Ignite - Winter 2011

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“... Helping our students to DISCOVER, DEVELOP, and DEPLOY their DREAMS in order TO SHARE CHRIST in a needy world.” P H OT O S

Derek Miyahara Gary Hisaoka Isaac Frank Ryan Bluebaugh

Dear Friends of New Hope: I am thrilled to introduce you to our year-end issue of the Ignite magazine. Each issue represents not only the current events of the College, but the very presentation of each is a testament of the quality of our student body. What a fabulous semester this has been! I recall the wonderful athletics program we have, the thrilling games, the campus parties and gatherings and the “Hoe Down” at the farm. We remember the all-night prayer meeting, the outreaches, chapel services and our early morning devotional times at 6:30 a.m.! But most of all, we will never forget the people like you who have helped to make this all possible — our partners, donors and those who have prayed so diligently for the College. We are honored to serve the Savior alongside you and as we continue to develop young leaders, we take great encouragement from the many letters, e-mails and phone calls we receive. Finally, as I move back to being the College’s chancellor, I want to commend our faculty, staff and our new incoming president, Dr. Guy Higashi. Together, we will continue to do what God has called us to do: help our students to discover, develop and deploy their dreams in order to share Christ in a needy world! Celebrating the true meaning of Christmas with you,

Dr. Wayne Cordeiro Chancelllor





Dear Friends of New Hope


The Dove Has Landed


Changes: New Hope Christian College - Hawaii


A Heart of Passion


A Year in Review: Distance Education


Dan Chen: Exploring Art, Releasing Dreams


The Beginning of a New Era


A Cut Above the Rest


New Hope’s All-American Coach: Ben Voogd

Editorial Director Ryan Bluebaugh > ryanbluebaugh@newhope.edu Associate Editor Gary Matsdorf > garymatsdorf@newhope.edu Editorial Assistant Kelli Shiroma > kellishiroma@enewhope.org Web Developer Peter Thourson > peterthourson@newhope.edu CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Wayne Cordeiro, Tom Eichhorn, Kelli Shiroma, Aaron Nunez, Gary Lau, Aaron Friesen, D. Bryan Williford and Todd Cooley PHOTOGRAPHERS Ryan Bluebaugh, Gary Hisaoka, Derrek Miyahara, Mel Picardal and Michael Williamson

Join Us


Dove Landed

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Training new and existing leaders. Planting new churches and strengthening existing ones. Developing resources for Christian growth and leadership. Broadcasting the gospel through radio and television.




hese are the four pillars that make New Hope International special. Most of you probably already know this; however, did you know that for the last few years, the New Hope International Dove has had many homes. Spread out between Hawaii and several addresses in Eugene, Oregon, our employees have had to overcome many issues associated with working from so many different locations. All that has changed and we are very excited to announce that we now have a new home. As of October 1, 2011 we live at 1790 Charnelton in Eugene, Oregon. For the first time, all the stateside employees of NHI can work from the same location. Recently, Lighthouse Temple closed its doors and left the building vacant. Shortly after that, Pastor Wayne was approached with the idea of taking over the building. An agreement was made and we began the process of making it home for New Hope International. What a ride it’s been. Construction crews were brought in and the dust flew. We tore down old walls, built new ones, installed new heating and air-conditioning systems, laid new carpeting, moved old furniture, and patched leaking roofs four different times. We ran miles of cabling for computers and phones and created a warm, welcoming environment for our NHI family to work in. The exterior of the building has been touched up and the parking lot cleaned and restriped. We even have a new roof in our future, courtesy of the wonderful folks at Open Bible. Though nowhere near complete, we are able to welcome visitors into a high-tech, clean and creative environment. Visitors will be greeted by an entryway bathed in light. Large screen televisions mounted near the entrance will bring people up to date on what is happening in the New Hope World such as church planting, leadership seminars, Pastors’ Practicums, the Oregon Leaders Circle, our four New Hope Christian colleges, Life Resources, radio and television and the activities surrounding over 120 churches world-wide. These are very exciting times for us and we invite you to swing by and say hello!



new hope christian college - hawaii


I really enjoy swimming; however, this was not always the case. Years ago, when getting into the pool, I could barely keep my head above water. I was always gasping for air. To say the least, at that time, I did not enjoy swimming. I realized that I needed to learn how to really swim to actually delight in being in the water. I asked a friend of mine, who was a swim instructor, to show me some basics. We met at the beach and he showed me the technique of the freestyle stroke and basics of breathing. After that one lesson, I noticed a big difference in my swimming; I was getting the hang of it. Two days later, we went back to the beach and he taught me another trick to breathing. “Why was he telling me this? After all, I did pretty well yesterday!” “Buddy, I appreciate your help,” I told him, “but I just want to put into practice what you told me and go from there. I’ll figure out the rest.” Twenty minutes later, after repeatedly gasping for air, I returned to my friend, ready to continue the lesson. I should have learned, right? But a week later, we met again at the beach and I again wanted to just swim and not listen to the next lesson. I wanted to figure it out on my own. What I didn’t realize was that I needed to change if I was to learn how to swim well enough to enjoy it. And change meant letting go. Reflecting on my experience with swimming coincides with what we’re learning through the changes happening at the New Hope Christian College – Hawaii (NHCC – Hawaii) campus. As an administration, we are letting go of the idea of a traditional campus and seeing where God wants to take us as a College. As the campus continues to grow in size, it is also growing in both locations and offerings. Beginning this fall semester, a new teaching site opened at Ark of Safety Christian Fellowship on the Waianae side of O‘ahu, with 28 students representing more than three churches on the Leeward Coast. The first class offered at the site was “Heart and Art of Worship,” taught by Jay Amina, one of our College’s recent graduates. The students learned about the lifestyle of worship and the call to be worshippers. The class energetically embraced this new adventure, as they are being prepared and pastored through a process that is truly about lifelong learning, discovering more about who we are called to be as the Church and followers of Christ. A second change in the College is creating an intentional heart to bring together Native Hawaiian ministers and leaders in preparation for ministry. NHCC’s relationship with these leaders goes all the way back to 1996, with Violet Makuakane of Hilo, who has the same heart as well. She and her husband, John, started a school in 1985 to train people and deacons for the ministry and install them in the Hawaiian churches as licensed ministers. Thirty-six students graduated over the course of 11 years. However, in 2006, John—one of the driving forces of the school—passed away. Violet desired to continue the school, but needed assistance. NHCC – Hawaii saw an opportunity to come alongside and help raise leaders island-wide. Starting January 2012, the John P.C. Makuakane Institute for Christian Leadership, an affiliate of NHCC – Hawaii, will hold its first class in Hilo, offering a Certificate for Christian Leadership. Nine classes will be offered throughout the year, taught by professors from both the NHCC – Hawaii campus and the Big Island, with graduation ceremonies scheduled for December. Additionally, the Institute plans to join the Native Ministries Consortium of Vancouver School of Theology in 2012, which helps to provide theological education and equipping for Native leaders. As I reflected on the swimming lessons and the ways God is moving in and through the College in nontraditional ways, I realized that by being open to learning, I’m open to all that God is doing. It’s this trait that is crucial — that the administration and faculty of NHCC – Hawaii seeks the ways that God wants to move a lifestyle of learning through us to the people of Hawaii. When we realize that change is only possible by letting go, we realize that the focus is truly on Him who changes and transforms us.



BY Aaron Nunez + Gary Lau PHOTOGRAPHS Mel Picardal

“Change is much more than willpower and doing what I should be doing. Change will

result by the renewing of my mind, knowing that being with Him will be revelation every day. I can let go of everything I think I need to make my life work, knowing that He will never let go of me.” – Aaron Nunez

New Hope Christian College in Eugene, Oregon will provide training in emergency response ministry of survivors of disasters and traumatic events. The Church can be the source of well-trained and equipped individuals able to respond to the emotional, psychological and spiritual trauma that accompanies natural and man-made disasters. Trained crisis responders form response teams that are available to assist local emergency services personnel and communities in times of crisis. The primary method of crisis response training for these teams is through the Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) curriculum of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF). New Hope Christian College has scheduled three two-day CISM Conferences in Spring 2012. Each CISM Conference is taught by approved ICISF instructors. The CISM courses satisfy ICISF requirements for certification in Spiritual Care in Crisis Intervention. A Christian perspective in the training supports the goal of soul care during times of crisis. The practical aspects of a “ministry of presence” are an essential part of this training. Christian lay leaders, pastors, youth workers, teachers, and social service workers should avail themselves of these training opportunities. The cost per conference is $115, which includes a training manual and certification of training with the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) and a box lunch Saturday. For more information check the New Hope Christian College website, www.newhope.edu . January 27 & 28, 2012 Instructor: Chaplain Jim Crowley

February 24 & 25, 2012 Instructor: Jennifer Cisney

March 30 & 31, 2012 Instructor: Chaplain Jim Crowley

CISM Seminar A: Basic Individual CISM (Friday/Saturday) – Crisis intervention is not psychotherapy but a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention that requires specialized training. Crisis interventions are typically done individually (one-onone) or in groups. This course prepares participants in the fundamentals of, and a specific protocol for, individual intervention.

CISM Seminar B: Basic Group CISM (Friday/Saturday) – The Group Crisis intervention course prepares participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services. Fundamentals of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) are outlined and participants receive knowledge and tools to provide several group crisis interventions, including demobilizations, debriefings, defusing and Critical Incident Stress Debriefings (CISD).

CISM Advanced Seminar C: Pastoral Crisis Intervention (Friday/Saturday) – Pastoral Crisis Intervention may be thought of as the combination of faith-based resources with traditional techniques of crisis intervention. Pastoral crisis intervention represents a powerful addition to traditional community and organizational psychological support resources. The purpose of this two-day workshop is to assist the participants to learn how pastoral interventions and traditional psychological crisis interventions may be effectively integrated.

By Kelli Shiroma Photos Derrek Miyahara

azmine pasion never dreamed she would attend New Hope Christian College (NHCC) in Oregon. Before transferring to NHCC – Oregon, Pasion was in her third year at Kapiolani Community College (KCC) and was attending New Hope Honolulu regularly. She was active in the church’s dance ministry as a member of the halau and “Hearts in Motion (HIM)” - New Hope O`ahu’s (NHO) Christian Arts School - for seven and ten years, respectively. “My decision to go there (NHCC - Oregon) was God’s doing because I never would have imagined being given an opportunity like that,” Pasion reflects. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to attend NHCC and have Pastor Wayne (Cordeiro), the donors and our church backing us, praying for us and investing in us.” Pasion remembers how everything changed in July 2009, when she and four other students went with Pastor Wayne to the College on a missions’ trip. During the trip, Pasion toured the College and met some of the faculty. Even though the College did not have a dance ministry, Pasion realized God was calling her to go to NHCC - Oregon. “There were many doors that were opened through that one opportunity (the missions’ trip),” she says. “It opened my eyes to the College; being under Pastor Wayne’s

mentorship was one thing that drew me there. (Also), because my passion is dance, I thought that going there I can influence (others) and share how dance can be redeemed and be used as a form of worship.” Since she started attending NHCC - Oregon, Pasion has not wasted any time getting involved on campus. She played on the College’s volleyball team for two years and currently serves as one of the team leaders of “Ignite,” a program in which students lead devotional groups. In addition, Pasion is the Momentum leader at NHCC - Oregon, which is similar to the dance team at NHO. “We do outreaches, such as high school chapels, and we also travel with Pastor Wayne,” Pasion says. “We have singers, dancers, actors and musicians on our team. I’ve been the Momentum leader since I started (coming to the College).” As a junior at the College, Pasion has declared her major in Christian Counseling, believing God has called her to support and speak into the lives of others on a professional level. “From experiences in my past, I had counselors to whom I could go that really spoke into my life,” Pasion says. “I’ve worked with kids and people that had the DECEMBER


“ People

never knew we could use dance as a form of worship.”

same problems as mine. I love to be the person they know they can go to. I know I can do that regardless of Christian Counseling or not, but by having that degree, hopefully I can impact more in the workforce as a counselor and not just people I meet on a daily basis.” In terms of long-term goals, Pasion hopes to use her counseling degree to help others and eventually pursue a master’s degree in special education. However, she knows that God can always direct her on a different path. “I have learned that I can set my own dreams and goals, but ultimately, God can change my desires or bring out desires that I never knew I had!” Pasion laughs. During her journey at NHCC - Oregon thus far, Pasion has witnessed God’s faithfulness to her more than anything else. “I knew God was faithful before moving there (to Oregon), but in the past two-and-a-half years, God has remained faithful in finances and accountability,” she says. “No matter where you go - especially when you’re out of your comfort zone - as long as you stay consistent in the Word of God and stay close to God, God is going to provide for every need you have.” Through her involvement at the College, Pasion is starting to see the fruit of using her passions to pour into others. During trips with the Momentum team, Pasion has been able to share some of her passion for dance and creative arts with others, who eventually became students at the College. “I know that opportunities for me to speak into other people’s lives were connected with the school,” she says. “This past summer, we (the Momentum team) did youth camps. We had people who never even thought about coming to the College see the seeds that were poured into us and the fruit of it … they see the seeds we can now plant and pour into other people.”



Pasion pauses, reflecting. “People never knew we could use dance as a form of worship,” she says. “By ministering to these kids this past summer, I know it planted a seed for them not only to come to the College, but to want to live a full life for God.”

“1 Corinthians 2:9 is my favorite verse - ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him.’ God has amazing plans for every believer who loves Him. He knew the desires of our hearts far before we did and He knows the future desires that may not even be within us yet. I believe every trial and joy are preparation for what God has in store for our growth. We must trust and obey the plan that He sets before us; although it might not make sense in the moment, God sees the future harvest that it will bring.” - JASMINE PASION

Students listen in on a live recording in Stewart Chapel.



DISTANCE EDUCATION BY AARON FRIESEN PHOTOS GARY HISAOKA The 2010 - 2011 academic year marked the inaugral year of distance education at New Hope Christian College. The year brought many exciting changes, opportunities and challenges as the College looked for innovative ways to establish its vision in new places and contexts. Here are some of the highlights of the past year. >>



TRAVELING. New Hope Christian College attends the WCET Cooperative for Educational Technology conference in San Diego.


STATE OF THE ART. A new state-ofthe-art recording classroom is installed on the Oregon campus including multicam HD recording capabilities, studio lighting, and a multi-cam switcher to begin lecture-capture for distance education courses.


APPROVAL. The Association of Biblical Higher Education approves the offering of a limited number of distance education courses as part of an online Leadership in Ministry certificate program.


HIRING. Aaron Freisen is hired as the Director of Distance Education at New Hope Christian College and the office of Distance Education is launched on the Oregon campus.





LAUNCH. The college begins offering a total of 12 courses to distance education students in the Spring of 2011 semester.

PRODUCING. NHCC expands its recording capacity, capturing and producing over 300 hours in the 2010 2011 academic year of courses in Bible, Theology, Leadership and Ministry.


NEW GROWTH. New cohorts and partnerships are formed with churches and institutes to expand the College’s reach to other states, including Cohort groups formed in Oregon, Washington, California, Montana, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Michigan.


VOLUNTEERS. With the help of a dedicated team of volunteers, the College begins recording classes on campus and offering classes for students through the Office of Distance Education.

PARTNERING. A formal partnership is arranged with Foursquare’s Emerging Leader Network as curricular option for ELN sites. NHCC attends the Foursquare Institute Symposium in Southern California.



EXPANDING. Cohort groups were formed using NHCC’s Distance Education courses in Michigan, Washington and Montana.




ADOPTING. President Cordeiro’s church-planting course is adopted as a core-learning requirement in Open Bible’s church planting initiative.

The College finishes its first academic year of offering online courses with nearly 200 students (95 for-credit; 99 audit) taking a course through the Office of Distance Education.

GRANTS. The College receives a grant from the Foursquare Foundation for developing its online Ministry Certification Program for practical training related to key ministry positions.


While the first year was a great start for the College, it is always seeking to improve. Here are some of the ways in which the College is developing its capacity to offer quality distance education courses to emerging and existing Christian leaders: Aaron Friesen is invited by the State of Oregon Office of Degree Authorization to work on a select panel devoted to distance education best practices. The College continues to be involved in WCET. Mike Ward has completed the first level of Sloan Certification devoted to quality distance education course development. The College also is consulting with Bob Freeman from Fuller Theological Seminary on strategy and directions for the future of distance education at NHCC.

an Chen, a local artist from Eugene, Oregon began as a painter and is now a renowned sculptor, recognized around New Hope Christian College – Oregon (NHCC) as the creator of the significant “Dream Releaser” bronze sculpture which depicts a young man releasing a small bird from its bamboo cage; it is based on Pastor Wayne Cordeiro’s book by that name. The “Dream Releaser” sculpture visually tells the story of the Dream Releaser, which grew out of a childhood experience Cordeiro had of releasing a captive caged bird in Japan. In the story, Cordeiro expresses his joy when the bird flew freely as it was designed to do. Cordeiro writes that in a similar way “God has divinely deposited a dream of what each individual can be for Him. These dreams are latent and waiting to be discovered, developed and deployed.” The significance of God-given dreams deposited in each individual is the reason why the “Dream Releaser” sculpture has a prominent place in the life of NHCC – Oregon. A nine-foot tall “Dream Releaser” monumental piece will be installed on the Oregon campus in February 2012; it will front Bryan Hall to remind students of their identity in Christ. The hope is that anytime a student is challenged by the academic rigor or seasons of life or begins to doubt their call that they would gaze upon this bronze rendering of the potential that is locked up inside of them, inspiring them to persevere and see those God-given dreams released for kingdom purposes. Donors that invest $25,000 in the College for scholarships and operations are awarded a smaller “Dream Releaser” replica. Chen is no stranger to the NHCC – Oregon campus. He took classes at the College when it was Eugene Bible College (EBC). Chen was also part of the design team that helped Dr. Don Bryan’s campus remodeling project. A regular donor to the College, Chen explains that he not only creates sculptures as an expression of art, but also to help others further their knowledge of the Bible. He realizes that art is a way he can minister to himself as well as to others.

“The reason I donate pieces to the College is to permit others to enjoy the art pieces, but not only as art,” he says. “It’s a way for people to understand the Bible through art.” Collections of Chen’s artwork can be seen around NHCC – Oregon, depicting significant, biblical messages. “The Life of Christ”—pieces that tell the story of Jesus—began as Chen’s offering of thankfulness back to God, expressing gratitude for the gift God had given to him. Chen’s purpose for donating these works of art to the College is to inspire the students to start creating and using their gifts for God. “You are young with the future ahead of you, so begin now!” he says. Most recently, Chen donated eight new pieces to the College in October. These pieces include “The Crucifix”—made out of 4,000 crosses—and “Love One Another,” a piece portraying servant leadership through Jesus’ washing of His disciples’ feet. Faculty and staff at NHCC – Oregon encourage students to study these pieces of art and think about what they are saying theologically. “We would like to ignite the flame of the Christian artist to use their gifts for the kingdom,” says Dr. Guy Higashi, President of NHCC. “We want to stretch these emerging leaders to think ‘outside of the box,’ to utilize the creative arts to present the Gospel to the unchurched and to re-present the Gospel to the believer in a fresh way.”




The gym was packed full of New Hope Christian College (NHCC) students, faculty and community leaders on the evening of Oct. 7, as Cordeiro Court was transformed into a concert-like atmosphere for the College’s Midnight Madness celebration. The celebration included Deacons Athletics, New Hope’s Creative Arts department and the College’s Momentum band and dancers. Athletic Director Todd Cooley and Pastor Wayne Cordeiroserved as the evening’s co-masters of ceremonies. The night began with songs of celebration from the Momentum band, and was followed by Cooley and Codeiro riding motorcycles into the gymnasium. After a brief moment of silence, Cordeiro improvised a brief harmonica scat, backed up by the Momentum band.


“During Midnight Madness, Creative Arts and Athletics joined together for a wonderful celebration,” Cooley said. “God used what the world perceives as ordinary— such as playing a harmonica—as an extraordinary opportunity to turn hearts toward Jesus Christ. At NHCC, we will redeem whatever we can into positive recruiting tools for future/prospective students of the College.” Cooley utilized the night to introduce “Cordy the Cat,” the new Deacons Athletics mascot, who came to New Hope via Peru. The student section for athletic events is known as the “D-Crew,” and they now have a lovable leader to cheer alongside them. In addition to allowing Cordy to entertain the crowd during timeouts, group efforts are needed for each Deacons home game, as three people rotate in the responsibilities of leading the crowd in cheers and encouragement. “Our goal here at New Hope Christian College is to build programs that first and foremost bring glory to the Lord but are also first class in all elements, both on and off the court,” said Cooley. “We seek to bring a level of excitement to our student body by introducing our basketball program and promoting the amazing partnerships with which God has blessed us.” One of the more unique opportunities resulted from Cooley’s decision to involve the Creative Arts Department and students in the planning stages of the Midnight Madness event. This began in the late summer and ran right up to the beginning of the NHCC academic year. First-year Director of Creative Arts Steve Kenny has some exciting plans for the 2012 calendar year, spotlighted by Momentum’s trip to the Hawaiian Islands in early spring and a trip to Iowa later on in the year to assist in leading worship at a youth summit, all the while continuing to build the artistic arm of the New Hope community through performance and praise. Cooley shares Kenny’s level of excitement when talking about the contribution that Creative Arts brings to the NHCC family. “Immediately, we looked in-house at our Creative Arts department for our Midnight Madness event,” he says. “Steve’s students are incredible performers that give us ‘world class’ entertainment that we sometimes take for granted, as we are blessed in our chapel services and through their presentations throughout the region. Our students are gifted to lead worship and



praise as well as able to cut loose and have fun with familiar songs. At Midnight Madness, we showcased both Creative Arts and Athletics, that we might promote Athletics and the Arts as front-porch attractions for not only current Deacons, but also for prospective students to sustain growth at New Hope for years to come.” After the Men’s Basketball team was introduced and a short game of Two-Ball was played to entertain the audience, Cooley presented a special guest speaker, former Indianapolis Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy. Dungy is a friend of the New Hope community and has taken the time to address the Athletics teams. At Midnight Madness, he shared thoughts on the importance of being a leader both on and off the court. It’s a natural relationship to link Dungy with future leaders from New Hope, and Cooley noted that when he and Director of Basketball Operations Kyle Pierce began planning the event back in July — they knew that they wanted Dungy to be a part of the night if his schedule would allow. Cooley has big plans to develop the Deacons Athletics brand not only around the Eugene Springfield community, but also throughout the Northwest and beyond. “Down the road, we are seeking to transition away from the NCCAA, and with expansion of sport and enrollment make a move into the NAIA and seek membership into the Cascade Collegiate Conference,” Cooley explains. “On the horizon is the addition of Varsity Women’s Volleyball, Golf, Soccer, Women’s Basketball and the development of junior varsity level programs for our basketball programs. In addition to continuing to foster the competitive spirit within our Cross Country and Track and Field program, I am excited about the current state of Deacons Athletics. At the same time, I am motivated by the caliber of coaches on our campus. We have the privilege to teach incredible young men and women, all of who bring their vast championship experiences into the beginning stages of our Athletic Department. But most importantly, God has His hand in all we do, from setting up for Midnight Madness all the way to excelling on our courts and fields of play.”

“Our goal here at New Hope Christian College is to build programs that first and foremost bring glory to the Lord but are also first class in all elements, both on and off the court; we seek to bring a level of excitement to our student body by introducing our basketball program and promoting the amazing partnerships with which God has blessed us.”

Midnight Madness will now become an annual event within the NHCC framework; plans are already underway to build next year’s event schedule and expand on the relationship between Art and Athletics. These are exciting times at NHCC and everyone from the students, faculty and staff are committed to presenting their very best to the Eugene–Springfield area and beyond.




meeting one day between some guests at a local Eugene restaurant led to the developing friendship between NHCC Athletic Director Todd Cooley and Hall of Fame/University of California legend Darral Imhoff. The casual conversation that one afternoon further led Imhoff’s grandsons, Forest and Jonathan Stolk, to select New Hope Christian College as their college. The Chandler, Arizona natives are in a unique position, elected to move to Eugene for their educational pursuits as Forest explains. “The New Hope family shows genuine love to each other and I love the outdoors, so I have the ability to escape the noise of a metropolitan area and focus on God more effectively. Plus we have exceptional teachers and



faculty who care about you individually and want to see you succeed beyond their classroom settings.” Forest has a bigger responsibility on the court as a member of the Deacons Men’s Basketball program; as of the first month, he leads the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) in total rebounds (104) and is tied for the national lead in rebounding average (10.4). Yet, he also recognizes his commitment to “Live Exceptionally.” “I want to hold myself to a higher standard, even more than the standards to which I hold my fellow friends and classmates. I want to be held accountable as I have a big responsibility with my conduct on and off the court.”



hile Forest has assumed the role as starting Center for the Deacons, his brother Jonathan has endured early season injuries to factor into early season rotations off the bench. Jonathan takes a more reserved role on the team; Forest describes his brother’s attitude towards the game and life in general, saying, “He is totally dedicated; Jonathan will give you 110% percent all the time and I admire him because he is willing to do what it takes to defeat his opponent on the court. He is competitive and wants to outwork players in game settings.” Both Jonathan and Forest have a great mentor to lean on in their time spent in Eugene, as Imhoff is a regular at most Deacons home games and is quick to point out the fundamentals to any player willing to listen. During down time at Cordeiro Court, while waiting for practice to start, he shared with off guard Cameron Fry

1988 marked the year Imhoff was inducted into the Cal Athletic Hall of Fame and seven years later the then Pacific-10 Conference would honor him in their Hall of Honor during the conference tournament prior to the beginning of the two-day event in Los Angeles. Throughout Imhoff’s 11-year professional career he played for six teams, beign drafted by the New York Knicks in 1960 as the third selection of the Draft. He also played for Detroit, Los Angles, Philadelphia, the Cincinnati Royals and a brief stint with the Portland Trail Blazers. During the1966-67 season, as a member of the Los Angeles Lakers, Imhoff was selected as a reserve for the NBA All-Star Game, a year that saw one of Imhoff’s better years statistically with 9.3 points per game (10.9 rebounds and 2.5 assists through 81 games). Two seasons later (1968-69) Imhoff was traded to the Philadelphia 76ers, after the conclusion of the 1968 NBA Finals (after Boston defeated the Lakers four games to two) where John Havlicek and Bill Russell continued the Celtics domination of the basketball landscape. Fast forward to February 14, 2009. Imhoff would return to Cal’s Haas Pavilion so the Golden Bears could retire his #40 jersey and raise it into the gymnasium’s rafters. It was a memorable game for the man affectionately known in the Bay Area as the “Ax” because the Bears played host to the Stanford Cardinal; and the Golden Bears would rally late in the second half to best their conference rival 82-75. The jersey ceremony at the half also celebrated the 100th year anniversary for California Men’s Basketball.

and several other New Hope players the philosophy of a high ball screen to allow a player like Fry to make more decisions from the perimeter to allow the New Hope offense a greater opportunity to score down low, or make a critical kick out pass to keep the Perhaps both of the Stolk brothers have inherently adopted their grandfather’s work ethic as Imhoff was initially a walk on for the California Golden Bears, and would go on to finish a twotime All-America selection. In adition he helped Cal defeat West Virginia 71-70 in a game where Imhoff hit the game winning shot with just seventeen seconds remaining in the contest. Los Angeles Lakers great Jerry West would be named Most Oustanding player in the Mountaineers narrow defeat. Imhoff was the leading scorer and rebounder on the 1960 NCAA runner-up Bears team that lost to Ohio State (75-55), led by Buckeyes standout Jerry Lucas. Imhoff parlayed his collegiate success into a gold medal-winning performance later in 1960 for Team USA basketball team, in what today is referred to as the first Olympic Dream Team with members: Jerry West, Oscar Robertson, Adrian Smith, Imhoff and his college coach from California, the legendary Pete Newell.



Forest and Jonathan had a unique experience growing up in Arizona; they were home schooled which allowed both of them to learn early on to balance their time between work and school work. Forest was also able to excel in the AAU Basketball circuit for three seasons, playing against a wide array of NCAA Division 1A talent. “Playing up against more experienced and athletically gifted players, allows you the chance to get better and make your game more rounded,” notes Stolk. The season has just begun and after two weekends on the road, the Deacons are looking forward to closing out the 2011 portion of their season schedule with multiple opportunities to play in front of Imhoff and the Cordiero Court faithful. The Deacons have four of the next seven games at home. The New Year has New Hope home for three games in the span of nine days, in the middle of January. With the chance to shine in front of friends and family, Jonathan and Forest are primed and ready to cut the competition down to size, both on the court and in the classroom. Dedication and endless potential define two exceptional young men within the Deacon family, and Cooley and Imhoff’s relationship over lunch can be credited to playing a vital role in the transformation of a rewarding experience that only a mentor and Hall of Fame player like Darral Imhoff can appreciate.

“Playing up against more experienced and athletically gifted players, allows you the chance to get better and make your game more rounded.� -FOREST STOLK


hen Mark Holmes took over as head coach of the New Hope Christian College (NHCC) Deacons, he knew right away that he needed to surround himself with great people, with passionate people and with people that believe in servant hood. Immediately, Holmes knew that for him to succeed, he needed to find great assistant coaches and he knew right where to look. As a former assistant coach for seven years, Holmes went back to his roots at Northwest Christian College and hired former standout All-American athlete, Ben Voogd. “I knew right away that Ben would fit in perfectly here at New Hope because of his love for the Lord, his passion for serving others and his love for the game of basketball,” says Holmes. “Ben’s work ethic and character are incredible and we are blessed to have him on our coaching staff.” If accomplishments as a player are any indication of success as a coach, Coach Voogd’s background is stacked. The Florence, Ore. native played high school basketball for the Siuslaw Vikings, where he was a four-year all-state prep standout and McDonald’s All-American nominee. Voogd earned a scholarship to play basketball at Louisiana

“The support from administration and the student’s here at New Hope is incredible and the future is bright for this institution and our athletic programs.”

State University (LSU) and spent two seasons there, playing with current NBA star Glen Davis. He made an appearance in the NCAA Final Four as a freshman. After his time at LSU, Voogd transferred back home to the University of Oregon to be closer to his parents and his two younger sisters. “That’s who Ben is - an individual who loves God, loves his family and loves the game of basketball,” affirms Holmes. Voogd then decided he wanted to finish out his basketball career at Northwest Christian University (NCU). Voogd helped guide the NCU to their best ever finish in the Cascade Collegiate Conference and was selected as the Cascade Collegiate Conference Newcomer of the Year. Voogd was a first-team member of the All Cascade Collegiate Conference selection and went on to earn NAIA All-American Honorable Mention. Upon the completion of Voogd’s collegiate career, he had the opportunity to play professional basketball overseas and play with the NBA Developmental League, but passed on both to pursue his ultimate dream of coaching at the collegiate level. “I knew that coaching was inevitable for me, as I had set the goal to coach at an early age and remained focused on that goal,” Voogd says. “I am reminded of my favorite scripture, Jeremiah 29:11 (“‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’”). I knew God had the perfect plan for me and bringing me here to New Hope was just another DECEMBER



confirmation of my coaching future. The support from administration and the student’s here at New Hope is incredible and the future is bright for this institution and our athletic programs.” With just one returning player from last year’s Deacon team, - which finished third in the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference Tournament - Voogd begins the new season and his coaching career with an inexperienced, freshman-heavy team. Coach Voogd knows with such a young team, he’ll have to be a very patient as his young team learns to play together and at the college level. “It is going to be a challenge. young men learn in different ways,” Coach Voogd said. “It’s hard to tell that when you go watch guys at the high school level. They’re all going to learn, it’s just a matter of how quickly.” We have to expect the new players to step up; it’s their time now,” he said. “I hope these young men are hungry. We want everyone in our program to be hungry.” Coach Voogd can be reached at benvoogd@newhope.edu or by calling 541-485-1780.



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