LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT DEAR FRIENDS OF NEW HOPE. As fall ushers in the change in seasons and colors,
I am reminded that the falling leaves are not the death of the tree, but the beginning of a new season of life. The roots must grow deep to sustain the tree through the winter to sprout new leaves, spread seedlings, and bear fruit in the coming seasons! New Hope Christian College looks at the tree as a metaphor of the development and maturing of our students during their years here. The seedlings and fruit do not magically appear; it requires roots that grow deep to nurture the tree as a whole. We believe the four roots that nurture the NHCC students are 1) Bible and Theology, 2) Spiritual Formation, 3) Mentoring and 4) Ministry Experience. Every degree program and emphasis that students are enrolled in requires 30 credit hours of Bible and Theology courses, daily devotions and life journaling, attendance and participation in student led chapels, IGNITE mentoring relationships, and practical learning and serving opportunities. If I could summarize the intent of the four roots, it would be to Know, Grow, Disciple, and Experience. I recently discovered that these four roots or words were part of the College’s plan in a 1969 newsletter entitled,“Objective For Christian Education,” by former President Dr. Don Bryan. In the article, Bryan believed that the College would have an “Information Objective” (Know), “Sanctification Objective” (Grow), “Consecration Objective” (Disciple), and “Supervisory Objective’ (Experience). Bryan introduced the article by saying,“The educational responsibility of the College is seen in the Great Commission. The objectives for Christian education find their roots in the nature and purpose of the Church as established by Christ.” Even though these are not new ideas, the four words I have mentioned still speak to changing the world with unchanging truth! New Hope Christian College exists to train emerging the leaders for ministry and the marketplace! We get to tap on and open the cage of unreleased God-Given dreams of those He has called here. Their fruit won’t magically appear until the tree has gone through a winter and is sustained by its deep roots. The NHCC student must go through the winter season of study, discipleship, and internship that will eventually produce the fruit through hard work, heart work, and homework. New Hope is not only a Dream Releaser; it is a Dream Nurturer! The Future is bright. Let’s do it together!
Dr. Guy Higashi President
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Table of contents TAMMY DUNAHOO pg. 4
pro-celebrity tournament pg. 19
be a mentor pg. 21
reconnect 2012 pg. 26
fall 2012
ICFG General Supervisor Tammy Dunahoo speaks to the NHCC - Oregon student body PHOTO Gary Hisaoka
NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE is founded on several important principles, including a commitment to being an inter-denominational college that trains leaders for ministry and the marketplace from all facets of Christ’s Church. But it’s also recognized by two denominations as one of their official ministry training centers—Open Bible who founded the College and the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (ICFG) who recently awarded the College a Certificate of Affiliation. This semester 26% of the student body is from Foursquare churches (along with 24% Open Bible; 8% Assemblies of God; 10% Baptist; and the remaining 32% from varied Christian backgrounds). The Foursquare Certificate of Affiliation was presented last August to our Hawaii campus by ICFG President, Glenn Burris, and on October 3rd to our Oregon Campus by ICFG General Supervisor, Tammy Dunahoo. Though NHCC has no legal ties to the Foursquare Church, the Affiliation means that Foursquare officially recognizes the place of NHCC as a preferred training center for Foursquare leaders, “providing a path to denominational credentialing.” In conjunction with the Affiliation, the College will offer a Foursquare History, Doctrine and Polity course starting this spring taught by Gary Matsdorf, Executive Director. The College is very grateful for its inter-denominational ministry and considers this Affiliation a valuable part of that ministry.
NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE IN EUGENE, OREGON is providing crisis intervention training to assist survivors of disasters and traumatic events. The community and church can be a source of well trained and equipped individuals to respond to the emotional, psychological and spiritual trauma that accompanies natural and man-made disasters. Trained crisis responders form response teams to assist emergency service personnel and communities in times of crises. A primary training program is the Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) curriculum developed by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF).
New Hope Christian College has scheduled three two-day CISM Conferences in Spring 2013. Each CISM Conference is taught by approved ICISF instructors. The CISM courses satisfy ICISF requirements for certification in Spiritual Care in Crisis Intervention. A Christian perspective in the training supports the goal of soul care during times of crisis. The practical aspects of a “ministry of presence” are an essential part of the ICISF training program. Christian lay leaders, pastors, youth workers, teachers, and social service workers should avail themselves of these training opportunities. The cost per conference is $125, which includes a training manual and certification of training with the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) and a box lunch Saturday. For MORE INFORMATION, check the New Hope Christian College website, www.newhope.edu.
Why do people kill themselves? How do I ask someone if they are feeling suicidal? What do I do if they say they ARE suicidal? How do I deal with the strong emotions suicide generates? This course provides practical answers to these and other questions many crisis interventionists have about suicide. Participants receive basic infromation about suicide and help in developing practical skills for prevention, intervention and postvention. Small group role-plays allow participants to apply the suggested techniques as they are learned.
Knowing what sequence of crisis intervention processes to use for which individuals or groups, at what times, and under what circumstances is crucial to all effective early intervention programs. This course presents essential information for the assessment of crisis situations and the effects of critical incidents on people involved in those situations. Participants learn to create an effective plan of action to assist those in crisis and complete a series of exercises designed to sharpen assessment and crisis planning skills. Strategic planning and tactical decision making are emphasized, as are rationales for choosing one set of crisis intervention processes over another.
Participants identify major grief and loss concepts relating to trauma and traumatic death. Grief, trauma and their effects are looked at from a biblical perspective. The effect of sudden loss and the loss chain, which moves us to traumatization, is presented. Trauma’s effect upon children and the family unit is addressed. Concepts include moral and pathological grief responses, assessing factors contributing to the human response, and implementation of practical steps to help grieving people through the traumatic grief process by application of the CISM SAFER model and Rando’s theory of the grief process. Participants are challenged to consider personal issues relating to the stressors of trauma and grief care, secondary traumatization, and to develop a personal selfcare plan.
WORDS Professor Gary Lau
n 1985, Kahu (Pastor) John and Violet Makuakane helped to develop a minister-training program toward licensing and ordination sponsored by the Association of Hawaiian Evangelical Churches and the Hawaii Island Association, of the Hawaii Conference United Church of Christ.
Dr. Randall Furushima teaching a group of Hawaiian Leaders.
The program produced graduates that consistently went on to pastor Hawaiian congregations until Kahu John’s death in 2006. Built on the foundation of Kahu John’s legacy of educating laity for Christian ministry, the John P.C. Makuakane Institute for Christian Leadership was founded to equip the native Hawaiian population on the island of Hawaii through a certificate program in Christian ministry. The Institute currently serves eight students with courses at rotating sites between Hilo and Kona on the Big Island. Teachers have been Dr. Randall Furushima, Gary Lau, Emy Alvarez, Dr. Mike Palompo, and Esther Thang. The Makuakane Institute is a partner in the Native Ministries Consortium of Vancouver School of Theology in Canada. “Life is full of uncertainty and we shouldn’t waste a moment or an opportunity to grow.” -John P.C. Makuakane Dr. Randall Furushima, Violet Makuakane and Professor Gary Lau
"a community of faith for all ages and stations in life."
ON DECEMBER 23, 2012, the facility at 1790 Charnelton
will become home to a new work of grace that represents the re-opening of a church that for years had a profound impact on Lane County. It will be called New Hope Eugene. The Charnelton location was originally home to Lighthouse Temple, an Open Bible Church that birthed the Open Bible denomination and started the Bible college currently known as New Hope Christian College. With that understanding, New Hope Eugene is a church being birthed out of both a great history and a divine partnership. The partnership lies in a fruitful relationship between two organizations, New Hope International (a global network started by Pastor Wayne Cordeiro), and Open Bible Churches. Open Bible’s support and initiative in this church plant (under the leadership of Pastor Gary Emery) has been courageous, unwavering, and life giving. Pastor Gary and Pastor Wayne will bring a tremendous resource, serving as coaches and occasional speakers for the church. New Hope Eugene is a church built on the central mission of Christ--winning the lost, discipling the saved, training the called, and reaching the world with the good news of Christ. New Hope will have a vibrant and intentional relationship with New Hope Christian College and will offer an internship program, so those training for ministry will have a field of practicum in which to develop their faith and skills.
New Hope Eugene is lead by Pastors Aaron and Paula Sutherland. The Sutherlands, along with their two sons, Ethan and Isaac, have experienced the crazy world of church planting before. They planted and pastored Desert Song Community Church in Redmond, Oregon for eight years before answering the call to start this new work. Among the many exciting things about this church plant is the connection it has to New Hope Christian College. Part of the design of the church is that it would serve as a lab environment for those training for ministry. This means those studying for children’s ministry actually get to do the children’s ministry in the church. The same is true for technology, youth, music, administration, and all of the other elements of church life. At New Hope Eugene, the students get to take what they are learning and put it into practice in a real time environment. New Hope, however, is not just a church for students. Its design is for the community to partner alongside all of those ministries, so it ultimately becomes a community of faith for all ages and stations in life.
FALL 2012
"Everywhere you look you can see students doing the work of ministry" and holding their first gatherings. Creative arts, under the leadership of Pastor Steve and Cindy Kenny, is an incredible blessing, bringing excellence in heart and expression. Other coaches like Adele Grimes, and Pastor Brendan and Emily LeLaCheur, are joining the tribe and making a big difference in this new church.
PHOTO ABOVE > Shayna Buted, a NHCC senior, is the main point person for the Children’s Ministry at New Hope Eugene.
This is not just theory but is already becoming a reality. As the church has launched preview services in the College’s Stewart Chapel, the community and the students are already beginning to serve. Students like Shayna Buted are leading the children’s ministry team, and Jazmine Pasion is producing the service. Community members like retired Police Sergeant Tom Eichorn provide loving direction as ushers. Everywhere you look you can see students doing the work of ministry, and coming alongside are many others who want to see God’s hope reach Eugene. The teams do so under the care of several excellent veteran coaches. Pastor Sean McCartin oversees the youth and children’s ministry departments. Both departments are doing excellent work as they begin building vital teams
FALL 2012
Since the passion of NHE is to reach people who do not yet know Jesus, they have already begun to show the love of God in tangible ways. In November, they gave fourteen Thanksgiving boxes to needy families at a nearby elementary school, and in December they will love their community through “The Lights at New Hope.” This ministry was birthed in the mind of Scott Alldridge and is quickly becoming a production to look forward to. “The Lights“ is an innovative, drive in presentation of the Christmas story told through lights and music. NHE is hoping to reach several thousand people through this event over the first two weekends in December. The premise of these events and others like them is to simply give away the free love of Christ, and to build relationship and trust with the people of Eugene. If for any reason you would like to know more about New Hope Eugene and missed our November Open House, they will be holding an “Open House” in January and would welcome you to attend. Pastor Wayne, Pastor Gary, and Pastor Aaron will be hosting the occasions and we will be on hand to answer questions. JANUARY 20TH- 6:30 PM - NEW HOPE CENTER 1790 CHARNELTON To RSVP, simply call our New Hope International office number - (541) 632-4644. This season promises to be filled with great excitement as God forms a new church in Eugene. We invite you to pray for this new work and everyone involved that the Hope of Christ will be declared, and many will respond to His loving invitation.
WORDS Aaron Friesen PHOTO Gary Hisaoka
ew Hope Christian College is always looking for new ways to build learning spaces in the lives of students outside the traditional classroom walls. To that end, a new class offering this Fall took leadership development online and on the road with student athletes. Using a variety of delivery methods, a required Ministry Leadership course was “flipped” to incorporate oncampus, online, and flex learning spaces for a collaborative approach to leadership development. Athletic and Creative Arts coaches were encouraged to use road-trips as “mobile” learning spaces for the course.
In the course, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro instructed students in various topics – character formation, attitude, personal initiative, teamwork, the Holy Spirit, problem solving and critical thinking skills – that are essential to understand if one is to be an effective representative of Jesus Christ today in the Church or the marketplace. The added dimension of a mobile classroom and team-learning environment online allows space for peer-to-peer encouragement and comradery as students take Pastor Wayne’s concepts and apply them to their lives. In his recent visit to the College, Dan Wood, Executive Director of the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA), supported New Hope’s vision to support student athletes by creating flexible class options.
ON OCTOBER 12, 2013, Cordeiro Court was transformed into an epic battle between Cowboys and Aliens. The event will be talked about for years to come as NHCC’s Creative Arts and Athletics teamed up to create an incredible night of music, drama, athletic talent and school spirit. The occasion was Midnight Madness, a yearly event which takes place in the fall semester at New Hope. It is an evening designed to showcase the talents of the basketball team and Creative Arts students to the student body, the community, and visiting students who see this place as a possible home for their higher education. A packed gymnasium of 400 “D Crew” fans were treated to the incredible talent of New Hope Christian College’s Momentum performance group and was introduced to the 2012-2013 men’s and women’s basketball teams, highlighted by a slam dunk and shooting contest. Pastor Wayne Cordeiro started the evening off on horeseback via video by challenging the crowd to “seize the moment” and to “live life prepared and to the fullest.” Momentum dazzled the crowd with an incredible battle drama, special effects, dancing and good ole’ country music. Eric Dungy, receiver for the Oregon Ducks, introduced his father, Superbowl winning coach Tony Dungy, formerly of the Indianapolis Colts, who also shared via video a life lesson on peer pressure and challenged the “D Crew” to “make good choices, choices grounded in the Lord.” Athletic Director Todd Cooley said, “I can’t even put into words how proud and humbled I am to be part of this great institution; the young men and women here are so incredibly talented,” referring to both the Creative Arts and athletic teams. “This year is already incredible and we haven’t seen anything yet!” said Cooley. The night also featured violinst Alexandra Kazmierowicz and New Hope’s own Winston Arblaster on the banjo. Former Seattle Seahawk and Oregon Duck, Jordan Kent, shared his appreciation for New Hope Christian College and the importance of a life based in the Lord. The night was capped off by a slam-dunk contest won by Deacon Forward Mike Kirkwood who took a bounce pass tossed from the upper section of the crowd and windmill slammed it. As the night finished, everyone was obviously having a good time as over 400 glow in the dark “D Crew” shirts supplied by BiMart stores and 400 glow rings lit up the darkness and all danced to, “Good Time.” As the “D Crew” streamed out after the event, one question on everyone’s mind was, “How do you beat that show?” Cooley answers that question, “That’s why they call it Midnight Madness. You will have to attend next year to find out!”
FALL 2012
WORDS Dyne Peich PHOTOS Tim Sanders
Tournament players Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, Anna Cordeiro, and Dave Barr pose for a group shot.
NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE - HAWAII on October 29 held its 4th Annual “Change the World” Golf Tournament at the beautiful Waikele Country Club on Oahu. The combination of picturesque weather, eager golfers, and joy-filled volunteers created a sweet aroma of fellowship throughout the day. Some of our guests actually found a moment of unexpected stardom as they helped out with our chapel announcement video! With a total of eighty golfers, the tournament made for a successful and spirited afternoon. We are deeply grateful for the array of sponsors, including each golfer who gave generously to support our College and the students who are being taught and challenged to indeed go out and “change the world.” Following their final hole, golfers were able to relax, talk story, enjoy a wonderful dinner, and brag on their “I was so close to a hole-in-one!” tales. Emcee, Pastor Sam Kapu, led a great program presented by our very own NHCC-HI students with a testimony from a scholarshipped student, Joe Lauer, and a hula presented by Ku’uipo Kahatsu. Guests were informed and encouraged by all that God is doing in the College. With all the blessings received, new friendships made, and generous funds raised, how could we be anything but excited for next year’s tournament? Hope to see you there!
FALL 2012
PHOTO RIGHT (clockwise) > Pro-Celebrity Darrell Imhoff at the Mercedes-Benz hole-in-one challenge on hole 5. > NHCC Basketball player Drew Wiley putts. > The Pros (back row) Luke Jackson, Jordan Kent, Tim Euhus, A.D. Smith, Bob Gross, Darrell Imhoff, Tom Gorman, Greg Smith, (front row) Dave Wilcox, Mike Walter, NHCC Atheltic Director Todd Cooley and NHCC President Guy Higashi.
WORDS Todd Cooley PHOTOS Gary Hisaoka & Ryan Bluebaugh
NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE - OREGON partnered with Mercedes-Benz, the NFL, and the NBA at the Eugene Country Club on October 7, 2012 to host the 1st New Hope Celebrity Golf Challenge.
Sixty-six golfers played the beautiful Eugene Country Club on a warm sunny day to help raise monies for New Hope students. Athletic Director Todd Cooley and former NBA Legend Darrall Imhoff co-chaired the golf challenge which featured former pro athletes from the NBA, NFL and MLB, such as Luke Jackson, Mike Walter, Dave Wilcox, Bob Gross, Jordan Kent and AD Smith to name a few. Earlier this year, Mercedes-Benz Eugene General Manager Ralph Parshall approached Cooley about partnering together to create a special event that would help support New Hope Christian College and the partnership began. President Guy Higashi said, “We are so blessed to have such great friends as Ralph and Mercedes-Benz. We are very excited about this partnership that was created through relationship. God has been so faithful to us.” Mercedes-Benz and Nike Golf provided beautiful tee prizes and individual prizes for closest to the pin and long drive. However, the highlight of the day was a chance to win a new Mercedes-Benz for hitting an ace on Hole 5. Though no one drove a new car home, it was day full of excitement as each golfer had a chance. Another great opportunity provided by Mercedes-Benz was two all expense paid trips to the top two scorers for the day to Hawaii to compete in the Mercedes-Benz sectional tournament held at the Turtle Bay Resort on the north shore of Oahu. Chris Re and Adam Wilgus took top honors that day by shooting a low net score and low gross score, winning the trip to Hawaii and the crystal Mercedes-Benz Victory Cup. “We couldn’t have asked for a better day, with better partners or a more beautiful golf course; in one word it was ‘perfect,’”said Cooley. As well, a team champion was awarded to the best team low net score, which was taken home by NHCC alumnus Pat McMahon and his team. The names of Pat’s foursome will be engraved on the trophy which will be housed in the Roots and Wings Heritage Center located at New Hope Christian College. Next year’s New Hope/Mercedes-Benz Celebrity Golf Challenge will be held at the Eugene Country Club, September 30, 2013. For information, please contact Todd Cooley or Kristy Barbusca at 541-485-1780.
FALL 2012
ME NT OR Isaac Colaveccio and Fernando hanging out at NHCC.
WORDS Jason Burke PHOTOS Ryan Bluebaugh, Gary Hisaoka
“ Invest in someone who might not make it in life without your help.”
can remember sitting in Dr. Paul Leavenworth’s class in 1994 at Eugene Bible College and listening to him talk about mentoring and how it is the most important way to develop leadership for the kingdom of God and bridge the gap from one generation to the next. Something clicked that day as I believe God ignited a passion in my life to help people reach their God-given potential in life. My only problem was that I didn’t have a clue how to mentor. For the next two years, I sat under Dr. Paul and learned all I could about mentoring and how it can dramatically change someone’s life for the kingdom. Dr. Paul said, “Invest in someone who might not make it in life without your help.” So I started mentoring students at Churchill High :: Professor Jason Burke and his Mentoring & Equipping Class School over the next few years while I was going to seminary. I realized very quickly that I could only mentor a few students at a time. There were so many more students who needed someone to believe in them and stand for them in life. The sad reality was that there weren’t enough leaders to mentor students at this time. Scripture says, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”(Matt. 9:37) I started to encourage people to mentor others, but it felt like my words didn’t seem to penetrate hearts the way I imagined. My big break came a couple of years ago when I was asked to teach a Mentoring class at New Hope Christian College. I thought to myself, “I can give these students the same thing that Dr. Paul gave me.” When preparing for the class, I remembered my experience mentoring students at Churchill High School and started to brain-storm mentoring ideas for my students. I didn’t want them to just have the knowledge of mentoring; I wanted them to experience what it would be like to help a student who might not make it in life without their support and love. I decided that I would have every student in my Mentoring class invest their life into another. I called Kennedy Middle School which is right across the street from New Hope Christian College and talked to the school counselor about having NHCC students mentor their Middle School students on a weekly basis. The counselor was excited about the opportunity to have students on campus helping their students reach their potential. Students from New Hope Christian College go across the street to Kennedy Middle School every week to meet one-onone with students to encourage them, help them, love them and challenge them to reach their potential in life. Every week students are taking what they are learning in the classroom about mentoring and ministering to students who need the love of Christ. I am so proud of these students. I believe in them and what they are doing.
encourage FALL 2012
of ENCOURAGEMENT: 1. Investing in someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life through mentoring takes zero talent. 2. If we are to fulfill the Great Commission, everyone is needed. 3. Mentoring helps people reach their potential in Christ. 4. I hear the harvest is pretty ripe right now and all we have to do is take
some steps in the right direction.
WORDS Jan Kent PHOTOS Ryan Bluebaugh & Gary Hisaoka
on my mind was how to adequately say thanks to so many friends who came together to host a lovely Reconnect Reunion. I have gratitude for a multitude! Lord, please help me remember each one … Amanda, Susie, Ashley, Lori, Vicki, Peter, Jazmine, Wayne, Sarah, Brian, Nathan, John, Suzanne, Leota, Josh, Clayton, Keith, Pat, Justin, David, Adele, Roger, Ben, Mark, Eric, Teresa, Lonny, Sharon Judy, Larry, Jon, Sue, Jim, Kris, Brendan, Steve, Cindy, Carolyn, Darlene, Pham, Jack, Shirl, Nadine, John, Sandy, Clarin, Terri, Kailee, Kim, Dale, Ellie Courtney, McKenzie, Darren, Deanna, Krista, Jan, Mark, Shanon, Gary, Joaquim, Todd, Kristy, Anna, Leota, Gary, Guy, Randall, Barbara, Ramona, Jeff, Ruth, Don, Bob, Bill, Beulah, Donna, Rachel, A. J., Arlene, Ray, Ellene, Russ, Jim, Frank, Cynthia, ADon, Dixie, Harold, Phil, Lois, Paul, Carol, Lola, Ken, Joe, Brenda, Dan, Marty, Charlotte, Doug, Pat, Sandy, Mike, Betty, Loren, Pirjo, Jesse, Janet, Aaron, Paula, Rob, Chris, T.C., Jean, John, Jeanne, Donna, John, Michael, Jonathan, Nathan, Brynn . . .
PHOTO ABOVE > Past and present Presidents Guy Higashi, Randall Back, Don Bryan, Wayne Cordeiro, Jeff Farmer and Robert Whitlow reunite at this year’s Reconnect.
Oh dear… I started listing names and now I face the risk of leaving a dear friend out … but I must take the risk … and apologize … in advance … begging forgiveness beforehand if I forget you … but I just really do want to thank You, Lord, for the lives of these friends who continue to inspire me … and please do bless those whose names escape me at the moment…thank You, Lord, that our Reconnect basketball game and Banquet 2012 were live-streamed and blessed many around the globe. Here’s what some of our Alumni said:
“I woke up by chance and saw that there was live streaming. Saw a bit of Randall Bach and then Wayne Cordeiro but now I’m off to explore in the mountains in Ukraine.” (Tammy Swailes)
IOWA: “I would love to go to one of those some day.” FLORIDA: “Enjoyed our Reconnect weekend immensely.” PHILIP ROGERS - “Thanks. I wanted to come this year but could not work it out.
I graduated from EBC in 1973. It was nice seeing, by live-streaming, my past president and instructors, Don and Ruth Bryan, my underclassmate, Wayne Cordeiro, and Randall Bach, my childhood friend and classmate in Sunday school at the Iowa Falls, Iowa Church of the Open Bible.”
- “Bless you for video live streaming the game last night. As I watched a former student referee the game in that beautiful gym, my thoughts went back to the first time I walked over that wild, undeveloped hillside property covered with wild blackberries. It was Ed Wood, EBC President, who by faith, had a vision of what occupies those hillsides today. Praise the Lord! Then I spent countless hours traveling to raise the money to help buy that property, while Ed rode over the hills mowing them with our little tractor-mower. What blessed memories!!!”
FALL 2012
“Nothing is more important than our relationships!” PRECIOUS UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS - Introducing a grad from the 60s to grads of the 2000s and witnessing him pay for a babysitter so the couple could attend the banquet … listening to a grad of the 80s announce the live-streamed alumni basketball game, play by play and, during the breaks, include interviews with alumni guests so people across the internet world could enjoy reconnecting via the web … remembering favorite teachers and their words of inspiration and encouragement, “The Kingdom of heaven is waiting for you” … sharing stories of a stolen bus, flagpole substitutions, curfew follies, dorm confessions and a “for sale” sign posted at the College.
INSPIRATIONS TO MOTIVATE - Understand we need both the roots and the wings (alumni and students). - Remember, we are the reality of the dreams of those who went before us, laying the foundation for our present. - It is critical to adapt to change; salvation and ministry are actually all about change. - Because we change does not mean we reject the past; because we adapt does not mean we abandon all that’s taken place before. - We have our eye on the harvest field, we have our eye on being who and what God has called us to be, and NHCC is reaching a much broader base than ever. - We are still all about loving and serving Jesus … always were … always will be. - Live the dream God has put in you; dream, take action and remain faithful to your calling. - Never go far from the Cross, where His drops of blood cover it all. - Your greatest ministry may be in the next generation; our students are our future. “The comments and atmosphere at Reconnect 2012 were spot on, affirming, uniting, cementing relationships far beyond our imaginations, building an impenetrable foundation for kingdom building for generations yet unborn ... at least until Jesus comes back!!! Thank You, Lord, for the kind spirit and unwavering support our gracious alumni continue to be to New Hope Christian College.” - Jan Kent
FALL 2012
PHOTO > Alumni Joe Vandenberg and Robert Crymes tip off the alumni basketball game.
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*Conference Game HOME GAME
eternal. Resist the pull into more consumerism and the quest for more. Instead, pause and let in the things much more eternal. And that is what we shall do! We are pressing forward to the prize that is set before us as we invest in Jesus and in people. I can’t think of two more important and eternal investments! Some breaking news: New Hope Eugene’s “lab church” (formerly Lighthouse Temple church), recently began meeting with pre-launch services. This college-church model provides our students with a tangible weekend internship and ministry experience. We are also launching an innovative “Mobile Classroom” that puts the College on wheels and brings a positive experience for our students on the road. Our New Hope churches are all faring well. We did have a close call recently when the auditorium we have been renting for New Hope Oahu collapsed. It was an old building but it became the base camp of our operations for many years. Thank God no one was injured, but we are in active mode, praying and looking for another location. These are exciting times filled with new possibilities and new horizons. It is times like these that the Lord uses to open up the roof for us to see the bright star that leads us to Jesus our Messiah! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Pastor Wayne Cordeiro Alumnus
FALL 2012