed by FormNation You won't need to worry about space when you have these stackable ice cube trays chilling in your freezer. Modular design allows you to make four different types of ice without sacrificing important storage room. Large = 10 cubes, medium = 21 cubes. Set of 2 Material: HDPE Packaging: paper band Sold per 6 Medium: 26,5 x 9,5 x 3,5 cm Large: 26,5 x 9,5 x 5,4 cm CU150

)12615-AHJAAh Small, Medium & Large Cube Stackable Ice Tray Set

Ice Stick Stackable Tray

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Chill beverages large and small with this set of three ice trays. The perfect way to keep cocktails frosty, sodas ice-cold or a glass of water cool and refreshing. Modular, stacking design allows you to make different types of ice without sacrificing important storage room. Set of 3. Large = 10 cubes, medium = 21 cubes, small = 96 cubes Material: HDPE Packaging: paper band Sold per 6

Ice Sticks = 13 sticks Keep all kinds of beverages cool and refreshing with these ingenious ice sticks. Drop a few in a water bottle to keep hydrated and refreshed while you're on the go. Material: HDPE Packaging: paper band Sold per 6 Product: 26,5 x 9,5 x 2,1 cm

Product: Small: 26,5 x 9,5 x 1,7 cm Medium: 26,5 x 9,5 x 3,5 cm Large: 26,5 x 9,5 x 5,4 cm CU151



)12615-AHJACb Icy Shots Stackable Tray Designed by FormNation Take the shot before the shot glass melts! This clever ice tray creates perfect shot glasses made of ice. Pull this out of your freezer to make any party cooler. Material: HDPE Packaging: paper band Sold per 6 Product: 26,7 x 9,7 x 6,4 cm


)12615-AHJAFc Spider Ice Pop Mold, Set of 2 Designed by Billy Law DIY desserts with a spooky surprise in the center. This set of molds features a spider at the center of each stick. Make your own ice pops with juice or yogurt. Material: silicone Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: 15,9 x 11,2 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 16,1 x 11,3 x 1,9 cm


)12615-AHFHHb 56

Ice Ball Tray Chill your beverage with smart geometry—spherical ice melts slower, and won’t dilute your drink. Makes 20 rounded cubes. Material: silicone Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: 14,2 x 13,4 x 1,6 cm Packaging: 14,3 x 13,4 x 1,6 cm



Pirate Ice Tray Designed by Lau Siu Lun Shiver me ice cubes! This food safe tray makes 7 ice cubes and is dishwasher safe. Material: silicone Packaging: printed PET box Sold per 12 Product: 14,3 x 13,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 14 x 14,6 x 2,2 cm



Under The Sea Ice Tray

Woodlands Silicone Ice Tray

Designed by Lau Siu Lun For drinks that make a splash! This food safe tray makes 7 ice cubes and is dishwasher safe. Material: silicone Packaging: printed PET box Sold per 12

Everyone loves adorable woodland creatures. Now you can toss these little fellas into your drink and watch the bunnies, hedgehogs and squirrels swirl around and keep things cool. Material: silicone Packaging: printed PET box Sold per 12

Product: 14,3 x 13,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 14 x 14,6 x 2,2 cm

Product: 14,3 x 13,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 14 x 14,6 x 2,2 cm





Galactic Ice Tray

Sunglasses Silicone Ice Tray

Designed by Lau Siu Lun

Dishwasher and food safe. Material: silicone Packaging: printed PET box Sold per 12

For drinks that are out of this world! This food safe tray makes 7 ice cubes and is dishwasher safe. Material: silicone Packaging: printed PET box Sold per 12

Product: 14,6 x 2,2 x 13,8 cm Packaging: 14 x 14,6 x 2,2 cm

Product: 14,3 x 13,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 14 x 14,6 x 2,2 cm





The Gentleman’s Silicone Ice Tray

Diamond Ring Silicone Ice Tray

A dapper dude’s essentials, all available in frozen form. Break them out for boys’ night in. Dishwasher and food safe. Material: silicone Packaging: printed PET box Sold per 12

Add a little bling bling to your next beverage with these frozen baubles. Dishwasher and food safe. Material: silicone Packaging: printed PET box Sold per 12

Product: 14,3 x 13,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 16 x 14,6 x 2,5 cm



Product: 12,2 x 11 x 0,9 cm Packaging: 16 x 14,6 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AGDJDi 57


Vintage Copper Bottle Opener

Shovel Bottle Opener

Designed by FormNation

Our shovel bottle opener is a sophisticated twist on the traditional trowel, with a copper-plated finish worthy of a place behind any bar. Material: copper plated zinc alloy Packaging: carded Sold per 12

This copper-plated steel bottle opener harkens back to a simpler time. Pop open a soda like in the old days with this pocket sized portable opener. Material: copper plated steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 17,5 x 4 x 1 cm Packaging: 23 x 7 x 1 cm

Product: 9,6 x 4,5 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 16 x 7 x 0,75 cm


)12615-AGJFBa Monkey King Bottle Opener Designed by Lin Sian, Deng Yulang, and Fan Xiangting In the classic Chinese story, Journey to the West, the Monkey King goes on adventures, helping travelers along the way. Now he can help you on your quest for a refreshing beverage. This product was part of the 2014 China Design Challenge. Material: chrome plated zinc alloy Packaging: carded Sold per 12


)12615-AHDGJc Wooden Bunny Bottle Opener Designed by FormNation This attractive wooden bottle opener in the shape of a rabbit, makes a great addition to a home bar. Material: beech wood, stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 10 x 5 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 16 x 7 x 1,3 cm

Product: 16,8 x 4,6 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 21,6 x 8,2 x 0,1 cm BO21

)12615-AHFCDi 58



Orange Luchador Bottle Opener

Luchador Bottle Openers

Designed by Ariel Rojo and AndrĂŠs Lhima

Designed by Ariel Rojo and AndrĂŠs Lhima

This bright orange Luchador Mexican wrestler will wrangle your beer bottle open in a wrestling lock hold. Material: ABS with rubberized coating, steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12, assorted

These Luchador Mexican wrestlers will wrangle your beer bottle open in various wrestling lock holds. Sold in assorted colors and styles. A winner of the Kikkerland Mexico Design Challenge. Material: ABS with rubberized coating, steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12, assorted

Product: 12,4 x 5,6 x 5,1 cm Packaging: 20 x 9,8 x 7 cm

Product:15 x 6,6 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 20 x 9,8 x 7 cm





Wine Lever Designed by Chris Koens & Ramon Middelkoop Product Design Corkscrew + bottle opener with foil cutter You'll have that wine open faster than you can say "abracadabra" with this magical corkscrew lever. Features convenient flip-up corkscrew, bottle opener and foil cutter. Material: beechwood, steel Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: 30 x 2,5 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 37,5 x 11 x 2,7 cm CS18

)12615-AHIDDi Light Wood Fish Corkscrew

Bird Corkscrew

Made of stainless steel and oak wood features a foil cutter and bottle opener, the fish corkscrew is perfect for home or camping. Material: stainless steel, oak wood Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Made of stainless steel and stained oak wood with foil cutter and bottle opener, the sparrow shaped corkscrew is perfect for home or camping. Material: stained rosewood, 18/8 stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 13 x 3,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 18,5 x 7 x 1 cm


)12615-AEBJAf Cork Corkscrew

Product: 12,5 x 3 x 1,1 cm Packaging: 19,8 x 7 x 1,3 cm


)12615-AGIFGi Copper Corkscrew

Designed by KDT

Designed by FormNation

Put a cork in it! Or in this case, take the cork out with this lightweight 3-in-one corkscrew, foil cutter and bottle opener. Material: cork, stailess steel Packaging: PET box with paper tray insert Sold per 12

A sophisticated copper finish and oversized handle distinguish this classic corkscrew. Manual twist and pull. Material: copper plated zinc alloy, steel Packaging: trap blister Sold per 6

Product: 11, x 2,9 x 1,6 cm Packaging: 14,8 x 5,6 x 3,3 cm

Product: 8,7 x 6,3 x 2,3 cm Packaging: 15,6 x 8,8 x 0,1 cm




)12615-AHFBFd 59

Unicorn Wooden Corkscrew

Gentleman Cork Screw

Designed by FormNation

Designed by Chris Collicott

Unicorns will be real after you’ve opened enough wine bottles with our unicorn wooden corkscrew. Material: beech wood, stainless steel Packaging: blister Sold per 12

All dressed up like a swanky sommelier, this dapper corkscrew makes “bottle service” at home a breeze. Twist and pull. Hand painted. Material: beech wood, steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 8,9 x 8,3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 17 x 14 x 1,3 cm



Product: 14,6 x 5,5 x 5 cm Packaging: 16 x 5,8 x 5,8 cm



Day of the Dead Corkscrew

Illusion Bottle Stand & Corkscrew

Designed by Ariel Rojo and Stephanie Suárez

Designed by Patrick Lum

Inspired by the Mexican "Day of the Dead" holiday, our corkscrew will be sure to lift your spirits. Material: zinc alloy, steel Packaging: color tray with PET sleeve Sold per 6

Bottle cantilevers on balancing wood and has a concealed corkscrew. Material: rubberwood, stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 22,2 x 8,2 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 21,5 x 8 x 4 cm

Product: 21,5 x 9,4 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 24 x 10 x 1,7 cm




)12615-AHDHDj Cork Wine Set Designed by KDT You'll gladly put a cork in it with this clever wine set. Remove the most stubborn of wine corks with the corkscrew/bottle opener, keep your wine both fresh and available at a moment's notice with the nested stopper and spout and use the thermometer to enjoy your glass of wine at the perfect temperature. Material: cork, stailess steel, glass Packaging: PET box with paper tray insert Sold per 6 Product: thermometer: 13,8 x Dia. 1,1 cm corkscrew: 11, x 2,9 x 1,6 cm stopper/ pourer: 7,7 x Dia. 2,2 cm Packaging: 18,4 x 12, 3 x 3,3 cm BA67

)12615-AHIEAg Wine Bottle Thermometer The thermometer displays wine temperatures for 13 wine types. The flexible stainless steel cuff allows it to fit any wine bottle. Material: steel ring with screen Packaging: color box Sold per 12 Product: 6,1 x 6,1 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 8,9 x 6,4 x 3,8 cm

Cork Wine Pourer & Bottle Stop Designed by KDT Put a cork back in it with this nesting 2-in-1 cork bottle stopper and pouring spout. Clever design allows you to easily remove interior of stopper to turn it into a convenient pouring spout. Material: cork, stainless steel Packaging: PET box with paper tray insert Sold per 18 Product: 7,7 x Dia. 2,2 cm Packaging: 14,8 x 5,6 x 3,3 cm


)12615-ACGDHh 60



Honest Boy Bottle Stopper Design by Paolo Lannetti This little puppet is sure to be honest when you use his cork nose to keep your wine fresh. His head will give you a firm grip and his nose fits any sized wine bottle to create an airtight seal. Material: beechwood, cork Packaging: paper tray, PET sleeve Sold per 8 Product: 8,1 x 7,2 x 4,3 cm Packaging: 10,8 x 7,5 x 7,2 cm


)12615-AHIGGg At Your Service Bottle Stoppers

Cork Wine Stopper

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by FormNation

Have some bottle service in the privacy of your home. Airtight seal keeps wine fresh longer. Fits any size bottle. Hand-painted bottlestop. Material: beech wood, cork Packaging: color paper tray with PET sleeve Sold per 8

A clever twist on the ubiquitous wine cork. Shaped like a valve, this reusable stopper has an easy grip and keeps open bottles fresh. Material: cork Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Product: 9,5 x 4 x 3,1 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 10 x 4 cm

Product: 7 x 7 x 5,7 cm Packaging: 8,7 x 5,4 x 5,4 cm





Deer Silver Plated Wine Stopper

Hare Silver Plated Wine Stopper

This silver plated deer wine stopper has a genuine cork base. A classy gift for the host of the party. Material: silver platted lead, cork Packaging: color box Sold per 6

This silver plated rabbit wine stopper has a genuine cork base. A classy gift for the host of the party. Material: silver platted lead, cork Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 11 x 3 x 4 cm Packaging: 14,1 x 5,2 x 5,2 cm

Product: 8,5 x 2,7 x 2,7 cm Packaging: 14,1 x 5,2 x 5,2 cm


)12615-AHBIDe Eagle Silver Plated Wine Stopper This silver plated eagle wine stopper has a genuine cork base. A classy gift for the host of the party. Material: silver platted lead, cork Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 7,5 x 2,7 x 4,3 cm Packaging: 14,1 x 5,2 x 5,2 cm


)12615-AHBIEb Butterfly Drink Markers, Set of 12 Designed by Jeep Innovation These colorful markers flitter about making sure everyone at the party can be a social butterfly without worrying about which drink is theirs. Material: PET Packaging: paper envelope Sold per 12 Product: 14,2 x 3 x 0,05 Packaging: 1,3 x 2 cm




)12615-AHIABh 61

Pizza Coasters, Set of 12 Designed by Steph Mantis Turn every beverage into a pizza party with these delicious pizza coasters. Comes in three flavors: pepperoni, cheese and veggie. Material: cardboard Packaging: PET box with paper tray insert Sold per 12 Product: 11,6 x 8,9 x 0.2 cm Packaging: 11,7 x 10,5 x 2,6 cm


)12615-AHIFAf Fiery Hot Cocktail Shaker

Mix Master Cocktail Shaker

Designed by FormNation

Design by KDT

This fiery hot cocktail shaker resembles a hot sauce bottle that makes spicy cocktails. Built in strainer. Capacity: 14 oz / 414ml Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Includes recipes for: White Russian, Sex on the Beach, Cosmopolitan, Long Island Iced Tea, Mojito and Kamikaze. Capacity: 16 oz Material: glass, stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 22 x 7 x 7 cm Packaging: 22 x 7,3 x 7,3 cm

Product: 22 x Diameter: 8,5 cm Packaging: 18,5 x 9,5 x 9,5 cm


)12615-AHBDAi Cocktail Muddler For juleps, mojitos, and more, a muddler is an essential utensil. Made of birchwood, it's a lovely addition to the home bar. Material: birch wood Packaging: carded Sold per 18 Product: 16,5 x 2,9 x 2,4 cm Packaging: 22,6 x 9 x 2,9 cm


)12615-AFEIDh Mojito Cocktail Set Designed by KDT Mix up happy hour with the preferred highball of Havana. Rum, sugar, lime, and mint make for a magical, refreshing treat. This set includes a muddler and two glasses. Material: glass, birch wood Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: Glass: 14,7 x 8 x 7,6 cm / Muddler: 16,5 x 2,9 x 2,4 cm Packaging: 16,7 x 15,8 x 11,2 cm


)12615-AHGCAe Bartending Glasses, Set of 4 Designed by Hannah Rogge Become a bartender in no time with this set of 4 glasses. Each glass features a different spirit and teaches you how to make four different cocktails. Make up to 16 unique drinks. Each glass holds 8oz / 273ml Material: glass Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 8,7 x 8,2 x 8,2 cm Packaging: 35 x 9 x 9 cm


)12615-AHFBHh 62



Black Stackable Wine Glasses

White Stackable Wine Glasses

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Picnic in style with our set of 2 Stackable Wine Glasses. Stem and cup detach for easy, compact travel and sturdy nylon straps make for easy carrying. Material: PP, PS, nylon Packaging: triangle band Sold per 8

Picnic in style with our set of 2 Stackable Wine Glasses. Stem and cup detach for easy, compact travel and sturdy nylon straps make for easy carrying. Material: PP, PS, nylon Packaging: triangle band Sold per 8

Product: 10,3 x Dia 7,9 cm Packaging: 24,9 x 8,4 x 7,9 cm

Product: 10,3 x Dia 7,9 cm Packaging: 24,9 x 8,4 x 7,9 cm





Coat Of Arms Beer Stein

Skull Stein Beer Mug

Designed by FormNation Give your beer the royal treatment. This ceramic beer stein proudly displays an original family crest of a bleeding hand. Holds 21oz/621ml of your favorite brew. Material: ceramic Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Designed by KDT Our skull stein beer mug is a hauntingly beautiful tribute to the macabre, it holds 18oz of your beverage/libation of choice. Material: glass Packaging: color sticker Sold per 6 Product: 12,7 x 12,7 x 9,5 cm

Product: 14 x 13,2 x 9,6 cm Packaging: 14 x 13,2 x 9,6 cm


)12615-AHDCHc Totem Shots


)12615-AEIHBd Mason Jar Shot Glasses

Designed by Henry Lou

Designed by KDT

A toast to the totem. This stackable set features four shot glasses, each with its own unique character. Can be used as shot glass or espresso cup. Material: porcelain Packaging: color box Sold per 6

The drinking vessel of choice for hipsters and homesteaders, shrunken to party-ready proportions. Set of four 1 oz. / 30ml. shot glasses. Material: glass Packaging: PET box with kraft paper tray Sold per 6

Product: 5,3 x 5,2 x 4,5 cm Packaging: 19,5 x 7 x 7 cm

Product: 6,1 x 4,8 x 3,6 cm Packaging: 18,8 x 6,6 x 5 cm





Fish Shot Glass

Skull Shot Glasses

Designed by FormNation

Designed by KDT

Drink like a fish, no need to be koi. Set of 4, 1 oz / 30ml. Material: glass Packaging: PET box with paper tray Sold per 6

A heavyweight shooter for spooky spirits. Set of four 1 oz./ 30ml. shot glasses. Material: glass Packaging: cardboard sleeve Sold per 12

Product: 5 x 5 x 5 cm Packaging: 20,5 x 5 x 5 cm

Product: 6 x Dia. 4,7 cm Packaging: 24,6 x 6,3 x 4,7 cm




)12615-AFCEDh 63

Truth or Dare Shot Glasses Designed by Zec Truth or dare? No matter which you choose, these shot glasses are prepared to challenge you and your friends. Scan the QR code to access countless questions and dares. Available in 3 languages: English, French and Spanish. Take a chance or take a drink! Capacity 1 oz / 30ml. Set of 4. Material: glass Packaging: PET box with paper insert Sold per 6 Product: 6 x Dia. 5 cm Packaging: 21,1 x 6,3 x 5,2 cm CU122

)12615-AHDDAc Bear Hug Shot Glasses

Metal Shot Glasses

Designed by FormNation

Set of 4 metal shot glasses with a leather case. Material: leather, stainless steel Packaging: kraft box Sold per 8

Shot glass with a capacity of 1 oz / 30ml. Dishwasher safe Material: glass Packaging: cardboard sleeve Sold per 6 Product: 7,5 x 4,7 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 21 x 8 x 4,7cm

Product: 6 x Dia. 5 cm Packaging: 7,1 x 5,6 x 1,9 cm





Camping Leather Flask Set

Large Leather Hip Flask

Flask with leather cover, includes 2 small stainless steel shot glasses. Holds 8 oz./200 ml. Material: stainless steel, leather Packaging: kraft box Sold per 8

18/8 stainless steel hip flask with genuine leather sleeve. Capacity: 8 oz / 240 ml. Material: 18/8 stainless steel, geniune leather Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

Product: 15,5 x 5 x 5 cm Packaging: 16,5 x 6,5 x 6,2 cm



Product: 14 x 10 x 2,6 cm Packaging: 14 x 10,2 x 2,7 cm



Medium Leather Hip Flask

Small Leather Hip Flask

18/8 stainless steel hip flask with genuine leather sleeve. Holds 7 oz / 210 ml. Material: 18/8 stainless steel, geniune leather Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

18/8 stainless steel hip flask with genuine leather sleeve. Holds 6 oz / 180 ml. Material: 18/8 stainless steel, geniune leather Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

Product: 12,5 x 10 x 2,6 cm Packaging: 12,6 x 10,2 x 2,7 cm

Product: 11 x 10 x 2,6 cm Packaging: 10,9 x 10,2 x 2,7 cm


)12615-AHDDGe 64



Fish Flask This fish shaped flask is perfect for storing spirits in a discreet and stylish way. Holds 4oz / 120 ml. Material: stainless steel Packaging: white box with sticker Sold per 6 Product: 21,8 x 6,2 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 22,4 x 6,6 x 2,6 cm

Big Fish Flask Designed by FormNation There's nothing fishy about this flask except for its shape. Unique fish design makes this stainless steel flask a nifty way to store spirits. Capacity: 8oz/250ml. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 22,5 x 12 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 21,6 x 13 x 3,5 cm





Chemistry 101 Flask Book

Shot Flask

Designed by KDT

All the essentials for pocket-sized party for one (just add your preferred spirit). This 10 Oz flask contains a collapsible shot glass that sits securely in its body. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Flask hidden inside Chemistry 101 book. Holds 4 oz / 120ml. Material: stainless steel Packaging: paper sleeve Sold per 10 Product: 16 x 10,7 x 3,3 cm



Product: 11,5 x 11,4 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 12,9 x 11,4 x 3,6 cm


)12615-AHGFBi Compass Canteen Flask Large Designed by KDT This won't prevent you from geting lost, but this classic stainless steel flask is a great addition to any campers or liquor cabinet. This dishwasher safe large canteen flask has a capacity of 5 oz / 150 ml Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 8 Product: 10,4 x 9,1 x 3 cm Packaging: 12,4 x 9,4 x 3 cm


)12615-AGGBBd Adventure Canteen Flask Small

Compass Canteen Flask Small

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

This dishwasher safe, stainless steel traveling companion has an engraved design and is the perfect gift for the traveling booze lover you know. This small canteen flask has a capacity of 3 oz / 90 ml. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 10

This won't prevent you from geting lost, but this classic stainless steel flask is a great addition to any campers or liquor cabinet. This dishwasher safe small canteen flask has a capacity of 3 oz / 90 ml. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 10

Product: 9 x 7,5 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 11,5 x 8 x 2,8 cm

Product: 9 x 7,5 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 11,5 x 8 x 2,8 cm




)12615-AGGBAg 65



Bear Toothbrush Holder Designed by FormNation This cute bear has strong suction cups on its back that allow it to stick to almost any smooth surface. Material: ABS, vinyl (phthalate-free) Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12 Product: 4,1 x 3,5 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 12 x 8,7 x 4,5 cm


)12615-AGJBAh Hedgehog Toothbrush Holder

Fox Toothbrush Holder

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

This adorable hedgehog has strong suction cups on its back that allow it to stick to almost any smooth surface. Material: ABS, vinyl (phthalate-free) Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12

This cute fox has strong suction cups on its back that allow it to stick to almost any smooth surface. Material: ABS, vinyl (phthalate-free) Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12

Product: 4,1 x 3,5 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 12 x 8,7 x 4,5 cm


)12615-AGJAJb Owl Toothbrush Holder

Product: 4,1 x 3,5 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 12 x 8,7 x 4,5 cm


)12615-AGJAIe Ladybug Toothbrush Holder

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

This adorable owl has strong suction cups on its back that allow it to stick to almost any smooth surface. Material: ABS, vinyl (phthalate-free) Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12

This ladybug has strong suction cups on its back that allow it to stick to almost any smooth surface. Material: ABS, vinyl (phthalate-free) Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12

Product: 4,5 x 4,5 x 4 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 10,2 x 5,1cm


)12615-AFGCBd Blue Ladybug Toothbrush Holder

Product: 10 x 5 x 4,5 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 10,2 x 5,1cm


)12615-ADFGBe Red Ladybug Toothbrush Holder

Designed by Viktor Jondal

Designed by Viktor Jondal

This ladybugs spots hold up to three toothbrushes and the strong suction cup on the bottom will secure it to almost any smooth surface. Drainage holes at the bottom prevent build up. Easy to disassemble for cleaning. Material: ABS, silicone, suction cup Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 6

This ladybugs spots hold up to three toothbrushes and the strong suction cup on the bottom will secure it to almost any smooth surface. Drainage holes at the bottom prevent build up. Easy to disassemble for cleaning. Material: ABS, silicone, suction cup Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 6

Product: 10 x 7,3 x 4 cm Packaging: 19,3 x 11,7 x 4,6 cm

Product: 10 x 7,3 x 4 cm Packaging: 19,3 x 11,7 x 4,6 cm




)12615-AGJDFa 67

White Ladybug Toothbrush Holder

Wooden Whale Nail Brush

Designed by Viktor Jondal

Designed by FormNation

This ladybugs spots hold up to three toothbrushes and the strong suction cup on the bottom will secure it to almost any smooth surface. Drainage holes at the bottom prevent build up. Easy to disassemble for cleaning. Material: ABS, silicone, suction cup Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 6

This charming Wooden Whale Nail Brush is made from durable beech wood and is the perfect bathroom accessory. Material: beech wood Packaging: hang tag Sold per 8 Product: 6 x 3,5 x 4,5 cm

Product: 10 x 7,3 x 4 cm Packaging: 19,3 x 11,7 x 4,6 cm





Whale Nail Brush

Tall Gold Ceramic Soap Dispenser

Designed by FormNation

Designed by KDT

This charming Whale Nail Brush makes cleaning hands a little more fun for the little ones. Sold in assorted colors. Material: ABS Packaging: sticker / tub Sold per 18, assorted

13oz capacity Add a retro-industrial charm to your kitchen with this beautiful soap dispenser. This modern take on the classic oil can design allows you to easily lift the dispenser and pump your desired amount of soap or lotion one handed. Material: ceramic, ABS Packaging: sticker Sold per 4

Product: 6 x 3,8 x 4,8 cm Packaging: 6 x 3,8 x 4,8 cm Tub: 17 x Dia. 11,9 cm

Product: 21,6 x 7,2 x 7,2 cm Packaging: 21,6 x 7,2 x 7,2 cm





Short Gold Ceramic Soap Dispenser Designed by KDT 12oz capacity Add a retro-industrial charm to your kitchen with this beautiful soap dispenser. This modern take on the classic oil can design allows you to easily lift the dispenser and pump your desired amount of soap or lotion one handed. Material: ceramic, ABS Packaging: sticker Sold per 4 Product: 17,5 x Dia. 8,2 cm Packaging: 17,5 x Dia. 8,2 cm


)12615-AHIFIb Tall Silver Ceramic Soap Dispenser

Short Silver Ceramic Soap Dispenser

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

13oz capacity Add a retro-industrial charm to your kitchen with this beautiful soap dispenser. This modern take on the classic oil can design allows you to easily lift the dispenser and pump your desired amount of soap or lotion one handed. Material: ceramic, ABS Packaging: sticker Sold per 4

12oz capacity Add a retro-industrial charm to your kitchen with this beautiful soap dispenser. This modern take on the classic oil can design allows you to easily lift the dispenser and pump your desired amount of soap or lotion one handed. Material: ceramic, ABS Packaging: sticker Sold per 4

Product: 21,6 x 7,2 x 7,2 cm Packaging: 21,6 x 7,2 x 7,2 cm

Product: 17,5 x Dia. 8,2 cm Packaging: 17,5 x Dia. 8,2 cm


)12615-AHIFHe 68



Frog Soap Holder

Elephant Soap Holder

A natural in wet environments, this amphibious friend holds a bar of soap while you get clean. Mounts with double suction cups. Material: PP, PVC Packaging: carded Sold per 12

With a trunk that doubles as a hook for your loofah and room to hold a bar of soap, this elephant is a fun and functional bath time buddy. Mounts with double suction cups. Material: PP, PVC Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 12,6 x 8,9 x 7,5 cm Packaging: 17 x 15 x 7,5 cm



Product: 15,5 x 10,1 x 5,1 cm Packaging: 17 x 15 x 10,5 cm



Bird Whistle

White First Aid Cabinet

These water birds are perfect companions for bath time. Add a little H20 to the body and blow on the tail to hear them tweet! Material: ABS and vinyl Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 24, assorted

This retro First Aid Cabinet is made of sturdy enameled steel and has 4 shelves (2 stationary shelves & 2 swivel shelves) First aid supplies NOT included. Mounting hardward is included. Material: enameled steel, plastic Packaging: color box Sold per 2

Product: 7,5 x 4 x 3,5 cm CDU: 24,5 x 24,5 x 18,2 cm

Product: 30,5 x 22,9 x 7,9 cm Packaging: 31,5 x 24,5 x 8,6 cm




)12615-AHCJDa Red First Aid Cabinet This retro First Aid Cabinet is made of sturdy enameled steel and has 4 shelves (2 stationary shelves & 2 swivel shelves) First aid supplies NOT included. Mounting hardward is included. Material: enameled steel, plastic Packaging: color box Sold per 2 Product: 30,5 x 22,9 x 7,9 cm Packaging: 31,5 x 24,5 x 8,6 cm


)12615-AHCJCd Nautical Flag Shower Curtain

Birch Shower Curtain

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Set sail with this international maritime flag alphabet shower curtain. Full curtain size is 180 x 200 cm. Material: 100% polyester Packaging: PVC bag with peg hole Sold per 4

An abundant forest for your bathroom that allows you to get back in touch with nature (without leaving the shower). Full curtain size is 180 x 200 cm. Material: 100% polyester Packaging: PVC bag with peg hole Sold per 4

Product: 180 x 200 cm Packaging: 25,4 x 20,3 x 2,5 cm



Product: 180 x 200 cm Packaging: 25,4 x 20,3 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AABCIc 69

Anchor Bathmat

Shark Bathmat

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Drop anchor for a luxurious bath or safe and fun shower. Textured, mildew resistant natural rubber surface prevents slips, while secure suction cups on the bottom keeps the mat right where you want it. Material: natural rubber Packaging: shrink wrap Sold per 6

Don't be afraid of the water when you've got this finned friend keeping you company in the bath or shower. Textured natural rubber surface prevents slips, and suction cups on the bottom keeps the mat stylish and secure. Material: natural rubber Packaging: shrink wrap Sold per 6

Product: 69,2 x 40 cm Packaging: 39,9 x 6,6 cm



Product: 69,2 x 40 cm Packaging: 39,9 x 6,6 cm



Black Cowhide Bath Rug

Brown Cowhide Bath Rug

It looks like the real deal but this bovine bath rug is made with an ultra soft synthetic that’s suitable for sidling up next to the tub. Absorbent core with non-slip bottom. Material: Terylene, PU, Non-woven Packaging: carded Sold per 6

It looks like the real deal but this bovine bath rug is made with an ultra soft synthetic that’s suitable for sidling up next to the tub. Absorbent core with non-slip bottom. Material: terylene, PU, Non-woven Packaging: carded Sold per 6

Product: 78,2 x 48,9 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 78,2 x 48,9 x 0,7 cm

Product: 78,2 x 48,9 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 78,2 x 48,9 x 0,7 cm


)12615-AHFFJh Airplane Travel-size Laundry Bag


)12615-AHFGAd World Map Travel-size Laundry Bag

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Our travel size laundry bag with builtin pouch, inner loop and carabiner, is the perfect traveling companion for practical on the go washing needs. Material: polyester, plastic carabiner Packaging: hang tag Sold per 8

Our travel size laundry bag with builtin pouch, inner loop and carabiner, is the perfect traveling companion for practical on the go washing needs. Material: polyester, plastic carabiner Packaging: hang tag Sold per 8

Product: 40,6 x 55,9 cm Packaging: pouch 16 x 12,7 x 1 cm

Product: 40,6 x 55,9 cm Packaging: pouch 16 x 12,7 x 1 cm


)12615-AGGHHj Hedgehog Dryer Buddies


)12615-AGGHGc Puffer Fish Dryer Buddies

Designed by KDT

Designed by FormNation

This set of 2 Hedgehog Dryer Buddies will naturally control dryer static and decrease dryer time, while simultaneously fluffing fabric Material: TPR Packaging: color window box Sold per 12

This set of 2 magical little Puffer Fish Dryer Buddies will naturally control dryer static and decrease dryer time, while simultaneously fluffing fabric Material: TPR Packaging: color window box Sold per 12

Product: 9 x 6,5 x 6,5 cm Packaging: 20 x 8 x 8 cm


)12615-AFEIAg 70

Product: 8,5 x 8,5 x 7 cm Packaging: 20,3 x 7,9 x 7,6 cm





Green Spider Floss

Blue Spider Floss

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Flossing has never so much fun. This refillable cute and creepy Spider floss dispenser contains 27yrds /35m of mint flavored floss. Material: ABS case, waxed floss Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 16

Flossing has never so much fun. This refillable cute and creepy Spider floss dispenser contains 27yrds /35m of mint flavored floss. Material: ABS case, waxed floss Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 16

Product: 5,1 x 4,5 x 3.2 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 10 x 3.2 cm

Product: 5,1 x 4,5 x 3.2 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 10 x 3.2 cm


)12615-AHBBIg Green Monster Floss Designed by FormNation Flossing has never so much fun. This refillable cute and creepy Monster floss dispenser contains 27yrds /35m of mint flavored floss. Material: ABS case, waxed floss Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 16 Product: 5,1 x 4,5 x 3.2 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 10 x 3.2 cm


)12615-AHBCAj 72


)12615-AHBBHj Woodland Dental Floss Designed by FormNation Our refillable woodland dental floss dispensers contain 22 yards of mint flavored floss. Make bathroom time fun for the kids or yourself. Great for travel. Material: ABS case, waxed floss Packaging: blister pack / CDU Sold per 16, assorted Product: 4,6 x 3,8 x 3 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 10 x 1,6 cm CDU: 28 x 22,5 x 20,5 cm



Pineapple Lip Balm Designed by FormNation This tropical Pinapple Lip Balm with SPF 15 comes in Pina Colada flavor. Material: polyresin, PP" Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 24 Product: 5,5 x Diameter: 3,3 cm Packaging: 27,5 x 22,5 x 15,2 cm CDU: 27,5 x 18,5 x 15 cm


)12615-AHCIFf Sunglass Lip Balm

Whale Lip Balm

Designed by KDT

Designed by FormNation

Our cool Sunglass Lip Balm, sold in assorted flavors (cherry, coconut) and SPF 15. Throw one in your beach bag or give as a great travel gift. Material: ABS, lip gloss Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 24, assorted

Our adorable Whale Lip Balm with SPF 15 comes in assorted colors and flavors: strawberry and cherry. Material: polyresin, PP Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 24, assorted

Product: 6,5 x 2 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 6,5 x 2 x 1,3 cm CDU: 20,8 x 17,8 x 12,7 cm



Product: 4,7 x 3,4 x 3,2 cm Packaging: 27,5 x 22,5 x 15,2 cm CDU: 27,5 x 21 x 15 cm



Peppermint Candy Lip Gloss

Boombox Lip Gloss

Stylish and useful, our Peppermint Candy Lip Gloss comes in assorted colors. Material: Polystyrene (PS), lip gloss Packaging: fishbowl tub Sold per 24

Comes in assorted flavors: blueberry, strawberry, cherry, vanilla. All flavors are available in both styles: cassette & boom box. Material: ABS, lip gloss Packaging: CDU Sold per 24, assorted

Product: 4 x 4 x 2,2 cm Packaging: 12 x 3,7 x 2 cm CDU: 16,5 x 17 x 1,35 cm



Product: 5 x 3,1 x 1 cm Packaging: 5 x 3,1 x 1 cm CDU: 22,9 x 19 x 15,2 cm



Woodlands Lip Gloss

Owl Lip Gloss

Designed by FormNation

Our adorable Owl Lip Gloss comes in assorted flavors (blueberry, mint, strawberry and coconut). Material: ABS, lip gloss Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 24, assorted

Delicious flavors and cute animals (fox, hedgehog and bear) abound with these woodland creature lip gloss buddies. Sold in assorted flavors cherry and strawberry. Material: PP, resin, lip gloss Packaging: CDU Sold per 24

Product: 5 x 3,2 x 3,2 cm Packaging: 5 x 3,2 x 3,2 cm CDU: 28,5 x 19 x 14 cm

Product: 4 x Dia. 3 cm Packaging: 4 x Dia. 3 cm CDU: 26 x 18,6 x 14 cm




)12615-AFDHAa 73

Orange Pill Case

Pill Pod

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by Sungung Chang

Brighten up the boring task of taking your daily pills, vitamins or supplements with this lively Orange Pill Case. Includes two halves to separate morning and night doses. The orange peel texture offers a great grip and the twist lock keeps your pills safe and neat at home or on the go. Each half includes 7 deep compartments for storing store multiple pills of varying sizes. Night and Day indicator is embossed on top and bottom. Material: PP Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 10 x 10 x 9 cm Packaging: 10,6 x 10,6 x 9,2 cm

Veggies are a wonderful source of essential nutrients. Case in point: this portable pea pod. Fill with any vitamin, supplement, or medication that suits your needs. Single Compartment Material: PP Packaging: trap blister Sold per 24



Product: 9,6 x 2,4 x 2 cm Packaging: 15,6 x 7,7 x 0,1 cm



Flamingo Pill Box

Flamingo Mirror

This compact and stylish case is perfect for your medication and is easier than carrying a bulky case for each day of the week. It features 2 compartments inside and is available in 4 assorted flamingo patterns. Material: chrome plated steel, PU Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 24, assorted (2 CDU’s of 12pcs)

The compact flips open and is available in 4 assorted flamingo patterns. Material: chrome plated steel, mirror Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 24, assorted Product: 7 x 6,5 x 1 cm Packaging: 7 x 6,5 x 1 cm CDU: 20,5 x 18,2 x 18,2 cm

Product: 5,5 x 4,6 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 5,5 x 4,6 x 1,5 cm CDU: 25 x 18,2 x 18,2 cm





Plaid Travel Case Great for: Jewelry, Small sewing tools, Loose change, Earphones, and more! - Sold assorted Sturdy and stylish pocket travel case is the perfect way to keep jewelry and other small precious items safe and secure while you're on the go. Velvet interior adds extra protection for your items. Material: cotton, metal Packaging: CDU, sticker Sold per 12 Product: 8,4 x 4,8 x 3,1 cm Packaging: 8,4 x 4,8 x 3,1 cm CDU: 23,5 x 14,2 x 11,4 cm OR75

)12615-AHHJFj Hexagon Travel Contact Lens Kit

Dots Travel Contact Lens Kit

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Our sturdy all-in-one contact lens kit is perfect for travel. Contained within the stylish metal hinged box are a contact lens holder, solution bottle and a handy mirror built right in. Travel with ease knowing you've got all your contact needs in one spot. Material: case: iron, PU leather, PC bottle: ABS, PE Packaging: carded Sold per 8

Our sturdy all-in-one contact lens kit is perfect for travel. Contained within the stylish metal hinged box are a contact lens holder, solution bottle and a handy mirror built right in. Travel with ease knowing you've got all your contact needs in one spot. Material: case: iron, PU leather, PC bottle: ABS, PE Packaging: carded Sold per 8

Product: 7,9 x 7 x 3,6 cm Packaging: 13,5 x 7,9 x 3,6 cm

Product: 7,9 x 7 x 3,6 cm Packaging: 13,5 x 7,9 x 3,6 cm


)12615-AHGFFg 74



Scuba Contact Lens Cases

Specs Contact Lens Case

Designed by Steph Mantis

Designed by Axle Dean Looslie

Keep your eyes clear in the murkiest of waters with this clever contact lens case. Made from FDA approved material, the secure snap-lock and leak proof silicon ring keeps your contacts clean and safe. Material: ABS, PP, silicone Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 18

Keep your lenses safe in these specs! For use with hard and soft contact lenses. Features leak-proof snap lids with L and R embossed on each side to make keeping track of your lenses a snap! Material: ABS Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 12

Product: 7,7 x 4,3 x 2 cm Packaging: 9,8 x 7,8 x 2,1 cm CDU: 21,6 x 19 x 16,7 cm

Product: 7,5 x 2,8 x 1,8 cm Packaging: 7,6 x 6,4 x 1,7 cm CDU: 16,4 x 11,4 x 8,3 cm





Yellow Sub Contact Case

Ladybug Contact Lens Case

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

The Yellow Sub Contact Lens Case will help you see the world with fresh new eyes. Submerge your contacts in this twist-on leak proof case. Material: ABS Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 24

This ingeniously designed ladybugs on a leaf contact lens case, has two twist-on leak proof caps. Material: ABS Packaging: PET Box / CDU Sold per 24

Product: 8 x 5 x 1 cm Packaging: 11 x 8,5 x 1,7 cm CDU: 22,1 x19,3 x 18,0 cm


)12615-AGJHDc Owl Contact Lens Case

Product: 9,1 x 4 x 0,9 cm Packaging: 9,3 x 7,5 x 2,1 cm CDU: 27,5 x 20 x 18,5 cm


)12615-AGJHCf Doggy Contact Lens Case

Design by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Owls have excellent vision, and so will you once you put in your contacts using our Owl Contact Lens Case.The twist on, leak proof caps make these great for home or travel. Material: ABS, PP Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 24, assorted

Twist-on leak proof caps. Material: ABS Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 24, assorted Product: 7,1 x 3,8 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 7,6 x 7,6 x 1,9 cm CDU: 19,3 x 16,3 x 22,9 cm

Product: 7,1 x 3,8 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 7,6 x 7,6 x 1,9 cm CDU: 22,9 x 19,3 x 16,3 cm





Whale Comb

Crane Grooming Scissors

Designed by FormNation

The clever design of our Crane Nose Hair Scissors provide safe, precision removal of unwanted nose hairs. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Tame your tail and untangle tresses with this adorable marine mammal. Wide-tooth comb crafted from beech wood. Material: beech wood Packaging: carded Sold per 6

Product: 9,3 x 4,2 x 0,3 cm Packaging: 14,3 x 6,5 x 0,3 cm

Product: 18,5 x 7,6 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 8,3 x 6,6 x 0,03 cm




)12615-AHBFGi 75

Copper Tweezers Our classy Copper Tweezers have precision aligned slanted tips for all your tweezing needs. Material: copper plated stainless steel Packaging: acrylic CDU Sold per 24 Product: 9,7 x 1 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 9,7 x 1 x 0,8 cm CDU: 13,7 x 9,7 x 6,4 cm



Ladybug Tweezers Designed by KDT The Ladybug Tweezers have precision aligned slanted tips for all your tweezing needs. Material: copper plated stainless steel Packaging: sticker / acrylic CDU Sold per 24 Product: 9,6 x 1,2 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 9,6 x 1,2 x 0,5 cm CDU: 13,7 x 9,7 x 6,4 cm



Woodland Tweezers

Big Fish, Little Fish Nail Clippers Set

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

The Woodland Tweezers have precision aligned slanted tips for all your tweezing needs. Sold assorted. Material: stainless steel Packaging: sticker / acrylic CDU Sold per 24, assorted

Be well groomed on land or at sea with these clever fish-shaped nail clippers. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 24

Product: 9,6 x 1,2 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 9,6 x 1,2 x 0,5 cm CDU: 13,7 x 9,7 x 6,4 cm



Product: Large: 6,3 x 2 x 1,5 cm Small: 4,3 x 1,4 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 6,5 x 1,5 cm CDU: 22,1 x 21,5 x 17,2 cm


)12615-AHIFBc Copper Hand & Foot Nail Clipper Set Designed by KDT This sturdy set of nail clippers come in the shape of a hand and a foot, packaged together. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 24 Foot: 11 x 2,7 x 1,5 cm Hand: 6,5 x 2 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 14 x 7,6 x 1,9 cm


)12615-AHBJJf Black Hand & Foot Nail Clipper Set Designed by KDT This sturdy set of nail clippers come in the shape of a hand and a foot, packaged together. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 24 Foot: 11 x 2,7 x 1,5 cm Hand: 6,5 x 2 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 14 x 7,6 x 1,9 cm


)12615-AGIHEc 76

Hand and Foot Nail Clipper Set This sturdy set of nail clippers come in the shape of a hand and a foot, packaged together. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 24 Foot: 11 x 2,7 x 1,5 cm Hand: 6,5 x 2 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 14 x 7,6 x 1,9 cm CDU: 26 x 23,3 x 17,3 cm



Sugar Skull Emery Board

Owl Emery Board

Designed by Edmund Dai

Designed by Edmund Dai

Designed as an homage to the Mexican Day of the Dead sugar skulls, these double sided emery boards are perfect for home or travel. Material: EVA inner Packaging: shrink wrap & sticker Sold per 48, assorted

Designed as an homage to the wise owl, these double sided emery boards are perfect for home or travel. Material: EVA inner Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 48, assorted

Product: 8,4 x 6 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 8,4 x 6 x 0,4 cm CDU: 21 x 19 x 14 cm



Product: 8,4 x 6 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 8,4 x 6 x 0,4 cm CDU: 21 x 19 x 14 cm



Keychain Pattern Mini Back Scratcher

Pattern Back Scratcher

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Scratch your itches on the go with a mini telescoping back scratcher that fits on your keychain. Available in four fun prints to match your style and personality. Made of stainless steel and extendable up to 6 inches. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 24, assorted

No need to rely on anyone else to scratch your back when you've got this handy telescoping back scratcher. Available in four fun prints to match your style and personality. Made of stainless steel and extendable up to 20 in/50 cm. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 10,3 x 3 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 9 x 6,5 x 3 cm CDU: 22 x 18,6 x 16,4 cm

Product: 15,9 x 11,2 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 16,1 x 11,3 x 1,9 cm





Silver Telescopic Back Scratcher

Copper Back Scratcher

Telescopic handle for hard to reach spots. Extendable up to 20"/50 cm. Material: aluminum, stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 17,5 x 3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 22,7 x 6,5 x 1,5 cm

Designed by KDT Telescopic handle for hard to reach spots. Extendable up to 20"/50 cm Material: copper plated stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 17,5 x 3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 22,5 x 6,3 x 1,3 cm

BS 0 0 1

)12615-ABGIDf Wooden Back Scratcher


)12615-AHCECi Bird Foot Backscratcher

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Telescopic handle for hard to reach spots. Extendable up to 20"/50 cm. Material: beech wood, stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Telescopic handle for hard to reach spots. Extendable up to 19"/48cm. Material: rubberized ABS, steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 17,5 x 3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 22,7 x 6,5 x 1,5 cm



Product: 15 x 3,5 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 20 x 7,8 x 3 cm


)12615-AGDDAd 77

Pattern Head Massager II

Color Head Massager

Designed by KDT

Head Massager handles come in assorted colors. Material: aluminum, steel Packaging: PET box Sold per 12, assorted

This stylish head massager is like an antenna to the universe, it will reduce tension and stimulate sensitive nerves in your scalp. Available in four fun prints to match your style and personality. Material: stainless steel, aluminum Packaging: PET box with paper insert Sold per 12

Product: 24 x 6 x 6 cm Packaging: 28 x 6 x 6 cm

Product: 24,9 x 11 x 11 cm Packaging: 24,9 x 6 x 6 cm




)12615-AEJIGe Copper Head Massager Designed by KDT Reduce tension by stimulating snestitive nerves in your scalp with this Copper Head Massager. Material: copper plated steel, rubber Packaging: PET box with paper insert Sold per 12 Product: 25 x 11,5 x 11,5 cm Packaging: 25 x 6 x 6 cm


)12615-AHDBDf Wooden Ball Head Massager

Wooden Standing Head Massager

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Relieves tension and increases blood circulation by softly massaging acupressure points and stimulating sensitive nerves in your scalp. Multi-color ball grip. Material: beech wood, metal Packaging: PET box Sold per 6, assorted

Relieves tension and increases blood circulation by softly massaging acupressure points and stimulating sensitive nerves in your scalp. Wood base for upright storage. Material: beech wood, metal Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Product: 24 x 6 x 6 cm Packaging: 28 x 6 x 6 cm

Product: 20 x 6 x 6 cm Packaging: 24 x 6 x 6 cm


)12615-AGGEEb Super Mini Fan This mini handheld fan will keep you cool at home or on the go. Requires 1 AAA battery (not included). Material: brass case with PP blade, stainless steel handle Packaging: PET box/CDU Sold per 12, assorted Product: 9,7 x 5,6 x 2,3 cm Packaging: 9,5 x 6 x 2,3 cm CDU: 16,6 x 15,4 x 13,2 cm


)12615-AHDCBa 78



Green Neon Umbrella

Orange Neon Umbrella

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Stay bright even on those gray and rainy days with this bold neon umbrella. Full sizedumbrella collapses to be there when you need it. Material: polyester, steel Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6

Stay bright even on those gray and rainy days with this bold neon umbrella. Full sized-umbrella collapses to be there when you need it. Material: polyester, steel Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6

Product: 25 x Dia. 4,5 cm Packaging: 24,6 x 4,8 x 3,7 cm

Product: 25 x Dia. 4,5 cm Packaging: 24,6 x 4,8 x 3,7 cm





Red Neon Umbrella Designed by KDT Stay bright even on those gray and rainy days with this bold neon umbrella. Full sizedumbrella collapses to be there when you need it. Material: polyester, steel Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6 Product: 25 x Dia. 4,5 cm Packaging: 24,6 x 4,8 x 3,7 cm


)12615-AHIHDe Yellow Neon Umbrella Designed by KDT Neon umbrella yellow/purple Stay bright even on those gray and rainy days with this bold neon umbrella. Full sized-umbrella collapses to be there when you need it. Material: polyester, steel Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6 Product: 25 x Dia. 4,5 cm Packaging: 24,6 x 4,8 x 3,7 cm


)12615-AHIHBa Compact Umbrella Green

Compact Umbrella Black

Behold: the world’s smallest umbrella! While it hasn’t found its way into any record books (yet), this scaled-down umbrella is quickly finding its way into purses, pockets, and glove compartments. Unfolds to provide full-sized coverage, what a wonder! Material: polyester, aluminum, steel Packaging: hang tag Sold per 12

Behold: the world’s smallest umbrella! While it hasn’t found its way into any record books (yet), this scaled-down umbrella is quickly finding its way into purses, pockets, and glove compartments. Unfolds to provide full-sized coverage, what a wonder! Material: polyester, aluminum, steel Packaging: hang tag Sold per 12

Product: 24,6 x 4,8 x 3,7 cm Packaging: 24,6 x 4,8 x 3,7 cm

Product: 24,6 x 4,8 x 3,7 cm Packaging: 24,6 x 4,8 x 3,7 cm




)12615-AHGDIj 79

Walking Stick Umbrella

Golf Umbrella

A sturdy, easy-grip handle and rubber tip allow this umbrella to double as a walking support. Includes sleeve. Material: PP, polyester, aluminum, steel Packaging: hang tag Sold per 6

Designed by Sebastian Errazuriz Material: fiberglass, silicone, ABS Packaging: hang tag Sold per 6 Product Open Diameter: 102,5 cm

Product: 84,2 x 13,6 x 4,6 cm Packaging: 84,2 x 13,6 x 4,6 cm





Samurai Umbrella速

Mini Samurai Umbrella速

Designed by Materious

Designed by Materious

Umbrella with shoulder strap. Material: ABS, fiberglass, pongee Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6

The Mini Samurai Umbrella is as high quality as the full size version, but better for the traveling ninja, or the little Samurai in your family. Material: ABS, fiberglass, pongee Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6

Product Closed: 97,5 cm Product Open Diameter: 102,5 cm

Product Closed: 42 cm Product Open Diameter: 95 cm





Extendable Duck Shoe Horn

Lucky Beggar Wallet

Slide your shoes on with style and ease with our sturdy and reliable Extendable Duck Shoe Horn. Extends from 53 to 82,5 cm. Material: aluminum, ABS, PE Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6 Product: 57,8 x 7 x 1,9 cm

Designed by George Skelcher Part of the proceeds of each purse sold is donated to HELP USA, an organization that has helped the homeless since 1986. Material: PU (faux leather) Packaging: hang tag Sold per 12 Product: 10,6 x 10,6 x 5,6 cm Packaging: 10,6 x 10,6 x 5,6 cm





Surplus Card Case

Aluminum Card Case

Solid steel case for credit cards and other items. Helps prevent identity theft by blocking most RFID signals. Material: coated steel Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 12, assorted

Present your business cards in style with this sleek anodized Aluminum Card Case. Also holds credit cards and business cards. Sold in assorted colors. Material: anodized aluminum Packaging: CDU Sold per 24, assorted

Product: 10,3 x 7,3 x 2,3 cm Packaging: 10,3 x 7,3 x 2,3 cm CDU: 20,5 X 16,7 x 16,7cm


)12615-AHCJBg 80

Product: 10,4 x 6,8 x 1 cm Packaging: 10,4 x 6,8 x 1 cm CDU: 14,5 x 12,2 x 10 cm



Hemendu Reusable Shopping Bag Print Design by Lotta Jansdotter 3 colors: blue, green, yellow Go green and say “no” to both paper and plastic with these stylish reusable shopping bags. Compact enough to fit just about anywhere so you'll never be without them. Material: polyester Packaging: hangtag Sold per 12, assorted Product: Closed: Dia. 7,6 x 5,2 cm String: 19,2 cm Opened: 64,6 x 51 cm


)12615-AHIJGd Trassel Reusable Shopping Bag Print Design by Lotta Jansdotter Go green and say “no” to both paper and plastic with these stylish reusable shopping bags. Compact enough to fit just about anywhere so you'll never be without them. Material: polyester Packaging: hangtag Sold per 12, assorted Product: Closed: Dia. 7,6 x 5,2 cm String: 19,2 cm Opened: 64,6 x 51 cm


)12615-AHIJHa Ossip Reusable Shopping Bag Print Design by Lotta Jansdotter Go green and say “no” to both paper and plastic with these stylish reusable shopping bags. Compact enough to fit just about anywhere so you'll never be without them. Material: polyester Packaging: hangtag Sold per 12, assorted Product: Closed: Dia. 7,6 x 5,2 cm String: 19,2 cm Opened: 64,6 x 51 cm


)12615-AHIJFg Lotta Jansdotter Scandinavian-born, New York-based Lotta Jansdotter is a self-taught designer and style icon. Her contemporary organic designs reflect her deep appreciation for nature's limitless beauty juxtaposed with a love for modern urban style. She is the author of ten books, and her designs adorn rugs, bedding, paper goods, and dishware to name a few. Lotta's creations have appeared in Elle Decor, NY Times, Real Simple, Lucky, Domino, O Magazine, Selvedge, and Sweet Paul and have been shown at Museums of Modern Art in New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. She has created custom designs for Herman Miller, San Francisco's de Young Museum, and Barney's of Tokyo among others; her designs have been featured in lifestyle books, how-to-books, and tour guides published in magazines worldwide. Lotta also teaches workshops in surface design and hand printing back home in Scandinavia, in India, London and the USA.



Around The World Travel Bag Set Designed by FormNation World hop in style with this set of 4 travel bags. Comes with a laundry bag, shoe bag, personal items bag and a compact built-in pouch to hold them all when not in use. Material: polyester Packaging: J-card with vinyl bag Sold per 6 Product: Closed: 10,2 x 10 x 1 cm Open: Clothes bag 56 x 41 x 0,1 cm Shoe bags 38 x 19.7 x 0,1 cm Personal items bag 35.5 x 28.5 x 0,1 cm Packaging: 16,1 x 22,2 x 2,4 cm LB10

)12615-AHGIHh World Map Travel-size Laundry Bag

Airplane Travel-size Laundry Bag

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Travel-sized (small) laundry bag with compact built-in pouch, inner loop and carabiner. Max volume: 676 oz (20 liters) Max weight capacity: 6.6 lbs (3kg) Material: polyester, plastic carabiner Packaging: hang tag Sold per 8

Travel-sized (small) laundry bag with compact built-in pouch, inner loop and carabiner. Max volume: 676 oz (20 liters) Max weight capacity: 6.6 lbs (3kg) Material: polyester, plastic carabiner Packaging: hang tag Sold per 8

Product: 40,6 x 55,9 cm Packaging: pouch 16 x 12,7 x 1 cm

Product: 40,6 x 55,9 cm Packaging: pouch 16 x 12,7 x 1 cm


)12615-AGGHGc 82



Apothecary Travel Set Designed by Barbara Isenberg Voyage abroad in old-world style and modern convenience with this elegantly designed travel set. Contains three 3oz travel bottles, three 0.7oz jars, 2 sticker sheets and carrying case. Bottles are TSA compliant, leak proof and BPA free. Material: PET, PP, PVC Packaging: pouch with insert Sold per 6 Product: 20 x 15,4 x 3,7 cm Packaging: 20 x 15,4 x 3,7 cm


)12615-AHHGHg Sliding Lint Brush

Shoe Shine Kit

Designed by FormNation

Throw this classic Shoe Shine Kit in your suitcase and hit the road in style. Includes 0.5oz tin of black shoe shine polish, 1 brush, 1 shine cloth and storage tin. Material: metal, PVC, shoe polish, wood brush with nylon bristles & cotton cloth. Packaging: wrap Sold per 12

Sleek and retractible, this Lint Brush is the perfect traveling companion. Material: aluminum, ABS, lint brush Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12 Product: 10,2 x 3,8 x 1,9 cm Packaging: 20,6 x 8,25 x 1,3 cm

Product: Dia. 9,9 x 3,8 cm Packaging: Dia. 9,9 x 3,8 cm


)12615-AHBADc Pizza Luggage Tag


)12615-AHBFEe 3D Specs Luggage Tag

Designed by Steph Mantis

Designed by KDT

What better way is there to travel the world and exclaim “I love pizza� at the same time than with these pizza luggage tags. Waterproof tags safely holds your luggage ID and looks delicious doing it. Material: PU Packaging: carded Sold per 12

This cool retro 3D Specs Luggage Tag has an adjustable strap with metal buckle and a blank ID card. Material: PU (faux leather) Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 14 x 12,7 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 16,4 x 12,7 x 1 cm

Product: 15,4 x 7,1 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 16,4 x 10,2 x 0,2 cm


)12615-AHIJEj Anchor Luggage Tag


)12615-AHAIDh Whoo? Luggage Tag

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

This Anchor Luggage Tag is made of durable leatherette with adjustable buckle straps and a backside sleeve for a name card. Material: PU (faux leather) Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Each type has an adjustable strap with metal buckle and a blank ID card. Sold assorted. Material: PU (faux leather) Packaging: carded Sold per 12, assorted

Product: 16,2 x 8,4 x 0.3cm Packaging: 16,4 x 10,2 x 0,2 cm



Product: 9,9 x 7,9 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 16,5 x 9,7 x 0,5 cm


)12615-AFEGEg 83

Puffer Fish Luggage Tag

Hedgehog Luggage Tag

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

This Puffer Fish Luggage Tag is made of durable leatherette with adjustable buckle straps and a backside sleeve for a name card. Material: PU (faux leather) Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Our handsome hedgehog is made of durable leatherette with adjustable buckle straps and a backside sleeve for a name card. Material: PU (faux leather) Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 15,5 x 8,6 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 16,4 x 10,2 x 0,2 cm

Product: 15,5 x 8,1 x 0,3 cm Packaging: 16,4 x 10,2 x 0,4 cm





Bear Luggage Tag

Fox Luggage Tag

Designed by FormNation Our brawny bear is made of durable leatherette with adjustable buckle straps and a backside sleeve for a name card. Material: PU (faux leather) Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Designed by FormNation

Product: 15,5 x 8,1 x 0,3 cm Packaging: 16,4 x 10,2 x 0,4 cm



Our fancy fox is made of durable leatherette with adjustable buckle straps and a backside sleeve for a name card. Material: PU (faux leather) Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 15,5 x 8,1 x 0,3 cm Packaging: 16,4 x 10,2 x 0,4 cm



Cactus Pillow

Log Head Rest

Designed by KDT

Relax your head, neck and lower back on this comfy log pillow. Material: micro bead filling with spandex cover Packaging: color sleeve Sold per 6

Take a nap on the softest cactus ever. This comforting and supportive pillow is made of breathable spandex and is filled with contouring microbeads. Perfect for use in supporting your head, lower back, neck, or as a cozy footrest at home or during travel. Material: polyester, spandex, EPS, microbeads Packaging: belly band Sold per 6

Packaging: 37,5 x 15 x 15 cm

Product: 37 x Dia. 17,6 cm Packaging: 37 x Dia. 17,6 cm TT34




Platanus Log Head Rest

Birch Log Head Rest

Relax your head, neck and lower back on this comfy log pillow. Material: micro bead filling with spandex cover Packaging: color sleeve Sold per 6

Relax your head, neck and lower back on this comfy log pillow. Material: micro bead filling with spandex cover Packaging: color sleeve Sold per 6

Packaging: 37,5 x 15 x 15 cm

Packaging: 37,5 x 15 x 15 cm


)12615-AGBJBa 84



Log Neck Pillow

Zip & Flip Whale Pillow

Designed by KDT

Designed by FormNation

Saw logs with this amusing u-shaped neck pillow. Contouring microbeads and breathable spandex make this pillow both comfortable and supportive. Perfect for use at home or during travel. Material: polyester, spandex Packaging: carded Sold per 6

Cuddly stuffed animal changes into a classic functional travel pillow. Microbead fill. Material: polyester, Spandex, polystyrene beads Packaging: belly band Sold per 4 Product: 36,2 x 24,1 x 18,4 cm Packaging: 66 x 10,2 x 0.06 cm

Product: 30,5 x 30,5 x 10,8 cm Packaging: 35,5 x 30,5 x 10,8 cm





Penguin Zip & Flip Travel Pillow

Brown Bear Zip & Flip Travel Pillow

Designed by KDT

Turn your neck pillow into a bear. Keep pillow concealed and clean while traveling. Includes clip for easy transport. Material: cover: polyester, spandex, filling: polystyrene microbeads, clip: plastic Packaging: color sleeve Sold per 4

Turn your neck pillow into a penguin. Keep pillow concealed and clean while traveling. Material: cover: polyester, spandex, filling: polystyrene microbeads Packaging: color sleeve Sold per 4 Packaging: 25,5 x 28,5 x 17 cm



Product: 34 x 20,5 x 18 cm Packaging: 34 x 20,5 x 18 cm



Black Bear Zip & Flip Travel Pillow

Digital Travel Scale

Turn your neck pillow into a bear. Keep pillow concealed and clean while traveling. Includes clip for easy transport. Material: cover: polyester, spandex, filling: polystyrene microbeads, clip: plastic Packaging: color sleeve Sold per 4

This compact Digital Travel Scale has a maximum weight of 66 lbs/ 30kg, easy to read blue backlight, low battery indicator, and auto power off. Requires 2 CR2032 batteries (included) Material: ABS, vinyl Packaging: clamshell Sold per 6

Product: 34 x 20,5 x 18 cm Packaging: 34 x 20,5 x 18 cm

Product: 6,1 x Dia. 2,5 cm Packaging: 16,5 x 10,2 x 2,5 cm





Travel Luggage Scale

Adapter Block

Avoid those costly airport luggage surcharges with this lightweight, portable Travel Luggage Scale. Up to 70 lbs/32 kg. Includes tape measure 39"/ 1m long. Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12

Pack this compact block in your carryon and you’ll never be without power. Compatible in over 150 countries, with USB outlet. Material: PC 94VO Packaging: trap blister Sold per 6

Product: 12,1 x 8,3 x 4,8 cm Packaging: 22,1 x 13,2 x 5,6 cm

Product: 6 x 5,4 x 4,4 cm Packaging: 17 x 10,5 x 7,9 cm




)12615-AHFEBc 85


ACCESSORIES Super Wide Angle Selfie Clip Lens

Clip Lens - Set of 3

Take perfect selfies with this super wide angle lens. Clips securely over the camera lens of your mobile phone and eliminates the need for telescoping sticks or other gadgets. Material: PP, aluminum, glass Packaging: window box Sold per 12

Turn your mobile phone into a photography studio with this set of three clip lenses. Contains a wide angle, macro and fish eye lens. Material: PP, aluminum, glass Packaging: window box Sold per 12

Product: 6 x 2,5 x 2,3 cm Packaging: 11,8 x 8 x 2,5 cm

Product: 6,6 x 3,5 x 2,8 cm Packaging: 15,2 x 9,8 x 2,5 cm




)12615-AHIGDf iPhone Case Selfie Stick Designed by Sebastian Errazuriz Be ready to take perfect selfies in an instant with this combo iPhone case selfie stick. Telescoping handle easily flips out from the protective case and extends up to 20 in/50cm. Material: PP, steel Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 12 Product: 14 x 7 x 1,9 cm Packaging: 21,3 x 10,5 x 1,9 cm CDU: 28,2 x 21,9 x 16,4 cm


)12615-AHIBIf 87

Folding Selfie Stick Black With its slim profile and foldable design, this tech-cessory is ideal for travel. Capturing your adventures is easy: simply plug in your smartphone, strike a pose, and press the button on the handle to take a photo. Material: EVA, steel, PP, electronic components Packaging: color box / CDU Sold per 12 Product (folded): 19 x 4,1 x 3,1 cm Packaging: 22 x 4,8 x 3,3 cm CDU: 29 x 14,6 x 13,3 cm


)12615-AHGEIi Mini i5/i6 Super Fan

Paint Your Own Phone Case - iPhone 6

Assorted black & white. Portable fan for iphone 5/6. Works instantly, no app required. Plug and play. You're already a fan of the iPhone, now let the iPhone be your fan. Plug and play, no app or installation required. Material: ABS, electronics Packaging: TUB Sold per 12

Designed by KDT

Product: 8,8 x 4,2 x 3 cm Packaging: Dia. 10 x 9,5 cm



Don't settle for the same case as everyone else, not when you can design one that expresses your own unique and creative style. Includes silicone phone case, non-toxic paints, and paint brush. Material: TPR, acrylic paint Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: Case: 14 x 7 x 0,8 cm Paint: 16,7 x 2,9 x 1,6 cm Packaging: 24,2 x 13,1 x 1,8 cm



Paint Your Own Phone Case - Galaxy S6 Designed by KDT Don't settle for the same case as everyone else, not when you can design one that expresses your own unique and creative style. Includes silicone phone case, non-toxic paints, and paint brush. Material: TPR, acrylic paint Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: Case 14,4 x 7,3 x 0,9 cm Paint: 16,7 x x 2,9 x 1,6 cm Packaging: 24,2 x 13,1 x 1,8 cm


)12615-AHICJb Paint Your Own Phone Case - iPhone 6 Plus

Phone Decals, Set of 6

Designed by KDT

Designed by FormNation

Don't settle for the same case as everyone else, not when you can design one that expresses your own unique and creative style. Includes silicone phone case, nontoxic paints, and paint brush. Material: TPR, acrylic paint Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Fits perfectly on your iPhone 4 and 5’s home button. Can also be used as decoration on other phones. Easily removable. Available in 2 different assortments: Animals & Icons. Material: vinyl sticker Packaging: paper envelope Sold per 12 sets (6 of each assortment)

Product: Case: 16 x 8 x 0,8 cm Paint: 16,7 x x 2,9 x 1,6 cm Packaging: 24,2 x 13,1 x 1,8 cm


)12615-AHHIGh 88


Product: 0,25 x Dia. 0,6 cm Packaging: 14 x 7,6 x 0,25 cm




Battery Power Bank

Green Power Bank

Portable charger for iPhone, iPod, smartphones, and other digital devices. 2200mAh Keep your mobile phone going and going with this pocket-sized battery power bank. Delivers a complete charge in 2 hours, recharge the power bank at any computer with USB cable or with USB wall charger. 4 indicator lights. Material: ABS, lithium battery Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

This universal high capacity portable power charger can double the battery life of your digital device. Micro USB to USB cable included. Material: ABS, PVC, USB parts, steel, nylon, lithium battery Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12 Product: 9,6 x 2,4 x 2,2 cm Packaging: 18,8 x 10 x 2,5 cm

Product: 9,3 x Dia. 2,4 cm Packaging: 18,8 x 10 x 2,4 cm US120-EU



)12615-AHBHEc Black Power Bank This universal high capacity portable power charger can double the battery life of your digital device. Micro USB to USB cable included. Material: ABS, PVC, USB parts, steel, nylon, lithium battery Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12 Product: 9,6 x 2,4 x 2,2 cm Packaging: 18,8 x 10 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AHBHGg White Power Bank

Shock Proof Solar Power Bank

This universal high capacity portable power charger can double the battery life of your digital device. Micro USB to USB cable included. Material: ABS, PVC, USB parts, steel, nylon, lithium battery Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Keep battery life from going dark. The Shock Proof Solar Power Bank provides a portable charge to keep your connected. Charges by computer or sunlight, with capability to charge iPhone 5 in 2 hours. Built-in flashlight & carabiner clip. 2 USB ports compatible with most smart phones and tables. Charging cable included. Material: silicone, ABS, aluminum, TPU, polymer battery Packaging: color window box Sold per 2

Product: 9,6 x 2,4 x 2,2 cm Packaging: 18,8 x 10 x 2,5 cm

Product:12,9 x 7,4 x 3,1 cm Packaging: 21,1 x 11,3 x 3,5 cm


)12615-AHBHFj Arrow Stylus


)12615-AHDDJf Mini Retro Stylus Pen, Set of 2

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

A stylus with flair (and feathers). Soft silicone tip for precision drawing or gaming. Compatible with all touchscreen devices. Material: ABS Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

This multi-purpose Mini Retro Stylus Pen (black ink) combo, allows you to sign that check while doodling on your tablet. Sold in assorted colors. Material: ABS, steel, aluminum Packaging: PET box Sold per 12, assorted

Product: 15,5 x Dia. 2,5 cm Packaging: 17,1 x 5,6 x 3 cm



Product: 8,9 x 1 x 1cm Packaging: 9,7 x 5,5 x 2 cm


)12615-AGHFFe 89

Retro Stylus Pens

Pen Cap Stylus, Starter Pack

Designed by KDT

Designed by Bartjan de Bruijn

This multi-purpose Retro Stylus Pen (black ink) combo, allows you to sign that check while doodling on your tablet. Sold in assorted colors. Material: ABS, steel, aluminum Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 18, assorted

Turn your pen or pencil into a tablet or phone stylus. Can also be used as a pen cap. Material: silicone, conductive paint Packaging: trap blister / CDU Sold per 24, assorted

Product: 13,5 x Dia. 1 cm Packaging: 14 x 5,7 x 1,9 cm CDU: 23 x 18,15 x 12 cm



Product: 5,1 x 1 x 1 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 5,1 x 1,3 cm CDU: 18,2 x 11,5 x 15 cm



White Pen Cap Stylus, Set of 2

Red Pen Cap Stylus, Set of 2

Designed by Bartjan de Bruijn

Designed by Bartjan de Bruijn

Turn your pen or pencil into a tablet or phone stylus. Can also be used as a pen cap. Material: silicone, conductive paint Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Turn you pen or pencil into a stylus. Also can be used as a pen cap. Material: silicone, conductive paint Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Product: 5,1 x 1 x 1 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 5,1 x 1,3 cm


)12615-AGHJHe Green Pen Cap Stylus, Set of 2

Product: 5,1 x 1 x 1 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 5,1 x 1,3 cm


)12615-AGHJGh Black Pen Cap Stylus, Set of 2

Designed by Bartjan de Bruijn

Designed by Bartjan de Bruijn

Turn your pen or pencil into a tablet or phone stylus. Can also be used as a pen cap. Material: silicone, conductive paint Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Turn your pen or pencil into a tablet or phone stylus. Can also be used as a pen cap. Material: silicone, conductive paint Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Product: 5,1 x 1 x 1 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 5,1 x 1,3 cm

Product: 5,1 x 1 x 1 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 5,1 x 1,3 cm




)12615-AGHJEd Wood Charging Station Designed by FormNation Organize your electronic and stationery items in this versatile wood USB hub. USB hub has 2 USB ports and comes with a cotton braided USB cord. Material: beech wood, USB parts, cotton braided cord Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 23,4 x 11,4 x 2,8 cm Packaging: 23,5 x 13 x 3,1 cm


)12615-AHDFEi 90

Phone Stand Lamp Designed by Changjun Lee Illuminate books or paper work with your own phone. Also doubles as a phone stand and charging station. Created during 1+1=3 Workshop in Korea. Material: ABS Packaging: sticker Sold per 8 Product: 17 x 17 x 9 cm Packaging: 17 x 17 x 9 cm


)12615-AHDHHh Red Mini Dolly Phone Stand

Black Mini Dolly Phone Stand

Take a load off with our mini dolly phone stand. Works with most phones to display screen both vertically and horizontally. Rubberized coating ensures phone stability. Also great for business cards. Material: rubber-coated steel Sold per 12

Take a load off with our mini dolly phone stand. Works with most phones to display screen both vertically and horizontally. Rubberized coating ensures phone stability. Also great for business cards. Material: rubber-coated steel Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Product: 9,6 x 5,8 x 5,3 cm Packaging: 13,3 x 5,8 x 5,8 cm



Product: 9,6 x 5,8 x 5,3 cm Packaging: 13,3 x 5,8 x 5,8 cm



Suction Cup Phone Stand

iLens Stand & Wrap

360 rotation, strong suction cups adhere to any smooth surface. Great for cars, desks, and kitchen counter. Material: ABS, suction cup Packaging: color box / CDU Sold per 18

Strong suction cup stand works on any device with a smooth surface. Material: silicone Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12

Product: Open: 13,7 x 6,1 x 1,8 cm Closed: 7,9 x 3,6 x 6,1 cm Packaging: 7,9 x 3,6 x 6,1 cm CDU: 21 x 18,6 x 17,5 cm



Product: 4,8 x Dia. 3,3 cm Packaging: 12 x 10,2 x 3 cm


)12615-AGDJGj Car Vent Phone Mount Hands-free holder for keeping GPS directions easily visible, so that drivers can focus on the road. Clips to air vent. Material: PP, ABS, TPR Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12 Product: 9,6 x 4,8 x 2,9 cm Packaging: 20,4 x 10,5 x 2,9 cm


)12615-AHFHEa 91

Bike Phone Holder

Flexible Phone Holder

Ride safely, always know where you're going and keep up with your messages with this adjustable bike phone holder. 360 degree rotation allows for horizontal or vertical use. Easy to install and remove. No slip grip fits most phones. Material: ABS Packaging: color box Sold per 12

This Flexible Phone Holder is great for watching videos, taking photos, reading a cook book as well as traveling and holding GPS. Fits all phones less than 4" wide. Minimal assembly required. Material: steel, plastic, silicone Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 80 x 11,5 x 7,8 cm Packaging: 17 x 16,8 x 7,5 cm

Product: 15 x 9 x 6 cm Packaging: 23 x 16,2 x 7 cm





Flexible Tablet Holder

Blue iBed Lap Desk

This Flexible Tablet Holder is great for watching videos, taking photos, reading a cook book as well as traveling and much more. Fits tablet 5.1" (13cm) to 8" (20cm) wide. Also doubles as a table stand. Minimal assembly required. Material: steel, plastic, silicone Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Let's you prop up your tablet comfortably, while providing enough space for having breakfast. A sturdy, non-slip surface combined with a comfortable micro-bead cushion underneath. Material: MDF, spandex, microbead Packaging: banderol Sold per 6 Product: 29,2 x 24,1 x 5,1 cm

Product: 80 x 16,5 x 11,5 cm Packaging: 17 x 16,8 x 7,5 cm



See page 156 for tablet display



Red iBed Lap Desk

Green iBed Lap Desk

Let's you prop up your tablet comfortably, while providing enough space for having breakfast. A sturdy, non-slip surface combined with a comfortable micro-bead cushion underneath. Material: MDF, spandex, microbead Packaging: shrinkwrap Sold per 6

Let's you prop up your tablet comfortably, while providing enough space for having breakfast. A sturdy, non-slip surface combined with a comfortable micro-bead cushion underneath. Material: MDF, spandex, microbead Packaging: shrinkwrap Sold per 6

Product: 29,2 x 24,1 x 5,1 cm

Product: 29,2 x 24,1 x 5,1 cm





Black iBed Lap Desk

Wooden iBed Lap Desk

Let's you prop up your tablet comfortably, while providing enough space for having breakfast. A sturdy, non-slip surface combined with a comfortable micro-bead cushion underneath. Material: MDF, spandex, microbead Packaging: shrinkwrap Sold per 6 Product: 29,2 x 24,1 x 5,1 cm

Designed by KDT Let’s you prop up your tablet comfortably, while providing enough space for having breakfast. A sturdy, non-slip surface combined with a comfortable micro-bead cushion underneath. Material: MDF, spandex, microbead, wood Packaging: shrinkwrap Sold per 6 Product: 33,5 x 23,5 x 5 cm Packaging: 33,5 x 23,5 x 5 cm


)12615-AGHEHj 92



Bulb USB Light Make sure all of your bright ideas are well lit with this brilliant USB powered light bulb. Works instantly when plugged into any USB port. No app or installation required. Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12 Product: 7 x Dia. 4,4 cm Packaging: 15 x 12 x 4,4 cm


)12615-AHIHIj Tap USB Light Get more light when you need it with this adjustable USB powered light. Bright LED light illuminates instantly when plugged into any USB port. No app or installation required. Material: steel, LED, ABS Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12 Product: 4,1 x 5,6 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 35 x 12 x 0,8 cm


)12615-AHIHJg USB Spaceman Light


This aerospace explorer is up to the task of providing a little light for late work nights. 12 lumen LED lift with flexible USB cord. Just pop his visor open to illuminate your space. Material: ABS, LED lights, electronic components Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Super bright USB powered LED light. Flexible USB cord allows you to adjust the diection of the light. Light goes on and off when you push the top of the UFO. Material: ABS, LED lights, electronic components Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Product: 34,3 x 5,6 x 4,6 cm Packaging: 9,9 x 8,2 x 8,2 cm NOT AVAILABLE IN UK



Product: 36,7 x 4,2 x 2 cm Packaging: 9,9 x 8,2 x 8,2 cm NOT AVAILABLE IN UK



USB Powered LED Multi Light

White USB Hubman速

This USB Powered LED Multi Light strip, has a flexible neck. It is lightweight and has low power consumption via the USB. Material: aluminum, ABS, LED lights Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12

A handyman to hold your cords, this USB hub features four 2.0 high speed ports. Material: ABS, USB parts Packaging: clamshell Sold per 6

Product: 44 x 1,5 x 1 cm Packaging: 29 x 14,5 x 2 cm



Product: 10,2 x 10,8 x 0,6 cm Packaging: 19 x 13 x 3 cm


)12615-ADCFGj 93

Cable for Two - iPhone and iPhone

Cable for Two - Micro USB and iPhone

Designed by Studio giffin'termeer

Designed by Studio giffin'termeer

Feel the power of love when you use this two-in-one charging cable. Features both lightning and micro SD connectors. After charging, unplug the micro SD device and use the lightning connector to sync data to or from your mobile phone. Connects to computer or wall socket via USB. Material: PVC, ABS, electronic Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Feel the power of love when you use this two-in-one charging cable with dual lighting connectors. After charging, unplug one device to sync data to or from your connected mobile phone. Connects to computer or wall socket via USB. Material: PVC, ABS, electronic Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Product: 93 x 1,1 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 18,5 x 10 x 1,5 cm

Product: 93 x 1,1 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 18,5 x 10 x 1,5 cm




)12615-AHIIAc Nylon Mesh i5/i6 Cable Handy USB charging cable with textured exterior. Compatible with iPhone 5 and above. Choose from black, white, or bordeaux. Material: PVC, nylon, copper wire Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12, assorted Product: 96,5 x 1,5 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 18,5 x 10 x 1,5 cm


)12615-AHGCIa Nylon Mesh Micro USB Cable

Extra Long iPhone 5 Cable

Handy Mico USB charging cable with textured exterior. Choose from black, white, or bordeaux. 3 ft long. Material: PVC, nylon, copper wire Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12, assorted

This extra sturdy iphone 5 cable is a whopping 6 feet long. The durable braiding wrapped around the cord prevents kinks. Material: cotton braided, electronic components Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Product: 96,5 x 1,5 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 18,5 x 10 x 1,5 cm

Product: 183 x 1,3 x 0,6 cm Packaging: 18,5 x 10 x 0,6 cm





Extra Long Micro USB Cable

Color Cable Ties

This extra sturdy Mirco USB cable is 6 feet long. The durable braiding wrapped around the cord prevents kinks. Material: cotton braided, electronic components Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Bunch up and organize your computer and game console cables with our set of 8 color coded ties. Material: velcro, nylon Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 183 x 1,3 x 0,6 cm Packaging: 18,5 x 10 x 0,6 cm


)12615-AHBAJe 94

Product: Open 17,8 x 4,1 x 0,3 cm Packaging: 20 x 6,2 x 1,5 cm




Large Acorn Speaker Designed by MOTZ Portable and naturally appealing, this Bluetooth speaker has a 33 foot (10m) range and offers up to 4 hours of continuous play. Use with computer, smartphone, or mp3 player. USB cable and audio cable included. Material: beech wood Packaging: kraft box Sold per 2 Product: 8,6 x 8,6 x 4 cm Packaging: 10,2 x 9 x 7,2 cm


)12615-AGIDBf Small Acorn Speaker

Beaded Ear Buds

Designed by Motz

Turn up the fun with a playful way to enjoy your tunes. Cord length 51" (129cm). Material: PVC, ABS, TPE, electronic components Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Take your tunes to go. Speaker and FM radio on keychain with USB and audio cable included. Use with computer, smartphone or mp3 player. Material: wood Packaging: PET box Sold per 6 Product: 3,3 x 3 x 3 cm Packaging: 10,2 x 10,2 x 5 cm



Product: 107,9 x Dia 0,5 cm Packaging: 16,1 x 6 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AHDFHj 95

Black Chevron Earbuds Designed by KDT Rock out in style with these black chevron earbuds. Cotton braided cables look and feel great and minimize tangles. Have complete control over music and phone calls with 1-button microphone and remote. Includes 2 extra pairs of ear cushions Material: cotton braiding, electronic components Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12 Product: 120 x 2,3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 16 x 6 x 3 cm US121-BK-EU

)12615-AHIEDh Red Chevron Earbuds Designed by KDT Rock out in style with these red chevron earbuds. Cotton braided cables look and feel great and minimize tangles. Have complete control over music and phone calls with 1-button microphone and remote. Includes 2 extra pairs of ear cushions Material: cotton braiding, electronic components Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12 Product: 120 x 2,3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 16 x 6 x 3 cm US121-RD-EU

)12615-AHIEEe Black Pearl Ear Buds

White Pearl Ear Buds

An elegant option for catching up on your podcasts and playlist, these ear buds are embellished with fancy faux pearls. Cord length 51" (129cm). Material: ABS, TPE, electronic components Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

An elegant option for catching up on your podcasts and playlist, these ear buds are embellished with fancy faux pearls. Cord length 51" (129cm). Material: ABS, TPE, electronic components Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

Product: 107,9 x Dia 0,5 cm Packaging: 16,1 x 6 x 3,2 cm

Product: 107,9 x Dia 0,5 cm Packaging: 16,1 x 6 x 3,2 cm




)12615-AHDFFf Black and White Beaded Earbuds Designed by KDT Turn up the fun with a playful way to enjoy your tunes. Cord length 51" (129cm). Material: PVC, TPE, electronic components Packaging: PET box Sold per 6 Product: 107.9 x Dia. 0.5 cm Packaging: 16,1 x 6 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AHFAFe 96



Large Perspective Photo Frame

Medium Perspective Photo Frame

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Geometric photo frame with fold out easle is perfect for your office or home. Holds 14 x 14 cm photo. Material: beech wood, glass Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

Geometric photo frame with fold out easle is perfect for your office or home. Holds 10,5 x 10,5 cm photo. Material: beech wood, glass Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

Product: 16 x 15,7 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 16,3 x 16,3 x 3,1 cm

Product: 12,8 x 12,5 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 12,8 x 12,8 x 3,1 cm





Small Perspective Photo Frame

Large Acrylic Photo Frame

Designed by KDT

Simply designed and modern 10 x 15 cm acrylic frame with magnetic backing makes it super easy to post photos in real time. Material: acrylic, magnet Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

Geometric photo frame with fold out easle is perfect for your office or home. Holds 7,5 x 7,5 cm photo. Material: beech wood, glass Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6 Product: 10,1 x 10 x 3,9 cm Packaging: 10 x 10 x 3,3 cm


)12615-AHCIHj 98

Product: 15 x 10 x 2,6 cm Packaging: 15 x 10 x 2,6 cm



Medium Acrylic Photo Frame

Small Acrylic Photo Frame

Simply designed and modern 13 x 9 cm acrylic frame with magnetic backing makes it super easy to post photos in real time. Material: acrylic, magnet Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

Simply designed and modern 7.5 x 5 cm acrylic frame with magnetic backing makes it super easy to post photos in real time. Material: acrylic, magnet Packaging: kraft box Sold per 6

Product: 13 x 9 x 2,6 cm Packaging: 13 x 9 x 2,6 cm

Product: 7,7 x 5,1 x 2,6 cm Packaging: 7,7 x 5,1 x 2,6 cm




)12615-AHDFBh Clip Photo Mobile Designed by KDT Turn your loose paper photos into an art display with our beautiful photo mobile. Material: steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12 Product: Dia. 40,6 x 55,9 cm Packaging: 24 x 24 x 1,5 cm


)12615-ABIDGf Copper Clip Photo Mobile

Geometric Photo Mobile

Designed by KDT

Designed by FormNation

This copper plated steel mobile photo hanger comes with 10 alligator clips and holds as many photos. Material: copper plated steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Turn your loose paper photos into an art display with our beautiful Geometric photo mobile. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Product: Dia. 40,6 x 55,9 cm Packaging: 24 x 24 x 1,5 cm

Product: 18 x 12 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 27 x 24 x 1,5 cm





Random Photo Mobile

Mini Clothespin Photo Holder

Designed by KDT

Display your photos without a single nail or frame. A high strength cable with 10 mini clothespins can be hung just about anywhere via two small suction cups. Material: wood, steel Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

This mobile allows you to attach photos, postcards or lightweight keepsakes to sturdy clips that transform any thing hung on it into an art gallery worthy display. Material: steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12 Product: Dia. 61 x 60 cm Packaging: 60 x 19 cm



Product: 149 x 2,7 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 16 x 9 x 2 cm


)12615-AHFHJf 99

Clothespin Photo Holder Display your photos without a single nail or frame. A high strength cable with 6 wood magnetic clothespins can be hung just about anywhere via two small suction cups. Material: wood, steel, magnet Packaging: PET box Sold per 6 Product: 119 x 4,5 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 16 x 9 x 2 cm


)12615-AHFIAb Cable Photo Holders Display your photos without a single nail or frame. A high strength cable with 6 wood magnetic clothespins can be hung just about anywhere via two small suction cups. Material: wood, steel, magnet Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 (except BK and W sold per 6) Product: Wire: 145 cm Packaging: 16 x 9 x 2 cm






)12615-AHFCFc Dry Erase Board Small Perfect for quick notes and announcements, this board includes everything needed for wall or fridge mounting (3M double sided tape and magnets) as well as a dry erase pen. Material: steel sheet with MDF board and aluminum frame Packaging: CDU Sold per 12, assorted Product: 35,6 x 35,6 x 0,5 cm CDU: 24,9 x 20,3 x 16,5 cm


)12615-AFBDJd 100



Agenda Dry Erase Board Designed by KDT Styled like a traditional day planner, this organizer easily mounts to the wall with 3M adhesive tape (included) and arrives with a dry erase pen and set of magnets. Material: steel board, card backing Packaging: card with shrink wrap Sold per 6 Product: 19,6 x 12,9 x 0,8 cm







Tablet Dry Erase Board, Assorted

Weekly Dry Erase Board

Designed by KDT

Organize chores, errands, activities, and more. This magnetic dry erase board is printed with a weekly grid. Includes marker. Material: steel, paper Packaging: J-card Sold per 18

App-free and never low on battery power, this magnertic dry erase board is styled to look like your favorite tablet. Includes marker. Material: steel, paper Packaging: J-card Sold per 18 Product: 24 x 19 x 13,6 cm Packaging: 24 x 19 x 13,6 cm



Product: 24 x 19 x 13,6 cm Packaging: 24 x 19 x 13,6 cm



Dog Memo Holder

Apple Memo Pad

This dog shaped spiral memo holder has a crocodile clip for a mouth to hold any extra notes. Material: nickle platted iron Packaging: PET Box Sold per 12

Our fruity and delightful Apple Memo Pad is almost good enough to eat. With 150 thin apple slice pages. Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Product: 13,3 x 5 x 1,9 cm Packaging: 13,3 x 7,7 x 2,0 cm


)12615-AHBEDi Cupcake Memo Pad

Product: 8,6 x Dia. 7,6 cm Packaging: 9 x 9 x 9 cm


)12615-AEFGEe Rainbow Memo Pad

Designed by Martijn Deurloo

Designed by KDT

Our sweet Cupcake Memo Pad is almost good enough to eat. With 150 thin cupcake slice pages. Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

This Rainbow Memo Pad resembles a balloon or beach ball. With 60 lined and multcolored sheets of paper, this pad is perfect for home or office. Material: paper Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Product: 8,6 x Dia. 8,9 cm Packaging: 9 x 9 x 9 cm

Product: 8,5 x Dia. 8,3 cm Packaging: 9,2 x 9 x 9 cm





Tangram Sticky Notes Tangram is a 1000 year old Chinese puzzle game. See how many shapes and animals you can make. Set includes 7 various sizes and colored sticky notes. Set of 20 sheet note pads with adhesive backing. Material: paper Packaging: carded with OPP bag Sold per 24 Product: 9 x 8,7 x 0.5 cm Packaging: 15,2 x 11 x 0,6 cm


)12615-AGIGFa 101

Dove Sticky Notes Let your notes take flight with our Dove Sticky Notes. 50 pages. Material: paper Packaging: carded with OPP bag Sold per 24 Product: Larger: 8 x 5 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 10,2 x 15,4 x 0,5 cm

Talking Bubble Sticky Notes Designed by KDT This set of 3 (50 sheet) sticky notes, resemble the talking bubbles seen in comic books. Material: paper Packaging: carded with OPP bag Sold per 24 Product: 6,6 x 4,6 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 15,2 x 10,2 x 0,6 cm





Wood Grain Sticky Notes

Hedgehog Corkboard Magnet

Our Wood Grain Sticky Notes are a gentle reminder to recycle, while serving as a useful and creative memo pad. Material: paper Packaging: carded with OPP bag Sold per 24

Perfect for leaving notes on the fridge, this hedgehog corkboard has a magnetic backing with 6 pushpins. Material: cork, magnet, PP pushpin Packaging: carded with OPP bag Sold per 8

Product: 5,8 x 5,6 x 4,1 cm Packaging: 15,2 x 10,2 x 0,6 cm

Product: 15,9 x 10,8 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 25,4 x 17 x 1 cm





Giraffe Corkboard Magnet Perfect for leaving notes on the fridge, this Giraffe corkboard has a magnetic backing with 6 pushpins. Material: cork, magnet, PP pushpin Packaging: carded with OPP bag Sold per 8 Product: 20 x 10,2 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 25,4 x 17 x 1 cm


)12615-AHBCGb Blue Button Pushpins, Set of 18

Pink Button Pushpins, Set of 18

Designed by Phil Procter

Designed by Phil Procter

A bevy of buttons for holding notes, photos, and more. Material: ABS, metal Packaging: PET box, cork Sold per 12

A bevy of buttons for holding notes, photos, and more. Material: ABS, metal Packaging: PET box, cork Sold per 12

Packaging: 11,4 x 8,9 x 2,5 cm

Packaging: 11,4 x 8,9 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AGEBBj 102



Steph Mantis Born and raised in a house and a pizza parlor in Biddeford, Maine, Steph Mantis creates quirky household items that transform a banal area in your home into a place of fantasy and whimsy. Steph studied Industrial Design at Pratt Institute in NYC, and also glass design in Denmark. When not working, she can be found eating pizza, taking pictures and hunting dinosaurs. Her work focuses on creating products that provide an added moment of play or humor through our daily experiences.

Shark Butt Magnets Designed by Steph Mantis New in our lineup of animal butt magnets, Shark Butts. These sharks will dive in and out of your magnetic surfaces. Don’t worry, they won’t bite. Material: phthalate-free vinyl, magnet Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: 4,4 x 2,4 x 1,7 cm Packaging: 18,2 x 13 x 2,7 cm


)12615-AHFDEe Whale Butt Magnets

Dog Butts Magnets

Designed by Steph Mantis

Designed by Steph Mantis

Go whale watching in the comfort of your own home. These super strong whale magnets will dive in and out of your magnetic surfaces. Material: phthalate-free vinyl, magnet Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

An assortment of wagging tales representing some of our bestloved breeds (plus a bright red fire hydrant for good measure). Material: phthalate-free vinyl, magnet Packaging: PET Box Sold per 12

Product: 4,1 x 3,1 x 1,6 cm Packaging: 18,2 x 13 x 2,7 cm



Product (largest magnet): 5,1 x 3,2 x, 0,6 cm Packaging: 18,2 x 13 x 2,7 cm



Cat Butt Magnets, Set of 6 Designed by Steph Mantis This is an assortment of 6 cat breeds represented by their beautifully sculpted characteristic butts. Material: phthalate-free vinyl, magnet Packaging: PET Box Sold per 12 Product (largest magnet): 5 x 3,2 x 1,9 cm Packaging: 18,2 x 13 x 2,7 cm


)12615-AHAAJh Safari Animal Butts Magnets Designed by Steph Mantis Wildly realistic and delightfully cheeky, this set includes the backsides of both the predators and the prey of the savannah. Material: phthalate-free vinyl, magnet Packaging: PET Box Sold per 12 Packaging: 18,2 x 13 x 2,7 cm


)12615-AFECAc 103

Insect Magnets

Industrial Magnet Clips

These handmade mosquito and ant magnets bear an uncanny resemblance to the real thing. Set of 4 Material: clay, magnet, steel Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

All purpose clips for the kitchen, with a retro look and galvanized finish. Set of four. Material: galvanized steel, magnet Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Packaging: 10,2 x 10,2 x 2,5 cm



Product: 5,3 x 2,3 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 18,1 x 9,6 x 1,5 cm


)12615-AHGEDd Airplane Magnets, Set of 3 Keep your memos, photos and more sky high with these super strong Airplane Magnets. Material: iron Packaging: PET box with steel plate Sold per 12 Product: 3,5 x 3,5 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 20,8 x 4,8 x 0,03 cm


)12615-AHCJHi Branch Magnet Designed by Yoomin Jung These beautiful artistic renderings of tree branches are the perfect complement to any decor. Stick the branches anywhere that will take a magnet. Material: polyresin, plastic, magnet Packaging: hang tag Sold per 12, assorted Product: 17,8 x 9,6 x 1,3 cm


)12615-AGIBAa Woodland Rubber Magnets

Sugar Skull Rubber Magnets

Designed by FormNation

Designed by KDT

These adorable woodland rubber creatures are too cute not to stick on your refrigerator. Material: rubber, magnet Packaging: OPP bag with header Sold per 10

Inspired by the sugar skulls that are elaborately adorned for the Mexican Day of the Dead holiday, these are perfect for home or office. Material: rubber, magnet Packaging: OPP bag with header Sold per 10

Product: 15 x 10 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 20,5 x 11,5 x 0,5 cm


)12615-AGJFCh 104

Product: 15 x 10 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 20,5 x 11,5 x 0,5 cm




Green Metal Storage Container

Blue Metal Storage Container

These stackable retro-industrial storage containers are perfect for keeping your work or home office stylish and organized. Material: baked on enamel steel Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

These stackable retro-industrial storage containers are perfect for keeping your work or home office stylish and organized. Material: baked on enamel steel Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Product: 16,3 x 10,1 x 7,5 cm Packaging: 16,3 x 10,1 x 7,5 cm

Product: 16,3 x 10,1 x 7,5 cm Packaging: 16,3 x 10,1 x 7,5 cm





Ivory Metal Storage Container These stackable retro-industrial storage containers are perfect for keeping your work or home office stylish and organized. Material: baked on enamel steel Packaging: sticker Sold per 6 Product: 16,3 x 10,1 x 7,5 cm Packaging: 16,3 x 10,1 x 7,5 cm


)12615-AHIIGe 105

Wood Stacking Tin

Dino Pen and Memo Holder

Designed by KDT

Memo holder with clip & storage space for pens & pencils. Material: ABS Packaging: color sleeve Sold per 6

This stackable 3 compartment storage tin cleverly resembles a log. A great eco-friendly gift. Material: metal Packaging: sticker Sold per 12

Product: 21,6 x 8,6 x 3,1 cm

Product: Dia. 8,5 x 15 cm Packaging: Dia. 8,5 x 15 cm





Planetarium Paperweight

Compass Paperweight

Hold an entire galaxy in the palm of your hand with our Planetarium Paperweight. This glass paperweight must be seen to be truly appreciated. Material: glass Packaging: gift box with foil print Sold per 4

Map out a your next career move with this glass paperweight. Or skip the heavy thinking and use it to keep documents neatly in place. Material: glass Packaging: gift box with foil print Sold per 6

Product: Dia. 10 x 5 cm Packaging: 11,9 x 11,9 x 4 cm


Product: Dia. 7,6 x 1,9 cm Packaging: 9,9 x 9,6 x 5,1 cm




Camera Pencil Sharpener

Acorn Pencil Sharpener

This elegant Camera Pencil Sharpener is designed to look like a vintage camera. It has an adjustable sharpness knob and a pull out shavings tray. Material: ABS plastic Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 11,4 x 10,2 x 7 cm Packaging: 11,9 x 11,2 x 7,4 cm

Designed by Bai Renfei An elegant manual sharpener, inspired by the industrious nature of squirrels. Keep it on your desk as a reminder to keep up the hard work. This product was part of the 2014 China Design Challenge. Material: chrome plated zinc alloy, steel, pp, Beech wood Packaging: PET box Sold per 8 Product: 7,2 x Dia. 4,8 cm




)12615-AHFDFb Key Pencil Sharpener Designed by FormNation This nickel plated steel key is also a pencil sharpener. Material: nickle plated steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 8,9 x 4,3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 14,8 x 8 x 1,5 cm


)12615-AHAJJi 106

Password Keeper

Red Magnet Chair

Designed by KDT

Michael Thonet was the renowned 1800’s cabinet maker, who designed the now famous look of the Vienna bent wood chair. The strong magnet holds the paper clips to the seat of the chair. Material: metal, magnet Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

An analog solution for a digital conundrum. Make note of your passwords (up to 60) in this wallet-sized folding book. Cover label peels off, ensuring your secrets are safe. Material: magnet, paper Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 18 Product: 8,3 x 5,3 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 11,1 x 8,6 x 0,7 cm CDU: 19,4 x 18,2 x 14,9 cm



Product: 7,6 x 4,1 x 3,6 cm Packaging: 10,5 x 4,1 x 3,8 cm



Cloud Paper Clips, Set of 8

Copper Wire Clips

Designed by Yan Yan

Multi-purpose clips for the house or office. Set of six. Material: copper plated steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

In China, auspicious clouds are said to bring good fortune. Even if these stylized cloud paperclips don’t bring you luck, they add a fanciful flourish to ordinary paperwork. This product was part of the 2014 China Design Challenge. Material: steel Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12

Product: 4,1 x 3,3 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 18,7 x 10,2 x 2,5 cm

Product: 3,8 x 2 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 21,7 x 12 x 1,3 cm





Gold Wire Clips, Set of 6

Black Wire Clips, Set of 6

Multi-purpose clips for the house or office. Set of six. Material: steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Multi-purpose clips for the house or office. Set of six. Material: steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 4,1 x 3,3 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 18,7 x 10,2 x 2,5 cm

Product: 4,1 x 3,3 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 18,7 x 10,2 x 2,5 cm





Car Rulers

Classic Stapler

Designed by Donald Corey

A workspace essential with fun retro style. Solidly constructed of stainless steel. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 12

Make measuring classy and fun with these colorful retro automobile rulers. Printed with inches and centimeters, flip the ruler over for a different color car and different measurement scale. Material: birch plywood Packaging: sticker/CDU Sold per 24, assorted

Product: 12,8 x 5,6 x 3,6 cm Packaging: 13 x 6 x 3,8 cm

Product: 15,6 x 6,8 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 15,6 x 6,8 x 0,2 cm CDU: 15,5 x 11,5 x 5 cm ST73



)12615-AHFEDg 107


Tripod Magnifier

2-in-1 Magnifier

Designed by Reno

Designed by FormNation

This Tripod Magnifier is perfect for home or office. 3x magnification. Material: glass, stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Two different magnifiers in one. Handheld magnifier has 3x magnification. Handle‘s 2x magnification is perfect for easy viewing across columns. Material: acrylic Packaging: trap blister / CDU Sold per 8

Product: 14,6 x 8,6 x 8,6 cm Packaging: 14,7 x 12,7 x 8,8 cm

Product: 20,3 x 8,6 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 26,7 x 12,6 x 1,6 cm CDU: 32 x 18,3 x 12,4 cm




)12615-AGJBJa Wood Magnifier Designed by FormNation Perfect for the curious and curious at heart, this magnifier features 3x magnification and a beechwood frame. Material: beech wood, glass Packaging: Paper tray with PET sleeve Sold per 6 Product: 20 x 8,5 x 1,2 cm Packaging: 20,2 x 8,9 x 4 cm


)12615-AHCIGc 108

Wallet Size Magnifier

Wallet Magnifier II

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Now available in 8 new patterns. Fits easily on your key chain or in your wallet. 1.5x magnification Material: ABS Packaging: OPP bag / CDU Sold per 80, assorted

Now available in 8 new patterns. Fits easily on your key chain or in your wallet. 1.5x magnification Material: ABS Packaging: OPP bag / CDU Sold per 80, assorted

Product: 8,3 x 5,7 x 0,1 cm CDU: 18,5 x 16 x 14,5 cm

Product: 8,3 x 5,7 x 0,1 cm CDU: 18,5 x 16 x 14,5 cm





Magnifier Fresnel Bookmark

66mm Camera Fresnel Bookmark

Designed by Reno

Designed by Reno

Ultra thin, flat magnifier with 3x magnification. Ribbon indicates place in book when used as a bookmark. Material: PET, satin ribbon Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 36

Ultra thin, flat magnifier with 3x magnification. Ribbon indicates place in book when used as a bookmark. Material: PET, nylon cord Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 36

Product: 12,7 x 6,4 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 16,8 x 6,7 x 0,5 cm


Product: 10,2 x 7,6 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 11,7 x 11 x 0,5 cm




Copper Magnifier Necklace

Gold Magnifier Necklace

Ideal for crafters and anyone else curious to take a closer look, this slim magnifier can be worn around your neck or stashed in your wallet for convenient transport. 3 X magnification. Material: glass, brass Packaging: paper tray/PET sleeve Sold per 12

Ideal for crafters and anyone else curious to take a closer look, this slim magnifier can be worn around your neck or stashed in your wallet for convenient transport. 3 X magnification. Material: glass, brass Packaging: paper tray/PET sleeve Sold per 12

Product: Chain: 56,3 x 1 x 0,2 cm / Magnifying Glass: 5,4 x 4,8 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 11,2 x 8,3 x 3 cm

Product: Chain: 56,3 x 1 x 0,2 cm / Magnifying Glass: 5,4 x 4,8 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 11,2 x 8,3 x 3 cm





Black Retro Folding Readers

Eyeglass Necklace

These folding retro readers are stylish and functional. Available in an assortment of 2 strengths: +1.5 & +2 Material: ABS Packaging: hangtag / CDU Sold per 16, assorted

Keep a close eye on your glasses with this 63,5 cm non-adjustable Eyeglass Necklace. Material: polycarbonate Packaging: carded Sold per 18, assorted

Product: 5,8 x 3,2 x 3 cm Packaging: 14,7 x 5,1 x 3,1 cm CDU: 33,6 x 16,2 x 14,5 cm



Product: 40,6 x 2,3 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 19,7 x 9 x 0,2 cm


)12615-AHDCEb 109

White Clothespin Clip Light Designed by Sungho Lee Our go anywhere, clip anywhere, Clothespin Clip Light is versatile enough for night reading, household repairs and more. 2 replaceable CR2032 batteries included. Material: ABS, LED lights, electronic components Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 9,5 x 2,5 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 17,4 x 7 x 2 cm


)12615-AHBBBh Wood Clothespin Clip Light

Slim Book Lamp

Designed by Sungho Lee

Designed by FormNation

This light with bright LED in the shape of a clothes pin can be attached to all kinds of objects (other than books), making them into a new light object. It can also be used as a flash light or attached to your book as a reading light. 2 replaceable CR2032 batteries included. Material: beech wood, LED lights, electronic components Packaging: kraft box Sold per 10

Clips to books, e-reader, magazines and more. Free standing, slim profile. 3 Super bright LED lights. Batteries included (CR2016 x2). Material: ABS, LED Packaging: PET box Sold per 6 Product: 12,4 x 10,9 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 16,3 x 11,4 x 2,5 cm

Product: 9,4 x 2,3 x 1,2 cm Packaging: 10 x 5 x 3,7cm BL02-EU

)12615-AGIBCe Clip-On Spot Light Use in dark or outside to find your way. Clips on glasses, caps or lapels. 3 LR41 batteries included. Material: ABS, LED Packaging: PET box / CDU Sold per 12 Product: 4,1 x 3,6 x 3,3 cm Packaging: 5,8 x 4,3 x 3,6 cm CDU: 20,3 x 15,2 x 12,5 cm


)12615-AGFICg Eyeglass Tool Kit Designed by FormNation This is the last eyeglass repair kit you will ever need. Kit includes: 1 flat-head screwdriver, 1 phillipshead screwdriver, 1 magnifying glass, 8 screws, 6 nose pads. Material: ABS, metal Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12, assorted Product: 10,9 x 7,9 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 19,3 x 12,9 x 1,8 cm




)12615-AGIGCj Shoemark Bookmark Designed by KDT A character who’s at home in any story, this boy-shaped bookmark makes an excellent reading companion. Material: nylon Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 12,4 x 3 x 0,1 cm Packaging: 17 x 6,1 x 0,2 cm


)12615-AGEBJf 110


Bottled Highlighter, Set of 4 Keep things colorful with these easy to grip bottle highlighters. The unique airtight design keeps colors vibrant and their pocket size makes them convenient to store and carry around. Material: PET Packaging: PET box and J-Card Sold per 12 Product: 6,7 x Dia. 2,5 cm Packaging: 10,3 x 6,8 x 2,6 cm



Rainbow Multipen Designed by KDT Choose whatever color fits your mood, and with this pen you've got lots to choose from. Twist the barrel at the top to choose from one of ten colors. Material: PS Packaging: carded Sold per 24 Product: 15,4 x 2,2 x 2 cm Packaging: 21 x 5,8 x 2,6 cm


)12615-AHHHIc Missile Pen and Notepad Designed by Taehyun Roe This products contains satiric message about North Korea threatening world peace with nuclear missiles. The weighted pen stands on memo pad like a missile explosion. Kikkerland Design reminds and wishes peace between South and North Korea. Material: ABS, black ink, paper Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: 12,7 x Dia. 2,8 cm Packaging: 15 x 11 x 11 cm


)12615-AGIJHb 111

Mu-Jian Pen and Notepad

Street Clock Pen & Pad

Designed by Du Chaoyue

Designed by Hyunsuk Moon, Hosik Kang, Eunju Park

A nod to the ancient Chinese practice of using wood panels for writing surfaces, this set includes a log-shaped sticky notepad (30 pages) and mini axe pen. This product was part of the 2014 China Design Challenge. Material: ABS, paper, Ink Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: Axe: 9 x 4,2 x 1,2 cm Notepad: 8 x 7,8 x 0,3 cm" Packaging: 14,4 x 12 x 3,4 cm ST68


A pen, stand, and notepad all in one! Never miss an important date with this memo set. 50 sticky notes, black ink (refillable). Created during 1+1=3 Workshop in Korea. Material: paper, ABS, black ink Packaging: PET sleeve with paper insert Sold per 12 Product: 22,5 x 5 x 3,2 cm Packaging: 23,1 x 5,4 x 3,3 cm



Nail Pen & Stand Silver nail with black refillable ink. Pine wood block stand included. Material: chrome plated brass, black ink, pine wood Packaging: PET box Sold per 8 Product: 11,2 x Dia. 0,5 cm Packaging: 12 x 4 x 4 cm


)12615-AGIHCi 4-in-1 Pen Tool These refillable 4 in 1 ballpoint pen includes: 1 Philps screwdriver head & 1 flat screwdriver head, 1 level, ruler (cm & in). Material: ABS, metal, black ink Packaging: carded Sold per 18, assorted Product: 14,6 x 4,1 x 3,6 cm Packaging: 20,6 x 6,6 x 0,6 cm


)12615-AAAJHb Feather Gel Pen

Grass Gel Pen

The modern quill with black gel ink. Material: TPR, black ink Packaging: sticker / Tub Sold per 50, assorted

Grow your creativity with this black gel ink Grass Pen. Material: black ink, TPR, ABS Packaging: sticker / Tub Sold per 50, assorted

Product: 23,1 x Dia: 1,02 cm Packaging: 23,1 x Dia: 1,02 cm Tub: 25 x Diameter: 11 cm


)12615-AHDCDe 112

Product: 23,9 x Dia: 1,02 cm Packaging: 23,9 x Dia: 1,02 cm Tub: 25 x Diameter: 11 cm



Old & Wise Pen, Set of 2 Designed by Jette Sheib This humorous yet stylish set of pens resembling wooden walking sticks is exactly the type of gift necessary for a 50th birthday party gag. Material: ABS, black ink Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 16 x 3,5 x 0,3 cm Packaging: 6,5 x 24,5 x 1 cm


)12615-AHAFDa Metal Retro Pens

Arrow Twist Pen

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

Sleek set of ballpoint pens with classic styling. Standard refill. Set of 3 Material: metal, ink Packaging: PET box with kraft paper insert Sold per 12

Twist ballpoint pen to open. Ink color: black and is refillable. Material: ABS Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Diameter: 15,3 x Dia. 0,9 cm Packaging: 14,2 x 5,6 x 1,2 cm



Product: 15,3 x Dia. 0,9 cm Packaging: 20,3 x 5,1 x 2,5 cm



Mini Retro Pens

Retro Pens

Designed by FormNation

Retro and retractable ballpoint pens in with blue and green hues. Standard refill. Set of 5. Packaging: PET box Sold per 24

Old school styling sized to fit in your pocket. Set of five retractable ballpoint pens with black ink. Material: ABS, ink Packaging: PET box Sold per 24

Product: 15,3 x Dia. 0,9 cm Packaging: 14,2 x 5,6 x 1,2 cm

Product: 9,6 x Dia. 1 cm Packaging: 9,7 x 5 x 1,2 cm





Tube Pens

Bamboo Pen

Assorted colored paint tubes with black ink ballpoint pens. Material: ABS shell with ballpoint pen insert Packaging: CDU, 2 displays of 24 Sold per 48, assorted

These classic ballpoints are made from real bamboo with black ink. Material: bamboo, black ink

Product: 12,1 x Dia. 1,9 cm Packaging: 12,1 x Dia 1,9 cm CDU: 23,9 x 17,5 x 14,5 cm



Product: 15,6 x 1 x 1 cm Tub: 15,5 x Dia. 8,9 cm Sold per 50

4341 TUB

)12615-AHBEEf Packaging: trap blister Set of 2 Sold per 12

4341-2 TRAP

)12615-AHCABf 113

Nerd Talking Pen

Camera LED Pen

Designed by KDT

Say cheese! Press down on the button atop this black ballpoint pen to hear the snap of an oldschool camera. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, black ink Packaging: tub Sold per 18

Nerds of all ages can appreciate the Big Bang Theory like kitsch of this astute looking pen. Press the button and hear the term Indubitably! Material: ABS, black ink Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 15,5 x 5,5 x 1,8cm Packaging: 5 x 21,5 x 1,8 cm



Product: 15 x 3 x 2,5 cm Tub: 16 x Dia. 16 cm



Cat LED Pen

Duck LED Pen

Press down to make meow sound. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, black ink Packaging: tub Sold per 18

Press down to get this duck quacking and light up his bill. Black ink ballpoint pen. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, black ink Packaging: tub Sold per 18

Product: 14,5 cm x Dia. 2 cm Tub: Dia. 16 x 16 cm


Product: 15 x Dia. 2 cm Packaging: 15 x Dia. 2 cm Tub: 15,6 x Dia. 15,6 cm




Owl LED Pen

Skull LED Pen

A friendly fellow that lets out a hoot (and lights up) with the press of your finger. Black ink ballpoint pen. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, black ink Packaging: tub Sold per 18, assorted

Press down to make scary laugh sound. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, black ink Packaging: tub Sold per 18

Product: 14,5 cm Tub: Dia. 16 x 16 cm


)12615-AFCEJj Ninja Pen with Sound

Product: 14,5 cm x Dia. 2 cm Tub: 16 cm x Dia. 16 cm


)12615-AEFFFc Nunchuck Pens

Designed by KDT

Designed by Tim Kennedy

Medium tip black ink ballpoint pen. Pen takes D1 ink refills. Sound: Shhinng. Requires: 2 LR41 batteries (included). Material: ABS Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Set of 2 black ink medium tip ballpoint pens. Material: ABS Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Product: 1,5 x 5 x 21 cm Packaging: 21 x 5 x 1,5 cm


)12615-AGEAAd 114

Product: 31 x Dia. 1,2 cm Packaging: 22,9 x 5,1 x 1,8 cm



Massage Roller Pen

Wooden Ballpoint Pens

Roll away stress and tension. Medium tip black ink ballpoint pen. Comes in assorted color and roller type. Material: silicone, polystyrene Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 18, assorted

Eraser push-button ballpoint pen disguised as a wood pencil. Sold in assorted colored pencil tips and erasers. Material: cedar wood Packaging: tub Sold per 50, assorted

Packaging: 21,6 x 5,1 cm CDU: 17.5 x 11 x 27.5 cm



Product: 16 x Dia. 1 cm Tub: 16,5 x Dia. 8,9 cm



Rainbow Mechanical Pencils

Rainbow Ballpoint Pens, Set of 3

Eraser push-button mechanical pencil. HB 0.5mm pencil included. Sold in assorted colors. Material: basswood Packaging: tub Sold per 50, assorted

Assorted ballpoint pens w/ black ink Sold in assorted colors Material: basswood Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 12

Product: 15,9 x Dia. 1 cm Tub: 16,5 x Dia. 8,9 cm



Product: 16 x Dia. 1 cm


)12615-AAACEh Twig Colored Pencils Feel at one with nature while you create vibrant art or just add a bit of color to your life using these twig colored pencils. Made from real pine twigs, tied with twine. Material: pine Packaging: hangtag Sold per 12 Product: 17 x 1,1 x 1,1 cm Packaing: 17 x 1,1 x 1,1 cm


)12615-AHIDBe Ruler Pencil Printed with inches and centimeters, this cedar pencil is smarter than your average writing implement. Approximately 15 cm of measurements. Material: cedar Product: 17 x Dia 1 cm Tub: Dia. 30 x 11 cm Set of 2 Sold per 18 4346C carded

)12615-AHHHHf Sold per 50 4346 tub

)12615-AHFFGg 115

Arrow Pencils

Safari Pencils

Designed by FormNation

Designed by FormNation

The best writing gets straight to the point. Sharpen these arrow topped pencils and let your good ideas fly. Set of four. Material: wood, graphite, PVC Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Lions and tigers and zebras—oh my! Let your creativity run wild with these creature-topped pencils. Set of four. Material: wood, graphite, PVC Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 17,5 x 2,1 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 27,6 x 10,1 x 1 cm

Product: 17,5 x 2,1 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 27,6 x 10,1 x 1 cm




)12615-AHGDEb Woodland Pencils Designed by FormNation A pack of cute critters top these playful pencils. Set of four. Material: wood, graphite, PVC Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 17,5 x 2,1 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 27,6 x 10,1 x 1 cm


)12615-AHGDDe Wood Pencil – Ruler Set

Recycled Paper Pencils, Set of 8

Designed by KDT

Designed by Ariel Rojo & Andrea Román

Feel the nostalgia of school days past as you slide the handsome storage box open and reveal a set of vibrant colored pencil and sturdy ruler. Perfect for travel or as an accent for your work or home office. Material: beechwood box, poplar wood pencils Packaging: banderole, shrinkwrap Sold per 12 Product: 20,9 x 4,3 x 2,9 cm


)12615-AHIIFh Doodle Jar Set of colored pencils in cork-topped jar. A great gift for a budding artist or a favorite teacher. Material: glass, cork, wood pencils Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 12 Product: 10,8 x 3.7 x 2.9 cm CDU: 16,5 x 16,5 12,3cm


)12615-AHGBHe 116

Conveniently packed in an illustrated matchbook-style case, these petit pencils are made with recycled papers. Material: recycled paper, graphite Packaging: matchbook / CDU Sold per 18 Product: 8,1 x Dia. 0,8 cm Packaging: 8,6 x 8,1 x 1 cm CDU: 16,5 x 15,5 x 7 cm



Honest Boy Eraser and Pencil

King Kong Eraser and Pencil

Designed by Paolo Lannetti

Designed by KDT

This little puppet's nose has grown long from telling so many lies. Help him become a real boy by writing lots, keeping your pencil sharp and your writing error--and lie--free. Material: TPR, cedar pencil Packaging: carded Sold per 36

The mighty King Kong is yours to control as he scales to the top of this building style pencil. Material: TPR, cedar pencil Packaging: carded Sold per 36 Product: 17,6 x 3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 27 x 7,3 x 1,3 cm

Product: 20 x 4 x 1,4 cm Packaging: 27 x 7,3 x 1,3 cm





Endangered Gorilla Eraser Designed by KDT This large, long lasting Gorilla Eraser is practical and looks great on a desk. 2% of sales will be donated to helping endangered species through the Center for Biological Diversity. Material: TPR (PVC free) Packaging: PET box Sold per 6 Product: 8,5 x 6,7 x 5 cm Packaging: 10,2 x 7,6 x 5,1 cm


)12615-AEBFCd Endangered Rhino Eraser

Tiger Eraser

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

This large, long lasting Rhino Eraser is practical and looks great on a desk. 2% of sales will be donated to helping endangered species through the Center for Biological Diversity. Material: TPR (PVC free) Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

This large and in charge Tiger Eraser is functional and decorative. Material: TPR (PVC free) Packaging: PET Box Sold per 6 Product: 12,3 x 5,4 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 12,4 x 5,4 x 3,6 cm

Product: 12,2 x 6,3 x 4,3 cm Packaging: 12,7 x 7 x 5,1 cm


)12615-ADJHCi Endangered Polar Bear Eraser


)12615-AHAJIb Hutong Erasers

Designed by KDT

Designed by Zhou Yi

The Polar Bear has become endangered through hunting and destruction of it's natural habitat. 2% of sales will be donated to helping endangered species through the Center for Biological Diversity. Material: TPR (PVC free) Packaging: PET box Sold per 6

These erasers are based on the Hutong architecture located on the streets of Beijing. As the city is filled with more and more high rises, the Hutong-style streets disappear, just like these erasers will as you continue using them. This product was the winner of the China Design Challenge Material: TPR Packaging: Paper tray/PET sleeve Sold per 12

Product: 11,5 x 6,5 x 4,4 cm Packaging: 11,5 x 6,5 x 4,4 cm



Product: 5,1 x 3,7 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 13,1 x 9,1 x 2,4 cm ER45

)12615-AHFDAg 117

Eraser Heads Designed by Yoo Miin You’ll enjoy making mistakes with these erasers. As you use them the little heads begin to lose their ‘hair’. Created during 1+1=3 Workshop in Korea. Material: TPR Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: 4 x 3 x 2,4 cm Packaging: 14,2 x 8,7 x 2,6 cm


)12615-AHDBIa Acorn Eraser

Almond Erasers

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

This set of three adorable acorn shaped erasers make it fun to fix mistakes. Material: TPR

Go nuts with mistakes when you have these almond erasers at the ready. Material: TPR

Product: 3,5 x Dia. 2,4 cm Packaging: 9 x 9,2 x 3 cm CDU: 11 x 11 x 10,5 cm

Product: 4 x 2,5 x 1,7 cm Packaging: 9 x 9,2 x 3 cm CDU: 11 x 11 x 10,5 cm

Sold per 50 ER49 tub

Sold per 50 ER48 tub



Set of 3 Sold per 24 ER49P OPP bag


Set of 3 Sold per 24 ER48P OPP bag


Walnut Eraser

Peanut Erasers

Designed by KDT

Don’t let mistakes drive you nuts! Set of four peanut erasers ideal for drawing, journaling, and other creative pursuits. Material: TPR (PVC free) Packaging: OPP bag

Fun and functional Walnut Erasers. Material: TPR Product: 3.5 x Dia: 3 cm Packaging: 9 x 9,2 x 3 cm Tub: Diameter: 15,9 cm 2 tubs of 24 Sold per 48 ER41


)12615-AHBAGd Set of 2 Sold per 24


)12615-AHBAHa Microphone Erasers Designed by Steph Mantis Pop these microphone toppers onto any pencil and you're ready to take notes or sing an impromptu solo. Comes in a set of three, so share with your friends and start a rock band. Material: TPR Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: 7,3 x 2,6 x 2,6 cm Packaging 17,6 x 12,6 x 3,5 cm


)12615-AHHIHe 118

Product: 5 x Dia. 1,3 cm Packaging: 8,9 x 8,6 x 1,3 cm NOT AVAILABLE IN UK ER01


Sold per 2 (2 tubs of 48)

)12615-ACHECi ER01P SET OF 4

Sold per 12


Farm Erasers

Soap Scented Erasers

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Life on the farm can get messy but these clever little horses, cows and chickens will be happy to help you fix any mistakes. Material: TPR Packaging: CDU Sold per 24

5 lightly scented erasers in vintage “soap box” packaging. Scents include lemon, lavender, almond, lilac and roses. Material: TPR, paper Packaging: PET box Sold per 20

Product: 5 x 3,2 x 0,8 cm CDU: 33 x 14,5 x 8 cm

Product: 3,8 x 3,8 x 2,4 cm Packaging: 15,2 x 4 x 2,5 cm




)12615-AGHIFb Detergent Scented Erasers Designed by KDT 5 lightly scented erasers in fun “detergent carton” packaging. Scents include orange, candy, lemon, bubble gum and mint. Material: TPR, paper Packaging: PET box Sold per 20 Product: 3,8 x 3,8 x 2,4 cm Packaging: 18,4 x 3,8 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AGHIEe Milk Carton Scented Erasers 5 lightly scented erasers in fun “milk carton” packaging. Scents include fruit juice, strawberry, grape, chocolate and milk. Material: TPR, paper Packaging: PET box Sold per 20 Product: 2,5 x 2,5 x 5,1 cm Packaging: 12,9 x 4,8 x 2,5 cm

Tea Scented Erasers Designed by KDT 5 lightly scented erasers in vintage “tea carton” packaging. Scents include green tea, black tea, chamomile, peppermint and jasmine. Material: TPR, paper Packaging: PET box Sold per 20 Product: 3,8 x 3,8 x 2,4 cm Packaging: 13,5 x 5,3 x 2,9 cm





Cloud Erasers Designed by FormNation The sky's the limit with your Cloud Erasers. You get a set of two. One blue and one white cloud. Material: TPR Product: 3 x 5,5 x 1 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 8,9 x 1 cm (2 tubs of 20 pcs, 10 white/10 blue) Sold per 40, assorted ER38


)12615-AGIDFd Set of 2 Sold per 12


)12615-AGIDEg 119

Bowling Erasers Strike or spare your pencil markings. Assortment of 10 bowling pins and 2 balls. Material: TPR Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: Dia: 2,3 cm Packaging: 11 x 10,8 x 1,6 cm NOT AVAILABLE IN UK


)12615-AHCJEh Football Erasers

Skull Erasers

Mix & match the puzzle eraser pieces to make your own football. Assortment of 5 balls. Material: TPR Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Material: TPR (PVC free) Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 12 Product: 5 x Dia. 2,5 cm

Product: Dia: 2,2 cm Packaging: 11 x 10,3 x 2,5 cm NOT AVAILABLE IN UK



Sold per 2 (2 tubs of 24)

)12615-ACHGFh ER04P


)12615-AHCJFe Grocery Erasers These supermarket staples are packaged just like they are at your neighborhood grocery. Steak, fish, carrots, and corn. Material: TPR Packaging: CDU Sold per 48, assorted Product: 5,7 x 4,5 x 1 cm CDU: 20,3 x 12 x 12 cm


Sold per 12

)12615-ADBJJj Farmer's Market Erasers Designed by KDT Packaged together in brown bag - 2 different selections (assorted) Remember to eat your veggies as you fix mistakes with these farm vegetable erasers. Material: TPR Packaging: CDU Sold per 24 Product: 8,4 x 4,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 9,5 x 6,3 x 1,5 cm





Mini Woodlands Erasers, Set of 10

Mini Owl Erasers, Set of 10

Designed by FormNation

Each potion bottle comes with 10 mini Owl Erasers and 1 eraser tree trunk lid. Material: TPR Packaging: hang card / CDU Sold per 24

These woodland creatures (5 foxes, 5 rabbits) come in a potion bottle with a tree bark eraser stopper. Material: TPR Packaging: hang card / CDU Sold per 24 Product: 1,3 x 1,3 x 0,6 cm Packaging: 3,2 x 3,8 x 3,8 cm CDU: 19 x 14,5 x 12,7 cm


)12615-AGIBDb 120

Product: 1,3 x 1,3 x 0,6 cm Packaging: 3,2 x 3,8 x 3,8 cm CDU: 19 x 14,5 x 12,7 cm




Good ideas start with a blank page. Made of high quality bonded leather with acid-free paper, WRITERSBLOK® provides space for doodles, day-dreams, and other creative pursuits. A percentage of sales from WRITERSBLOK® goes to a children’s literacy program, 826NYC. iPad Mini fits inside the Large notebook and iPhone 6 fits inside the Pocket notebook.

Acid-free paper iPad Mini / iPhone6 fits inside Large / Pocket High quality bonded leather Thread-bound – opens flat 16 perforated-detachable plain half pages Expandable pocket inside back cover Page marker

Hard Cover Classic notebook made of high quality bonded leather. 192 plain acid-free pages including 16 perforated half-pages. Material: PU, bonded leather, paper, elastic Packaging: banderol/shrink wrap Sold per 8



Product: 20,8 x 15,6 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 20,8 x 15,6 x 1,5 cm

Product: 14,2 x 8,2 x 1,8 cm Packaging: 14,2 x 8,2 x 1,8 cm











Soft Cover Notebook with flexible cover made of high quality bonded leather. 192 plain acid-free pages including 16 perforated half-pages. Material: PU, bonded leather, paper, elastic Packaging: banderol/shrink wrap Sold per 8











See page 156 for more information about Writersblok displays.


Double Sided Spiral Notebook Designed by Constantin Boym

This clever design turns two notebooks into one. Sturdy no-bleed paper is ideal for recording your notes, sketches, ideas and more. Contains ruled pages in one book, and plain or grid pages in the other. Material: paper, brass rings and corners Packaging: banderol/shrink wrap Sold per 12



Product: 15 x 9,6 x 2,2 cm Perpendicular Spirals


Ruled & Squared

140 pages

Ligné et Carré Rayado y Cuadriculado



Product: 12,9 x 11,3 x 2,2 cm Parallel Spirals


Ruled & Plain

140 pages

Ligné et Blanc Rayado y Plano







2017 Weekly Planner Keep all of your master plans safe and on schedule with this beautiful recycled leather Writersblok Planner. Starts in October 2016, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly and Project Planners. Back pages feature exclusive subway maps of New York, London, Paris and Tokyo, redesigned solely for Writersblok planner. Also includes gorgeous and useful reference sheets. Material: PU, recycled leather, paper, elastic Packaging: banderol/shrink wrap Sold per 8 Product: 20,8 x 15,6 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 20,8 x 15,6 x 1,5 cm WBPL2017


Oct 2016 - Dec 2017

Week 1


M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


New Years Day (observed)













Oct 2016 - Dec 2017 M O N D AY










































Labor Day

Autumnal Equinox



M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31




Nautical Monkey Knot Keychain

Nautical Anchor Keychain

Complex to create and practical on the ship, the monkey’s fist been an essential lifeline for sailors since the 1800s. Rope with white brass keychain. Material: cotten, zinc Packaging: carded Sold per 10

Anchor’s aweigh! Brass keychain with satin finish. Material: brass, zinc Packaging: carded Sold per 10 Product: 11 x 4,1 x 0,9 cm Packaging: 15,9 x 6,5 x 0,9 cm

Product: 10 x 3 x 3 cm Packaging: 15,9 x 6,5 x 3 cm





Nautical Wheel Keychain

Nautical Compass Keychain

Take the helm, captain! White brass keychain with satin finish. Material: brass, zinc Packaging: carded Sold per 10

Steer yourself home with this pocket sized compass. Brass keychain with satin finish. Material: steel, zinc Packaging: carded Sold per 10

Product: 11,2 x 5 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 15,9 x 6,5 x 0,4 cm



Product: 9,5 x 3 x 1,1 cm Packaging: 15,9 x 6.5 x 1,1 cm


)12615-AHFHAc 125

Nautical Propeller Keychain

Nautical Telescope Keychain

A mini propellor for boat enthusiasts. White brass keychain with satin finish. Material: brass, zinc Packaging: carded Sold per 10

This navigational necessity is scaled down, but still functional. Brass keychain with satin finish. Material: steel, zinc Packaging: carded Sold per 10

Product: 10 x 4,2 x 1 cm Packaging: 15,9 x 6,5 x 1 cm



Product: 8,4 x 4,2 x 1,9 cm Packaging: 15,9 x 6,5 x 1,9 cm


)12615-AHFHBj Telescope LED Key Ring Keep a pocket telescope, compass and flashlight wherever you go. Material: ABS Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 18 Product: 4,6 x 2,5 x 1,8 cm Packaging: 10,2 x 6,4 x 2 cm CDU: 23 x 17,9 x 16,5 cm


)12615-AGGIAj 50 Year Calendar Keychain Find any date of the week for any future date up to 50 years from now. Material: steel Packaging: window color box (gift box) Sold per 12 Product: 11 x 4,3 x 0,4 cm Packaging: 12,2 x 6,1 x 1,5 cm


Safety Pin Keyring Designed by FormNation This copper plated stainless steel safety pin is sleek, cool and functional. Material: copper plated zinc Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 9,2 x 1,8 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 16,2 x 7 x 0,5 cm




Camera LED Keychain

Retro TV LED Keychain

Designed by Kazumasa Kawasumi This camera flashes its LED and emits a flash sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded/CDU Sold per 18 Product: 3,6 x 3,3 x 2,5 cm


)12615-AHCGEa 126

This vintage television flashes its LED screen and emits a “static” sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded/CDU Sold per 18 Product: 3,6 x 2,5 x 2 cm



Turntable Light-up Keychain Designed by FormNation Mini turntable keychain flashes multi color LEDs and emits “scratch” sound when you press the record mat. Scratch along to the beat wherever you go! Material: ABS, LED, electronic components, zinc alloy Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 18 Product: 4,3 x 2,6 x 1,4 cm Packaging: 10,4 x 6,5 x 1,3 cm CDU: 22 x 18,2 x 16,2 cm


)12615-AHJAJa Space Gun LED Keychain

Talking Mustache Keychain

This retro laser gun flashes its red LED light and makes a classic sci-fi laser gun sound when the trigger is pulled. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded/CDU Sold per 18

This polite little mustache speaks the phrase “Well, hello there.” Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip Sold per 18 Product: 7,4 x 2 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 10,4 x 6,3 x 1,5 cm

Product: 5,3 x 3,8 x 1,8 cm




)12615-AFEHAh Guitar LED Keychain Designed by FormNation Guitar lights up with multi color LED light and emits "heavy metal guitar" sound with the press of a button. Material: ABS, electronic parts, LED, batteries Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 18, assorted Product: 13,3 x 3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 10,4 x 6,5 x 1,3 cm CDU: 22 x 18,2 x 16,2 cm


)12615-AHHDHj Marquee Light-Up Keychain

Burger Keychain

Designed by Suzanne Chang

This not so polite little burger lets out a loud "Buurp!" Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 18

Marquee style alphabet key rings are the perfect way to immediately identify your keys and to put your name in lights. Find your first or last initial, or both for a flashy key ring monogram. Material: ABS, LED, electronic components, zinc alloy Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 24

Product: 3,8 x 3,2 x 2,5 cm CDU: 24,4 x 22,9 x 17,1 cm

Product: 3,5 x 2,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 10,4 x 6,5 x 1,5 cm CDU: 29, 7 x 26,3 x 20,7 cm




)12615-AGABIa 127

Heartbeat Light-up Keychain Designed by KDT Heart keyring with soft LED pulse Give your heartbeat as a gift with this blushing heart key ring. Made of soft TPU plastic, a gentle press will cause the heart to beat with a steady LED pulse. Remember that you're loved with the push of a button. Material: TPU, LED, zinc alloy, electronic components Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 18 Product: 8,8 x 4,2 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 10,4 x 6,5 x 3,5 cm CDU: 22 x 18,2 x 16,2 cm KRL42-EU

)12615-AHHHAg Taxi Cab LED Keychain Designed by Yusuke Nakano This Retro Taxi flashes its LED headlights and emits a "honk, honk" sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 18 Product: 5,6 x 2 x 2,3 cm Packaging: 11 x 7 x 4 cm CDU: 22,2 x 10,2 x 17,8 cm


)12615-AGGBCa Double Decker Bus LED Keychain

Duck LED Keychain

Designed by KDT

With this little ducky, the eyes light up and it makes a “quack” sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded/CDU Sold per 18

The classic look of a Double Decker Bus is accurately represented here with authentic horn sounds and light up LED headlights at the push of a button. Material: ABS, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 18

Product: 4 x 4 x 4 cm

Product: 5,5 x 3,4 x 2 cm Packaging: 10,3 x 6,5 x 2 cm CDU: 22 x 18 x 16,5 cm





Pig LED Keychain

Cow LED Keychain

With this little piggy, the eyes light up and it makes an “oink” sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded/CDU Sold per 18

With this little cow, the eyes light up and it makes a "moo" sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded/CDU Sold per 18

Product: 5,3 x 2,3 x 2 cm

Product: 5,7 x 3,8 x 3,2 cm


)12615-AHCGAc 128



Bear LED Keychain Designed by FormNation This little bear’s eyes light up and says “Oh, honey!” sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, audio chip Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 18 Product: 4,3 x 3,3 x 3,3 cm Packaging: 10,4 x 6,5 x 3,5 cm CDU: 22 x 18,2 x 16,2 cm


)12615-AHDHEg Owl Keychain

Frog Keychain

With this little owl, the eyes light up and it makes a "hoot, hoot" sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded/CDU Sold per 18

With this little froggy, the eyes light up and it makes a "ribbit" sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded/CDU Sold per 18

Product: 3,7 x 3,7 x 3,4 cm CDU: 29,2 x 15,2 x 5 cm



Product: 3,7 x 3,7 x 3,4 cm



Cat LED Keychain

Monkey Keychain

With this little kitty, the eyes light up and it makes a "meow" sound when the button is pressed. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: carded/CDU Sold per 18

Eyes light up. Sound: Ooh ahh ahh. Material: ABS, rubberized coating, audio chip, LED lights Packaging: CDU Sold per 18

Product: 5 x 5 x 3,8 cm


Product: 5 x 2.5 x 3.8 cm




Owl Flashlight LED Keycap

Guitar Vinyl Key Cap, Set of 2

Makes your lock easy to see in the dark. Material: vinyl, rubberized coating, LED Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12

Designed by Martijn Deurloo

Packaging: 17 x 7,5 x 2 cm



Material: vinyl Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12, assorted Packaging: 11 x 10 x 1,3 cm


)12615-AEJGEc 129


Cork Flashlight

Bamboo Flashlight

Designed by FormNation

This bright LED Bamboo Flashlight is a stylish edition to your backpack or purse. Material: bamboo, LED lights, electronic components Packaging: carded Sold per 12

This lightweight, waterproof cork flashlight is perfect for boaters but useful for anyone. Don't worry about dropping your light in the water, because it floats! Bright LEDs will light your way on sea or land alike. Batteries not included Material: cork, silicone, LED, ABS, electronic components Packaging: color box Sold per 4

Product: 10,8 x 3,8 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 17,5 x 6 x 3,8 cm

Product: 13,2 x Dia. 5,2 cm Packaging: 16 x 5,3 x 5,3 cm





Magnetic Flashlight

Battery Flashlight

A retro-styled flashlight with a modern twist. Super flat magnetic flashlight with bright LED light lets you store it anywhere. Material: PVC, EVA, LED, magnet Packaging: trap blister Sold per 12

Material: aluminum Packaging: trap blister Sold per 50 Product: 8,9 x 1,5 x 1,5 cm Packaging: 8,9 x Dia. 8 cm

Product: 12,5 x 9 x 6 cm Packaging: 19,5 x 8 x 0,7 cm


)12615-AHBFJj 130



Utility Flashlight Ultra bright SMD LEDs provide direct, clear light. Magnetized with a slim profile. Keep it on the fridge, in the garage, or stashed in glove compartment. Material: Rubber coated ABS, rubber, steel, electrical components Packaging: trap blister Sold per 8 Product: 16 x 2,7 x 1,9 cm Packaging: 23,9 x 7,6 x 1,9 cm


)12615-AHGEHb Light Bulb Lantern

Bul-gae Dog Flashlight

The Light Bulb Lantern is perfect for camping, at home or on the go. It has a strong magnetic cap that can stand or hang. This bright light has 2 brightness levels. Requires 1 AA battery (included). Material: ABS, LED light, magnet Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12

Designed by Kyungmi Moon

Light Bulb Lantern Product: 12,7 x Diameter: 6 cm Packaging: 17,6 x 10,3 x 6 cm


This flashlight is based on an old Korean folktale which explains the creation of solar and lunar eclipses. Material: ABS, LED lights, electronic components Packaging: carded Sold per 18 Product: 6,3 x 5,1 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 11,9 x 8 x 2,7 cm

FL32 -EU



Lighthouse Lantern & Flashlight

Owl LED Crank Light

Hanging lantern & flashlight. Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included). Material: rubberized ABS Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 6

Simply squeeze the wing or switch it on to power the light. Takes 3 button batteries (LR1130 1.5v), not rechargeable. Material: ABS, LED Packaging: sticker / CDU Sold per 12, assorted

Product: 10,4 x Dia. 3,8 cm Packaging: 16,3 x 10,8 x 14,3 cm CDU: 14,5 x 11 x 16,5 cm



Product: 11,4 x 7 x 3,8 cm CDU: 21,8 x 17,8 x 16,5 cm



Silicone Purse Light

Leaf Solar Flashlight

The super bright Silicone Purse Light has 2 light settings: steady light and flashing. Material, silicone, LED lights, battery Packaging: carded Sold per 18

3 super bright LED lights. Rechargeable lithium battery. Material: ABS, solar panel, steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 19,6 x 3 x 1,3 cm Packaging: 13,5 x 7 x 3 cm

Product: 1,3 x 7 x 1,4 cm Packaging: 14 x 7 x 1,3 cm



Designed by FormNation


)12615-AGDDGf 131


Wood Hammer Multi-tool

Wood Mini Hammer Multi-tool

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

The Wood Hammer Multi-Tool has 10 tools in 1. Tools included: Hammer, flat head screwdriver, bottle opener, reamer, saw blade, file, knife blade, phillips head screwdriver, pliers and wire cutters. Material: stainless steel, stained wood Packaging: carded Sold per 6

The Mini Wood Hammer Multi-Tool contains 5 handy tools on a Keychain. Hammer, pliers, bottle opener, screwdriver and knife. Material: stainless steel, stained wood Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 14 x 7,6 x 1,8 cm Packaging: 21,8 x 9,9 x 2 cm


)12615-AHFADa Wooden Hammer Multi Tool Material: beech wood, stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: Closed 14 x 7,6 x 1,8 cm Packaging: 21,8 x 10 x 2 cm


)12615-AGJBId 132

Product: 13 x 3,5 x 2 cm Packaging: 15 x 7,9 x 1,9 cm



Mini Wooden Hammer Tool This 7 in 1 mini multi-tool keychain is one of our cooler tools. Includes hammer, flat head screwdriver, bottle opener, knife, claw, wire cutter and pliers. Material: beech wood, stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 12 Product: 13 x 3,5 x 2 cm Packaging: 15 x 7,9 x 1,9 cm



Axe Multi-tool Designed by KDT From chopping wood to doing household repairs you'll be prepared for anything with this durable axe multi-tool. Tools lock securely when fully extended. Material: beechwood, tool steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 14,6 x 7,6 x 2,2 cm Packaging: 21,6 x 10,4 x 2,4 cm


)12615-AHIEFb Wooden Plier Multi Tool Multi-tool includes: pliers, flat screwdriver, phillips screwdriver, bottle opener, knife, saw & file. Material: steel, beech wood Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: 14,5 x 3,5 x 2,2 cm Packaging: 22 x 7 x 2,2 cm


)12615-AGGGIh Animal Multi Tool

Wood Screwdriver Tin

Designed by Scratch Design

Designed by KDT

This 7-in-1 pocket tool unfolds into a miniature menagerie of household helpers. Includes a flathead screwdriver, Phillips head screwdriver, wire stripper, file, hole punch, bottle opener, and utility knife. Material: stainless steel, beech wood Packaging: color box Sold per 6

This handsome storage tin keeps two all-purpose screwdrivers secure when they're not in use. Contains one multi bit 4-in-one screwdriver and one mini dual tip screwdriver. Beautiful beechwood handles make using these tools a snap. Material: beechwood, steel Packaging: tin Sold per 6

Product: 6,6 x 2,3 x 2,3 cm Packaging: 11,2 x 8,1 x 4,1 cm CD62

)12615-AHFBGa Multi-Bit Screwdriver

Product: Small: 10,4 x 2,8 x 2,8 cm / Large: 17,9 x 2,6 x 2,6 cm Packaging: 20 x 8 x 3,4 cm


)12615-AHHDDb Dual-Tip Mini Screwdriver

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

An essential for household tasks, this 4-in-1 screwdriver is housed in a handsome natural wood handle. Two flathead and two Phillips head screwdrivers. Material: beech wood, steel Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12

The perfect size for stashing in a desk drawer or glove compartment, this double-ended screwdriver is housed in a handsome natural wood handle. One side is a flathead and the other is a Phillips head. Material: beech wood, steel Packaging: blisterpack Sold per 12

Product: 17,7 x 2,6 x 2,6 cm Packaging: 22 x 8 x 3 cm



Product: 10,4 x 2,8 x 2,8 cm Packaging: 15 x 8 x 3 cm


)12615-AHFDCa 133

Stonewashed Multi-Tool This all purpose multi-tool also has a screwdriver and can be stored safely in its brown leather sheath. Packaging: trap blister Material: 420 stainless steel, PU, nylon Sold per 12 Product: 9 x 4 x 2 cm Packaging: 17 x 10 x 3 cm


)12615-AHBHDf Triangle Multi-tool

Key Tools

Designed by Donald Corey

This set of Key Tools contains a black bottle opener, silver phillips and gold flathead all nicely assembled on a silver carabiner. Material: aluminum, steel Packaging: blisterpack / CDU Sold per 12

Be prepared for anything with this uniquely shaped stainless steel multi-tool. Contains four socket wrenches which are perfect for cyclists, an angled flat head screwdriver for easy use, a box cutter, a box saw, a bottle opener and a ruler. Fits right on your key ring so it's always at the ready. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 24

Product: 11,4 x 3 x 1,8 cm Packaging: 16,8 x 7,1 x 17,8 cm CDU: 20 x 19,5 x 27,6 cm

Product: 6,7 x 6,3 x 0,2 cm Packaging: 14,5 x 9,5 x 0,5 cm CD403



)12615-AFHBDf Mini Screwdriver Keychain This 3-in-one mini screwdriver is always at the ready on your key ring. The anodized aluminum body gives you a stylish choice of colors and acts as storage for heads when they're not in use. Contains #1 philllips head, 1/8" flathead, #0 phillips head. Material: aluminum, steel Packaging: carded / CDU Sold per 20 Product: 10,3 x 2,5 x 1 cm Packaging: 10,4 x 6,5 x 3,5 cm CDU: 22 x 18,2 x 16,2 cm


)12615-AHHGFc Torpedo Screwdriver

Precision 8-in-1 Screwdriver

This all in one multi-tool is able to store all eight of its tool bits within the sure grip handle. Packaging: CDU Material: aluminum, steel Sold per 16, assorted

This all in one multi-tool is able to store all eight of its tool bits within the sure grip handle. Material: aluminum, steel, magnetic heads Packaging: clamshell / CDU Sold per 16, assorted

Product: 10,2 x Dia. 1,7 cm Packaging: 18,4 x 7,6 x 1,9 cm CDU: 9,6 x 9,6 x 11 cm



)12615-ADDABg 134

Product: 11,2 x Dia. 1,3 cm Packaging: 16,8 x 7,1 x 3 cm CDU: 23,6 x 20 x 16,7cm




Briefcase BBQ This portable charcoal grill is a great way to grill your food wherever you are. Just unfold the case and follow the simple instructions and you’ll be cooking in no time. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 2 Product: 31,5 x 22 x 7 cm Packaging 31,6 x 22 x 7,4 cm


)12615-AGIJBj Shot Flask

Collapsible Drinking Cup

All the essentials for pocket-sized party for one (just add your preferred spirit). This 10 Oz flask contains a collapsible shot glass that sits securely in its body. Material: stainless steel Packaging: color box Sold per 6

This stainless steel Collapsible Drinking Cup can quench your thirst when in a pinch. Stores easily, and great for on the go. Material: stainless steel Packaging: kraft box Sold per 8

Product: 12,9 x 11,4 x 3,6 cm Packaging: 11,5 x 11,4 x 3,5 cm



Product: 6,5 x 3,7 x 3,7 cm Packaging: 8 x 8 x 4,5 cm


)12615-AHBIIj 135

Canteen Flask This fashionable canteen flask with shoulder strap, adds some military flare to your outdoor festivities. Holds 17oz / 500 ml and comes with a 46” adjustable shoulder strap. Material: stainless steel, copper alloy, ABS, nylon Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 14,6 x 14 x 4,4 cm Strap Length: 117cm Packaging:14,8 x 14,6 x 5 cm


)12615-AHBEFc Small Camouflage Thermos

Large Camouflage Thermos

Double wall construction keeps hot drinks warm while keeping the exterior cool. The waterproof lock makes this thermos ideal for on the go. Capacity: 12 oz / 355 ml Material: 18/8 stainless steel Packaging: sticker Sold per 8

Double wall construction keeps hot drinks warm while keeping the exterior cool. The waterproof lock makes this thermos ideal for on the go. Capacity: 17 oz / 500 ml Material: 18/8 stainless steel Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Product: 19,6 x Dia 6,9 cm Packaging: 19,6 x Dia 6,9 cm

Product: 24,6 x Dia 6,9 cm Packaging: 24,6 x Dia 6,9 cm





Blue Slim Thermos

Green Slim Thermos

With a stylishly thin profile and leak-proof design this double wall vacuum flask keeps your drink hot for 12 hours or cold for 24 hours. Fits easily into your purse or briefcase for when you’re on the go. With purple gasket. Capacity: 8 oz / 250 ml Material: 18/8 stainless steel, EVA, PP Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

With a stylishly thin profile and leak-proof design this double wall vacuum flask keeps your drink hot for 12 hours or cold for 24 hours. Fits easily into your purse or briefcase for when you’re on the go. With white gasket. Capacity: 8 oz / 250 ml Material: stainless steel, EVA, PP Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Product: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm Packaging: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm

Product: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm Packaging: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm





White Slim Thermos

Shock Proof Solar Power Bank

With a stylishly thin profile and leak-proof design this double wall vacuum flask keeps your drink hot for 12 hours or cold for 24 hours. Fits easily into your purse or briefcase for when you’re on the go. With green gasket. Capacity: 8 oz / 250 ml Material: stainless steel, EVA, PP Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

Keep battery life from going dark. The Shock Proof Solar Power Bank provides a portable charge to keep your connected. Charges by computer or sunlight, with capability to charge iPhone 5 in 2 hours. Built-in flashlight & carabiner clip. 2 USB ports compatible with most smart phones and tables. Charging cable included. Material: silicone, ABS, aluminum, TPU, polymer battery Packaging: color window box Sold per 2

Product: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm Packaging: 27,6 x Dia. 7,4 cm


)12615-AHIGBb 136

Product:12,9 x 7,4 x 3,1 cm Packaging: 21,1 x 11,3 x 3,5 cm



Orange Waterproof Phone Sleeve Now you can truly take your iPhone anywhere with this waterproof iPhone bag. The durable lanyard makes sure that your iPhone is never too far away, and easy to retrieve. Material: PU,PVC Packaging: insert Sold per 12 Product: 23,5 x 10,9 x 1,3 cm String: 70,3 cm long Packaging: 23,5 x 10,9 x 1,3 cm


)12615-AHIEHf Green Waterproof Phone Sleeve

Survival Cord Bracelet

Now you can truly take your iPhone anywhere with this waterproof iPhone bag. The durable lanyard makes sure that your iPhone is never too far away, and easy to retrieve. Material: PU, PVC Packaging: insert Sold per 12

This Survival Cord Bracelet unwraps to 2,3 meter and holds up to 200 kg. Comes in 3 color combinations: navy, marroon and green. Material: polyester Packaging: hang tag / tub Sold per 18

Product: 23,5 x 10,9 x 1,3 cm String: 70,3 cm long Packaging: 23,5 x 10,9 x 1,3 cm



Product: Unbraided: 2,3 m long / Braided: 21,6 x 2 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 17 x Dia: 11,9 cm Tub: 17 x Diameter: 11,7 cm



Braid Survival Cord

Knot Survival Cord

This Braid Survival Cord unwraps to 1 m & 1,2 m, and holds up to 250 kg. Comes in 2 color combinations: white/black & red/black. Material: nylon, stainless steel Packaging: hang tag Sold per 12, assorted

This monkey fist knot nylon paracord unwraps to 1,6 m and holds up to 250 kg. Comes in 2 colors: army green & black. Material: nylon, stainless steel Packaging: hang tag Sold per 12, assorted

Product: 25,4 x Dia. 1,5 cm

Product: 15,5 x Dia. 2,5 cm




)12615-AGIHJh Lensatic Compass The metal body of our compass is rugged and the compass is accurate. Show those other kids that you are in fact, NOT lost. Material: metal, plastic Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: closed 7,9 x 6,5 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 8,4 x 6,4 x 3,6 cm


)12615-AGGHBh 137


Cotton Braided Bike Lock

Clothespin Bike Light

Designed by KDT

Designed by Suzanne Chang

Durable cotton braided covering turns this sturdy bike lock into a fashionable accessory all while keeping your bike safe. Material: ABS, steel, PVC, cotton Packaging: carded Sold per 6, assorted

Going for a quick spin after dark? Clip this clothespin-style headlight to the front of your bicycle to see and be seen. Nonslip grip fits most bikes. LED light with cell battery (included). Material: ABS, PVC, steel, electrical components Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: Cord: 60 x 1,6 cm Lock: 14,6 x 2,9 cm Packaging: 18 x 13,8 x 2,9 cm



Product: 8 x 3 x 1,7cm Packaging: 15,9 x 7 x 1,7 cm



Black Streamline Bicycle Headlight

Cat Bike Light with Sound

This waterproof mountable LED headlight is perfect for night riding. Fexilble silicone strap easily attaches and fits most bikes.The light has 2 settings: on and flashing. Requires 2 CR2032 batteries (included). Material: ABS, silicone, LED lights, electronic components Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12

Beware the black Cat Bike Light. This cute little critter has two bright LED lights for eyes and let's out a loud "meow" when the button on the top of it's head is pressed. Material: ABS, silicone, LED lights, electronic components Packaging: blister pack Sold per 18

Product: 5,5 x 4,7 x 3 cm Packaging: 16 x 7 x 6 cm

Product: 5 x 3,8 x 3 cm Packaging: 16 x 7 x 3 cm


)12615-AGIIJg 138

Designed by KDT



Skull LED Bike Lights, Set of 2

LED Bike Lights, Set of 2

A set of two skulls, one that emits red light and the other white light. These easy to attach lights have a steady and flash settings. Requires 2 lithium ion batteries (included). Material: silicone, ABS Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12

One white light and one red light. Lights have 3 functions: on and flickering at 2 speeds. Material: ABS, LED lights, electronic components Packaging: clamshell Sold per 12

Product: 3,8 x 3,8 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 16,3 x 10,2 x 3,8 cm



Product: 9,4 x 2,8 x 1 cm Packaging: 16 x 10 x 1 cm



Clip-On Reflector

Bike Spoke Reflectors, Set of 12

A lightweight LED that securely attaches to bikes, clothing, luggage, pet leashes, backpacks, strollers and more. Provides increased visibility from up to 400 meters. Two modes (constant and blinking). Material: PVC, PU, electrical components Packaging: carded Sold per 12, assorted

These Bike Spoke Reflectors will add a cool safety detail to your bike's wheels. They snap fit on, so they won't slide around. No batteries needed. Material: ABS with glass powder Packaging: OPP Bag Sold per 12 Product: 8,1 x 6,1 x 0,5 cm Packaging: 12,9 x 8,1 x 0,5 cm

Product: 8,2 x 4,1 x 1,1 cm Packaging: 15,7 x 8,8 x 1,1 cm





10-in-1 Bone Spanner Wrench

Small Classic Little Bike Horn

No biker should be without a perfect on the go bicycle repair tool. This portable wrench is able to adjust to 10 different metric bolt sizes. Material: zinc alloy Packaging: carded Sold per 12

The Klaxhorn bike horn is a classic chromed steel bike horn. Sound is like a squeak horn that a clown might use. Material: steel, vinyl Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 10,3 x 2 x 2 cm Packaging: 17,3 x 6,9 x 2,3 cm



Product: 14 x 9,9 x 5,1 cm Packaging: 24 x 10 x 5,1 cm



Medium Classic Loopy Bike Horn

Large Classic Bike Horn

The Bugle bike horn is an early American design. Chromed steel with soft rubber bulb. Includes mounting kit. Material: steel, vinyl Packaging: carded Sold per 12

The Bugle bike horn is an early American design. Chromed steel with soft rubber bulb. Includes mounting kit. Material: steel, vinyl Packaging: carded Sold per 12

Product: 17,8 x 9,9 x 5,1 cm Packaging: 27,8 x 10 x 5,1 cm

Packaging: 21 x 10 x 5 cm




)12615-AFEBGf 139

Turquoise Double Bike Bell Designed by FormNation They'll both see and hear you coming when you attach this Retro Bike Bell to your bicycle. The eye catching design is sure to stop traffic and if that doesn't work this bell's distinctive ”dring dring” is sure to clear your path. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: 9,4 x 9 x 5,5 cm Packaging: 18 x 9 x 7,5 cm


)12615-AHJAId Ivory Double Bike Bell

Ring To It Bike Bell

Designed by FormNation

Designed by StudioFriso

They'll both see and hear you coming when you attach this Retro Bike Bell to your bicycle. The eye catching design is sure to stop traffic and if that doesn't work this bell's distinctive “dring dring” is sure to clear your path. Material: stainless steel Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: 9,4 x 9 x 5,5 cm Packaging: 18 x 9 x 7,5 cm


)12615-AHJAHg Large Speedometer Bicycle Bell Designed by Annie Legroulx The bike bells are weatherproof and have an adjustable clamp to fit any bike. They have a classic ‘ding, dong’ sound, and are painted with eco-friendly paints. Material: Powder coated stainless steel, decal Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: Dia. 8 cm Packaging: 13,9 x 11,4 x 7,6 cm


)12615-AGJCIc Large Free Parking Bicycle Bell Designed by Annie Legroulx The bike bells are weatherproof and have an adjustable clamp to fit any bike. They have a classic ‘ding, dong’ sound, and are painted with eco-friendly paints. Material: Powder coated stainless steel, decal Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: Dia. 8 cm Packaging: 13,9 x 11,4 x 7,6 cm


)12615-AGJDBc 140

The Ring To It Bike Bell is a winner of the Dutch Design Challenge 2014. This is a clever, cartoonish bike bell-cum-wedding ring. Typically Dutch in its incorporation of cheeky humor, the bell is an object with two meanings, one straightforward, as a fully functional bicycle bell, and the other a piece of jewelry symbolizing loving commitment. Material: ABS, stamped brass Packaging: gift box Sold per 8 Product: 6,3 x 5,8 x 5,8 cm


)12615-AHDIEf Large Compass Bicycle Bell Designed by Annie Legroulx The bike bells are weatherproof and have an adjustable clamp to fit any bike. They have a classic ‘ding, dong’ sound, and are painted with eco-friendly paints. Material: Powder coated stainless steel, decal Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: Dia. 8 cm Packaging: 13,9 x 11,4 x 7,6 cm


)12615-AGJCJj Large This Bike Is My Car Bicycle Bell Designed by Annie Legroulx The bike bells are weatherproof and have an adjustable clamp to fit any bike. They have a classic ‘ding, dong’ sound, and are painted with eco-friendly paints. Material: Powder coated stainless steel, decal Packaging: carded Sold per 6 Product: Dia. 8 cm Packaging: 13,9 x 11,4 x 7,6 cm




Birthday String Lights Get creative and hang these battery operated party lights anywhere you want. Uses 3 AA batteries (not included). Material: PVC, LED lights, wire, electronic components Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: 122 x 3,3 x 0,8 cm Packaging: 26 x 12,2 x 2,5 cm

Congratulations String Lights Designed by KDT A little illumination for a brighter celebration. These string lights use a battery pack so they can hang almost anywhere! 6 feet long. Requires 3 AA batteries (not included). Material: PVC, LED, electronic components Packaging: PET box Sold per 12 Product: 182,9 x 3,3 x 0.8 cm Packaging: 27 x 12,2 x 2,5 cm





Animal Party Flags

Jungle Party Masks

Designed by Hector Serrano

Designed by Hector Serrano

This is a beautiful assortment of friendly animal faces that can adorn any wall for any occasion. Made of sturdy craft paper. Material: paper Packaging: envelope Sold per 12

These party animals are ready for a wild time! Set of 5 soft foam masks with adjustable strap. Fits kids and adults. Material: EVA Foam, elastic Packaging: OPP bag Sold per 12 sets

Product: 180 x 23 x 0,1 cm Packaging: 26 x 26 x 1 cm

Product: 16,5 x 14 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 27,3 x 22,5 x 3 cm





Monster Party Masks

Rainbow Twirler

Designed by FormNation

This Rainbow Twirler is the perfect party favor. Tilt, spin and swirl to create different shapes. Material: plastic Packaging: trap blister Sold per 24 (+ 1 free for display)

Make sure your party has every monster accounted for with our reusable monster party masks. These soft foam, reusable masks are elegantly designed with large eyeholes and sturdy elastic straps. Material: EVA Foam, elastic Packaging: color box Sold per 12 sets Product: 16,5 x 14 x 0,7 cm Packaging: 27 x 16 x 4 cm

Product: 19,6 x Dia 4,2 cm Packaging: 23 x 7,5 x 4,2cm CDU: 31,7 x 24,2 x 23,2 cm


)12615-AHBHHd GG19-A




)12615-AHBJFh Mini Wood House Puzzle Designed by KDT This classic 17 piece all beech wood Mini House Puzzle can provide endless building possibilities for ages 6+ Material: beech wood Packaging: color box / CDU Sold per 18 Packaging: 5,5 x 3,7 x 1,7cm CDU: 11,2 x 11,2 x 10,7 cm


)12615-AHBEAh 142

Motorized display Sold per 1

Mini Wood Boat Puzzle

Mini Wood Train Puzzle

Designed by KDT

Designed by KDT

Stack and build a wooden steam ship. 8 pieces. Ages 6+ Material: beech wood Packaging: color box / CDU Sold per 18

Stack and build a wooden train. 14 pieces. Ages 6+ Material: beech wood Packaging: color box / CDU Sold per 18

Product: 5,5 x 2,8 x 1,4 cm Packaging: 5,5 x 3,7 x 1,7 cm CDU: 11,2 x 11,2 x 10,7 cm

Product: 4,5 x 2,8 x 2,7 cm Packaging: 5,5 x 3,7 x 1,7 cm CDU: 11,2 x 11,2 x 10,7 cm





Geo Blocks

Fluttering Heart Wind-Up

Designed by Jan-Pieter van Laar

Designed by David Dear

Build cultural knowledge with these illustrated blocks. Each one represents a different country and bears the cultural landmarks, animals, and people of the region. Set of 8. Material: wood Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Remember that exciting feeling of falling in love each time you wind-up this charming little heart. Let it go to watch it flitter about. Material: PP, steel components Packaging: PET box Sold per 12

Product: 4,2 x 4,2 x 4,2 cm Packaging: 17,3 x 8,9 x 4,5 cm



Product: 6,1 x 4,7 x 2.8 cm Packaging: 12,1 x 5 x 4,1 cm


)12615-AHIAFf Color Your Own Washi Tape Why let kids have all of the fun coloring? Relieve stress and enjoy hours of colorful creative expression with color your own washi tape. This tape makes gift wrapping fun and unique and is the perfect way to add some colorful touches to your home or apartment. Good with color pencils and markers. Packaging: shrink wrap, CDU Sold per 20 Product: 5 x 4,2 x 4,2 cm CDU: 25,5 x 27 x 11 cm


)12615-AHIICg Shadow Puppet Theater Set Designed by Chris Collicott Turn off the TV and let your imagination run wild with the Shadow Puppet Theater Set. Complete with fold-out theater and a full cast of mix and match puppets, all you need is a light source (mobile phone) to bring endless adventures to the stage. Material: Theater: cardboard, parchment paper / Puppets: paper, bamboo, velcro Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: Theater: 38,7 x 34,3 x 9,3 cm Packaging: 39,8 x 33 x 3,5 cm GG103

)12615-AHHHFb 143

Skeleton Lazy Bones

Wooden Ewe

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by Chris Collicott

This wooden sculpture is strung together like a marionette from within its skeletal frame. Press the button at the base and the standing skeleton will collapse and dance. Material: wood Packaging: paper tray with PET sleeve Sold per 6

Squeeze and hear the sheep go “Baa” Give this crafty little sheep a squeeze and hear it bleat with joy. Handsome and fun this accordion toy makes quite a statement, and that statement is “baa”. Material: beechwood, paper, soundbox, latex Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 19 x 4,6 x 4,3 cm Packaging: 20,8 x 5,8 x 5,6 cm

Product: 13 x 12 x 7 cm Packaging: 12,2 x 11,5 x 8 cm





Don’t Tip The Waiter Stacking Game

Stack the Bones Stacking Game

Designed by Chris Collicott

Designed by Chris Collicott

This clever stacking game plays as good as it looks. Don’t Tip The Waiter is made entirely of wood and is great for ages 6+. Material: beech wood & ply wood Packaging: color box Sold per 6

A fun stacking game for 1 or more people. The individual pieces are made of Paulownia wood and painted with non-toxic paint. Ages 5+. Material: eco-friendly Paulownia wood & non-toxic paint Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 13,4 x 10,3 x 6,5 cm Packaging: 13,8 x 13,8 x 7,5 cm


Product: 28,4 x 7,4 x 7,1 cm Packaging: 32,3 x 9,4 x 8,6 cm




Mini Bag Toss

Vintage Game Set

Designed by KDT

Ditch the tech and make game night an old school affair. Set includes dice, deck of cards, yo-yo, and pick up sticks in a wood storage case. Material: various wood, paper Packaging: sticker Sold per 6

The classic Mini Bean Bag Game for home or office. Comes with: 4 bean bags, two-sided board and wood frame. Material: wood, bean bags Packaging: color box Sold per 6

Product: 18,6 x 13,8 x 4 cm Packaging: 18,6 x 13,8 x 4 cm

Product: 25,8 x 13,8 x 2 cm Packaging: 26,9 x 14,9 x 2,7cm


)12615-AGIJCg Desktop Croquet Set A classic lawn game goes indoors. Includes four mallets, balls, wickets, and end posts for an inter-office competition. Wood storage case. Material: wood, metal, PP Packaging: sticker Sold per 6 Product: 23,1 x 13,1 x 4,4 cm Packaging: 23,1 x 13,1 x 4,4 cm


)12615-AHGAGi Ring Toss Designed by KDT Whether you hit or you miss you'll have fun tossing the rugged rope rings in this easily assembled ring toss game. Colorful targets guide your hand while red or white ring markers help you keep score. Handsome beechwood posts makes this the perfect game for outdoor play, picnics or lawn parties. Material: pine wood, manila rope Packaging: color box Sold per 6 Product: 35 x 35 x 14,2 cm Packaging: 36 x 14,2 x 4,4 cm


)12615-AHGAFb 144



Jumbo Pick Up Sticks Designed by KDT The classic game of mental fortitude and physical skill just got epic with these colorful jumbo pick up sticks. Perfect for outdoor play, picnic or lawn party. 25 Jumbo colorful pick up sticks. Instructions included. 2 players and up. Ages 10+ Material: pine wood Packaging: color box Sold per 4 Product: 81,3 x Dia. 1,2 cm Packaging: 82 x 7 x 7 cm GG88

)12615-AHHBHb Paddle Ball Set

Boules Set

Designed by FormNation

Boules, Bocce, Petanque, Yard Bowl - can be played with these official weighted tossing balls. There are so many variations of this game from around the world there’s not enough space to write about them. Material: polyester bag, Q193 steel balls Packaging: hang tag Sold per 4

A classic game for the beach or a picnic. Set includes 2 wood paddles (8" diameter), 2 rubber balls, 1 mesh cotton carrying bag. Material: PP, plywood, cotton Packaging: hang tag Sold per 8 Product: 35 x 20 x 2 cm Packaging: 35 x 21 x 7,5 cm



Product: Case: 23,5 x 15,3 x 7 cm Ball: Diameter: 7 cm Packaging: 23 x 16,5 x 7,5 cm



Mini Boules Set

Rock Chalk

Boules, Bocce, Petanque, Yard Bowl - can all be played with this set of mini weighted tossing balls.There are so many variations of this game there’s not enough space to write about them. Material: polyester bag, Q193 steel balls Packaging: hang tag Sold per 6

These pebble shaped, dust-free, chalk rocks fit perfectly into hands large and small. They're the perfect way to add some color to sidewalks, chalk walls or chalk board. Washable. Material: chalk Packaging: mesh bag, hangtag Sold per 12

Product: Ball: Dia: 3,1 cm Case: 12,1 x 8,3 x 4 cm Packaging: 12,3 x 8,5 x 4 cm



Designed by KDT

Red Pebble: 8,9 x 5,2 x 3,5 cm Packaging: 11,5 x 11,5 x 10,2 cm



Wooden Yoyo

Elephant Dog Toy

Designed by FormNation

Keep your furry best friend healthy and happy with this adorable elephant dog toy. Made with cotton fibers and natural dyes, the corded construction is designed to clean your dog's teeth while they play. Material: cotton Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6

Our Wooden Yo-Yo's with tribal prints are fun and functional. Material: beech wood, string Packaging: CDU Sold per 12 Product: 5,8 x 5,8 x 3,6 cm Packaging: 5,8 x 5,8 x 3,6 cm CDU: 22,7 x 21,4 x 16 cm



Product: 36 x 10 x 9 cm Packaging: 36 x 10 x 9 cm


)12615-AHHJIa 145

Giraffe Dog Toy

Lion Dog Toy

Keep your furry best friend healthy and happy with this adorable giraffe dog toy. Made with cotton fibers and natural dyes, the corded construction is designed to clean your dog's teeth while they play. Material: cotton Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6

Keep your furry best friend healthy and happy with this adorable lion dog toy. Made with cotton fibers and natural dyes, the corded construction is designed to clean your dog's teeth while they play. Material: cotton Packaging: hangtag Sold per 6

Product: 22 x 20 x 4 cm Packaging: 22 x 20 x 4 cm

Product: 15,5 x 10 x 10 cm Packaging: 15,5 x 10 x 10 cm





Invisible Playing Cards

Pixel Playing Cards

Designed by Pieter Woudt

Designed by Pieter Woudt

Perfect for travel and outdoors, these waterproof transparent playing cards are sturdy washable plastic. Material: plastic Packaging: frosted box / CDU Sold per 12, assorted

Plastic playing cards with a pixel design. The pixels are separated by a transparent grid. Moving the cards creates optical effects. Material: PVC Packaging: frosted box / CDU Sold per 12

Product: 8,9 x 6,4 cm Packaging: 10,2 x 7 x 2,5 cm CDU: 27,9 x 19 x 17,8 cm

Product: 8,9 x 6,4 cm Packaging: 10,2 x 7,9 x 2,3 cm CDU: 17,2 x 17,2 x 14,7 cm


)12615-ACDDCb Motion Playing Cards


)12615-AHDBGg Cat Lenticular Playing Cards

Designed by Pieter Woudt

Designed by KDT

This magical set of lenticular Motion Playing Cards, features unique moving animations on every card. Material: paper, PET Packaging: window box / CDU Sold per 12

Lenticular poker size playing cards. 52 different and adorable moving cat images and 2 dog jokers. Material: paper, PET Packaging: window box / CDU Sold per 12

Product: 8,9 x 6,4 cm Packaging: 8,9 x 7 x 2,5 cm CDU: 25,4 x 15,2 x 15,2 cm


)12615-AGGAAh Mini Cowboy Cards A pint-sized deck for players of all ages, this set of playing cards is easily transportable and emblazoned with images of the Old West. Material: paper Packaging: color box / CDU Sold per 18 Product: 3,8 x 5,6 cm Packaging: 3,8 x 5,6 x 1,5 cm CDU: 11,9 x 11,7 x 11,4 cm


)12615-AHAFBg 146

Product: 8,9 x 6,4 cm Packaging: 8,9 x 7 x 2,5 cm CDU: 25,4 x 15,2 x 15,2 cm



Music Box Turn the crank and listen to the beautiful melody. No batteries needed, sturdy steel construction. Screws included. Material: galvanised steel Packaging: color window box and exposed crank so music box can be played in the box Sold per 6 Product: 8,9 x 3,8 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 8,9 x 3,8 x 2,5 cm




)12615-ABAEIc 1202



)12615-ABAEHf 1203












)12615-ACJDGb 1236



)12615-AEACDg 1254


)12615-AGIDAi 1255




)12615-ABAFGh 1216





)12615-ABAEJj 1207



)12615-ABAFFa 1205




Music Box Display Free with 1st order of 48 music boxes Material: MDF Sold per 1




)12615-ADGHFi 1200DISP

)12615-AHHIAf Music Box Set

Music Box Set Paper Refills

Create your own melody! Hole punch, Happy birthday melody, blank music paper strips and instructions included. Material: steel, PP, paper Packaging: color box Sold per 6

5 paper strips of refill for the Music Box Set. Material: paper Packaging: poly bag Sold per 6 Product: 12,5 x 12 x 6,3 cm

Product: 7,6 x 3,8 x 2,3 cm Packaging: 13 x 7 x 4,8 cm




)12615-ADDHHb 147



Chico Bicalho

Designed by Chico Bicalho

In 1992, after earning a degree in sculpture from the Rhode Island School of Design and a Master’s degree in photography from New York University, Bicalho began toying with a surplus gearbox that he purchased on Canal Street in Manhattan’s Chinatown. Grafting wire legs onto this ready-made gearbox without concealing the mechanism, he created what would become the first original Kikkerland product in 1997. The first Critter featured a pink key and white booties. Today, the Critter population has grown, with the parts for each one custom-made and assembled by hand in a factory dedicated to the product in a small village in southern China.

Wind up wanders around erratically. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted Product Length: 22,9 cm Packaging: 24 x 6,3 x 3,1 cm


)12615-AAHBJc Pea

Silver Edition Spinney

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Wind up will climb over small objects. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

This special edition silver plated Spinney is an elite member of our varied wind up toy collection. Material: silver plated steel Packaging: kraft box with PET sleeve Sold per 6

Product: 6 x 5 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 6 x 5,1 x 3,8 cm

Product: 6,4 x 5,9 x 5,8 cm Packaging: 7 x 7 x 7 cm






Katita (The Hero)

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Wind up wanders around erratically. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Wind up wanders around erratically. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Product: 6,1 x 5,6 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 6,9 x 6,3 x 6,3 cm

Product: 7,6 x 7,6 x 7,6 cm Packaging: 7,6 x 7,6 x 7,6 cm







Designed by Chico Bicalho

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Windup holds cards, memos, photos... Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Wind up moves around erratically and flips over. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Product: 11,4 x 6,4 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 13 x 8 x 6,5 cm

Product: 6,4 x 6,4 x 6,4 cm Packaging: 6,7 x 7,2 x 5,1 cm




)12615-ABBGDc 149

Samú Designed by Chico Bicalho Wind up will climb over small objects. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, PVC feet, ABS Packaging: kraft tray with PET sleeve Sold per 6, assorted Product: 10,9 x 9 x 6,2 cm Packaging: 11,1 x 9,4 x 6,3 cm


)12615-AHDEEj Skidum Designed by Chico Bicalho Feet glow in the dark! Wind up will climb over small objects. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted Product: 10,2 x 7,6 x 7,6 cm Packaging: 10 x 8,5 x 8,5 cm


)12615-AECBGc Oahaca


Designed by Chico Bicalho

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Hops around when string is pulled. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Sparks and climbs over small objects. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Product Height: 14 cm Packaging: 10 x 13,6 x 7,6 cm

Product Length: 10,2 cm Packaging: 8,8 x 8,8 x 4,7 cm






Ping Ling

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Wheel on top gives off sparks as Sparklz wobbles around. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Wind up spark and runs around. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Product: 3,8 x 7,6 x 5,1 cm Packaging: 7,5 x 9,2 x 6,2cm


)12615-ABDDJb 150

Product: 9,5 x 5,7 x 5,1 cm Packaging: 5,8 x 5,3 x 9,5 cm




Le Pinch

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Wind up will climb over small objects. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Honorable mention 54th Annual Design Review ID Magazine. Wind up moves like an inchworm. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Product: 12,7 x 6,4 x 2,5 cm Packaging: 12 x 4,4 x 5,4 cm



Product: 14 x 7,6 x 7,6 cm Packaging: 12,5 x 8 x 7 cm



Zécar Flywheel


Designed by Chico Bicalho

Designed by Chico Bicalho

Flywheel car drives when pulled back. Assorted colors. Part of the profit from Zécar goes towards reforestation project in Brazil. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted

Wind up wanders around erratically. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted Product: 3,8 x 3,8 x 3,8 cm Packaging: 9 x 9,2 x 8,5 cm

Product: 3,8 x 6,4 x 6,4 cm Packaging: 9,2 x 6 x 6,3 cm




)12615-ACEEJg MxyKikker Designed by Chico Bicalho Wind up will climb over small objects. Assorted colors. Material: stainless steel, phthalate free vinyl feet, ABS Packaging: PET box with collector’s booklet Sold per 6, assorted Product: 17,5 x 8 x 8 cm Packaging: 16,5 x 8 x 8 cm


)12615-ADHFEa Wind-Up Critter Tier Display Cake stand inspired display. This has 4 a total tiers and top 3 tiers rotate. Free with the purchase of 48 wind-ups. Material: powdered coated stainless steel Sold per 1 Tier 1: 23 cm diameter Tier 2: 28 cm diameter Tier 3: 33 cm diameter Tier 4: 38 cm diameter Display height: 49,5 cm


)12615-AGJEFj 151

Similar products available 123

Page number

POP Displays Rhino II速 Stool

Silver String Lights

Sold per 6

Sold per 18 CDU: 22,5 x 18 x 16,7 cm


Mini Bell Alarm with Key Chain Sold per 24, assorted






Owlet Timer

Penguin Timer

Sold per 12, assorted

Sold per 12




Sold per 24 CDU: 20 x 13 x 5,9 cm




Mini Stopwatch Alarm Clock





Kitty Kitchen Timer

Mouse Kitchen Timer

Ladybug Kitchen Timer

Sold per 12 CDU: 25,5 x 19,2 x 18 cm

Sold per 12 CDU: 28,8 x 20,6 x 18,4 cm

Sold per 12 CDU: 20,4 x 18,5 x 17cm





Hedgehog Kitchen Timer

On-The-Go Peeler

Fox Hot/Cold Pack

Sold per 12 CDU: 20,5 x 17,5 x 19 cm

Sold per 12

Sold per 10 CDU: 15 x 11 x 21,5 cm







Whale Nail Brush

Bird Whistle

Sold per 18 CDU: 8.5" x 6.1" x 4.3"

Sold per 18, assorted

Sold per 24, assorted






Pineapple Lip Balm

Whale Lip Balm

Sold per 16, assorted CDU: 28 x 22,5 x 20,5 cm

Sold per 24 CDU: 27,5 x 18,5 x 15 cm

Sold per 24, assorted CDU: 27,5 x 21 x 15 cm









Woodland Dental Floss





Pizza Hot/Cold Pack













Sunglass Lip Balm

Hedgehog Lip Gloss

Peppermint Candy Lip Gloss

Sold per 24, assorted

Sold per 24, assorted CDU: 20 x 17,5 x 17,5cm

Sold per 24 Packaging: 21 x 21 x 11 cm









Macaron Lip Gloss

Woodlands Lip Gloss

Flamingo Pill Box

Sold per 24, assorted CDU: 22,5 x 18,6 x 15 cm

Sold per 24, assorted

Sold per 24, assorted (2 CDU’s of 12pcs) CDU: 25 x 18,2 x 18,2 cm






Flamingo Mirror

Plaid Travel Case

Sold per 24, assorted CDU: 20,5 x 18,2 x 18,2 cm

Sold per 12 CDU: 9.2" x 5.6" x 4.5"







Sold per 18 CDU: 8.5" x 7.5" x 6.6" MG68



Ladybug on Leaf Contact Lens Case

Owl Contact Lens Case

Doggy Contact Lens Case

Sold per 24 CDU: 27,5 x 20 x 18,5 cm

Sold per 24, assorted CDU: 23 x 19 x 16 cm

Sold per 24, assorted CDU: 19 x 16 x 22,5 cm





Specs Contact Lens Case Sold per 12 CDU: 16 x 11 x 8,3 cm


Copper Tweezers Sold per 24 CDU: 13,7 x 9,7 x 6,4 cm


Sugar Skull Emery Board Sold per 48, assorted CDU: 18,7 x 21 x 13,7 cm

Sold per 24 CDU: 22,1 x x 19,3 x 18,0 cm

Sold per 24, assorted CDU: 13,7 x 9,7 x 6,4 cm


Aluminum Name Card Case

Hand & Foot Nail Clipper Combo

Sold per 24 CDU: 8.7" x 8.5" x 6.8"

Sold per 24


Super Mini Fan

Sold per 30, assorted Tub:12,4 x Dia. 16 cm

Sold per 12, assorted CDU: 16,6 x 15,4 x 13,2 cm









Surplus Card Case

Sold per 24, assorted





Sold per 12, assorted CDU: 20,5 X 16,7 x 16,7cm




Big Fish, Little Fish Nail Clippers Set







Woodland Tweezers






Yellow Sub Contact Case









Scuba Contact Lens Cases






iPhone Case Selfie Stick Sold per 12 CDU: 11.1" x 8.6" x 6.5" US107





Folding Selfie Stick

Retro Stylus Pens

Sold per 12 CDU: 29 x 14,6 x 13,3 cm

Sold per 18, assorted

Sold per 24, assorted CDU: 18 x 11,3 x 15 cm



Pen Cap Stylus, Starter Pack



Suction Cup Phone Stand




Dry Erase Board Small

Password Keeper

Sold per 12

Sold per 18 CDU: 7.6" x 7.2" x 5.9"

Sold per 18 CDU: 21 x 18,6 x 17,5 cm MH09-A









Car Rulers

Clip-On Spot Light

Retro Folding Reader

Sold per 24 CDU: 6.2" x 4.4" x 2.1"

Sold per 12

Sold per 16, assorted CDU: 16 x 33 x 15 cm







Grass Ballpoint Pen

Feather Gel Pen

Sold per 80, assorted CDU: 18 x 16 x 14 cm

Sold per 50, assorted Tub: 25 x Diameter: 11 cm

Sold per 50, assorted Tub: 25 x Diameter: 11 cm






Bamboo Pen

Owl LED Pen

Sold per 48, assorted (2 displays of 24)

Sold per 50

Sold per 18 Tub: Dia. 16 x 16 cm


4341 TUB



Skull LED Pen

Massage Roller Pen

Sold per 18 Tub: 16 x Dia. 16 cm

Sold per 18, assorted





Sold per 50, assorted





Ruler Pencil

Recycled Paper Pencils

Sold per 50 Packaging: Dia. 11.6" x 4.3"

Sold per 18




Almond Erasers

Acorn Eraser

Sold per 12 CDU: 6.3" x 6.3" x 4.8"

Sold per 50 Tub: 4.3" x 4.3" x 4.1"

Sold per 50 Tub: 4.3” x 4.3” x 4.1”











Doodle Jar



Rainbow Mechanical Pencil


Wooden Ball Point Pen



Sold per 50, assorted






Tube Pen





Wallet Magnifier I








Walnut Eraser

Peanut Erasers

Farm Erasers

Tub: Diameter: 6.25" 2 tubs of 24 Sold per 48

Sold per 2 (2 tubs of 48)

Sold per CDU: 13” x 5.7” x 3.1”












Cloud Erasers

Farmer's Market Erasers

Grocery Erasers

Sold per 40, assorted (2 tubs of 20 pcs)

Sold per 24

Sold per 48, assorted CDU: 8" x 4.7" x 4.7"









Woodlands Erasers

Telescope Keychain

Retro TV Keychain

Sold per 24 CDU: 14 x 18,7 x 12,5 cm

Sold per 18 CDU: 24 x 22,5 x 16 cm

Sold per 18




Turntable Light-up Keychain

Guitar LED Keychain

Sold per 18 CDU: 8.7" x 7.2" x 6.4"

Sold per 18, assorted CDU: 8.66" x 7.16" x 6.37"




Heartbeat Light-up Keychain

Double Decker Bus LED Keychain

Sold per 18 CDU: 8.7" x 7.2" x 6.4"

Sold per 18 CDU: 22 x 17,6 x 16,5 cm





Bear LED Keychain Sold per 18 CDU: 22 x 18,2 x 16,2 cm




Sold per 24 CDU: 11.7" x 10.3" x 8.1" KRL43-A



Sold per 18



)12615-AHCGHb Owl LED Crank Light

Sold per 6 CDU: 16,3 x 11,3 x 14,5 cm

Sold per 12, assorted


Torpedo Screwdriver

Mini Screwdriver Keychain

Sold per 12

Sold per 16, assorted

Sold per 20 CDU: 7.4" x 6.4" x 5.8"






Matchbox House Puzzle

Mini Wood Train Puzzle

Sold per 18 Tub: 17 x Diameter: 11.7 cm

Sold per 18 CDU: 4.4" x 4.4" x 4.2"

Sold per 18 CDU: 11,2 x 11,2 x 10,7 cm










Survival Cord Bracelet





Key Tools



Owl LED Keychain

Lighthouse Lantern & Flashlight



Marquee Light-Up Keychain
















Color Your Own Washi Tape

Wooden Yoyo

Pixel Playing Cards

Sold per 20 CDU: 10.2" x 6.7" x 4.3"

Sold per 12 CDU: 22,7 x 21,4 x 16 cm

Sold per 12 CDU: 17,2 x 17,2 x 14,7 cm









Invisible Cards

Motion Cards

Mini Cowboy Cards

Sold per 12 CDU: 22,5 x 18,7 x 17,5 cm

Sold per 12 CDU: 25,4 x 15,2 x 15,2 cm

Sold per 18 CDU: 11,9 x 11,7 x 11,4 cm









Rainbow Twirler Display

Mini Tablet Display

Acrylic Brand Statement

Motorized display Sold per 1

Enhance the Gooseneck Tablet Holder (US85) by demonstrating it in use with this Mini Tablet Display. Free with 1st purchase of 12 Gooseneck Tablet Holders. Material: PS, aluminum

Material: acrylic Sold per 1











Einstein Display

Solar Figurine Display

Designed by KDT

A home for all solar motion characters. Free with the purchase of 60 Solar Figurines. Material: plywood Sold per 1

Fits 15 Solar Einstein’s on each side. Easy to mount, ships, flat. Free with 1st order purchase of any 60 Solar Figurines including 18 Einstein’s. Material: foam core Sold per 1 Product: 130 x 51 x 51 cm





RainbowMaker® Display



Writersblok® Notebook Display Pocket Save space and showcase your set of WRITERSBLOK in style with this sturdy display for pocket notebooks. Get it for free with purchase of 24 pocket notebooks. Material: particle board, TPE Packaging: ships flat Sold per 1

Perfect for every RainbowMaker. Comes with LCD monitor, remote and RainbowMaker video installed to 3D chip. Easy assembly for monitor. Free with the purchase of 24 rainbow-makers. Material: acrylic, LCD monitor Sold per 1

Display: 27 x 15 cm

Display: 38 x 30 x 21 cm See page 8 for more information


)12615-AGEIJi 156





Writersblok速 Notebook Display Large

8 Peg Spinner Keychain Display

Save space and showcase your set of WRITERSBLOK in style with this sturdy display for large notebooks. Get it for free with purchase of 16 large notebooks. Material: particle board, TPE Packaging: ships flat Sold per 1

Free with the 1st purchase of 72 keychains. Material: acrylic Sold per 1 CDU: 31,75 x 24,13 x 16,51 cm 111

Display: 21 x 17,5 cm







Light & Sound Keyrings 16PEG

Music Box Display

This practical display is perfect to merchandise multiple keychains. Very light, it's made to be hung on a side cap or wall. Holds 48 keychains. Free with purchase of 72 carded LED keychains.

Free with 1st order of 48 music boxes Material: MDF Sold per 1

Material: corrugate







Wind-Up Critter Tier Display

White Metal with Wood T Floor Display

Cake stand inspired display. This has 4 a total tiers and top 3 tiers rotate. Free with the purchase of 48 wind-ups. Material: powdered coated stainless steel Sold per 1

Create a Kikkerland one-stopshop in your store with this compact floor display. The T-display has a 20ft peg board area and option to use shelves. Includes 4 removable shelves and 48 hooks. Easy to assemble ships in 2 boxes, header included. Material: metal, wood Sold per 1

See page 118-120 for more information

Dimensions: 157 x 50 x 50 cm Header: 20 x 50 cm




Shelfs / Hooks T Display TDISPW-SHE

Sold per 1


Grey Metal T Floor Display Create a Kikkerland one-stopshop in your store with this compact floor display. The T-display has a 20ft peg board area and option to use shelves. Includes 4 removable shelves and 48 hooks. Easy to assemble ships in 2 boxes, header included. Material: metal Sold per 1


Sold per 1 TDISPHOOK

Sold per 10



Dimensions: 157 x 50 x 50 cm Header: 20 x 50 cm Ask your local sales rep how to receive the floor display TDISPMETAL


Ask your local sales rep how to receive the floor display TDISPWOOD

)12615-AAAIFi 157




DEAR RETAIL PARTNERS, We are very excited to announce the opening of our business to business (B2B) online portal. This tool is designed to make your ordering faster and easier. You can directly access it from and click on B2B login in the footer to select your region. On our B2B website you can: Browse the catalog by category, item number, or review gift suggestions. Each item has product details, photos and videos (when available)

Check order status and track shipments View live product availability Review past invoices Read product announcements directly from Kikkerland

For assistance, we have a live chat available, Monday through Friday 9AM-6PM and short training videos in our Help Section. You can always give us a call and we’ll be happy to guide you. We hope you enjoy this tool! The Kikkerland Team


EuropeAN SALES PARTNERS Czech Republic




GADGETS HOUSE S.R.O. Pod bradská 56 Praha 9 Czech Republic 19800 T: +420 777987664 E:

COLLECTION DESIGN Dizengof Center, 3rd floor Dizengof 50 Tel Aviv 64332 Israel T + 972 3 688 1080 F + 972 3 688 1040 E

S.C. ALMA ARTEX S.R.L. Splaiul Independentei no.319 Warehouse OB7 Bucharest, 060044 Romania T +40 21 211 7741 E

INNOBEES Tekstilkent B-13 Blok No: 34 Atisalani Esenler-Istanbul Turkey T: +90 212 4383480-81 M: +90 5322852629 F: +90 212 4383482 E




Denmark LUND-STOUGAARD APS Gotlandsvej 12 DK - 8700 Horsens Denmark T: +45 3699 7946 F: +45 7014 2379 E: ______________________________

France KIKKERLAND EUROPE B.V. T +33 1 72 69 39 50 F +31 10 8200 999 E ______________________________

Germany and Austria KIKKERLAND EUROPE B.V. T +31 10 8208 511 F +31 10 8200 999 E ______________________________

Iceland EGILSSON EHF Köllunarklettsvegur 10 104 Reykjavík Iceland T +354 575 5700 F +354 575 5701 ______________________________

Ireland CARDBOUTIQUE.IE Office Unit 1 Sonas Hollywood Co Wicklow Ireland T +353 45 864691 F +353 45 864691 E ______________________________



Italy TRADING GROUP Via Morimondo 26 20143 Milan Italy T +39 02 81 80 071 F +39 02 89 15 24 46 E _______________________________

Norway J.H KUENHOLDT AS Postboks 2470 3003 Drammen Besøksadresse: Havnegata 59 3040 Drammen Norway T +47 32 26 00 70 F +47 32 88 01 24 E _______________________________

Poland MATEUSZ KUCIA Ul. Oltaszynska 82/4 53-034 Wroclaw Poland T +48 603 073 405 E _______________________________

Portugal ALOK LDA Apartado 111 2951 - 901 Palmela Portugal T +351 915 936 163 E ______________________________

Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro LOGICCA GIFTWARE Zrmanjska 29 Belgrade Serbia T +381 11 3057 363 F +381 11 3057 364 E ______________________________

Spain +D2 C/ Abad Armengol, 24 Local Sant Cugat del Vallés - 08172 Barcelona Spain T +34 93 587 8205 F +34 90 295 5334 E ______________________________

Sweden DESIGN RENATHE SCHNEIDER Barkvägen 1 702 21 Örebro Sweden T +46 19 361406 E ______________________________

Switzerland TEAM TRADE IMPORT EXP. GMBH Industriestr. 19 6055 Alpnach Dorf Switzerland T +41 41 312 1205 F +41 41 312 1206 E _______________________________

United Kingdom KIKKERLAND EUROPE B.V. T +44 203 608 9351 F +44 203 608 9353 E _______________________________

USA and Canada KIKKERLAND DESIGN, INC 666 Broadway 4FL New York, NY 10012 USA T +1 212 678 2250 F +1 212 678 6296 E



World Trade Center Room 523 Beursplein 37 3011AA Rotterdam The Netherlands Postal Address: World Trade Center P.O. Box 30240 3001DE Rotterdam The Netherlands T F E

+31 (0)10 8208 511 +31 (0)10 8200 999


index Adaptor 85 Alarm Clock 30-31 _______________________________ Baby Spoon 42-43 Back Scratcher 77 Bag Clip 38-40 Basket 19 Bathroom 66-70 Bathmat 69 Bathroom Storage 69 Bar 58-65 BBQ Set 35,135 Bedside Pocket 19 Beer Glass 63 Bell 140 Bicycle Gear 138-140 Bike Horn 139 Bike Light 138-139 Bike Lock 138 Bird Whistle 69 Birthday Lights 142 Bookend 16 Bookmark 110 Book Light 110 Bottle Opener 58-59 Bottle Stopper 60-61 Boules 145 Business Card Holder 80 _______________________________ Cable Organizers 94 Calendar 15,126 Candleholder 26 Canteen 136 Chalk 145 Cheese Set 44 Chopsticks 43 Clip Lens 87 Clips 107 Clocks 27-30 Coasters 62 Coat Rack 17 Cocktail Shaker 62 Coffee Cup 46-47 Coffee Pot 45 Coffee Scoop 36 Coin Bank 20-21 Collapsible Cup 135 Collator 16 Comb 75 Compass 137 Contact Lens Case 74-75 Corkscrew 59-60 Critters 148-151 Croquet Set 144 Cups 46-47 Cutting Board 35 _______________________________ Dental Floss 72 Desk Clock 30 Desk Items 90-91,105-108 Desktop Planter 14 Diorama 15 Displays 152-157 Dog Toys 145-146 Doormats 21-22 Doorstop 21 Drink Markers 61 Dry Erase Boards 100-101 Dryer Buddies 70 _______________________________ Ear Buds 95-96 Emery Board 76-77 Enamel Cup 47 Eraser 117-120 Espresso Cup 47 Eyeglass Repair Kit 110 _______________________________ Fan 78,88 First Aid 69 Flameless Candle 26 Flashlight 130-131 Flask 64-65 Folding Stool 22



Folding Wire Basket 19 French Press 45 _______________________________ Games 142-146 Glasses Holder 109 Globe 15 _______________________________ Hammer Tool 132-133 Head Massager 78 Head Rest 85 Highlighter 111 Hot/Cold Packs 37 Hourglass 15 _______________________________ Ice Cubes 55-57 iPhone Case 87-88,137 iPhone Cable 94 iBed 92 _______________________________ Jewelry Holder 19-20 _______________________________ Key Chains 125-129,132-134 Key Cap 129 Key Holder 18 Kitchen 32-57 Kitchen Timer 33-34 _______________________________ Lamp 23-26 Lanterns 131 Laundry Bag 70,82 LED’s 23-26,93,110,126-131 Lighting 23-26 Lint Brush 83 Lip Gloss 73 Luggage Scale 85 Luggage Tags 83-84 Lunch Bags 37-38 _______________________________ Magic Soap 36 Magnets 103-104,107 Magnifier 1008-109 Massager 78 Memo Board 100-102 Memo Holder 106 Memo Pad 101 Micro Cable 94 Mirror 74 Mobile 99 Mobile Phone Holder 87,90-92 Money Bank 20-21 Muddler 62 Mugs 46-47 Music Boxes 147 _______________________________ Nail Brush 68 Nail Clipper 76 Nail File 76-77 Napkins 52 Nose Hair Scissors 75 Notebooks 122-123 Nut Cracker 44 _______________________________ Organization 18-20,105-106 Oven Mitt 35 _______________________________ Paddle Ball Set Paper Straws 52-55 Paperweight 106 Paper Clips 107 Party Flags 142 Party Masks 142 Party Picks 51-52 Password Keeper 107 Peeler 36 Pen 111-115 Pen Stand 112 Pencil 115-117 Pencil Sharpener 106 Personal Care 72-78 Phone Accessories 87-92 Photo Holder 99-100 Picture Frame 98-99 Pill Box 74 Pillow 84-85 Pizza Cutter 35 Plant Care 14 Plant Mister 14

Playing Cards 146 POP Displays 152-157 Power Bank 89,136 Puppet Theater 143 Push Pins 102 _______________________________ Rainbowmaker 12 Rainbow Twirler 142 Rechargeable Light 131 Reading Glasses 109 Reading Glasses Holder 109 Rhino Folding Stool 22 Ruler 107,116 _______________________________ Salad Servers 41 Salt and Pepper 43 Scissors 36,75 Screwdriver 133-134 Selfie Stick 87-88 Serving Bowl 42 Serving Tray 44 Shoe Horn 80 Shoe Shine Kit 83 Shopping Bag 81 Shot Glasses 63-64,135 Shower Curtain 69 Side Table 17 Snow Globes 15 Soap Dispenser 68 Soap Holder 69 Solar 11-12 Speakers 95 Spoke Reflector 139 Spoon 35 Spoon Rest 42 Stapler 107 Stationery 97-123 Steak Knives 43 Step Stools 22 Sticky Notes 101-102 Straws 52-55 Storage 15-16, 18-20,105-106 Storm Glass 15 Stylus 89-90 Survival Cord 137 _______________________________ Tablet Accessories 87-92 Tablet Holder 92 Tea Infusers 48-50 Tea Pot 45-46 Telescope 126 Thermos 48,136 Tongs 34,41 Tools 132-134 Toothbrush Holders 67-68 Toothpick Dispenser 51 Travel 74, 82-85 Tweezer 76 _______________________________ Umbrella 79-80 Umbrella Stand 17 USB Devices 93 Utensils 42-43 _______________________________ Votive 26 _______________________________ Wallet 80 Wall Clock 27-29 Wall Hook 16 Wall Organizer 15-16, 18 Washi Tape 144 Watch 29 Waterproof Phone Sleeve 137 Whistle 69 Windups 143,148-151 Wine Glass 63 Wine Stop 60-61 Wine Storage 17 Wine Thermometer 60 Wood Games 142-145 Wrench 139 Writersblok 121-123 Writing 111-123 _______________________________ Zipper Bags 37 _______________________________

Where ever possible Kikkerland Design is using recyclable PET plastics or paper packaging.

Photography section headers by Lisa Klappe









Cool Tools



POP Displays








writersblok / kikker land @ kikker land @ kikker land

Cool Tools

w w w.kikker


Kikkerland Europe B.V. World Trade Center Postbus 30240 3001DE Rotterdam The Netherlands

Critter T F E

POP Displays

+31 (0) 108 208 511 +31 (0) 108 200 999

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