The Call - Spring 2021

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P u r p o s e

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P a n d e m i c



PRESIDENT’S LETTER. Welcome to Spring! Sometimes I think that winter will never end, but it does. I invite you to ponder two things with me: Life is like the changing of seasons, so the first lesson is: Learn how to handle the winters. They come quite regularly. Some are long; some are short; some are difficult; some are easy. There are all kinds of winters – the winter of confusion, the winter of loss, or the winter of discontent. There are winters when your heart is broken; there are winters when you lose your bearings; there are winters when everything that you had perfectly planned no longer fits. Learn how to handle change. Don’t wish it were easier. Learn to be better! Don’t wish for less challenge. Develop a greater wisdom. Don’t wish it were different. You be different! You can’t change the seasons, but you can make better use of them! The second lesson is: Learn to take advantage of the spring. And if you haven’t noticed yet, spring always follows winter! God, in His almighty wisdom, placed spring right after winter! (If you’re going to put it somewhere, that would be the place to put it!) However, the mere fact that spring has sprung is not a guarantee that fruit will come. You must do something with the spring! Get good at spring, and get busy early. Earlier the better. Spring is an opportunity to grow. Either you will be good at planting in the spring or you will be begging in the fall. Life is brief, and whatever you’re going to do with life, get to it! Life is like seasons, and with each one, God will reveal His Hope, His wisdom, and His purpose. Don’t just let a season pass you by. Make good use of each one, and together, let’s be better because of it. Investing in leaders,






content a season of pioneering


STUDENT lab church


expanding hope






mckenzie outreach


NHCC spotlight


donor - thank you!




God’s purpose in the pandemic

a season of pioneering by Dr. Wayne Cordeiro

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is “What is God’s purpose in this pandemic?” We search for a meaning to gives us the hope and strength we need to outlast this restrictive season that’s filled with unanswered issues. Victor Frankl, the Jewish psychologist and holocaust survivor, said: “He who has a ‘why’ to live for can bear almost any ‘how’.” In other words, humans are driven by meaning and we need purpose. Frankl reminds us that our lives are filled with meaning especially in the midst of suffering. He said: “In some ways, suffering ceases to be suffering the moment it finds a meaning.” So, we ask God, “Why?” No one really knows why God allowed this virus and its consequences to ravage our globe. We can conjecture, discuss conspiracy

theories, but like the catastrophic 9/11 event, we can’t change what has happened. However, we must survive it and move forward! The event will pass, but we must remain and we must rise above it. Here are three possible ways to find meaning in the pandemic:



The pandemic leads us to put our trust in Jesus alone. When we are in favored seasons of prosperity and comfort, we don’t realize how much we put our trust in things smaller than Jesus. We lean on our careers, our bank accounts, our friends and our health. But now we realize that we can only trust in what cannot be taken from us. We learn to put our trust in Jesus alone.

The pandemic leads us to put our trust in Jesus alone.

The pandemic has rearranged our priorities. Life before the pandemic found us busy with the things of everyday life: our jobs, personal interests, and hobbies. But now, in the midst of the confinement and restrictions, we discover a renewed value for family, friends and God.

The pandemic has rearranged our priorities.

The pandemic exposes our weakness as well as the greatness of God. We each have the tendency to reduce the reality of death and our limited mortality to the outer reaches of our consideration, but now, we realize that our life here on earth is fleeting. We only go around once, and with each Covid death, we are reminded that one day, we too will be counted.

The pandemic exposes our weakness as well as the greatness of God.

As we celebrate Easter, we find a renewed sense of meaning in Christ alone. Join us at New Hope Christian College’s lab church, New Hope West ( at 9 & 11 am every Sunday morning. Find out how God uses each season for one purpose: to bring us closer to His purposes … not for the pandemic, but for you and me!



There’s so much more to ministry and leadership...

STUDENT LAB CHURCH by Kent Glazier (2012)

In 2012, the article below went to print in our New Hope Ignite magazine. Now, ten years later, we saw this vision come to fruition as New Hope West had its Grand Opening on Easter 2021.

“YES!” was Chancellor Wayne Cordeiro’s emphatic response to the Stanford Medical Center when they asked if he would allow medical students from Stanford University to observe and assist with the major heart surgery he was about to undergo. Naturally, his response came after assurance that the actual procedure would be performed by an experienced and well-qualified surgeon! It was from this experience that Cordeiro developed the idea of a lab church for college students. There are great college and university programs in other fields, so why shouldn’t Bible colleges offer students the opportunity to apply classroom learning in a real-world environment, under the supervision and guidance of seasoned leaders?

And so, the student lab church concept was born. Two of the first people to hear from him regarding the implementation of a hands-on ministry training program for students were long-time ministry partners, Steve and Cindy Kenny. After a season of prayer and consideration, the Kennys felt that the Lord was “inviting our family to write a new chapter here in Eugene.”



The student lab church is intended to benefit everyone involved.

The new ministry idea resonated in their hearts as they reflected on the many conversations they have had with Bible college graduates who felt under-equipped for real-world church ministry. While they deeply value what the classroom has to offer, Steve Kenny shared that “there’s so much more to ministry and leadership than what can be experienced through classroom learning alone.” The Kennys share Cordeiro’s vision for the new ministry to be “a place where our students will be able to grab hold of the mics, the cameras, graphics, speaking, children’s ministries, and actually lead them under the supervision of veterans.” They also feel highly optimistic about the impact that a student lab church here on the hill will have on this community. “I see the value of the New Hope campus church partnering with the entire body of Christ to love, disciple, and mature those newly formed hearts,” says Kenny.

“Why shouldn’t Bible colleges offer students the opportunity to apply classroom learning in a realworld environment?”

The student lab church is intended to benefit everyone involved. Students will be mentored in real-life ministry situations, learn how to evangelize and help the local church as we DO CHURCH AS A TEAM and see many come to know Jesus.




ecades ago, God put a dream in Eugene Bible College, now New Hope Christian College leadership’s hearts to build, expand, and prepare the campus for future work He had in mind for Miracle Hill. Dr. Larry Burke shares, “For many years, it was a dream to have a gym on campus to provide adequate facilities for athletics for everyone. As the dream was discussed on many occasions, it seemed a multi-purpose building would also provide needed facilities such as more classrooms, a larger chapel, more room for music and drama productions, and a gym. The completion of the the Rexius Event Center was a longanticipated fulfillment of God’s plan for New Hope CC – it would in time become a full-service campus for ministry preparation.” Today, God is continuing to build upon that same dream that led many to give generously to build the Rexius Event Center over 20 years ago. With the New Hope West lab church launch, Rexius Center is expanding to include a large multi-purpose auditorium/gymnasium

and children’s classrooms where NHCC students will serve, lead, and prepare for ministry through practicum, mentoring, and internships. Construction of a Grand Staircase that will allow access for greater use of the facility is underway. The spirit of generosity all those years ago continues today through our Grand Staircase’s full funding by a family at New Hope West. Expansion of the Rexius Event Center is ultimately an expansion of hope as we continue the legacy of a multi-generational work and ministry called to proclaim the goodness of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and broken world. the Rexius Event Center will not only be a training facility designed to equip leaders of the future Church, but it will also be a place where God can bring those who are far from Him to a place of new hope in Christ. When He does, we all will have had the blessing of being a part of fulfilling a God-given dream for His glory.



EXPANDING HOPE Continuing to build upon that same dream by Uilani Cordeiro

It will also be a place where God can bring those who are far from Him...




christ through a video game by Troy Lyndon

people have been saying “yes” to jesus thanks to a bible trivia video game developed by troy lyndon in parntership with pastor wayne cordeiro.




roy grew up making video games from the age of 13. Now at age 55, he’s developed more than 50 games and is most wellknown as the original lead developer of the first 3D version of Madden Football.

In 1998, after reading the book HALFTIME, by Bob Buford, Troy re-evaluated the actions and choices of his life and within six months, began serving in full-time ministry with Campus Crusade for Christ. Five years later, he returned to making games, but from that point forward, he has been focusing on making Christian games. In 2011, Troy moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, where shortly thereafter, he began to attending New Hope Oahu. Earlier this year, Troy approached Dr. Wayne Cordeiro to share what he’d been up to. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Cordeiro played one of his games and said, “I’m hooked!” He asked Troy, “Can you make a trivia game to help us assess the Bible knowledge of our students?” Troy obliged. After Dr. Cordeiro provided Troy with 150 unique questions, and a few months of time, Bible Basics Trivia Quiz Game ( taxnnw) was released by RD Games to be a blessing for New Hope Christian College. Dr. Cordeiro also provided Troy with an invitation to Christ video that could be posted on his (www. evangelistic website. Since then, a team consisting of Dr. Guy Higashi and pastoral studies college students have taken on the role of following up with game players who commit their lives to Christ or ask for prayer through the game. In just a few months, we’re already seeing fruit! Troy’s message to New Hope Christian College students is, “Find a skill and profession you enjoy and are good at, and then find or start a ministry that has a need for what you can offer and try to keep the majority of your time ‘doing’ things on this earth focused on expanding the kingdom. Never lose this focus and no matter what challenges God will bring you in this life, your life-focus and eternal purpose will give you a life-long fulfillment.” Troy’s Bible games for iOS and Android have been downloaded nearly 400,000 times in the past several years, and his top game retains a high-rating of 4.9 of 5 stars on Google Play and the App Store. “Working on this project with everyone at New Hope Christian College has been an honor and privilege.”






ompoc Foursquare Church (LFC) in Lompoc, California, celebrated twentysix church leaders and members as they completed New Hope’s “Biblical Leadership Certificate” program. It was God’s perfect timing that they would begin this online certificate, just before the Covid pandemic hit. As the entire world was being told to “Stay at Home”, this online certificate program was an answer to prayer, as this was a way for the LFC community to intentionally gather together, fellowship and learn through the online training provided by New Hope.

“When we were looking to deepen the biblical knowledge and leadership competencies of the leaders in our church, we contacted

CERTIFICATE by Bernie Federmann

New Hope Christian College. We have had an ongoing relationship with Dr. Wayne Cordeiro and have benefited from his leadership training. With a new batch of leaders, we decided it was time to create a local church learning cohort and NHCC was so accommodating and helpful at every step of the way. We had 26 people complete our modified 27-week courses with several others auditing and learning with us. We would watch the lessons, do the quizzes and course work each week and then gather on Zoom for a review of the courses. We were also visited virtually by Dr. Guy Higashi, Pastor Larry Powers and received a congratulations video at our graduation night, from Dr. Wayne Cordeiro. Students stated that their take-aways were: deeper biblical knowledge, deeper understanding of God’s

love and grace, deeper hunger for the bible, greater understanding of how to lead others well and fresh insights into doing church as a team and filling your soul with more and more of God, Himself. “I cannot speak highly enough about the online courses at NHCC and the excellent care and service provided for us by the NHCC team. We will be signing up for more courses as a group. Thanks for resourcing the local church and making us better”. - Pastor Bernie Federmann New Hope has a total of six affordable online certificate programs. Visit for more information.



mckenzie outreach


by Olivia Wrede -NHCC Student

n the Fall of 2020, wildfire ravaged communities across the West Coast. Particularly hard-hit was a 24-mile stretch along the McKenzie River. This community was devastated as a quickly moving wildfire ripped through their homes in the middle of the night and caused ash to fall across all of Lane County. Once the fires were put out, the arduous job of clean-up and rebuilding began. At this point, the students & staff at New Hope Christian college were invited to help sift the ashes in order to find valuables. One of NHCC’s students, Olivia Wrede, shares her experience in this unique outreach to our community.

“As someone who has been a part of a lot of community outreaches and mission trips, helping to sift through ash out in McKenzie River seemed to be no different. The goal was simple: to help families who have lost their homes in the recent fires and find their prized possessions. I soon realized that this was a very different project than other community outreaches. In what seemed to be like searching for a needle in a haystack, a small team from New Hope sifted through rubble, glass, mud, metal, and ash in order to find something. It

was very monotonous and discouraging, and we felt hopeless about what appeared to be an impossible task. There was, however, a spirit of determination in all of us as we were intent on finding something that mattered at each home. Little by little, at each location, the Holy Spirit guided us to things caked in the dirt and ash that looked like nothing, but in fact, was a precious and wonderful find to those who owned them. It was a true blessing to witness God’s gentle grace within this time, to see His Spirit redeem something that did in fact come from ashes. This was a sobering time for all of us, but I know we would all help again in a heartbeat. We were truly able to see God work and move in so many different ways to understand His faithfulness, His joy, and the gentle grace that blesses all who choose to follow Him. Those families got to experience God that day in a way that they might not have before, and we got the privilege to be a part of it and experience Jesus in the same exact way.”



THE CALL “NHCC has made me realize who I am, not only in this world but most importantly in Christ. I came in thinking I knew everything, but did not realize how much I needed to learn. NHCC has helped me grow and fearlessly live out my faith. NHCC has made me realize who I am, not only in this world but most importantly in Christ. I came in thinking I knew everything, but did not realize how much I needed to learn. NHCC has helped me grow and fearlessly live out my faith.” -Nala Kaneko “In these past couple of years at New Hope, I’ve seen myself grow immensely; not just academically but in character, work ethic and in my maturity in Christ. I’m so grateful to the staff, mentors and long-lasting friendships that I’ve made in these past years.” -Erika Martinez “Here at New Hope I’ve dipped my toes in a little bit of everything, but currently serve as the video production assistant to our video team! I feel like I’m already living out my God dream, helping people on creative platforms to communicate and make their vision come to life. Thanks to New Hope always encouraging me to try any and every thing, I feel confident in whatever the Lord calls me to do!” -Mikayla Bryant

NHCC SPOTLIGHT “As I was concluding my studies at NHCC I accepted a position at Cove Church as the music director. My degree in creative arts was of course helpful to begin leading in my current role— but more so my season with the college was used by God to prepare me for life in general. I developed needed skills, a solid foundation to begin understanding the scriptures, I grew in the various challenges He set before me, and became acutely aware of my weaknesses/limitations in which only God could be my strength.” -Anthony Hatzel “I am currently employed at Morning Star Community Church as the Worship and Creative Arts Director, where I am responsible for Worship, Technology and Creative Arts. Without my education at New Hope, I would not be i the position that I am today. New Hope’s hybrid program of both theological and creative training gave me the tools I need to do ministry and lead well in my craft. I use the skills and knowledge that I learned at NHC daily in my line of work and have been able to lead in several fun and relative projects over the years because o it. I am truly grateful for the professor and staff who poured into my life.” -Cooper Anderson



Thank you to our generous donors PLATINUM Scott & Janell Stuart & Judy Tom & Janna Chels & Christine

Dave & Joyce Rick & Tatum Chloe & Brian Donald Sharon & Tad Douglas & Tish Don & Ruth Evelyn Mary Herman Catherine Landa Daryl & Susan Bernard & Debra Greg

Jack & Julie Maurine Garet Terry Bill Stephanie John & Jan Leigh & Patti Jeffrey & Karen Bart & Marsha Jim & Betty Lola Mark & Linda Lindsay Don & Susan Robert & Karon Deborah Gary D. David & Julie Kenneth Roger & Susan Henry

Paul & Lucy Shirley Ladonna Ken Robert & Sharon Wanda

Alldridge Barr Bruns Chae

Alldridge Beckett Bradford Breeden Bruns Buhr Bryan Burt Cameron Chong Southwick Cox Egbert Federmann Gray

Adkins Aenis Akiyoshi Anderson Asselin Beckett Bernham Bishop Bobst Brewer Brown Brown Burrows Cantlen Causey Chapman Cleveland Kline Cole Collins Cummings Drewfs

Barnett Bragg Brown Crowder Dailey Doerksen

Wayne & Anna Cordeiro Duane & Hollye Daggett Glenn Duckworth Lompoc Foursquare Church

Marian Rose Isaac & Katie Robert & Barbara Guy & Lori Casey & Mary Craig & Judy Don & Martha David & Sherrie Tristan & Connie Jamon & Janet Sheldon & Heidi Suaysi Anthony & Eliza Monte & Amy Jo Dan & Brenda

Rosemary Kiyoko Tom & Leanne Dyrie Donna Sean Andy & Kimberly Susan & Joe Anthony & Ruby Gary & Arlene Marilyn Benjamin & Kathy Mary LeeAnn Ralph & Hazel Stan & Grace Chris & Christina Melinda Arnold & Violet Wayne & Beverly Dennis & Chelsea Julie & Kevin

Mark & Deborah Mickiel Kraig & Mary Erin & Scott Larry & Zaretta Ulysses

Rick & Shelli Schaufler Executive Cleaning Goetzen Family Trust New Hope Oʻahu

Harkey Hebden Henderson Higashi Hogan Jackson Jones Kammerer Kelley Kent Lacsina Land-Mosley Lee LeLaCheur LeLaCheur

Easan Eastman Eichhorn Francis Freeman Freeman Galewski Grigsby Hatzel Hebden Helms Hines Holton Ishihara Kaneshiro Kater Kiriakos Kletzok Knoll Knox Konrady Lemieux

Hiatt Hodge Jacobson Johnson Keopka Lauti


Phil Janis Douglas & Marian Scotty & Sayaka Derrek Kent & Lisa Dyan Neil Bruce & Robin Fred & Sue Frank & Edie Raymond & Arlene Alan & Jenny Dan & Sonia David & Val

Ma Gemignani McConnell Mearig Miyahara Miyoshi Nakamura Nakamura Pfadenhauer Pflughoft Price Rexius Rexius Smith Sorensen

New Hope International Open Bible Churches Pacific Region Open Bible

Kirk John & Mary Aaron & Paula Mark & Sharon Kathy John & Lanu William Kent John Carl & Karen John Mark Harland & Kay

Stickler Strasheim Sutherland Thomas Thurston Tilton Tsai Valentine Van Den Berg Veer Winters Wolf Yriarte


Chad Reel Judith Lindsay Victor Reichenback,Jr. Jim & Terri Lowery Brennan Schaufler Jeff & Barbara Lozar Roxanne Smeester Sarah MacClary Robert Smith Rhoda McDonald Donna Smith Tom & Muriel McGinnis Rob Smucker Philip McKinnis Roger & Velma Stafford Patrick & Judy McMahon Martha Talty Charlene Miura Rodger & Lisa Terrall Alan & Monica Murphy Church of the Open Bible of Lakeview Elaine Naulu Michael & Jamie Vavrinec New Horizon Worship Center Marie Vendiola Phil & Priscilla Newell Wayne & Patsy Warner Mark & Susan Nyegaard Lester & Maudie Warner Fujiko Okita Michael & Kathleen White Sherri Higashi Beulah Whitlow Russell & Laurie Petersen Nathan Winter Ricky & Kwei-Chen Poon Glenda Zimmerman Mark & Nancy Poterfield Daniel & Lauri Purkey Beverly Ann Raudebaugh Diane & Charles Ray


Victoria Gary & Velda Orval & Julie Mike Frances Archibald

Martinez Matsdorf Mosby Phelps Ramsey Richards

Heidi Gary & Cheryle Wilda Sandra Brian & Lynda Barbara

Swinehart Taylor Trentham Vigil Whitlow Witt


NEW WEBSITE! Visit the brand new NHCC website and learn about our degree options and certificate programs, apply, or even give electronically! NEWHOPE.EDU

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