Youth and Childrens Sept - Oct Creative Newsletter

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September/October 2012

What’s happening in September & October in Youth and Children’s Ministry? Choir Rehearsal


Perfect Praise Youth up to 12 1st & 2nd Sundays 11:15am (during Sunday Saints) Dates: September 2, 9 October 7, 14

VIP (VERY IMPORTANT PRAISE) Youth 13 and older Thursdays 5:15pm Dates: September 6, 13, 20, 27 October 4, 11, 18, 25

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September 5, 2012: 1st S.T.R.I.N.G. begins September 8, 2012: Family Day/Creative Saturday at 12pm. – 3p.m. Youth and Children’s Ministries second on boarding classes for new volunteers: September 9, 16, 23, 30, 2012 (Recognize New Volunteers Celebration September 30, 2012) September 21, 2012:Praise Dance Ministry: Special Event: (“Dance the Anointing”) September 22, 2012: Race for Cure Walk: Families Volunteering Together and Walking as a Youth and Children’s Ministries Service Project September 23, 2012: Youth Service (Theme: Spiritual Boot Camp) Guest Speaker: Rev. Fred Comer Gathering of Hope start September 9, 16, 23, 30, 2012 after Sunday Services


October 7, 2012: Gathering of Hope Meeting October 31, 2012: Harvest Festival / Church Anniversary Celebration

For more information on these events, see Bro. Quentin Henry, or one of the youth and children’s ministry leaders.

September Youth & Children’s Ministries Lessons Nursery First Steps (curriculum for children) Tips for Living for God 1. Obey God Always (God Saves Noah) Genesis 6 2. Stepping Out for God (Abram & Sarai Trust God) Genesis 12:1-9;15:5 3. Be a Peacemaker (Abram and Lot) Genesis 13 4. Never Doubt God (The Red Sea) Exodus 14:1-29 5. Be Loyal to God (Ruth) Ruth 1 - 4 Elementary Route 52(curriculum for children) Jesus Helps me Be a Friend 1. Jesus Talks to Nicodemus John 3:1-21 2. Jesus Forgives a Sinful Woman Luke 7:36 - 50 3. Jesus Visits Mary and Martha Luke 10:38 - 42 4. Jesus Loves the Children Matthew 19:13 – 15; Mark 10:13 – 16; Luke 1:15 - 17 5. Jesus Eats with Zacchaeus Luke 19:1 - 10 By the end of the Lessons, the leaders and learners will Know – times Jesus was a friend. Feel – eager to be a friend like Jesus. Do – Follow Jesus by being a friend Middle School Route 52(curriculum for children) Growing in Devotion to the Church Life focus: Identify four ways to be a part of the church Scripture focus: (Acts 2:42-47) The early church did four things. Life focus: Actively listen to preaching and respond to God’s Word. Scripture focus: (Acts 2:1-4, 14, 22-24, 32-33, 36-41) Peter preached and the crowd responded to God’s Word.

Life focus: Participate in prayer for the church and for opportunities to speak about Jesus. Scripture focus: (Acts 3, 4) The church prayed for courage to speak about Jesus. Life focus: Participate in fellowship of the church and share on personal level. Scripture focus: (Act 4:32 – 37; 6:1-6) The church cared for believers in need. Life focus: Continue to be devoted to four aspects of the church when facing difficult situations. Scripture focus: (Matthew 19:16 – 26) The rich young man did not choose to have a God-first attitude. By the end of the Lessons, the leaders and learners will Know – What the church did that showed it is from God. Feel – a desire to be a part the church; feel joy in being a part of the church. Do – Be devoted to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer Memory Verse Challenge: Acts 2:42, 46, 47 High School Discussion & Lesson starters (curriculum for youth groups) Grab-Bag Testimonies “Reflection” (Seeking God) Here’s a good way to get our kids to reflect on their present spiritual condition and to share their thoughts with others. So, they will read a verse and tell how it has or has not been applied to their life this week. Acts 17:27 Deuteronomy 4:29 Job 8;5-6 Hosea 10:12 1Chronicles 28: 9 2 Chronicles 15:2 Each week they will look at themselves objectively, in what ways are they growing to be like Jesus? In what ways are they not? What are some characteristics that Jesus had that they would like in their own life?

October Youth & Children’s Ministries Lessons Nursery First Steps (curriculum for children) Tips for Living for God 1. Giving Back to God (Dedication of Samuel) 1Samuel 1:24-28 2. Be Happy for Your friends (Saul Is Jealous of David) 1Samuel 18:1-16 3. Let God Do It His way (David Spares Saul) 1Samuel 26 4. Stay Close to God David (David Instructs Solomon) 1 kings 2:1-4 Elementary Route 52(curriculum for children) Jesus Helps Me Bring Friends to Him 1. Jesus Talks to a Samaritan John 4:5 - 42 2. Jesus Heals a Man Who Can’t Walk Matthew 9:18;Mark 2:1- 12;Luke 5:17 - 26 3. Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant Matthew 8;5 – 13;Luke 7:1 - 10 4. Jesus Heals a Man Who Can’t Hear Mark 7:31 - 37 By the end of the Lessons, the leaders and learners will Know – times Jesus helped people. Feel – eager to allow Jesus to help friends. Do – Bring friends to Jesus

Middle School Route 52(curriculum for children) Growing in Goodness Life focus: Grow in goodness by 1. Identifying what goodness is and telling the difference between good and evil Scripture focus: (Romans 12:9-21) Cling to what is good and overcome evil with good. Life focus: Grow in goodness by choosing a way to “wear” it. Scripture focus: (Colossians 3:12-17) Clothe yourself with good things. Life focus: Grow in goodness by living in the Spirit. Scripture focus: (Galatians 5:19-25) Goodness comes from being godly, being like God. Life focus: Continue to grow in goodness by thinking about it and practicing it. Scripture focus: (Ephesians 5:8-20) Think about and practice what is good. By the end of the Lessons, the leaders and learners will Know – thoughts, actions, and attitudes that are good. Feel – a desire for the things that are good. Do – Choose one way to grow in goodness. Memory Verse Challenge: Philippians 4:8-9 High School Discussion & Lesson starters (curriculum for youth groups) Grab-Bag Testimonies “Reflection” (Obedience) Here’s a good way to get our kids to reflect on their present spiritual condition and to share their thoughts with others. So, they will read a verse and tell how it has or has not been applied to their life this week. Deuteronomy 30:15-16 Deuteronomy 6:3,18 Deuteronomy 7:12 Deuteronomy 29:9 Each week they will look at themselves objectively, in what ways are they growing to be like Jesus? In what ways are they not? What are some characteristics that Jesus had that they would like in their own life?

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