The Ignite - July 2010

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New Name, New Look by Krista Goecker 14 :




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elcome to New Hope Christian College! The name change from Eugene Bible College took effect on June 10, 2010. President Wayne Cordeiro shared that the changing of the name has multiple purposes.

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“This leverages off of 30-plus years of a global ministry that God has been using in mighty ways. It enfranchises a network of over 100 churches in the New Hope Movement along with Open Bible, Foursquare, Assemblies of God and many other denominations that have been partnering with New Hope over the years. It will be quickly recognized when people hear the name,” he said.


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Willamette Christian Center 2500 West 18th Avenue, Eugene

Cordeiro said that “the flame in the new logo for NHCC represents first, knowledge. Second, it is the tongue of fire that came on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. Third, it is the shekinah glory of the Lord that led the Israelites in the desert by a pillar of fire.”

[ Ample parking available ]

Jer. 29:11

The threefold meaning is important because if NHCC raises up leaders with knowledge but not the Holy Spirit empowering and guiding them, then NHCC faces the danger of creating a Pharisaical mindset. The Ignite Staff and Contributers

“Live Exceptionally,” will be the new theme throughout the College.

Designers: Gary and Amy Hisaoka | Editor: Laura Goss Copy Editor: Timothy Bemis | Writers: Krista Goecker, Jan Kent and Kent Glazier | Photographers: David Kenny and Derrek Miyahara © New Hope Christian College 2010 |

The phrase will be on windows and stamped on finished homework. “It is the students and staff who are going to determine what New Hope is going to be,” said Doug Kennedy. He said the changes are the groundwork to help people catch what it is. Kennedy is the project manager for New Hope Christian Fellowship in Hawaii and has been working there for 11 years. He does interior design as well as marketing.

Photo by Laura Goss

New Hope Christian College is getting a refreshing new look, bringing the College to a current day and feel. Kennedy said the colors will be “crimson red and navy blue plus some white.” There are also eight flag poles installed around the cross on the hill above the campus. These flag poles are going to fly eight different international flags. The changes will give NHCC “a fresh start.” n

Eight new flagpoles now surround the cross above NHCC.


NHCC Hosts Summer Basketball Camp by Laura Goss


wenty-four boys and girls from first to sixth grade participated in a weeklong basketball camp held at the Rexius Event Center in June. Deacon Basketball Camp was led by Jason Burke, Jim DeGroot, Caleb DeGroot, A.J. Vanderhoff, Aaron Kenny, Joe Ricker and Miles Haley.

“I like to dribble and shoot hoops,” said Jacob, age six. Photo by David Kenny

The camp activities included fundamentals clinics, daily contests, games and prizes. Will Bracy, parent of Payton, 9, and Parker, 6, says that his children also participated in the camps last summer and winter. “A lot of their friends are here and they learn camaraderie from playing a team sport,” said Bracy. n Jason Burke coaches children at Decon Basketball Camp.

New Basketball Coach Joins NHCC by Laura Goss Photo by Laura Goss

D coach.

Coach Dave Lipp

Former Student Receives Letter 28 Years Late by Jan Kent


ave Lipp will be joining the NHCC campus this year as the new men’s basketball

ew Hope Christian College student Todd Cooley attended NHCC (formerly Eugene Bible College) during the 1981-82 school year. Originally from Puyallup, Wash., Cooley was voted Most Inspirational Player for the Men’s Basketball team that year.

Lipp coached at Northwest Christian University for 35 years. Starting in July, he began working with athletic director Jim DeGroot.

“I love coaching and am trying to help people and build the kingdom,” says Lipp.

Cooley earned his “E” (EBC) letter but didn’t receive it because he moved. Finally in June, 2010, he received it from New Hope Christian College’s new Athletic Director, Jim DeGroot.

He and his wife Julie live in Springfield, Ore., and volunteer with Hosea Youth Services, an outreach to at-risk youth in the community.

Cooley is now Director of Brand Services for Red Lion Inn. He is working together with DeGroot to help organize the NHCC Booster Club for college sports.

“My philosophy is to allow God to teach about life and character building through basketball,” says Lipp. “To honor and glorify him in all circumstances we come against.” n

“It’s amazing how God brings things full circle,” said Cooley.n


New Executive Director on Campus

NHCC Welcomes New Librarian

by Timothy Bemis


by Kent Glazier

ew Hope Christian College welcomes incoming executive director Gary Matsdorf. Matsdorf will oversee grounds, facilities, and food services, as well as hands-on administration when President Wayne Cordeiro is away. He will also teach two courses this semester.


Matsdorf and Cordeiro also share personal history: Matsdorf performed the grave side service for Dr. Cordeiro’s late father.

Photo by Laura Goss

“Pastor Wayne called and offered me the position out of the blue,” recalls Matsdorf. “I was delightfully shocked. It took us 24 hours to decide.”

David Brink is looking forward to someone sharing the load with him. “I can’t wait,” said Brink. “I’ll be working side-by-side with him.” Matsdorf has been married 37 years and has two sons, ages 29 and 33. Gary Matsdorf joins NHCC this fall.

“It was bittersweet leaving [Montana],” said Matsdorf. “We left a lot of great friends and a great ministry. But we’re very excited for the future here. I’m excited about being on the ground level of a new future for the college, and for being able to influence young people for ministry.” n

Businessman Donates Billboard Space by Laura Goss

This month drivers on Interstate 105 are being asked, “Have you ever entertained a King?” The two billboards declare, “Eugene Welcomes Jesus Christ,” and carry the New Hope Christian College logo. One is located near Pioneer Parkway in Springfield, Ore. and can be seen while heading west. The other is near Coburg Road in Eugene, Ore. and can be seen while heading east. The space was donated by businessman Stu Barr. n 4

Kelley, who has worked in several libraries, including a public library (in The Dalles, Ore.), a university library (Washington State UniversityVancouver), a for-profit college library (City University-Vancouver), and a small Bible college library (Barclay College, Haviland, Kan.), as well as 8 years for Hewlett Packard, was pleased to accept the position here in Eugene. “I like the concept of finding out where God is working and joining Him there. God is undeniably working here at New Hope and I am delighted to join Him.” Kelley and her husband, Mark, recently made the transition to Eugene and Kelley began her librarian duties at the end of June. Transitions aren’t new to the Kelleys, however, who have lived in several states, and have attended various churches where Mark served as interim pastor. Most recently they served at Rose Valley Friends church in Kelso, Wash. The Kelleys have been doing pastoral and training work in the Friends Church for over 30 years, and Jan says that New Hope’s mission statement “speaks my heart’s desire.” n

Photo by Laura Goss

Matsdorf was executive pastor at a Foursquare church in Billings, Mont., for 11 years, and pastored a church in Medford, Ore., for 18 years. He has a BA in Biblical Literature and got his master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. He has also taught at Life Pacific College, and has trained leaders in the Foursquare denomination in 18 countries.

he selection committee had their work cut out for them when they began a search for the best possible New Hope Christian College librarian. When all things were considered, their choice was former Washington State resident Jan Kelley, who Jan Kelley impressed the committee with her prior experience, heart for ministry, background in technology, and vision for the future. Also a big plus, Kelley holds a M.A. in Library Science and a B.S. in Computer Information Systems.

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