The Call - Winter 2019

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WINTER 2019 | VOL. 9

Festival of


ART ON CAMPUS Uniting Campus & Community


POWER OF CREATIVITY Lives Transformed by the Gospel





ALUMNI CONNECTION Film Director Jerry Thompson

4.11.19 Thursday, April 11, 2019 Rexius Event Center | Stewart Chapel

two event times to select from: 11:30AM | lunch OR 5:30PM | dinner Featuring creative student presentations including iPhone photography, film, and student choir.

RSVP online at or by calling (541) 485-1780 2 | NE W H OP E C HR I S T I A N C OL L EG E


DEAR FRIENDS of New Hope, This edition of The Call magazine is all about how we should live as children of God. It is almost impossible to refuse creativity when you stand in the presence of our Creator. God designed each one of us with an intrinsic desire to create: to generate something fresh and new from what we can imagine, to design beauty from nothing, to draw, to write, to sing, and to dance for someone bigger than ourselves — an audience of One. Whatever your passion or purpose might be, you have been called to do it with all of your heart: if you are an athlete, train in such a way that gives honor to God; if you are a scholar, focus your discipline to the study of God’s ways and creation; or, if you are an artist, dance, paint, write, and sing without concern for who may be watching! It is believed that Martin Luther once said, “The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.” It is our desire to develop great men and women of God who are learning to be the best at what God has called them to be. I want to invite you to this year’s Gala: A Festival of Creativity. This year we are adding a lunch-time opportunity in addition to the dinner event. The gala will be held on April 11th at 11:30am and 5:30pm on the NHCC campus. You will see and hear creative presentations from our students and meet our faculty. Most of all, you will have an opportunity to invest in the most eternal way possible — not in things, programs or projects — but in young leaders who are dedicating themselves to Christ and His work. Join me April 11th!

Dr. Wayne Cordeiro President | New Hope Christian College

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Art on Campus

Uniting Campus and Community THROUGH THE ARTS Christmas on the Hill Last December, Stewart Chapel was filled to capacity as the NHCC Creative Arts department hosted their very first annual Christmas on the Hill. Over 300 alumni and community members joined us for an evening of Christmas favorites old and new. The theme from Isaiah 9:2 (“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone”) was seen throughout the evening in visual art, drama, and music. President Cordeiro shared a message on the gift of joyful giving, as students presented a new campus favorite “Ring the Bells”. Guests lingered long after the event connecting with friends while enjoying the festive atmosphere. Be sure to make plans to join us this Christmas for an evening you won’t want to miss!

Dan Chen In February, New Hope's Heritage Gallery hosted an art display featuring local artist and college supporter Dan Chen. Dan Chen is a local yet well-known artist who combines both eastern and western art styles and techniques. Dan Chen has donated several of his pieces to NHCC over the years including the statue of the Dream Releaser which is located on campus. This special evening brought together students, faculty, local artists, and the community for a time of fellowship and appreciation of spirituality and the arts.


Recording Studio What’s been happening since the launch of the new NHCC production studio space last year? Plenty! Through its unique partnership with Dream/Capital Records, NHCC creative arts students have worked on projects for churches literally around the world. It is an exciting season as we continue to help students develop their skills in this working studio environment.

Questions on Faith By Britt Outwater ('22), Business Administration How do you handle the hard times in life? What do you do when all you want to do is cry and shut everyone out? What do you do when you put yourself out there And come out of your shell

Student's WORK

And end up getting hurt? Then you ask God and All of a sudden everything clicks. You realize it might be hard now

Blessed By Jonathan Hall ('21), Christian Counseling Dear God, you have blessed me so much, You have blessed me by your continuous love A kind of love the never gives up; You have blessed me with the beautiful gift of joy, You’ve filled my life with so much laughter I am filled with peace, that only you can provide. I am blessed to simply be alive, To be given this precious gift of life, To be given the chance to live my life for you. Tomorrow is never guaranteed But through your grace You have brought me to tomorrow. I am blessed that you have Given me a purpose in life, A ministry that you have Designed me to adventure into, A ministry that shows people The works of your hands oh God. I am blessed that I get to worship you For the rest of my life; Even though I may leave this earth one day I will still be singing praises To the most amazing God. God, you have blessed me so much.

But what you are going through will either help you or someone else in the future. God will not let you fail completely. He will not let you down. You may be weak, but he will make you strong. God is your Father, your best friend And he only wants what is best for you. In other words, let whatever you are going through go And trust in Him.


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THE POWER eople are not tired of the gospel; they are tired of presentations of the gospel." This quote by Dr. Wayne Cordeiro truly captures the heart behind our redeeming of the arts here at New Hope Christian College. People hear, see, and understand life’s lessons through the arts. This creative presentation of the Gospel speaks the "language of the streets"; it reaches people in churches and even people who would never darken the doors of a church. New Hope is committed to seeing people's lives transformed by the Gospel through the use of the creative arts. The arts then become the vehicle that couriers this message. Although the Gospel is unchanging, how we communicate the Gospel needs to change so that people can understand its message. Through the Creative Arts department at New Hope, students learn this vital skill of redeeming the arts in the church. By leading worship, running the sound board, managing lights and sound, setting up equipment, dancing, singing, and recording, students learn valuable ways to express creatively the message of the Gospel. This emphasis on the arts is one of the many factors that makes New Hope so unique. New Hope recognizes and encourages growth and development in this area as it trains up young ambassadors for Christ.

By Dr. Guy Higashi

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I love our Creative Arts department, and more specifically, our Creative Arts professors. They have taught me so much and encouraged me to pursue my art in a way I never had before. I have grown as an artist, a professional, and a follower of Christ because of their presence in my life. Going on the road with the travel team has amplified that effect even more and has taught me a lot about what I can do, what art can do, and what God can do through us. It has been amazing. Jordan Jackson ('20)

OF Creativity The CA department has immensely changed my entire perspective on creative arts in ministry. From learning how to play instruments to studying music theory, I am slowly growing in my capacity to be able to succeed in ministry! With the help of peers and teachers, who are willing to help you when you fall, New Hope is an amazing environment to extend one’s knowledge and to grow in ministry. Talyn Moe ('22)

I have grown in appreciation, skill, and most importantly, in integrity of heart as a part of our Creative Arts department's traveling music and worship teams. Kona Ho ('20)

My experience in CA has been a handson experience from day one in developing my craft and my calling. What a great opportunity!

I am able do what I love while being creative in the process. It is a real growing experience, and I am blessed to be in this community of supportive peers and leaders who love Jesus.

Erika Martinez ('21)

The Creative Arts program has been a tool for significant change in my life. I was debating between NHCC and The Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences. I chose the school that I knew would specifically develop my faith, while believing that God would provide for the passions He placed in me. He did just that—I'm being developed as a drummer and vocalist while also being trained as an engineer/producer in our recently added recording studio, which is under Dream Records, a subsidiary of Capitol Records. Being enrolled at New Hope Christian College has been one of the greatest blessings in my life.

Olivia Wrede ('21)

Anthony Hatzel ('20)

Arts and the Church NHCC on the Road This term has been a busy one for the Creative Arts department. Our traveling team has been on a series of outreaches designed to promote the college and thank our faithful donors. The team kicked off the spring travel season with visits to Shilo Fellowship in Camas, Washington, and Riddle Open Bible in Riddle, Oregon. In February we traveled with the Ignite Leadership Program to participate in the Doing Church As A Team conference at New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii. We were honored to serve with their team and perform special numbers during the evening plenary and for all five weekend services. A little over a week later, students ministered at New Hope Las Vegas for Foursquare Regional Leadership Summit and weekend services.

DCAT A team of students and faculty recently returned from Hawaii and the Doing Church As A Team (DCAT) conference. While on O'ahu, the team was able to represent the college at Hanalani, Hawaii Baptist Academy, and Kamehameha Schools. In addition to hosting a college representative visit at each school, the team had the privilege of performing in the 'Akahi building at Kamehameha School in front of the high school student body. We also held a meet and greet event

Wow! The team from New Hope Christian College was simply amazing 8 | NE W H OP E C HR I S T I A N C OL L EG E

during the DCAT conference and hosted a Beach BBQ event at Ala Moana Beach Park. At both events students were able to engage with prospective students through food, fellowship, and fun. Over the weekend, our Creative Arts students performed at New Hope O'ahu Sand Island and at NHO Hawaii Kai. It was a very fruitful and blessed week as our students and staff ministered in Hawaii.

Open Bible Christian Center A group of Creative Arts students and faculty recently visited Open Bible Christian Center in Riddle, Oregon. Pastor Don Causey expressed the importance and impact that this group had on his church.

You have invested in us, and we appreciate it so much. You showed grace and encouragement, which is propelling us into a healthy and productive future. New Hope Las Vegas Leadership Summit Pastor Kent commented on the amazing experience they had when the Creative Arts team participated and led worship for New Hope Las Vegas. “Wow! The team from New


PASTOR WAYNE'S 2019 Travel Schedule

April 7 | Florence Avenue

April 14 | Eugene First Nazarene

September 4 | Cottonwood

Foursquare Church

(Eugene, OR)

Church (Los Alamitos, CA)

May 5 | Lompoc Foursquare

September 14-15 | New Hope

Church (Lompoc, CA)

Oahu (Honolulu, HI)

August 9-11 | New Life

September 19 | Lodi Prayer

April 28 | New Hope Legacy

Community Church

Breakfast (Lodi, CA)

(Kona, HI)

(Oxnard, CA)

(Santa Fe Springs, CA) April 19-20 | New Hope Oahu (Honolulu, HI)

Hope Christian College was simply amazing in their professionalism and excellence. The high-quality musical talent, creative song presentations, and vibrancy of the young Worship and Choir team created an electrifying atmosphere for the felt presence of God. They exceeded expectations, and I can't wait to have them all back again! I wish I could hire all of them because I know they would help release a million dreams."

If you would like to have Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, Pastor Aaron Cordeiro and/ or the NHCC worship and choir band at your church, please contact Lori Higashi at or 541.485.1780

Our son Aaron is a student at New Hope and also part of the ILP (Ignite Leadership Program). He’s learning from top quality professors in classes that challenge him, while being surrounded by other students with the same focus as him. He also has practical opportunities to use what he’s learning in those classes on campus and off. We couldn’t imagine a better place for Aaron to be and are immensely proud of the growth that we’ve seen in him while at NHCC. A BIG thanks to all of the staff and leaders! Pastor Clint Reeves, Family Life Church

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Upcoming Events 4/11

11:30AM & 5:30PM | Gala | Stewart Chapel


8AM | Preview Day | NHCC campus


7PM | Baccalaureate | Stewart Chapel


5PM | 50th Year Reunion Dinner | Bryan 202


7PM | Commencement | Stewart Chapel

Roger & Velma Stafford of Lodi, CA are faithful supporters of the college and student scholarships.

Thank You To Our Generous Givers • Calvary Open Bible Church (Pastor Kirk Stickler) • Christ New Covenant Open Bible (Pastor Benjamin Carlson)

Centralia, WA (Pastor Jon Heddens) • Open Bible Christian Center (Pastor Don Causey) • Pacific Region Open Bible (Pastor Gary Emery)

• Christian Life Center of Bend • Turning Point (Pastor Dan LeLaCheur) Open Bible • Church of the Open (Pastor Monte Bible Lakeview LeLaCheur) (Pastor Paul Friesen) • Harvest Church • Journey Church/ Antioch Calvary Open Bible (Pastor Kent Valentine) • Life Center Shiloh Fellowship (Pastor Carney Layne) • Lompoc Foursquare Church (Pastor Bernie Federmann) • New Hope Hilo (Pastor Sheldon Lacsina) • New Hope International Ministries • New Hope Las Vegas (Pastor Kent Miyoshi) • New Hope Oahu (Pastor Jon Burgess) • New Life Open Bible Church (Pastor Bill Asselin) • Open Bible Church

• Judy Cline • Rev. Gary D. Cline

• Richard & Sheree Head

• Frank & Edie Price, Dave's Pest Control

• Herman Chong & Cathy Southwick, CLS LLC

• Dr. Guy & Lori Higashi

• Beverly Ann Raudebaugh

• Benjamin L. Hines

• Ray & Arlene Rexius

• Rev. David & Julie Cole

• Geraldine & Connie Humphrey

• Alan & Jenny Rexius

• Dr. Wayne & Anna Cordeiro

• Rick & Lane Janyer

• Mike & Marneli Richmond

• Landa R. Cox

• Grace & Stan Kater

• Brian G. Seavoy

• TJ & Connie Kelley

• John & Nadine Simmons

• Duane & Hollye Daggett

International (Pastor Brian Cuff)

• Robert & Sharon Dailey

• Maurine M. Aenis

• Delores J. Dillard

• Scott & Janelle Alldridge, IP Services

• Henry Drews

• Stuart & Judy Barr, Industrial Finishes

• E&G Overlin Scholarship Fund

• Jonathan Baysa

• Matthew & Paula Erdmann

• John and Jan Bernham

• Andrew & Allison Farmer

• Rev. R. Leigh Bishop

• Rev. Dyrie M. Francis

• Karen & Jeff Bobst

• Donna L. Freeman

• Marth E. & James Bradley

• Phil Ma & Janis Gemignani

• Mark A. Burrows, Burrows Consulting Service Inc.

• Corkey Gourley, State Farm Insurance Agency

• LeRoy Carlson • Chels & Christine Chae, Dynamic Planning & Response LLC • Robert & Karon Chapman

• Jamon & Jan Kent • Arnold & Violet Knoll • Wayne & Beverly Knox

• Robert "Bobby" Smith • Roger & Velma Stafford

• John & Ruth Kuehl

• Suaysi Land Mosley

• Ronald & Allyson Lewellen

• Kim Swenson • Jo & Marc Thompson

• Judith & Lannie Lindsay

• Rev. Wilda M. Trentham

• Sarah MacClary

• William Vigil

• Douglas & Marian McConnell

• Lola White

• Rev. Philip McKinnis

• Charles Witherspoon

• Pat & Judy McMahon • Scotty & Sayaka Mearig • Anne Metzger

• Beulah Whitlow • Mark G. Wolf • Robert & Merrillyn Wright

• Orval & Julie Mosby

• Elaine T. Yamada & Toni Mitsuko Nelson

• Sandra M. Grams

• Dyan Nakamura

• Stoy & Carol Yeager

• Linda Greenwood

• Neil Nakamura

• Harland & Kay Yriarte

• Randall Hart

• Elaine Naulu

• Glenda Zimmerman

• Hugo & Eva Hatzel

• Mark & Susan Nyegaard

To Give:

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Our Heartfelt Thanks to the Following Photographers: Derrek Miyahara, Leticia Buhr, Bobby Yagong 10 | NE W H O P E C H R I S T I A N C OL L EG E

Alumni CONNECTION and encourage Christians to come together as one unified Church.

Interview with Film Director Jerry Thompson

documentaries before reaching great success with his 2018 film Translated.

Writer, film director, and New Hope alumnus, Jerry Thompson explains the importance and impact of his 2018 film Translated in a recent interview with The Call. Jerry graduated from New Hope (Eugene Bible College) in 1976 and went on to pursue a career in communication and film. This passion began at EBC where Jerry served as the editor for the college yearbook. Jerry reflects that “It was truly this experience that first got me interested in film making.” Learning photography and creating a story with those images influenced Jerry’s decision to attend Regent University in Virginia where he received his MA in Communications. From there, Jerry went on to pursue his passion in film. He made several movies and

“What would Paul think of the modern-day church if he were transported to America today?” It was this question that inspired the storyline for the film Translated. In the film, the apostle comes to Oregon where he is picked up by a truck driver. This encounter initiates the action of the film with the apostle Paul coming to Eugene, touching and transforming lives, and ultimately teaching a lesson of unity. Jerry identifies this theme of unity as being the main message of the film, namely, that Christians should “come together and not have division among the churches” as reflected in John 17: 20-21, “Pray that you be one.” Jerry’s desire is that this message of unity would spread and that it would inspire

Translated has already begun to stir people with its important message. When it first made its box office debut in August 2018, Translated was ranked as the #2 film at Regal Cinemas in Eugene. Jerry refers to the film’s local success as a modern day “David and Goliath story” as Translated beat out big Blockbuster releases such as Disney’s Christopher Robin. Beyond its success in the film industry, Jerry identifies the impact that the story has had on individual lives. He states that “the response has been overwhelming” with people attending the film several times and buying tickets for all of their family and friends. The film has brought people to tears through its emotional storyline and is transforming lives. Jerry identifies that at least one man has been brought to Christ through the message of the film. Jerry’s hope and prayer is that God will continue to use this story to touch people’s lives. He hopes that the film will continue to spread in popularity and move to a larger viewing audience. “The movie has been made. What are we going to do about it?” Jerry encourages his supporters to continue spreading the message of unity in our Christian communities so that the world will know the truth of the gospel.

By Jeannie Chase NE W HO P E . E DU | 11


2155 Bailey Hill Road Eugene, OR 97405




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