Mission: The New Hope Baptist Church is a worshipping community committed to educating, equipping and empowering believers for Christian living in the 21st Century. Rev. Howard C. Earle, Jr., Senior Pastor Rev. Dallas Lenear, Executive Pastor CHURCH STAFF Church Administrator, Tarra Thompson Office Secretary, Michelle Coleman Custodian: Full-Time, Robert Phillips Custodian: Part-Time, Ricky Foster
NHBC Ministries & Leaders – 2011 MINISTRIES AND MINISTRY LEADERS - 2011 Ministry
Asst. Leader
Community Investment
Louis Montgomery
Computer Lab
Art Weeks Willie Smith Geneva Montgomery Lynda McDonald
Carl Guy Ron Garner
Louis Montgomery Barbara Snell (interim) Earnestine Tolbert Sophia Brewer Quentin & Krystal Sweat Oscar James George Lowe Lamar James Annette McMillan Kris Jones Patricia Pulliam
Renee Kuiper
Chantil Skinner Mary Deans Frank LaMar Dareather Greer Gerald Smith Krystal Sweat Juanita Forrest Linda Beverly Evora Cockrell Maurice Satterfield Carolyn Tate (interim) Joseph Henry Larry Love Bill Gartmon
Billy Smith Marjorie Stevenson Robbie McCollum Endia Weekley Vanessa Caston
Deacons Deaconness Decorations & Logistics Food Bank Food Services Health & Wellness Library Marriage Media Men of Purpose Music New Members Outreach Pathways to Education Personal Finances Praise Dance Prison Public Relations Recreation Schools of Hope Senior Mission Seniors Soldiers of Care Summer Blast Sunday School Transportation Trustee Ushers & Hospitality Women’s Youth & Children
Bobbi Smith Quentin Henry
Willie Cox Charles Weekley
Ann Harris
Willie Smith, Chair Carl Guy, Vice Chair Arthur Weeks, Secretary Marvin James, Ass’t Secretary Curtis James, Emeritus Duriel Cohen Willie Cox Ron Garner Dudley James Corey Jefferson Frank Lamar Michael Levi George Lowe Clarence Mondy Louis Montgomery Alexander Thomas Booker Thurman Jamalle Weddle Charles Weekley
Larry Love, Chair Endia Weekley, Vice Chair, Treasurer Oscar James, Secretary Beverly McDonald, Ass’t Secretary Booker Thurman Roma Collins William Gartmon Frances Gill John Jefferson AJ Jones Eli Likely Lynda McDonald Louis Montgomery Pamela Oliver Maurice Satterfield Wilson Tate William Upton
NEWSLETTER TEAM Rev. Dallas Lenear, Editor Pat Pulliam, Layout Design Becky Tezeno &Tarra Thompson Cover Design Arthur Weeks & Dudley James Photographers Garrett Fox Quentin Henry Lamar James Chantil Skinner Krystal Sweat Shelley Swift Columnists Submit information for the newsletter to the church office.
Hope’s Voice, Vol. 6 #1, February - March, 2011
Table of Contents
1- Front Cover 2- Church Mission, Rosters,Table of Contents 3- Pastor’s Page 4- Executive Perspective 5- New Hope Celebrates Black History Month 6- God’s Man With The BIG Plan 7- Introducing our New Website! 8 & 9- Deacons Partner With Ministries, Expand Services, Outreach 10- Giving Thanks and Serving Members In Need 11- Musical Musings 12- Book Review 13- Youth Ministry 14- Youth Ministry 15- Youth Ministry 16- Back Cover
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Dear New Hope Family, Grace and peace be unto you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord who was dead but now lives forever. I pray your 2011 has gotten off to a great start. The first of the year is always meaningful for me because I’m always excited about the potential that a new year possesses. I anticipate another year of phenomenal experiences and blessings. It goes without saying that there will be adversity along the way, but they will be instrumental in our progress. On the first Sunday of this year I introduced our comprehensive theme for the year. With extreme conviction, I believe that 2011 is our year to go BIG! This year we will dream BIG, give BIG, serve BIG, and walk in BIG faith in our BIG God! Even though our history is filled with significant accomplishments as a congregation, I still believe we have yet to reach our fullest potential. I am certain there is ministry that we can provide on a much larger scale; however, it would require us stepping outside of our norms and traditions and exploring opportunities and initiatives that we would ordinarily find intimidating. BIG will stretch us in ways we never imagined. But coupled with the stretching, we will experience God’s strength in new and profound ways. Imagine what it must have been like to pass through the Red Sea on dry land, or to march around the walls of Jericho and see them fall after a shout, or to enter into enemy territory and find all of their food and treasure left for the taking. These feats weren’t realized until BIG steps were taken. Because of our BIG steps, we, too, will have our own Red Sea and Jericho experiences this year. Perhaps there is some skepticism and criticism of our ambition. I believe the best response to any criticism is this fact: our God “is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.” Purposely, I am dreaming of goals that are beyond our strength. If an endeavor lacks the need for supernatural assistance that can come only from God, then it isn’t BIG enough. BIG should inspire us to dream bigger dreams for our congregation. Imagine ministry being provided seven days a week, innovative after-school programming for children in our area, dedicated space for children’s and youth ministry, dynamic and relevant ministry for all generations in our church, classrooms equipped with technology to enhance teaching and learning, and a state of the art early childhood facility for our community. New Hope, let’s avail ourselves to God this year like never before that we might experience Him in BIG fashion! Let’s go BIG!
Rev. Howard C. Earle, Jr. Senior Pastor, New Hope Baptist Church
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The Executive Perspective
Tracking Your Tithe and Offering W
hen New Hope recently sent annual contribution statements to our members, some members called the church office to ask: “Why does my contribution statement say ‘General Offering’? I give my tithes.” Likewise, after the recent launch of our new website, some members signed on in an effort to set up their online giving. In doing so, they saw that “General Offering” is the only category available on the website. Their question was: “Can I pay tithes, too? Or just offering?” Both of those are fair questions with the same answer. Prior to 2007, our contribution envelopes had multiple categories into which members could designate their gifts. The categories were tithes, general offering, benevolence, pledge/building and special days. This created a number of unnecessary and inefficient steps for our trustees who received the collections and our staff who entered each person’s contribution. For example, if a member gave $5.00 with $1.00 going toward each category, our receptionist would have to make 5 different entries! Members would often make errors in their calculations. Also, the church’s budget made allocations for benevolence and building expenses; so weekly contributions were not the primary determinant of how much we could do in those areas. Special days were only occasional. As for tithes and offering, from the church’s perspective, those are treated the same in terms of how we record the contribution. In other words, the church staff and board have no way of confirming whether a person is giving 10% of their income (a tithe) or not since we have not asked for any proof of income. Therefore, Should you claim tithing is done on the honor system. Only God and the member know if it your church is actually a tithe. That led us to the conclusion that all contributions could be combined into the category of “General Offering/Tithes”, making our contributions on entire process more efficient. Perhaps you could think of other names for this your taxes? See combined category, but the principle is the important thing. It is between my article on our God and the giver as to whether the contribution is a tithe.
website: www.
In 2010, members’ contributions made up 95% of our total revenue. New newhopegr.org Hope depends on and appreciates every gift given – no matter how large or small. While we encourage all members to exercise complete faith in their giving, we do not determine how we will use a person’s financial contribution based on whether that individual calls it a tithe or an offering. More importantly, know that God is glorified as you trust him in a BIG way with your gifts. Paul said to the Phillipians in regard to their gifts: “They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:18, 19His, His,
Dallas Lenear XP.
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New Hope Celebrates Black History Month • Anthology of Black Preaching – each week we will share information that will spotlight a different preacher who has shaped and influenced Black preaching • Celebration of Gospel Music Heritage – each week our music ministry will feature gospel music from a different era. • Lecture Series – 2 part lecture on the History of the African American Church given by Dr. Rik Stevenson, Jr., Senior Pastor of City Hope Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI and adjunct professor at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary and Grand Valley State University. Wednesday, February 9th and February 16th at 12 noon and 7:00 p.m. • “Our story” – Story telling for children, grades k-5, featuring Janice Noel, retiree, Grand Rapids Public Library. Wednesday, February 9th and February 16th at 7:00 p.m. • “Evolution of African American History” – live African American History museum showcasing 20 prominent African Americans who have contributed to American History between the years 1800 – 2000.
Dr. Rik Stevenson
Janice Noel
Dr. Stevenson serves as the Senior Pastor of City Hope Ministries in Grand Rapids MI. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Grand Valley State University as well as Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, where he teaches courses in African American Studies and African American Church History, respectively. Prior to moving to Grand Rapids, he and his wife Denise were co-founders of the Strait Gate Church of Los Angeles. In addition to his pastoral responsibilities in Los Angeles, Dr. Stevenson was the founder and Director of Research for the Los Angeles Black Church History Project, a collaborative research effort between the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Southern California and Fuller Theological Seminary. He is also the former Assistant Director of African-American Ministries at Fuller Theological Seminary and was a member of the adjunct faculty at Fuller Seminary from 1991 until his move to Grand Rapids, in 2002. Finally, Dr. Stevenson was the Director of Doctoral Research Projects at the Southern California School of Ministry in Inglewood, California.
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God’s Man With The BIG Plan By Annette McMillan, Pastor’s Appreciation Committee Chairperson
The Bible is full of great men. Men with purpose. Men of high standard. Men of morality. Men with a vision. Men with a plan. Here at New Hope, we also have such a man right here in our midst - our Pastor, Howard C. Earle. Not only is he God’s man, he is OUR man… the man with the BIG plan.
“And I sent
The name Nehemiah means Comfort, and he is a picture of any Christian today who seeks to stand loyal to God and the scriptures in spite of opposition of all kinds. The name Howard is of Old English origin and means “noble watchman, army guardian.” How befitting that during this time of economic struggle, immorality, uncertainty, defiance and upheaval, God has sent a noble Rev. Howard C. Earle, Jr., Senior Pastor watchman and an Nehemiah 6:3 army guardian to New Hope. The name Howard also means sheep herder, high warden, and brave hearted. Yes, God has sent us a brave hearted shepherd to watch over his flock. A man brave enough to step outside the walls of this church to reach our neighboring community. A man brave enough to challenge our old way of thinking and old way of doing ministry. A man brave enough to think BIG when others around him is thinking small. A man brave enough to leave behind everything that was familiar and step into the unfamiliar. A man brave enough to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” despite naysayers, opposition and small-mindedness. Pastor Earle is the right man to lead us for such a time as this. This is his season and in this season, God’s man has a BIG plan.
messengers unto them, saying,
“I am doing a
great work, so that I cannot
come down…”
I invite you to come and celebrate OUR man of God and First Lady on Saturday, March 19th at 5:00 P.M in the gym with a Dramatic Play. On Sunday, March 20th, we will continue the celebration during Morning Worship Service at 10:15 A.M. with a reception to follow. You don’t want to miss what God has in store for this weekend. God takes care of us, and it is our responsibility to take care of whom God sends us!
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Introducing our New Website! Here are some changes: • Online Giving • Register for events online • Online Library catalog • Link to our Facebook page Check it out at www.newhopegr.org and post your thoughts on our facebook page! Tarra Thompson Church Administrator
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Deacons Partner With Ministries, New Hope’s Board of Deacons is assigned to the various zip codes in the areas where New Hope members live. In partnership with the Associate Ministers, Men of Purpose Ministry, and Soldiers of Care, Deacons are available to assist members in several ways. Members can expect help with the following: 1. Snow removal/lawn maintenance (for seniors and the disabled) 2. “Light” house cleaning (for seniors and the disabled) 3. Rides to the Doctor’s office (seniors and disabled) 4. Prayer and Communion 5. Assistance with making funeral arrangements, i.e. if you would like someone to accompany you to the funeral home, etc. 6. If you would like a representative from the Church, to be present at a function you are celebrating, e.g. open house, birthday party, wedding, etc. 7. Any other function that they can provide within the spirit of Christianity “We are well aware that members would like to see their Pastor(s) during their time of joy or sorrow, but this may not always be possible,” Deacon Smith stated. “The goal of the Associate Ministers and the Deacons is to be an extension to the Pastor(s) when they may be unavailable, in an attempt to service the needs of our congregation.” More volunteers are needed to help. “We will need lots of volunteers to assist us with this new endeavor. If it’s your ‘calling’ to serve others in the ways that we have listed, we welcome your help,” he said. If you want to volunteer to help in this endeavor, please contact the Church office at 452-4278, and leave your name and telephone number.
Willie Smith 874-1222 H 893-0678 C
Willie Cox 940-4738
Booker Thurman 822-3041
Louis Montgomery 455-2882
George Lowe 456-7296
Arthur Weeks 458-2764
Ron Garner 531-6564
Group 1 49301 – Ada 49306 – Belmont 49307 – Big Rapids 49341 – Rockford 49345 – Sand Lake 49345 – Sparta 49505 – GR 49506 – GR
Group 2 49443 – Muskegon 49444 – Muskegon Hgts 49418 – Wyoming/Gvdl 49509 – Wyoming 49519 – Wyoming 49428 – Jenison 49315 – Byron Center 49548 – Kentwood/GR Gaines Twp/Grandville
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Expand Outreach, Services
With this article, you will find a list of Deacons that are assigned to your area(s), by zip code.
“If you don’t know them, I encourage you to get to know them by introducing yourself to them at Sunday morning worship, bible study, Sunday school, inviting them to your home for coffee, etc.,” Deacon Smith stated in the letter. “With your Prayers and support, this will be a big success.”
Corey Jefferson 617-3098
Chuck Weekley 560-8792
Carl Guy 394-0069 H 212-5639 C
Alex Thomas 656-1028
Dudley James 241-2249
Marvin James 365-8392
Frank LaMar 475-6025
Michael Levi 241-2733
Jamalle Weddle 301-4612
Group 3 49001 – Kalamazoo 49006 to 49009 – Kalamazoo 49048 – Kalamazoo 49080 – Plainwell 49093 – Three Rivers 49321 – Comstock Park 49501 – GR
Group 4 49316 –Caledonia 48601 – Saginaw 48910 – Lansing 49508 – Kentwood/GR 49512 – Kentwood 49546 – GR/Kentwood 49503 – GR 49504 – GR
Duriel Cohen 247-4990
Group 5 49423 – Holland 49424 – Holland 49331 – Lowell 49401 – Allendale 49507, 49525, 49544– GR 49534 – GR/Walker
“We will need lots of volunteers to assist us with this new endeavor. If it’s your ‘calling’ to serve others in the ways that we have listed, we welcome your help.”
Willie Smith, Chairperson, Board of Deacons
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Giving Thanks By Krystal Y. Sweat
Schools of Hope at New Hope always have room for more students. If you know any first, second or third grader that might benefit from this great after school program or you would like to volunteer and make a direct and lasting difference in a child’s life, please contact the church office 616-452-4278 or info@newhopegr.org.
T attend.
he Schools of Hope after school literacy program located at New Hope Baptist Church are continuing to do BIG things in the lives of the first through third graders who
One of the highlights of the program thus far was the “Giving Thanks Family Night”. Our students and their families gathered to give thanks together. We had a delicious meal prepared by New Hope Baptist Church’s Food Services. After the meal, family members were able to see first hand what the students are being taught on a daily basis. They were very impressed and excited to celebrate their student’s continual growth in reading. The students work very hard Monday through Thursday on writing and independent reading skills, which are extremely important components of the program. In the next coming weeks, Schools of Hope at New Hope will be taking part of some exhilarating fun which includes a “Winter Funfest” and the “Read across America 2011” initiative. We will keep you posted.
Serving Members in Need By Dallas Lenear, Executive Pastor
“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”
New Hope stands ready to offer emergency financial assistance to current, active members. Our Deacons provide assistance for basic essentials such as rent and utilities to members through our Benevolence Fund.
members from suffering in silence because they have forgotten or never knew about Acts 4:32.
In 2010, we also collected a special offering to provide foreclosure relief to current, active members. We call it the Acts 4:32 Fund. To date, we have only been able to assist two households out of a very limited number of applicants. While we praise God for that, we want to prevent other
To pursue either of these resources, please contact the church office during normal hours. Your request and/or assistance will remain strictly confidential. Assistance is offered to those members in good standing who meet the parameters of the particular fund.
Acts 4:32 (NIV)
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Musical Musings By Lamar James Minister of Music
With running buddies named, Barrelhouse Tom, Texas Tommy and Tampa Red, how did Thomas Dorsey, also known as Georgia Tom, expect church folks to take his music seriously? As history tells us, it took major life changing events to transform Thomas Dorsey into a gospel music writer.
individuals? What can we learn from Mr. Dorsey and his historical stamp on gospel music? I have learned to never sit in judgment as only God can see the heart of man. I have learned that God always sees the best in us and because God is sovereign, He can use whomever He chooses. I have also learned and experienced that if you “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
The loss of his wife, followed by the death of his newborn son, influenced a grief-stricken Dorsey to transition from the music of the world and “give himself away” to be used as a vessel of God. The song, Precious Lord, Take My Hand was written soon after these sad events. Only God knows the path Mr. Dorsey would have chosen had these tragedies not occurred. It can be said that Mr. Dorsey’s change was inspired by his circumstances; however I’m sure the early childhood teaching of his parents was also a major factor.
Mr. Dorsey once said, “I’ve been thrown out of some of the best churches in America.” His music was ridiculed and referred to as “the devil’s music.” Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Mr. Dorsey had folded under the pressure and just gone back to his previous love of worldly music? It’s difficult to imagine the affect it would have caused. This takes me to my last point, it’s always better to be an encourager as opposed to a discourager. The Bible tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” (Proverbs 18:21). The power of your tongue can have lifelong effects on those whose life you speak about.
We hear individuals all the time give testimonies similar to Mr. Dorsey. So what can we learn from those
As always, here’s some inspiring music I strongly recommend you add to your gospel music collection:
Forever Jones – Get Ready Tamela Mann – The Master Plan Shana Wilson – The Nations Are Waiting The Anointed Pace Sisters – Return CeCe Winans – For Always (The Best of CeCe Winans) Israel Houghton – Love God. Love People.
Stay tuned to Hope’s Voice for more exceptional Gospel Music recommendations.
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Review by Shelley Swift
Book Review
Do Hard Things
I love the promise of a new year; there’s nothing more exciting than assessing your life at the end of an old year while standing at the beginning of a new one. It’s a time of reflection and thinking BIG. That’s why I am thrilled about recommending the following book to you. Authors Alex and Brett Harris offer a challenge for teens in their first book Do Hard Things. While this tome was written by teens for teens, I must confess the messaged rubbed off on this forty-something. The message is simple but is far too often swept under the rug in our society: rebel against low expectations. The Harris brothers examine five kinds of hard things: things outside your comfort zone, things which go beyond what is expected or required, things that are too big to accomplish alone, things lacking an immediate pay-off, and things which challenge the cultural norm. The book lays a solid Biblical and historical foundation for each of its tenets before giving practical, modern examples of how teens can live lives honoring God by doing hard things. Life as a follower of Christ isn’t about taking the easy road; it’s about embracing the difficulties we encounter along the way, not giving up on Christ or ourselves when the going gets tough. When we do hard things, we honor our God who did the hardest thing: He came to Earth in human form and offered Himself as a living sacrifice for our sins and conquered death so we may have eternal life with Him. No matter whether you are a teen or haven’t seen your teen years in decades, this book has something for everyone.
Money Matter$ By Chantil Skinner Financial Ministry
s our new year begins, let us focus on finding, and living, in the Joys of our lives. It is great to talk about what we want, or where we want to be financially, but also take the time to think about the blessings that you already have. The FPU/ Financial Support Group has been meeting for a few months now and we have recently been talking about Philippians 4:11-13: “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Working in the field of community services for the last 7 years, I have assisted many families who were struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis. I have watched dreams crumble, homes lost, and families torn apart by financial demise. But I have also worked with those who have pushed through these trials to find victory in the fact that they still had their health, family,
friends and most importantly faith. Yes, we need “things” to make our lives more comfortable. But “things” don’t make our lives. I, too, have experienced times in my life where I felt like I had to “have” or “do” certain things in order to feel like I was somebody. But that is not what God told us to do. I am making a commitment to be content with where my life is and what I already have, in order to allow God to bless me even more. It is too easy to get caught up in the race of life and forget to rejoice in accomplishments. Rather than looking around the house and fussing about what needs to be fixed, sit in that room that you decorated to impress other folks and enjoy it yourself. Rather than complain that your car is not sparkling like it used to, reflect on the fact that you no longer have a car note and that baby still gets you where you need to go. Rather than gripe about the money that you don’t have, join our financial group and learn about better ways that you can manage the money that you do have. It’s common for me to hear, “Well I don’t have any money so what do I need a financial group for?” ... Well, what will you do when your financial blessings comes through? How can you be a good steward if you don’t understand what stewardship is? Be prepared for what God has in store for you or further your learning and support others by joining us every 2nd Monday of the month in the new choir room. Our next meeting is 6:30 p.m., February 14, 2011. We will be learning more about investments. Bring a friend and see ya there!
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Big Change, Big Faith, Big Vision WOW!!!
What a great and awesome Youth Service we had at New Hope in January. Pastor Harold Alloway challenged us to input a BIG vision into our children that would help them to see and want what God has planned for them. So, New Hope what does that mean for us? How will we do ministry with the youth and children ministries to make an impact in families, schools and communities? Ministry that makes an impact can no longer do business as usual. The status quo is nothing to “crow” about. People who only talk about the good old days and how we used to do it will lose their effectiveness. We must get ready to make some changes in 2011. The apostle Paul realizes that change was essential to effective ministry when he wrote, “To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I Praying BIG in 2011 became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win • Monthly Prayer Gathering on those under the law……….I have become By Quentin Henry, DIrector Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 Youth & Children’s Ministries all things to all men so that all possible and Wednesday, March 16th, means I might save some.” (1 Corinthians 2011 @ 6:30pm with a focus on 9:20-22). Youth and Children. This was Paul’s strategy for reaching the world. To be effective, he knew that he would have to change in order to find common ground of communicating the gospel.
• Weekly Prayer Box for Family Prayer Requests.
New Hope, will we ignore the changes? If so, we will wither up and die. Will we simply react to the changes as they occur? That means we will struggle with the frustration of change occurring so rapidly that we can’t seem to catch up. Or we can anticipate the changes and adapt our methods and practices to address them. Someone once said, “Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we want is for things to remain the same but get better.” The only constant in the world is change. That is true for the Christian life, too. Change is at the heart of the gospel. The wonderful conversion of an individual – from spiritual death to spiritual life; it is the progression of the believer
To Next Page
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Big Change, Big Faith, Big Vision From page 13
from worldliness to godliness. Change is what our youth and children need to STAND OUT in 2011, so that one day, they will stand before God faultless-just as if they had never sinned. Impacting youth and children’s ministry requires moving out of the safe and secure environment of the four walls of the church building. It demands ministering and working outside of comfort zones. That’s why God is challenging New Hope’s Leadership Teams, just as He challenged Peter, to get out of the boat, to stick out their necks – to walk with, talk with, and pray with those that are lost. God Bless.
“Change is what our youth and children need to STAND OUT in 2011, so that one day, they will stand before God faultless-just as if they had never sinned.”
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Take A Winter Break By G. Fox
The snow is falling! The snow is falling! The beginning of the year brings resolutions, rejuvenation and a renewed focus on goal setting. These things are all important, but it is also important to take a break from the things that keep us busy and focus on the things that are most important. To do lists can be long, e-mails come at all times of the day, and the phone will ring at the most opportune time, but it is important to remember that these things can also be placed aside. Be encouraged to take a step backwards in time; to a time when spending time with family was a priority; when the wonders of God’s creation would occupy you for hours. Take a step outside today and enjoy the snow. Take your child, nephew, niece, cousin or friend and make spending time with them a priority. Try to catch a snowflake on your nose or make angels in the snow. For when we reminisce, it isn’t the time at work that we miss; rather the time we spend working on important relationships
Coming Soon! Church-Wide Adult Sunday School Curriculum Starting March 2011
Faith is like a muscle. It needs to be exercised and developed. “Everything is Possible with God” is a study that will help you uncover and participate in God’s unique plan and purpose for your life.
More Information To Come